Taheri 2013

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Contribution of PV Generators with Energy Storage

to Grid Frequency and Voltage Regulation Via

Nonlinear Control Techniques
Hamed Taheri *, Ouassima Akhrif * and Aimé Francis Okou †
École de technologie Supérieure(ÉTS), Montreal, Quebec, Canada ([email protected], [email protected])

Royal Military College of Canada(RMC), Kingston, Ontario, Canada ([email protected])

Abstract—This paper proposes a nonlinear control strategy for a The most common practice is to use energy storage systems
hybrid PV-battery system insuring frequency and voltage (ESSs) as smoothing devices for a PV system’s output [3, 4].
support of the power system. The hybrid system includes a PV These works try to smooth the fluctuating PV power but do
panel and battery connected to three-phase DC-AC inverter via not consider power utility conditions such as load variation
DC-DC boost converter and bidirectional DC-DC boost
and the resulting frequency deviations and no frequency
converter. A synchronous generator represents the power grid.
The voltage regulators control DC-DC boost converter and DC- regulation is therefore attempted [5]. Some approaches
AC inverter while the frequency regulator controls the considering frequency control have been reported recently. A
bidirectional DC-DC boost converter. A conventional MPPT is state of the art survey of load-frequency control strategies can
used to adjust the reference for nonlinear PV voltage regulator. be found in [6]. Most of these results are for islanded power
The voltage regulator is designed based on multi-input multi- systems or micro-grids [5,7,8]. In these cases, the output
output exact feedback linearization technique. It consists of a variations of renewable plants are not given to the power
module that uses the terminal voltage deviation to generate q-axis utility and fuel cells as storage devices are used for frequency
voltage component. A module that maintains the DC-link voltage control. [14] introduces a maximum power point tracking
is also added to generate d–axis voltage component as well. The
method providing reserve power capability to PV systems so
proposed frequency regulator includes a module that changes the
reference signal of a battery current control module when the that they can participate in frequency regulation but again, it is
frequency deviation is significant. The battery current regulator in a micro-grid environment
is designed based on partial input-output feedback linearization In [9] a frequency control method based on simple
strategy. The proposed control system is evaluated in simulation. fuzzy logic is proposed for a PV–diesel hybrid system to
The results reveal that with the proposed control scheme, the PV- introduce the control by the PV while a PSO-based PI
battery generator reacts like a conventional synchronous Frequency Controller for Wind-Solar Diesel Hybrid Energy
generator when the grid frequency changes considerably. Generation/Energy Storage is proposed in [10]. Power
modulation of a photovoltaic (PV) generator for frequency
Keywords-grid connected PV; Nonlinear control; battery;
converter; frequency; voltage
regulation is proposed in [11]. The generator has a small
electric double-layer capacitor. The capacitor absorbs rapid
fluctuations of PV generation, and allows the generator to
change its output at a limited ramp rate. The generator output
is modulated in proportion to the frequency deviation. [12]
Renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic presents a minimal-order observer-based control method for
(PV), wind energy, or small-scale hydro, provide a realistic small isolated utility connected large PV system to reduce
alternative to generators for electricity generation in remote frequency deviations. A linear technique to implement
areas [1]. To date, it has not been necessary for small PV frequency and voltage regulation capability in solar
generators to provide frequency-regulation services to the photovoltaic power plant in the framework of the Smart Grid
isolated utility. In the future, with an increasing penetration of is discussed in [15]. All these works, are based on linear
PV generation, their impact upon the overall control of the control techniques and do not try to coordinate frequency
power system will become significant [2]. This will lead to regulation with an MPPT strategy. In [13] and [16], the
situation where the PV generators will be required to share authors implemented a nonlinear model-based voltage and
some of the duties, such as grid frequency and voltage control. frequency regulation scheme for PV generators [13] and wind
Several studies have been carried out to minimize energy-based system [16]. No energy-storage was considered
the harmful effects of connecting PV generators to the utility.

