Inner Game Secrets - George Hutton
Inner Game Secrets - George Hutton
Inner Game Secrets - George Hutton
The Invisible Boundary of Doom
The Mind Bending Psychic Attraction Opener
Avoid Should Language
Tell Her a Story about Seduction
Quickly Build Your Confidence
The Myth of Hard and Fast Rules
The Most Irresistibly Attractive Quality
Why Did She Dump You?
Frame Control for Irresistible Seduction
Frame Control Secrets - II
Supercharge Charisma - Eliminate Anxiety
How to Be an Alpha Male
Cold Water or Vacations?
The Hypothetical Qualifying Opener
Quick Confidence Booster
Use the Force
Give Her Something to Live Up To
Change the Voice in Your Head
How to Increase Confidence
Girls LOVE Being Approached
Inner Game Secrets
Do Girls Dislike Sex?
Sex Is Your Right
The BEST Opening Frame
Get Her Hanging on Every Word
She's More Nervous Than You
Improve Your Game
Sprinkle Your Seduction with Quotes
Irresistible Sexual Power
The Easy Mindset of a Seducer
Story Telling Seduction
Get Her Fired Up With Stories
Who's Rejecting Whom?
The Easy Seduction Mindset
Seduce Her with Curiosity
The Nice Guy Myth
Do You Enjoy Women?
She Wants To Be Seduced
The Opener That Will Blow Her Away
The Four Classes of Guys
Use Structure to Make Her Wet With Desire
Destroy Approach Anxiety
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
First of all, thanks for buying this guide. I had a lot of fun writing.
However, this isn’t really a guide.
Any time you’re dealing with other people, there are plenty of variables at
play. Meaning that it’s never the same.
While it sounds good on paper to get a bunch of numbers, then reduce them
down to qualified first dates, then qualified second dates, etc. etc.
It’s not like you’re baking a cake, and all the ingredients are going to sit
there and wait for you to mix them and cook them and then eat them.
And it’s not like you can pick up girls like you can buy cake mix. You can’t
go down to the single girl shop and have them all lined up like the cake
Well, there are some places in the world where you CAN do that, but that’s
not what we’re after.
We’re after real girls for real relationships, however long that means for
And as such, you’ll find yourself in plenty different situations where reality
just doesn’t fit into kind of pre-programmed plan.
What to say exactly, how to approach exactly, and even when and how you
should escalate will become clear with experience.
So long as you continue to get out there and practice, learn, make mistakes,
and learn some more, you’ll be successful.
Read it in order, read it out of order, read the same sections again and again.
Soak up the information presented here however you feel will benefit you
most. Then get out in the field, practice some more, and then read through
the various sections again.
If you walk into a joint like you own the place, open up a few cuties to
warm up, you feel pretty good.
The girl that you fantasize about. The one that looks like that one porn star.
And she's looking at you just the way you like it.
But something's different this time. She knows you're feeling slightly out of
your element.
All the other girls thus far were kept on the "defensive" due to your alpha
But this girl shoots down alphas like she changes her shoes.
All of a sudden, she's doing all the qualifying. You find yourself trying to
find a place in her frame, her world, instead of the other way around.
Your assumptions about the girls you see are turned off. You're skeptical.
You're not sure about a girl unless she proves she's worth your time. They
can sense this. This makes you incredibly attractive to them, and they don't
know why.
Then you see HER. She sends out a shockwave of sexual lust that knocks
you off balance. Suddenly your mind's not leaning forward anymore. She's
so hot, she's looking at you in that way, that every microsecond that ticks by
is less power for you, and more for her.
She's like a frame vampire, stealing all of your control, and leaving you in
beta supplication land like every other drooling fool.
Practice how?
Keep in mind this DOES NOT mean to slam her in your mind. Be curious,
not condemning. Plenty of guys see hot girls, realize they'll NEVER have
them, and then make up some "story" to make themselves "feel better." Like
she's a slut, she's not a "quality woman," or whatever.
Don't do that.
This is also different than that often heard advice of "imagine her taking a
You don't want to automatically disqualify her. You just don't want to
automatically qualify her.
See, right now, there's plenty of girls who have a mix of beauty and sex
appeal that your caveman brain automatically switches into "please accept
me goddess!" mode.
The trick is that with practice, you can reprogram your brain so instead of
your caveman brain responding with that unhelpful nonsense, you'll
automatically respond with questions about her personality. Sure, you
assume she's got a nice one, but you aren't sure until you talk to her.
The more you practice, the better you'll get. And the less likely you'll get
thrown off balance.
The Mind Bending Psychic Attraction Opener
Here's a quick opener to use next time you're feeling playfully confident.
You don't have to use it as an opener, you can bust this out pretty much
anytime during the conversion.
But as an opener, it's a great sorting technique (to tell if she's into you or not
so you don't waste any time) AND it will significantly increase your
chances if she IS into you.
Anyhow, here's how it goes. Once you're talking to her, and you've got her
attention, here's what you say:
"If you were to become incredibly attracted to somebody that you'd just
met, what would that be like?"
The first thing to notice is that you're using the "second conditional." In
English, this means that you are talking in hypothetical terms. Even if you
or she has no recollection of grammar class, she'll get that you're only
speaking in hypotheticals, and not specifically about you and her.
That means that she won't think you're saying "are you attracted to me?"
Instead, it covertly invites her to imagine if she were to meet somebody and
become instantly attracted.
Which means, if she does "play along," two things will happen.
One is that she's open enough to talk about these kinds of things with you.
That's a good sign. A really good sign.
The other is that she'll start imagining being attracted, and what that means,
while looking at you and talking to you.
So any feelings she comes up with are naturally going to "rub off" on you,
so to speak.
Now, if you're using this as part of your opener, you can preface it with
some kind of "new age" psychic type stuff.
"Hi, I don't mean to bother you, but you remind me of this girl that used to
do psychic readings for people as a hobby. She was actually really, really
accurate. Do you mind if I ask you a question?"
Then just bust out with the question. Notice that the question has nothing to
do with the thing about the "psychic friend," which is good. It will create a
lot of "confusion," which will lower her resistance to answering the
Even if you don't intend on picking her up, this is a great fun with female
friends, because once you start talking about this kind of stuff with them,
they'll see you in a different light.
The truth is that NOBODY really gives a rip what other people's "shoulds"
The raw (and usually unwelcome) truth is we are all selfish bastards.
To the core.
To the extent that "shoulds" work, it's only because they present a negative
How's that?
Say you've got a girlfriend. She keeps telling you that you "should" buy her
dinner every Friday night.
