Controller Design and Implementation of Solar Panel Companion Inverters
Controller Design and Implementation of Solar Panel Companion Inverters
Controller Design and Implementation of Solar Panel Companion Inverters
Abstract—A solar panel companion inverter (SPCI) is a single- utility grid. String inverters are smaller than central inverters
stage dc–ac power converter, installed with each solar panel. Each as they process power only from one string. An alternative
SPCI synthesizes an ac quasi-square wave voltage with variable approach is to employ a microinverter for every solar panel [4].
pulsewidth. The width of ac output voltage of each SPCI is pro-
portional to available power on the solar panel. Output voltages Such small inverters convert dc power produced by a single
of SPCIs are aggregated across multiple solar panels connected solar panel and synthesize required ac voltage. Because of its
in series, and a sinusoidal ac voltage is synthesized. In this arti- modularity, this topology has an additional advantage of scaling
cle, dynamic analysis and closed-loop current controller design of up to the required power level. Microinverter topology needs an
SPCI is presented. Simulation results demonstrating the dynamic additional power conversion stage to step up the module voltage
response of the closed-loop SPCI are included. The closed-loop
current control scheme is implemented on a hardware prototype of the solar panel (usually 30–35 V dc at maximum power point
to demonstrate the grid-tied operation of SPCI, and experimental operation), to match the grid voltage level. This additional dc–dc
results are presented. A maximum power point tracking (MPPT) power conversion stage introduces additional losses in the sys-
algorithm is implemented for sorted stair-case modulation (SSCM) tem. Also, the price on per watt basis is the highest for microin-
in MATLAB Simulink. Experimental results demonstrating MPPT verter topology, when compared to central and string inverter
operation are presented.
Index Terms—Active power control, cascaded H- bridge For given operating conditions of sunlight and temperature,
inverter, current control, maximum power point tracking each PV module will have its own current–voltage (IV) and
(MPPT), multilevel inverter, photovoltaic (PV) inverter, PV power
conversion, reactive power control.
power–voltage (P–V) characteristics. In any PV inverter topol-
ogy, to ensure maximum utilization of the PV modules, it is
I. INTRODUCTION important that all PV modules are operated at their correspond-
ing maximum power points. Maximum power point tracking
OWARD optimizing capital costs of power electronics on
T a per watt basis, central photovoltaic (PV) inverters have
been designed for bulk power generation applications [1]–[3].
(MPPT) algorithms such as perturb and observe or incremental
conductance can be implemented to ensure that the maximum
power extraction is possible from PV inverters [7]–[16].
In a centralized architecture, solar panel strings are constructed
There can be two approaches toward controlling the grid-
by connecting individual panels in series, to build up dc voltage.
connected PV inverters: voltage-mode control and current-mode
These strings are then connected in parallel to scale up to the
control. Voltage-mode control has been utilized for flexible
required power level before feeding into a single central inverter.
ac transmission system controllers [17]–[20]. In this mode of
A variation to the centralized topology could be obtained by
control, the real and reactive powers are controlled by con-
introducing a dc–dc power conversion stage before the dc–ac
trolling the phase angle and amplitude of inverter output ac
conversion. The dc–dc power conversion stage can either be
voltage with respect to the voltage at point of common coupling
at the string level or at the panel level [4], [5]. An improved
(PCC). Voltage-mode control has a drawback that there is no
version of central inverter topology is called the string inverter
explicit control over the ac grid current, which means that the
topology [6]. In this topology, strings of panels are directly
inverter is exposed to conditions such as over currents [21].
connected to an inverter, which is then interfaced with an ac
In current-mode control, the ac grid current of the inverter is
controlled directly. In this mode, the active and reactive powers
Manuscript received April 14, 2019; revised August 12, 2019 and October 20,
2019; accepted November 18, 2019. Date of publication January 12, 2020; date
are controlled by controlling the phase angle and amplitude
of current version March 17, 2020. Paper no. 2019-IACC-0317.R2, presented of ac grid current with respect to the voltage at PCC. This
at the 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Portland, OR, ensures that the inverter is protected against sudden variations
USA, Sep. 23–27, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS by the Industrial Automation and Control Com-
in the current. This approach also has the advantages of being
mittee of the IEEE Industry Applications Society. This work was supported robust and having a very good dynamic performance [21], [22].
by the Energy Production & Infrastructure Center (EPIC), University of North The control loops typically involve a comparison of parameters,
Carolina-Charlotte. (Corresponding author: Prasanth Kumar Sahu.)
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
which are sinusoidal in nature. Controllers for such loops can
University of North Carolina-Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223 USA (e-mail: be proportional-integral (PI) or proportional-resonant (PR). Im-
[email protected]; [email protected]). plementing a PI controller to control the instantaneous value of
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online
sinusoidal current is challenging to achieve a zero steady-state
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2020.2965867 error without a reference frame transformation [23]. On the
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sinusoidal ac output voltage (both magnitude and phase angle). diq dρ
The magnitude and phase angle of the synthesized output voltage L =− L id − Riq + Vspciq − Vgridq (11)
dt dt
should be such that a current of specific magnitude and phase
angle is injected into the grid. = ω. (12)
A closed-loop current control, referred to as current-mode dt
control, capable of tracking a sinusoidal reference current can If ω0 is the frequency of the ac grid, and ρ(t) = ω0 t + θ0 , then
be implemented. However, tracking a sinusoidal reference input (10) and (11) can be rewritten as
with the zero steady-state error is difficult. Hence, the current did
control scheme is implemented in the dq-frame, and a zero L = Lω0 iq − Rid + Vspcid − Vgridd (13)
steady-state error can be achieved by including a PI compen-
sator, since the control variables are dc quantities. Current L = −Lω0 id − Riq + Vspciq − Vgridq . (14)
control in the dq-frame is usually implemented in three-phase dt
systems by using Park’s transformation. For a single-phase The abovementioned equations (13) and (14) describe a first-
system, the measured current first needs to be converted to order linear system with Vgridd and Vgridq as constant inputs. If
the static αβ-frame [32]. First, a current in quadrature with Vspcid and Vspciq are dc quantities, id and iq are also dc quantities
the measured current is obtained by delaying the measured in the steady state. ρ(t) = ω0 t + θ0 is ensured by implementing
sinusoidal current by 90°. SPCI shown in this figure represents a a phase-locked loop algorithm.
