Microprocessor Old Questions

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Examination Control Division
2075 Bhadra I-

Sf,Hfg!: .
Ivllg_roproces sor (EE5 S r)
'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.

,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Describe Von Neumann Machine. Dif;terentiate Hardwired control unit and Micro
programmed control unit. U+41
2. Draw the internal architecture of 8086 microprocessor and explain it.
{o* is looping is implement in 8085 programs? Explain how nested looping can
Elaborate with suitable example
r '--e be done.
4. Write a program for 8085 to count the numbers for which upper nibble is higher than
lower nibble; and store the count at the end of table having SO Uytes data from C050H.
5. Explain the process of assembling, linking and executing of assembly language program.
Differentiate one-pass and two pass assembler.
r e e I -{r------
6. write and assembly language program for 80g6 to read a number (l to 9 only) from'ser
and calculate the factorial ofit and display in decimal format. tgl
7. what is instruction cycle and machine cycle? Explain the timing diagrarn instucfion LXI
B, A050H with necessary diagram
8. Differentiate synchronous bus and asynchronous bus. Design an address decoding circuit
to interface 4 KB RoM and 2KB RAM. The starting address is 4000 H. use -suitable
decoder. p+61
9. Dfferentiate polling vs. interrupt. Explain how intemrpt veclor table is used to handle
intemrpts in 8086 microprocessor.
10. what is pseudo and real paralletism? Explain Flynn's classification. [4+4]
Bxamination Control Division BEL, BEX, BCT
2075 Baisakh

Subjecf; - Microprocessor (EX55I)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt AII questions.
r' The figures in the margin indicate FallWg2fo.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Compare and contrast between hardwlred and mlcroprogrammed CU, I4l

b) WritetheRTLforlnstructionfinH,TiHin8085microprocessor. t4l
2. a) Draw the programming model of 8085 and explain each unit. I2+4I
b) Explain the operations and uses of RST instructions in 8085. t4l
c) Wrlte an ALP in 8085 to transfer 20 bytes of data in a table to another table by t6l
interchanging Dr and Da b'rts of each byte.

3, a) Explain the difhrent types of addressing modes available in 8085 microprocessor with t8l
. b) Write an ALP in 8086 to read a word and display all the alphabets In alternate case (flrst t8l
alphabet ln lowercasg second in uppercase, thlrd ln lowercase and so on) in a clear

4. a) Design the address decoding interfuce of an output port consisting of 8 LEDs with port tsl
address ABH.

b) Explain different modes of operation in 8255, l6l

c) Explain the execution of instruqtion AN,4BHin 8085 with the help of timing dlagram. lsl
5. a) Describe the operation of interrupt instruction RtM in 8085 microprocessor. t4l
b) Explain the Interrupt processing in 8096 microprocessor. t4l
6. a) Write the characteristics of RISC.. t4l
b) Explain six stage pipeline technique with an example. t4l
7, Write short notes on any two: [2x41
a) One pass and two pass assembler
b) DMA Controller
c) OS and lts features
*:f rl.
Examination Control Division
2074 Bhadra
-- -----
--- - :.
" i*i-!::n'ri9!'f'""99*iaxsltl'" -- - :"-
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own
words as far as practicable'
r' Attempt All questions.
r' fte isuret in the margin indicarc ryLAqliE
{ Assume suitable data if necessary,

1. Explain fetch and execution cycle of an instruction of a stored program computer.

Illustrate with ttre help of RTL specification. [5+3]

2. What is the use of Program Counter and Stac,k

Pointer registers of 8085 microprocessor?
How these registers get affected during CALL, RET, PUSH and POP instructions explain
with suitable examples. 14+41

3. There are two tables holding twenty data whose starting

address is 9000H and 9020H
a program to add the content of first table with the content of second
affay index. Store sum and catri into the third and fourth table
H and 9060H respectively. t8l
4. Describe how 8086 microprocessor is faster than 8-bit microprocessors in terms of its
insffuction processing. Write in brief about the uses of major registers of 8086
microprocessor. [3+5]
5. Write an assembly language program for 8086 to calculate the addition of 100 natural
even numbers and display the result in screen, in decimal format. t8]
6. Explain single handshaking and double handshaking technique used in parallel interfacing
wiitr a microprocessor? Design an address decoding circuit to interface two 8k*8 RoM
chips at address starting at 4000H. t3+51

