10.1007@s11940 019 0579 9
10.1007@s11940 019 0579 9
10.1007@s11940 019 0579 9
DOI 10.1007/s11940-019-0579-9
Treatment Strategies
for Neuroretinitis: Current
Options and Emerging
Aaron M. Fairbanks, MD1
Matthew R. Starr, MD1
John J. Chen, MD, PhD1,2
M. Tariq Bhatti, MD1,2,*
Department of Ophthalmology, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street Southwest, Roch-
ester, MN, 55905, USA
Email: [email protected]
Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Neurologic Ophthalmology and Otology
Keywords Neuroretinitis I Bartonella I Disc edema I Macular star I Cat scratch optic neuropathy
Purpose of review To explore and critically appraise the published data on the
current and emerging treatment modalities for neuroretinitis.
Recent findings The optimum treatment strategy for neuroretinitis due to Bartonella henselae
in immunocompetent individuals is not clear and a matter of debate. The role of systemic
corticosteroids in infectious neuroretinitis and the optimum immunosuppressive regimen for
use in recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis also remains ill defined.
Summary There is no class 1 evidence to support a specific treatment strategy for
neuroretinitis. For uncomplicated B. henselae–associated neuroretinitis in immunocompetent
patients, initiation of antibiotic and corticosteroid therapy remains controversial. In patients
with severe vision loss and/or moderate to severe systemic symptoms, a 4- to 6-week regimen
of doxycycline or azithromycin with rifampin may provide some benefit. The routine use of
systemic corticosteroids in infectious neuroretinitis is not recommended. Targeted antimi-
crobial agents should be instituted in cases of neuroretinitis due to specific infectious
etiologies (e.g., syphilis, Lyme disease, tuberculosis). Azathioprine may be beneficial in
cases of recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis. There is a need for collaborative, multicenter
prospective studies to provide definitive guidelines regarding the use of antibiotics and
corticosteroids and to evaluate future therapies in infectious and recurrent idiopathic
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Neuroretinitis is clinically defined as the combina- [14], syphilis [7], varicella zoster [15], Epstein-
tion of optic disc edema with macular edema, Barr [16], herpes simplex [17], West Nile [18],
typically in a star-like configuration, but does not Zika [19], chikungunya [20], and histoplasmosis
connote a specific etiology [1••]. In 1916, Leber [21].
described a patient with unilateral vision loss with A heterogeneous group of inflammatory dis-
optic disc edema and radially oriented retinal exu- eases have also been associated with neuroretinitis
dates, which he termed stellate maculopathy [2]. such as sarcoidosis [22], polyarteritis nodosa [23],
However, in 1977, Gass coined the term Takayasu’s arteritis [24], systemic lupus erythema-
neuroretinitis, based on the fluorescein angiogra- tosus [25], Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease [26],
phy (FA) findings of the macular edema emanating and inflammatory bowel disease [27]. There have
from the optic disc, rather than the retina itself [3]. also been reports of neuroretinitis in patients with
More recently, from an anatomical perspective, it paraneoplastic syndrome [28] and anti-myelin ol-
has been shown that fluid flows directly from the igodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) antibodies
disc surface into the outer plexiform layer (OPL), [29•]. Cancer patients treated with immune check-
down through the external limiting membrane to point inhibitors have also been documented to
collect beneath the neurosensory retina; ultimately develop neuroretinitis [30•, 31]. As the name im-
departing a lipid-rich exudate in a star-like pattern plies, neuroretinitis is a prominent clinical feature
due to the radial configuration of the OPL (Fig. 1) of the rare entity, idiopathic retinal vasculitis, an-
[4]. eurysms, and neuroretinitis (IRVAN) syndrome
The exact pathophysiology behind the optic disc [32].
vascular permeability in neuroretinitis remains un- Up to a half of cases have no identifiable cause and
certain but is thought to be due to either direct are termed idiopathic neuroretinitis [2]. In addition to
invasion of infectious vectors or an autoimmune the above potential causes of neuroretinitis, it is impor-
phenomenon [5]. The direct invasion hypothesis tant to exclude mimickers of optic disc edema and mac-
has garnered increasing traction because the most ular exudates (Table 1).
