MN 2 011 23
MN 2 011 23
MN 2 011 23
References: (a) SOLAS, International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,
Consolidated Edition 2020
(b) MARPOL, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, Consolidated Edition, 2022
(c) IMSBC Code, International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code, 2023
(d) IMDG Code, International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code 2022, 41st
(e) IMO Resolution MSC.539(107), Amendments to the International
Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code, adopted 8 June 2023
(f) IMO Circular CCC.1/Circ.2/Rev.1, Carriage of bauxite which may
liquefy, issued 20 September 2017
(g) IMO Circular CCC.1/Circ.4, Carriage of ammonium nitrate based
fertilizer (non-hazardous), issued 22 September 2017
(h) IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1395/Rev.6, Lists of solid bulk cargoes for
which a fixed gas fire-extinguishing system may be exempted or for which
a fixed gas fire-extinguishing system is ineffective, issued 26 June 2023
(i) IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1453/Rev.2, Guidelines for the submission of
information and completion of the format for the properties of cargoes not
listed in the international maritime solid bulk cargoes (IMSBC) code and
their conditions of carriage, issued 26 June 2023
(j) IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1454/Rev.2, Guidelines for developing and
approving procedures for sampling, testing, and controlling the moisture
content for solid bulk cargoes which may liquefy or undergo dynamic
separation, issued 26 June 2023
(k) IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1664, Revised Form for Cargo Information for
Solid Bulk Cargoes, issued 26 June 2023(i)
(l) RMI Maritime Regulations (MI-108)
(m) RMI Marine Notice 2-013-5, MARPOL Annex V - Prevention of Garbage
Pollution from Ships
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Inquiries concerning the subject of this Notice should be directed to the Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator, c/o
Marshall Islands Maritime and Corporate Administrators, Inc., 11495 Commerce Park Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1506 USA. The most
current version of all Republic of the Marshall Islands Marine Notices may be found at
MI-01, Rev. Apr/2016
This Marine Notice (MN) implements the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code
(IMSBC Code or “the Code”) and the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Maritime
Administrator’s (the “Administrator”) requirements governing the transport of certain solid bulk
cargoes. It covers the mandatory requirements under the 2023 IMSBC Code for:
This MN supersedes Rev. Oct/2022 and incorporates International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Resolution MSC.539(107) In addition to amending various schedules, it also contains other
modifications, including for those cargoes that may undergo dynamic separation and cargo density
declarations. It has a mandatory entry into force (EIF) date of 1 January 2025, though it may be
applied, in whole or in part, on a voluntary basis from 1 January 2024.
The IMSBC Code became mandatory on 1 January 2011. Although the IMSBC Code is mandatory
under the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), some
parts of the IMSBC Code continue to remain recommendatory or informative. These sections are:
d. Appendices, other than Appendix 1: Individual schedules of solid bulk cargoes, and
Appendix 5: Bulk Cargo Shipping Names in three languages (English, Spanish, and
French); and
This MN is applicable to all ships to which SOLAS applies, which carry solid bulk cargoes, other
than grain, according to SOLAS Regulation VI/1-2, and in compliance with relevant provisions of
the IMSBC Code.
The latest amendments (Amendment 07-23) to the IMSBC Code, along with IMO Resolution
MSC.539(107), are mandatory upon their EIF, which is expected 1 January 2025.
Shipowners and ship operators to which the IMSBC Code applies must comply. All ships
carrying solid bulk cargoes must carry a copy of the IMSBC Code on board.
2.1 All ships carrying solid bulk cargoes must comply, as appropriate, with the fire
protection, detection, and extinction requirements incorporated into SOLAS II-2.
2.2 Shipowners, ship operators, companies, and charterers transporting solid bulk
cargoes must:
.1 obtain current valid information from the shipper on the cargo’s physical and
chemical properties (see IMSBC Code, section 4);
.2 consult the IMSBC Code when transporting any solid bulk cargo;
.3 provide the Master with all relevant information on the cargo to be loaded in
accordance with Chapters VI, Carriage of Cargoes and Oil Fuels and VII,
Carriage of Dangerous Goods of SOLAS, and the provisions of the IMSBC
Code and the IMDG Code, if applicable; and
.4 inform the Administrator when seeking exemption for carrying solid bulk
cargoes for which a fixed, gas fire-extinguishing system may be exempted or
for which such a system is ineffective, according to the list of those cargoes
and the associated guidance in IMO Circular MSC.1/Circ.1395/Rev.6 and its
Table 1 (in the Annex).
