Atpl Formula Merged
Atpl Formula Merged
Atpl Formula Merged
Change in Longitude = Opposite hemisphere (+) [If addition is more than 180° subtract total from 360°]
24 Hours- 360°
01 Hour- 015°
01 Minute = 15’
01 Second = 015’’
Deviation E – Deviation W
Coefficient B =
Deviation N – Deviation S
Coefficient C =
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑳𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒕
Scale =
𝑬𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆
Scale at any Latitude = Scale at Equator ×
𝑪𝒐𝒔 𝑳𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒖𝒅𝒆
If two latitudes are given and want to find scale of one Latitude from that then we can use,
𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝑨 𝑪𝒐𝒔 𝑨
𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓 𝑩 𝑪𝒐𝒔 𝑩
*We take required scale at point A & transfer Denominator B to other side of the equation.
Measurement of DR Elements Pressure-
4× 𝐼𝑆𝐴 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛× 𝑃𝑟𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝐴𝑙𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒
True Altitude = Pressure Altitude + [ ]
Mach. Number = =
𝐿𝑆𝑆 38.94√𝑇 (𝐾𝑒𝑙𝑣𝑖𝑛)
2 2 2
Distance from DME station = Slant range - Height above station
Specific Range
True airspeed(knots)
Specific air range =
Fuel flow (pounds or gallons per hour)
Ground speed(knots)
Specific ground range =
Fuel flow (pounds or gallons per hour)
16 December 2012
Instruments Points
• Tolarence of servo
servo altimeter at sea level ±60ft
Colder – over read, Warmer – underread
• Capsule (vaccume or very low pressure) , casing (static pressure)
• CTM below tropopause, CMT in inversion
Mach Meter
• = 38.94
• K® = C® + 273
• Principle (Pt-Ps) to Ps
• 2 diaphrams
= . × ×
, all temperatures ab
GyroScopic Instrumetns
• Properties inertia and gyroscopic precision
• Rotation speed 9000 – 12000 rpm
• Gyro drift : wandering in horizontal plain
• Gyro topple : wandering in vertical plane
• Real wander : when the sin axis moves from a fixed point in space
Apparent drift : due to rotation of earth = 15sin(latitude)
• Apparent topple : due to rotation of earth = 15cos(latitude)
15cos( latitude)
Directional Gyro
• 2 degrees of freedom horizontal spin axis
• Spin axis tied to the yawing plain of the aircraft with the help of air jets
• Transport wander due to change in position on the earth
• Drift due to rotation of earth : 15 sin (latitude) degrees/hour In northern hemisphere –ve
southern hemisphere +ve ie northern hemispthere gyro N moves
m oves right
• Drift due to latitude nut : 15 sin latitude degrees/hour in northern hemisphere +ve southern
hemisphere –ve acting agains drift due to rotation of earth
• Transport wander= , eastwards –ve in
northern hemisphere westewards +ve in northern hemisphere
Slaved DG
• Gets directional signals from the flux valve and sends to error detector
• Error detector generates singlas amplified for correcting
• Signals turn the torquw motor to precess the gyro
Turning error
• Very complex
• 90 degrees pitch up and bank less
• 180 degrees pitch up and bank more
• 270 degrees pitchup and bank more
• 360 degrees correct attitude
• On rolling out after a steep turn nose up opp bank shown momentarily
• Acceleration in constant heading will show pitchup with right bank
Rate gyro
• One gymbal 2 axis of movenet
• Freedom of movement about longitudinal
• No movement in yaw.
• Kept horizontal with springs
• While yawing the force is precessed 90 degrees to make the gyro topple
• Radius of turn =
Magnetic Compass
Terrestrial Magnetism
Blue pole north, Red Pole south
Magnetic Compass
• Quadrangle deviation caused by induced magnetisation of soft iron corrected using soft iron
• Compass swinging to find magnetic deviation
• Magnetic variation ( difference between TN and MN) got from isogonals on chart
• Horizontality : ability to align north
• Sensitivity : point accurately to the north
• Aperiodicity : come back to north after being disturbed
Acceleration errors
• Acceleration errors show apparent turn to the closer pole
• Error minimum in the north south direction
• Maximum in east west direction
Turning Errors
• Turning through the nearer pole compass sluggish
• Turning through the further pole compass lively
• Clockwise turn under read
• Anti clockwise over read
Radio Altimeter
Gives height of aircraft from ground directly below
• Fm wave beamed below at 20 – 40 degress width
• Reflected wave pickedup by second antenna
• Difference btw when signal is sent and signal is received gives height
• Frequency used 4200mhz and 4400 mhz
• Frequency sweep 500 times a second
• Maximum height 2500ft
DME Slant Range = DME distance2 - Altitude (in nm)2 = True Distance to DME2
Lift = 𝟏⁄𝟐 . p . v2 . s . cL , where p is air density, v is TAS, s is wing surface area, and
cL is coefficient of Lift
Stall speed increase in a turn - 30° = 1.07 x Vs 45° = 1.19 x Vs 60° = 1.41 x Vs
= Normal Stall speed x √
𝒕𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆
Non rotating tire hydroplaning speed = 7.7 x √
𝒕𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆
Rotating tire hydroplaning speed = 9.0 x √
11/3/2020 Top of descent calculation - IVAO - International Virtual Aviation Organisation
In aviation, the top of descent, is the computed or calculated point between the cruise or en-route
phase and the descent phase of a flight.