You don't really like to, but you do anyway. Why? Do you recognize that
there is some kind of universal law of behavior that you MUST follow?
Is there some ancient rule of courtship that will destroy the Earth if it's not
mindlessly obeyed?
It's just by nagging you, she's creating a negative incentive. If you DON'T
buy her dinner, you'll suffer some serious agony.
So you buy her dinner on Friday nights so she WON'T nag you.
What might be a positive incentive? Let's say after Friday, after you buy her
dinner, she would automatically, without being asked, give you a blowjob in
the car.
Now, which do you think would motivate you more to buy her dinner every
Friday? Avoiding a negative incentive, or getting a positive incentive?
Thought so.
So, whenever you're trying to get girls to "behave" in the way you want, try
to frame the desired behavior with some positive incentives in mind. Now,
it's crucial NOT to mention these, otherwise she'll think she is being
Nobody likes to be told what to do, under any circumstances. We ALL like
to make our decisions on our own, even if they are based on the incentives
we are getting from others.
So, how does this work when you haven't even talked to her, like some girl
you are thinking of approaching?
Try to see things from her perspective. Forget trying to pick her up based on
how you imagine she "should" act.
Think of what she wants, or what positive things she'd respond to.
Think about this next time you're interacting with girls, known or unknown.
Tell Her a Story about Seduction
Here's a tip to see how imaginative she is, and how open she is to you.
You can use this after the approach, and after you've gotten a few
unconscious, "all clear" signals from her.
You basically tell her a story about how a buddy of yours fell in love. Start
off by saying how stupid or lame you think it is, and how you and all your
other guy friends are always giving him a hard time.
Just describe how he met this girl, and they instantly hit it off.
Don't worry about using any kind of weasel tips or self-points or anything
like that.
Just describe how your "buddy" fell completely head over heels for this girl,
and that whenever he talks about her, he changes his voice, facial
expressions, etc.
Two things are crucial. One is that when you are describing how they "fell"
for each other, be as descriptive as possible.
Describe how they look at each other with doe eyes, and all that.
The other thing is that you've got to make it sound like you are disgusted (in
a playful way) about the whole situation. Like disgusted on the surface, but
below the surface you're kind of happy for him.
Two is that she'll start to convince you that it's a good thing (maybe) OR she
may agree with you that people who fall hard at first site are lame (maybe).
Either way will tell you which way to take the conversation.
Three is that you'll get her thinking those romantic feelings while talking
about somebody else, so she won't offer up the same resistance if you were
trying to seduce her directly.
Four is that deep down, she'll wish she were falling hard, as this is hard
wired in ALL girls. Even if she's got a boyfriend (or even married) and
you're just talking to her "as friends." All girls LOVE a story of a guy who's
"tamed" by a woman.
Again, she'll be thinking these thoughts and desires while listening and
looking you.
Now, this may go against what the gurus preach about never complimenting
girls, but I'm sure if you try it you'll know why this works.
Next time you're out in public, and you see a cute girl (either alone or with
her friends), walk up to her and tell her you think she's pretty, or cute, or
Now, you AREN'T trying to seduce her, or get her number, or even get her
This is just a quick, hit and run, exercise. Since you're not trying to "get
anything," and since you're ONLY outcome is to go up and "spit it out," so
to speak, you CANNOT FAIL.
Now, it's true that hot girls get hit on all the time, and get all kinds of
compliments. But virtually every time they are complimented, there's
always an ulterior motive. It's always some beta "nice guy" complimenting
her because he thinks that's the ticket to her golden kingdom.
But when you walk up, and say something like this,
"Hi, sorry to bother you, I don't want your number or anything, I just
wanted to tell you I think you're really hot!"
Then smile, and walk away. Don't even wait for a response. If she starts to
say something, other than, "thanks!" Just smile, and say,
This whole exercise should take no more than twenty seconds, if that.
But when you first say you're not after her number, then confidently
compliment her, and then leave, she won't know what to think.
Which means you'll be leaving a trail of hot girls that are pleased, and
Wait at least a day before calling, but don't wait more than three.
These are just some of the "rules" you'll hear in the seduction community,
and on various forums and blogs.
While rules are helpful, we're not making a cake here. We're talking to real
people, with real emotions, and real baggage.
Imagine if you were a door to door salesman. You had a hard a fast rule that
you only knocked three times, and never waited for more than 93 seconds
once you knocked. If nobody answered, you'd move on to the next house.
So you knock on the door of one particularly large house. You knock three
times. You wait 93 seconds, and you turn and walk down the long driveway.
Then you hear a voice from an upstairs window, "Hey, are you selling
vacuum cleaners?"
You are, in fact selling vacuum cleaners. But it's already been 130 seconds.
Do you turn around, or obey your "rules"?
You decide to turn around. The lady of the house was upstairs, struggling
with diarrhea.
She tells you to please wait. Finally, after about twenty minutes, she comes
Turns out she works for a large vacuum cleaner distributor, and wants to
buy 1000 units. You're profit on each unit is $50. Not a bad day.
Is this story realistic? Of course not. But it does illustrate a point. If you
ONLY follow your hard and fast rules, some hot, read-to-go honeys are
gonna slip right through the cracks.
How do you know when to follow the rules, and when to throw 'em out the
That is the one secret most gurus and self-proclaimed experts don't want
you to know.
There's never enough. That means that every time you go out in the field,
and try something, anything, regardless of what happens, you are getting
more experience.
That's why there's really no such thing as "failure," since the idea of
"success" is really only temporary.
Yea, those help. Those get her going. Those will open a lot of doors.
But what creates that incredibly deep and long lasting attraction that will
stir women on a deep, unconscious level?
One that makes her feel that you are much better than any other guy out
A plan.
A solid plan of what you want to create with your life. A big, huge, dream
out in the future, that you are taking daily steps to achieve.
This is, without question, the strongest aphrodisiac you can come up with.
So women have evolved and unconscious and irresistible desire for these
types of men.
This goes beyond looks, beyond money, beyond "game." If you are "A Man
with a Plan," she won't be able to resist.
Of course, this "plan" needs to be real, needs to be big, and needs to be
something you're actually taking concrete steps to achieving.
And here's one more tip that will make those panties wet well out into the
Make this clear to her, and she'll follow you to the ends of the earth.
Why Did She Dump You?
Getting dumped sucks. I've been there. A few times. No matter how strong
you think you're game is, no matter how well you think things are going, it
always comes out of the blue, and it always hurts.
