TELC MOOC Syllabus
TELC MOOC Syllabus
TELC MOOC Syllabus
Teaching English to Large Classes is an online course for English language educators who teach large classes, including
classes with students who have different English language proficiency levels. Through this five-week asynchronous
course on Teaching English to Large Classes, you will learn ways to use backward design, communicative language
teaching, and learner-centered classroom management techniques. The goal of the course is helping teachers to
increase student engagement and success in large or multi-level classes. You will gain a broader understanding of
neurodiversity, learning styles, and teaching multi-level students in English language classrooms. During the course, you
will create a course design and a portfolio with practical activities to use in your classroom.
1. Use backward design to create goals and matching assessments for your classes.
2. Identify appropriate ways to differentiate content for students with different language levels, different
learning preferences, and different ways of learning (cognitive differences).
3. Address common large and multi-level classroom management issues with practical solutions.
4. Choose and adapt activities to meet course outcomes, differentiate instruction, increase student talk time
and engagement, and lighten a heavy teaching load.
5. Select assessments that can be implemented in large classes and can be used to identify the strengths and
needs of all students, such as learner observation, interviews, role-plays, self and peer evaluations, and
group discussions/debates.
After completing an optional orientation module that introduces MOOCs, Canvas, and other details, you will begin the
five-week course. The course runs from January 29 to March 4, 2024. During the five weeks, a new module will open at
12:01 a.m. ET on Mondays. In order to complete the modules, you will work online and offline for four to five hours per
week. You need to complete each required module task prior to moving to the next module. There are also optional
activities and discussions that provide opportunities to engage with international colleagues and to reflect on how you
can use content from the course in your classroom.
The activities you will complete in this course will help you to think about and apply key concepts of teaching large and
multi-level classes. In each module, you will view instructional videos, read content pages, discuss ideas online with
your peers, and reflect on how the topics relate to your context. Throughout the course, you can apply concepts and
tools to complete optional tasks for a portfolio, the Teacher Tote. If you complete this optional assignment weekly, at
the end of the course you will have a set of materials to use in your classes. In a second optional activity, you can use a
backward design template to plan goals, assessments, and learning activities for a course. In each module there are
required quizzes to measure your understanding of the material.
© 2023 by Azusa Pacific University. Teaching English to Large Classes Syllabus for the Online
Professional English Network (OPEN), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided
by the U.S. government and administered by FHI 360. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License, except where noted. To view a copy of this license, visit
Tasks can be completed at any time before the course close date on March 4 at 11:59 p.m., ET Time, but we strongly
recommend that you complete one module per week to be sure that you finish the course on time and have time to
reflect on your learning and how you can apply the concepts and activities in your classroom.
Each module has a variety of learning and assessment activities. Some activities are required and some are optional.
Learning Activities
Assessment Activities
● Quizzes: Each module has quizzes to test your understanding of the module topic. The quizzes are
required, and you must earn at least 70% on these quizzes to pass the course. You can take quizzes
multiple times.
● Self-Assessments and Self-Checks: You will be asked to evaluate your own understanding, progress, or
performance via self-assessments and self-checks. The self-checks are usually optional.
● Discussions (OPTIONAL): Each module has one or two discussion forums where you may discuss a specific
topic or share your work. The discussion activities are ungraded and not required, but we encourage you
to actively participate and learn from other course participants.
● Backward Design Plan (OPTIONAL): You can complete a Backward Design Plan that includes goals,
learning activities, and assessments for one of your classes. We strongly encourage you to complete the
plan to apply learning from the course to your classroom.
● Teacher Tote Portfolio (OPTIONAL): You will select materials weekly to add to your portfolio of resources,
called The Teacher Tote. At the end of the five weeks, you could have 15-20 activities or resources that
you can use in your classroom. The Teacher Tote is a way to share your learning with colleagues.
Netiquette reminds us how to politely interact in online forums, like the discussions that are included in this course. It is
important to remember that polite behavior differs across cultures. Therefore, when communicating in the discussion
boards it is important to follow a set of core principles.
