Analytical Approach To The Literature of Cupping Therapy

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J Korean Soc Phys Med, 2021; 16(3): 1-14 Online ISSN: 2287-7215 Print ISSN: 1975-311X

Research Article Open Access

Analytical Approach to the Literature of Cupping Therapy

Serhat Koran, MD†⋅Arzu Irban, MD1
Department of Family Medicine, Istanbul Medipol University,
Department of Anesthesiology, Istanbul Health Sciences University

Received: April 7, 2021 / Revised: June 2, 2021 / Accepted: June 28, 2021
ⓒ 2021 J Korean Soc Phys Med

| Abstract |1) cervical spondylosis. In addition, cupping treatment is also

promising in studies on skin diseases, neurological diseases,
PURPOSE: This study aims to reveal the prevalence, respiratory system diseases and cardiovascular system
therapeutic efficacy and undesirable side effects of cupping diseases.
therapy all over the world from past to present. CONCLUSION: Recently, there has been an increase in
METHODS: This meta-analysis is based on the data the number of RCSs related to cupping therapy. The vast
obtained by scanning the keyword “cupping therapy” from majority of this increase has been made in European and
the Pub-Med system, which is an international database. The American countries rather than in Far Eastern countries.
date range has been set as 1950-2019. Local databases were Studies on cupping therapy, which have been and will be
not included. Cupping therapy studies combined with other carried out in the future, will provide evidence-based
complementary therapies such as acupuncture, moxa and indication of whether cupping therapy is effective. and it will
hirudotherapy are also included in the meta-analysis. allow more patients to benefit from this treatment, which has
RESULTS: A total of 381 scientific studies were found on a very low rate of side effects and complications.
cupping therapy. Of these studies 127 wererandomized
controlled trials (RCSs). Cupping treatment has been found Key Words: Cupping therapy, Complementary therapies,
effective in studies of painful conditions such as herpes zoster Hirudotherapy
pain, fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, headache and acute
injury pain. In addition, the effectiveness of cupping therapy Ⅰ. Introduction
was found to be high in studies related to bone / muscular
system diseases such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, Cupping therapy is the traditional treatment method
ankylosing spondylitis, gout, carpal tunnel syndrome, applied in the far east for thousands of years. Cupping
therapy is applied to the skin by vacuuming through various

†Corresponding Author : Serhat Koran

equipments [1,2]. While vacuuming was used with cups
[email protected], made of bamboo, metal and soil in ancient times, today
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of it is applied with specially produced sterile glass and plastic
the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License
cup [3].
( which permits
unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction According to the cupping therapy application method,
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. it is divided into two as dry cupping and wet cupping
2 | J Korean Soc Phys Med Vol. 16, No. 3