lossless power processor, which converts dc power to ac power.
Real and reactive power can be controlled by controlling the B. Current Control Loop
amplitude and phase angle of the ac current with respect to ac The current control in the dq-frame is based on (13) and (14).
voltage of the ideal voltage source. In these equations, id and iq are state variables, Vspcid and Vspciq
are control inputs, and Vgridd and Vgridq are disturbance inputs.
A. Dynamic Model of Current Controller The dynamics of id and iq are coupled due to the presence of
Dynamics of the ac side of the SPCI system of Fig. 2 may be reactance terms (Lω0 ) in the (13) and (14). Let Vid and Viq be
described by two control inputs calculated as follows:
di −−→ −−→ Vid = Lω0 iq + Vspcid − Vgridd (15)
L = −Ri + Vspci − Vgrid (1)
dt Viq = −Lω0 id + Vspciq − Vgridq . (16)
where i is the grid side ac current phasor, R is the resistance of
−−→ Hence, (13) and (14) can be rewritten as
the interfacing inductor, L is the interfacing inductance, Vspci is
−−→ did
the phasor output voltage of SPCI, and Vgrid is the phasor grid L = −Rid + Vid (17)
voltage. Representing the voltage and current phasors of (1) in dt
αβ and dq frames of reference as follows: diq
L = −Riq + Viq . (18)
i = iα + jiβ = (id + jiq ) ejρ(t) dt
The abovementioned equations (17) and (18) represent two,
Vspci = Vspciα + jVspciβ = (Vspcid + jVspciq ) ejρ(t) (3) first-order linear systems. It may be seen from these equations
−−→ that the quantities id and iq can be controlled by controlling
Vgrid = Vgridα + jVgridβ = (Vgridd + jVgridq ) ejρ(t) . (4) Vid and Viq , respectively. Rewriting (17) and (18) in s-domain
representation, we get
Equation (1) can be rewritten using (2)–(4) as
d LsId (s) = −RId (s) + Vid (s) (19)
L idq ejρ(t) = − R idq ejρ(t) + Vspcidq ejρ(t)
dt LsIq (s) = −RIq (s) + Viq (s) . (20)
− Vgriddq e jρ(t)
(5) Transfer functions of the systems described by (19) and (20),
idq = (id + jiq ) (6) respectively, are
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Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms showing active power injection into the grid
when dc power supplies are connected at the dc terminals of SPCIs and interfaced
to the ac grid. Vgrid is the grid voltage, Vpsci is the output voltage of SPCI, and
Igrid is the grid current injected into the grid.
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Fig. 13. Simulation results when all panels are operating under scenario 1
(uniform irradiation of 200 W/m2 ) with MPPT algorithm implemented for
SSCM. (a) P–V curve showing the maximum power point operation of all the
PV panels highlighted in red. (b) Simulation waveforms of grid voltage Vgrid
Fig. 15. Simulation results when all panels are operating under scenario 3
inverter output voltage Vspci, and grid current Igrid.
(uniform irradiation of 1000 W/m2 ) with MPPT algorithm implemented for
SSCM. (a) P–V curve showing the maximum power point operation of all the
PV panels highlighted in red. (b) Simulation waveforms of grid voltage Vgrid,
inverter output voltage Vspci, and grid current Igrid.
Fig. 14. Simulation results when all panels are operating under scenario 2
(uniform irradiation of 600 W/m2 ) with MPPT algorithm implemented for
Fig. 16. Simulation results when all panels are operating under scenario 4
SSCM. (a) P–V curve showing the maximum power point operation of all the
(950 W/m2 , 800 W/m2 , 650 W/m2 , 500 W/m2 , 350 W/m2 , 200 W/m2 ) with
PV panels highlighted in red. (b) Simulation waveforms of grid voltage Vgrid,
MPPT algorithm implemented for SSCM. (a) P–V curves showing the maximum
inverter output voltage Vspci, and grid current Igrid.
power point operation of all the PV panels highlighted in red. (b) Simulation
waveforms of grid voltage Vgrid, inverter output voltage Vspci, and grid current
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Fig. 19. PV panels utilized for demonstrating maximum power point extrac-
Fig. 17. Simulation results when all panels are operating under scenario 5 tion and grid tie operation.
(1000 W/m2 , 900 W/m2 , 800 W/m2 , 700 W/m2 , 600 W/m2 , 500 W/m2 ) with
MPPT algorithm implemented for SSCM. (a) P–V curves showing the maximum
power point operation of all the PV panels highlighted in red. (b) Simulation
waveforms of grid voltage Vgrid, inverter output voltage Vspci, and grid current
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[28] M. Khazraei, H. Sepahvand, K. Corzine, and M. Ferdowsi, “A general- Madhav D. Manjrekar (Senior Member, IEEE)
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