common cause of neuroretinitis is infectious, spe- While most cases of idiopathic neuroretinitis are
cifically due to the fastidious Gram-negative bacil- monophasic with substantial visual recovery even
lus, Bartonella henselae, the causative agent of cat without treatment, there is a small subset of pa-
scratch disease (CSD) [1••, 6]. In cases of tients with recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis char-
B. henselae–associated neuroretinitis, the mean age acterized by recurrent attacks and poor recovery
of presentation is 24.5 years with a female to male [27, 33–35]. In these patients, the average age at
ratio of 1.8:1 with nearly 75% of patients presentation is 28 years with no gender predilec-
experiencing systemic symptoms [1••, 6]. On exam, tion. Unlike infectious neuroretinitis, recurrent idi-
these patients often have decreased visual acuity opathic neuroretinitis is not typically accompanied
and optic disc edema with or without macular by systemic symptoms prior to the onset of visual
exudates. A relative afferent pupillary defect and symptoms [33, 35]. The majority of these patients
central or cecocentral visual field defect may be experience sequential bilateral involvement with an
present. The disease is typically self-limited with average of 3.6 attacks with a three-year interval
spontaneous resolution and return of good visual between episodes. Cecocentral, arcuate, and altitu-
function. dinal visual field defects commonly occur. In stark
The etiology of neuroretinitis can be divided difference to other forms of neuroretinitis, the vi-
into three broad categories: infectious, inflamma- sual deficit often persists after an attack and recur-
tory, and idiopathic [7]. In addition to B. henselae, rent attacks have a cumulative effect on vision,
a variety of bacterial, viral, and fungal causes of portending a poorer visual prognosis. In the largest
neuroretinitis have been identified including study evaluating this population, only 36% of pa-
Rocky Mountain spotted fever [8], tuberculosis tients had both 6/12 (20/40) vision or better and
[9], salmonellosis [10], Lyme disease [11], toxo- retained more than two-thirds of their visual field
plasmosis [12], leptospirosis [13], toxocariasis [35].
Curr Treat Options Neurol (2019) 21:36 Page 3 of 16 36
Diagnostic evaluation
Most patients with neuroretinitis present with painless unilateral vision loss but
occasionally can have bilateral simultaneous or sequential involvement. Detailed
medical history should include recent travel, animal exposure, skin changes,
lymph node enlargement, and systemic symptoms. Queries should be targeted
Fig. 1. Multimodality imaging of neuroretinitis: a14-year-old male with acute, painless, unilateral vision loss left eye. a Color
fundus photography reveals diffuse optic disc edema with Patton’s lines radiating around the optic disc with a stellate maculopathy
and denser central exudates at the fovea. b Fundus autofluorescence with very faint circular hyperautofluorescence within the fovea
corresponding to the denser foveal exudates. c Optical coherence tomography (Cirrus, Zeiss, Jena, Germany) of the optic nerve
revealing massive disc edema with surrounding subretinal fluid and retinal thickening. d Optical coherence tomography (Cirrus,
Zeiss, Jena, Germany) of the macula shows retinal thickening, blunted foveal contour, subretinal fluid extending from the optic
disc, intraretinal hyperreflective material within the outer retinal layers, and subfoveally vitelliform deposits. e Early (15 s)
fluorescein angiogram of the left eye demonstrates focal early hyperfluorescence of the superotemporal disc. f Late (5 min)
fluorescein angiogram of the left eye shows diffuse disc edema with prominent leakage superotemporally.
36 Page 4 of 16 Curr Treat Options Neurol (2019) 21:36
Arterial hypertension
Diabetic papillopathy
Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
Posterior vitreous traction syndrome
Toxic (procarbazine and bischloroethylnitrosurea)
Juxtapapillary tumors/compressive lesions
44, 45•, 46, 47] and can be repeated after 4 to 6 weeks if the initial titers are
negative and the clinical suspicion remains high [48]. Purified protein derivative
or QuantiFERON-TB Gold testing should be obtained for patients with high risk
tuberculosis exposure. For those with tick exposure or residing in endemic areas,
testing for Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever is recommended.
