Class D Amplifier
Class D Amplifier
Class D Amplifier
The Class B Amplifier has the big advantage over their Class A amplifier
cousins in that no current flows through the transistors when they are in
their quiescent state (ie, with no input signal), therefore no power is
dissipated in the output transistors or transformer when there is no signal
present unlike Class A amplifier stages that require significant base bias
thereby dissipating lots of heat – even with no input signal present.
So the overall conversion efficiency ( η ) of the amplifier is greater than that
of the equivalent Class A with efficiencies reaching as high as 70% possible
resulting in nearly all modern types of push-pull amplifiers operated in this
Class B mode.
The Class B amplifier circuit above uses complimentary transistors for each
half of the waveform and while Class B amplifiers have a much high gain than
the Class A types, one of the main disadvantages of class B type push-pull
amplifiers is that they suffer from an effect known commonly as Crossover
Hopefully we remember from our tutorials about Transistors that it takes
approximately 0.7 volts (measured from base to emitter) to get a bipolar
transistor to start conducting. In a pure class B amplifier, the output
transistors are not “pre-biased” to an “ON” state of operation.
This means that the part of the output waveform which falls below this 0.7
volt window will not be reproduced accurately as the transition between the
two transistors (when they are switching over from one transistor to the
other), the transistors do not stop or start conducting exactly at the zero
crossover point even if they are specially matched pairs.
The output transistors for each half of the waveform (positive and negative)
will each have a 0.7 volt area in which they are not conducting. The result is
that both transistors are turned “OFF” at exactly the same time.
A simple way to eliminate crossover distortion in a Class B amplifier is to add
two small voltage sources to the circuit to bias both the transistors at a point
slightly above their cut-off point. This then would give us what is commonly
called an Class AB Amplifier circuit. However, it is impractical to add
additional voltage sources to the amplifier circuit so PN-junctions are used to
provide the additional bias in the form of silicon diodes.
Class AB Amplifier
The Class AB Amplifier circuit is a compromise between the Class A and the
Class B configurations. This very small diode biasing voltage causes both
transistors to slightly conduct even when no input signal is present. An input
signal waveform will cause the transistors to operate as normal in their active
region thereby eliminating any crossover distortion present in pure Class B
amplifier designs.
A small collector current will flow when there is no input signal but it is much
less than that for the Class A amplifier configuration. This means then that
the transistor will be “ON” for more than half a cycle of the waveform but
much less than a full cycle giving a conduction angle of between 180 o to
360o or 50% to 100% of the input signal depending upon the amount of
additional biasing used. The amount of diode biasing voltage present at the
base terminal of the transistor can be increased in multiples by adding
additional diodes in series.
Class B amplifiers are greatly preferred over Class A designs for high-power
applications such as audio power amplifiers and PA systems. Like the class-A
amplifier circuit, one way to greatly boost the current gain ( Ai ) of a Class B
push-pull amplifier is to use Darlington transistors pairs instead of single
transistors in its output circuitry.
In the next tutorial about amplifiers we will look more closely at the effects
of Crossover Distortion in Class B amplifier circuits and ways to reduce its