(blood letting) [1,2]. Dry cupping is the process of applying the procedure [4].
vacuum by creating negative pressure with mug to certain After the area where blood letting is to be applied is
areas on the skin [1,3,4]. In dry cupping, there is no incision disinfected, firstly negative pressure is applied to the area
or liquid draw on the skin. The goal of dry cupping therapy with the help of a cup and the blood flow of the area
is to increase the blood flow by creating a massage effect is ensured to increase. Later, the cups are removed and
in the applied area, to create a pain relieving effect and small scratches are applied with the help of sterile scalpel,
to operate the lymphatic system [2,4]. so that their length does not exceed 1 cm and the depth
It has been observed that the efficacy of the treatment does not exceed 1-2 mm. Then vacuum is applied to this
is increased in combination with far east treatment methods area again. It is waited until liquid stops coming and the
such as acupuncture and moxa applied locally after dry liquid in it freezes. Then the mugs are opened, the incoming
cupping therapy [2,3]. Dry cupping therapy can also be liquids are collected. After cleaning, it is closed with
applied in patients where wet cupping cannot be applied dressing. It is recommended not to take a shower at least
or in patients who do not want to make an incision on 12 hours after the procedure [4].
their skin [4]. Traditional and complementary medicine applications
Wet cupping therapy is commonly referred to as “blood applied in Far Eastern medicine are generally applied
letting”, a word of Arabic origin [1,2]. Blood letting is together and the points where vacuum is applied in cupping
the process of creating scratches in certain parts of the therapy are acupuncture points [1].
body and vacuuming fluid in these areas (Fig. 4) [3,4] Although blood letting treatment seems to be an easy
The main purpose in blood letting is not the process practical procedure, it is a medical intervention that should
of taking blood from the body as it is thought. It is aimed be applied by physicians. If not careful, there is a risk
to remove the chemicals and toxins that accumulate in of undesirable effects such as skin burns, skin abscesses
the intercellular space under the incision, which can cause and skin infections. In addition, cup treatment is not a
diseases [4]. There is no blood in the vein taken from treatment method that can be applied in every patient. It
the skin in the treatment of blood letting; intercellular fluid should not be used in patients with deep vein thrombosis,
called “interstitial fluid” under the skin. In the researches hypotension, varicose veins, cancer, severe anemia, heart
made it was shown that heavy metals such as aluminum, failure or kidney failure. Bloodletting treatment should also
lead, mercury, silver in the liquid vacuumed with blood be avoided in women who are in menstrual periods or
letting are higher than the amount in the blood taken from pregnancy. Again, patients who use blood thinning
the vein; these heavy metals were shown to be removed medication should be very careful in their blood letting
from the body during the blood letting process [4]. applications.
The blood letting treatment is applied to the back, head, This study is a meta-analysis prepared to investigate
shoulders, waist, chest, legs and other body parts depending the prevalence, therapeutic efficacy and undesired side
on the complaint [4]. Blood letting process takes about effects of cupping therapy from past to present all over
half an hour. It is recommended to have at least 3-4 hours the world.
of fasting before the procedure, and it is recommended
not to consume food of animal origin such as meat, milk, Ⅱ. Method
yoghurt, eggs, butter for approximately 72 hours before
the procedure, the day of the procedure and the day after Using 'cupping therapy' as a keyword; the data were
Analytical Approach to the Literature of Cupping Therapy | 3

taken from the international database Pub-Med system in In addition, in 4 studies in which its effects on
this meta-analysis searching for the therapeutic effect of osteoarthritis were investigated (4 pieces), in 34 RCSs
cupping therapy, regional databases were not included in performed on diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (1
the study. In the Pub-Med database filters section; classical piece), ankylosing spondylitis (2 pieces), gout, carpal tunnel
article, clinical study, meta-analysis, review and case syndrome (2 pieces), cervical spondylosis and limb
studies were selected. The year range was determined as spasticity, cupping therapy was found to be effective in
1950-2019. Cupping therapy studies combined with other bone / musculature diseases. In the reviews on osteoarthritis,
complementary therapies such as acupuncture, moxa and carpal tunnel syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, it has been
hidrotherapy were also included. concluded that cupping therapy is effective in musculature
diseases [11-14].
Ⅲ. Findings In 16 RCS studies on neurodermatitis, herpes simplex,
chronic urticaria, acne vulgaris, and acute eczema, results
As a result of filtering, 381 scientific studies on cupping were obtained regarding the effectiveness of wet cupping
therapy were reached. Among these, 127 RCSs (33%), 3 therapy. In a review on skin diseases, it was concluded
meta-analyzes (1%), 135 non-randomized trials (35%), 30 that “Although there is not enough study, cupping therapy
reviews (8%), 15 questionnaire studies (4%), 64 case reports is promising in skin diseases” [15,16]. When we look at
(17%) and 7 other studies (2%) were made on subjects. the effectiveness of cupping therapy in nervous system
RCS contains herpes zoster pain, active herpes simplex diseases; there are results showing that it is effective in
infection, fibromyalgia, low back pain, headache, neck pain, 15 RCSs performed in diseases such as facial paralysis,
injury, constipation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, peroneal nerve palsy, cerebral palsy, brachial paresthesia,
allergic rhinitis, chronic urticaria, acne vulgaris, facial postherpetic neuralgia, migraine and trigeminal neuralgia
paralysis, chronic fatigue syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, [8,17-20].
gout arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, acute eczema, asthma, Apart from this, results were obtained showing that it
hiccups, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, is beneficial in RCS performed on subjects such as heart
obesity, heart rhythm, insomnia, effect on quality of life rhythm, asthma, postoperative nausea, depression and
in chronic patients, depression in diabetes, neurodermatitis, chronic fatigue syndrome [9,1-24].
chloasma, postoperative nausea, cervical spondylosis, In a study on the effect of cupping therapy on metabolic
peroneal nerve palsy, cerebral palsy, its effect on iron syndrome, serum “high-sensitivity C-reactive protein” and
overload therapy, brachial paresthesia, upper extremity “heat shock protein 27” levels were examined and there
spasticity, its effect on the immune system, its effect on was no significant difference between before and after
oxidative stress and forensic medicine. cupping therapy [25]. In another study on metabolic
The efficacy of cupping therapy was high in all 22 RCSs syndrome, it was concluded that cupping therapy was not
performed in cases of pain such as Herpes zoster pain, effective on lipid profile[26]. However, in another study
fibromyalgia, low back pain4, neck pain3, migraine pain2, conducted on healthy but hyperlipidemic male patients who
tension-type headache, acute injury pains. In the reviews did not receive antihyperlipidemic treatment, it was
on fibromyalgia, low back pain and headache, it was concluded that cupping therapy decreased the LDL / HDL
concluded that cupping therapy is effective in the treatment ratio [27].
of pain, but more studies are needed [5-10]. In a randomized controlled study on the effect of cupping
4 | J Korean Soc Phys Med Vol. 16, No. 3