In jet liners, the top of descent is usually calculated on-board by the flight management system; this is
designed in order to achieve the most economical descent profile to approach altitude, or to meet
other requirements (max angle, max rate, etc.)
TAN is a trigonometric function named tangent. The tangent of an angle is the ratio of the length of
the opposite side to the length of the adjacent side.
3% ≈ 2° 200 ft/NM
5% ≈ 3° 300 ft/NM
7% ≈ 4° 400 ft/NM
8% ≈ 5° 500 ft/NM… 1/6
11/3/2020 Top of descent calculation - IVAO - International Virtual Aviation Organisation
In aviation and based on a 3° descent rate, transport pilots adopted a formula to assure a slow,
steady and comfortable descent for their passengers: the rule of three or "3:1 rule of descent". This
rule implies 3 NM of travel should be allowed for every 1,000 feet (300 m) of descent.
The "rule of 3" is used by pilots flying small aircraft as well as by those flying airliners. This descent gives
an efficient glide descent from cruising altitude. The standard descent speed will be close to (usually
slightly higher than) the optimum Lift/Drag ratio speed, and will give a descent ratio close to 3:1.
The top of descent or TOD is the point for an aircraft to initiate a descent to a lower lever for arrival at
the destination airfield. The aircraft is leaving the cruise phase of the flight and start a descent phase
to the first approach altitude expected at one approach fix.
The top of descent is usually calculated by an on-board flight management system, and is designed
to provide the most economical descent to the approach altitude.
This diagram is also applicable for VFR flights. You can replace the approach fix by a VFR entry
point, landmark or over airfield altitude.… 2/6
11/3/2020 Top of descent calculation - IVAO - International Virtual Aviation Organisation
FLcruise: cruise flight level
FLfix: flight level expected reaching fix point wanted
DescentAngle: descent angle chosen (°)
We are flying at 33.000ft/FL330 We need to descent to the next point at 12.000ft/FL120 at standard
commercial rate 3°. D (NM) = (330-120) / 3° = 210/3 = 70 NM Result is that we shall start the descent
70NM before the approach point.
In order to have margin in descent, it is recommended to add 1NM up to 5NM to this calculated
distance due to the descent rate establishment and winds effect.
Ground speed is 110kt, and descent rate is standard 5.2%. Note that the descent rate value can be
approximated using only 5% instead of 5.2%. Vertical speed = 5 x 110 = 550ft/min, (if we use 5.2%
instead, vertical speed will be 572 ft/min → less than 5% error).
Ground speed in some aircraft is not known because the wind is not known
Ground speed can change during descent if this speed is not maintained constant.
As first approximation, GS can be replaced by TAS if known or an approximation of TAS:
If the TAS can be maintained constant, in this way, by using a constant vertical speed, we will
remain at the same descent rate during the descent.
If the TAS cannot be maintained constant, if we want to remain at the same descent rate, we shall
adjust in permanence the descent rate. As the TAS is decreasing when the altitude decreases, the
vertical speed shall be decreased and adjusted using the same formula.
For high altitude and speed above 250KT, we can take the following approximation of true air speed:
TAS = IAS + FL/2 Vertical speed (ft/min)
TAS = Descent rate (%) x Ground speed (knots)
TAS = Descent rate x (IAS + FL/2)
The flight level taken can be at the middle between the cruise flight level and the expected final flight
level in order to compensate for the decrease of TAS.… 3/6
11/3/2020 Top of descent calculation - IVAO - International Virtual Aviation Organisation
I am flying at FL300 and we shall be at the initial approach fix at FL110. Our IAS during descent shall
be 300KT. We will take FL200 for the compensation of TAS decreasing: Vertical speed (ft/min) = 5 x
(300 + 200/2) = 5 x400 = 2000ft/min
MACH is 0.80, and descent angle is standard 3° Vertical speed = 3 x 0.80 x 1000 = 2.4 x 1000 =
It is important to know that sometimes, speed and altitude restrictions shall be applied at our flights.
Using a too high descent rate, an aircraft may not respect the speed and altitude constraints
published on charts, established by regulations or given by ATC.
We are expecting to perform the SOTUK5A arrival. Our last enroute way point is SOTUK.
We are supposed to overfly the TLD (TOLEDO) VOR at FL210 (maximum).
Currently, our aircraft is on cruise flight level FL380 at more than 50NM inbound SOTUK at 450KT
ground speed.
We take the standard descent consideration (1000ft x 3nm), from FL380 to FL210, We expect 17000ft
vertical altitude loss:… 4/6
11/3/2020 Top of descent calculation - IVAO - International Virtual Aviation Organisation
The descent shall start 56.7NM from TLD. If we follow the chart, the distance between SOTUK and TLD is
50.2 NM.
We will program our descent 56.7-50.2 = 6.5 NM before the fix SOTUK.
We will calculate the required vertical speed to achieve the 3º descent angle:
Vertical speed = 5 x GS = 5 x 450 = 2250 ft/min.
As we expect 5.2% for optimal calculation, we will choose approximation 2300ft/min
At SOTUK, we notice that the ground speed is falling down to 410KT. (Due to wind direction change for
We shall calculate a new vertical speed to maintain the 3° descent angle:
Vertical speed = 5 x GS = 5 x 410 = 2050 ft/min.
