5G Req and Chall Paper

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Requirements and Challenges of 5G Cellular Systems

M.Benisha1, R.Thandaiah Prabu2, Dr.V.Thulasi Bai3

Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Jeppiaar Institute of Technology, Sriperumpudur.
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Prathyusha Engineering College, Thiruvallur
Professor, Department of ECE, Prathyusha Engineering College, Thiruvallur

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract—The recent research area of the communication TABLE 1. KEY USE AREAS OF VARIOUS CELLULAR
engineers are the 5G communication systems. It is expected to
provide increased data rate, better spectral characteristics,
S.No Generation Key use area
higher number of simultaneously connected devices, good
coverage or lower outage probability, lower infrastructure 1 1st generation Voice Services
deployment costs, higher versatility and scalability, higher
reliability of communication, higher number of supported 2 2 Generation Improved Voice and Text Message
devices, best signalling and bandwidth efficiency. So this
3 3rd Generation Integrated Voice and mobile Internet
technology will make a revolution in communication by
supporting high speed wireless connections, and a fully realized 4 4th Generation High capacity mobile multimedia
Internet of things (IoT). This paper comprises the services,
requirements and challenges of 5G communication systems. 5 5 Generation High speed mobile internet, smart cars, smart
rooms, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality,
and Internet of Things.
Keywords— 5G- 5th Generation, IoT – Internet of Things,
Simultaneously Connected Devices.
This paper is organised as follows, section II explains
I. INTRODUCTION the requirements of 5G mobile systems, Section III comprises
The 1st Generation cellular system is mainly analog the challenges expected to be faced by 5G systems and
system and the bandwidth ranges from10 to 30 KHz. It uses Section IV is composed of services and applications offered
FDMA service scheme and provide voice services with data by 5G cellular system and the conclusion is given in Section
rate of 10 Kbps [1]. The 2G GSM system offers 9.6 Kbps at V.
the earliest and 300 Kbps at last with the bandwidth of 200
KHz. It offers radio access with TDMA/FDMA services. The II. REQUIREMENTS OF 5G MOBILE SYSTEMS
3G scheme with CDMA service offers the peak data rate from High data rate and all IP principle are the very initial
2 Mbps to 50 Mbps with the bandwidth of 5MHz. All the need of any futuristic mobile system [3]. 5G networks are
above schemes use Circuit Switching and/or Packet switching. aimed at meeting the requirements for mobile communication
The Generation 3.5 uses the system HSDPA which focus only beyond 2020. Supporting the inexorable rise in mobile data
on packet switching. consumption is an obvious objective. The major requirements
In 4G cellular systems the peak data rate starts at of 5G are provided as 7 Key Performance Indices (KPI) by
100Mbps with the OFDMA and SC-FDMA systems. Samsung [4]. They are shown in fig 1.
5G denotes the next stage of mobile telecommunications
standards in advance to the 4G wireless standards. By 2020 A. Peak Data Rate (Gbps):
the number of connected IoT is estimated to reach 50 Billion, 5G systems will be required to give better per-user
while the mobile data traffic is expected to grow to data rate compared to its predecessors. This system is
approximately 24 Exabytes per month. All this can be expected to support data rates of 10-50 Gbps for low-mobility
overcome by 5G technology. It will make IoT a reality that is, users and it will provide gigabit-rate data services regardless
it has the ability to provide network connectivity to all of a user’s location. Peak data rate provided by the 5G system
connected devices regardless of location, and time without is above 50 Gbps theoretically, practically the first
human intervention like Smart Home, Smart store, Smart commercial products provide 6 Gpbs.
Office and Connected Car.
The other major services provided by 5G technology B. Cell Edge Data Rate (Gbps):
are Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). VR The edges of the cell have less data rate in 4G, This is
provides a world where physical presence of an object is overcome by 5G with equal improved data rate regardless of
simulated by computer graphics, and the user can actively the user location [4].
interact with the simulated elements. Augmented Reality is
computer-aided real time information based on user context,
and is graphically augmented to the display, delivering added
value for the user. In addition to that 5G system is designed by
finest Quality of Service (QoS) [2] and high error tolerance.
Specifically the 5G systems use the Cloud computing
techniques where the remote server provides all content to the
consumers to use applications without installation and access
their personal files at any computer with internet access.
The following table explains the key use areas of the
various generation cellular systems. From this we confirm the
growth of wireless mobile technology over each higher
generation than the previous one.
A. Standardization:
The main challenge going to face by 5G is standardization.
The standards come up with interoperability and backward
compatibility towards older technologies.
B. Topology:
Current cellular system uses star topology with control
points [6]. For 5G this is difficult since the access network is
insufficient and efficient offload is limited.

