Managing The Design Delivery 1st Edition Rics

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GN 76/2012

Managing the design delivery RICS Professional Guidance, UK

1st edition, guidance note

The guidance examines design delivery management (DDM) in the

particular context of construction projects, situating it as a key process Managing the
that connects the various aspects of the construction value chain.
DDM is explained as an essential link between response to the client’s
needs and the construction process, which brings that response into
design delivery
reality as a building, structure or facility. 1st edition, guidance note
Some of the key topics covered in this guidance note include:
• Who manages the design delivery and how best practice is defined
• Reference, project definition and design management documentation
• Roles and responsibilities
• Hard skills and the actions of management
• Soft skills and the art of design team management
• Information exchange, and
• Choice of procurement route.
Managing the design delivery

RICS guidance note

1st edition (GN 76/2012)

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Permission to reproduce an extract from the APM Body of Knowledge (2006) granted by the Association for Project Management (APM).

Published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

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ISBN 978 1 84219 681 6

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RICS guidance notes 1
1 Introduction 2
1.1 Who manages the design delivery? 2
1.2 Clarifying the roles 2
1.3 Defining the design process 2
1.4 Where design starts and finishes 2
1.5 The project plan and project life cycle 3
1.6 How best practice is defined 6
1.7 The work of the integrator 7
1.8 Recommendations 7
2 Documentation 9
2.1 Reference documents 9
2.2 Project definition documents 9
2.3 Documents generated in design management 9
2.4 Information control 10
2.5 Information quality 10
2.6 Recommendations 10
3 Roles and responsibilities 11
3.1 Appointment of consultants 11
3.2 Design by contractors and subcontractors 11
3.3 Where liability resides 12
3.4 Recommendations 13
4 ‘Hard’ skills and the actions of management 14
4.1 Programming 14
4.2 Monitoring and review: the skill base involved 14
4.3 Risk management and the design delivery 15
4.4 Change control 15
4.5 Approval processes 17
4.6 Cost control 17
4.7 Value management and value engineering 17

4.8 Recommendations 18


5 ‘Soft’ skills and the art of design team management 19
5.1 Understanding construction teams 19

5.2 Sharing knowledge 20

5.3 Leading and managing the design team 20

5.4 Recommendations 21
6 Information exchange 22
6.1 Procedures 22

6.2 Document management and formats 23

6.3 Facilitation, co-ordination and anticipation 23

6.4 Project information systems 23

6.5 eTendering 24

6.6 Recommendations 24
7 Procurement 26
7.1 Traditional procurement 27

7.2 Design and build 27

7.3 Construction management 27

7.4 International forms 27

7.5 Partnering 28

7.6 Novation and its consequences 28

7.7 Recommendations 28
8 Summary and conclusions 29

9 References 31
9.1 Standards, services and reference documents 31
9.2 Selected bibliography 32


This guidance note was produced by the RICS
Project Management Professional Group. RICS
would like to express its thanks to the following
who contributed to its development.

Lead author:

James Mather

Project management board:

Chair: Anne McCann

Previous Chair: Don Hyslop

Special thanks to:

Thurstan Ollerearnshaw
Richard Schofield
Barrie Tankel
Roger Waterhouse
John Parsons


This guidance note covers managing the process This guidance note is about how that can be
of delivering design in the context of construction achieved in a managed, efficient way.
projects. It is not a treatise on design practice, nor
is it specifically about managing a drawing office. Figure 1 illustrates how an organisation (in
this context, a project organisation) has an
The process of delivering design process starts infrastructure, and makes use of this to add value
with the client’s brief and ends up as a design to its activities. The point is that managing the
delivered to the project team in a way that is timely design delivery, thought of as a process which
and aligned with the requirements of the contract ensures that connections are made effectively
and of construction. between activities, can add significant value to the
overall process.
Design delivery management (DDM) is therefore a
key process connecting links in the construction Figure 1: Porter’s Value Chain
value chain. It is an essential connection between
the interpreted response to the client’s needs
Project Infrastructure
(which is what the design is in essence), and the
Team Management
construction process which brings that response
into reality as a building, structure or facility. The Technology Development and Adjustment
idea of DDM is universal to projects of any size Procurement
and any location. It applies anywhere in the world,
Inception; aims and objectives

under any form of project management and any

legal system and contractual form. It applies to
Initial or Outline Briefing

Production Information
multiple projects, programmes or portfolios with

Post Contract Design

Consolidated Brief

their own management structures.

Scheme Design

Detailed Design

Tender Action
It also refers to one of the areas in the construction
process where mistakes are made most frequently,

and made repeatedly. These problems extend

from misinterpretations of the brief (or toleration of
an inadequate brief) to the supply of information
that is late, uncoordinated or plain wrong. It is
Porter’s Value Chain
undoubtedly true that the cost of poor information
in terms of disruption and wasted energy is very In this model, the DDM is active in the support
high. If the design delivery was reliably right, many activities in the upper part of the diagram; S/he
of the problems of construction would disappear. adds value to the primary activities in the lower
part of the diagram by ensuring appropriate,
The people who are responsible for managing the timely and efficient delivery of each stage in a way
design delivery may seem to have a formidable that avoids re-iteration. The DDM also is active in
task on their hands, if all is to progress smoothly. making efficient connections between the stages
This is because of the ease with which things and anticipating deviations from plan.
can go wrong, and the severity of the possible
consequences. However, it is not formidable
in terms of the nature of the planning involved
or the actions required as, for someone who
is experienced and thoughtful and who has
understood the processes, managing the design
delivery is not as daunting a task as it may seem. It
is simply the measured employment of a range of
management techniques which are not out of the
ordinary or hard to understand.


RICS guidance notes
This is a guidance note. Where It is for each surveyor to decide on the appropriate
recommendations are made for specific procedure to follow in any professional task.
professional tasks, these are intended to However, where members do not comply with the
represent ‘best practice’, i.e. recommendations practice recommended in this note, they should
which in the opinion of RICS meet a high do so only for a good reason. In the event of a
standard of professional competence. legal dispute, a court or tribunal may require them
to explain why they decided not to adopt the
Although members are not required to follow the recommended practice. Also, if members have
recommendations contained in the note, they not followed this guidance, and their actions are
should take into account the following points. questioned in an RICS disciplinary case, they will
When an allegation of professional negligence be asked to explain the actions they did take and
is made against a surveyor, a court or tribunal this may be taken into account by the Panel.
may take account of the contents of any relevant In addition, guidance notes are relevant to
guidance notes published by RICS in deciding professional competence in that each member
whether or not the member had acted with should be up to date and should have knowledge
reasonable competence. of guidance notes within a reasonable time of their
In the opinion of RICS, a member conforming to coming into effect.
the practices recommended in this note should
have at least a partial defence to an allegation of Document status defined
negligence if they have followed those practices.
However, members have the responsibility of RICS produces a range of standards products.
deciding when it is inappropriate to follow the These have been defined in the table below. This
guidance. document is a guidance note.

Type of document Definition Status

RICS practice statement Document that members with mandatory Mandatory
requirements under Rule 4 of the Rules for
Conduct for members
RICS code of practice Standard, approved by RICS, and endorsed by Mandatory or
another professional body, that provides users recommended good
with recommendations for accepted good practice practice (will be confirmed
as followed by conscientious practitioners in the document itself)
RICS guidance note Document that provides users with Recommended good
recommendations for accepted good practice practice
as followed by competent and conscientious
RICS information paper Practice based information, that provides users Information and/or
with the latest information and/or research explanatory commentary


1 Introduction

1.1 Who manages the design The most important point to remember is that the
delivery? roles of the DDM should be clearly identified at the
start of a project and provision should be given
Managing the design delivery is an activity of within the project team for these roles to work
project management, but is not always carried out effectively, co-ordinating and integrating the flow
by a project manager with that title. It is sometimes of work and making sure that it is performed in a
not even conceived of as a management activity timely manner.
at all, but just happens. For example, contract Throughout this guidance note, we will also refer,
administrators and professional designers often when relevant, to others who are involved in
simply do it as an unnamed part of their general design but not specifically or solely responsible
activity. for its integrated delivery: surveyors, architects,
engineers, etc.
In this guidance note we will consider design
delivery management as a specific process and The DDM is an integrator and brings in the various
the recommendations given are for whoever is parts of the design into a coherent flow which is:
managing each specific part of that process,
regardless of the job title they hold. • appropriate
• time-specific.
In order to avoid any confusion with other roles that
may already exist within a project, we shall refer,
1.3 Defining the design process
for the purposes of the discussion, to the design
delivery manager (DDM). This is not intended to
Design is rarely completely linear. It involves
suggest that the DDM is likely to be a separate
experiment and revisiting solutions that turn out
appointment carrying that title; in all likelihood, the
not to be ideal. Getting design right is therefore
DDM will do his or her work as part of another role,
a process that requires insight, flexibility and
such as:
collaboration. Planning and managing design
• project manager delivery inherits these considerations, too.

• design team leader Design involves various people, and during the
process the intensity of their involvement changes.
• project leader/lead consultant/contract
For instance, the architect may have a formative
role during briefing and in the phase following it,
• in ‘design and build’ situations, as part of the and then in the later design stages and during
contractor’s general management structure, or construction the architect’s role diminishes, while
as part of a subsidiary design group. the role of specialist designer-contractors will
probably start late and be very intense during parts
1.2 Clarifying the roles of the construction process.

