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United States Patent (19) 11 3,941,680

Bryson et al. (45) Mar. 2, 1976

54 LUBE OIL HYDROTREATING PROCESS 3,243,367 3/966 Mason et al.......................... 208/59
75) Inventors: Millard C. Bryson, Conway; Harry 3,254,020 5/1966 Frayer et al.......................... 208/89
3,579,435 5/1971 Olenzak et al........................ 208/59
C. Murphy, Jr., Apollo, both of Pa.; 3,637,483 1/1972 Carey.................................... 208/86
James R. Murphy, Houston, Tex.; 3,663,423 5/1972 Bennett et al........................ 208/59
Harry C. Stauffer, Cheswick, Pa.
73) Assignee: Gulf Research & Development Primary Examiner-Herbert Levine
Company, Pittsburgh, Pa. Assistant Examiner-G. E. Schmitkons
22) Filed: Oct. 20, 1971
21 Appl. No.: 190,961 57 ABSTRACT
A process for the production of lubricating oil in order
(52) U.S. Cl....................... 208/80; 208/18; 208/59; to obtain lower viscosity lubricating oils of increased
208/78; 208/111 viscosity index by separating a crude lubricating oil
51 Int. Cl. C10G 41/00; C10G 13/08; C10G 37/02 into a residual fraction and a distillate fraction and
(58 Field of Search........................... 208/80, 78, 59 thereafter subjecting the residual fraction to hydro
treating and separately subjecting the distillate frac
(56) References Cited tion to hydrotreating under more severe conditions
UNITED STATES PATENTS than employed in hydrotreating the residual fraction.
2,526,068 10/1950 Delattre-Seguy..................... 196/52 3 Claims, 3 Drawing Figures
1 2 i.
hydrofinishing and generally effects saturation of un
LUBE OL HYDROTREATING PROCESS saturated materials such as aromatics. A hydrogenation
Our invention relates to the production of lubricating process is also capable of removing somewhat larger
oils wherein comparatively low viscosity lubricating quantities of contaminants such as sulfur. A hydrogena
oils of enhanced viscosity index are obtained. More 5 tion process is conducted with a catalyst having sub
particularly, our invention relates to the process of stantially, no cracking activity and accordingly does not
producing such lubricating oils by hydrotreating produce any significant reduction in boiling point of
wherein crude lubricating oil is fractionated to provide the material treated over and above that which might
a residual fraction and a distillate fraction and wherein be effected from sulfur removal alone. Accordingly,
the distillate fraction is separately subjected to hydro O therefore, a hydrogenation process is employed, albeit
treating under more severe conditions than employed infrequently, in the area of lubricating oil production in
in the hydrotreating of the residual fraction. order to effect saturation of aromatics and removal of
It has been previously suggested in the art to subject sulfur from a charge stock already boiling within the
hydrocarbon fractions boiling in the lubricating oil lubricating oil range without the production of any
range to various treatments with hydrogen in order to 15 lower boiling materials.
provide lubricating oil base stocks meeting desired As distinguished from hydrocracking, hydrofinishing
specifications, such as, for example, viscosity, viscosity and hydrogenation, the term "hydrotreating' is em
index (VI), pour point and acceptable contaminant ployed herein to describe a processing technique signif
levels. These hydrogen treatment techniques are desig 20 icantly more severe than hydrogenation although sub
nated by a variety of terms whose definitions tend to stantially less severe than hydrocracking. The catalyst
overlap depending upon the individual employing such required in a hydrotreating process must possess crack
terms. Regardless of the inadequacy of nomenclature ing activity and generally possess a particular type of
in this area, these hydrogen treatment processes can be activity termed "ring scission activity'. The degree of
categorized into four different groups. We chose to cracking and ring scission activity is dependent upon
term these categories as hydrocracking, hydrotreating, 25 feedstock and product desired. Thus, a hydrotreating
hydrogenation and hydrofinishing. process effects a substantial molecular rearrangement
As employed herein the term “hydrocracking' is as compared to hydrogenation or hydrofinishing but
meant to describe an extremely severe hydrogen treat does not effect the extensive and somewhat random
ment, usually conducted at comparatively high temper breakdown of molecules effected in hydrocracking.