There are three major reasons why a girl breaks up with you:
Lack of Attraction
Lack of Obligation
Lack of Attraction
Girls get into relationships because they are attracted to you. Those feelings
of attraction fire up those long ago programmed evolutionary responses that
tell her she's safe with you, and on some subconscious level, she feels you'd
be a good daddy to her kids.
When that attraction goes away, she may stay, but she won't do it because
she wants to. She does it because of inertia. She's comfortable, and in her
mind, finding somebody else would just be too much hassle.
Lack of Obligation
She may not feel obligated to stay, she may not feel attracted, but she may
just be too lazy to find somebody else. Sad as it sounds, a lot of
relationships last much longer than they should because both couples are
incredibly bored and unfulfilled, they're also extremely lazy. They've
settled, and they're OK with their decision.
As you can see, all of these are hard to fix once they rear they're heads. The
best defense, they say, is a good offense.
The best way to make sure your relationship is always healthy, happy, and
fulfilling is to always maintain attraction.
Think of a relationship like you would a set of six pack abs. It takes work to
achieve, and it takes work to maintain.
You may have found yourself in a relationship with a hottie that pushes
your buttons in wonderful ways, but your job as a seducer is far from over.
Keep her on her toes, maintain your dominance, be the leader, and never,
ever think you're done.
Frame Control for Irresistible Seduction
One of the most powerfully attractive things for a woman is a guy with a
strong and unbreakable frame.
You know those crazy cult leaders who've got literally hundreds of girls?
That's the kind of frame power we're after. Note that we're not trying to start
a cult, although with frame control secrets, you easily could.
The first thing is to define for yourself, what the frame is. This is
contextual. You go to a bar, and you've got an intention. Something you
Suppose you just want to have three beers and enjoy the game. That's a
strong frame, and you'll have no problems satisfying it. In fact, that's why
many bars exist.
But we're talking about getting some action, not watching TV.
What quality means is up to you. You've got to define this for yourself,
BEFORE you go into any situation. Don't let anybody else define it for you.
Once you've got that definition, then it's all about talking to as many girls as
possible, and finding out who qualifies.
That is your frame. That is the "meaning" of every conversation you have
with women from now on.
Girls they'd be friends with (and use to find girls in the previous two
Now, does this mean you fire away twenty questions as soon as you meet a
girl? Maybe, maybe not.
Remember, your frame, your intentions, your strategies. Only YOU know if
they're working or not.
Of course, in order for this to work, you've got to do some work, and find
out which characteristics girls would have in order to fit them into whatever
categories you've got.
As you can see, this is a lot more complicated, and requires a lot more
"thought" than simply looking for hot girls and hoping you get "lucky."
But you'll find that it gets you much, much better results.
Try it out.
Frame Control Secrets - II
Whoever has the strongest frame will come out ahead in any discussion.
They will be perceived as the "leader" and people will naturally follow him.
And girls will be naturally attracted to him. Any guy in any place that has
the strongest frame will be the most attractive guy in the room.
A strong frame.
Frame control.
First, what is the frame? The frame is the "meaning" of the interaction.
This sounds like a bit of circular logic, but bear with me.
Let's say a guy walks into a bar. He hasn't been laid in years. He's super shy.
He sees a cute girl, and gets up the nerve to talk to her.
He "hopes" she won't reject him. He "hopes" he'll get her number. He
"hopes" she'll like him.
So his frame is, "I'm going to talk to that girl and maybe get her number and
hopefully not get rejected."
Her frame is "I'm going to talk to him and be polite and hope he goes away
sooner rather than later.”
But, her frame is stronger than his frame. Because she has something he
wants, but he doesn't have anything that she wants.
Both their frames are based some kind of "hope" that something happens.
Nobody has a strong intention. Nobody has a clear goal. Both people are
"reacting" to their environments, instead of "controlling" their
Supercharge Charisma - Eliminate Anxiety
Be forewarned, this is one of those things that sounds like it's a bit heavy on
the "law of attraction" mumbo jumbo, but you'll find it can fast track your
ability to get seriously laid.
You can apply this not only to yourself, but to any girl you're gaming.
First, appreciate yourself. Forget all that negativity; release your self-
judgments. You'll find that it's virtually impossible to get rejected if you're
practicing self-appreciation.
The easiest way is to just stop whatever you're doing, and feel whatever
you're feeling. Appreciate that feeling, whatever it is. Feel the energy in the
feeling. Lose the labels.
The other half is when you appreciate her. Not put her up on a pedestal, or
assume she's some perfect angel from heaven. Just check her out, and
appreciate her, however she is.
Even if you never approach, this will significantly improve your confidence
and decrease your anxiety.
You'll also have a lot more success when you approach with this attitude.
Girls will literally light up like a Christmas tree when you walk up to them.
Try this next time you’re out in the field. Don't worry about approaching.
Just go where they are plenty of girls. Release any doubts or judgments
about you or her.
See her. Appreciate her. Smile at her and let her know.
You'll be amazed.
How to Be an Alpha Male
There's lots of confusion about what an Alpha Male is.
The tallest guy, the richest guy, the guy with the flashiest bling.
These are all "externals." Sure, when you're talking about cavemen, or
animals, externals are pretty important.
But in modern life, when most guys get rich with their brains rather than
their brawn, it's all about inner game.
Let's get down to brass tacks. It's ALWAYS about the money.
She's either attracted to you because you've GOT money, which means her
attraction is superficial and she’ll only stick around so long as they cash is
You'll actually get a lot more REAL action if you can exhibit the second
See, Mother Nature knows humans are pretty dim witted, and we've all got
some serious ADHD at some level.
If she required that we consciously run our lives, we would have died out
long ago.
Just like when that big-boobed hottie comes walking in, you've got NO
CHOICE but to feel attraction, when you demonstrate the personality of
somebody who can ACQUIRE RESOURCES, she'll have NO CHOICE but
to be attracted to you.
In short, when you behave like an alpha, she'll get that funny feeling in her
That's the one quality of alpha humans that have stood the test of time
throughout history.
Whoever controls the frame, controls the outcome. This is the singular most
important thing for getting wealth, whatever that has meant throughout
Seashells, bags of salt, or whatever else folks used for trade, if you could
control the frame, you could acquire wealth.
All you need to do is control the frame, and she'll follow you to the ends of
the earth.
Cold Water or Vacations?
Most of us talk in metaphors quite often, without really knowing it
For example, how would you describe that initial bit of awkwardness when
first talking to a cute girl? Or that feeling of anxiety when going out for a
night of number closes?
It ALWAYS feels like a shock to the system, but you usually get used to it.