978-1-4799-0224-8/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE 42

 which is used for charging
the identical dynamics except for 
however in these 2 papers and no MPPT strategy was Similarly, bidirectional DC-DC boost converter has

 1 1
This paper extends the results in [13,16] by mode as:
 = − +

considering a hybrid PV-battery generator connected to the (2)

 1 1  !
grid. More importantly and contrary to the results in the
=   −  !  + .
literature, it supports the grid frequency and voltage while
insuring maximum power extraction from the PV generator.
An other advantage of the proposed control system is that it Consider now the DC-AC inverter. The inverter
takes into account the nonlinear dynamics of the PV-battery terminal voltage, the inductor current and the voltage at the
generator. It can therefore significantly improve the transient transformer primary are related by the following relationship in

 −"# 1
behaviour of the power system. the d-q reference frame.
= + %. + 
$ &
The paper is organized as follows. The PV power
system model is firstly obtained in Section 2. Then the
= −%. + 
proposed approach to design the frequency and voltage
$ &
regulators is introduced in Section 3. The proposed control
system is evaluated in Section 4 and the simulation results are (3)
presented. Conclusion remarks are given in Section 5. id and iq stand for inductance currents in the d-q
reference frame. vd and vq are the converter terminal voltage
components. The d-q reference frame components for the
II. MODELLING OF SYSTEM voltage at the transformer primary are Vs and 0. The active
The hybrid grid-connected PV-battery generator power balance between the AC side and the DC side provides

system is shown in Figure 1. This system includes a PV panel the following equation,
 = −

in series with DC-DC boost converter, battery stack in series (4)

The variable  is the complement of duty ratio of the boost

with bidirectional DC-DC boost converter, three-phase DC-
AC inverter, filtering inductors and a step-up transformer. The
secondary of the transformer is connected to the rest of the converter switch.
grid via a transmission line. A synchronous generator is used It is also important to represent the algebraic relationship
to represent the power grid system. The model-based control between the generator terminal voltage and the grid for the
design approach that will be used requires the dynamic model design of the voltage regulator. The relationship has the
of the entire system. This section presents the model that will following expression in the d-q reference frame. It is assumed

"# = ") − ) . %. &

be used to find the controller equations. that the grid is in quasi-steady state,

where ") represents the d component for the grid voltage.


Finally, the nonlinear model of three-phase DC-AC inverter is

obtained as:
 =  −

 −"# 1
= + %. & + 
  $ $
= −%. + 
Figure. 1 Model of hybrid PV-battery-diesel power system

Switching converters in this system include DC-DC  & 

$ &
boost converter, bidirectional DC-DC boost converter and "# = ") − ) . %. & (6)
three-phase DC-AC inverter. For DC-DC boost converter,
Ω = +. ("- − "-
 /0$ 3
)and 2 = 2 − 2 4 5
 /0$ 2
based on KCL and KVL laws and nonlinear relationships
between inductor (or capacitor) voltage and current, nonlinear
where 2 = 2 ( )2 then, the following multi-input multi-

 1 1
models are extracted easily as:
  = − +
output nonlinear model is obtained:
 1 1  Ω = ") − ). %. & − "-


  =   −   +  .  
2 = 7  . : −
89 ; <-.8=
 ,  ,  ,  , ,  and  are representing PV voltage  ! 2 !
 −"# 1
=[ + %. & ] + 
$ $
and current, inductor current, DC bus voltage, inductance and

= −%. +  &
input capacitance of boost converter and dutycycle of switch
respectively. (7)

 and & are inputs of the system and  32 and Ω are the J =  
J = − J2 + 

[ J2 =  , ]    ! !
J = 7 J −  ! : + _` . a
\ = J2
") − ) . %. JL − "-
outputs. The system nonlinear dynamics canbe presented as:
/0$  2
P 00 V
JK or JK = b(J) + c(J)a
U P 0 0 V 
J2K O 789  . : − ; <-.QR
I M=O ! U+OO  0 UU X Y \ = d(J)
U O@  U &
2 !
J;K O + %. J
O U N @ T
h̀ h̀
S Qi j 8klm
JLK with f(x) = g h n, g(x) = pqr and h(x) = x2 and u is the
L .