Many projects have a design team leader (usually 1.4 Where design starts and finishes
the designer whose work is central to the project;
usually, but not always, the architect). The design In construction, all design has the ultimate goal
team leader, though, is not necessarily the same of addressing the client’s needs. Design therefore
person as the DDM. Similarly, the role of DDM begins with the brief, in which the client’s need is
may or may not be combined with that of project interpreted into requirements for a building.
manager or project leader/lead consultant/contract
administrator. So, if there is both a project manager However, the brief, like the design, often evolves
and a DDM, the DDM will be acting on behalf of the over a period. This is not necessarily a sign of
project manager in fulfilling a key part of the project disorganisation, but flows from reasons which
manager’s duties. affect many projects, among which are:


• the client is not entirely sure of what they want Under the traditional form of procurement, it might
at the outset be said that design finishes when the design
information is issued for construction, according
• the client has not fully understood the
to pre-set deadlines. But in ‘design and build’
implications of what they want at the
situations, although deadlines are still involved, the
DDM will naturally link his or her work into that of
• the constraints of the site have not emerged at the constructors, as part of a continuum.
the stage when the brief is first formulated, or
the site has not been identified 1.5 The project plan and project life
• planning considerations have an effect cycle
• the cost of the proposals does not align with
CIOB’s Code of Practice for Project Management
the client’s budget.
for Construction and Development (2010) is the
Under current best practice, briefing is therefore document most likely to be used by surveyors,
seen as a process with several stages and review however, the corresponding Royal Institute of
points. These stages can be understood in relation British Architects (RIBA) and Association for Project
to three documents: the RIBA project plan (RIBA Management (APM) approaches will be considered
2000), the APM project life cycle (APM 2006) and first in this document in order to provide context.
the Code of Practice for Project Management for The RIBA project plan has stages from A to M,
Construction and Development (CIOB 2010). In defining the progress of a project in some detail.
addition, the process laid down in BS 7000-4:1996 The APM project life cycle has only four phases:
(BSI 1996), BS 6079-1:2000 (BSI 2000) and other concept, definition, implementation and handover
standards can be plotted against one or more of and close-out. Figure 2 demonstrates the general
these. relationship between the two systems.


Figure 2: Project life cycle
of Practice
for Project
Association Management for Office of Royal Institute of
for Project Construction and Government British Standards British Property British Architects
Management Development Commerce (OGC) BS6079-1:2000 Federation (RIBA)
Gate 0 Strategic
1 Inception assessment 1 Conception 1 Concept A Appraisal
Gate 1 Business 2 Preparation of
Concept 2 Feasibility justification 2 Feasibility Brief B Design brief

C Concept
Gate 2 3 Design
Procurement Development
strategy Includes
applications to
and permissions
Gate 3 Investment from statutory
3 Strategy decision authorities
D Design
Includes planning
Definition 4 Pre-construction E Technical Design
Includes Includes statutory
applications to 4 Tender permissions
and permissions documentation and F Production
from statutory 3 Realisation tendering information
G Tender
Gate 4 Readiness documentation
for service
H Tender action

Implementation J Mobilisation

5 Construction
6 Engineering K Construction
services to practical
commissioning 5 Construction completion
7 Completion,
Handover and handover and
close-out occupation 4 Operation
8 Post-completion
review/project Gate 5 Benefits L, M Post-practical
close-out report evaluation 5 Termination completion


Note how the RIBA project plan seems to imply Handover and closeout
that the process is strongly linear, and it identifies Handover and closeout is the fourth and final phase
several stages in briefing; that process is to be in the project life cycle. During this phase final
overseen by a ‘project steering group’ which project deliverables are handed over to the sponsor
will establish ‘the vision and key performance and users. Closeout is the process of finalising all
indicators’. It is not made clear whether these project matters, carrying out final project reviews,
are related mainly to the client’s needs or to the archiving project information and redeploying the
building that might result from the project, so project team.
particular care and sensitivity is needed in following
this process. APM Body of Knowledge (2006), p.13
The APM project life cycle is more abstract and The differing vocabulary of the two systems
less task-based. Less detail is provided, and says much about the way that the architectural
there is nothing about it which is specific to the perspective of the RIBA tends to be tied to the
construction industry. On the other hand, the APM production of a built space, whereas the APM’s
approach seems to be favoured by government. definition is more elastic and thinks in terms of a
There is sufficient difference between the RIBA
‘capability that allows benefits to be achieved.’
and APM approaches to make an exact correlation
Even allowing for the fact that not all projects
between the two impossible.
are building projects, and that architecture is
This is the APM’s supporting narrative of its project essentially about buildings, there is still a different
life cycle: mind-set at work in either case; the project
manager is characteristically more attuned in the
Project life cycles
early stages of a project to thinking in terms of the
Project life cycles consist of a number of distinct
phases. All projects follow a life cycle and life cycles need, problem or opportunity to be addressed,
will differ across industries and business sectors. A rather than of the constraints that shape a design.
life cycle allows the project to be considered as a That is not to say that one approach is better
sequence of phases which provides the structure than the other – but managing the design delivery
and approach for progressively delivering the requires an understanding of which particular
required outputs. process is being followed. Also, what is not really
indicated in either case is the repeated iteration
Concept that may be required within, or even beyond, each
Concept is the first phase in the project life cycle. phase to review analysis and proposals.
During this phase the need, opportunity or problem
is confirmed, the overall feasibility of the project is The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) has
considered and a preferred solution identified. The produced a process called ‘Gateway Review’. This
business case for the project will be produced in involves independent practitioners from outside
this phase. the project examining the project process and
Definition commenting on the likelihood of its successful
Definition is the second phase of the project life delivery; it is an external perspective. There is a
cycle. During this phase the preferred solution is focus on how robust the processes are, and this
further evaluated and optimised. Often an iterative challenge can have a very healthy effect.
process, definition can affect requirements and the
project’s scope, time, cost and quality objectives. The CIOB’s Code of Practice for Project
As part of this phase the project management plan Management for Construction and Development
(PMP) is produced and the resources required (2010) exhibits an alternative approach to the APM
during the implementation phase will be identified. and RIBA. RICS was involved in its compilation,
and it shows signs of being based in property
development; it considers the process of site
Implementation is the third phase of the project life
acquisition in detail, which neither the APM nor
cycle, during which the project management plan
RIBA processes do. It is comprehensive and easy
(PMP) is executed, monitored and controlled. In this
phase the design is finalised and used to build the to use. Figure 3 shows stages in a project and
deliverables. some of the key documents that go with them.


Figure 3: Stages of CIOB approach and what is the stance within design management, and
accompanying documentation how is best practice defined in that quarter? There
is no simple answer to this, though
Stages Documents
BS 7000-4:1996 Guide to Managing Design in
Inception Client’s objectives Construction (BSI 1996) has a status which might
Site selection criteria put above criticism someone who followed it
Feasibility – strategy Outline project brief unswervingly. It has two other advantages as well.
Pre-construction Detailed project brief
The first is that it is unambiguously construction-
(includes submissions Detailed design brief
specific. This is helpful in a situation where much
to and approvals from Scheme design and
project management information and guidance
statutory authorities) cost plan
is generic and not tailored to the particular
Detailed design and
circumstances of the construction industry.
production information
Project execution plan The second is that it places emphasis on the
Construction Overall design schedule briefing process as one of development, which
Engineering services starts from the ‘initial brief’, and arrives in its
commissioning mature form as the ‘consolidated brief’. Guidelines
Completion/handover, are given on what the fundamental requirements of
client occupation the initial brief might include:
Post-completion review (a) The purpose of the construction
Many surveyors may be more familiar with this (b) Functional requirements
system. However, the APM and RIBA equivalents
should not be overlooked, and an understanding (c) Special, innovative or unusual features
of several systems is desirable for the DDM. The
(d) Healthy, safety and environmental constraints
CIOB’s Code of Practice for Project Management
for Construction and Development (2010) sets out a (e) Financial policy
comparison of its stages with those of some other
systems, and a version of this extended to include (f) Time policy
the APM Life cycle, is included here at Figure 3. (g) Quality strategy
Overall despite the usefulness of the CIOB
(h) Aesthetic considerations
approach, the RIBA Project Plan is probably the
closest to being an ‘industry common standard’. (BS 7000-4:1996, 2.3.2)
Figure 2 shows an analysis of various definitions After looking at brief development and project
of the Project Life cycle, set against one another. planning in some detail, BS7000-4 then moves
This is drawn from the CIOB Code of Practice, on to consider the plan of work (BS 7000-4:1996,
but expanded to include the APM scheme. It Figure 2), which it says may be based on the RIBA
will be apparent that there is no straightforward plan of work (now known as the RIBA project plan)
reconciliation of all systems across the board. or some bespoke equivalent. It describes this
as ‘a sequence of activities’ or ‘linear function’,
A DDM should also be aware of Prince2. This is a
and comments that ‘completion of a stage is
process-based method for project management, in
conditional on co-ordination of design between
use internationally. It comes out of the organisation
all team members and the approval of the design
now known as the Office for Government
team leader and possibly the client. To anticipate
Commerce (OGC). However, it lies beyond the
approval may result in work having to be corrected
scope of this document. OGC life cycle stages are
at a later stage’. (BS 7000-4: 1996, 2.5). It is
shown in Figure 2.
apparent that the BS takes a stance on a couple of
issues, which is notable:
1.6 How best practice is defined
• The linear model can only succeed and
Given the three varying approaches discussed in continue to be linear if there is a complete and
section 1.5, and the slight tension between them, competent review process at the end of each