atures and requiring the employment of a catalyst hav 30 Accordingly, this type of process effects substantially
ing substantial cracking activity, e.g., an activity index complete saturation of aromatics and the reactions are
(AI) greater than 40 and generally greater than 60. believed to follow the course of converting condensed
This type of process is conducted to effect extensive aromatics to condensed naphthenes followed by selec
and somewhat random severing of carbon to carbon tive cracking of the condensed naphthenes to form
bonds resulting in a substantial overall reduction in 35 single ring alkylnaphthenes. Thus, polynuclear cyclic
molecular weight and boiling point of treated material. compounds are attacked and the rings are opened,
Thus, for example, hydrocracking processes are gener while mononuclear cyclic compounds are not substan
ally employed to effect an extremely high conversion, tially affected. The alkyl side chains formed by opening
e.g., 90% by volume, to materials boiling below the 40 the rings are not further reacted to sever the alkyl side
boiling range of the feed stock or below a designated chains. Hydrotreating processes are also effective for
boiling point. Usually a hydrocracking process is em the isomerization of paraffins. As with the less severe
ployed to produce a product boiling predominantly, if hydrogenation process and the more severe hydro
not completely, below about 600 to 650°F. Most fre cracking process, hydrotreating is also effective to re
quently this type of process is employed to convert move contaminants such as sulfur, nitrogen and oxy
higher boiling hydrocarbons into products boiling in 45 gen. Thus, a hydrotreating process removes contami
the furnace oil and naphtha range. When applied in nants, reduces the quantity of aromatics and polynu
connection with lubricating oils, hydrocracking pro clear cyclic compounds and increases the quantity of
cesses produce only a minor quantity of materials boil paraffins, thereby enhancing the quality of the material
ing in the lubricating oil range, i.e., 625 to 650°F., to 50 treated, reducing its bromine number and increasing its
the extent that, at times, the production of a lubricating VI.
oil is merely incidental to the production of naphtha A hydrotreating process can also be identified by the
and furnace oil. Hydrocracking is the most severe of fact that the particular combination of operating condi
the four types of processes mentioned above. tions and catalyst selected to accomplish the above
On the other end of the spectrum, "hydrofinishing' is mentioned results produces a product wherein there is
an extremely mild hydrogen treatment process employ 55 a general decrease in VI from the highest viscosity
ing a catalyst having substantially no cracking activity. fraction to the lowest viscosity fraction of the lubricat
This process effects removal of contaminants such as ing oil. While at times the rate of decrease in VI with
color forming bodies and a reduction of minor quanti decreasing viscosity may be extremely slight or even
ties of sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen compounds, but non-existent among extremely high viscosity fractions,
effects substantially no saturation of unsaturated com 60 the rate of decrease in VI tends to become greater as
pounds such as aromatics. This process, of course, the viscosity of the lubricating oil fraction decreases.