therapy on hypertension, a significant decrease in systolic Survey studies on cupping treatment are about evaluating
blood pressure was observed in the group having cupping the knowledge and interests of the public and physicians
therapy and 4 weeks after the procedure, but in the 8-week on alternative medicine and cupping treatment. These
follow-up, the blood pressure was observed to increase studies were performed in Korea, China, Norway, England,
again in the blood letting group. Local studies were also Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Iran [39-44].
included in a review evaluating the effect of cupping Three meta-analyzes were accessed in cupping
therapy on hypertension. Studies involving cupping therapy treatment. In these meta-analyzes, local databases were
and comparisons with acupuncture concluded that cupping used apart from the international database. In these
therapy was effective in hypertension [28]. In another meta-analyzes, it was concluded that "The quality and
review performed on hypertension, there is not enough quantity of RCS in cupping treatment appears to have
evidence that cupping therapy can be effective in increased over the past 50 years, and the majority of studies
hypertension, but further studies are needed . show potential benefits over pain conditions, herpes zoster
It was concluded in a review on cardiovascular health and other diseases” [45].
that there was not sufficient data and further studies were In addition, there are studies performed on the use of
required [29]. placebo silicon in cupping treatment, the effect of
In a study on the effect of cupping therapy on weight loss, differences in anatomical back structure instead of mug,
it was concluded that cupping therapy + acupuncture therapy awareness of cup trace in forensic autopsies and cupping
was more effective than acupuncture therapy itself [30]. therapy device innovations [46,47].
In the study on the effect of cupping therapy on 20 of the case reports are related to the effectiveness
autoimmune diseases, autoantibody, inflammatory mediators of cupping therapy, and 44 case reports are on the side
and serum ferritin levels were examined and it was effects of cupping therapy. Most of the case reports on
concluded that cupping therapy was promising in side effects were made in the last 10 years. Case reports
autoimmune diseases [31]. related to their negative effects were mostly on side effects
A study on the effectiveness of cupping therapy in on the skin. There are case reports related to burns, bullae,
thalassemia and iron overload conditions concluded that keloid, hyperpigmentation reaction, infection, skin scar,
wet cupping therapy was effective [32] . skin abscess, epidural abscesses. There are also cases of
In the study on the effects of cupping therapy on koebner phenomenon in psoriasis. One case was related
infertility, it was concluded that cupping therapy may be to lipoma formation after dry cupping. Cardiac hypertrophy
effective in infertility, but further studies are required [33]. due to anemia was reported after a prolonged cupping.
There are studies investigating the effect of cupping In one case, extracranial vertebral artery rupture was
therapy on heavy metal detoxification, which concluded reported after hematoma occurring in the nape after cupping
that it was effective in removing heavy metals such as therapy. It was stated that all these side effects were mostly
aluminum, lead, mercury and silver from the body [4,34]. occurred after wet cupping therapy performed by
Apart from these, there are case reports that cupping non-competent people [48,49].
therapy is effective in the treatment of superficial The distribution of all these studies by years and regions
thrombophlebitis, its therapeutic effect in mastitis, insect can be seen in Fig. 1, 2. Although all studies have increased
sting with lymphangitis, epicondylitis treatment, gluteal in recent years, there has been an increase especially in
nerve junction syndrome and epistaxis treatment [35-38]. RCSs in recent years (Fig. 1, 3).
Analytical Approach to the Literature of Cupping Therapy | 5

