Integrative Arts

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The word ART is quite difficult to define and its In visual arts, a line is a series of points. It may
definition has been highly contested throughout come in two characteristics:
history. The word originated from the Latin word
“ars" which means skill and with the Greek word ● Form - curved, dotted, or broken
“techne” which means technology. A common ● Direction - vertical, horizontal, or diagonal
definition of art is that it is used to express ideas
or feelings through creative processes and SHAPE AND FORM
imagination. Shape is formed by connecting both ends of a line.
Shapes are two dimensional figures with height
VISUAL ARTS and width.
Visual arts is an expression of artistic ideas
through images, structures, and tactile work. KINDS OF SHAPE
Painting, sculpture, and architecture are ● Geometric shapes - are enclosed figures such as
considered as examples of it. triangles, squares, and other structured figures.
● Organic shapes - are shapes found in nature.
LITERARY ARTS They do not have a structured form as they are
Literary arts is an expression of ideas through usually free flowing.
writing. There are many types of literary artworks. ● Abstract shapes - are like organic shapes for
they lack definition, but they are not necessarily
POETRY found in nature.
It is considered as one of the oldest forms of
literature characterized by its imaginative and COLOR
figurative language. In visual arts, color is associated with the natural
phenomenon in our environment. Scientifically,
PROSE when a light passes through a prism, it will
When an imaginative literary piece is not written produce different hues of different wavelengths.
in figurative language, then it is considered as
prose. Prose is usually written in complete and VALUE
grammatical narratives. In visual arts, value is considered a property of a
color which pertains to its lightness or darkness
When a text is written to be performed and not TEXTURE
just read, then it is considered as drama. In visual arts, texture is the tactile or illusory
surface of the piece.
Performing arts is an expression of an artistic idea
through written lyrics, text, dramatization, and PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN
multimedia production. The elements of art may be organized in a way
that it can create a more compelling artwork. This
ELEMENTS OF ART organization of elements is called principles of
When we say space, it can vary depending on SCALE AND PROPORTION
what art discipline it pertains to. In visual arts, this Scale and proportion refer to the relationship of
may pertain to emptiness which may either be the elements, specifically its relative size of parts
positive space or negative space. of a whole.
daily lives. Our ancestors weaved fabrics for
HARMONY dresses, made weapons for battles, and chanted to
In general, you can say an art piece is in harmony bring good harvest.
when the different parts produce an overall - Kashawing Ritual
positive impact or effect. - Manunggul Jar
- Agung Ensemble
VARIETY - Man-Manok
In other terms, variety may be referred to as - Banog-Banog
diversity. - Talip
- Okir
Movement is a basic principle of nature and is
associated with the environment. All living things, SPANISH COLONIAL ART
non-living things, and heavenly bodies move During the 16th century, upon the arrival of the
naturally. Spaniards, indigenous art changed. Spanish
colonization brought Catholicism and imposed
RHYTHM their Western culture. This conversion caused the
This refers to the repetition of certain elements to birth of the religious or Christian and folk arts.
produce a pattern. Towns or pueblos were created in a structure of
plaza complexes, with the church at the center of
BALANCE each town.
Balance refers to the even and equal distribution
of elements. - Pasyon o Pabasa


Informal balance - also called asymmetrical, is Americans introduced the public education system
present when the designs are not equally in the Philippines. Their schools, however,
distributed on both sides. required students to learn English. This brought
Formal balance - also called symmetrical, is forth Philippine Literature in English. Initially,
present when the weight of the designs is equally these pieces are characterized by a poor use of
distributed. language as the Filipinos only mimicked their
American teachers.
Emphasis is a principle which may refer to the - Vaudeville or Bodabil
greater impact given on a certain element.
Subordination serves as the opposite of emphasis CONTEMPORARY ART IN THE
as it refers to how certain elements only serve as a PHILIPPINES
supplement to the emphasized element in a When the late former president Ferdinand Marcos
design. started his administration, the birth of
Contemporary Arts in the Philippines began.
ART FORMS IN THE PHILIPPINES Culture and the arts were focused on his vision of
the “New Society.” The Cultural Center of the
PRE-COLONIAL ART Philippines was then established and urban
Artistic production in the Philippines started even planning and architecture were more focused.
before the colonizers reached the Philippine
islands. Art was often used by the people in their

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