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Astragalus & Lumbricus Formula


Tonifies the Qi and nourishes the Blood, activates the Blood and •A
 stragalus root is used orally to strengthen and regulate the
dispels stasis to unblock the Channels and Collaterals. immune system and to increase the production of blood cells
particularly in individuals with chronic degenerative disease
or in individuals with cancer undergoing chemotherapy or
TCM SYNDROMES radiation therapy. It is also used orally to treat the common
Blood stasis cold, upper respiratory infections, chronic nephritis and
diabetes. Astragalus has been shown to have: antibacterial,
Obstruction of the Channels and Collaterals
antiviral, tonic, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory,
Qi-Blood dual deficiency antioxidant, diuretic, vasodilator and hypotensive actions.
• F allopia rhizome (tiger cane) is used orally in formulas
INDICATIONS to treat hepatitis, cholecystitis, leukorrhea, and dysuria,
febrile illnesses, carbuncles, burns, snake bite, constipation,
Sequelae of cerebrovascular accident, muscular atrophy due to
chronic bronchitis, menstrual disorders (e.g. amenorrhoea,
polio, muscle wasting in arthritic disorders, myasthenia gravis,
dysmenorrhoea), traumatic injuries, rheumatic disorders,
multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathy, Bell’s palsy (facial
hyperlipidemia, leukocytopenia and to prevent thrombosis
from arterial endothelial damage. It has been shown to have
the following medical actions: anti-viral, anti-leptospirosis,
SIGNS & SYMPTOMS anti-fungal, antitussive (relaxes the bronchial smooth muscles
(key clinical features in bold) and expels sputum), hypotensive, antilipemic, styptic,
analgesic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic.
Hemiplegia, facial paralysis, atrophy of the lower limbs
Muscular wasting or atrophy
Slurred speech (dysarthria), drooling
8 - 12 pills, 3 times daily, half to one hour away from food.
Paresthesia or loss of sensation in the extremities
In severe cases and in the early stages of treatment (first 1 – 2
Frequent urination or incontinence months) the dosage may be increased by 50 - 100%.
Dry stools Course of treatment: long term.
Tongue is pale with a white coat
Do not use during acute stage of cerebral hemorrhage (i.e.
within the first two weeks), or in cases with a full (i.e. sign of
excess) pulse.
Each pill contains extract equiv. to dry:
Caution during pregnancy.
Astragalus membranaceus, root (huang qi) 138.9 mg
Fallopia japonica, rhiz. (hu zhang) * 55.5 mg COMBINATIONS
Paeonia veitchii, root (chi shao) 41.7 mg • Angina pectoris (long history)
Angelica polymorpha, root (dang-gui) 41.7 mg + Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Persica & Cnidium Combination BP034)
Prunus persica, seed (tao ren) 41.7 mg • Atrophy syndrome due to Kidney deficiency:
+ Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan (Morinda Combination BP002)
Carthamus tinctor ius, flower (hong hua) 27.8 mg
• Atrophy syndrome due to Qi deficiency:
Ligusticum wallichii, rhiz. (chuan xiong) 27.8 mg + Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan (Ginseng & Astragalus Combination
* included as a substitute for Lumbricus (di long), due to TGA • Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis):
restrictions. + Tian Ma Gou Teng Wan (Gastrodia & Gambir Formula BP024)
• Bi syndrome with severe numbness or paresthesia:
+ Shu Jing Huo Xue Tang (Clematis & Stephania Formula
CLINICAL GUIDE – Black Pearl® Pill Range www.sunherbal.com 4th Edition
• With Blood stasis, severe: + Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan (Morinda Combination BP002)
+ Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Persica & Cnidium Combination BP034) + (in severe cases) Tao Hong Si Wu Wan (Persica, Carthamus
• Chronic arthritis with muscle wasting: & Dang-gui Combination BP061)
+ Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan (Du huo & Loranthus Formula BP009) • Stroke with partial paralysis:
• Sequelae of poliomyelitis (muscle wasting): + Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Persica & Cnidium Combination BP034)
+ Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan (Du huo & Loranthus Formula BP009) + Si Jun Zi Tang (Four Major Herbs Combination BP082)
+ Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan (Ginseng & Astragalus Combination • Venous thrombosis or thrombophlebitis in the deep
BP005) veins of the calf (positive Homan’s sign):
• Meniere’s disease: + Ba Ji Yin Yang Wan (Morinda Combination BP002)
+ Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Persica & Cnidium Combination BP034) + Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Persica & Cnidium Combination BP034)
+ Wen Dan Tang (Bamboo & Hoelen Formula BP050) + Tao Hong Si Wu Wan (Persica, Carthamus & Dang-gui
Combination BP061)
• Neck arthritis with numbness of the hands and feet:
+ Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Persica & Cnidium Combination BP034)
+ Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan (Salvia & Boswellia Formula BP042)

COMMENTS This formula was devised by Wang Qing-ren (a.k.a. Wang Xun-chen) and recorded in his
BU YANG HUAN WU WAN ‘Correction of Errors among Physicians’ (yi lin gai cuo), published in 1830. It was indicated for
BP069 the treatment of the sequelae of a cerebrovascular accident, characterized by hemiplegia.
The formula’s name refers to the therapeutic action of ‘restoring five tenth’s’ of the body’s
Yang Qi. The author believed that when a patient suffered from a cerebrovascular accident
that resulted in paralysis of half the body, half (i.e. ‘five tenths’) of the Yang Qi had become
depleted. Yang Qi in this context does not refer to the Kidney Yang but to the combined
activities of the defensive Qi (wei qi) and the nutritive Qi (ying qi), which are strongly tonified
by the formula’s principal ingredient in this formula.
The original formula consisted of 84% Astragalus (huang qi), which we believe is excessive.
The Sun Herbal variant reduces the proportion to 37%, thus allowing a clinically more
significant contribution by the other herbal ingredients to the formula’s actions. In addition,
Fallopia (hu zhang) has been substituted for Lumbricus (di long), due to restrictions placed on
the use of the latter ingredient by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
Fallopia has several actions that make it a suitable addition to this formula: activates the
Blood and dispels stasis; clears Heat Toxin; clears Damp-Heat; dispels Phlegm; opens the
bowels. Modern research has discovered that this herb contains a significant proportion of
a class of potent antioxidants called resveratrols (which are also contained in grape skins).
Resveratrols have been shown to reduce inflammation, prevent and reverse arterial plaque,
kill cancer cells and also prolong the life span of healthy cells to slow the ageing process.
This formula has a broad range of applications in disorders characterized by muscular wasting
or atrophy, such as polio, neuromuscular diseases (e.g. motor neuron diseases such as
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and spinal muscular atrophy; peripheral neuropathies such as
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; muscular dystrophies such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy),
myasthenia gravis, as well as for the muscular wasting that may be seen in chronic rheumatic
The synergistic actions of the ingredients are as follows:
• Astragalus root (huang qi): tonifies the Qi to promote movement of the Blood (via the driving
action of the Qi)
• Fallopia rhizome (hu zhang), Paeonia root (chi shao), Angelica root (dang-gui), Prunus seed
(tao ren), Carthamus flower (hong hua), Ligusticum rhizome (chuan xiong): activate the Blood
and dispel stasis to unblock the Channels and Collaterals
• Angelica root (dang-gui), Paeonia root (chi shao), Ligusticum rhizome (chuan xiong): nourish
the Blood and promote movement of the Blood.
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