1. Be curious: Keep an “open mind” and try to understand ideas and perspectives that differ from your own.
2. Be clear and direct: Match your post title and content. Review your post to check if it is concise (short)
and doesn’t use words that could confuse others.
3. Be respectful and kind: Respond to colleagues’ postings or comments using encouraging and supportive
words. When you disagree, focus on ideas and not people. Offer gentle suggestions when appropriate.
4. Be mindful of your tone: Remember that readers may interpret all capital letters as shouting (e.g., NO!).
Read your post a few times before you push the “reply” button.
5. Respect privacy and copyright: If you use a quote or reference in your post, make sure that you cite it or
provide a link to it. Don’t share personal information or the work of other colleagues without their
6. No spamming: Please do not send advertisements or post about topics unrelated to this course.
Course Policies
Communicating with the Program
It is your responsibility to communicate with your instructor and the OPEN Program about questions or issues that
prevent you from participating in the course.
● If you have questions about completing assignments, you must contact your instructor through Canvas.
● If you have technical issues with the course, please visit the Technical Support page and email
[email protected].
● If you have questions related to course content, please refer to the Content Support Discussion
Module Topic Learning Objectives Resources Activities and Assignments Time Required
1 Designing a Articulate the purpose − “Welcome to Teaching English to Large Classes” Teaching English to Large Classes Orientation
Course: Backward and major projects for video prepared by APU (video transcript 1.1. View the course overview and welcome 1.1. 10 minutes
Design and the course. provided) video and message.
Supporting 1.2. Complete a pre-course diagnostic 1.2. 30 minutes
− “Cascading New Knowledge and the Teacher Tote
Learners Use “backward design” assessment.
Portfolio” video prepared by World Learning and 1.3. 10 minutes
to create goals and Getting Started
APU (video transcript provided)
matching assessments. 1.3. Read the module overview and view the
− “Module 1 Teacher Support Circle” video Module 1 Teacher Support Circle video. 1.4. (15 minutes)
prepared by APU (video transcript provided) 1.4. Review the vocabulary for the module.
1.5. View a Cascading New Knowledge and 1.5. 30 minutes
Collect three learning − “Backward Design Template” created by APU
activities that can be the Teacher Tote Portfolio video.
− “Backward Design Introduction” video prepared 1.6. (30 minutes)
Designing a Course: Backward Design and
used in the classroom to by APU (video transcript provided)
Learner-Centered Teaching
create a supportive − “Backward Design Goals and Assessments” video 1.6. 1.7. 1 hour
Participate in an optional introductory
environment and teach prepared by APU (video transcript provided) discussion.
routines. 1.8. 15 minutes
− “Student-Centered Teaching in Large Classes with 1.7. Create a backward design template.
Limited Resources” by Susan Renaud, Elizabeth 1.8. Read an article about learner-centered
teaching. 1.9. 45 minutes
Tannenbaum, and Phillip Stantial (English
Teaching Forum, 2007) 1.9. Complete a quiz on designing a course.
Supporting Learners in the Classroom 1.10. 15 minutes
− Student-Centered Teaching in Large Classes with
1.10. View videos and read about ways to
Limited Resources Summary prepared by APU
support learners in large and multi-level 1.11. 30 minutes
− Student-Centered Teaching in Large Classes with classrooms (Part 1).
Limited Resources Graphic Organizer prepared by 1.11. View videos and read about ways to 1.12. 30 minutes
APU support learners in large and multi-level
classrooms (Part 2). 1.13. (30 minutes)
− “Learning Lives and Building Community” video
prepared by APU (video transcript provided) 1.12. Complete a quiz on supporting learners in
the classroom. 1.14. 5 minutes
− “Student Engagement” by American English Reflect and Apply
(video transcript provided) 1.13. Select at least three items from Module 1
− “Establishing Classroom Guidelines” video to place in your Teacher Tote and share
prepared by APU (video transcript provided)
Module Topic Learning Objectives Resources Activities and Assignments Time Required
− “Routine: Warm-Up Activities” video prepared by the selected items in an optional Teacher
APU (video transcript provided) Tote discussion.