effects no cracking. As a general rule, hydrofinishing is Usually, this decrease in VI with decreasing viscosity is
employed in lieu of the older techniques of acid and particularly pronounced among the lighter lubricating
clay contacting. * *:
oils having the lowest viscosities, such as, for example,
A third type of hydrogen treatment process is "hy materials whose viscosity is usually measured in Say
drogenation' which, as employed herein, describes bolt Universal Seconds (SUS) at 100°F. Additionally,
another comparatively mild process. Hydrogenation, this phenomenon is evidenced quite drastically in hy
although being comparatively mild, is more severe than drotreated lubricating oil products having viscosities of
3 4
less than about 300 SUS at 100°F. and obtained from a residual fraction. The residual fraction is subjected to
distillate charge stocks. This is not to say, however, that hydrotreating, preferably employing conditions which
the decrease in VI with decreasing viscosity cannot be avoid production of significant quantities of materials
seen quite clearly in the hydrotreated products of resid boiling below the lubricating oil boiling range. The
ual stocks whose viscosities, at times, are more conve distillate fraction is separately subjected to hydrotreat
niently measured in SUS at 210°F. “. . . . ing under more severe conditions than employed in
The particular operation involved in the process of hydrotreating the residual fraction, preferably under
our invention is hydrotreating as distinguished from conditions for optimizing increase in VI. The hydro
hydrofinishing, hydrogenation and hydrocracking. The treated crude lubricating oils are then recovered as
material normally charged to a hydrotreating operation 10 lubricating oil base stock product. In this connection, it
can be termed a "crude lubricating oil stock" and is should be pointed out that the hydrotreated residual
generally obtained from crude petroleum by distillation fraction and the hydrotreated distillate fraction can be
so as to provide a material boiling at least above about fractionated separately or can be combined and frac
600°F. and preferably above about 625 to 650°F. De tionated in one unit so as to separate the lubricating oil
pending upon the crude petroleum from which the 15 base stock product from any decomposition product
crude lubricating oil stock is obtained, such material boiling below the lubricating oil range which might be
may be subjected to a pretreatment such as solvent formed during hydrotreating. Such fractionation can
extraction prior to being charged to a hydrotreating also be conducted so as to provide a plurality of lubri
operation. Within the overall boiling range of crude 20 cating oil base stock fractions suitable for blending with
lubricating oils, we term materials boiling up to about each other or with other stocks.
950 to 1000°F. as "distillates" or “distillate crude The crude lubricating oil feed stock suitable for em
lubricating oil stocks" while we term the portions boil ployment in our invention can be any lubricating oil
ing above about 950 to 1000F. “residuals' or “resid boiling range material which contains a significant
ual crude lubricating oil stocks'. In connection with quantity of both
residual crude lubricating oils, it may be desirable, compounds. Thus distillate
a crude
compounds and residual
lubricating oil containing
depending upon the source of the crude, to subject from about 10% to about 90% by volume
such material to deasphalting such as, for example, component and containing from 90% to 10%distillate by vol
propane deasphalting, prior to charging it to a hydro ume residual components can be treated advanta
treating process. The products from hydrotreating op geously in accordance with our invention. Greater ben
erations can be fractionated and blended with each 30 efit can be obtained from our invention, however, if the
other to produce desired lubricating oil products and in crude lubricating oil base stock is comprised of a sub
some instances, depending upon specific end uses of stantial quantity of both residual components and dis
the lubricating oils, such materials can be subjected to tillate
finishing operations, such as acid and clay contacting 25% bycomponents such as, for example, at least about
volume each of distillate and residual compo
or the hydrofinishing treatment described previously. 35 nents.
In the petroleum refinery field generally, and particu
larly with processes effecting any substantial molecular is The catalyst employed in the process of our invention
rearrangement of the material being treated, it is usu inga component
dual functional catalyst comprised of a hydrogenat
on a cracking carrier. Suitable catalysts
ally anticipated that the heavier or higher boiling feed
stocks must be treated at more severe conditions than 40 include metalliferous hydrogenating components se
those employed for the treatment of a lighter or lower lected from the group consisting of Group VI and
boiling feed stock. From this it follows that the severity onGroup VIII metals, their oxides and sulfides supported
of the operation is in many instances determined by the a carrier having cracking activity. Suitable cracking
severity required to effect molecular rearrangement of 45 carriers include those having an Activity Index of at
the. heavier components in the feed stock. We have least about 15. Carriers having an Activity Index which
found, however, that in the area of hydrotreating a is comparatively high, e.g., greater than about 60, are
wide boiling lubricating oil fraction that the severity of also quite satisfactory. Conversely, we have found that
