F001 English CLC f1

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Semester/AY 1 2020-2021
Date January 25th , 2021
Course name Computer Architecture
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology Course ID CO2007
Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Duration 70 minutes Code 201F01
• Write you answers right after every question;
• Students are allowed to use materials printed/written on TWO A4 papers (4 pages);
• All pages of this question sheet MUST be returned. Any missing page will let you get 0 mark!

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Learning outcomes - Questions mapping:

- L.O.1 - Estimate performance of a computer under given parameters: 1 - 5;

- L.O.2 - Explain basic instructions in the instruction sets: 6 - 15
- L.O.3 - Describe the principles and working mechanism of a processor: 16 - 29
- L.O.4 - Describe the principles and working mechanism of memory hierarchy: 30 - 40

Questions for the final test are started from here:

1. Is “throughput” or “response time” affected when more current processors are added to the system?

Answer: Throughput
2. Which factors will affect energy consumption of a computer system (given that energy consumption is a product of
power consumption and execution time)?
A - Processor architecture
B - Cache size
C - Clock frequency

Answer: A, B, and C

The following values are used for Question 3 to Question 5:

Assume that a program consists of 200 × 106 floating point (FP) instructions, 100 × 106 integer instructions, 80 × 106
data transfer instructions, and 40×106 branch instructions. CPIs of instruction types are 2, 1, 4, and 2, respectively.
3. What is average CPI of the above program?

Answer: ≈ 2.14/ 15

4. By how much must we improve the CPI of FP instructions if we want the program to run 1.5× faster?

Answer: newCPI(FP) = 0.5

5. How much is the execution time of the program if CPIs of integer and floating point instructions are reduced by
40% while CPIs of data transfer and branch instructions are reduced by 30%. Assume that the processor works at
a 2GHz frequency.

Answer: ≈ 0.29s

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6. Which following standard instructions can be used to implement the pseudo-instruction li $v0, 10 (assign an
integer to a register)?
A - addi $v0, $zero, 10
B - ori $v0, $zero, 10
C - xori $v0, $zero, 10

Answer: A and B
7. Assume that the register $s0 contains 0xFFFFCA16; which instruction can be used to change this register content
to 0x0000CA16?

Answer: andi $s0, $s0, 0xFFFF or

andi $s0, $s0, 0xCA16 or
addiu $s0, $zero, 0xCA16
8. What is the main purpose of the following sequence (the $sp register is the stack pointer)?
addi $sp, $sp,-4
sw $ra,0($sp)

Answer: Push $ra to the top of the stack

Following data is used for questions from 9 to 10:

Given the following memory locations/cells, as depicted in Figure 1, used in a standard MIPS-based system:

address: 8 9 10 11
0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78
0x9A 0xBC 0xDE 0xF0
address: 12 13 14 15

Figure 1: Memory map for questions from 9 to 10

Assume that the $s0 register stores value of 8.

9. What is the value of the $t0 register after the instruction lb $t0, 6($s0) is executed?

Answer: 0xFFFFFFDE

10. What is the value of the $t1 register after the instruction lui $t1, 4($s0) is executed?

Answer: Compile error

Following data is used for questions from 11 to 12:

Execute the following MIPS instructions with a MIPS processor:
lui $t0, 0
ori $t0, $t0, 7
lui $t1, 0
ori $t1, $t1, 2
div $t0, $t1
mfhi $s0
mflo $s1

11. What is the value of the $s0 register?

Answer: 1

12. What is the value of the $s1 register?

Answer: 3

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13. Which is decimal value of the IEEE 754 single precision 0x40C80000?

Answer: 6.25

14. Which is the IEEE 754 single precision representation of 12.625?

Answer: 0x414a0000
15. Why MIPS floating point instructions do not support immediate numbers?

Answer: Cannot represent instructions in binary with only 32 bits

Following data is used for Question 16 to Question 17:

A pipeline MIPS processor consists of five stages: Instruction Decode (ID), Instruction Fetch (IF), Instruction
Execution (EX), Memory Access (MEM), and Write Back (WB). Assume that the ID, EX, and MEM stages need
200 ns while the ID and WB stage require only 150 ns.