The quicker you "get it over with" the sooner you'll enjoy the "water."
Maybe. But have you ever been to the beach, and decided against going in
the water because you didn't want to experience that "shock"? Maybe you
told yourself you were content to sit on the sand, enjoying the sun?
Many guys do the same thing when going out. Hit plenty of bars and clubs,
but never approach.
Now, I'm not saying that all you've got to do is change your metaphor, and
approaching will suddenly become easy. But it might help.
Consider this. When approaching any person, guy or girl, for the first time,
there's going to be a bit of "acclimation."
Think about going on vacation somewhere. A place where they drive on the
opposite side of the road.
Of course, the first couple days you're going to have to get used to it. It
won't feel natural. It might even feel a bit uncomfortable. But it will also be
pretty fun.
Probably not. But there are plenty of people who go to the beach and never
go in the water.
Try thinking of talking to girls like going on vacation. The first couple of
minutes are like getting to know the lay of the land, the driving and
communication system.
Not a shock, like jumping in a pool of cold water, but a simple acclimation
system that you can learn as easily as driving on the other side of the road.
And the sooner you learn her system, the sooner you'll be able to enjoy
what she's got to offer.
The Hypothetical Qualifying Opener
Say you see a girl across the room. You'd love to go over and game her, but
for some reason, you can't think of a reason to start the conversation.
Like if you think she's cute, say she's the most gorgeous woman you've ever
If she's got a nice dress on, tell her it reminds you of a fresh day in spring
when everybody has a new beginning. (Totally lame, I know...)
This puts it in the hypothetical. You're not really saying it. But in order to
imagine what it would be like if you did say it, she'd have to imagine you
saying it. Even though you're not saying it.
Get it?
It not only creates confusion, but it's kind of an implied "take away." Like
you're thinking about complimenting her, and you aren't sure if you want to
For example:
What if I were to tell you that you are the most gorgeous girl in the bar?
Now, it's important not to say this with a desperate look on your face hoping
she'll reward you for your genius and wit.
DON'T say this like it's some ultra-cute pickup line that is supposed to
make her fall in love with you.
In actuality, it's a test. A test of her personality, her imagination, and her
ability to "play along."
Say it as if you really aren't sure if you want to say it or not. You're still
deciding if you'd like to give her an honest compliment.
If she is slightly taken aback, embarrassed, and doesn't know what to say
WHILE showing slightly open body language, you're in.
However, if she is put off, thinks you're weird, or closes off her body
language, you're out.
Remember, you are the qualifier, and this is a fun way to "test" her.
Quick Confidence Booster
The more confidence you've got, the better you feel, right?
Next time you're out and about, try flirting with your eyes.
Make eye contact with some cutie, and while you're holding eye contact,
make it obvious, through your facial expressions that you'd happily bang
that crap out of her.
And do it playfully. (You're not trying to make her run away screaming!)
Just smile to yourself, and think something like "Wow, you're hot, I'd love
to push your button over and over!"
Don't linger too long, don't expect any kind of feedback. Just give her a
quick, couple second, hit and run.
Now, I'm sure you've done this before, but it's likely happened
What I'm suggesting is that you go out, and specifically and consciously do
this on three or four girls.
If you need help "warming up," practice on girls who aren't actually making
eye contact.
It's also helpful if you do this with girls that are walking in the opposite
direction you are, so it's clear to both you and her that you aren't actually
going to stop and pick her up.
Just smile, let her know with your face that you find her delicious, and just
keep on walking.
Next time you're talking to a girl you like, try clearing your mind.
Forget about trying to get her number, or get into her pants, or whatever.
Let it go wherever it goes. If you run out of stuff to say? Don't worry.
This may feel a little bit uncomfortable at first, but as I'm sure you're aware,
this is the secret of naturals.
They just say whatever comes to their mind, and roll with it.
In fact, if you recall the last few times you had a really successful
interaction, you were likely very much "in the moment."
When you give somebody a positive and socially desirable label, they will
go to great lengths to keep it.
Especially if you get their "buy-in" when you first describe them in such a
One way to introduce this into a conversation is to talk about other people
in the opposite way.
You'd like to get her to admit that she is kind, and she gives people the
benefit of the doubt.
So you spot somebody across the bar. You say they remind you of
somebody you used to know.
That "somebody you used to know" wasn't very kind, and she was very
judgmental. That's why you broke off your friendship.
The girl you're talking to will readily admit that the opposite of that (not
kind and judgmental), is much more preferable.
Then ask her about herself. Don't ask her directly, she'll feel put on the spot.
Say something like this:
"What about your friends? Would they say you're kind hearted and ready to
give people the benefit of the doubt?"
Now, she won't usually say, "Why, yes! Of course!"
Later on in the conversation, give her the opportunity to PROVE that she's
"like that."
Obviously, don't SAY "Hey, you need to prove to me that you are kind by
giving me your number!"
Just say you've got to get going, and she seems like a nice person. Why
doesn't she give you her number so you can hang out later?
Change the Voice in Your Head
Everybody's got voices in their heads, not just crazy people.
For most of us, those voices are just below our conscious awareness. We
don't really "hear" them, like on TV or the movies.
Only through growing up, do we learn that some things are "scary" and we
need to "be careful."
A lot of times, the reasons for these fears are really imaginary, only there
not in our heads, there in the heads of our parents or other adults.
Think about this. You're a parent, you've got an eight year old kid. He's
going out to play. The kid has no fears at all. The parent, on the other hand,
has all kinds of imaginary fears of what might happen to his or her little
So what does the parent say? Remember, the parent is trying to reduce their
own fear.
"Watch out, some drivers like running over little kids!"
"Don't talk to strangers, they'll take you away and hurt you!"
The point of this is to scare the kid so much, the parent can see it, and
thereby reduce his or her own fear.
Of course, here you are, years later, and those voices are still there.
The situation is the same, especially when going somewhere where there're
a lot of cute girls.
That little, adventurous kid in you wants to go exploring. Make new friends,
have fun, adult style.
Force yourself to hear a new voice, a better voice, a more supportive voice.
With enough practice, it will drown out that old voice, and become
Then you'll be able to approach with abandon, number closing every girl in
the place.
How to Increase Confidence
Talking to girls with tons of confidence is the easiest way to increase your
If all you've got is confidence, and a strong set of criteria in the kind of girl
you want, you really don't need much else.
She'll sense that you are confident, and she'll also sense that she is being
qualified, which is enough to turn any woman on. Especially if she's hot,
and she's used to guys coming up to her and doing everything possible to
get into her pants.