We will choose approximation 2100ft/min.
On the autopilot, we shall decrease the rate down to 2100ft/min.… 5/6
11/3/2020 Top of descent calculation - IVAO - International Virtual Aviation Organisation
VID 250741 - Creation
VID 150259 - Update
VID 531824 - Wiki Integration
19:52, 26 October 2020
This documentation is copyrighted as part of the intellectual property of the International Virtual
Aviation Organisation.
The content of this documentation is intended for aviation simulation only and must not be used for
real aviation operations.… 6/6
Formulas / ATPL theory summary
(Rob Groothuis)
Index ATPL
Page 19 to 26 Meteorology
Page 27 to 31 Instrumentation
Page 58 to 59 Performance
Handy formulas/guidelines general
glidepath ⋅ angle
glidepath ⋅ height ⋅ ( ft ) = × distance (ft) ≈ (300 ft/nm)
glide path in ° = x 60
angle of bank in rate 1 turn = + 7 (approximation)
radius of turn (NM) =
rate × 60 × π
V 2 (m / s )
radius of turn (m) =
10 × tan⋅ bankangle
’’n’’ (load factor) =
cos⋅ bankangle
QDR + var. = QTE (QDR = magnetic from station / QTE = true from station)
QDM ± 180° = QDR (radial) / QDM = ’’bearings on the RMI’’ (QDR = magnetic to)
mach ⋅ no. =
ATPL formulas – General navigation
departure (E/W) in NM = ∆ longitude (in minutes) x cosine latitude
northern hemisphere
great circle
Polar stereographic
(chart) convergency = ∆ longitude Æ east
Æ east
glidepath ⋅ angle
glidepath ⋅ height = × distance (ft) ≈ (300 ft/nm)
rate of descent (ft/min) ≈ GS (NM) x 5 (at 3° glide slope)
glide path in ° = x 60
mach ⋅ no. =
time to PNR / PSR ⋅ (radius ⋅ of ⋅ action) = / E= safe endurance, H=GS home, O=GS out.
(O + H )
D× H
distance to CP = / D=distance between airfields Æ point of equal time, moving into the wind.
(O + H )
ISA Æ 15°C / 1013,25 mb / 1225 Gr/M3 = International Standard Atmosphere
1,98 °C/1000ft lapse rate above MSL up to tropopause of 36000ft; remains constant at -56,5°C up to
66000ft then increases by 0,3 °C /1000ft up to 105000ft.
QDR + var. = QTE (QDR = magnetic from station / QTE = true from station)
NDB’s Æ plotting more than 2° longitudinal difference, convergency should be taken into account.
C + Dev. = M + Var. = T Æ from magnetic to true to plot is algebraic sum, from true (plotline)
to QDM/QDR is algebraic sum (VARIATION).
NDB bearing Æ move aircraft meridian to NDB and take aircraft position variation.
[approximation]Æ 4% height difference in true from indicated altitude for every 10°C air mass diff. from ISA.
wet bulb temperature Æ tells roughly how moist the air is and lies between DEW point and OAT
Falls with 1,8 °C/1000ft.
temperature rise föhn effect = (Lee cloud base – windward cloud base) x 1,2
E / W ⋅ GS × tan .lat
transport ⋅ wander ≡ (NH= E= - / W= +)
total drift = real wander + earth rotation + lat. nut wander + transport wander
ATPL formulas – Flight planning
Best SAR (specific air range) is that altitude where 90% rpm gives 1,32 x VIMD without accelerating.
PSR or PNR Æ last point on a route at which it is possible to return to destination with sensible fuel reserves.
time to point of no return = E = safe endurance / H = groundspeed home / O = GS out
(O + H )
ETP (equal time point) or CP (critical point) = for quickest way home determination.
D× H
distance to CP = D = total track distance / H = groundspeed home / O = GS out
(O + H )
for engine failure calculations Æ take the less engine speed in formula!!
wave length λ= (C=speed of light in m/s / f=frequency in Hertz)
max skip distance (NM) = 1,43 H (of ionosphere in Km)
skip distances are increased at night as the ionosphere weakens and refract less.
cloud height above aircraft (ft) = range (ft) x (scanner tilt – ½ beam width) : 60
PRP = pulse recurrence period = time it takes to send and receive one pulse.
PRF = pulse repetition frequency = number of pulses per second.
low PRF is needed for long range radars. Maximum range is controlled by PRF and power.
maximum theoretical range (m) = (C=300.000.000 m/s)
2 × PRF
C × pulse ⋅ length
minimum theoretical range (m) = (C=300.000.000 m/s)
glidepath ⋅ angle
glidepath ⋅ height = × distance (ft) ≈ (300 ft/nm)
glide path in ° = x 60
rate of descent (ft/min) ≈ 5 x GS (NM) (at 3° glide slope!!) Æ (x for 3,5° glide slope)
P + ½.φ.V2 = constant
Q and lift/drag are proportional to EAS2 // EAS is slightly less than IAS.
radius of turn (NM) =
angle of bank in rate 1 turn = + 7 (approximation)
V 2 (m / s )
radius of turn (m) =
10 × tan⋅ bankangle
TAS (kt )
Mach no. (M) = (M is ratio and has no units)
LSS (kt )
’’n’’ (load factor) =
cos⋅ bankangle
ATPL formulas - Aviation law / Operational procedures
Controlled airspace;
Class A: most airways, important control zones and control areas (IFR only).