Ⅳ. Discussion from accumulating in cells such as muscle and nerve cells

and causing diseases [4].
Many theories have been proposed regarding the Although not all of these mechanisms are clear, when
possible mechanisms of action of cupping therapy. These we look at RCS showing that cup therapy can be effective,
effects can be classified as local effects, gate control theory, the main mechanism of treatment, regardless of the source
effects on the neural system, effects on the hematological of effect, is the effect on inflammation, oxidation and
system, effects on the immune system, reflex mechanisms, chemical toxicity [50]. When we look at the pathogenicity
and placebo effect [4]. of the pain, the main reason is increased pressure in the
Kutivisceral reflex theory is one of the neuronal interstitial area and increased neurotransmitters (substance-P,
mechanisms of action. According to this theory, there are calcitonin receptor gene associated peptide and other
relations with internal organs in the relevant skin areas neurotransmitter in afferent nerves). Especially the increase
along the segments that the spinal nerves innervate. These of Substance-P increases the release of inflammatory
relationships are defined as a kutivisceral / viserokuteneal mediators such as histamine, tumor necrosis factor-alpha
reflex. In a pathological condition to occur in the organ, and leukotriene [10]. The nerve endings (nociceptors)
the signal to the relevant skin area may cause skin changes become more sensitive during inflammation and this causes
or pain in this area. According to this theory, starting from a sensation of pain in the pathological region [10]. When
this mechanism, it is possible to contribute to the treatment the first vacuum pressure is applied during blood letting
of the organ with cupping therapy to be made to the segment treatment, interstitial fluids, neurotransmitters and other
related to the diseased organ. mediators in the region are collected under the cup thanks
Another important mechanism is the gate control theory. to the negative suction pressure since there is no incision.
According to the gate control theory, it stimulates the thick Later, this area is cut and vacuumed again so that it causes
unmyelinated A delta fibers with incision and vacuum the inflammatory mediators collected here to be absorbed
created in wet cupping application, and closes the entrance into the cup [10].
doors of pain signals reaching the spinal core with the Most of the studies carried out in Far East Countries
group C thinner myelinated nerve fibers in the substantia and the number of the studies carried out in Europe and
gelatinosa. In addition, by stimulating the mechanoreceptors, America have increased in the last 10 years (Fig. 1, 2).
other pain stimulation is prevented over nociceptive afferent fibers Especially, the increase in the number of RCSs will cause
and the stimulation is prevented from moving upward [7]. the interest in cupping therapy to increase (Fig. 3).
In Chinese medicine, there are 5 basic items and they Recent studies have mostly been combined with other
have characteristic features. There are energy channels of traditional therapies such as acupuncture and moxa. In all
organs in the body. According to this theory, disruptions these studies, it was concluded that treatments such as
in the flow of these channels cause diseases in the organ acupuncture and moxa were more effective than their
that channel acts on. Energy and blood blockages that may effectiveness alone [2].
occur in these channels can be opened with wet cupping RCS contains pain due to herpes zoster infection, active
application. herpes simplex infection, fibromyalgia, low back pain, mig
Another mechanism is to ensure the excretion of toxins raine and tension-type headache, neck pain, injury,
and heavy metals accumulated under the skin with the constipation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, allergic
application of blood letting and to prevent these substances rhinitis, chronic urticaria, acne vulgaris, facial paralysis,
6 | J Korean Soc Phys Med Vol. 16, No. 3

Fig. 1. Distribution of studies by years.

