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‘’ Imagination is more important than

ART APPRECIATION - study and knowledge’’
understanding of the usual arts
Imagination imitates everything
SPOLIARIUM - basement of the Roman
Colosseum where pattern and dying
gladiators were dump. EXPRESSION - conscious use of
imagination in the production of objects
ARS- latin term which means skill, talent, intended.
or ability.
ART - expression of creative skill & - English philosopher
imagination. - Best known for aesthetic
- He illustrated that expressing
ARTS is the product of: emotion is something different.
- Creativity
- Expression
VISUAL ARTS - a creation that falls under
Arts is a man made. this category are those that appeal to the
sense of sight and are mainly visual in
JEAN PAUL SARTRE - described the nature.
role of art in a creative artwork.
FILM - refers to the art of putting together
CREATIVITY - requires thinking outside succession of still images in order to
the box create an illusion of movement.
- Ability to create items that inspire
and inform others. POETRY- is an art form where the artist
expresses his emotion not by using paint
It's more fun in the Philippines became charcoal or camera but expresses them
famous in 2011 used by the (DOT) through words.
Department of Tourism.
‘’It’s more fun in Switzerland’’ ARCHITECTURE- art and science of
RAMON JIMENEZ Jr. designing structures and spaces for
‘’ Everything is just coincidental’’ humans.
- Secretary of Department of
Tourisim (2011) DANCE- a series of movements that
follows the rhythm of the music
TRADEMARK - can be any word, phrase, accompaniment.
symbol, design or a combination of these
things. THEATER - is a performance usually
follow a script though they should not be
IMAGINATION - ability of mind to be confused with literary arts.
creative resourceful in the case how one
artist understands.
elements of style and design to everyday
items with the aim of increasing their DANTE AIIGHIERI
aesthetical value. ‘’ Nature is the art of God.’’

HUMANITIES LINE - it is an identifiable path created by

- Describe as the study of human a point moving in space.
- Latin words humanus & humanitas SHAPE- define objects in space.Have 2
meaning humans dimensions, height and width

PHILOSOPHY - love of wisdom VALUE- describes the brightness or

- Derived from the GREEK word darkness of color
philos or philein, which means love
and sophia, which means wisdom. FORM - exist in three dimensions with
height, width, and depth
HISTORY - to study about the past
- Derived from the LATIN word SPACE- refers to a feeling of depth or
historia which means to scribble three dimensions. It can also refer to the
and record artist's use of the area within the picture.

RELIGION - a form of obligation that binds TEXTURE - the surface quality of an

the faithful with one Divine power. object that we sense through touch hard,
- Derived from the Latin word soft, rough, etc.
religare or religio which means to
bind. COLOR- reflected light, organized on a
color wheel with 3 primary colors
- Derived from the latin word littera ART GENRES- refers to the fine arts of
or litteratura, which means letter or painting, drawing, and carving, which is
knowledge of books. basically a skill.


Fiction - describes imaginary events &
people. Ex. myths, epics, folktales VERBAL ARTS - include literature and
Non Fiction- writing based facts, real oratory which uses words and language
events, and real people. Ex. essays, news such as poetry

LANGUAGE- provides avenues for better NON-VERBAL ARTS- use no words but
communication using the art of speaking motor skills
and listening
- Derived from the latin word lingua, 2 TYPES OF MOTOR SKILLS
which means tongue. Fine motor skills- coordination of small
MUSIC - derived from the Greek word Gross motor skills- involve movements
mousa, which means muse. of the large muscles
MIXED ARTS- utilizes the combined EARLY MEDIEVAL- arts was also
elements of verbal and non-verbal arts dubbed as late gothic or proto
renaissance that served the transition
ART HISTORY between these 2 periods.
- Begins with the emergence of - Started from 410 CE to 1024 CE
human beings whose imagination
propels an expression of great LATE MEDIEVAL- lasted from 1300 CE
legacies. to 1500 CE.
- As old as history - This period coincided with the
massive development of art during
PRE-HISTORIC PERIOD the renaissance
- Regarded as nomads, our early - Figures started to have form with
ancestors engaged in primitive art shadows and edifices stressed
using stone flakes to produce fire - This period also regarded as the
to protect themselves. rebirth of classical culture

NOMADS- communities who moved to

another place as a way of obtaining food.

CRO-MAGNONS- known in cave

paintings that reflected their daily hunting

NEOLITHIC- farmers

ANCIENT PERIOD- symbolize power and

- Represented the architectural
construction of stones

ZIGGURAT of UR - most distinctive

architectural invention of the ancient.
- Votive offering to Enlil, their deity.

2700 BCE- ancient Sumerians

constructed the ziggurat of ur.


Babylon is one of the famous citadels in
the ancient world.

PHARAOHS- the great house

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