the operation is limited by the tendency of the higher in some employments carriers having an Activity Index
boiling components, e.g., materials boiling above 950 of less than about 20 and even less than about 18 can
to 1000F., to crack into extremely low boiling, e.g., 50 be utilized satisfactorily. Illustrative of these catalysts
less than 650 or 600°F., less valuable non-lubricating are those containing a plurality of hydrogenating com
oil materials at conditions of high severity. Conse ponents such as combinations of nickel, cobalt and
quently, the severity of a hydrotreating operation must molybdenum; nickel and tungsten; cobalt and molyb
be adjusted to avoid, such cracking or hydrocracking. denum, etc. supported on refractory metal oxide carri
This restriction on severity limits the possible, increase 55 ers. Suitable carriers can be comprised of a single oxide
in VI for the lower viscosity, lower boiling, e.g., boiling or a plurality of such oxides, e.g., alumina, silica
below 950 to 1000°F., portions of the charge stock alumina, silica-magnesia, silica-zirconia, silica
thereby producing lower viscosity lubricating; oils of alumina-mangesia, etc. We have found a catalyst com
undesirably low VI. In many instances the VI of such prised of nickel and tungsten hydrogenating compo
low viscosity lubricating oil base stocks is too low to 60 nents supported on a silica-alumina carrier to be quite
meet even minimum specifications for given lubricating satisfactory. Additionally, all of these catalysts can be
oils. promoted by the addition thereto of a small quantity of
Accordingly, our invention provides a process for halogen in the range from about 0.1 to about 10% by
producing lower viscosity lubricating oils of increased weight based on the total catalyst, and preferably from
VI. In accordance with our invention, a crude lubricat 65 about 1 to about 4% by weight based upon the total
ing oil, preferably, a wide boiling crude lubricating oil, catalyst. We prefer to employ a catalyst containing
containing components boiling both above and below. from about 1 to 3% by weight of fluorine based on the
950°F. is fractionated to obtain a distillate fraction and total catalyst.
5 6
The operating conditions employed in the low sever ingly, therefore, the process of our invention can be
ity hydrotreating of a residual fraction in accordance practiced through the technique of blocked operation
with our process include a temperature in the range wherein the distillate portion and the residual portion
from about 650 to about 850°F. and preferably from of the lubricating oil are separately subjected to hydro
about 700' to 800°F; a pressure (hydrogen partial pres treating in the same reaction zone but at different times
sure) in the range from about 2,000 to about 10,000 and at different levels of severity. Similarly, our inven
psig and preferably in the range from about 2,000 to tive process can be practiced employing parallel reac
about 5,000 psig, a liquid hourly space velocity tors, in one reactor of which the distillate fraction is
(LHSV) in the range from about 0.1 to about 10, pref treated at comparatively severe conditions, while the
erably from about 0.5 to about 3.0 volumes of residual 10 residual fraction is simultaneously being treated at less
crude lubricating oil feed stock per volume of catalyst severe conditions in another reactor. The hydrotreating
per hour, and a hydrogen feed rate in the range from products from such parallel reactors can then be com
about 2,000 to about 10,000 standard cubic feet per bined and subjected to a single fractionation to obtain
barrel (SCFIB) and preferably in the range from about the various desired lubricating oil product fractions. In
3,000 to about 6,000 SCFIB. It is not necessary to 15 still another embodiment of our process, it is possible
employ pure hydrogen gas in this operation but it is to employ reactors in series wherein the distillate frac
desirable to maintain a hydrogen purity of at least 50% tion is subjected to hydrotreating under comparatively
by volume and preferably of at least 75% by volume. severe conditions in one reactor and thereafter the
Thus, impure hydrogen streams of the type generally hydrotreated effluent of such reactor can be combined
found in a refinery such as, for example, reformer off 20 witih the residual fraction and the combined stream
gas, containing from 70 to 90% by volume hydrogen can then be subjected to hydrotreating under less se
are quite satisfactory. vere conditions. These different modes of operation are
The reaction conditions suitable for employment in illustrated in the attached drawing wherein FIG. 1 is a
the high severity hydrotreating of a distillate fraction in schematic flow diagram illustrating parallel operation;
accordance with our process include a temperature in 25 FIG. 2 is a schematic flow diagram illustrating blocked
the range from 700° to 900°F. and preferably from operation; and FIG. 3 is a schematic flow diagram illus
about 750 to 850F. It is essential, however, that the trating a series operation. -
temperature employed in hydrotreating the distillate In FIG. 1, a full range crude lubricating oil boiling
stock in accordance with our invention be maintained upwards from about 650°F. and containing substantial
at least 10°F. higher than the temperature employed in 30 components boiling above about 950°F. is passed by
hydrotreating the residual fraction. Preferably, we em means of line 10 to a vacuum distillation unit 12
ploy a temperature in the distillate hydrotreating at wherein it is separated into a .650° to 950 to 1000°F.