7. What do you mean by Machine cycle and T-states? Draw a bus timing diagram for an
instruction ANI 55H of 8085 microprocessor. Calculate the time required to execute such
instruction, if microprocessor is operating at 2MHz clock frequency. [2+5+l]
8. What are the software interrupts of 8085? Discuss the different hardware intemrpts
available in 8086. Write down the steps, sequentially carried out by the systems when an
intemrpt occurs. [3+3+2]
g. What do you mean by accumulator based microprocessor? Compare RISC and CISC
architecture, L2+61

10. Write shor$.notes on any two: Pxal

a) Flags in 8086 MicroProcessor
b) DMA Controller
c) Deadlock and its Remedies
* *:t

Examination Control Division BEL, BEX, BCT i Pass Marls
2073 Magh II/II iTime

Subjecl; - Microprocessor (EX55I)

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt AII questions.
{ n tis,t n i" the mhrgin indicate Fqil Mgr&s.
r' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Differentiate between Microprocessor and Microcontrollers. . Explain how the

microprocessor is organized in microprocessor based systems. 14+41
2. What is flag? Discuss about 8085 associated flags. Alone with suitable example show
how these flags are affected by arithmetic and logical group of instructions. [1+2+5]
3. Write an assembly language program for 8085 to find the square of ten 8-bit ntrmbers
which are ( 0FH, stored from memory location C090H. Store the result from the end of'
the source table. t8I
4. Discuss and differentiate between Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and Execution Unit (EU) of
8086 Microprocessor. List out the operators used in 8086 Assembly Language
Programming. [4+4]
5. Two tables contain ten l6-bit data each. Write an assembly language progam to generate
the 3'd table which contains IFFFh if the corresponding data in the l't table is less than
that of 2"d table, else store0000h. t8]
6. Draw an explain the timing diagram of LXI D,2465 H. Calculate the time required to
execute this instruction if the crystal frequency is 6MHZ. 16+21

7. With a neat diagram explain the interfacing circuit using a 3:8 decoder (74LS138) needed
to connect the following memory units to the 8085 microprocessor consecutively starting
from memory location AOOOH. ' t8l
2Kx8 ROM chip
2Kx8 RAM chip
4Kx8 EPROM chip
8. Explain the pnrpose of the EI, DI, SIM and RIM instructions of the 8085 processor while
using intemrpts. Describe how the 8085 obtains the starting address of the intemrpt
senrice routine for each of the hardware
intemrpts. I8l
9. Discuss about Flynn's Classification. What are the key features having with a typical
Operating L4+41
10. Write short notes on: [4x2]
i) RS232
ii) PPr
L.PP i Full Marks i 80
Examination Control Division -B--cl frlY:f
i Time
2073 Bhadra

Suhjecf; - Microprocessor (8X551)

,/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their olvrr words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt AII questions.
{ The/igures in the margin indicate EulI Mafks.
r' Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Explain RTL based on any 8085 instruction. Define Stored program concept. l4r4l
2. What are the characteristics of 8085 microprocessor? Discuss all the input and output
signals that are originated from microprocessor. t2+61
J" How are the flags of 8085 processor affected druing the usage of arithmetic and logic
instructions? Explain with exarnples. Explain the following instructions with example
prograrn (i) DAA (ii) SPHL (iii) XTHL (iv) PCHL 14+41

4. Draw the internal architecture of 8086 microprocessor. Explain each block in detail. t8]
5. Write an assembly language program for 8086 to find the largest and smallest numbers of
anarray having 10 numbers. Display the for:nd numbers in the clear screen. t8l
6. Explain bus timing diagram. Draw and explain the timing diagram of the 8085 instruction
srA soso H' [2+6]
7. Design an interfacing circuit for following problem. t8l
i) 74LSt38:3 to 8 Decoder
ii) 2732 (4K*8): EP-ROM address range should begin at 0000H and additional 4K
memory space should be available for future explanation
iii) 61 16(2K*8):CMOS R/W memory

8. Differentiate between maskable and non-maskable int€rrupts. Explain how different

intemrpt pins of 8085 are used. l2+6"J

9. What is interprocess communication? How does dead lock occur? How can it be solved? [2+3+3]
10. Write short notes on: Px2l
ii) Rrsc
Examination Control Division Programme BEL, BEX, BCT Pass Marlc 32
2072 Ashwin Year / Prrt il/II Time 3 hrs.

