Signals and Systems: 2 Mark Questions and Answers 1.define Signal
Signals and Systems: 2 Mark Questions and Answers 1.define Signal
Signals and Systems: 2 Mark Questions and Answers 1.define Signal
x(t)2 dt =_
Parsevals relation states that the total average power in a periodic signal
equals the sum of the average power in all of its harmonic components.
23. Define continuous time system.
A continuous time system is a system in which continuous time input
signals are
applied and result in continuous time output signals.
24. Define fourier transform pair.
Consider the aperiodic signal x(t) &Fourier transform of x(t) is defined as
X(j_) = _x(t) e-j_t dt -------------(1)
Inverse fourier transform of x(t) is given by
x(t) =1/2_ _ X(j_) ej_t d_ ------(2)
Equations (1)& (2) are referred to as the fourier transform pair.
25. Write short notes on dirichlets conditions for fourier
x(t) be absolutely integrable
x(0)=lim(s---> _) SX(S)
If L[x(t)]=X(s), then final value theorem states that
lim(t--->_) x(t)=lim(s---> 0) SX(S)
38. State Convolution property.
The laplace transform of convolution of two functions is
equivalent to multiplication of their laplace transforms.
39. Define a causal system.
The causal system generates the output depending upon present &past
inputs only. A causal system is non anticipatory.
40. What is meant by linear system?
A linear system should satisfy superposition principle. A linear system
should satisfy F[ax1(t)+bx2(t)] _a y1(t)+by2(t)
41. Define time invariant system.
A system is time invariant if the behavior and characteristics of the
are fixed over time.
A system is time invariant if a time shift in the input signal results in an
identical time shift in the output signal.
For example ,a time invariant system should produce y(t-t0)as the output
when x(t-to) is the input.
42. Define stable system?
When the system produces bounded output for bounded input, then the
is called bounded input& bounded output stable.
If the signal is bounded, then its magnitude will always be finite.
43. Define memory and memoryless system.
The output of a memory system at any specified time depends on the
Unilateral Z transform
Bilateral Z transform
Define unilateral Z transform.
The unilateral Z transform of signal x[n] is given as
X(z)=_x[n] z-n
The unilateral and bilateral Z transforms are same for causal signals.
What is region of Convergence.
The region of convergence or ROC is specified for Z transform ,where it
What are the Properties of ROC.
The ROC of a finite duration sequence includes the entire z- plane,
exceptz= 0 and |z|= _.
ROC does not contain any poles.
ROC is the ring in the z-plane centered about origin.
ROC of causal sequence (right handed sequence) is of the form |z| >
ROC of left handed sequence is of the form |z| < r.
ROC of two sided sequence is the concentric ring in the z plane.
What is the time shifting property of Z transform.
x[n] X(Z) then
x[n-k] Z-k X[Z].
What is the differentiation property in Z domain.
x[n] X(Z) then
nx[n] -z d/dz{X[Z].}.
State convolution property of Z transform.
The convolution property states that if
x1[n] X1(Z) and
x2[n] X2(Z) then
x1[n] *x2[n] X1(Z) X2(Z)
That is convolution of two sequences in time domain is equivalent to
multiplication of their Z transforms.
That is ,H(z)=Y(z)/X(z),
Define impulse response of a DT system.
The impulse response is the output produced by DT system when unit
impulse is applied at the input.The impulse response is denoted by h(n).
The impulse response h(n) is obtained by taking inverse Z transform from
the transfer function H(z).
.State the significance of difference equations.
The input and output behaviour of the DT system can be characterized
with the help of linear constant coefficient difference equations.
70.Write the differece equation for Discrete time system.
The general form of constant coefficient difference equation is
Y(n) = -_ ak y(n-k) + _ bk x(n-k)
Here n is the order of difference equation.x(n) is the input and y(n) is the
Define frequency response of the DT system.
The frequency response of the system is obtained from the Transfer
function by replacing z = ej_
Ie, H(z)=Y(z)/X(z), Where z = ej_
72.What is the condition for stable system.
A LTI system is stable if
Here the summation is absolutely summable
73.What are the blocks used for block diagram representation.
The block diagrams are implemented with the help of scalar
and multipliers
74. State the significance of block diagram representation.
The LTI systems are represented with the help of block diagrams. The
block diagrams are more effective way of system description. Block
Direcct form II
Cascade form
Parallel Form.
97. What is natural response?
This is output produced by the system only due to initial conditions .Input
is zero for natural response. Hence it is also called zero input Response.
98. What is zero input Response?
This is output produced by the system only due to initial conditions .Input
zero for zero input response.
99. What is forced response.
This is the output produced by the system only due to input .Initial
conditions are considered zero for forced response.It is denoted by y(f )(t).
100. What is complete response?
The complete response of the system is equal to the sum of natural
response and forced response .Thus initial conditions as well as input both
considered for complete response.
101. Give the direct form I structure.
X(n) y(n)
z-1 z-1
102. Give the direct form II structure..
x(n) y(n)
103. How the Cascade realization structure obtained..
The given transfer function H(z) is spilited into two or more sub systems.
That is for eg.
H(z) = H1(z) H2(z)
X(n) y(n)
104. Give the parallel for Realization structure.
2 .Find the exponential fourier series for half wave rectified sine
ak=A/_ (n2-1)
3.Find the energy and power of the signal.
X(t) = r(t)- r(t-2).
Answer : E = Lt _
x(t)2 dt = _..
T _ _.
P = Lt 1/2T _
x(t)2 dt = 2W..
T _ _.
x(n) = (1/3)n u(n).
E= Infinite and power is finite. So it is power signal
Answer : E = Lt _ N
2 = 9/8..
N _ _. n = -N
P = Lt 1/(2N+1) _
x(t)2 dt = 0..
N _ _.
E= Finite and power is zero. So it is energy signal.
Find the DTFS of x(n)= 5 +sin(n_/2) + cos (n_/4).
Here the summation is taken from -_ to _.
ak=1/T _ x(t) e-jk_ot
5.Find the fourier series representation for Full wave rectified
sine wave.
X(t)=2/ _ +4/ _ _(1/1-4n2)Cosn _ot
6. Consider a continuous time system with impulse response
h(t)=e-at u(t) to the
input signal x(t)=e-bt u(t) .Find the system response.
7.Find the laplace transform of x(t)=_(t)-4/3 e-t u(t)+1/3e2tu(t).
8.Find the invers laplace transform of X(s)=1/((s+1)(s+2)).
x(t)= e-t u(t)-e-2tu(t)
9.State and prove parsevals theorem for Fourier transform.
If x(t) and X(j_) are a fourier transform pair then
18. Determine the output of the discrete time linear time
invariant system whose
input and unit sample response are given as follows.
x[n]=(1/2)n u[n]
h[n] =(1/4)n u[n]
The impulse response of the discrete time linear time invariant system is
Y[n]=_ x[k] h[n-k];
19. Determine the output of the discrete time linear time
invariant system whose
input and unit sample response are given as follows.
x[n]=bn u[n]
h[n] =an u[n]
The impulse response of the discrete time linear time invariant system is
Y[n]=_ x[k] h[n-k];
20. The sequences x[n] and h[n] are given as follows.
Compute the convolution of these two sequences.
21. Write short notes on properties of convolution.
Explain each prpperty with mathematical definition.
Commutative property
Distributive property
Associative property
22. Determine system transfer function and impulse response of
discrete time
system described by the difference equation