least 15°F. higher than employed in the residual hydro distillate fraction, which is removed overhead via line
treating. The other operating conditions employed in 14, and a residual fraction boiling above about 950 to
the high severity hydrotreating of the distillate fraction 35 1000°F, which is removed via line 16. The residual
include a pressure in the range from about 2,000 to fraction of line 16 is introduced into a deasphalting unit
about 10,000 psig and preferably in the range from 18, such as a propane deasphalter. In the drawing,
about 2,500 to about 5,000 psig; LHSV from about 0.1 block 18 represents a conventional deasphalting unit
to about 10 and preferably from 0.5 to 3; a hydrogen and merely shows introduction of solvent by means of
feed rate in the range from 2,000 to 10,000 SCFIB of 40 line 20, removal of asphalt by means of line 22 and
distillate feed stock and preferably from 3,000 to removal of separated solvent by means of line 24. Deas
6,000 SCFIB. The purity of the hydrogen stream can be phalted residual fraction is removed from deasphalting
the same as described previously for the residual hydro unit 18 by means of line 26 and is passed to a hydro
treating step. treating reactor 28, which contains a suitable catalytic
Further, we prefer to employ operating conditions in 45 material, such as, for example, nickel and tungsten
our hydrotreating operations selected from the above supported on a silica-alumina carrier and promoted
described ranges so as to obtain a yield of at least 50% with a halogen. Prior to introduction of the residual
by volume based upon total reactor charge stock of fraction of line 26 into reactor 28, hydrogen is intro
625F.-- material. Accordingly, the operating, condi duced into line 26 by means of line 30 and the com
tions are selected so that at reactor outlet conditions 50 bined hydrogen and residual fraction is contacted with
the 625°F.+ material comprises at least 22 mol% of the the catalyst in reactor 28 under selected hydrotreating
product which is normally liquid at 60°F. and one at conditions.
mosphere. Furthermore, operating conditions are se Similarly, hydrogen is introduced into line 14 and is
lected so that the actual hydrogen consumption (mea combined with the distillate fraction of line 14 and the
sured as standard cubic feet per barrel of fresh feed) is 55 combined stream is then introduced into a second hy
less than the product of 30 multiplied by the volume % drotreating reactor 34 wherein the combined stream is
(measured at 60°F. and one atmosphere) of 625°F.-- contacted with a suitable hydrotreating catalyst such as
material in the total C reactor effluent. that employed in reactor 28, but under selected hydro
From the foregoing description, it will be seen that an treating conditions more severe than those employed in
essential part of our invention is to subject the distillate 60 reactor 28. -
portion of a lubricating oil to hydrotreating under more The effluent from hydrotreating reactors 28 and 34 is
severe conditions than employed in hydrotreating the then removed therefrom and passed to separate frac
residual portion of the lubricating oil. This is not to say, tionation or stripping towers 36 and 38, respectively,
however, that it is in any way detrimental to subject a by means of lines 40 and 42, respectively. In stripper or
distillate lubricating oil fraction to hydrotreating under fractionator 36, the hydrotreated effluent of line 40 is
the mild conditions employed for the residual fraction separated into a gas stream containing hydrogen and
so long as the distillate fraction is also subjected to gaseous hydrocarbons, a hydrocarbon stream boiling
hydrotreating under more severe conditions. Accord below the lubricating oil range, e.g., below about
7 8
650°F., and a lubricating oil product stream; which and this combined residual fraction and hydrotreated
streams are shown being removed via lines 44, 46 and distillate effluent stream is then introduced into a sec
48, respectively. Similarly, the hydrotreated effluent of ond hydrotreating reactor 110. If desired, additional
line 42 is separated in stripper or fractionator 38 into a . hydrogen can also be introduced into the system via
gas stream, a lower boiling hydrocarbon stream and a 5 line 112 and admixed with the combined residual frac
lubricating oil product stream, shown as being removed tion and hydrotreated distillate effluent from reactor
via lines 50, 52 and 54, respectively. 102 prior to introduction into reactor 110. The hydro
Alternatively, the hydrotreated effluent streams of treated effluent from reactor 110 is removed therefrom
lines 40 and 42 can be combined in line 56 (shown in via line 114 and passed to stripper or fractionator 116
dotted lines) and passed to a single stripper or fraction- 10 wherein it is separated into a gaseous stream, a hydro
ator 58 (also shown in dotted lines) wherein the com- carbon stream boiling below the lubricating oil range,
bined hydrotreated effluent stream of line 56 can be e.g., below about 650F., and a lubricating oil product
separated into a gas stream, a light hydrocarbon stream stream. These three streams are shown as being re
and a lubricating oil product stream shown as being moved from stripper or fractionator 116 by means of
removed from fractionator 58 via lines 60, 62 and 64, 15 lines 118, 120 and 122, respectively.