1.14. Complete the module checklist.
− “Routine: “Do Now” Activities” video prepared by
APU (video transcript provided)
− “Teacher Tote Template” created by APU
2 Differentiated Identify appropriate ways − “Module 2 Teacher Support Circle” video Getting Started
Instruction: to differentiate content prepared by APU (video transcript provided) 2.1. Read the module overview and view the
Understanding Module 2 Teacher Support Circle video. 2.1. 20 minutes
for students with varied − “Introduction to Needs Analysis” video prepared
How Students’ by APU (video transcript provided) 2.2. Review the vocabulary for the module.
language levels, different 2.2. (15 minutes)
Diverse Strengths 2.3. Participate in an optional warm-up
and Needs Can learning styles and − “American English Sample Questionnaire” created discussion about differentiating for large
Affect Learning preferences, and by American English multi-level classes. 2.3. (30 minutes)
cognitive differences. − “Learning Styles Questionnaire” created by You Needs Analysis
2.4. 30 minutes
for Youth 2.4. View a video and read an overview of
− “Multi-Level Speaking and Writing Activities” needs analysis. 2.5. 45 minutes
Adapt three activities to
video prepared by APU (video transcript Multi-Level Classes
differentiate instruction provided) 2.5. View videos and read about managing 2.6. 15 minutes
in a large multi-level
− “Multi-Level Speaking and Grammar Activities” multi-level classes.
classroom in their 2.6. Complete a quiz on needs analysis and 2.7. 1 hour
video prepared by APU (video transcript
context. provided) managing multilevel classes.
2.8. 30 minutes
− “Multi-Level Vocabulary Activities” video Learner Differences
prepared by APU (video transcript provided) 2.7. View videos and read about learner
2.9. 15 minutes
− “Multi-Level Reading Activities” video prepared
2.8. View videos and read about ways to
by APU (video transcript provided) 2.10. (30 minutes)
differentiate in large classes.
− “Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, & Dyspraxia” video 2.9. Complete a quiz on learner differences.
prepared by APU (video transcript provided) 2.11. 5 minutes
Reflect and Apply
− “Activate Games for Learning American English: 2.10. Select three items from the module to
Board Games” by American English include in your Teacher Tote and share
− “Visual Notetaking” by American English the items in an optional Teacher Tote
Sharing discussion.
− “Brain Break Station Activities” video prepared by
2.11. Complete the module checklist.
American English (video transcript provided)
Module Topic Learning Objectives Resources Activities and Assignments Time Required
− “Vocabulary Choice Board” by Azusa Pacific
− “Teaching Self-Regulation Strategies to Language
Learners” by American English
3 Classroom Use a variety of grouping − “Using Groups to Manage Large Classes Teacher Getting Started
Management strategies for increased Support Circle” video prepared by APU (video 3.1. Read the module overview and view the
Tools and transcript provided) Module 3 Teacher Support Circle video. 3.1. 10 minutes
engagement of all
Techniques: − “Long-Term Groups” video prepared by APU 3.2. Review the vocabulary for the module.
students. 3.2. (15 minutes)
Strategies for (video transcript provided) 3.3. Participate in an optional warm-up
Organizing and discussion on managing large classes.
Managing Large − “Putting Students in Groups” by Azusa Pacific 3.3. (30 minutes)
Solve common large class University Classroom Management Principles and Practices
Classes 3.4. View videos and read about organizing
management problems. 3.4. 30 minutes
− “Responsibilities and Roles for Students” video the class for effective learning.
prepared by APU (video transcript provided) 3.5. View a video and read about building 3.5. 30 minutes
− “Language for Group Roles” by Azusa Pacific management into lesson plans.
University 3.6. View videos and read about giving 3.6. 30 minutes
instructions effectively.