stage. Otherwise, back-tracking and re-work These iterative items often originate at a point
are likely to be required, and an excessively somewhere between the concept and
iterative model results. pre-construction stages. These stages are shown
coloured light and mid-blue in Figure 4 (overleaf),
• The sequence of activities is secondary to a
while the iterative items are in a separate area
briefing process which has priority over it and
coloured dark blue. These items become the basis
runs parallel with it; the design is as it were,
of iterative actions and a documentation system
the child of that process, and the child is
which supports those actions. They represent the
‘brought up’ in a continuing briefing process
core from which the DDM’s activities derive; design
which extends up to the start of the detail
management and design delivery stand at the point
design phase (RIBA project plan stage E).
at which the analytical work of the brief and the
BS 7000 refers to the ‘design team leader’, and creative response to it, the design, become fused
not to the ‘design manager’ or ‘design delivery together, or ‘consolidated’ to use the word from
manager’. If a DDM is appointed, therefore, the BS 7000. This can be seen clearly in Figure 4
role of design team leader as envisioned in BS (overleaf).
7000 will be part-devolved to the DDM. However, The work of the DDM is, at a fundamental level,
there is no single way of splitting the roles; care one of consolidation and integration; it involves
will be needed in defining where one set of understanding of the balance of the brief and the
responsibilities ends and another begins. qualitative response of the design; of the priorities
of time, cost and quality, which inform the design;
In any case, the really important thing is to the nature of the design team and its members,
understand the fundamental message of the their strengths and weaknesses; and the mutual
evolving brief: how the client’s needs are met by suitability of design approach and procurement
the design, building process and the built solution. route.
That includes an understanding of how a shift in
the design or the building process would affect the 1.8 Recommendations
client: would his or her needs then be met more or
less fully? If consideration is given to the balance 1.8.1 The DDM should be to be aware of the
between time, cost and quality, where does the systems in use to define project processes: APM,
appropriate balance lie? It is worth considering all CIOB and RIBA.
these aspects.
1.8.2 The DDM or PM should establish which
1.7 The work of the integrator system is in use in a particular project, or agree a
suitable composite system where there are seen to
be benefits in a bespoke process.
Many of the actions of the DDM are iterative
1.8.3 The DDM may be in a position of coping
– they are to be reviewed or used for review
with members of the team who naturally use the
purposes at each stage of the job. For example,
system they are already accustomed to. The DDM
briefs and method statements for design
may have to ‘translate’ from one system to another
development may originate early in the job, but
and interpolate between systems.
they need to be revisited frequently to ascertain
whether they still apply in the same way, whether 1.8.4 The DDM’s core work lies in the
the objectives concerned have changed or are establishment of systems shown in Figure 4; the
endangered in any way, and what adjustment is DDM’s documents and actions are derived from
needed. these.


Figure 4: Project life cycle and the project execution plan (PEP)

of Practice
for Project
for Royal Institute
Construction of British
and Architects
Development (RIBA) Project execution plan (PEP)* PEP iterative items
1 Inception A Appraisal Project definition + Brief Method statement for Statement of objective
design development
2 Feasibility B Design brief Feasibility & value analysis Development strategy & All briefs
procurement route
C Concept Business plan + market Reconciled concept design Safety & environmental issues
predictions & budget
3 Strategy Functional & aesthetic brief Project planning & phasing Project planning & phasing
D Design Management of information Organisation chart Quality assurance
development systems

4 Pre- E Technical Quality assurance Limits of authority Design review against business
construction design plan
F Production Financial procedures Project management policy
G Tender Statutory approvals Risk assessment
H Tender Organisation chart
J Mobilisation Method statements
5 Construction Work breakdown structure
6 Engineering K Construction
services to practical
commissioning completion


2 Documentation
This section summarises the documents a DDM will required to develop the design information and
be likely to work with, or should create. assigns those activities to specific team members
or to external bodies (for instance, statutory
2.1 Reference documents undertakers such as a water company). The
responsibility matrix should make clear where the
There are several other documents which define boundaries between responsibilities lie.
good practice. 2.2.6 Procurement strategy document or
2.1.1 Definitions of project stages development strategy and procurement route.
This describes the reasons for choosing a particular
• The RIBA project plan procurement route and maps out how that
• The APM project life cycle procurement route will be adopted, including its
effects on the design team. There may be several
• The CIOB Code of Practice for
procurement packages, and each would have its
Construction and Development Project
own strategy document.

2.1.2 Descriptions of process 2.3 Documents generated in design

• Design management systems. Guide to
managing design in construction,
BS 7000-4:1996 This is a typical list, but not all are necessarily
required, particularly for smaller projects.
• Code of Practice for the collaborative
production of architectural, engineering 2.3.1 Design management plan. This sets
and construction information, out the principles and procedures to be used
BS 1192:2007 to manage the design process. It is a sort of
‘management overview’ of how the design
• Code of Practice for Project Management
management process is to be handled. Other
for Construction & Development
names for it include ‘design management
(CIOB 4th edition, 2010).
handbook’ and ‘design project handbook’.
These documents define good practice, and every
DDM should be familiar with them. 2.3.2 Design team structure. This is something
for the DDM to agree with the PM, design team
2.2 Project definition documents leader, etc.

2.3.3 Design programme. This is subsidiary to

2.2.1 Project brief. This defines the client’s need. the general project programme, and describes in
It may well be developed in stages. detail how the design process unfolds in time.
2.2.2 Design brief. This defines the design 2.3.4 Design information standard. This
response to the client’s need. It should be is a project-specific catalogue of how design
developed in stages, as laid out in BS 7000-4:1996 information is going to be presented, referenced
and indexed.
2.2.3 Cost plan. This begins with the budget and
reconciles the design to it in cost terms. 2.3.5 Design management procedures. This is
a description or manual of the procedures that will
2.2.4 Project quality plan. Thus document
be followed in design management.
defines the quality expectations the project must
achieve and how they will be met. 2.3.6 Schedule of deliverables. This lists all
the information to be produced, and is a matter
2.2.5 Responsibility matrix or organisation
of agreement between the various professional
chart. This maps out the range of activities


2.3.7 Design review meeting minutes. These 2.6 Recommendations
record progress, deviations from plan, issue,
problems, and the measures decided upon to 2.6.1 The DDM should be familiar with the three
resolve them. definitions of project stages listed in 2.1.1.

2.4 Information control 2.6.2 The DDM should be familiar with the design
management process described in
BS 7000-4:1996, and the CoP for collaborative
This is sometimes described as configuration
production of architectural, engineering and
control or change control, but is, in fact, more
construction information,
general than that name suggests. It includes:
BS 1192:2007.
• requests for information (RFI) or information
2.6.3 The DDM should have a working knowledge
requirement schedules (IRS)
of the documents to be generated in design
• information issue sheets, such as drawing management and design delivery; be flexible as
issue sheets, which may be an extract from a to what documents will suit any particular project
drawing register best.
• instructions, such as pre-contract instructions
and architect’s instructions.

2.5 Information quality

Quality (in the sense of quality management, which

focuses on quality as a measure of the extent to
which needs are met, or suitability for purpose)
is a difficult matter to legislate for within a project
because often the design team members are
from organisations, which have their own quality
systems. The procedures laid down under such
systems may not be mutually compatible, and
sometimes cannot be waived or adapted to fit with
those of other team members without causing an
apparent lapse in the quality performance in the
home system. A group of systems, all of which
comply with ISO 9000, should have fewer problems
of compatibility than others which are differently

So, although project quality plans are desirable,

they may not realistically be achievable. Instead,
quality is defined by other systems, which have
the nature of quality systems but another name.
Examples of this are information control systems,
design information standards, etc., as referred to


3 Roles and responsibilities
3.1 Appointment of consultants Figure 5: Example of a design
management process diagram
It is not normally within the remit of the DDM to
appoint consultants, or to advise on whom should
Need for change
be appointed. However, depending upon what expressed or
procurement route is selected (section 7), the timely variation request is made
appointment of suitable consultants is something
Change Notice initiated
that may profoundly affect the DDM’s work, and it
is therefore in the DDM’s interests to monitor the
process where possible and raise any concerns at Refused
Design solution explored
the earliest stage.