16. Which is a correct execution order of those stages

Answer: IF, ID, EX, MEM, WB

17. What is speed-up of a program consisting of 1.000.000 instructions processed by the pipeline processor when com-
pared to the single cycle processor?

Answer: ≈ 4.50

The following 32-bit datapath diagram of the standard MIPS processor (Figure 2) is used for Question 18
to Question 23:

Figure 2: A single-cycle MIPS processor. Source: Computer Organization and Design: the Hardware/Software Interface,
fifth edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher

18. Which is the size of two inputs “Read Register 1” and “Read Register 2” of the Register Block?

Answer: 5

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19. How many MUX Block taking part in the execution of R-format arithmetic instructions?

Answer: 4
20. According this simplified MIPS implementation, which instruction is the longest instruction?

Answer: lw
21. Which instructions will use the Zero output?

Answer: beq and bne

22. Assume that add $t0, $t1, $zero is executing, what are the values of RegDst, ALUOp and ALUSrc?

Answer: RegDst = 1; ALUOp = 10; ALUSrc = 0

23. Assume that lw $t0, 0($t1) is executing, which control signals are 0?

Answer: RegDst, Branch, ALUOp, MemWrite

The following 32-bit datapath MIPS processor diagram (Figure 3) is used for Question 24 to Question 29:

Figure 3: A pipeline MIPS processor. Source: Computer Organization and Design: the Hardware/Software Interface,
fifth edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publisher

24. Which control signals (generated by the Control Block) transferred to the EX/MEM register?

Answer: MemRead, MemWrite, Branch, and RegWrite

The following MIPS instructions sequence, started executing at the first cycle, is used for Question 25
to Question 29:
lw $t0, 100($s0)
add $t0, $t0, $t1
sw $t1, 100($t0)
add $t0, $t1, $t0
lw $t1, 100($t0)
add $t0, $t0, $t1

25. If the Forwarding technique is NOT applied, how many data hazards are there in the sequence?

Answer: 5
26. If the Forwarding technique is NOT applied, how many cycles does the sequence need to finish?

Answer: 18

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27. If the Forwarding technique is applied, how many cycles does the sequence need to finish?

Answer: 12
28. At cycle number 5, what are values for Forwarding units (ForwardA and ForwardB signals)?

Answer: ForwardA = 01, ForwardB = 00

29. At cycle number 5, which control signals at functional units are 0 if the Forwarding technique is applied for solving
data hazards?

Answer: MemRead, MemWrite, Branch, ALUSrc, MemtoReg

The following values are used for Question 30 to Question 37:

Assume that a main memory has 32-bit byte address. A 64 KB cache consists of 4-word blocks.
30. Which is the size of the main memory?

Answer: 4GB
31. If the cache uses “direct mapped”, how many bits are the tag field?

Answer: 16
32. How many memory bits do we need to use to build in the direct mapped cache?

Answer: 593,920 or 580Kbit

33. If the cache uses “fully associative”, how many bits are the tag field?

Answer: 28
34. How many memory bits do we need to use to build the fully associative cache?

Answer: 643,072 or 628Kbit

35. If the cache uses “2-way set associative”, how many sets are there in the cache?

Answer: 2,048
36. If the cache uses “2-way set associative”, how many bits are the tag field?

Answer: 17
37. How many memory bits do we need to use to build the 4-way set associative cache?

Answer: 602,112 or 588Kbit

The following parameters are used for the tree last questions of the test:
A CPU functions at 4 GHz with a base CPI 1. Assume that the L1 cache miss rate per instruction is 2%. The
accessing time of the main memory is 100 ns. The L2 cache miss rate per instruction is 0.5% while accessing time
of L2 is 5ns.
38. What is the average CPI if the L2 cache is removed?

Answer: 9
39. What is the L2 miss penalty?