Make it a point to compliment at least one woman per day. You're NOT
trying to get her name, and you're certainly NOT trying to get her number.
Just see a cute girl, find out something about her that you genuinely like,
and then go up and tell her.
Don't drag the conversation on and on. This is purely a hit and run exercise.
Say she's wearing a cool watch. Walk up to her and say something like this:
"Hey, I don't mean to interrupt you, I just wanted to tell you that I like
you're watch. It's cool."
Let her say whatever she is going to say. You don't care.
Just compliment her, allow her to respond, and then POLITELY walk away.
It's CRUCIAL that you NOT hang around and hope for some miracle to
The more you do this, the more you'll be building up a subconscious belief
that "I Make Women Feel Good."
They come from what happened to you a long, long time ago.
See, most girls LOVE being approached by guys, even if they aren't
particularly attracted to the guy in question.
Girls are extremely competitive. They're all sitting there, with their friends.
Some guy approaches them, and everybody else wonders why.
That gives the girl that gets approached an incredible amount of social
Every other girl in the joint is thinking "what's SHE got?" and is
INSANELY jealous.
Even if ALL the girls think the guy who approached is a total CHUMP,
they'll still be INSANELY jealous.
She'll be pleased as punch that somebody looked at HER, among all the
other ladies around, and walked up and tried to pick her up.
This requires that you do it honestly, and not use some kind of
underhanded, manipulative technique.
Like if you walk up and say, "Hey baby, I lost my puppy, I think he ran into
that motel room, can you help me look for him?"
"Hey, I think you're cute and I wanted to talk to you. My name's Fred."
Imagine that EVERY SINGLE GIRL that you approach is going to feel
better because of it.
Because of YOU.
Inner Game Secrets
Forget outer game, it's all about inner game.
When you've got strong inner game, outer game will take care of itself.
Strong inner game is such a delicious cake that you don't even need icing.
Instead of judging yourself how you perform, and what people think of you,
consider yourself based on how YOU think of you.
After all, people will generally treat you like you treat yourself.
If you don't like yourself very much, most other people won't either, even if
you've masterful OUTER game.
But if you really honestly like and respect yourself, no matter what, other
people will like you too, no matter what.
Because when you meet somebody for the first time, when you approach a
girl, they have no idea how to treat you. So they subconsciously use your
treatment of yourself as a guide.
If you honestly like, accept and appreciate yourself, you'll never have any
problems getting all the girls you want.
If you're using any kind of patterns, are you afraid of getting caught?
Why is it a misconception? Because girls love sex. Granted, they're not like
guys, who can pretty much bone anything with a pulse and be satisfied.
Between the ages of 0 and 2, we were all encouraged by pretty much every
adult in the world (at least our world) to get up, walk and talk. Every time
we did that, it was the greatest thing for everybody.
But then when once we became mobile, suddenly we weren't such bundles
of happy-happy joy. We were little terrors, getting into stuff that we
shouldn't get into, running away when we shouldn't, and screaming when
we should be quiet.
Of course, nobody told us the rules suddenly changed. How the heck were
we supposed to know?
All of a sudden, all those adults were screaming at us and getting angry at
us for things that only a few days ago were causing such happy-happy joy.
Naturally, you lay down this kind of mental programming in a two year old,
it's gonna cause some problems.
So later in life, when we see something that we really, really want, part of
us wants to go over there and talk to her, but another part of us has this deep
fear that we're going to "get in trouble" if we do.
The takeaway is that those fears aren't coming from that girl. She's not
going to yell at her for trying to get into her pants.
She WANTS you to be the RIGHT GUY that will get into those panties,
again and again and again.
It's those leftover voices from childhood that are causing all that fear.
Next time you're out in the field, just tell those old voices to shut the hell
So guys will come up with stories, angles, covers, so they have a "reason,"
or an "excuse" to go and talk to her.
Sure, you need content to talk about. If you just walked up, said she was hot
and asked her back to your place, she might feel offended.
But this isn't because sex is offensive. This is because no girl wants to be
treated solely as a "sex object."
One of the worst things you can do to a woman is to "discard" her after
you've slept with her.
So when you talk to her, she's got to be convinced that there really are
things that you like about her besides sexual attraction, so there will be less
risk of you sneaking out the window when the deed is done.
However, she knows as well as you do, on a deep level, that sex is the
primary reason men and women get together.
In fact, you might want to say this overtly. Just don't say it directly TO her.
Get her talking about relationships, bad ones, good ones, and then spring
the above "idea" as your idea of a pretty good relationship.
This is very important, and will have HUGE impact on how "successful"
you'll be. Now, most guys don't take the time to even consider this. They
see a cute girl, grab their balls, and make a move.
If you're doing this, you're already LIGHT YEARS ahead of most guys who
are content to sit on the sidelines, but it could be much, much better.
Set the frame BEFORE you begin your approach. This takes some practice,
but it's powerful. Instead of automatically imagining the BEST possible
outcome, and simultaneously the WORST possible outcome, try and keep
those fantasies temporarily at bay.
FORCE your conscious mind to take over. Don't let your brain get hijacked
by ancient programming.
Try these:
(Remember, Frame = meaning of the upcoming conversation)
When you set the frame based on curiosity, you're only going over there to
find something out.
You're not trying to "get her number," or "create attraction," or any other
outcome that MAY OR MAY NOT occur.
You're just curious. And when you're curious, ANYTHING that happens
can help you learn more.
Get Her Hanging on Every Word
Wanna walk up to a girl and have her rapt attention?
Seems to be harder than ever these days when people can't go ten seconds
without staring at their phones for fear of having a seizure...
You just gotta up your game a little bit. The trick is three fold.
Step One
You've gotta be excited. This is one of those "fake it till you make it" kind
of things. Just speak with lots of enthusiasm, varying amounts of facial
expressions and wide sweeping gestures.
The easiest way to do this is to simply talk about stuff you're excited about.
Girls are much more attracted to your structure anyhow.
Step Two
This part's easy. Put in pauses in the middle of your sentences, where they
aren't expected. Most people pause where they would put a period. It's
better to pause in the middle of a phrase, typically between the verb and the
Try this: "Yesterday (pause) I was shopping for (pause) bananas. I found
these really (pause) ripe ones."
She'll naturally pay more attention, as the pauses will kind of leave her
Step Three
Break off stories halfway through, like episodes of Breaking Bad or Lost.
Start off one story (doesn't matter what it's about) and get right up to the
climax, and then start another story. Use a simple transition phrase like "it
was like when..." or something similar.