Class B: upper airspace Æ IFR and VFR permitted (controlled).
Class C: IFR + VFR (controlled) Æ IFR is separated from IFR and VFR, VFR is separated from IFR and receive
traffic information about other VFR.
Class D: IFR + VFR (controlled) Æ IFR is separated from IFR and receive traffic information in respect of VFR
flights. VFR receive traffic information on all other flights.
Class E: IFR + VFR permitted; IFR with air traffic control service and are separated from other IFR. All flights
receive traffic information as far as practicable (no control zones).
Class F: IFR + VFR permitted; IFR flights receive air traffic advisory service and all flights receive flight
information service if requested.
Class G: IFR + VFR permitted and receive flight information service if requested.
air traffic control service: IFRÆ A, B, C, D and E / VFRÆ B, C and D + all aerodrome traffic at controlled
- 10 -
parallel entry
direct entry
offset entry
- 11 -
landing categories
category aircraft minima; DH / RVR
I 200 ft on barometric altimeter / RVR > 550 m
II 100 ft on radio altimeter / RVR 300 m
III A 0 ft on radio altimeter / RVR 200 m
III B 0 ft on radio altimeter / RVR 75 m
III C 0 ft on radio altimeter / RVR 0 m
jets must be able to land in 60% and turboprops in 70% of the LDA.
runway is considered wet Æ < 3mm water without significant areas of standing water.
class B aircraft Æ must be able to land in 70% of LDA, slope is taken into account.
NAT-OTS Æ eastbound Z-A, bottom to top (red eye) 01:00 to 08:00 hours
westbound A-Z, top to bottom 11:30 to 18:00 hours
- 12 -
ATPL formulas - Performance
VR > 1,05 VMCA (one engine out). VMC is highest where the air is cold and dense (asymmetric thrust is
V1 = decision speed.
V2 = safety speed = target speed to be attained at the screen height (35ft/15ft) with OEI.
V3 = all engines speed at the screen (between V2 and V4).
V4 = all engine initial climb speed (V2 + 10kt).
class A jets must land in 60% of LDA, Turbo props and class B in 70%.
- 13 -
ATPL formulas - Aircraft General Knowledge
F = force (lbs) / A = area (sq in – in2) / P = pressure (psi) Æ bar x 14,5 = psi
V = I x R // P = I2 x R // P = V x I
Power =
the ratio of air to fuel which ensures complete combustion = 15:1 by weight.
manifold pressure is absolute pressure / boost pressure is relative to ISA pressure at sea level.
M = mach number
Æ speed
- 14 -
General navigation (ATPL)
departure (E/W) in NM = ∆ longitude (in minutes) x cosine latitude
northern hemisphere
great circle
Polar stereographic
(chart) convergency = ∆ longitude Æ east
Æ east
glidepath ⋅ angle
glidepath ⋅ height = × distance (ft) ≈ (300 ft/nm)
rate of descent (ft/min) ≈ GS (NM) x 5 (at 3° glide slope)
glide path in ° = x 60
mach ⋅ no. =
time to PNR / PSR ⋅ (radius ⋅ of ⋅ action) = / E= safe endurance, H=GS home, O=GS out.
(O + H )
D× H
distance to CP = / D=distance between airfields Æ point of equal time, moving into the wind.
(O + H )
ISA Æ 15°C / 1013,25 mb / 1225 Gr/M3 = International Standard Atmosphere
- 15 -
1,98 °C/1000ft lapse rate above MSL up to tropopause of 36000ft; remains constant at -56,5°C up to
66000ft then increases by 0,3 °C /1000ft up to 105000ft.
QDR + var. = QTE (QDR = magnetic from station / QTE = true from station)
NDB’s Æ plotting more than 2° longitudinal difference, convergency should be taken into account.
C + Dev. = M + Var. = T Æ from magnetic to true to plot is algebraic sum, from true (plotline)
to QDM/QDR is algebraic sum (VARIATION).
NDB bearing Æ move aircraft meridian to NDB and take aircraft position variation.
Mercators projection Æ light inside wire model of earth Æ developed cylinder, scale expands from
scale = scale x or ÷ cosine lat. (from equator=x and to equator=÷)
RL are straight, GC concave to equator.
- not above/below 70° N/S.
- radio bearing connot be plotted; GC = concave.
- long distances connot be measured.
- shapes / angles are OK over small areas.
Transverse mercator Æ cylindrical projection with a meridian as its GC of tangency (central meridian).
convergency correct at central meridian and along the equator. usable within 350NM of central meridian.
Oblique mercator Æ GC of tangency is neither equator nor meridian (false equator of the projection).
for particular routes (one offs).
before INS, GPS or Loran Æ ignoring compasses and flying gyro heading. maps were overlaid with a grid of
lines indicating gyro north.
datum meridian = meridian where true north equals grid north.
convergency = difference between grid track and true track.
- 16 -
QFE = zero reading at airfield datum.
QNH = airfield elevation reading when on the airfield.
QFF = pressure observed at airfield datum reduced to sea level using ambient conditions.