Legitimate concerns would include the Cost review of proposed

completeness of the array of designers (bearing in change (QS)
mind that under some circumstances design input Report to client, giving
Review of impact on time recommendation and
is provided in some defined areas by contractors), (whole team) request for approval
and the coherence of the team structure. A
dysfunctional design team is not only a liability
to the client, but can also make a DDM’s job Project Management
impossible to fulfil adequately. action: Change Notice
completed, directing
detailed design, update
It needs to be clear to all, from the start, who is to cost documents and
going to do what, and who is going to report to programme
whom. The relationship of any management roles
(project manager, lead designer, design manager,
Where contractors’ design is involved, the question
DDM) needs to be mutually understood and
immediately arises of how their work is to be
expressed, including the boundaries to authority. It
integrated into the work of the design team. At one
can prove valuable for the DDM to create a process
extreme, it simply comes later, and gets added to
diagram (see Figure 5), which shows how the
various parties interact as the design-construction a design that is otherwise more or less complete.
process unfolds. The contractors’ design fills a space that has
been temporarily filled by the design team with an
Sometimes the design and construction process interim, undeveloped or provisional design solution.
do not fall into a simple sequence, in which the two
main phases (design and construction) are discrete. At the other extreme, contractors’ designers
When they are fundamentally more mixed, as in emerge early enough to be integrated into the
a design and build or construction management professional design team. In that case, it is the
process, for instance, the scheme cannot all be job of the various managers to ensure that the
mapped out in advance, but has to be built up newcomers are adequately inducted into the team
incrementally. and its procedures, and received by the other team
members in a way that indicates a commitment to
3.2 Design by contractors and
subcontractors Between these two extremes lies an uneasy
territory where specialist contractors are employed
Under all forms of procurement design input by the client outside the contract. This is one
by contractors is possible, though it happens of the more difficult situations to handle, since
to a much greater extent outside traditional such specialists may not perceive themselves as
procurement and within vehicles configured for members of a design team, and may lack a sense
the purpose, like design and build (D&B) and build of belonging to the project. Their loyalty to the
operate transfer (BOT). client, even if strong, may be narrowly defined


and may not include inward commitment to Example 1
A new academy in north London, a £35 million
Two-stage tendering, in which a preferred contract, was let on the basis of design and build
contractor is selected on partial rather than with the designers novated to the contractor.
complete project information, and cost and time The production information was produced
certainty are arrived at by a subsequent round of on a rolling programme as the construction
negotiation once the design has been completed. proceeded, but there were issues causing
Sometimes, design work is carried out by aspiring reiteration of design work. The lack of time
contractors pre-appointment, sometimes at the allowed between the dates for production of the
contractor’s or specialist’s own cost, on the basis drawing batches and the programmed start of
that he or she will be rewarded only if successful each phase of the construction meant that the
in a competitive tendering situation. There can be required dialogue, revision and development
quality problems inherent in design work carried of some of the details created timing issues
out on such a basis resulting from the initial round which were hard to manage. Intense pressure
of work not being properly thought-through. by the project manager on a junior in the firm of
structural engineers for instant issue of a bending
3.3 Where liability resides schedule for a reinforced concrete staircase for
construction immediately resulted in the issue of
In the scramble to shed risk, which has been such the wrong information, unchecked by a superior.
a prominent feature of the industry in the last ten The staircase collapsed shortly after construction
years, the pattern of appointments has changed, and the engineer was sued.
as clients select procurement routes which reduce
their duties and liabilities. We therefore see clients There is another factor in this emergent norm:
opting ford procurement, for example, in which the these days, construction tends to start earlier in
contractor would take at least some of the design the process, before the design is complete. This
liability, or to prime contracting or BOT, in which the may mean that the contractor is appointing a
client receives the building as a facility, designed design team (or taking on an existing one as his
and maintained by others, and takes no design risk or her own) for the detailed design of the project.
at all. The ramifications of this will be examined further in
section 7.
Beneath these changes, liability for a design
continues to reside principally with the designer, It is useful to remember that the professional
and that is why the professional institutions insist institutions maintain a helpline service for their
on their members taking out professional indemnity members, with legal advice available. This can
insurance. Designers may also be the easy ones prove a valuable resource where there are concerns
to blame, even when a problem may result at least about liability that need clarifying.
partly for management issues. But in the bigger
picture, liability may be tracked back to those
who appointed the designer. Under this view, the
blocks of responsibility are simpler: employer and
contractor may be the first stops and last resorts
for liability, and this continues to be the case
even when designers have given some form of


3.4 Recommendations

3.4.1 Ensure roles and responsibilities within the

team are clear and expressed.

3.4.2 If the DDM has doubts about the

completeness or appropriateness of the array of
designers, raise the issue and pursue it until it is

3.4.3 If there is any ambiguity about boundaries

between roles, raise the issue and pursue it until it
is resolved.

3.4.4 Understand, and ensure clarity on how the

work of contractors’ designers and others who will
come later to the team is provided for in the design
and organisational scheme.

3.4.5 If there is any ambiguity on where design

liability lies, ensure that a mutual understanding is
arrived at and that all parties are aware of this.


4 ‘Hard’ skills and the actions of
4.1 Programming • Implementer plans a practical, workable
strategy and carry it out as efficiently as
Programming is the mechanism for showing how possible.
project activities relate to each other in time, what • Monitor-evaluator provides a logical eye,
dependencies exist between them, and where the make impartial judgements where required
critical path, which determines overall progress, and to weighs up the team’s options in a
lies. To speak of programming in connection with dispassionate way.
managing the design delivery may be tantamount
However, there are some types who might not be
to saying that the DDM has to have project
successful as a DDM: for instance, using Belbin’s
management training. At the very least, he or she
example again, an opinionated individual, who has
needs to be able to use project management tools.
lots of drive and a preconception as to direction (a
Most programming work is now done on specialist ‘shaper’), may turn out to be an unhelpful type of
software, such as Microsoft Project™. This is easy DDM.
to use at a simple level, so the person without a
Monitoring and reviewing is about measuring
background in this activity who simply decides to
progress, and comparing existing and projected
‘have a go’ might seem to make good progress
situations with the plan. To this extent, the practical
initially, but then find the more subtle and advanced
skills involved coincide largely with those of
aspects much harder to master. The best advice
programming (section 4.1); it is the context of
for anyone in this position is to get some training,
ongoing review which is particularly important here.
as moving to the next level of competence will
pay dividends in understanding how to work with It is often helpful for the DDM to get inside
concepts like lead and lag, and how to get the situations and spot delays early, not after they have
most from finite resources in the time available. become both inevitable and prolonged. As part of
this, he or she may break down units of work into
A full working understanding of such systems is
smaller units set out in a task matrix, monitor these,
strongly recommended for a DDM.
and observe deviations form plan at an earlier stage
than would otherwise have been possible. The
4.2 Monitoring and review: the skill important skill here is not having just a microscopic
base involved view, but combining it with a broad overview and
active understanding of the main issues. Monitoring
Monitoring and review depend to some extent should avoid failing to see the bigger picture
on personal skills, and success is likely to come because of too close a focus on the detail.
from an approach that combines management
The DDM, in keeping both macro and micro
technique with attitude in the areas of teamwork,
views, will be closely in touch with the team,
co-ordination, checking and impartial judgement.
and integrated into its thinking and activities, not
In the terms of the Belbin analysis of team
interfering within specialities but able to help in
roles, a DDM needs to span a number of types:
relating them to the totality of the design effort and
Teamworker, Co-ordinator, Implementer and
understand the options available in keeping the
Monitor-Evaluator (Belbin, 2010a, 2010b):
design process on track to deliver.
• Teamworker helps the team to gel, using their
The DDM is also a controller of information and
versatility to identify the work required.
its quality. He or she understands where the
• Co-ordinator focuses on the team’s objectives, responsibilities and authority for decision-making
draw out team members and delegate work lie, knows the approval processes, and is skilled in
appropriately. programming, monitoring and review and change


control. He or she is able to engage in and make Though there could be truth in such a view, there is
use of risk management, cost control, value often more to the situation.
management and value engineering techniques.
It has already been noted that it is in the nature
The DDM is therefore skilled in a range of ‘hard’ of design for solutions to emerge from a process
techniques in project management. But he or she in which understanding deepens through design
should also able be able to explain the techniques and through the interaction of the design team.
in use to other team members who are not familiar This reflection and working over of the ideas of the
with them. project extends back into the client’s brief, so it
is the foundational ideas of the project which are
4.3 Risk management and the design subject to refinement, not just the detail.
delivery It is therefore in the nature of projects for even its
fundamental defining points to stand in need of
Risk management tends to be only partially review and possible adjustment. Such a situation
employed in many projects; frequently, a risk register is sometimes avoided (and the need for review
is compiled, and the team works co-operatively suppressed) because of a fear of throwing the
to enumerate and rank the risks according to their project into chaos. Indeed, there is a risk of the
severity and probability of being realised. disruption of planned timings and budgets, but the
priority must be faithful orientation of the project to
This is not a full risk management approach, which
the client’s needs.
would be founded on a risk management plan
and a method such as the Project Risk Analysis How is this risk to be dealt with? It is recommended
and Management (PRAM) approach (APM) or Risk that two measures are implemented:
Analysis and Management for Projects (RAMP)
approach (Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE)). (1)  Have well-developed systems for coping with
However, it is a lot better than nothing, in that a change, so it can be dealt with in an orderly
forum is created for sharing knowledge about risk way, with information about the need for the
and getting various perspectives on it. The DDM change and the response to the need shared at
should be an active and knowledgeable participant the earliest time.
in the risk management process, aware of the risks (2)  Limit the time at which changes occur, on
to the project posed by the uncertain situations that the basis that the later they come, the less
have been detected by the team, and able to use avoidable the impact. This limitation can take
this understanding to be proactive in determining the form of an instruction, ‘no more changes’,
measures to counter or mitigate the effects of the which is another way of saying ‘the design is
risk. frozen’. However, for this to be meaningful, the
problems that give rise to the change have to
4.4 Change control be dealt with some way in advance of any such
edict, so that the design can be developed and
It is conventional wisdom that changes in projects finalised in a way that removes the impact of
tend to cause delay and additional cost, so why the problems.
does change continue to be allowed in projects? In order to carry out these measures in an
Why do changes occur? There are a number of appropriate and timely way, the DDM should
reasons: ensure that the design team has the information
(1)  changed needs on the part of the client to make fully informed design decisions and that
the dialogue within the team has fully explored the
(2)  better ideas
effect of such information.
(3)  problems with the site
Whatever the source of design changes, it is
(4)  problems with the design.
important that all the project team are informed
It is easy to dismiss (2), (3) and (4) as the products as soon as possible. Changes should be tracked
of a poor design process, and (1) as the product using some form of record sheet, such as a project
of an inadequate investigation at briefing stage. change notice pro forma.