Each one of these three will get you much further than any memorized
"content." You'll find that you can talk about anything, and she'll listen with
much more attention than more.
But if you can manage to put all three together during the course of an
opening conversation?
You WILL stand out from all the other schmoes out there.
You'll demonstrate emotion AND you'll keep her hanging on every word.
Of course, this resistance is largely imaginary, but it's still pretty big.
The reason we feel resistance is because on the one hand, we imagine that
she's this perfect princess that is possibly the best lay and potential
girlfriend a guy could want.
On the other hand, she could embarrass us in front of our friends. That
would be horrible, to say the least.
But the second idea is what throws us. Inside of that idea is the
presupposition that she's a perfectly confident, linguistically skilled
individual who can deftly handle any and all approaches.
Like she's some queen sitting up on a throne, able to pick and choose whom
she wants.
The more you think about that idea, the more you can realize how
preposterous it is.
What's more likely is that when you start to approach, she's likely just as
nervous as you. What if you say something that doesn't know how to
respond to?
What if you start talking to her and decide you're not interested in her?
All of these fears are running through her head, just as strongly as your
fears are running through yours.
That you two will hit it off, have wonderful sex that can turn into a fantastic
Your job is to be kind, take control of the conversation, and make it easy on
her to see how possible that really is.
You're not trying to pass her tests. You're trying to help her pass yours.
Improve Your Game
I was watching the movie, "Man on Fire," the other night with Denzel
(I mean Denzel was in the movie. I didn’t go to the movies with my pal
Denzel, lol).
There was a scene where he was coaching the little girl for her upcoming
swimming competition.
He said training is important, because people don't rise to their highest level
of performance; they rise to their highest level of training. Especially in a
situation that suddenly falls in your lap.
Most guys figure they'll come up with "something" when they see the
perfect lady. They'll suddenly dig deep and say the perfect line, or come up
with a burst of self-confidence that they don't usually have.
It works like this. You see a girl. You'd like to bang the crap out of her. In
order to do that, you've got to go and talk to her first.
But most guys don't like to admit their afraid, even to themselves.
As Denzel's character said, when push comes to shove, we'll only rise as
high as our level of training.
That girl across the bar? The one you're "afraid" to go and talk to?
What is she?
Get to it.
Sprinkle Your Seduction with Quotes
A powerful way to turbo charge any opening phase of seduction is with
This is when you quote somebody else, talking to somebody else, but when
you quote them, you are looking at the girl and actually saying it to her at
the same time.
This works for a couple of reasons. One is that she won't really know if it's
you saying it to her, or somebody in your story saying it somebody else.
Two is that it will "test" her reaction to you. If she smiles and her eyes
brighten up, you're on the right track.
"I was out with my friend the other night, and he just stopped and stared at
this girl with this huge grin on his face. Then he just said, "You have
beautiful eyes!""
Now, when you say that, look at the girl and say it like you were saying it
directly to her.
Now, some people will say you only need to do this once or twice, and that
you need to use command language, but that's not really true.
In reality, the more of these "quote statements" you use, the better. Just
think of a bunch of things you'd like to say to a girl, but if you said them
directly she would know right away you were just saying them to get into
her pants.
Things like:
Obviously these are blatant compliments and on their own, they won't work
But, if you sprinkle them throughout the conversation using the quotes
pattern, you'll find that are incredible to jack-up her attraction.
Irresistible Sexual Power
Wanna quick boost to your confidence, making it easier than ever to
approach girls, so you can sort through them and find the ones that would
love to spin your propeller?
Since avoiding bad situations is one our prime directives, our brains will
come up with a "worst case scenario," so we'll be able to respond in case
something bad happens.
Trouble is, this factory programming was designed for cavemen living in
the jungle. Not a modern society where things are pretty safe.
Back in the day, those "worst case scenarios," like getting eaten by tigers, or
getting beaten up by a couple of thugs from a rival tribe, was actually pretty
But unless you recognize this, and take conscious steps to change your
programming, your brain will ALWAYS revert to its factory programming.
Everything from that time you opened that girl in second grade to the last
physical encounter you had.
This may take a while, so give yourself time. Don’t rush the process.
Once you have arrived at your present state, journal every single night, for
at least a few minutes.
Just write down whatever POSITIVE things you did that day with regards
to women. Anything from successful openings, to eye contact, to anything.
This may take some time, but it's very powerful. What you'll be doing is
building up a solid, REAL, set of memories (tons of memories) of success
with women.
So pretty soon, when you see a hottie, you won't think ONLY of fear, you'll
also think of potential sexual conquest.
And as I'm sure you know, continuous sexual conquest is another one of our
prime directives.
In fact, once that imaginary fear is out of the way, the ever present desire
for SEXUAL CONQUEST will start to color everything you do.
This will lead to more lays, more girlfriends, and yes, more money.
Once you conquer your fear, and let your natural sexual drive take over,
there's nothing you won't be able to do.
The Easy Mindset of a Seducer
The simple thoughts that you carry around with you have a profound
Consider walking up to a hot girl. One that's got a perfect body, a perfect
face, and a nice smile.
What are you thinking as you walk up? What are the "flavor" of your
If you are like most guys, you're thinking along the lines of "hope."
I hope I do OK.
These don't inspire much confidence. Why? Because you are relying on
things outside of your mind in order to be successful.
Instead, try switching out any "hope" thoughts with "I wonder" thoughts.
Naturally, it will take some time before this thinking is automatic. Luckily,
you can easily practice. Just spend at least ten minutes a day, wherever you
are, watching people.
Just wonder.
Then, once she says something (anything) that reminds you of your story,
you're ready to roll.
You might need to practice telling your story beforehand. The more
smoothly you deliver it, the better it will work.
Do it like this:
Start off with all kinds of emotions, vocal tension, build up, etc. Make sure
to use lots of quotes, e.g. when some people in your story said something to
other people in your story.
Whenever possible, use quotes that have a "double meaning," meaning that
they apply to the people in the story, as well as you and the girl you're
talking to.
The great news is that you don't need to use any of those "seduction"
patterns like "below me," or any of that other nonsense.
All you've got to do is create as many statements as you can, that make
sense in both realities.
Your reality, (you talking to the girl) and the story reality (one character
talking to another).
Every time you throw out one of these statements, her mind will "fade" a
little bit, and she'll naturally soak up all of those ranges of emotions you're
going through.
And when a girl goes through a range of emotions when talking to a guy,
for ANY reason, it spells massive attraction.