Fig. 4: Cupping therapy application today.

peroneal nerve palsy, cerebral palsy, its effect on iron

overload therapy, brachial paresthesia, upper extremity
spasticity, its effect on the immune system, its effect on
oxidative stress and forensic medicine. In these studies,
blood letting treatment was applied and any significant side
effects were not observed in these studies. There is no
placebo control group in all studies, since placebo cannot
be administered in cupping therapy by nature. One study
was about the use of a silicone cup for placebo purposes.
Fig. 2. Regional distribution of all studies.
In this study, it was concluded that “Although the placebo
cup is effective, further study is required.” (Table 1) [46].
The majority of RCSs performed on cupping treatment
are on pain, musculoskeletal, skin diseases, and nervous
system diseases. The majority of reviews have been also
made on these issues (Table 1).
Wet cupping was applied in all RCSs performed on
pain. In these studies, it has been concluded that cupping
therapy is effective. In the reviews on this subject, it was
concluded that cupping therapy was effective in the
Fig. 3. Regional distribution of RCSs. treatment of pain (Table 1) [5,8,9]. It was concluded in
one each RCS carried out lower back and neck pain that
chronic fatigue syndrome, ankylosing spondylitis, gout dry cupping therapies were also effective on pain. Cupping
arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, acute eczema, asthma, therapy points were determined according to the
hiccups, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, localization of patients' pain, and no standard treatment
obesity, heart rhythm, insomnia, effect on quality of life protocol was applied (Table 1) [9].
in chronic patients, depression in diabetes, neurodermatitis, In studies on muscle-bone diseases, wet cupping therapy
chloasma, postoperative nausea, cervical spondylosis, was also applied. In addition, in 34 RCSs performed on
Analytical Approach to the Literature of Cupping Therapy | 7

Table 1. Studies on Cupping Therapy

Author of
Name of the study Type of scientific study Subject of study Result p value
Cupping therapy
Progress of researches on the Cui S/
Review mechanism of
mechanism of cupping therapy 2012
Cupping therapy
Furhad S/
Cupping Therapy. Review mechanism of
Cupping therapy
Cupping therapy: A prudent remedy Mehta P/
Review application
for a plethora of medical ailments. 2015
Effects of cupping
The medical perspective of cupping therapy,
therapy: Effects and mechanisms of Review Mechanism of
action. action of cupping
Effects of moving cupping therapy on Pre- and Effect of dry Cupping therapy showed a significant increase
hip and knee range of movement and post-procedure Murray D/ cupping therapy on in hip and knee range of motion measurements
p < .005
knee flexion power: a preliminary evaluation in 21 2019 hip and knee joint by 7% in straight leg raise and 4% in popliteal
investigation. healthy individuals. function angle test.
Wet cupping therapy for treatment of Eight randomized
Cao H./ Wet cupping appears to be effective in the
herpes zoster: a systematic review of controlled trials included Herpes zoster
2010 treatment of herpes zoster.
randomized controlled trials. (651 patients total)
Twenty-five RCTs were
Traditional Chinese Medicine for
identified with 1516 Cao H/ fibromyalgia Wet cupping appears to be effective in the
treatment of fibromyalgia: a systematic
participants for this 2010 treatment of fibromyalgia.
review of randomized controlled trials.
70 patients with
The Efficacy of Wet-Cupping in the chronic tension or Concluded that wet-cupping leads to clinical
Ahmadi A. Tension and
Treatment of Tension and Migraine migraine headache relevant benefits for primary care patients with p < .005
2008 Migraine Headache
Headache were treated with headache.
Cupping was found to reduce neck pain in
Is cupping therapy effective in patients Eighteen reviews patients compared with no intervention or
Kim S. Neck pain p = .001
with neck pain? were selected active control groups, or as an add-on
A total of 5 There is weak evidence to support the
Cupping therapy for knee randomized controlled hypothesis that cupping therapy has beneficial
Wang Y. Knee osteoarthritis
osteoarthritis: a synthesis of evidence. trials met our inclusion effects on reducing the pain intensity and
Complementary medicine research. criteria. (involved 535 improving the physical function in patients with
participants.) knee osteoarthritis.
Immunomodulatory effects of blood Rheumatoid In conclusion, BLC therapy combined with
Randomized Ahmed
letting cupping therapy in patients with arthritis conventional therapy may improve the clinical p < .001
controlled trial SM./2005
rheumatoid arthritis. condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Effects of traditional cupping therapy Cupping therapy may be effective in relieving
Carpal tunnel
in patients with carpal tunnel Randomized Michalsen the pain and other symptoms related to carpal p < .006,
syndrome: a randomized controlled controlled trial A./2009 tunnel syndrome p < .007