Figure 6: Example of a project change notice


Project Title Date

Ref. No. Originator
PCR ref.
Project Manager

Description of change (add sheets if necessary)

Justification for change (add sheets if necessary)

Aspects of proposal for which approval is not required

Status: Proposed  Implemented  Post Contract  Within P.D. 

Outside P.D.  Client Change  Design/Implementation 
Distribution List

Project Manager  .....................................  .....................................  ..................................... 

Agreed in principle:

Project Manager ................................................. Signature ................................................... Date ...............



Full Approval  Provisional Approval  Rejection 

Explanatory Notes (provisional approval or rejection), add sheets if necessary


Project Manager ............................................ Date ............... ............................................ Date ...............

............................................ Date ............... ............................................ Date ...............


P.D. = Project Definition


4.5 Approval processes manager, including the DDM, to check that the
design work has not become detached from
The client’s approval is required for aspects of the budgetary considerations. So, in this important
design. Such approval is normally sought after respect, the DDM is once again an integrator.
the design team has done its work up to a logical
Within most cost plans there are contingency sums.
point, so it may be assumed that what is presented
These exist in recognition of perceived risks, which
to the client is fit for purpose and congruent with
may be only roughly quantified. An example of
the client’s needs. Therefore, information is usually this would be dealing with buried services which
presented to the client for approval at the end of a have not yet been able to be inspected, and for
work stage (either one of the formal stages, defined which there is therefore no design solution available
in the project plan, or an intermediate point which for the time being. Sooner or later, a solution will
is significant in the context of the particular project). be identified, designed for and costed, and the
The client’s approval therefore is the gate to the management of that process, which lies on the
next work stage. Delays in obtaining that approval limits of what the DDM can plan for, will require
would have a straight knock-on effect to that careful timing if delays are not to occur. Sometimes,
next work-stage. For that reason, it is desirable information on contingencies is withheld from
that the approval process should be planned and design teams, for fear that they will use up the funds
even rehearsed, so that the client is aware what is allowed. While such thinking is understandable to a
expected of him or her and has an awareness of degree, it does nothing to help in getting the input
the framework within which the approval process of the design team focussed onto what is required
exists. The DDM has a significant role to play in of them, in relation to this risk, at the various stages
managing the delivery of information to the client of the design. Indeed, it would be worth exploring
in a timely way; the approval processes should be the risks involved in the risk register, so that the
scheduled and detailed in a timetable. contingency sum is related to the risk of a possible
expenditure, which can be quantified.
4.6 Cost control
4.7 Value management and value
Although cost control is not a DDM function, it is engineering
an area which affects him or her if cost control and
the work of the designers are to be integrated. A Value management (VM) is about the perceived
mutual understanding of what is happening in both value to the client that the project is to generate.
areas will help avoid the trauma and waste of the It is a view taken within the context of the project
design being found to be incompatible with the aims; it therefore evaluates design solutions under
cost plan, and therefore having to be revised. that perspective. Often, a value manager team
co-ordinator (VMTC) will be appointed to act as
The DDM has an input to make here as one a facilitator. This process can do good work in
engaged in the integration of the project effort. For making the underlying purpose of the project
that reason, it is advisable for the DDM and the apparent to the design team, and thereby adding to
designers to have access to a cost plan from the team unity and the effectiveness of team
start. Of course, if the Code of Practice for Project co-operation. This is particularly the case when VM
Management for Construction and Development is implemented early in the project life. However,
(CIOB 2010) is being followed, a cost plan will very often the role of the VMTC is not expressed,
have been in place since scheme design stage, and the whole process becomes a tacit aspect of
and this plan, if competently handled, will have project management.
been developed progressively as the design states
proceed. In this connection, the DDM should be Value engineering (VE) is an activity at a lower
aware of the RICS New Rules of Measurement level than VM, looking to get function at minimum
(RICS 2012). It is worth adding that cost planning is cost. Ideally, it follows VM, and takes a look at the
required from briefing stage, as the development of efficiency of the building process, in the light of
a concept which is incompatible with the budget is what VM has made apparent.
futile. Where VE becomes disconnected from VM (most
It is part of the skill of designers to design to a often, because the VM process has been skipped)
price, and it is certainly a part of the brief of any then VE can amount to little more than cost cutting.


4.8 Recommendations the earliest moment and the damage caused can
be limited.
4.8.1 The DDM should master the use of
4.8.4 The DDM should be proactive in identifying
programming software in some depth, and have
and monitoring risk, and devising control and
the ability to cope with actions like forward and
mitigation measures.
backwards pass and master the workings of ‘lead’
and ‘lag’, so that he or she can not only arrive at a 4.8.5 The DDM should establish transparent and
critical path but also manipulate activities in time, in easy-to-use systems for change control, and
response to contingencies. discuss and agree well in advance any ‘design
4.8.2 The DDM should understand the human freeze’ that may be implemented.
aspect of managing in terms of Belbin’s types, or 4.8.6 The DDM should make sure the client
another form of analysis, and work to the strengths understands both the approval process, and what
of those within the team. The DDM should be s/he is being asked to approve. They should work
prepared to identify where there are weaknesses, closely with the PM (if separate from the DDM) and
or gaps in the group abilities, and manage tasks the designers on this.
and responsibilities accordingly.
4.8.7 The DDM should facilitate cost control and
4.8.3 The DDM should be proactive in trying to
VM processes by aiding communication and the
spot delays early, so that the response can begin at
timely provision of information.


5 ‘Soft’ skills and the art of design team
The DDM is not only working with a process, but teams which move from project to project. The
also with people, who are all unique and need to construction industry is practiced at developing
be handled in different ways. So the role of DDM is teams at short notice and disbanding them when a
not entirely reducible to a set of actions, but also project is complete.
involves people skills. These are not merely intuitive
Within a project, team members may come and
but are understood within project management
go throughout the project life, and their role may
and enumerated (for instance, within the RICS APC
change as the project moves from phase to
competencies and the APM Body of Knowledge).
phase. The order in which members of the team
For that reason, the DDM is recommended to have
are appointed is variable. Logically, it should be
project management training in both ‘hard’ and ‘soft’
the project manager first, though often it is the
techniques (Cornick & Mather 1999), particularly as
architect. The DDM might not be appointed in
the time pressure inherent in construction projects
the formative stages, but only later. When this is
means that there are big advantages in getting
the case, the DDM is at a disadvantage, at least
people matters ‘right first time’.
temporarily, because he or she will not have had
The DDM will also occasionally have the job of the opportunity to participate in how the team
expanding the vision of some designers who came together, or witness and influence a process
may be blinkered within their own discipline, and of adjustment.
showing them how to be more generally
Project teams are not virtual teams, but they do
project-minded. This includes reinforcing an
have some of the characteristics and problems of
awareness of the ultimate goals of the project, as
virtual teams. The team members usually work from
they are related to the client’s need. The articulation
their own individual firms’ offices (with exceptions
of this need, as expressed in the evolving brief, is
like a site engineer), and they bring to the project
something that the DDM may need to repeat and the systems and culture of the environment of
to call project team members back to, should they their firm. Clearly, if the team members are to work
stray from it. together effectively, and if the systems they bring
with them are not adequately compatible when
5.1 Understanding construction they arrive, then adjustment needs to take place so
teams that within the pattern of systems of that project,
there is a genuine resolution and inter-operability.
The chemistry of a team depends on a feeling of It is useful for the DDM to be around during the
belonging. Team members who feel, or begin to initial phase, as he or she may well have input to
feel, distanced, or that the team spirit, its systems make on how the team communicates and stores
or the way it speaks to people is alien to them, information. That is not to say that the DDM will
are diminished by the experience and the team is have different ideas on such matters than other
therefore also diminished. The team members who team members, but the DDM is the specialist
facilitate communication are the leaders (Senge who carries particular responsibility in that area,
1998), and the leadership group includes the DDM, and it is right that his/her voice should be heard
who is the manager of an information exchange at the formative stage of the discussion. Indeed,
involving a category of communication vital to the an experienced DDM will have a significant
project: the design output of the team. contribution to make to that discussion. If the DDM
is only appointed later (as is not uncommon) then
Teams normally come together to undertake
this possibility will be lost.
projects. They are therefore usually short term and
ad hoc in nature. Where there is a series of projects Therefore, it is advisable for project managers,
(a ‘programme of projects’), there may be standing project leaders and design team leaders to take