Get Her Fired Up With Stories
Telling stories is a great way to get girls attracted to you. You can do this
one on one, or in a group. If you can pull this off in a group (much easier
than you think) you'll generate TONS of social proof, and the girls will
literally be fighting over you.
First you'll need to come up with some personal stories, either stuff that
happened to you, or stuff that happened to a close friend of yours.
The content, the stuff that actually happened, isn't that important. Forget
about coming up with near death skydiving experiences or undersea
treasure hunting adventures.
The trick is to simply feel and express the emotions of the story. The
content will become irrelevant.
For example, you can tell a story of how you fell asleep when you were a
kid and missed your bus stop on the way home from third grade. Now, on
the surface this sounds pretty lame.
"Once, when I was a kid, I fell asleep on the bus and missed my stop. I was
pretty scared."
If you say this with a tone of voice and body language that expects a pat on
the head, you're going to go down in flames.
But consider telling it the dramatic event that it was. Something like this:
"Oh, DUDE! That reminds me when I was a kid. I had this absolutely
HORRIFYING experience! I mean, today, it sounds funny, but back then,
when it happened, I was frikking TERRIFIED!"
Make sure you speak slowly, with lots of variations in voice tone, wide
eyes, and really, really remember the emotions.
The reason this works so well is girls are drawn to guys that feel passion
about life. This doesn't mean that you need to do things that belong in
action movies.
See, when she sees that you are passionate about the stuff that bores most
other people, her subconscious will suspect that you'll be passionate about
HER, since most girls think they are average, at best.
Not just a polite smile, a "come on over and talk to me" smile.
One way to think about humans is a HUGE equalizer. The kind on a stereo
that controls all the different frequencies.
Some knobs are genetically programmed. Some are set by our experience.
Some can be changed, some can't.
But something funny happens when that hot girl smiles at you.
Think about it. If men required to really, really get to know a girl before
having sex with her, we would have died out with the Neanderthals.
But here we are.
How many are required for attraction? Maybe ten. The rest aren't important.
But what happens when a guy sees a girl who's got the right ten knobs in
the right ten places?
We pretty much assume that the other 990 are right where we want them.
We hallucinate them.
So, that girl we see across the bar, the hot one who's smiling at us, she's
about .5% reality, and 99.5% fantasy.
Now, we may get lucky, and there might be enough overlapping knobs to
form a relationship, but that will take a good while to figure out.
So if you walk over, and "she" rejects you, who's really rejecting whom?
After all, most of what you think about her is really part of your
Stop assuming that those knobs are just where you'd like them to be. Stop
assuming that just because she's hot, and smiling at you, that she's somehow
"girlfriend material."
She might be some psycho who practices witchcraft and cannibalism and
just escaped from prison.
Instead of seeing that approach as you trying to appease the princess
goddess, think of it as a fact finding mission.
To determine whether or not she's a psycho. Have a little fun with it.
"Hey, you're really cute. But you kind of remind me of an ex of mine who
turned out to be a real nutjob. I would wake up in the middle of the night
and she was prancing around the bedroom with a couple of steak knives
and a crazy gleam I her eye. How do I know you're not a complete psycho?"
If it's that all important first conversation, you're usually anxious, worried,
Naturally, this will come across not only how you present your
communication, but the actual things you say.
It might lead to hesitation, less outgoing behavior, and even "nice guy"
behavior. Meaning that you'll say things not to increase attraction, but to
decrease possible rejection.
But as I'm sure you're aware, when you start doing things just to keep from
getting rejected, this usually ends up with you in the "friend zone."
Screw that!
While you're approaching her, and while you're talking to her, force
yourself to think of that last time you had sex.
If you've never had sex, imagine the last time you kissed a girl. Even it was
fifty years ago. Or imagine having a harem in your previous life.
Most guys, when talking to girls, feel this to some extent. If you don't do
anything consciously to change this, your "fight or flight" mechanism will
take over.
The objective here is to get your brain automatically thinking of the good
things that may happen when seeing a cute girl, rather than the bad things
that may happen.
And when you're thinking of good things while talking to a girl, you'll be a
lot more confident, and a lot more attractive.
She Hopes You Succeed
When you approach that girl, you might be nervous.
You might get "rejected," and have to walk back to your boys and explain
why you didn't get her number.
Consider this.
Guys are first attracted to girls based primarily on their looks, while girls
are first attracted by guys primarily on their personality.
So when you see a girl from across the room, you're ALREADY attracted
to her.
But when she sees you? She's not sure. You may pass her "minimum
qualifications" in the looks department, but that's not nearly enough for
most girls.
She'll only feel attraction AFTER you speak with her for a few minutes.
NOT before.
So, when you start your approach, and she sees you walking over, what do
you think she's thinking?
Imagine this for a minute. You're sitting there, at Starbucks, minding your
own business. Suddenly you get a whiff of perfume, and feel some feminine
hands start giving you a back rub.
Then you hear a voice say, "Hey handsome, I've been dying to meet you..."
The perfume smells nice. The hands feel nice. The voice is definitely nice.
But you haven't seen her.
Uh, no.
That's EXACTLY what she's thinking when you're making your approach.
See, unless you've got six arms, haven't taken a shower in six months, and
are wearing your soiled bed sheets for clothes, chances are pretty high that
you meet her minimum looks requirements.
If you've exchanged eye contact and a smile, I can GUARANTEE that you
meet her looks requirements.
Don't get me wrong, if you've five or six good openers that are well
polished, you'll do better than most guys.
Let's face it. Hot girls are hit on all day long. On top of that, guys are
staring at them all day long, so they always feel the sex crazed stares of
pretty much every guy around.
And what are most guys thinking? "Damn, I'd like to tap THAT!"
Not just interested in how long she'll last in the sack, but in her personality.
See, most girls won't feel comfortable banging you unless she feels
comfortable, really comfortable, talking to you.
But asking honest questions, about her, fueled by your honest curiosity?
This will open doors, legs, and everything else.
Just like everything else, if you want to get good at something, you've gotta
Then just wonder things about them. Pick one girl to focus on.
Just get yourself wondering about her. Don't try and answer.
Sort of.
See, nice guys aren't really nice guys. They're "scared" guys.
But "nice" really means, "overly safe." Why are these guys repulsive to
They want a guy who isn't afraid of society. They want a guy that can hold
his own. Some guy that can't even express themselves honestly to her
already fails big time.
Now, why do jerks get so much action? Because they don't hold back. They
don't base their communication and expression based on what other people
might think.
They are afraid of a certain reaction, most likely rejection, and believe it or
not, they use the same strategy as the nice guy.