respectively, (also shown in dotted lines). In order to illustrate our invention in greater detail,
In FIG. 2, there is illustrated an embodiment of our reference is made to the following examples:
process employing blocked operation. In this figure,
distillate lubricating oil is introduced via line 70 con- EXAMPLE
taining valve 72 and is then passed via line 74 into 20 In this example, the feed stock employed was a com
reactor 76. Similarly, a residual fraction, such as deas- paratively wide boiling range crude lubricating oil con
phalted oil, is introduced by line 78 containing valve 80 taining components boiling both above and below
and is then passed via line 74 into reactor 76. Prior to about 950°F. and having the inspections set forth in
the introduction into reactor 76, the hydrocarbon Table I below:
stream of line 74 is admixed with hydrogen introduced 25 Table I
via line 82.
During one period ofa operation, valve 72 is main- Grayity API
tained in the open position, while valve 80 is main- at 150°F. 334
tained in the closed position thereby permitting the at 210°F. 99.7
passage of distillate fraction through line 70, valve 72 30 "ASFSB-16orf. 10% 86
and line 74 into hydrotreating reactor 76 wherein it is 30% 909
contacted with an appropriate catalyst in admixture 38: 3.
with hydrogen. The hydrotreated effluent from reactor 90%
76 is then removed via line 84 and passed to a stripper
or fractionator (not shown) in substantially the same 35
manner as described previously in connection with Different samples of this crude lubricating oil were
FIG. 1. subjected to different hydrotreating techniques. In the
When it is desired to treat a residual fraction, valve first operation, one sample of the entire crude lubricat
72 is closed and valve 80 is opened thereby permitting ing oil, i.e. both distillate and residual components, was
the passage of residual fraction through line 78, valve 40 subjected to hydrotreating employing a temperature
80 and line 74 into hydrotreating reactor 76 wherein it dictated by the consideration of conversion of residual
is contacted with a suitable catalyst while in mixture components. In a second operation, a second sample of
with hydrogen. The hydrotreating conditions employed the entire crude lubricating oil was subjected to hydro
for the treatment of the residual fraction are, of course, treating employing a temperature dictated by the con
less severe than those employed for treatment of the 45 sideration of increasing the VI of the lower viscosity
distillate fraction. Again, the hydrotreated effluent product fractions.
from reactor 76 is removed therefrom via line 84 and In a third hydrotreating operation, a third sample of
passed to a stripper or fractionator (not shown). crude lubricating oil was separated into a distillate
Referring now to FIG. 3, there will be seen an em- fraction boiling up to about 1000F. and comprising
bodiment of our process employing reactors in series. 50 about 66.3% by volume of the crude lubricating oil and
In this figure, distillate lubricating oil boiling below a residual fraction boiling above about 1000F. and
950°F. is introduced by line 100 into hydrotreating comprising about 33.7% by volume of the crude lubri
reactor 102. Prior to introduction into the reactor 102, cating oil, and each of the distillate and residual frac
the distillate fraction of line 100 is admixed with hydro- tions are separately subjected to hydrotreating in ac
gen introduced into the system via line 104. In reactor 55 cordance with our process. The catalyst employed in all
102, the distillate fraction in admixture with hydrogen hydrotreating operations of this example was a fluorine
is contacted under selected hydrotreating conditions promoted nickel-tungsten on silica-alumina carrier
with an appropriate catalyst. The hydrotreated effluent having a cracking activity index (AI) of about 75.