QNE = height indicated at touchdown with 1013,2 mb setting. Used when QFE or QNH are outside the
range of the subscale Æ high airfields.
density altitude = that altitude in ISA to which the actual density corresponds.
Compass deviation;
P = longitudinal deviation component (magnetic force).
Q = lateral deviation component (magnetic force).
B = deviation coefficient (angle) due to P component (longitudinal).
C = deviation coefficient (angle) due to Q component (lateral).
A = fixed mis-allignment coefficient (independent of heading).
a transit = time taken between when the sun appears to pass overhead our meridian of longitude and the
next transit is called a day.
length of a dayÆ varies not because the speed of rotation varying, or because of the tilt of the axis, but
because the orbit is not symmetrical.
apparent solar day = the earth must turn trough more (or less) than 360° to get the sun overhead again.
mean solar day = an average of these long and short days (basis of our measurement of time).
the equation of time = difference between apparent and mean solar day.
mean sun= fictious body. mean day is the time between 2 successive transits of the mean sun = constant.
- 17 -
civil year = orbit around the mean sun = 365,24 days.
leap year = extra day (29th February) every 4 years (except whole century years unless it is devisable by
a solar day is just under 365,25 days, the sidereal year just over // celestial body = hemellichaam
sidereal time (sterrentijd) and the first point of aries are also used to define the position of the sun, moon,
planets and stars.
sub point = point on the earth immediately beneath a celestial body. can be defined using a system
similar to lat and long. lat=declination and long=hour angle.
hour angle is measured westward from 0° to 360°, with 3 different datums (Greenwich, Local and Sidereal).
GHA / LHA / SHA (west from meridian to celestial body).
first point of aries = fixed datum in space.
LMT Æ is used to list the times of sunrise, sunset and twilight (schemering).
morning civil twilight = starts when the sun is 6° below the horizon and ends at sunrise.
evening civil twilight = starts at sunset and ends when the sun is 6° below the horizon.
60,5° N/S = sun does not go as far as 6° below (in summer), there is continuous twilight between
sunset and sunrise.
- 18 -
water vapour in atmosphere Æ mean quantity 1% (vary from 0 to 4%). Highest level low down
troposphere, areas of high temperatures.
O3 (ozone) layer mainly in upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. plays major part in absorbing harmful
ultra violet radiation from the sun.
warm air mass = hogere hoogte druk // cold air mass = lagere hoogte druk.
in stratosphere temperature rises again due to ozone layer absorbs radiant energy from sun in the ultra violet
18km 50km 80km 150km
[approximation]Æ 4% height difference in true from indicated altitude for every 10°C air mass difference
from ISA.
long wave radiation Æ transfers a lot of heat out to the troposphere (from 100 units, 42 units) , 12 units by
convection, latent heat 46 units.
wet bulb temperature Æ tells roughly how moist the air is and lies between DEW point and OAT
falls with 1,8 °C/1000ft.
at 100% RH; DP, wet bulb and OAT are the same.
DALR = 3 °C/1000ft
- 19 -
Æ Temperature
Æ Temperature
when ELR is in between DALR and SALR, air mass is conditionally unstable.
* stable if rising air is dry.
* unstable if rising air is saturated.
pressure gradient force (PGF) = force that acts on a parcel of air at right angles to the isobars. the
closer together, the stronger the PGF.
geostrophic force (GF) = (coriolis effect) Æ object not on the earth surface, seen by an air based
observer, appear to turn right in the northern hemisphere and left in the SH.
geostrophic wind = steady state wind, free stream along the isobars. PGF=GF but opposed directed.
for the same isobar spacing, wind speeds are higher near the equator.
for gradient wind compared to the geostrophic wind Æ low round low, high round high.
inside 15° lat., the geostrophic wind scale does not work, so tropical winds are calculated, not measured.
these winds are called cyclostrophic winds.
- 20 -
surface winds are measured 10M above the ground.
wind change in boundary layer Æ N.H. direction change from 250° to 240° is said to be backing.
S.H. direction change from 10° to 20° is said to be veering.
isallobars = lines that join places with equal rate of change of pressure.
isallobaric effect Æ acknowledges that air flows into a low and out of a high across the isobars
(correction needed when pressure is changing).
temperature rise föhn effect = (lee cloud base – windward cloud base) x 1,2
katabatic wind = flow down the sides of hills and mountains at night or very cold days with no strong
gradient wind to hide the effect (Bora in Rhone valley).
anabatic wind = blow up the sides of hills and mountains on hot days during the day. air heated by
conduction tend to convect straight up rather than follow the slope of the mountain
anabatic winds only show when there is a gentle gradient wind flowing onto the slope
which is than enhanced by the anabatic effect.
sea breeze = right angle to beach Æ land unless either 15 kt, after 15:00 LMT or ’’fully developed’’ is
stated Æ then along the beach, low pressure (land) on the left (NH!).
thermal component / thermal wind vector Æ direct result of mean temperature differences in air mass aloft.
the high level wind is the vector sum of the low level wind and the thermal component (thermal wind vector).
thickness charts = vertical extend between 2 pressure levels (show more clearly the distribution of
temperature in the atmosphere as variations in mean sea level pressure are removed.
cold pool = isopleths indicating cold air and also forming closed circles.
jet stream = a strong narrow current of air on a nearly horizontal axis in the upper troposphere or lower
stratosphere exceeding 60 kt, characterised by strong lateral and vertical windshear (CAT).
jets will be found in the warmer air at or just below the warm air tropopause, but on surface charts will
APPEAR to be on the cold side of the deviding line (due to slope cold/warm).
easterly upper flow is generally light and significant waves are rare. the one known instance occurs over
Africa at around latitude 15° - 20° north in July to September Æ reaching jet speeds having been accelerated
by the monsoon season in north India.