Patients suspected of having sarcoidosis should undergo serum angiotensin
converting enzyme levels as well as chest imaging (X-ray or computed tomogra-
phy). Those with an exposure history to sexually transmitted diseases require
testing for syphilis and the human immunodeficiency virus. Patients from en-
demic areas, particularly from the Ohio River Valley, should have histoplasmosis
serology [49].
The treatment of neuroretinitis is contingent upon the underlying etiology. As
mentioned previously, a plethora of infectious and inflammatory conditions
can result in neuroretinitis. Therefore, a careful diagnostic evaluation must be
undertaken with the goal of initiating targeted therapy against the offending
agent or process.
Infectious neuroretinitis
The following section will provide treatment recommendations for infectious
neuroretinitis, with a special emphasis on CSD. It should be noted that all the
available treatment data to date is from case reports, case series, and retrospec-
tive reviews. The lack of randomized trials upon which to make clear and firm
clinical recommendations is an overarching theme that underscores the need
for continued research and a collaborative multicenter approach.
Antibiotic therapy
Given the relatively benign natural history, there is debate whether to treat an
episode of B. henselae–associated neuroretinitis. Several studies have examined
the effect of antibiotics, corticosteroids, or a combination of both with conflicting
results. In the only double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial evaluating
the use of azithromycin in patients with CSD, but without neuroretinitis, there
was an 80% reduction in total lymph node volume in 50% of treated patients
compared to only 7% in the placebo group [50]. Notably, there was no difference
in any other clinical outcome measure. A retrospective review of 268 patients
with CSD without neuroretinitis determined that the mean duration of lymph-
adenopathy was reduced in patients with moderate to severe systemic disease
who were treated with effective antibiotics compared to those who were ineffec-
tively treated or untreated [51]. The effective antibiotics included rifampin,
ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, all of which
have an intracellular action of inhibiting bacterial DNA or protein synthesis.
B. henselae has a predilection for infecting endothelial cells and erythrocytes that
sequesters it from antibiotics that primarily act against the bacterial cell wall
(Appendix) [52].
Regarding antibiotic therapy in CSD with ocular involvement, two small case
series demonstrated decreased disease duration and hastened visual recovery after
treatment with doxycycline and rifampin (seven patients) [47] and marked
36 Page 6 of 16 Curr Treat Options Neurol (2019) 21:36
Pediatric consideration
For children less than eight years old, azithromycin and rifampin are the pre-
ferred choices. Traditionally, doxycycline has been avoided in children due to the
possibility of tooth discoloration and enamel hypoplasia. However, a recent
study supported by the CDC found no visible dental staining in children treated
with doxycycline at an average dose of 2.3 mg/kg, average duration of seven
days, and average of 1.8 courses per child for Rocky Mountain spotted fever [76].
Hypersensitivity reaction
Rifampin 300 mg twice daily 10 mg/kg twice daily 4–6 weeks Red/orange discoloration Avoid in patients with
of body fluids HIV/AIDS on
Agranulocytosis antiretroviral
Hypersensitivity reaction
Azithromycin 500 mg × 1 day, then 9 45.5 kg = Adult dosing 4–6 weeks QT prolongation/Torsades Avoid in patients with a long
250 mg daily ≤ 45.5 kg = 10 mg/kg × 1 de Pointes QT interval and history of
day, then 5 mg/kg daily Transaminase elevation and significant hepatic
hepatotoxicity disease
Myasthenic crisis
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice daily 10–20 mg/kg/dose 4–6 weeks Arthropathy, tendon rupture Avoid in children and the
twice daily Diarrhea elderly
CNS effects
Peripheral neuropathy
Myasthenic crisis
QT prolongation
Trimethoprim- 160 mg (trimethoprim) 4 mg/kg (trimethoprim) 4–6 weeks Nausea/vomiting Avoid in patients with
sulfamethoxazole twice daily twice daily Rash/allergy (sulfonamides) sulfonamide allergy, HIV,
pregnancy, children
Inaccurate serum creatinine
Curr Treat Options Neurol
G 2 months old
Folate deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Lyme disease Doxycycline 100 mg twice daily ≥ 45 kg = Adult dosing 10–28 days Photosensitivity May be used in early
G 45 kg = 2.2 mg/kg Dental staining neurologic Lyme disease
twice daily** in ambulatory patients.