of reactor 102 is removed therefrom by means of line The operating conditions for all hydrotreating opera
106. A residual lubricating oil fraction, such as a deas- 60 tions together with the product inspections are set forth
phalted oil, is introduced into the system via line 108 in Table II below:
and is combined with the effluent stream of line 106
Table II
operating Entire Crude Distillate Residual
Conditions Lube Oil Fraction Fraction
Avg. bed temp. F. 740 755 755 740
Pressure, psig -3000 -->
3,941,680 10
Table II-continued
Operating Entire Crude Distillate Residual
Conditions Lube Oil Fraction Fraction
Space Velocity,
LHSV ---.0-
Gas Rate, SCFIB r-orman5000 -se--le
Gas Purity, % H. Herman 82-87 sea-la-ee
Moi 7, 62.5°F. --
liq. at R outlet 65 450 44.5 67.5
Yield 625°F. Com
% by vol. charge. 85.0 730 725 88.
% by vol. crude 85.0 730 48. 780 29.9
lube oil
% by vol. liq. 80.6 67.9 67.1 83.
H, consumption 975 140 1185 1067 835
SCFIB fresh feed
H. Factor 248 2037 2013 2493
(30X Vol% of N 1.
liq. product
Products W
100 SUS at 100°F. 82 95 95
150 SUS at 00F. 92 103 102
200 SUS at 100°F. 98 05 104

From the data shown in Table II above, it will be seen

that the more conventional technique of hydrotreating EXAMPLE 2
the combined distillate and residual crude lubricating In this example, a sample of the residual fraction of
oil as a single entity and employing the operating tem Example 1, a sample of the full crude lubricating oil of
perature required to avoid excessive conversion of the 30
Example 1, and two samples of the distillate fraction of
residual components results in a product wherein the Example 1 are subjected to hydrotreating employing
lower viscosity components of the hydrotreated mate the same catalyst, pressure, space velocity, gas rate and
rial have a comparatively low VI and wherein the de gas purity employed in Example 1. The residual frac
crease in VI with decreasing viscosity is quite drastic. tion, the full crude lubricating oil and one sample of the
On the other hand, however, when the same feed stock 35
distillate fraction are all subjected to hydrotreating at a
is treated at a higher temperature in order to increase temperature of 740°F. The second sample of the distil
the viscosity index of the lowest viscosity product frac late fraction is subjected to hydrotreating at 755F. The
tion there is a substantial loss of lubricating oil product. VI for various viscosity fractions of the products of
Furthermore, this overall decrease in lubricating oil such treatments are set forth in Table III.
Table III
Operating 100 SUS 150 SUS 200 SUS
Charge Stock Temperature at 100°F. at 10OF. at 100F.