Answer: 400 cycles

40. What is the average CPI when both L1 and L2 are used?

Answer: 3.4

— The test consists of 40 questions printed on 6 pages —

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M I P S Reference Data
MIPS Reference Data Card (“Green Card”) 1. Pull along perforation to separate card 2. Fold bottom side (columns 3 and 4) together

CORE INSTRUCTION SET OPCODE Branch On FP True bc1t FI if(FPcond)PC=PC+4+BranchAddr (4) 11/8/1/--
FOR- / FUNCT Branch On FP False bc1f FI if(!FPcond)PC=PC+4+BranchAddr(4) 11/8/0/--
NAME, MNEMONIC MAT OPERATION (in Verilog) (Hex) Divide div R Lo=R[rs]/R[rt]; Hi=R[rs]%R[rt] 0/--/--/1a
Add add R R[rd] = R[rs] + R[rt] (1) 0 / 20hex Divide Unsigned divu R Lo=R[rs]/R[rt]; Hi=R[rs]%R[rt] (6) 0/--/--/1b
FP Add Single add.s FR F[fd ]= F[fs] + F[ft] 11/10/--/0
Add Immediate addi I R[rt] = R[rs] + SignExtImm (1,2) 8hex
FP Add {F[fd],F[fd+1]} = {F[fs],F[fs+1]} +
add.d FR 11/11/--/0
Add Imm. Unsigned addiu I R[rt] = R[rs] + SignExtImm (2) 9hex Double {F[ft],F[ft+1]}
Add Unsigned addu R R[rd] = R[rs] + R[rt] 0 / 21hex FP Compare Single c.x.s* FR FPcond = (F[fs] op F[ft]) ? 1 : 0 11/10/--/y
FP Compare FPcond = ({F[fs],F[fs+1]} op
And and R R[rd] = R[rs] & R[rt] 0 / 24hex c.x.d* FR 11/11/--/y
Double {F[ft],F[ft+1]}) ? 1 : 0
And Immediate andi I R[rt] = R[rs] & ZeroExtImm (3) chex * (x is eq, lt, or le) (op is ==, <, or <=) ( y is 32, 3c, or 3e)
if(R[rs]==R[rt]) FP Divide Single div.s FR F[fd] = F[fs] / F[ft] 11/10/--/3
Branch On Equal beq I 4hex FP Divide
PC=PC+4+BranchAddr (4) {F[fd],F[fd+1]} = {F[fs],F[fs+1]} /
div.d FR 11/11/--/3
if(R[rs]!=R[rt]) Double {F[ft],F[ft+1]}
Branch On Not Equal bne I 5hex FP Multiply Single mul.s FR F[fd] = F[fs] * F[ft] 11/10/--/2
PC=PC+4+BranchAddr (4)
2hex FP Multiply {F[fd],F[fd+1]} = {F[fs],F[fs+1]} *
Jump j J PC=JumpAddr (5) mul.d FR 11/11/--/2
Double {F[ft],F[ft+1]}
Jump And Link jal J R[31]=PC+8;PC=JumpAddr (5) 3hex FP Subtract Single sub.s FR F[fd]=F[fs] - F[ft] 11/10/--/1
Jump Register jr R PC=R[rs] 0 / 08hex FP Subtract {F[fd],F[fd+1]} = {F[fs],F[fs+1]} -
sub.d FR 11/11/--/1
R[rt]={24’b0,M[R[rs] Double {F[ft],F[ft+1]}
Load Byte Unsigned lbu I 24hex Load FP Single lwc1 I F[rt]=M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] (2) 31/--/--/--
+SignExtImm](7:0)} (2)
Load Halfword R[rt]={16’b0,M[R[rs] Load FP F[rt]=M[R[rs]+SignExtImm]; (2)
I 25hex ldc1 I 35/--/--/--
+SignExtImm](15:0)} (2) Double F[rt+1]=M[R[rs]+SignExtImm+4]
Move From Hi mfhi R R[rd] = Hi 0 /--/--/10
Load Linked ll I R[rt] = M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] (2,7) 30hex
Move From Lo mflo R R[rd] = Lo 0 /--/--/12
Load Upper Imm. lui I R[rt] = {imm, 16’b0} fhex Move From Control mfc0 R R[rd] = CR[rs] 10 /0/--/0
Load Word lw I R[rt] = M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] (2) 23hex Multiply mult R {Hi,Lo} = R[rs] * R[rt] 0/--/--/18
Nor nor R R[rd] = ~ (R[rs] | R[rt]) 0 / 27hex Multiply Unsigned multu R {Hi,Lo} = R[rs] * R[rt] (6) 0/--/--/19
Shift Right Arith. sra R R[rd] = R[rt] >> shamt 0/--/--/3
Or or R R[rd] = R[rs] | R[rt] 0 / 25hex
Store FP Single swc1 I M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] = F[rt] (2) 39/--/--/--
Or Immediate ori I R[rt] = R[rs] | ZeroExtImm (3) dhex Store FP M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] = F[rt]; (2)
sdc1 I 3d/--/--/--
Set Less Than slt R R[rd] = (R[rs] < R[rt]) ? 1 : 0 0 / 2ahex Double M[R[rs]+SignExtImm+4] = F[rt+1]
Set Less Than Imm. slti I R[rt] = (R[rs] < SignExtImm)? 1 : 0 (2) ahex FLOATING-POINT INSTRUCTION FORMATS
Set Less Than Imm. R[rt] = (R[rs] < SignExtImm) bhex FR opcode fmt ft fs fd funct
sltiu I
Unsigned ?1:0 (2,6) 31 26 25 21 20 16 15 11 10 6 5 0
Set Less Than Unsig. sltu R R[rd] = (R[rs] < R[rt]) ? 1 : 0 (6) 0 / 2bhex FI opcode fmt ft immediate
Shift Left Logical sll R R[rd] = R[rt] << shamt 0 / 00hex 31 26 25 21 20 16 15 0