- 21 -
can affect surface pressure over West Africa, producing a series of large line squalls of CB drifting out toward
the Caribbean.
single cell CB - development phase 15-20 min (Æ total 2 hours travelling with 10000 ft wind, 700 mb).
- developing, mature and dying stage.
- general upward movement of 3000-4000 ft/min.
- tops have been measured rising with 5000 ft/min.
- active period < 1 hour (mature stage 30-40 min).
super cell thunderstorm Æ conditions; warm air below, cold dry air aloft with strong upper winds
(usually between sub-tropical and polar air).
jet stream CAT Æ maximum CAT at a jet stream is found level with or just below the height of
the jet core, in the warm air but on the cold side of the jet.
microburst = extreme form of windshear generated by the slug of descending air from a
thunderstorm cell. downdrafts 3000-4000 ft/min possible. floating in opposite
directions when hitting the ground with 50 kt vector change in service wind over
a few km. last only minutes.
gust front = cold downdraft wind in front of thunderstorm. produce roll cloud up to 6000 ft /
24-32 km ahead of the storm.
LLWAS = low level wind shear alert system (anemometers surrounding the airfield or
doppler radar, directly measuring wind vectors).
standing waves (+mountain waves, lee waves) Æ maximum turbulence is at the height of the ridge and one
wavelength down (5-10 NM).
no icing above 0°C or below -45°C, clear ice near 0°C, rime near -25°C.
0°C Æ highest proportion of dangerous clear ice in cloud.
radiation fog Æ surface cools at night due to long wave radiation and the cold surface cools the air
in contact by conduction.
advection fog Æ when a warm moist air mass moves over a cold surface. high wind can lift advection
fog to low stratus or clear it all together by mixing.
arctic smoke Æ the reverse mechanism from advection fog. cold air passes over a warm surface.
normally this triggers convection so a marked temperature inversion has to be present.
- 22 -
air masses Æ classification by their source region; polar/arctic/tropical and track classification;
continental and maritime.
(PM) polar maritime Æ cool, moist, conditionally unstable air (convective cloud, showers
and good visibility) Æ west-north/west.
(AM) arctic maritime Æ north.
(PC) polar continental Æ only in winter present for in summer the surface temperatures in the source
region rises to 20-25°C and it becomes an area of mean low pressure.
(TM) tropical maritime Æ source is warm, moist, and stable. Azores high Æ south-west.
(TC) tropical continentalÆ comes from Turkey and eastern Mediterranean in summer where it is stable
and hot but not particular dry. Æ summer air mass but summer extends to
the autumn in practice.
cold fronts and cold occlusions move at roughly the speed directly taken from the geostrophic wind scale.
warm fronts and warm occlusions move slower at approximately 2/3 of the speed.
transitional zones Æ circulation patterns and the weather moving with the thermal equator producing zones
that have one type of weather in the summer and another in winter.
doldrums = exist at the ITCZ only when it is near the geographical equator = band of light and
variable winds.
ITCZ ≈ between 30 NM and 300 NM wide Æ when moving, worst weather on the trailing side.
TRS = tropical revolving storm (sea water >26°C) Æ 64 kt sustained wind or more.
* polar climate Æ 65° - 90° lat. = polar high with dry, stable descending air cold settled
conditions often displaced by travelling depressions. surface is icecap
or tundra.
* disturbed temperate climate Æ 40° - 65° lat. = weather is dominated by travelling depressions
with occasional high pressure systems. precipitation is high with
mostly westerly winds.
* temperate transitional climateÆ 35° - 40° lat. = a boundary zone which experiences the disturbed
temperate climate in winter and the drier subtropical conditions in
summer (mediterranean climate).
* arid subtropical climate Æ 20° - 35° lat. = continuous subtropical highs. generally fine weather.
dessert regions predominate in these areas.
* tropical transitional climate Æ 10° - 20° lat. = mainly influenced by dry trade winds but in the
summer of the hemisphere the belt of equatorial rain produces a
distinct wet season (Savannah climate).
* equatorial zone Æ 10°S / 10°N lat. = influenced by the weather at the ITCZ, which moves
north and south with the season. heavy rain and thunderstorms can occur
throughout the year.
boreal climate zone Æ (dry climate zone) anomalous weather zone that occur only in the large landmasses of
the NH Æ cool moist summers and very cold winters.
monsoon climate Æ on the sea borders of the major continental blocks. example; SW and NE monsoons of
S/E Asia.
the effect of thermal changes over the landmasses in winter and summer leads to the general statement that
westerly jets are at their fastest leaving landmasses on the westside of the major oceans. the effect is most
marked for sub-tropical jets in the winter of the hemisphere and for polar front jets in the summer.
jets slow and stabilize when running over large areas of open water.