steps to ensure that the DDM is in post early in the based upon an understanding of the aims
life of the project team and at the formative stage of the project, the resources and the skills
when the project definition is in the process of necessary to succeed
being agreed. This is sometimes referred to as the
• encouragement of team members to be frank
‘project charter’, though not always formalised as about problems, air them in meetings and for
such. The definition process should document the everyone to co-operate in resolving them, so
project aims and the benefits sought, the project far as they can. This does not take blame out of
scope, the constraints to which the project is such situations necessarily, but it does much to
subject, and a number of high-level management avoid the debilitating effects of a blame culture.
issues which inform the work of the team and set
its basic direction: cost, spending authority, risk
management plan, communication arrangements, Example 2
stakeholder identification, and authorizations. For The Heathrow tunnel collapse occurred in
example, this could be in the form of a project team 1994 during the construction of a tunnel for the
away day or team building event in order to ensure Heathrow Express Rail Link. It caused a huge
individual and corporate objectives are aligned. crater to appear between the airport’s two main
A DDM who is involved in this from its formative runways and also caused damage to car parks
stage will be much more likely to understand these and buildings. It took months to clear up the
fundamentals and align his or her work accurately damage. However, although Balfour Beatty and
with them. Geoconsult were fined heavily for cutting corners
and falling seriously short of approved standards,
5.2 Sharing knowledge the recovery process that followed the collapse
has won considerable praise due to the
One problem which has previously been a factor co-operation between the parties involved.
in design teams is that some team members issue Balfour Beatty commented: ‘It was apparent that
information on what they perceive to be a ‘need to a major geotechnical solution would be required
know’ basis. In other words, what they do not do is and that piling or diaphragm walling could play
to discuss issues and the problems they have with a major part. The parties involved in the original
much openness. Part of the reason for this may be works recognised that the most effective way
caution in a litigious environment, and the feeling to deliver a recovery solution would be to work
that giving away information unnecessarily is together setting aside anything which had gone
simply giving people who may turn out to be hostile before. The team comprised the client, BAA,
ammunition for some future persecution. the insurance loss adjuster, Brocklehurst and
their consulting engineer, Ove Arup, the main
Being guarded with information is not generally
contractor, Balfour Beatty (BB), and the project’s
helpful in a design team situation, where the
principal design consultant, Mott MacDonald’.
sharing of difficulties encountered can often lead
to their quicker resolution and the avoidance of
delays. 5.3 Leading and managing the design
The willingness to share information is, above all,
a cultural matter, and can be greatly encouraged
There is a strong element of project-mindedness
by the attitude of the leaders and managers of the
and team-mindedness required in successful
team, including the DDM. In other words, this is an
design delivery.
area where the DDM and other managers (project
manager, design team leader) have an opportunity It is significant that BS 1192-2:1987 refers to
to shape the culture of the project to enable a freer the collaborative production of construction
exchange of information. Steps to be taken to information. Without the need for collaboration,
achieve this might include: there would not be all that much for a DDM to do
beyond organising a single stream of information
• active team-building approaches that facilitate
from one source to its destination. Immediately that
mutual understanding and helpfulness
stream of information has more than one source,
• a ‘can do’ atmosphere within the project team, which is the case in most construction projects


of more than minimal size, ensuring collaboration
becomes a matter of prime importance, in order to

• co-ordinated, consistent information, which

truly fits together and is mutually explanatory
• performance on the part of the design team,
which is mutually-supportive and committed
to solving problems that they do not own
While achieving these two aims requires sound,
well-adapted management processes, it also
depends on effective leadership.

5.4 Recommendations

5.4.1 It is advisable for the DDM to develop an

understanding of construction teams.

5.4.2 It would be particularly useful for the DDM to

learn the skills of leadership.

5.4.3 The DDM should be able to articulate the

project vision. This will require an understanding
of the project aims, objectives and the design
responses to them, which can the DDM can

5.4.4 The DDM should encourage and facilitate

good team working, including the willingness to
share knowledge and be frank about problems.

5.4.5 The DDM, by being supportive to the

team, may be able to encourage valuable mutual
supportiveness within the team.


6 Information exchange

6.1 Procedures It is advisable, therefore, for the DDM to establish

iterative processes that are flexible enough to
It is the DDM’s responsibility to define and adapt to situations of pressure, and robust enough
implement procedures that protect the quality of in operation to hold up under pressure. It is not
project information. ‘Quality’ here indicates the acceptable to short-circuit the process and thus to
fitness for purpose of the information (without any by-pass review or cost control stages, and it may
comment on the fitness for purpose of the design, be important for the DDM to exert discipline in this.
which is another subject). It includes considerations The structure can be fairly simple, as indicated in
of whether the information is full and complete, Figure 7.
timely and accurate.
Figure 7: Structure of a design stage with
The DDM monitors how the design information review procedure
is being developed and assembled, and
detects problems early, so that solutions can be Design by stage
implemented to any problems without slippage
from the agreed schedule. In addition to his or
Review within design Cost review and discussion of
her own overview, the DDM will usually cause organisation consequences
the team to monitor its activities, with their skills
employed in noticing when the state of information Design Team review
is incomplete, inaccurate or in danger of causing
a delay. The role of the cost management/quantity
Design either accepted
surveyor (QS), economist or cost consultant is also or rejected
a vital one in this process, as timely acceptance
or rejection of design information, because of its
Checking prior to issue
effect on cost, may make a considerable difference
to the cost-certainty of the job and help avoid
rounds of cost cutting or value engineering, which Move to next stage

may leave scars on the design.

Where a bill of quantities is used (now increasingly It can prove valuable to involve those who have the
rarely), the QS is in an excellent position to act as perspective of the documents’ intended users. So,
a co-ordinator of information during the detailed tender documents should ideally be reviewed by
measurement process. In the absence of this people who deal in procurement and construction
shaping force, something else is needed to fulfil documents by constructors. This can be difficult to
that part of the design team function and complete arrange, particularly under traditional procurement,
and co-ordinate the project information. The where the final constructors are not selected until
DDM is in a position to check and co-ordinate all design and tender processes are complete.
information, and should do so, if delays, wasted That will mean, normally, that the expertise of
effort and the resulting claims arising from a contractor is not represented in the team and
incomplete and conflicting information are to be therefore not available to it. Where that expertise
avoided. can be brought in, there are benefits in it, and
it will be worth arranging for an overview of the
Notice the importance of timeliness here. This
documents even if it involves employing a proxy, or
involves planning to leave sufficient time for cost
engaging in an OGC Gateway Review. It should be
checks and the design revisions that may follow
noted that some clients will be inclined to resist the
upon them; the DDM may not be managing the
extra expenditure involved in this.
design, but he or she does have the responsibility
of planning a process that involves the disruptions These are the points a DDM should consider when
of adjustments to the design. forming a programme:


(1) The team may be operating in differing 6.3 Facilitation, co-ordination and
locations. anticipation
(2) The team, perhaps as a consequence of (1),
might be using differing systems and software. Co-ordination of information within the project
(3) The essential timeliness of information issue. team is something we have already covered, but
co-ordination with bodies external to the team may
(4) The appropriateness of the information to the also be a part of the DDM’s remit. This has three
right person (or role). aspects.

6.2 Document management and Firstly, the DDM serves project needs and helps
the designers by establishing relationships with
statutory authorities, such as planning and building
control, by ascertaining their requirements for
At the most basic level, a transparent system is
information, and providing that knowledge to the
needed for the categorization of documents, which
designers. In other words, the DDM becomes
clearly arranges them according to their generation
manager of that external relationship.
in the process of development. It is advisable to
articulate and agree a concept of structure with the Secondly, the DDM acts between the design team
team at an early stage. and the contractor to recognise requirements
for information in the timeliest way, and even to
The individual documents developed for a project anticipate the request. This form of management
should also be subject to controls or discipline can extend down into the contracting team through
relating to a number of aspects of format. These awareness of the plans and activities of package
include: contractors and subcontractors, and requires
a close relationship with the contracting team
• how documents are named
and a degree of study of their statements and
• how documents are numbered documents, in order to make anticipation possible.
• the interoperability of documents within IT
Thirdly, the DDM will ensure that all information
systems in use within the team
is co-ordinated in that it can not only be read by
• the codes and descriptions used to define the software in use by team members, but also is
revisions issued in a form in which they can interact with it if
• the purposes of documents, such as ‘for
construction’, or ‘for information’ By the same token, the DDM through close liaison
with the client and client team may be able to
• templates such as drawing title blocks
anticipate the likelihood of variations, and have
• subdivisions of the project into sub-projects or design resources in place to meet them.