Intracranial hypertension
(2019) 21:36
gallbladder (pseudolithiasis)
Syphilis Aqueous crystalline 3–4 million units every 200,000-300,000 10–14 days Hypersensitivity and Further treatment with
penicillin G (IV) 4h units/kg/day anaphylactic reactions benzathine penicillin (2.4
in divided doses Diarrhea million units IM once per
every 4–6 h week for 3 weeks) can be
Anemia, leukopenia,
considered after initial
neurosyphilis treatment
Seizure to ensure eradication in
(2019) 21:36
Intraocular Rifampin 10 mg/kg daily (typically 10–20 mg/kg daily 8 + 18 weeks Red/orange discoloration of Must be used with other
Mycobacterium 600 mg) (min) body fluids agents or resistance likely
tuberculosis Agranulocytosis to develop.
DIC Drug-drug interactions
Hypersensitivity reaction
Isoniazid 5 mg/kg daily (typically 5 mg/kg daily 8 + 18 weeks Hepatotoxicity Peripheral neuropathy from
300 mg) (estimated) (min) Peripheral neuropathy pyridoxine deficiency may
be prevented with
supplementation of
50 mg vitamin B6 daily
Pyrazinamide Weight based 35 mg/kg daily 8 weeks Hepatotoxicity May obtain serum uric acid in
40–55 kg = 1 g Gastrointestinal intolerance patients with history of
56–75 kg = 1.5 g Gout exacerbation, arthralgia
76–90 kg = 2 g
Ethambutol Weight based (daily) 20 mg/kg daily 8 weeks Optic neuritis Ocular adverse effects are less
40–55 kg = 800 mg Optic atrophy common in patients
taking G 15 mg/kg and
56–75 kg = 1200 mg Optic disc edema
may be reversible after
76–90 kg = 1600 mg Central scotoma stopping the medication.
Red-green dyschromatopsia
Gastrointestinal intolerance
Adult doses are the maximum doses to be given and all doses assume normal renal function
Page 9 of 16
CNS central nervous system, DIC disseminated intravascular coagulation, HIV/AIDS human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, IV intravenous, IM intramuscular, min minimum
**Doxycycline is typically avoided in children less than 8 years old for concern of irreversible dental staining, although this may not occur with a short course of treatment
36 Page 10 of 16 Curr Treat Options Neurol (2019) 21:36
Emerging treatments
Although idiopathic neuroretinitis is typically a self-limited disease with most
patients experiencing excellent visual recovery without treatment, there are
Curr Treat Options Neurol (2019) 21:36 Page 11 of 16 36
some patients that have recurrent disease resulting in irreversible visual loss [5,
27, 78]. It is this latter group that stands to gain the greatest amount in the quest
for more effective treatment modalities.
Intravitreal approach
Angiogenesis is characteristic of Bartonella infection; therefore, anti-vascular en-
dothelial growth factor (VEGF) therapy has the potential to be an effective
treatment strategy [79]. A case report described the use of intravitreal triamcino-
lone plus anti-VEGF in a patient with idiopathic neuroretinitis with return of
normal visual acuity and resolution of both the macular and optic disc edema
Intraocular steroid injections and implants are another possible emerging
treatment for neuroretinitis. A short acting dexamethasone (Ozurdex®,
Allergan, Madison, NJ) implant or triamcinolone intravitreal injection could
theoretically help reduce intraocular inflammation and macular edema. A
longer acting agent like the recently US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-
approved three-year fluocinonide acetate implant (Yutiq®, EyePoint Pharma-
ceuticals, Watertown, MA) could help prevent recurrences. Dexamethasone
implants have been used in cases of IRVAN and have showed some promise in
treating the macular edema [81–83].