Subiect: (D$sr)
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Aaempt All questions.
/ Theligures in the margtn indicate Full Marks.
y' Assume suttable data if necessary.

l. What is Bus? Explain Bus organization of microprocessor with diagram? Calculate the
memory handling capacity of the processor having address bus of 24 lines and data bus of
l6lines. tl+5+21
2. Explain the instruction format and data format of 8085 microprocessor. Explain different
addressing modes of 8085 microprocessor. [3+5J
3. Write a program in 8085 to calculate the number of ones in the upper nibble of ten 8-bit
numbers stored in a table. Store &e count of ones in a location just after the table. t8I
4. What is statement in an assembly language pro$am? Explain frequently used directives
with suitable example. 12+61
5, Wr,ite an assembly program to read a string from the user and display vowels and
consonants separately. t8l
6. What do you understand by address decoding? Explain with example how PROM
decoder is used in memory address decoding. 12+61
7. Explain different modes of paraltel data transfer. Explain briefly, what is PPI. 14+41
8. What is intemrpt? What is its importance in microprocessor? How intemrpts from
different peripherals can be handled u,ith single INTR pin in 8086 microprocessor?
Explain. ll+2+5J
9. What is register based and accumulator based architecture? Differentiate betu'een CISC
and R.ISCarchitecture? 12+61
10. Write short notes on: 12*41
a) DMA

31 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Nor llacli & [.:rtcr Ilatch)
Examination Control Division Programme BEL, BEX, BCT Pass lllarks 32
2072Magh Year / Part II/u Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Microprocessor (EX55l)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt All questions.
/ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks;
y' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Draw and explain the block diagram of a computer. Explain stared program concept.14+41
2. rVhat is flag? Discuss about 8085 associated flags. Alone rn'ith suitable examples show
how these flags are affected by arithmetic and logical group of instructions. [+2+5]
3. Write a program for 8085 to generate multiplication table of a number stored at 8230H
and store the generated table starting at 8231H. For example, if location 8230H has
number 05H then store 05H at823l H, OAH at8232[l and so on. t8I
4. I)raw the internal architecture of 8086 microprocessor. Explain the function of each
register accessible to programnrer. t8I
5. Wri:te a program in 8086 to read a string apd display each rtord in a separate line in the
center of the screen. t8l
6. Draw the timing diagram of STA instruption? Calculate the time taken to execute the
following progftlm if T: I micro second. [5+3]
7. Design an interfacing circuit to interface pne 4 KBEPROM and two 2 KB R/W memory
for 8085 microprocessor. t8I
8. What is WT? How is it used to handle software and hardware intemrpts? Explain. 12+61

9. What is deadlock? What are the conditions for deadlock to occur? Write down the
features of DSPchip. [1+3+4]
10. Write short notes on: l4x2l
a) RS 232
b) Two pass assembler

- _-l

3I TRJBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. l{cgul:u' / []:rcli

nisrtrurE oF ENGINEERINc Level BE FuIl Marks 80
EJramination Control Division Programme BCT
Pass Marks 32

2071 Bhadra Year / Part u/II Time 3 hrs.

(EXss r)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt 4ll questions. :

{ TheJigures in the margin indicate Full Marls.

y' Assume suitable data ifnecessary.