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AFTN = aeronautical fixed telecommunications network Æ via fax and telex.
MOTNE = (Europe) meteorological operational telecommunications network Europe.
MIST = meteorological information standard terminal Æ full meteorological service for national and
international flights at most airports.
sigmet = validity is 4 hours, volcanic ash warnings may be valid for up to 12 hours.
ASDAR = aircraft to satellite data relay (automatic aireps to WAFC Washington and Bracknell).
0000 vis < 50 M / 9999 > 10 KM Æ windshear in Metar when below 1600 ft.
MSLPC = mean sea level pressure chart Æ general weather and the movement of weather systems.
high level significant weather chart Æ 3 hours before and after valid.
a satellite at 36000 km altitude will revolve around the earth once every 24 hours. if placed at launch over the
equator, orbiting in the same direction as the earth’s rotation, it will appear stationary. this is known as a
geostationary orbit.
low orbit polar satellites that orbit from the North Pole to the South Pole at about 900 KM altitude giving
bands of detailed imagery.
there is a ring of geostationary satellites around the equator. european meteorological images come from
meteostat, a geostationary satellite at the equator on the Greenwich meridian and from polar orbit satellites.
airborne weather radar = basic radar displays areas of greatest signal returns (greatest concentration of
raindrops) Æ green, yellow and red on EFIS display. doppler radar on EFIS
will add magenta indicating turbulence.
- 24 -
Weather chart symbols
- 25 -
- 26 -
altimeter Æ calibrated to ISA temperature/pressure/density for all heights (non linear linkage).
hysteresis error = capsule in altimeter is not perfectly elastic so will distort differently for large
increases / decreases in altitude.
mach meter = ASI + altimeter interacting in the same case (ratio arm Æ ranging arm Æ indicator).
only instrument and pressure error (very small so indicated can be taken to be true).
density and temperature errors are self compensated.
M = mach number
Æ Speed
ADC = air data computer. feedÆ pitot / static / TATÆ output to servo driven instruments.
tied gyros = external influence controlling the direction of the spin axis.
- directional gyro = axis tied to the horizontal.
- artificial horizon = axis tied to the earth’s gravity.
rate gyro = rate of turn indicator Æ freedom of movement in plane of rotation and one more
plane 90° to the first.
- 27 -
real wander = spin axis moves away from its initial defined orientation in space.
apparent wander = orientation in space has changed while the gyro’s orientation has not.
transport wander = If gyro is aligned to north on one part of the earth and then moved to another.
E / W ⋅ GS × Tan ⋅ Latitude
transport ⋅ wander ≡ (NH= E= - / W= +)
total drift = real wander + earth rotation + latitude nut wander + transport wander.
turn indicator= - one degree of freedom (2 planes of freedom) thus one gimbal.
- rate gyro.
- spring force produces a secondary precession equal to and in the same direction as the yaw.
- looping error (when rapidly pitched nose up).
- are calibrated to show rates of turns correctly in balanced turns for rate 1, 2 and 3 at
specific angle of bank and and TAS.
- gyro turns away from pilot Æ reason= this way at balanced turn the gyro precesses
in opposite rollÆ axis approximately horizontal thus more sensitive to turn rates.
- errorsÆ vacuum leak= under reading / feed failure= no reading.
angle of bank required for rate 1 turn = +7
radius of the turn (NM) =
rate × 60π
turn coordinator is a development of the turn indicator. the gimbal is raised at the front by 30°, thus
instrument is sensitive to both roll and yaw Æ only indicates rate 1 turns accurately. unfortunately can easily
be confused with the artificial horizonÆ therefore warning ’’no pitch information’’.
RLG = ring laser gyro = relatively new technology, mainly present in IRS (inertial reference system).
RLG Æ ’’dither’’ is there to correct a specific problem.
rate integrating gyro (RI) Æ where extreme accuracy is required (gimbal gain). one degree of freedom,
2 planes of freedom. sensitive to ’’cross coupling’’.
in a strap down IRS, 3 RLG are mounted at right angles to each other and the whole set is fixed to the
aircraft frame.
the system measures all rotations about the 3 axis giving a very accurate readout of aircraft attitude with
reference to a space datum.
aclinic line = magnetic equator (no (in)cline) / isoclinic = lines joining points of equal dip.
DIP = angle between earths horizontal and resultant force.
in NH an E/W acceleration produces an apparent turn to north (in SH the other way around).
turning errors are a function of dip so zero on aclinic line and significant up to 35° N/S.
turns through the near pole; LAG // through the far pole; LEAD.
- 28 -
compass deviation;
P = longitudinal deviation component (magnetic force).
Q = lateral deviation component (magnetic force).
B = deviation coefficient (angle) due to P component (longitudinal).
C = deviation coefficient (angle) due to Q component (lateral).
A = fixed misalignment coefficient (independent of heading).
Total deviation = A + B(sine heading) + C(cosine heading).
G4F = single display system (gyro corrected continuously by selsyn transmission system).
G4B = remote repeater system (adds a master control unit to the gyro unit). Has the ability to feed
headings to other remote systems like AP.
1e stable platform system Æ the platform the accelerometers are mounted on are kept level and aligned
to north and measure acceleration relative to the platform.
2e wander angle system Æ only keeping it level and detecting how far it is out of alignment to north.