T 0
N −%. JL
Q S ^
9 h 9 _` s

input or duty cycle of the system. To apply input-output
J = (J , J2 , J; , JL )Z = (Ω, 2 ,  , & )
\ = d(J) = J2
feedback linearization technique, the output considered is:

Differentiating y with respect to time, we obtain:

\K = 7 J −  ! : + .a
The relative degree of this system is therefore r = 1 < 2.
In order for the hybrid PV-battery generator to react like a Therefore partial input-output feedback linearization method
conventional generator, a unified nonlinear controller is
transformation, we choose a new state variable u(x) according
should be employed. In order to complete the coordinate
designed. In case of any frequency deviations, the hybrid
system should support grid frequency by providing appropriate
to the following condition:
. c(J) = 0
amount of active power to the power grid. Also, under any
contingencies in the grid, the developed hybrid system should (11)
Choosing u(x) = J satisfies Eq. 11. The nonlinear coordinate
transformation Z = ϕ(x ) is therefore:
be able to maintain the terminal voltage close to its nominal

{ = | (J) = u(x) = J
value. A three-level controller is designed to this end. To

[ 1 1
control the bidirectional DC-DC boost converter, a frequency
{2 = |2 (J) = −  + 
regulator is proposed. Voltage regulators fulfilling PV, DC bus
and terminal voltages are designed to control DC-DC boost
converter and three-phase DC-AC inverter as well. and the new state feedback law is given by,

S~i w(x)j€
A. Design of frequency regulator
~ ~ w(x)
This regulator is responsible for controlling the output (12)
power of grid connected PV inverter. The power should be
L2ƒ u(x) = [ ~ U†„ +  J ] and L‡ Lƒ u(x) =
S S  Sˆ‰Š
equal to a given reference value in steady state. Since PV
„ ~.„
Applying the coordinate transformation Z = ϕ(x) and the new
always generates MPP power, the battery is used to provide
some of its power in reserve for regulation purposes. A sub-

module is used to readjust the reference value of the injecting
0 1
control law to the model (Eq. 9) gives
[Z = 70 0: ∙ Z + 1 . v
current of battery in order to support the grid when the

y = z
frequency deviation becomes significant. Figure 2 shows the (13)
structure of the frequency regulator. It includes a current

with v as the new auxiliary control variable.

control module and a frequency control module. Next the Eq. 13 represents a completely controllable linear system
design of these two modules is discussed.
A.2 Linear control design
PI + PI Battery The nonlinear state equations of bidirectional DC-DC boost

A, A
šA› A∗ , DA
current PWM converter, battery side have been converted into simple linear
- controller
state equations by partial feedback linearization strategy. Note
that the affine nonlinear system (2) and the linear system (13)
EFGH are related via a diffeomorphism. Therefore achieving battery
current regulation is equivalent to having the output of the
Figure. 2 Frequency regulator linear system (13) asymptotically track a reference output
function. To facilitate the study of asymptotic tracking, the

Firstly, we define the error e(t) which is the difference of the

A.1 Nonlinear current control module design system equations are converted into error state variable form.

actual output y(t) with the reference output y‘’ƒ (t). y‘’ƒ (t) is
This module is responsible for maintaining the charging-
discharching current of the battery equal to the reference value.
This value is modified by using a frequency sub-module which the reference value for the battery current. This reference may
is explained afterward. By controlling the battery current, the be modified by the frequency control module when the
output power is also controlled. Voltage and current dynamics frequency deviation becomes large.
derived in Eq. 2 are used to design the input-output feedback “() = \() − \”0$ () (14)
linearization-based controller. They can be written in the form:
{K = {2
In state space form, and given that,

\• =  → ˜
{2K = 

Defining “ = { − \”0$ () and “2 = {2 − \K ”0$ () , it is easy to
find a relationship between “ and “2 as:
equations of modules, exact input-output feedback

“K = {K − \K ”0$ () = “2

linearization schemes are employed.