.lr.Explun the r,nicroprocessor based system showing the bus organization. Explain the
6'' processing cycle of a stored program computer. 14+41
briefly the programmer's model of 8085 micoprocessor. t8I
l/Wltea progftrm for 8085 to add the upper and lower nibble of ten 8 bit words stored in a
\-/ table that starts from location 8820H. Store the separate results in locations just after the
table. t8l
jr/Vn"t do you mean by addressing mode? Explain the addressing modes of 8086 with
example. [3+s]
5. Write an assunbly language prosam to read a text from keyboard, convert the text into
uppercase and display on the cleared screen. t8l
6, Draw and explain the bus timing for OUT 42H instruction of 8085 microprocessor. t8l
the address decoding circuit to interface two RAM memory block each of 8 KB at
address COOOH. t8I
;frxptain howhardware intemrpt is processed in 8086 microprocessor. t8I
9. What do you mean by parallelism? Write and explain the features of a typical operating
system. t8l
I tO)affe short notes on: $x?l
u)-.f,(s 232 Standard
- Pro8rammable Peripheral Interface
O), *ri*
l'r w
36 TRIBHUVAN LiNIVERSITY Exam. Ncrr li:tcl' (206(r.t L:ttct' li:rtch)
Examination Control Division BEL, BEX,
Programme Paca MarIG 32
2$71Magh Year / Part II/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Microprocessors (EXS 5 1)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All questions.
{ Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Define instruction cycle and machine cycle. Explain briefly the processing
cycle of Von Neumann machine. 14+47
2. Draw the internal architecture of 8085 microprocessor and explain each t8I
3. Write an assembly language program for 8085. Tablel contains 16 of 8 bit data,
transfer data which have number of ls greater than 3,'from tablel to otherwise
store FFH in table2. t81
4. What is statement in assembly language programming? Explain used
directives with examples. t8I
5. Write a program to read a string and display only the alphabetic from the sting
in a clear screen. t8I
6. Draw timing diagram of instruction LDA 2080H. Calculate the time to execute
this instruction if the crystal frequency is 6 MHZ. 16+21

7. Determine the capacity of devices in the following memory. range. 12+67

Range Device
2000-3FFF RAMl
Design an interfacing circuit to interface above memory with 8085
8. Define Internrpt Service Routine QSR) and Interrupt Vector Table Explain fype 0
to type 4 intemrpt of 8086. 12+6)
9. What are the features of digital signal processors? Describe instruction thread level
and process level parallelism. 12+61

10. Write short notes on: Pxzl

a) VO mapped and memory mapped I/O
b) DMA
''. Frri r1 l-/t l' Y cl.t c'.tQ--',


Examination Control Division Programme
Pass Marks 32
2070 Bhadra Year / Part II/II Time 3 hrs.

S ubiect : - Microprocessor (EXssr)

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt All questions.
,/ Thefigures in the margin tndicate Full Marks.
r' Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Define bus? Exp[ain differentrtypes

' -- of bus. Define,RTL. Write doyn the RTL for MQV
rr, r) in 8085'miciop.otLsror. 14+41
2. In how many ways 8085 instructions can be classified? Explain with examples. What is
the purpose of the branching instructions? 16+21
3. Write an assembly language program for 8085 to exchange the bits D6 and D2 of every
byte of a program. Suppose there are 200 bytes -in the program starting from memory
location 8090H. t8I
4. Draw intemal block diagram of 8086. Explain Bus lnterface Unit. Is+3]
5. Write an assembly language program for 8086 to a read string. Display each word in
separate lines in a cleared screen, count how many words are there and display the count. t8I
6. Write the various machine cycle involved in LDA C030 stored at C050. Write the use of
following pins of 8085 microprocessor. ALE,IOfl\,I, READY, RD, ADo-ADz. [3+5]
7. Explain the execution of instruction LDA 8B7FH with the help of timing diagram. t8l
8. How intemrpt vector table is used in microprocessors to manage the intemrpt? Explain
how software and hardware intemrpts are used in E0S6 microprocessor in detail. [3+5]
g. Write the conditions that may cause deadlock to arise. Explain Flynn's classification. 14+4)

10. Write short notes on: $xzl

a) Hardwired and micro progam control unit
b) EXE and COM programs

2I TRIBHUVAI{T,MVERSITY Exam. \or l]:rcli (2(Xr6 et f,ittct'Ilatclt)

Examination Control Division BEL, BEX,
Programme Pass Marks 32
2070 Magh Year / Part il/II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - (EXssl)
r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
r' Afiempt All questions.
r' Thefigures in the margin indicate Full Marles.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

l. Differentiate between Hardwired and Microprogrammed Confrol Unit used in

microprocessors? Write the fetch and execution cycle for LXI D,9050H instruction in
RTL specifications. Explain each step. 14+41

