Acupuncture in Subjects With Cold Hands Sensation: Study Protocol For A Randomized Controlled Trial
Acupuncture in Subjects With Cold Hands Sensation: Study Protocol For A Randomized Controlled Trial
Acupuncture in Subjects With Cold Hands Sensation: Study Protocol For A Randomized Controlled Trial
Background: Cold hands sensation is a common disorder within the Korean population. Many Korean family
physicians believe that it is a mild early manifestation of Raynaud’s phenomenon (RP), or may be related to RP.
RP is characterized by reversible digital vasospasm provoked by cold temperatures and/or emotional stress, and
doctors often prescribe medications that are used in treatment of RP for subjects with cold hands. However, this
has not shown a clear benefit, and these medications can cause unwanted side effects. It is also reported that
traditional Korean medicine, including acupuncture, is widely used to treat cold hands, although the current level of
evidence for this approach is also poor and to date, there have been no published randomized controlled clinical
trials (RCTs) evaluating the efficacy and safety of acupuncture for cold hands. We have therefore designed a pilot
RCT to obtain information for the design of a further full-scale trial.
Methods/Design: The proposed study is a five-week pilot RCT. A total of 14 subjects will be recruited and randomly
allocated to two groups: an acupuncture plus medication group (experimental group) and a medication-only group
(control group). All subjects will take nifedipine (5 mg once daily) and beraprost (20 mg three times daily) for three
weeks. The experimental group will receive additional treatment with three acupuncture sessions per week for three
weeks (nine sessions total). The primary outcome will be measured using a visual analogue scale. Secondary outcomes
will be measured by blood perfusion in laser Doppler perfusion imaging of the hands, frequency and duration of
episodes of cold hands, and heart rate variability. Assessments will be made at baseline and at one, three, and five
weeks thereafter.
Discussion: This study will provide an indication of the feasibility and a clinical foundation for a future large-scale trial.
Trial registration: This study was registered at Korean Clinical Research Information Service (CRIS) registry on 5 August
2013 with the registration number #KCT0000817.
Keywords: Acupuncture, Cold hands sensation, Laser Doppler perfusion image
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Seo et al. Trials 2014, 15:348 Page 2 of 7
Acupuncture: 3
sessions per week
nifedipine 5 mg
daily + beraprost 20
nifedipine 5 mg daily
mg three times daily
+ beraprost 20 mg
Inclusion criteria
Participants must meet the following criteria for inclusion
Subjects will be randomized using a computerized random
in the study: cold hands sensation or RP, photoplethysmo-
number generator by an independent statistician who is
graphy showing decreased arterial pulse amplitude or
blinded to subject assignment. The method which we use
abnormal ischemic pulse waveform such as biphasic or
for randomization concealment is sequentially numbered,
monophasic wave, aged between 20 and 75 years, VAS
opaque sealed envelopes. Block randomization will be
score of >3 for cold hands sensation, symptom duration of
performed once a participant’s eligibility is confirmed and
least one month, available for follow-up during the entire
written informed consent has been obtained. Treatments
trial period, and provide written informed consent.
will be scheduled after randomization.
Exclusion criteria
Participants will be excluded from the study if they meet Interventions
any of the following criteria: one or more ulcerated Subjects will be randomly divided into two treatment
fingers, acute ischemic disease requiring reperfusion groups: an experimental group (acupuncture plus medi-
surgery, high bleeding tendency due to anticoagulant cation group) and a control group (medication only
medications, significant renal or hepatic disease, severe group). The medication will be administered every day
psychiatric or psychological disorders, known hyper- for three weeks and the acupuncture sessions performed
sensitivity reaction to acupuncture treatment, alcohol three times per a week for three weeks (nine times in
Seo et al. Trials 2014, 15:348 Page 4 of 7
total). There are no other interventions such as moxi- imaginable. VAS measurements will be made at baseline
bustion, exercises, or lifestyle advice in this study. and at one, three, and five weeks thereafter.
Table 1 Schedule of treatments and outcome measurements throughout the five-week randomized controlled trial
Baseline Treatment period Follow-up period
Week 0 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Measurement VAS √ √ √ √
Blood perfusion √ √ √ √
Frequency and duration of cold hands episodes √ √ √ √
HRV √ √ √ √
Treatment Medication √ √ √
Acupuncture √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
HRV: Heart rate variability, VAS: visual analogue scale.