“K2 = {K2 − \• ”0$ () =  − \• ”0$ ()
! Nonlinear DC-link

Voltage Controller

=−  “ − 2 “2 + \• ”0$ () 

The linear auxiliary control law can be defined as:

(17) œž

dq/abc PWM
Eqs 16 and 17 can be transformed into general state equation

“K 0 1 “ &
form as follow. Nonlinear Terminal

 =   "Ø
“K2 − − 2 “2
(18) Voltage Controller

The question now is to choose appropriate coefficients  Figure. 3 the voltage regulator
and 2 to ensure the system global stability. Let the desired
poles be #,2 = −¡%¢ £ ¤%¢ ¥1 − ¡ 2 , supposing known ¡ , the
V ) − L) . ω. xL − V°±’ƒ 0 0
Recall that the nonlinear dynamics of system are:
value %¢ is obtained as: xK P ® V
O 7²s U®³ . D: − ; µ°.xR U PO 0 0 VU v®
0.9257 x2K
%¢ = “J.ª;L ¡ I M= O „ 2 „ U+O  0 U Xv Y
©- x;K O U O~  U ¶
+ ω. x
xLK O ~ L U N0 ~ T
N −ω. xL T
where controller gains are found simply by solving the 
following equations:
x = (x , x2 , x; , xL )· = (Ω, U ®³2 , i® , i¶ )
∆ (#) = # + 2¡%¢ # + %¢
2 2

# −1 u = (u , u2 ) = (v® , v¶ )
· ·
∆(#) = « « = (# + 2 ). # + = #2 + y = (y , y2 )· = (U 3
# + 2 ®³2 , Ω)

2 # + 
= %¢ 2 θ(t) = U .D
⇒ ∆(#) = ∆ (#) ⇒ ˜  C ®³
2 = 2¡%¢
 which represent the duty cycles for the
The signals D and  y = x2 =z
Then the first output is,

\K = J2K =»() −

bidirectional boost converter switches are passed through a ; <-.QR
2 ! 2
K −
PWM module. The outputs of the PWM module are connected
; <K-.QR
\• =[»() + . a= ,
to the corresponding switches. ; <¼i ; <-.½.Q¾ ; <-
2 ! 2 !@ 2 ! 2 @.`
– ]- (21)
A.3 Frequency control module design The relative degree for this output is therefore ¿ = 2 and the nonlinear

K − ; µK°.xR + ; µÁ − ; µ°.Â.x¾ ]Ã
When grid frequency changes significantly due to control input is:
u = . Àv − [[θ(t)
perturbations in load power, some power should be provided S2 ~.Š i

; µ° 2 „ 2 „~ 2 „
either by synchronous generator or PV-battery generator in
\2 = J ={;
order to maintain the frequency at its nominal value. This For the second output,

\2K = JK =") − ) . %. JL − "- = {L

essential power for frequency compensation is provided by
power reserved in battery in DC side. The battery current
y2• = Ä−VK°±’ƒ + L) . ω2 . x; Å − Æ u2 = v2
reference should be changed by another frequency module to ~ .Â
The relative degree for this output is , r2 = 2 and the second control
increase some power for contribution to frequency regulation
by PV generator. The frequency control module is a two loop
controller; DC bus power controller and frequency controller.
Î2 − [−"-K
input is
a2 = + ) . % 2 . J; ]Ï
Frequency deviation along with PI controller determines S@ /0$
Æ .½
reference for DC bus power which is summation of PV and
The total relative degree is r = r + r2 = 4 = n .
battery powers. Likewise DC bus power finally assigns the
reference for battery current control module. PV power is
determined by MPPT and is therefore assumed to be always Therefore this system satisfies the exact feedback
constant. The output of frequency module is used to adjust the linearization condition. This means that the system can be
battery current reference value for current control module as linearized entirely by means the appropriate change of

coordinates z = (z , z2 , z; , zL )· and control inputs a and a2 the

described in previous subsection. coordinates and nonlinear state feedback. In the new

B. Design of smooth multi-input multi-output voltage
0 1 0 0
system can be rewritten as

ÓK = Ô0 0 0 0Õ ∙ Ó + Ö1 0× . 