2. Write any three features of 8085 microprocessor. Explain the addressing modes of 8085
with example. [3+5]
3. Write an assembly language program in 8085 to divide a byte stored in memory location
9070 H by byte stored in 9071 H and store the remainder and quotient at 9072 H and
9073H respectively. t8I
4. Draw the firnctional block diagram of 8086 microprocessor and explain each block. t8l
5. Write a program for 8086 to find the largest and smallest value from a list of ten 16 bit
data and store the result in maxval and minval variables. t8l
6. What do you mean by serial interface? Differentiate between synchronous and
asynchronous serial interlacing. Describe how we can use RS-232 standard to transfer
data from DTE to DCE and vice versa? [l+3+4]
?. Design the address decoding interface of an input port and output port for 8085 at 8l H
and 82 H address. Use block decoder. t8I
8. Difbrentiate Maskable and Non-Maskable intemrpt. Write the general sequence to be
followed when intemrpt occurs. [2+67
9. Write down the difference of RISC and CISC computers. t8l
10. Write short notes on: lZxal
a) Serial and parallel interface
b) Programmable peripheral interface
2I TRIBHWAN I.JNIVERSITY Exam. Ilegtrl:rr (21166 ct I-atcr ll:rtch)

Examination Control Division . BEL, BEE

Programme BCT
Pass Markg 32

2069 Bhadra Year / Part II/tr Time 3 hrs.

{ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicible.
{ Attempt Allquestioru.
{ Thetigures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

V Define microprocessor based systgm. Explain the various components of a

microprocessor based system including the bus structure. 12+61

-, Compare CALL and RET instnrctions with PUSH and POP instructions for 8085. ..
Illustate their usages with appropriate examples. 14+41
3. Write a program to convert ten BCD numbers stored at 4350H to binary and store the
result at436oH. t8l
, Draw the intemal architecture of the 8086 microprocessor. Differentiate between EXE
and COM progr:ams. 14+41
5. Write a program in 8086 to convert the vowels to uppercase from a string entered by the
user and display the converted string in a new line. Also count the number of uppercase
letters in the converted string and display the count in a new line. t8I
$r Define synchronous and asynchronous bus. Draw and explain the timing diagram
of LXI B 1234H. [3+5]
J/ lnterface two 4K*8 ROM with 3:8 decoder at the address of your choice. Show the
. address map for each ROM and explain yoru circuit. tSI
8. Explain how the intemrpt vector table is used in 8086 microprocessor. Show the complete
instnrction execution sequ€nce when intemrpt service routine is called. [3+5]
9. What do you mean by parallelism? Explain the case of deadlock that may arise during
rfq-pryclss communication. What role does the operating system play in handling such
.deadlocks? 12+3+31
10. Write short notes on: (any trvo) pxal
a) Flags in 8086 microprocessor
b) Programmable intemrpt controller (PIC)
c) Instruction and machine cycles
*:t rfr

i I
I 'ij-

" ,
Level BE.
Regular / Back
Full Marks 80

Examination Control Divipion BEL, BEX,

Prograrnme BCT Pass Marks 32

2068 Bhadra Year / Part II/il Time 3 hrs.

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt All questions.
/ Thefigures in the'margin indicate Full Marks
/ Assume suitable data if ,tYcYSJUr/
,ru LJ necessary.
' ,t\.

*y What do you mdan by storedprogranr,concep8 Explain the orocessinc cvcle of stored

program computer,
,J1i 12+6)

2. Draw the block diagram
e of 80t5 microprocessor
----- -r' and explairi each
i.4 Uri"ny. t8l
3) Write a program in'8085 to transfer 8-bit number from one tablb il other by setting bit D5, if
1 ttre number is tess than 80H else transferihe number by rcsetting bit D6. , , tEl

,' *4/ What do you mean programming.

by directives and instructions? Explain the S-equenlly used directivesjiru
.r assembly language [2+6]
5. Write a program in 8086 to read a string and count the number of vowels, consonarlts,
,. Rumerals and other characters and display the count. t8I

.6._ What do you meqn by sSmchronous and asynchronous bus? Draw the bus timing diagram
I '..
for LXI P, 7492H which is stored in storpd in memory location 8200H. 12+61.'-
you.Jnean by unique and non-uniQue addgess dccoding? Explain memory mapped
1. )V-!a1ao
VO along with an example. i
8. t,ff# nrocelsins different than polling? Explain how intemrpt processing is
J,,ffi:t [2+6]
I W'hat do you nf1.by
10. Write short notes on
reat and pseudo-!ftftillolisfii?'Erptain Flynn's classification. [3+5]
a) Stack memoryt/-
: rFrt *

,: 1 ,, I q

t, :

23 TRIBHW.{N LTNIVERSIry )xam.' Reqular / Back

n{srrrurE oF ENGrN Ebnrvc Level BE i Full NIarks 80

Examination Controi Division BEL, BEX, ;

Pass }Iarks i 32 d

2067 Mangsir Year / Part Ii/II Time 3 ius i

Subiect: - Microprocessors i

I '/ I
Candidates are required to give their answers in their orvn rvords as far as practicable.
'/ Attentpt All questions.
'/ The figu'es in the margin tndicate ull Marks.
Assume suitable data if necessary.