Al-hijamah (wet cupping therapy of Carpal tunnel Immediately after Al-hijamah, a dramatic
prophetic medicine) as a novel Case reports syndrome decrease in pain, numbness and parathesia
alternative to surgery for carpal tunnel occurred. Nerve conduction velocity and
8 | J Korean Soc Phys Med Vol. 16, No. 3

Author of
Name of the study Type of scientific study Subject of study Result p value
electromyography carried out few days after
Al-hijamah confirmed improved voluntary
motor unit morphologies in both hands. The
severe degree of bilateral carpal tunnel
syndrome improved electrophysiologically to
syndrome. be moderate. Scheduled surgical intervention
was cancelled. This did better than a German
report treating carpal tunnel syndrome using
traditional Chinese wet cupping therapy at the
trapezius muscle without applying sucking cups
at the carpal region.

Cupping in dermatology: a critical Soliman Y. Dermatological Cupping has a promising role in helping
review and update. /2018 condition manage dermatological conditions.

Besides the mechanical effect of cupping

increasing the local blood flow and stretching
Cupping therapy: An analysis of the
Lowe DT. Dermatological underlying tissue, activation of the Heme
effects of suction on skin and the Review
/2017 condition Oxygenase-1 system could account for many
possible influence on human health.
of cupping therapy's claimed local and systemic
health benefits.

Postherpetic neuralgia: practical In traditional medicine early treatment of

Avijgan Postherpetic
experiences return to traditional Review herpes causes a better effect on PHN pain
M./2017 neuralgia:
Chinese medicine. control.

Review There are not enough trials to provide evidence

(3 randomized clinical for the effectiveness of cupping for stroke
Cupping for stroke rehabilitation: a Lee MS./ Stroke
trials (RCTs) and 2 rehabilitation because most of the included
systematic review. 2017 rehabilitation
uncontrolled trials compared the effects with unproven
observational studies) evidence and were not informative.

Although rigorous research is warranted, with

A close look at an integrative treatment Lee SMK./ limited treatment options, we highly suggest
Review Bell's palsy
package for Bell's palsy in Korea. 2017 that it is worth applying integrative medicine
to Bell's palsy patients.

Effect of three-step acupuncture and

Report of clinical
cupping therapy on cervicogenic Jiang G. trigeminal Cupping therapy and acupuncture therapy can
trigeminal neuralgia: A report of /2004 neuralgia also be effective in trigeminal neuralgia.
clinical observation.

Report of clinical
Wet cupping therapy restores sympathovagal Arslan M. These results indicate for the first time in
observation Cardiac rhythm.
imbalances in cardiac rhythm. /2014 humans that cupping might be cardioprotective.

The experimental group who received dry cupping

The effectiveness of dry-cupping in post-operative
had significantly lower levels of PONV severity
preventing post-operative nausea and Randomized Farhadi nausea and p < .001,
after surgery than the control group. The
vomiting by P6 acupoint stimulation: controlled trial K./2016 vomiting p < .01
differences in measure were maintained after
A randomized controlled trial.
controlling for age and ASA in regression models.

A meta analysis on randomized traditional chinese medicine is effective for

Wang JJ./ Chronic fatigue
controlled trials of acupuncture Review. CFS, but still needs being confirmed by more
2009 syndrome.
treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. high-quality studies.

The Hechelu theory-based TCM treatment has

Moving cupping at Hechelu combined
Randomized He L./ Depression of better: efficacy for depression of diabetes
with rubbing method for depression of p < .05
controlled trial 2016 diabetes mellitus. mellitus than fluoxetine hydrochloride capsule,
diabetes mellitus.
which has less adverse effects.
Analytical Approach to the Literature of Cupping Therapy | 9

Author of
Name of the study Type of scientific study Subject of study Result p value
The effects of wet cupping on serum
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein Farahman Wet-cupping on the interscapular region has no
Randomized Metabolic
and heat shock protein 27 antibody d SK./ effect on serum hs-CRP and Hsp27 patients p < .05
controlled trial syndrome.
titers in patients with metabolic 2014 with metabolic syndrome.
The effects of wet cupping on coronary
Farahman Wet cupping does not have a significant effect
risk factors in patients with metabolic Randomized Metabolic
d SK./ on anthropometric or biochemical indices p < .05
syndrome: a randomized controlled controlled trial syndrome.
2012 compared to the effect of dietary advice.