0 0 0 1 00
In this section, a multi-input multi-output voltage regulator is
 0 0 0 0 01
designed. It has two duties; control of system terminal voltage
\ = ({ , {; )Z , Ó = ({ , {2 , {; , {L )Z ,  = ( , 2 )
and DC bus voltage. The structure of this controller is
presented in Figure 3 including terminal voltage module and

linear system. v is the new auxiliary two-dimensional control

DC bus voltage module. The detailed designed controllers for The system defined by Eq. 24 is a completely controllable
both modules are presented in the following. To obtain the

variable. The same aforementioned method is used to design figure 5. As seen during applied scenario, terminal voltage is
this linear controller. controlled at its nominal value, 1800V even after fault.
C. PV controller design

DC-link voltage
The PV controller includes two parts; PV voltage 200
controller and MPPT. It is represented by the single-input
single-output affine nonlinear system (1). It can easily be seen 100
that the relative degree of this system is r =2. Therefore it
satisfies the exact feedback linearization conditions, i.e., the 0
system can be linearized entirely by means of a change of 40 60 80 100 120 140

In this case, the coordinate transformation Z = ϕ(x ) is:

coordinates and nonlinear control. Time(Sec.)

z = φ (x) = y(x) = x
Figure. 4 Simulation result of DC bus voltage under load
z2 = φ2 (x) = Lƒy(x) = − „Ú€ x2 + „Ú€ iڀ = zK
z2K = v

Terminal voltage(V.)
and the new state feedback law is as follows, 1800

Si@ Û(Q)j
a= Ü @Û(Q)
(26) 1500

L2ƒ ω(x) = ıڀK − x + Udc and

59 59.5 60 60.5 61 61.5 62 62.5 63 63.5 64

„Ú€ ~.„Ú€ ~.„Ú€


L‡ Lƒω(x) =
Sˆ®³ Figure. 5 Simulation result of terminal voltage of transformer
the input is easily obtained as: Nominal grid frequency is 60Hz; but during very big
a= À − [ ßK − J + ]Ã
S.!    load perturbation the grid frequency is dropped while the
^ ! .! .!
conventional synchronous generator is not able to provide
the new coordinates Z = ϕ(x) and the new control law.
the linearized system can be rewritten as follows in terms of required power for returning frequency to its nominal value.

0 1 0
ZK = 7
PV system contributes into grid frequency as soon as grid is
[ : ∙ Z +  .v
0 0 1
(29) perturbed by load and sends required power to AC side. The
y = z simulation result shows that grid frequency is regulated to its
nominal value as shown in figure 6.
v is the new auxiliary control variable. The PV reference
The above equation is a completely controllable linear system.
voltage value is determined with MPPT. In this paper, a
Grid frequency(Hz.)

conventional MPPT technique based on perturbation and 60

observation is used. 50


40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
To evaluate the performance of the proposed control Time(Sec.)

strategy, a power system consisting of three-phase grid-tied Figure. 6 Simulation result of grid frequency regulation
PV generator supplying an 1800V, 60Hz power grid with
active and reactive power is deployed. The PV generator The simulation results indicate also that maximum
includes PV panel with 173W maximum power PV power, 173W is extracted from PV panel and verifies both
(Vmpp=69.2V, Impp=2.5A) and a lead-acid battery (100V, MPPT and controller responses very well.
10Ah). The diesel turbine is applied to the system at time
equal 2 second. The initial AC loads are set at 450 W. To 200
examine the frequency and voltage regulating aptitude of the 180
PV power(W)

proposed control scheme, the requisite active and reactive 160
power is altered by abrupt AC load increment of 350W and 140

100var at time t equal 60 second at AC bus. Before and after


load disturbance, the PV generator is expected to generate its 110

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
maximum power because of MPPT. Recall that the main Time(Sec.)

objective of project is to develop a PV system which reacts Figure. 7 Simulation results of PV power
just as a conventional generator, i.e., the PV generator should
contribute to regulations of both grid frequency and voltage When perturbation happens, diesel generator tries to
during any grid contingency. provide some powers for maintaining grid frequency at its
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