• the grid to be used to define position on all 6.4 Project information systems
Electronic project information systems have made
• the selection of drawing scales to be used
a gradual entry over the last ten years or so, and
• standard page sizes. are now widespread. They now exist at several
different levels of sophistication:
These are conventions within a project. They
may be developed on a bespoke basis, or a (a)  Simple, secure websites, onto which project
standard system can be followed, for example, information is uploaded, indexed using a
Project Information: a code of procedure for the generic Microsoft® Windows (or similar) system
construction industry (CPIC 2003). It is important and made available to the project team.
that any conventions to be followed are established (b)  More developed web-based software (such
right at the beginning of the project, before any as Autodesk® Buzzsaw®, Sword CTSpace,
other formats are used and have become habitual. Business Collaborator, the Collaborative
Business Platform (CBP), Autodesk®


Constructware®, Project Talk, Microsoft® There is an obvious need for the DDM to check
Office Project Server, Oracle® Project that any system to be used within a project is
Collaboration and Rave Build). These can vary compatible with the software in use by the team.
in their sophistication, at an extreme being able This should not be overlooked.
to support a Building Information Modelling
(BIM) workforce to some extent. Some, such RICS offers an eTendering service on a fee basis
as Buzzsaw®, are available as ‘software as a ( It claims a reduction in
service’ (SaaS). Generally, they help facilitate tendering process time of up to 29 per cent a result
the centralising and exchange of project of using this service, and minimal technological
information and underpin team collaboration requirements. The process can be accessed on
through creating favourable conditions. the web using ordinary office software. A number
of other commercial organisations also offer an
(c)  Building Information Modelling (BIM), which eTendering service.
is a sophisticated system that can represent
digitally a facility’s physical and functional The eTendering process allows team members to
characteristics. It is therefore a top-level design cooperate online to create ITT (invitation to tender)
management tool enabling superior building documents. Such tendering systems can be used
performance to be achieved, as well as a on a stand-alone basis, or be integrated with other
device for managing information and solving eProcurement systems, so that purchase orders
problems. Not only does it render designs in are issued automatically.
3D, but additional ‘dimensions’ can be added
eTendering systems, like project information
to the design by way of additional information.
systems, vary widely in sophistication. They can
These additional dimensions might, for
involve the use of be a secure but simple site on
instance, be a fourth dimension of scheduling
which project information is collected and available
and sequencing, a fifth dimension of cost
for download. Of course, this can be the same
estimation, etc.
site, or part of the same site as that used for the
In public sector procurement and construction development of project information during the
BIM will have a major influence on design delivery design process.
due to the government stipulation in the delivery
eTendering systems can involve workflow
process that any design delivery plan will need to
functionality which sends information to people
accommodate the specific client decision-making
and organisations appropriately, and keeps people
points specified by the project sponsor. This is an
and organisation who are registered to the system
evolving process in terms of government research
informed of what is happening. Again, there are
and implementation but will be an important
similarities to project information systems here.
emerging consideration.
The DDM may wonder whether eTendering is an
6.5 eTendering extra burden she or he is expected to shoulder, or
whether it actually makes his/her job easier. The
Electronic tendering solutions are now promoted second is likely to be the case if the eTendering
by government in the UK as something which process is considered from the start, and the
‘facilitates the complete tendering process from format of the project information system arranged
the advertising of the requirement through to accordingly.
the placing of the contract. This includes the
exchange of all relevant documents in electronic 6.6 Recommendations
format’ ( Benefits are said to
include reduced tender time, fast and accurate
pre-qualification and evaluation, fast response to 6.6.1 It is advisable to start at the outset of the
questions and points of clarification, reduction in project to develop the procedures that will be
labour-intensive tasks of document management, needed for managing the design delivery. Be
and improved audit trail, higher tender specification prepared to adapt standard procedures to fit
and supplier response, and provision of quality with the particular needs of the project, as these
management information. become apparent.


6.6.2 It can prove valuable to ensure that the
process for design review and document issue is
understood and signed up to by the design team

6.6.3 It is recommended that the DDM take control

of document management and formatting.

6.6.4 It is often helpful to integrate any intended

eTendering system from an early stage, and ensure
that the integrated process is a comfortable fit with
other systems within the project, so that conflicting
systems and extra work is avoided so far as


7 Procurement
The choice of procurement route has a profound The three basic types have their own individual
effect on how the design delivery is managed. advantages and disadvantages, which can be
While traditional procurement still often leaves summarized as follows:
the design team as a discrete unit without any
members who are constructors, other forms
of procurement do not, including construction Traditional: Benefits in COST
management, design and build, and the related and QUALITY at the
elements of partnering approaches. While these expense of TIME
forms can be much more complex, and lead to Construction Benefits in TIME
teams which change their composition as the job management: and QUALITY at the
moves forward, they also offer considerable scope expense of COST
for testing the design against expert views of its & management
buildability and cost in use. The DDM therefore contracting
has a route to plot through a changing landscape, Design and build: Benefits in COST and
but the rewards of this in terms of an enhanced TIME at the expense of
project can be great. However, this is not to say QUALITY
that a decision by the client to novate the designers
to a design and build contractor will not prove (Cox & Clamp 1999)
disruptive, particularly if it has not been planned for. Note: The term ‘quality’ is used here in the general
There are three generic types of procurement route: sense of suitability to needs, as well as that of
• traditional Figure 8 shows differences in the pattern of
• construction management and management appointments within various forms of procurement.
contracting (as variants of one type – there are It is notable that duties and loyalties are likely to
important differences between them, however, flow, or seem to flow, from who is the appointing
and that is why both are mentioned) party; the time at which the appointment is made
may have ramifications for the quality of the service
• design and build.
that can be delivered. For instance, there are
Having said that, hybrids of the three generic forms advantages in having inputs from the contractor
are now increasingly the order of the day. available during the design stage.

Figure 8: Appointments under various forms of procurement

Designers Cost consultant Sub-contractors
Traditional procurement Appointed by client Appointed by client Appointed by main
throughout throughout contractor

Construction Appointed by client. Appointed by client. Appointed by client but

management Contractor not active Contractor not active managed by contractor
during design stage during design stage

Management contracting Appointed by client. Appointed by client. Contractor responsible

Contractor active during Contractor active during for specialist
design stage design stage subcontractors

Design and build Appointed by or novated Appointed by or novated Appointed by main

to main contractor to main contractor contractor


Of the three methods, design and build requires the into distinct forms, including: build own (BO), build
least involvement of the client, and construction own operate (BOO), build own operate transfer
management/management contracting the most. (BOOT), and design build fund operate (DBFO).
These methods have gained a great deal of
The government procurement task group and currency in recent years, and are much encouraged
government strategy assume collaborative by government adoption of the private finance
integrated procurement, which requires a separate initiative and prime contracting.
approach to the four forms described above. For
example, very early contractor involvement at the
end of the outline business case is a recommended
7.4 International forms
The International Federation of Consulting
Engineers (FIDIC) has its own forms of contract
7.1 Traditional procurement and these are in use widely (FIDIC 1987-1999).
They include the Red Book (payment monthly for
Traditional procurement gives priority to setting in work done), Yellow Book (lump sum on milestones),
place a professional team which, if well-chosen, the Orange Book, which covers design and build
will have the expertise to tease out the client’s and turnkey, and the Silver Book and Green Book,
requirements and preferences, and incorporate which cover circumstances where an employer’s
them in design and other documents for a representative is appointed. The difference between
contractor to implement at a late stage. these books arises largely from which contractual
party is responsible for the design, and who bears
7.2 Design and build the risk for changes in quantities. EPC (engineer,
procure and construct) approaches are catered for
Design and build represents the opposite end in the Silver Book, which provides for the contractor
of the spectrum. It is a desirable route to take, taking almost all risks in a turnkey operation. This,
particularly when the buildings to be produced are of course, bears some resemblance to hybrid forms
either very specialised and the contractor is an arising out of design and build, which was referred
expert in that speciality (such as a specific type of to in 7.2. The short form (Green Book) provides a
laboratory or test facility), or when they are generic simpler form of contract.
(such as undifferentiated industrial units). It tends to
be much less appropriate when a specific response Therefore, in the FIDIC forms there is an underlying
to a site is involved, and when the client has approach, which is made available so as to suit
detailed requirements which cannot be met through various types of procurement; the same is true
a standardised process. Nevertheless, it is used of the Engineering and Construction Contract/
increasingly frequently for many kinds of project, New Engineering Contract (NEC3) in the UK.
apparently in order to transfer a greater share of the The forms promote ethical commitments of a
project risk to the contractor. non-confrontational kind, and buying into that
commitment may tend to influence the choice of
procurement route.
7.3 Construction management
From this short description, it will be immediately
Construction management increases the apparent that the choice of procurement route
possibilities for involving specialist trade has a profound effect on how design delivery is
contractors in the strategy and making use of managed, because depending on which choice
their ability to provide critique to the design at is made, the party in control may be client or
a formative stage. It also gives greater flexibility contractor. The discussion is therefore one that
and control of the process. This can be carried a needs to be had early in the process, and the DDM
stage further if partnering is employed. However, should make it his/her business to see that this
management contracts are now a rarity outside happens, as the circumstances under which the
very large projects and for fast tracking. design is carried out and the delivery of the design
may be profoundly affected.
There are a number of hybrids arising from
combinations of these three basic types. In The motivation of the parties in the design
particular, design and build has been elaborated team may also be different, and the expertise


represented within the team may also differ. suddenly be imposed on a team which has got
For instance, issues of buildability may be less used to a certain way of doing things. It can also be
completely understood within the team under disorientating in terms of the ‘soft’ side of culture:
traditional procurement than they are under ethics, values, the way that people deal with each
management contracting or design and build, other. But the change is not necessarily for the
for the simple reason that in the first case the worse; the point is that things become different.
constructors are not represented. That fact alone The DDM needs to be sensitive to impending
is an advantage in managing the design delivery, change, flexible and willing to work in the new ways
because the more complete range of expertise that are called for.
would tend to improve the chances of getting it
right, and complete, first time. Novation may also bring about closer involvement
of management in the process. Some clients
It should be noted that although simple statements are hands off, and may be represented officially
can be made about where design liability lies in by a client’s agent, or with less formality by the
each case (see Figure 8), there are more subtle project manager or the lead designer. In such
effects implied. Attitudes to risk in a contractor, circumstances, the project team are accountable to
say, might be quite different in an element of the team itself in day-to-day matters. But a
construction requiring an unusual method if the proactive contractor in a design and build situation
contractor carries design liability, than if the client might be much more active in making demands
has it, and has to pay for time spent resolving on team members and such interventions might
unforeseen problems. For that reason, design impinge on expectations for design delivery. Of
within design and build projects has a tendency to course, this is only a generalised comment on what
be more conservative and straightforward. might happen. Things are not always like that.
However, the DDM will need the flexibility to cope
7.5 Partnering with this sort of change.