A substantial decrease in LDL cholesterol (p

< .0001) and in the LDL/HDL ratio (p < .0001)
was found in the treated group compared to
The effect of wet cupping on serum the control. There were no significant changes
lipid concentrations of clinically Randomized Niasari Serum lipid in serum triglyceride between groups (p > .05). P < .5,
healthy young men: a randomized controlled trial M./2007 concentration. Although there were no statistically significant p < .001
controlled trial. variations in total cholesterol and HDL
cholesterol (p > .05), a 7% decrease in total
cholesterol and 3% increase in HDL cholesterol
may be clinically important.

A few small studies suggested that wet cupping

alone versus antihypertensive medication
significantly reduced blood pressure and
Wet cupping for hypertension: a Lu S./ Traditional Chinese Medicine syndrome
Review Hypertension
systematic review and meta-analysis. 2019 (hypertension-related symptoms). However
based on current evidence, no firm conclusions
can be drawn and no clinical recommendations
M The evidence is not significantly convincing
Convenient, traditional and alternative Cardiovascular
Review Zarshenas to suggest cupping is effective for treating
therapies for cardiovascular disorders. disorders.
M./2017 cardiovasculer disorders.
Comparison of therapeutic effects of Acupuncture, cupping plus acupoint catgut
acupuncture-cupping plus acupoint embedding therapy can increase therapeutic
Shi Y./
catgut embedding and electroacupuncture Review Obesity effect on simple obesity of stomach and
on simple obesity of stomach and intestine excess-heat type, and it is a better
intestine excess-heat type. method for treatment of this disease.
Ameliorating role exerted by Al-hijamah may have better therapeutic
Al-Hijamah in autoimmune diseases: Baghdadi Autoimmune benefits than plasmapheresis. Al-hijamah may
effect on serum autoantibodies and H./2015 diseases be promising in treating autoimmune diseases
inflammatory mediators. as a sole treatment or adjuvant treatment.
Al-hijamah may be superior to phlebotomy, and
it needs to be researched further for educational
evaluation in treating iron overload. Oral honey
Al-hijamah and oral honey for treating Thalassemia, also carries a lot of therapeutic health benefits
thalassemia, conditions of iron El Sayed conditions of iron when treating conditions of iron overload. This
overload, and hyperferremia: toward SM./ overload, and may strongly suggest Al-hijamah combined
improving the therapeutic outcomes. hyperferremia with oral honey as a novel treatment for
thalassemia and iron overload conditions may
potentiate therapeutic effects of iron chelation
Positive effect of acupuncture and Wang Acupuncture and cupping therapy could help
Case report Infertility
cupping in infertility treatment. J-X./2018 treat infertility.
10 | J Korean Soc Phys Med Vol. 16, No. 3