Seo et al. Trials 2014, 15:348 Page 5 of 7
invasive test that is used assess autonomic nervous trial protocol. The trial will be stopped if the principal
system function [23]. investigator believes that there are unacceptable risks of
HRV will be measured using a Medicore SA-2000E serious adverse events.
analyzer (Medicore Co., Ltd., Seoul, South Korea) with
four limb electrodes. To minimize the influence of con- Statistical analysis
founding factors, all subjects were prohibited from using The statistical significance level will be set at 5%, and
drugs, caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol for eight hours the data will be processed with the last observation car-
before HRV testing. The frequency domain methods of ried forward method for the intention-to-treat analysis.
HRV analysis will be used. Low frequency (LF), high Statistical analysis in this study will be performed using
frequency (HF), LF:HF ratio, LF in normalized units, and IBM SPSS Windows version 19.0 statistical software
HF in normalized units will be measured. LF reflects the (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA) and will be based on the
sympathetic influence, whereas HF reflects the parasym- Korean Clinical Trial Statistics Guidelines.
pathetic influence. The LF:HF ratio reflects the inter- The study will identify the comparative equivalence of
action between sympathetic and vagal activity. LF in demographic variables and clinical characteristics be-
normalized units and HF in normalized units are the tween the experimental and control groups by perform-
respective values of LF and HF divided by the sum of LF ing the two sample t-test or Mann-Whitney U test if
plus HF and multiplied by 100; thus, the sum of LF in normality test is satisfied or not for continuous data,
normalized units and HF in normalized units is 100 [24]. chi-square test for categorical data.
HRV measurements will be conducted at baseline and at A repeated measure two-factor analysis will be per-
one, three, and five weeks thereafter. formed to identify differences in VAS, blood perfusion,
frequency and duration of cold hands sensation attacks
Safety and HRV scores between the experimental and control
The safety of this trial will be determined by red group based on time (baseline, weeks one, three, and
blood cell (RBC) count, hemoglobin level, platelet count, five). If the interaction between group and time is statis-
mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular tically significant, the point at which the pattern of re-
hemoglobin (MCH) level, mean corpuscular hemoglobin sults between the two groups changes will be checked
concentration (MCHC), hematocrit (Hct), total white using the contrast analysis. To compare groups and the
blood cell (WBC) count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate incidence frequency of adverse events related to acu-
(ESR), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine amino- puncture and medication, the chi-square test will be
transferase (ALT), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and cre- used.
atinine level, serum sodium level, serum potassium level,
and serum chloride level. All subjects are evaluated Discussion
twice, first at the screening visit and once more after Cold hands sensation is a common disorder within the
the termination of acupuncture treatments. To monitor Korean population. In Korea, many physicians believe
the safety of the acupuncture treatment, we will monitor the phenomenon is related to RP, and they may pre-
the occurrence of edema, hemorrhage, and pain as adverse scribe pharmaceutical treatments similar to those used
events. for patients with RP [5,8]. However, there is no estab-
Any reported adverse events will be recorded through- lished guideline for RP therapy, and many of the agents
out the study and vital signs will be monitored at each most frequently used in the treatment of RP are used
visit. The subjects will be asked to voluntarily report off-label [15] and consist mainly of vasodilators, in par-
information about adverse events, and the researcher ticular calcium channel antagonists such as nifedipine.
will confirm the occurrence of adverse events through While these agents have proven useful in some reports
methods such as a medical interview. Details about [14], in about 50% of patients, there is no beneficial
adverse events, such as the date of occurrence, degree of effect [15]. Furthermore, their use has often been associ-
severity, causal relationship with the treatment, other ated with an unacceptably high incidence of side effects
treatments or medications that are suspected to cause including edema, flushing, erythema, dizziness, nausea,
the adverse event, and treatment of the adverse event palpitations, and drowsiness [25,26]. Beraprost is the
will be recorded in detail. first oral prostaglandin analog with vasodilatory and
antiplatelet effects which has been used in the treatment
Withdrawal and dropout of RP. To date, one double blind study has indicated that
All subjects will have the right to withdraw from the there was no difference between oral beraprost and pla-
study at any time. Participation will be ended at any cebo in the treatment of primary RP, and the same study
stage if the subject refuses to continue, withdraws con- found that patients in the beraprost group reported a
sent, or violates the inclusion or exclusion criteria or the significantly higher incidence of side effects including
Seo et al. Trials 2014, 15:348 Page 6 of 7
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Cite this article as: Seo et al.: Acupuncture in subjects with cold hands
sensation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials
2014 15:348.