Shift Right Logical srl R R[rd] = R[rt] >>> shamt 0 / 02hex PSEUDOINSTRUCTION SET
M[R[rs]+SignExtImm](7:0) = 28hex NAME MNEMONIC OPERATION
Store Byte sb I
R[rt](7:0) (2) Branch Less Than blt if(R[rs]<R[rt]) PC = Label
M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] = R[rt]; Branch Greater Than bgt if(R[rs]>R[rt]) PC = Label
Store Conditional sc I 38hex Branch Less Than or Equal ble if(R[rs]<=R[rt]) PC = Label
R[rt] = (atomic) ? 1 : 0 (2,7)
M[R[rs]+SignExtImm](15:0) = Branch Greater Than or Equal bge if(R[rs]>=R[rt]) PC = Label
Store Halfword sh I 29hex Load Immediate li R[rd] = immediate
R[rt](15:0) (2)
Move move R[rd] = R[rs]
Store Word sw I M[R[rs]+SignExtImm] = R[rt] (2) 2bhex
Subtract sub R R[rd] = R[rs] - R[rt] (1) 0 / 22hex
Subtract Unsigned subu R R[rd] = R[rs] - R[rt] 0 / 23hex NAME NUMBER USE
(1) May cause overflow exception $zero 0 The Constant Value 0 N.A.
(2) SignExtImm = { 16{immediate[15]}, immediate } $at 1 Assembler Temporary No
(3) ZeroExtImm = { 16{1b’0}, immediate }
Values for Function Results
(4) BranchAddr = { 14{immediate[15]}, immediate, 2’b0 } $v0-$v1 2-3 No
and Expression Evaluation
(5) JumpAddr = { PC+4[31:28], address, 2’b0 }
(6) Operands considered unsigned numbers (vs. 2’s comp.) $a0-$a3 4-7 Arguments No
(7) Atomic test&set pair; R[rt] = 1 if pair atomic, 0 if not atomic $t0-$t7 8-15 Temporaries No
$s0-$s7 16-23 Saved Temporaries Yes
$t8-$t9 24-25 Temporaries No
R opcode rs rt rd shamt funct $k0-$k1 26-27 Reserved for OS Kernel No
31 26 25 21 20 16 15 11 10 65 0
$gp 28 Global Pointer Yes
I opcode rs rt immediate $sp 29 Stack Pointer Yes
31 26 25 21 20 16 15 0
$fp 30 Frame Pointer Yes
J opcode address $ra 31 Return Address Yes
31 26 25 0
Copyright 2009 by Elsevier, Inc., All rights reserved. From Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, 4th ed.

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