Author of
Name of the study Type of scientific study Subject of study Result p value
Percutaneous excretion of iron and Iron overload in beta-
ferritin (through Al-hijamah) as a novel thalassemia major, Al-hijamah may be a promising adjuvant
El Sayed
treatment for iron overload in beta- Review hemochromatosis treatment for iron overload in thalassemia,
thalassemia major, hemochromatosis and sideroblastic hemochromatosis and sideroblastic anemia.
and sideroblastic anemia. anemia.
32 cases of acute mastitis treated with Zhaoping Acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping therapy
Case report Acute mastitis
acupuncture, moxibustion and cupping. L./1988 can be effective in acute mastitis.
Bloodletting combined with medicinal Bloodletting with medical cupping and
Zhao L./
cupping and moxibustion for 36 cases of Case report Dermatitis moxibustion may be effective in dermitis with
insect bite dermatitis with lymphangitis. lymphangitis caused by insect bites.
Seventy-eight cases of humeral
Ning G-L./ humeral Humeral epicondylitis was treated with
epicondylitis treated by pricking and Case report
2014 epicondylitis needling and cupping together with plaster.
cupping combined with moxibustion.
The extent of complementary and alternative
Use of complementary and alternative Norwegian and
Salomonsen medicine being offered has increased
medicine at Norwegian and Danish Survey Danish hospitals
LJ./2011 substantially in Norway and Danish during the
first decade of the 21(st) century.
Prevalence of complementary and
Berg J./ They found that CAM therapy is common in
alternative medicine usage in Vietnamese Survey Vietnamese
2016 Vietnamese asthmatic children
American asthmatic children.
A comprehensive context-based understanding of
the complementary and alternative medicine usage
Complementary and alternative medicines:
Ghaedi F./ and determinant factors may assist health care
usage and its determinant factors Survey Iran
2017 providers to design suitable interventions to
among outpatients in Southeast of Iran.
educate and evaluate the outcomes of using
complementary and alternative medicine.
There is a promising evidence in favor of the
Evaluation of wet cupping therapy: Meta analysis Al Bedah
Meta analysis use of wet cupping for musculoskeletal pain,
systematic review of randomized (Fourteen randomized AMN./
specifically nonspecific low back pain, neck
clinical trials. controlled trials) 2016
pain, CTS, and brachialgia.
Skin scraping, cupping, and moxibustion Look KM. there are some cultural practices of Oriental medicine
Review Physical abuse.
that may mimic physical abuse. /1997 that may mimic physical and/or child abuse.
We developed a new sham cupping device that
Developing and validating a sham Lee MS./ Sham cupping seems to provide a credible control for real
cupping device. 2010 device. cupping therapy by producing little or no
negative pressure.
In the study performed on
Numerical analysis of the change in
30 men, skin discoloration Cupping leads to changes in skin such as
skin color due to ecchymosis and Kim S-B./ Change in skin
was examined before pigmentation and blood purification mechanisms
petechiae generated by cupping: a pilot 2014 color.
and 72 hours after in the body.
cupping therapy.
Bloodletting-induced cardiomyopathy:
Cardiac hypertrophy developed in a patient
reversible cardiac hypertrophy in Sohn I-S./ Reversible cardiac
Side effect with severe iron deficiency anemia due to
severe chronic anaemia from long-term 2008 hypertrophy
prolonged blood draw with cupping therapy.
bloodletting with cupping.
Hijama (wet cupping) therapy might also be
Hijama therapy (wet cupping)–its considered for use too in a similar way by
potential use to complement British Sajid MI./ medical professionals and regulatory bodies as
Survey England
healthcare in practice, understanding, 2016 an alternative non-pharmacological treatment
evidence and regulation. or potentially a complementary therapy to
benefit patients.
Analytical Approach to the Literature of Cupping Therapy | 11

diseases such as osteoarthritis (4 pieces), rheumatoid treatment, gluteal nerve junction syndrome and epistaxis,
arthritis (1 piece), ankylosing spondylitis (2 pieces), gout, and with further RCSs to be performed, cupping therapy
carpal tunnel syndrome (2 pieces), cervical spondylosis and will be able to take its place in the treatment protocols
limb spasticity, cupping therapy was found to be effective for these and similar diseases (Table 1) [4,27-31,34,36-38].
in bone / musculature diseases. Moreover, in the reviews
carried out on this subject, it has been concluded that Ⅴ. Conclusion
cupping therapy is effective in musculoskeletal diseases
(Table 1) [11-14]. Despite being a very common treatment method today,
In a RCS, dry cupping was found to be effective in the lack of basic physiological and clinical data causes this
the treatment of osteoarthritis. therapy, which has made itself accepted among the public
In 16 RCS studies on skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, to not see the value it deserves in western medicine. We
herpes simplex, chronic urticaria, acne vulgaris, and acute are of the opinion that in recent years, with increasing RCSs
eczema, results were obtained regarding that cupping on cupping therapy carried out particularly in the west,
therapy was effective (Table 1) [15]. Cupping therapies cupping therapy will be started to be applied by physicians
were applied on and around the skin lesion in these studies. all over the world and gain the respect it deserves.
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