Nice guys are afraid of rejection, so they say "nice things" that won't get
Jerks are also afraid of rejection, so they say "mean things" that won't get
rejected. They're really two sides of the same coin.
Both are scared little boys deep down inside. They just have different
strategies for making sure their fears are never realized.
How to escape?
To get out of this no-win dichotomy, simply refuse to let anybody reject
Big deal.
You both like different things. If she says you're an idiot for liking dogs,
and laughs at you, who's the real idiot?
Tells her it's OK. Wants to show her how patient he is. Pats himself on the
back for being so virtuous.
Jerk Reaction:
Alpha Male:
After ten minutes, leaves. Figures if she's not interested in him enough to
show up on time, she's not worth pursuing.
How do you become an alpha male? Simply express yourself, and allow
others to respond to you. Don't try and change anybody.
Just be always on the hunt for people who appreciate you for who you are.
Instead of trying to force yourself to fit into the world (nice guy) or trying
to force the world to fit with you (jerk), simply find those folks, both guys
and girls, who resonate with you.
Do You Enjoy Women?
There's an old saying:
Most guys spend their time trying to find out how women "tick," so they
can come up with advanced techniques to "game" them.
But what if, instead of trying to "game" them with some kind of intention,
you merely enjoyed them.
When talking to them, you didn't worry about the outcome, or what she was
going to say to this or that.
You just enjoyed them. You allow them to be themselves, and you felt
comfortable to be yourself.
Not the nice guy that's trying to "move her emotions," just a confident guy,
comfortable in his own skin.
See, if you have an intention, and that intention doesn't come true, you feel
let down. If you're intention is to get her number, and you don't get it, you
feel as if you've failed.
But what if you have no intention, other to enjoy speaking with her,
interacting with her, and whatever else comes?
You know this.
"Hey, I really enjoy talking to you. Give me your number so we can hook up
You say this openly and honestly after a mutually enjoyable, and enjoyed
Easy as pie.
Me neither.
Just like all guys crave sex, 24/7, all girls crave Mr. Right.
Why is she thinking this? Because when a guy looks at a girl, he knows
right away if she's hot or not.
But when girls interact with guys? They need some conversation. They're
much more dependent on things like character, self-confidence,
communication, etc. They don't have it so easy. It takes time for girls to
generate attraction.
Imagine you walk into a room, that's filled with smoke. You see a girl
across the room. She looks like she might be hot.
You get close, and her figure and face start to appear through the haze.
Nobody in their right mind would look at a vague figure and hope she's
She's thinking:
Make sense?
The Opener That Will Blow Her Away
Here's an opener that, if done correctly, will knock her right out of her
socks, even if she isn’t wearing any.
You can't come out of the blue and lay this on her.
"Hi, my name's Fred. I think you're really pretty, and I'm hoping you have a
nice personality to match. What's your name?"
If you've ever dated a hot girl that was totally psycho, then you know how
incredibly true this is.
In fact, some guys would eagerly tone down their requirements on the
physical beauty scale if they knew they were getting a girl with an honest,
kind personality.
Say this slowly, carefully, and pay close attention to how she responds. For
added "mystery," add a few pauses in key places, like after the "I think..."
and after the "I'm hoping that you..."
These will get her thinking, which will make her more receptive.
How she answers, or what she does when you stop talking, will tell you
everything you need to know.
If she smiles, tells you her name (effectively hitting the ball back in your
court) you've got yourself a pretty big fat flashing green light.
Enthusiasm refers to how "good" you feel about yourself, and are willing to
express that to others.
Level 1
Low levels of enthusiasm, and low valued content. This is the boring guy
who talks about boring stuff.
Level 2
Low levels of enthusiasm, high valued content. This is the rich doctor with
the personality of a doorknob. These are the guys that have zero game but
hot wives.
If they ever lost their jobs, their girls would be gone in a heartbeat. It's clear
to everybody but the guy that she's only into the poor sap for the money and
the social status.
Level 3
Subconsciously, they see him super and honestly enthusiastic about all the
regular things of life, and hope that he'll become that enthusiastic about her.
Simply appreciate what you have, who you are, and share that appreciation
with others.
Level 4
To women, this guy is the jackpot. But they are very rare. Most of us, even
most of the hot girls you’ve ever seen in real life, only see guys like this on
Bottom line?
The path between where you are now, and becoming that level 3 guy is as
easy as releasing your anxieties, and being happy with what you have, and
sharing that happiness with others.
Because people treat you the way you treat yourself. When you appreciate
yourself, others will as well.
Use Structure to Make Her Wet With Desire
It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
In truth, this only works sometimes. Even if it does, you've got yourself a
girl who's "attraction" is of dubious nature.
How to you create real attraction? The kind that cuts through all the
nonsense and makes her as interested in you as you are in her?
Because they are fearless, they express a huge range of emotions, and they
are enthusiastic.
It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
It doesn't matter who you are, where you are, how old you are, or what
you've accomplished in life.
Getting laid is normal. Any normal guy starts talking to any normal girl,
and pretty soon they're both thinking about jumping in the sack.
Humans are hard wired that way. That's why there're seven BILLION of us
on this huge spinning rock.
It's natural.
Of course, that'll never happen if you never walk up to her and just start
You don't really need any memorized patterns (but they'll help) or super
ninja openers (but they'll help).
Human nature will take its natural course from there. Of course, you won't
be banging every girl you say "hello" to, but you certainly won't bang ANY
girl you DON'T say hello to.
If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend you get yourself a copy of
Psycho Cybernetics.
In there, Dr. Maltz describes how imagining what you want to have happen
will make it happen.
Just spend a few minutes every day imagining that you're walking up to hot
girls and starting regular conversations. The more you imagine it, the easier
it will be.
Does this mean sex is the only thing? Not at all. But consider a guy who can
do the above. This is a guy who has conquered his fears. This is a guy with
incredible communication skills. This is a guy that can talk to people, and
get them feeling good feelings.
Once you can do that, you can do anything. Sell an idea to a bank, and get a
huge loan. Then talk to some smart guys to help make it happen. Then talk
to more investors to pile on more money.
Will this happen overnight? Of course not. Anybody that says different is
lying to you (in order to get you to buy something.)
No matter how much skill you've got, no matter what your experience is,
and no matter what your relationship status is, you can do better than you
can do now.
The real truth is that inter personal relationships, of the man-woman type,
are essential to life. So long as you're drawing breath, you should spend at
least some of your time improving these skills.
Because as these skills improve, so will every other area of your life.
This le was downloaded from Z-Library project