.1. Whai t ; ;:.-;t!;1 !';? Explain different types of system buses. Compare 8085 and 8086
I 2.
microprocessors system
What do you mean by an instruction? Explain different types of instructions in 8085 on

/ examples. , . , : j ;[2+8]
', b
I the basis of function and instnrction size r,vith suitable

I' ,y \Vhat is a flag? Describe stahrs and control flags of 8086 in brief. Expldili'hor, 20 bit
physical address is calculated from 16 bit logical address. Give sulrable examples. - [+5+4]
+. A set of three readings is stored in memory starting at 9040H. Write an asiernbly
l. lang,-rage program to sort the readings'in ascend.ing order. Store the smallesr value in
address 9054H and so on in higher addresses.." Ii0j
_i. \V:.ire an assenrbi,r' ianguage program to read r string from memory in data se'Erlel:i..
Change ai! ttre upper case lemers to lorver case and vice ','ersa. Dispiay the resuit on the
scieerr. [\ote: ASCIIcode forA=65.....2= 90. a= 9'1.....2=122) [ir)]
6. In E085, memory and VO read/write iristructions use extm machine cycle for memor,v ani
L.O.read ..vrite operation. Use the bus time diagram frlr IvIOV R,lv'I and out instructions to
-' [-i=j]
\Vhai is unique and non unique ad,iless decoding, explain with suitable examples.'Design
-.]. an'unique address decoding circuit using memory mapped VO interface to read'input
from port address FFF9H and output to port address FFFSH. [4+6]
D Write short notes on: [2x-;1 ,

b) RS :32



l-' I

, ., .i 1


Exilmination Control I)ivision
B Et
Full I\{nrl<s
I'as.s Marlis

2067 Shrawan Yenr / Par't II / II Tirrre 3 hrs. i

Subject: - M CCSSOTS
I .t

./ Crurdidates arc required to give their ansrvc'rs ilt tlteir oryn s,oids as far as practicable.
/ Atten?t 4il
questiotts. 1
'/ T't;eJigures in the nmrgitr intlicare Full i!orks I

./ l.ssruira suitable data if neces.s(,,'i;.


1,. Iiiplain horv instructions opcodcs are designcd irr nricroproccssor? What do you tlrealr
v tr',, rcgister tran.sfer larrguagc? What could be the rcgister transfu'r stflternents f.tr ADD B. 7 {-2-'.5,l
2. [i:<plain 15s fsllerviug instructions in 8085 in detail rvith exarnple

sltB B. DAD B, CPp 8285, XTFIT-, RST 5
Write a progranr in 8085 to add all the nurnbers fro,n u table of 8-bit numbers whose higher
nibble virlue is greater dran 6 and store tlre l6 bit result.iust after the table. , .,:
) l.

\Vhat do 1;ou tn.an b;r adclressing motle? Explain different acldrcssinglrpclrs'oigOgO rvirj,
'"L e.,,.ample. i' z [2+81 k

5. Write a program in 8086 to rea<l a single digit number turC dis'llay the multiplicalion table 1
.- crf that nurnber as :
2 ,l 6 I l0 12 14 16 l8 20 if user crrterg digit i. .{- Ii0i
6 you uirdcrstand by sync:lrrunutrs bus tnd ilsyrr,.;lrrc,nous ilus? I)rarv arrtl cxplain thc
Vi lrat dqr
bus.tinring diagram wlren the in.structiorr r\Dl 341-l is execrrtcel. -. 71; [] r7l

/. $/rite
dorvn different wavs of syuchrorriz.irrg peripht:rals rvitlr t:.ornpirlei-. lir:plain tlrc
irrlernrpl prirc6siing mechairisrrr veitorerl an,l poilcct iirterirrpts. l- [{ }'6 1

8. U/r-ite silclrt notes orr [5x2=10] .i

a) Stc.red prograrn concept
t) Dynarrric Menrory r\llocation .-l
{:*d< 'I





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23 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY Exam. Resular/3ack

Examination Control Division BEL, BEX,

Programme Pass Marks 32
, 2066 Magh Year I Part filtl Time 3 hrs.