Novation sometimes brings a realisation that

There is another route available, in the form of previously assumed priorities may have been
partnering. This is not a form of procurement in reversed, and this can affect the way that the
itself; it is an ethos and way of working involving design is detailed, and, at an extreme, what its
attitudes to sharing risk, and normally is found governing priorities become. Such a shift will
in conjunction with a form of construction almost certainly be beyond the control of the DDM,
management. However, some hold that traditional and may be very disruptive for all involved in the
procurement is not precluded from partnering, but creation of project information.
that combination is results from hybrid thinking,
which involves a vehicle which is a ‘partnership’ The DDM may occasionally be able to anticipate
not including the employer, but related to him via a some of these changes and provide for the
single contract. Partnering is an important aspect possibility of them before the change actually
of contemporary construction, with ramifications arises. However, the truth of the matter is that
for procurement method, and for attitudes to frequently novation has a profound effect, which
teamwork. needs experience, intuition and skill to manage
7.6 Novation and its consequences
7.7 Recommendations
The novation of consultants presents several
challenges in managing the design delivery. 7.7.1 Though the DDM may have little say in the
The culture of the project may change quite choice of procurement route, he/she should
markedly as the designers are passed from client be well-informed on the matter, aware of the
to contractor. This change can be unsettling in a consequences of that choice and able to give
practical sense, because new ways of working may advice accordingly.


8 Summary and conclusions
Feedback from practitioners highlights some of the responsibilities and the boundaries to them, and of
notable problems affecting DDM: the process in which all are involved. For instance,
the DDM from a position among the managers,
• Problems of inadequate briefing and poor needs to show that it is unacceptable to allow the
consultation on needs and requirements. client to embark on an approval process without
• Naiveté on timescales. explaining what is required, what the limits of the
requirement are, and the time constraints.
• Poor use of the project execution plan
(PEP), or a poor PEP: project information not
The DDM cannot be an expert in all the fields of
coordinated according to a PEP, and the PEP
activity he or she supervises. Nor can the DDM
not used as basis for reporting.
be an arbiter or decision-maker in areas outside
• The often unrecognised importance of bringing his or her own area of responsibility. However, the
in trainers at team formation stage, resulting in DDM can raise awareness through being a good
teams which do not gel or do not communicate communicator, and by being master of systems
successfully enough. which deliver timely checks and reminders. Under
these circumstances, the framework of activities
This may sound as though good DDM depends
and supporting documents which the DDM
on good project management on a larger scale,
generates may be very important indeed.
since in larger projects at least, these areas may be
under the control not of the DDM, but of a project
The DDM’s key skill therefore brings to bear
manager who is senior to the DDM and, crucially,
processes and controls; it is a matter of personal
appointed at an earlier stage. However, as we have
decision and judgement of a particular situation as
seen, the DDM is an integrator. It is possible to view
to whether this should involve imposing a complete
these problems as critical areas for reinforcement
system of standardised procedures and related
in the DDM process:
documents. The more experienced DDM may relax
• briefing somewhat on this, recognising that sometimes
to cut across the established procedures of
• core controls of information, timing, reporting
team members’ firms is not helpful, and is better
and the PEP, and
avoided, so long as the project system which
• team formation. assembles the team members’ work is transparent
and coherent.
So, if the DDM is aware of the dangers in a way
that his or her colleagues are not, then in order Therefore, DDM involves an incisive understanding
to avoid the pitfalls, leadership may have to be of certain key aspects of construction project
exercised from the DDM’s position within the team, management, and an adept use of systems which
rather than from the vanguard. although not complex in themselves, must be
That is a tall order in a situation in which the applied judiciously, and may need to be tailored to
DDM, as one of the managers, takes a share of project situations in an imaginative way. A process
the task of making apparent to the client and diagram is shown in Figure 9 and indicates key
the team what the design process requires. That decision points at which the DDM needs to provide
includes an understanding of their own roles and guidance and information to fellow team members.


Figure 9: PEP, DDM documents and DDM actions

PEP DDM documents DDM actions

Project definition & brief All systems designed to support
Design management plan
Design programme
Method statement for design Design information standard Develop, implement and maintain
Development strategy & Schedule of deliverables Develop, implement and maintain
procurement route
Feasibility and value analysis
Functional & aesthetic brief Design brief Design team structure and
Management of information Design information standard Instigate, operate and modify
systems Design review meeting minutes information systems as required
Quality assurance Project quality plan Contribute to definition of plan and
implement it
Development strategy & Plan for designated procurement
procurement route route
Reconciled concept design & Design review meeting minutes Note deviations and report
Project planning & phasing Project execution plan Develop, implement and maintain
Design programme
Design review against business Design management plan Design review meeting minutes
Organisation chart Design team structure Compile and issue chart
Limits of authority Design team structure Agree in advance
Financial procedures Design management procedures Obtain and incorporate
Statutory approvals Design management procedures Obtain definition of the approvals
Work breakdown structure Design programme Contribute to definition of plan and
implement it
Post-project evaluation Join with others in post-project


9 References

9.1 Standards, services and reference documents

Association for Project Management (APM)

Body of Knowledge 5th edition. 2006

British Standards Institution

BS6079-1:2000 Guide to Project Management
BS 7000: Part 4:1996 Guide to Managing Design in Construction
BS 7000:2008 Guide to Managing Innovation [not mentioned in text]
BS 1192: Part 2:1987 Recommendations for Architectural and Engineering Drawings

Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB)

Code of Practice for Project Management for Construction &
Development (4th edition.) Oxford: Blackwell, 2010

Construction Project Information Committee

Common arrangement of work sections for building works 1998

Production Information: a code of procedure for the construction

industry 2003

Unicalls: unified classification for the construction industry 2009

International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) FIDIC Contracts (1987-1999) available from (accessed 11 Jan 2011)

Office of Government Commerce

Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

[Model Plan of Work for Design Team Operations] Architect’s Plan of
Work (2000 edition)

RIBA: CI/SfB Construction Indexing Manual 1976, abridged reprint 1991

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

eTendering service at


RICS New Rules of Measurement: Order of cost estimating and

elemental cost planning, 2012


9.2 Selected bibliography

Belbin, R. Meredith Management Teams: Why They Succeed or Fail Butterworth

Heinemann, 3rd ed., 2010 ISBN: 978-1-85617-8075, and

Belbin, R. Meredith Team Roles at Work, (Butterworth Heinemann, 2nd ed., 2010), ISBN:

Clamp, H. & Cox, S. Which Contract? 2nd edition. London: RIBA Publishing. 1999. Note:
the current edition is the 4th, (2007), but this does not contain the
information quoted.

Cornick, T. & Mather, J. Construction Project Teams – making them work profitably London:
Thomas Telford, 1999

Gray, C. & Hughes, W. Building Design Management Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann 2001

Improvement & Development Agency


McGraw-Hill Construction BIM Report Sept 2009 and (accessed 11 Jan. 2011)

Segal Horne, S.  he Strategy Reader Oxford: Blackwell & Open University, 1997.
Article by Peter M. Senge reprinted from the Sloan Management
Review, 32(1), 1990, pp.7-23 id=82667, accessed on 2 Sept. 2010

Yan, H. & Damian, P. Benefits and Barriers of BIM 12th International Conference on
Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2008


GN 76/2012

Managing the design delivery RICS Professional Guidance, UK

1st edition, guidance note

The guidance examines design delivery management (DDM) in the

particular context of construction projects, situating it as a key process Managing the
that connects the various aspects of the construction value chain.
DDM is explained as an essential link between response to the client’s
needs and the construction process, which brings that response into
design delivery
reality as a building, structure or facility. 1st edition, guidance note
Some of the key topics covered in this guidance note include:
• Who manages the design delivery and how best practice is defined
• Reference, project definition and design management documentation
• Roles and responsibilities
• Hard skills and the actions of management
• Soft skills and the art of design team management
• Information exchange, and
• Choice of procurement route.

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