− “Build Management into Lesson Planning” video
3.7. Complete a quiz on classroom 3.7. 15 minutes
prepared by APU (video transcript provided)
− “Modeling an Activity” video prepared by APU
Reflect and Apply 3.8. (30 minutes)
(video transcript provided)
3.8. Select three items from the module to
− “Using Signals” video prepared by APU (video include in your Teacher Tote and share 3.9. 5 minutes
transcript provided) the items in an optional Teacher Tote
Sharing discussion.
3.9. Complete the module checklist.
4 Choosing Choose and adapt − “Creating Practical Activities for Large Classes
Getting Started
Activities that activities that allow them Teacher Support Circle” video prepared by APU 4.1. Read the module overview and view the
Work with Large to meet course (video transcript provided) Module 4 Teacher Support Circle video. 4.1. 20 minutes
Classes 4.2. Review the vocabulary for the module.
outcomes, differentiate − “Hand TPR” video prepared by APU (video 4.2. (15 minutes)
4.3. Participate in an optional warm-up
instruction, and make a transcript provided)
discussion about favorite classroom
− “Using Jazz Chants” video prepared by APU (video activities. 4.3. (30 minutes)
transcript provided)
Module Topic Learning Objectives Resources Activities and Assignments Time Required
heavy teaching load − “Round-Robin Writing” video prepared by APU Classroom Activities 4.4. 20 minutes
easier. (video transcript provided) 4.4. Read about guiding principles for
selecting activities that work. 4.5. 20 minutes
− “Listening Grids” video prepared by APU (video
transcript provided) 4.5. View videos and read about classroom
Choose and adapt activities that work with no movement. 4.6. 20 minutes
activities that increase − Language for Discussions by APU 4.6. View videos and read about classroom
activities that work with minimal 4.7. 20 minutes
student talk time and − “Board Games” video prepared by APU (video
engagement through transcript provided) movement.
4.7. View videos and read about classroom 4.8. 20 minutes
group or pair work. − “Question Charts and Logic Puzzles” video
activities that work with some
prepared by APU (video transcript provided) 4.9. 20 minutes
− “Asking Good Questions” by APU
4.8. View videos and read about project-
− “A Few Years Later” by APU based learning. 4.10. (30 minutes)
4.9. Complete a quiz on classroom activities.
− “Building Intercultural Competence through 4.11. 5 minutes
Project-Based Learning” video prepared by Reflect and Apply
American English (video transcript provided) 4.10. Select three items from the module to
include in your Teacher Tote and share
− “American Teens Talk” by American English the items in an optional Teacher Tote
Sharing discussion.
4.11. Complete the module checklist.
5 Assessing Large Create appropriate − “Assessing Students in Large Classes Teacher Getting Started
Classes and Support Circle” video prepared by APU (video 5.1. View module overview and Teacher 5.1. 20 minutes
assessments to meet
Wrapping Up transcript provided) Support Circle video.
objectives in large 5.2. (15 minutes)
− “Diagnostic Assessment” by American English 5.2. Review the vocabulary for the module.
5.3. Participate in an optional warm-up
− “KWL Chart” by APU 5.3. (30 minutes)
discussion: biggest challenges in
− “Formative Assessment, Part 2 Using Data” by assessment.
Use assessment 5.4. 10 minutes
American English
techniques (such as Assessment Types and Techniques
− “Bring Your Own Device” by American English 5.4. Read an introduction to assessment. 5.5. 40 minutes
observations, interviews,
5.5. View videos and read about formative
role-plays, self and peer − “Formative Assessment and the ‘Question Parking
Lot’” video prepared by American English (video assessment including in-class assessment, 5.6. 40 minutes
evaluations, and group self-assessment, and peer assessment,
transcript provided)
discussions or debates) and classroom assessment techniques, 5.7. 30 minutes
that can be successfully − “Visual Notetaking” by American English Part 1.