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
,/ Attempt All questions.

,/ Assume suitable data if necessary.


l. Explain,ttre features of automated calculator. Differentiate von-Nermtann and Harvard

architecturo. l3+71
2. What do you mean by instructions? How are instructions designed? Explain different
3. Write a program for 8085 to add corresponding data form twd table if the data from the first
table is smaller than the sccond table eise subract data of second table from the first table.
Store the result of each operation in the corresponding location of the third table. Assume
each table has ten eight bit data. ll0I
4. Draw the internal biock diagram of the 8086 rnicroprocessor. Explain the fimction of each
component tt0l
5. Write arr assembly language- program to calculate sum of the series 12 x 22 + 32 + 42 + "' up
to ten terms and display the result. tl0l
6. Wfr", a" V"" *raeistand by machine cycle? What are the operations that are performed by
microprocessor? fhaw and explain the timing diagram of STA 2050 instruction. Il+2+71
7. What is interrupt vector table? Explain polled and vectored internrpts. [4+61
8. Write short notes on: [2x5=l0J

b) RIsc

,,:;.a, _.-tr ir,

Examination Control Division BEL, BEx,
Prcgrammg Pass Marks 32
2065 Chaitral Year / Part tr/tr Time 3 hrs.

Subied: - Microprocessors
'/ Candidates are required to give r,i.eir ansrvers in their or,vn words as far as practicable.
/ Attempt Atl questions.
'/ Thefi.gures in the margtn indicate FuIl Marks.
'/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Differentiate microprocessors and microcontroilers. f empare 8085 and 8086

-,--\ microprocessors in terms of programming models and addressing techniques. L?+61
rWrite an assembly ianguage program to count no. of
| 2. -ve element in a data block
t_-- containing 16 bytes of data; store the count at the end of the block if the count is greater
than 8 othenvise store 0. [8]
3. What is flag? Descibe the condition flags and controi flags of 8086 briefly.rExpiain ho#
jt. W-rite an assembly language program to eet a string rrp"t; count no.,of vorvels and
dispiay message 'even vowels' on the screen on the Screen if ihe count is even othenvise
display'odd vcwels'. | , i8l
.{.n instruction is stored at megnory iocation as follorvs: t8j
'\i/ ivlemory Location I{ex Cocie
2050 3A (opcode)
205 i 80
?052 20

This instruction. loads the content gf menorir locatioir 2080 j+to acclrmulator. Dra-.v
timing diagram of this instruction
6. Present a complete plan to use 2 RA-r\I chips of i6 iG each wirh 8085 microprocessor- [E]
,{orv processor handles intemrpt? Describe b.i..iiy hardrvare and software intemrpts with
example of each. L8l

S. Drar,v a simpie block diagram of RISC and CISC archiiectures anci ciescribe merits and
dernerirc of RISC and CISC computers. t8l
9. \!-hat is Aslnchronous Communication? Describe RS-232A rbr seial comm'.mication. [2+61
10. Write short notes on:

b) lvlemori,, mapped VO and VO mapoed i/o

' *xi'
Exainination Control Division Programme BCT
Pass Marks 32

2064 Shrawan Year / Part il/il Time 3 hrs.

Sabject: - Microprocessors
/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own r,vords as far as practicable.
'/ Attempt All questions.
'/ Thefi,gures in the margin indicate FuU IVIarks.
./ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. Drarv the block diagram of 8085 microprocessor and explain different biocks. [10]

\\rhat is the purpose of the branching instructions? List out all the branching instnrctions
in 8085 and explain each with example. [2+8]
3. What do you mean by statements in assembly language programming? Explain different
directives used in assembly language programming. - .... t2t8]
4. Write a program to transfEr eight-bit numbers from 9080H to 9090H if tiii n, is I and D: I

is 0. Otherwise transfer data by changing bit Dz and Do froi.n;l'to 0 or Oto 1. Assume

numbers. :'
there are ten t10l

) Write a program to generate multiplication table of five numbers stored in memory as

array, store the result and display in following format. [10]
5 10 1 5 202530 35 4045 50 .-

369t215182t242730 r

6. What is unique and non unique address decoding, explain with suitable example. Design
an address decoding circuit to interface an input device with eight input switches and a
LED output device at 41H and 42H respectively. [4+6]

7. Explain horv intemrpt is processed in microprocessor systems. Differentiate benveen

vectored and polled intemrpts. Is+5] -!