Immunosuppressive agents
There have been no studies which have evaluated the role of immunosuppres-
sive medications such as rituximab, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors, or
other monoclonal antibodies in recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis. A case
report did demonstrate improvement in visual acuity and retinal exudation
after administration of infliximab in two cases of IRVAN that were refractory to
high-dose corticosteroids [84].
Chemotherapeutic agents
The immune check point inhibitor ipilimumab (an anti-cytotoxic T
lymphocyte antigen-4 monoclonal antibody) has been linked to one
case of bilateral neuroretinitis [31] and two cases of optic neuropathy
[30•]. This class of medications disinhibits the immune system in order
to help recognize self-antigens typically expressed in higher quantities on
neoplastic cells, but with the collateral adverse activity of creating a state
of autoimmunity. In the case of ipilimumab induced neuroretinitis, the
medication was discontinued and a combination of topical and oral
corticosteroid therapy was given with resolution of the ocular inflam-
mation and improved vision over two months [31]. Accordingly, the
mainstay of treatment for neuroretinitis secondary to the use of biologic
agents, including checkpoint inhibitors and other chemotherapeutic reg-
imens such as procarbazine and carmustine, involves discontinuation of
the offending agent(s) and administration of topical and/or systemic
corticosteroids over a period of weeks to months [85]. The duration and
taper of the steroid therapy will depend on the clinical course of the
patient and the expected elimination half-life of the causative medica-
tion, which for ipilimumab is 14.7 days [85].
36 Page 12 of 16 Curr Treat Options Neurol (2019) 21:36
Infectious neuroretinitis has many causes, and therefore, a targeted diagnostic
evaluation must be undertaken to elucidate a specific cause in order to initiate a
clearly defined treatment strategy. In cases of Bartonella henselae–associated
neuroretinitis, immunocompetent patients with mild to moderate visual loss
may be observed as the expected visual outcome is favorable. Empiric treatment
may be considered in patients with a history suggestive of CSD while diagnostic
tests are pending. Treatment is recommended for those with moderate to severe
systemic symptoms, immunosuppressed patients, and those with severe vision
loss. The preferred regimen is a four to six-week course of oral doxycycline and
rifampin. Azithromycin may be used as an alternative to doxycycline, and in
patients with documented allergy, ciprofloxacin or trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole may be considered. There is no conclusive evidence that cor-
ticosteroid therapy is beneficial in infectious neuroretinitis, and because of the
potential for significant adverse events, it should not be given routinely. However,
corticosteroids can be used as an adjunct to antimicrobial therapy for cases with
severe vision loss, significant optic disc edema, and a high degree of intraocular
inflammation. Patients with an identified cause of infectious neuroretinitis
(Lyme disease, syphilis, etc.) should receive the appropriate targeted therapy.
For patients with recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis, high-dose intravenous
and/or oral corticosteroid therapy with transition to an immunosuppressive
agent are recommended to prevent recurrence and further loss of vision. To date,
only azathioprine has been reported in the literature, but for patients with
thiopurine methyltransferase (TMPT) deficiency, or for those with recurrences
despite azathioprine use, newer immunosuppressive agents like rituximab and
possibly other monoclonal antibodies may be beneficial.
Finally, intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy and implantable or injectable ocular
corticosteroid therapies have theoretical, but not proven, efficacy and could result
in severe complications, including endophthalmitis, and are therefore not cur-
rently recommended in the treatment of neuroretinitis. Further research involving
the use of these agents may provide additional treatment options and greater
insight into the pathophysiology of neuroretinitis.
Conflict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Note: Specific antibiotic dosing is provided in Table 2.
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