Module Topic Learning Objectives Resources Activities and Assignments Time Required
implemented in a large − “Graphing Activity: Student Survey” by Caroline T. 5.6. View videos and read about formative 5.8. 15 minutes
class. Linse (English Teaching Forum) assessment including in-class assessment,
self-assessment, and peer assessment, 5.9. 1 hour
− “Managing Group Work in Cooperative and classroom assessment techniques,
Classrooms” video prepared by American English Part 2. 5.10. 5 minutes
(video transcript provided) 5.7. View videos and read about summative
− “Group Progress Charts for Young Learners” by assessment including quizzes, tests, and 5.11. 5 minutes
Malka N. Wickramashinghe (English Teaching alternative assessments.
Forum) 5.8. Complete a quiz on assessment. 5.12. 30 minutes
− “’I Can’ Checklist: Environmental Podcast Project Reflect and Apply
Example” by American English 5.9. Select three items from the module to 5.13. 20 minutes
include in your Teacher Tote and share
− “End-of-Unit Self-Assessment Chart” prepared by
the Teacher Tote in an optional Teacher 5.14. 30 minutes
Tote Sharing discussion.
− “Peer Review Form Sample” by APU 5.10. Complete the module checklist.
− “Drama in the ELT Classroom - Cold Reading” Finishing and Farewell
video prepared by APU (video transcript 5.11. View a
provided) 5.12. Complete the post-course assessment.
− “Peer and Self-Assessment through Drama” video Certificates, Badge, and Final Survey
prepared by APU (video transcript provided) 5.13. Read about how to use the badge and
print your certificate.
− “Question-centered Assessment” video prepared 5.14. Complete the post-course survey.
by APU (video transcript provided)
− “Student-Generated Questions” video prepared
by APU (video transcript provided)
− “Farewell and Best Wishes” video prepared by
APU (video transcript provided)
− Mingle Bingo by Suzan Arrer and Aliya Saduovna Zholdabayeva (English Teaching Forum, 2020)
− Opening and Closing Routines for Multi Level Classes by American English
− Routines to Support Effective Classroom Management & Planning by American English
− Motivating Your Students with Rules, Routines, and Rewards by American English
Module 2: Differentiated Instruction: Understanding How Students’ Diverse Strengths and Needs Can Affect Learning
− Effective Strategies for Teaching Large Classes by American English
− Adapting Your Materials for Use in Mixed Ability Classrooms by American English
− Creating and Adapting Materials for a Multilevel Class by American English
− Accommodating Learning disabilities in the English Language Classroom by Jimalee Sowell and Larry Sugisaki (English Teaching Forum, 2021)
− Individual Learner Differences by American English
Module 3: Classroom Management Tools and Techniques: Strategies for Organizing and Managing Large Classes
− Strategies for Managing Large Classes by American English
− Planning for and Managing Small Group Instruction by American English
− Minimizing the chaos through cooperative classroom management by Gena Rhoades (English Teaching Forum, 2013)
Module 4: Activities that Work
− Comprehension Approach/TPR: Introduction by Diane Larsen-Freeman by Diane Larsen-Freeman
− The Children's Response: TPR and Beyond (English Teaching Forum, 2005)
− English Language Teaching Methodology: Teaching with Jazz Chants by American English
− An English Class Logic-Grid Puzzle by English Teaching Forum
− Using Question Grids to Scaffold, Monitor, and Evaluate Communicative Practice by Ruth Goode (English Teaching Forum, 2020)
− Listening and Logic by English Teaching Forum
− Turning Logic-Grid Puzzles into a Communicative Activity by Gavin Young (English Teaching Forum, 2022)
− Math: Thinking Logically by American English
Module 5: Assessing Large Classes and Wrapping Up
− AE Live 6.5: Formative Assessment Strategies for the Student Centered Classroom by American English
− Written Peer Response in L2 Writing by Nat Bartels (English Teaching Forum)
− Teaching Writing Students How to Become Competent Peer Reviewers by Robert Côté (English Teaching Forum)