8. Write shot notes on: [2x5]

a) RS232 & RS423
b) RISC and CISC
23 TRIBI{UVAN lAIIVERSITY Exam. Resular/Back
Examination Control Division Programme
Pass Marks 32

2064 Poush Year / Part II/tr iTime 3 hrs.

Subject: - Microprocessors
,/ Candida:es are required to give their ansrvers in their orm w'ords as far as practicable.
/ Attempt -4!!questtons.
'/ Thd figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data dnecessary.

1. Explain the instruction processing cycle of a microprocessor, instruction iormat and

microprocessor. [6+4]
instruction sheet. Write down the history in the development of the
2. '*ihat do you understand by looping? How can we perform logping -in 808y . '
microprocessor, explain with example. Explain the mechanism . of creating loops in
creating delay loops of specified time. .! ' ,- 12+2+6)
, .
3. There are tv;o tables Ti, T2 in memory having ten eight bit data in each.'Write a program
for 8065 to find the difference of the corresponding element of these rwo tables. Store the
result of each operation on th6.corresponding element of the third table. Remember that
the resuh should not be negative; it ihould be iT I - T2l. II 0]
4. Write dorvn the assembiing linking and executrng process. Explain macro assembling,
one pass and rwcfpass assemblers [5+5]
5. Write down an assembly language program to read a string and count the no of vowels in
the string. Display the no of vowels in the string and the string without the vowels in it in
a clear screen rvith reverseattribute. 1: -
6. What do you mean by address decoding? Differentiate berrveen UO mapped VO and
memory mapped VO. Design an address decoding circuit to interface trvd RAM blocks
and a ROful block each of 4 KB starting at address 4000H. 12+2+61
i. Explain the intemrpt processing operation for hardw'are and software in 8086
microprocessor. :
[1 0]

8. Write short notes on: [2x5]

a) Types of memory
b) Digital Signal Processor




BE Full &'Iarlis -l

Bxarninatisn Control Bivisicm Frogranrure BCT
Pilss }vlarks 32

2A63 Kartik Year / Fart iI/II Tinle 3 hrs. -l


,/ Czurdidates are required to give theii'answers in their orvn words as far as practicable.
'/ Attentpt All questions.
'/ The figures in the margin indicate Fuil Marks. I

/ Assume suitable data if necessary.


l. Cornpare Harvard architecture rvith Von Netunan architecture. Explain rvhich architecture
8085 microprocessor uses and how. [7-l-3]
2- What do you nean by stack and subroutine? What is the purpose of stack in subroutine
call? Explain the concept of subroutine call and usage along with the changes in progrzun
execution sequence with a suitable example for 8085 rnicroprocessor. . . , : .) '. l3+2r'-51 '
'the I

3. What clo you understand by adclressiirg rnodes in microproqess6i? Explain all

addressing modes of 8086 rnicroprocessor with exarnpl6 for each.
suitable - [3-i-7J
4. Write a program for 8085 to convert and copy the iower case ASCII codes ,o upp",
fi'om membry location 9050H to 90A0I-I if.arry,'othenvise copy as they are. Assume there
are fifty codes in the source mer]lory. [Note: ASCII Code for A:65...2=9A, a:97...2:122] [10.1

5. Write an assentbly language program for 8086 to read a string, cqunt the number of
vowels in the string and display the string and its vowels count in a cle,ar screen. ll0i
6- What are the different rnachine cycli operations of 8085 rnicroprocessors? Write the bus I

7. Wlrat do you understand by address decoding? Wirat are VO mapped VO and memory
mapped UO'/ Design an address riecoding circuit for interfacing trvo RAi\4 chips each o[
256 bytes at addless L2+2+-6j ri

I 8- l,Vrite short noteS on: [2x5]

a) Vectoreci Intemrpt
t ) Dynarnic Memory Aliocation I




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