Fig. 1. Requirements of 5G wireless systems

C. Latency(ms) :
4G systems provide end to end latency of 50 ms and
over the air latency of 10ms. But 5G systems are expected to
provide end to end latency of 5ms and over the air latency of
1ms which is one tenth of the Latency provided by the 4G
systems. This feature can be adapted for the low latency
services like self-driving cars, Public safety systems and
Augmented Reality.
D. Cell Spectral Efficiency :
5G has to be able to cover wide area and manage heavy
traffic than today’s network. This is the most important Fig.2. Challenges of 5G cellular systems
requirement for future network. It is expected to achieve
1000 fold system capacity per km2 than LTE system [5]. C. Coordination:
In 5G system, cells are divided into Macro cells and local
E. Mobility: cells. It is required that one macro cell may manage tens to
5G should ensure Mobility for velocities as of today and hundreds of local cells or small cells in future [6]. Hence there
for higher rate. High speed must be supported with small cells must be a multiple coordination system must to deployed.
optimized with mobility [5]. Here it is also possible for This may become a major challenge for 5 systems.
accurate positioning a device and it is becoming more
important with location based reality augmentations. D. Handling Traffic:
Handling high asymmetric traffic is the major challenge
F. Simultaneous Connection: for today’s mobile communication. So this may be a challenge
5G has to support simultaneous connection of massive to 5G also. Hence 5G must enhance the technologies to handle
number of devices in order to support all time connected high asymmetric traffic.
cloud services and for IoT.
E. Inter cell Interference:
G. Cost Efficiency : Because of the irregular shaped small or macro cell leads
It has to provide increased capacity and reduced cost to inter cell interference in wireless communication systems
per unit network. This will improve it as a good future [7]. Thus it requires advanced power control and resource
network. allocation.

III. CHALLENGES IN 5G MOBILE SYSTEMS F. Application Challenges :

There are many challenges for the successful launch of 5G LTE-Advanced system has been optimized to deliver high
systems for future. The following are some of the challenges bandwidth to mobile users. The transport mechanisms have
expected to face by 5G mobile systems. Care must be taken to been improvised to maximize single cell performance by
overcome these challenges.
enforcing strict synchronism and orthogonality within a single Capacity and throughput improvement, high data rate:
cell and within a single contiguous frequency band [8]. Spectrum reuse and use of different band (e.g., mm-wave
Various emerging trends reveal major shortcomings of the communication using 28~GHz and 38~GHz bands), multi-
above design criteria are: tier network, D2D communication, C-RAN, massive-
 The fraction of machine-type-communications (MTC) is MIMO.
growing fast. Transmissions of this kind are suffering Reduced latency:
from the bulky procedures necessary to ensure strict Full-duplex communication, C-RAN, D2D
synchronism. communication.
 Collaborative schemes have been introduced to boost Network densification:
capacity and coverage, Heterogeneous and multi-tier network.
 Wireless networks are becoming more and more Advanced services and applications:
heterogeneous following the non-uniform distribution of C-RAN, network virtualization, M2M communication.
users. Tremendous efforts must be spent to collect the Improved energy efficiency:
gains and to manage such systems under the premise of Wireless charging, energy harvesting.
strict synchronism and orthogonality. Autonomous applications and network management,
 The advent of the Digital Agenda and the introduction of Internet of Things:
carrier aggregation are forcing the transmission systems M2M communication, self-organizing and cognitive
to deal with fragmented spectrum. network.


In practical any new generation has to offer significant
gain over the existing generation. 5G system enhances today’s
emerging services with cost and energy efficiency [9]. 5G
systems will provide services beyond 4G systems [6] with,
1. Real wireless world with no limitation,
2. Wearable devices with all capabilities,
3. Unified global standard.

Fig .4 Traffic growth of cellular systems towards

Figure.4 shows the traffic growth of the cellular system
with 5G services towards the year 2030. The demand of
cellular systems is increasing and the data is increasing at the
rate of 25% to 50% annually. Likewise the demand of internet
connectivity through cellular system is also increasing
drastically. This is because of the streaming services (Audio &
Video), interactive videos, Mobile internet, Cloud Storage,
Cloud Gaming, and Augmented Reality etc. This is highly
Fig .3 Services offered by 5G systems offered by 5G systems
4. Pervasive networks providing multiple concurrent V. CONCLUSION
data transfer paths. This paper provides the information about the basic
5. Smart Radio which allows different radio requirements of 5G mobile systems which is going to be the
technologies to share the same spectrum. future mobile technology. Also it comprises the challenges
The services expected to be offered by 5G systems are which are expected to be faced by 5G deployment and the
given in the following table [2], services that can be offered by 5G systems. Thus 5G is a
future technology which can connect the world wirelessly
with no limitation and the devices can connect trough IoT a
5G Technique. And it is expected that the 5G system is the
5G – Services initial scheme for keeping the network as simple as possible
[2] and the end nodes are given more services and [5] DOCOMO 5G white paper ; 5G radio acces, Requirements, Concept
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[8] http://5gnews.org/fraunhofer-3/.
[9] https://lazure2.wordpress.com/5g-2015%E2%87%922019/.
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