Residual -
fraction 740F. 96 W. 02W 103 V
Entire crude
lube oil 740°F. 82 WI 92 W 98 W
Fraction 740°F. 73 VI 89 W. 99 W
Fraction 755°F. 89 VI 104 W. OW

Examination of the above data shows the severely

product is accompanied by a substantial increase in detrimental affect of processing both the residual and
hydrogen consumption. distillate fractions together. It will be noted that the VI
As distinguished from the results just described, the 55 of the distillate fraction which is processed separately
technique of our invention, comprising a separate pro at the same conditions employed in treating the resid
cessing of residual and distillate components under. ual fraction provides a hydrotreated distillate product
different degrees of severity, is effective to increase the wherein the VI of the 100 SUS material is some 23
viscosity index of the lowest viscosity fraction of the points below that obtained from the separate process
product without needlessly effecting as great an in ing of the residual fraction. Furthermore, it will be
crease in the VI of high viscosity product fractions. 60 noted that when the combined distillate and residual
Furthermore, it will be seen this desirable result is stocks are treated as an entity, the distillate fraction
achieved while providing a substantially greater quan appears to have a disproportionately large and deleteri
tity of lubricating oil product as compared with that ous effect upon the VI of the 100 SUS product compo
obtained when treating the entire crude lubricating oil nents. It will also be seen that, when separately hydro
at conditions necessary to provide the desired VI en 65 treating the distillate fraction under more severe condi
hancement. Additionally, such desirable result is tions, there is a general increase in the VI of the various
achieved with a significantly lower hydrogen consump viscosity components in the product. Quite unexpect
tion. edly, however, upon blending of the separately treated
11 12
residual fraction and more severely treated distillate were conditions than employed in hydrotreating the
fraction, the resultant product does not have merely a residual fraction wherein the operating conditions em
slight increase in VI of the lower viscosity components, ployed comprise a temperature in the range from about
as might be anticipated from the results achieved in 700° to about 900 F. and at least 15 F. greater than
treating both distillate and residual fractions together, the temperature employed in hydrotreating the residual
but rather there is a drastic increase in the VI of the fraction when the remaining hydrotreating process
lower viscosity materials, an elimination of the sharp parameters are substantially the same as like hydro
drop in VI with decreasing viscosity and the production treating process parameters for the residual fraction, a
of a hydrotreated lubricating oil product having a more pressure in the range from about 2,000 to about 10,000
uniform distribution of VI from one end of the spec- 10. 10 psig, a liquid hourly space velocity in the range from
trum to the other. Illustrative of this is the following about 0.1 to about 10 volumes of distillate charge stock
Table IV showing the VI for various viscosity compo per volume of catalyst per hour and a hydrogen feed
nents of the overall blended product. rate in the range from about 2,000 to about 10,000
Table IV
100 SUS 150 SUS 200 SUS 500 SUS 750 SUS 55 SUS
at 100°F. at 100°F. at 100°F. at 100F. at 100F. at 210F.
V 95 102 104 05 05 107

We claim:
1. A process for the production of lubricating oils in standard cubic feet per barrel of distillate charge stock,
order to obtain comparatively low viscosity lubricating said operating conditions being selected so as to main
oil base stocks of enhanced viscosity index from a tain a yield of at least 50% by volume based upon the
crude lubricating oil which process comprises fraction 25 distillate fraction of hydrotreated material, boiling
ating a crude lubricating oil containing from about 10% above about 625 F., and recovering hydrotreated
to about 90% by volume of a distillate fraction boiling crude lubricating oil boiling above about 625 F. as
below 950 F. and from 90% to 10% of a residual frac lubricating oil base stock product from each hydro
tion boiling above 950 F. into a residual and a distillate treating process.
fraction, subjecting the residual fraction to hydrotreat 30 2. The process of claim 1 wherein the operating con
ing wherein the operating conditions employed com ditions for hydrotreating the residual fraction and for
prise a temperature in the range from about 650 F. to hydrotreating the distillate fraction are selected so that
about 850 F., a pressure in the range from about 2,000 at least 22 mol per cent of the normally liquid hydro
to about 10,000 psig, a liquid hourly space velocity in treated material boils above about 625F.
the range from about 0.1 to about 10 volumes of resid 35 3. The process of claim 1 wherein the operating con
ual charge stock per volume of catalyst per hour and a ditions for hydrotreating the residual fraction and for
hydrogen feed rate in the range from about 2,000 to hydrotreating the distillate fraction are selected so as to
about 10,000 standard cubic feet per barrel of residual maintain: a hydrogen consumption (measured as stan
charge stock, said operating conditions being selected dard cubic feet per barrel of fresh feed) in each such
so as to maintain a yield of at least 50% by volume 40 hydrotreating of less than the product of 30 multiplied
based upon the residual fraction of hydrotreated mate by the volume % of 625°F.+ material in the total Cs.
rial boiling above about 625 F., separately subjecting reactor effluent.
the distillate fraction to hydrotreating under more se sk k is is

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