.5 The Administrator retains the right to grant an exemption for cargoes not
included in Table 1 or to impose conditions when granting these exemptions
under the provisions of SOLAS Regulation II-2/
.1 to ensure the suitability of the hold and its equipment for transporting the
product, by physical inspection, by the Master, shipowner representative, or
independent cargo surveyor, before loading;
.3 to seek advice in accordance with §4.0 below, before loading any solid bulk
cargo not specifically listed in IMSBC Code, Appendix 1; and
.4 to only commence loading if all the relevant safety criteria contained in the
IMSBC Code are met.
2.4 Shipowners, operators, and companies must ensure that ship Masters and crews
involved in the transport of solid bulk cargoes are trained in the provisions of the
IMSBC Code, including the safety measures they contain, and to incorporate them
into their safety management system procedures.
.1 Group A Cargoes
e. Any solid bulk cargo proposed for carriage which is not listed in the
IMSBC Code, Appendix 1 must be carried in accordance with
subsection 1.3 of the Code.
.3 Independent Testing
3.1 The individual schedules in the IMSBC Code cover typical cargoes shipped in bulk,
with advice on their properties and methods of handling. These schedules are not
exhaustive, and the properties attributed to the cargoes are given only for guidance.
Before loading, current valid information from the shipper must be obtained on the
physical and chemical properties of the cargoes presented for shipment.
3.2 Solid bulk cargos specifically listed in an individual schedule (IMSBC Code, Appendix
1), must be transported according to those provisions. In addition, the transportation
must be in accordance with the provisions in sections 1 through 10 and 11.1.1.
3.3 The Master, or on their behalf, the ship operator, must consult with the competent
authorities at the loading and discharge ports, as necessary, about the requirements
which may be in force and applicable for transporting the cargo.
4.1 Not Listed: If a solid cargo is proposed for carriage in bulk and it is not listed in
IMSBC Code, Appendix 1, then the shipper must, before loading, provide the
competent authority of the loading port with the characteristics and properties of
the cargo in accordance with the IMSBC Code, section 4. Based on the information
received, the competent authority of the loading port will assess the acceptability
of the cargo for safe shipment.
4.3 No Specific Hazards: When it is assessed that the solid bulk cargo proposed for
carriage presents no specific hazards for transportation, the cargo carriage is to be
authorized. The competent authority of the loading port will advise the
Administrator (the flag State) and the unloading port’s competent authority of this
4.4 The loading port’s competent authority must provide the Master with a certificate
stating the cargo characteristics and the required conditions for the shipment’s
carriage and handling.
.1 If this certificate is not provided, the Master must not load the cargo.
.2 When deemed necessary, the ship operator or Master must consider engaging
the services of an independent cargo surveyor to determine the cargo’s
suitability for carriage and handling.
4.5 The loading port’s competent authority must also apply to the IMO within one year
from issuing the certificate to incorporate this solid bulk cargo into IMSBC Code,
Appendix 1.
4.6 Any interference on the part of the loading port’s competent authority in surveys
conducted by shipowner's representative or independent cargo survey must be
immediately reported to the Administrator.
5.1 The IMSBC Code requires shippers to identify solid bulk cargoes as HME or non-
HME. That determination is made using the seven criteria in Appendix I of
MARPOL Annex V (See also paragraph 3.2 of IMO Resolution MEPC.295(71)).
A declaration whether or not a solid bulk cargo is HME must be included in the
information required to be provided per section 4.2 of the IMSBC Code.
5.2 Discharge of HME cargo residues at sea is not permitted under MARPOL Annex V.
This includes cargo residues contained in washwater as well as cargo residues not
contained in washwater. Handling and disposal of HME cargo residues must
comply with the applicable requirements of MN 2-013-5.
IMO Circular CCC.1/Circ.4 refers to the potential risks associated with this cargo from
decomposition including the release of toxic gases. In the event of this occurring, Masters
must follow the advice contained in §8 of that Circular. See the IMSBC Code, Appendix 1
for regulations governing nitrate-based fertilizer.
7.0 Documentation
The following documentation must be kept on board each ship carrying dangerous goods
in solid bulk cargo form:
7.1 special list or manifest setting forth the dangerous goods on board and the location
of them, in accordance with SOLAS Regulation VII/7-2.2;