3e strapped down system Æ not worrying about either level or north alignment. just detecting how far
out of alignment and out of level at initialisation and than monitor any changes.
alignment takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes dependent upon latitude.
gyro compassing = aligning of the stable platform with true north (takes about 15 minutes).
INS cockpit equipment = MSU (mode selector unit) // CDU (control display unit).
IRS (inertial reference system) uses 3 accelerometers and 3 ring laser gyros.
both strapped down and stable platform systems suffer from Schuler errors.
the Schuler cycle is a damped 84,4 minutes.
power failure Æ if power is lost, alignment is lost and the NAV function will not work again.
older stand alone INS units Æ no more than 3 NM/hr drift typically allowed.
CMD = full auto pilot control // CWS = control wheel steering (outer loop control).
auto land; fail active system = allows the approach to continue after a single failure.
fail passive = 2 systems total.
CAT III = full auto lands Æ glide slope signal is disconnected at 45ft radio height.
CAT II/III use DH based on radio height.
caution or level B alerts = require immediate crew alertness and possible future actions.
GPWS mode 1; active 2450ft radio to 50ft and when barometric descent> 3x radio height (’’sink rate’’ /
’’pull up’’ warning).
mode 2; triggered by reducing radio altitude and warns of raising ground (’’terrain’’ warning).
mode 3; warns of barometric height loss after TOGA (flaps and gear not in approach configuration)
(’’don’t sink’’ warning).
mode 4; warns of closeness to the ground without the appropriate gear/flap selection (’’to low
terrain’’ warning when at high speed and ’’to low flaps’’ at lower speeds).
mode 5; deviation below glide slope (’’glide slope’’ warning).
mode 6; height and bank angles call outs designed to increase situational awareness (not required
by JAR OPS).
mode 7; provides wind shear alerts and warnings (not required by JAR OPS).
TCAS inputs Æ mode S replies / ADC for FL / IRS for attitude / flap position / radio altimeter.
TGT= turbine gas / EGT= exhaust gas / TIT= turbine inlet / TET= turbine entry / JPT= jet pipe
thermo couples; dissimilar metals can create an electrical potential at their junction which is proportional to
the temperature. (thermo EMF) Æ high temperatures.
galvanometer = millimetric voltmeter.
optical or radiation pyrometers Æ really high temperature measurement.
- 30 -
* direct tachometers = need to be near the cockpit.
* DC tachogenerator = output a voltage that varies with engine speed (wear and sparks).
* single phase tachogenerator = rectified to DC (no wear and sparks).
* three phase tachogenerator = frequency output that varies with speed.
* induction tachometer = suitable for high speeds (use a phonic wheel) digital output.
MAP = manifold air pressure is an indication of the torque generated by the engine.
MAP measuring device = pressure bellows and fixed aneroid bellows working together.
variable orifice flow indicator Æ measuring volume but can be directed to mass flow using temperature
sensitive resistors to compensate for density changes.
turbine volume flow indicators Æ turbine blades are built with magnetic inserts. the blades pass an induction
coil in the casing. do not cope well with the large rate and temperature ranges on modern aircraft, these use
a mass flow indicator.
mass flow indicator Æ meet massa traagheid van de vloeistof Æ speed x mass, so true mass can be indicated
- stator torque.
- rotor torque.
Over Turn
- 31 -
Communications VFR / IFR
wave length λ= (C=speed of light in m/s / f=frequency in Hertz)
FM = frequency modulation (varying the frequency to ad intelligence. less static interference than AM,
greater power required, complex receiver required.
surface waves Æ caused by diffraction and ground conductivity slowing the wave. are longest at low
sky waves Æ refract from ionosphere Æ only reliable in HF band but present as interference in MF and LF.
ionosphere is weaker at night (+ summer day more dense than winter day).
surface waves = start to be significant in HF and get longer with lower frequencies.
- 32 -
HF is used for long range communications, aviation frequencies: 2,85MHz to 22MHz.
VHF is used for short range communications, aviation frequencies: 118MHz to 137MHz.
selcal (selective calling) Æ 4 letter code (each airframe) Æ checked at first contact with new ATC unit.
bearing class A = ±2° , class B = ±5° , class C = ±10° , class D > ±10° (B=common).
QGH letdown (ground homing) = controller interpreted (no chart) as radar approach.
under radar control = ATC responsible for separation and terrain avoidance.
radar advisory service = only provided under IFR regardless of meteorological conditions (pilot responsible
for terrain avoidance).
radar information service = may be under VFR/IFR (info on conflicting traffic without avoidance action).
SRA = surveillance radar approach = pilot is given distances from touchdown, advisory altitude or height
information and azimuth instructions (based on 3° glide path).
PAR = precision radar approach = SRA including 3° glide path information + corrections.
- 33 -
Mass and balance
1 M = 3,28 ft / 1 ft = 0,304 M / USG or IG = 8 pints or 4 quarts
1 IG = 1,2 USG / 1 USG = 3,785 L / 1 Kg = 2,2 Lbs
CG moves forward Æ increases stability, fuel consumpsion and Vs (danger; making rotation and flare
CG aft of the safe range Æ stability is decreased, aerodynamically unstable and will probably crash.
MAC = mean aerodynamic cord (CG is often expressed as a percentage of length from leading edge).
- 34 -
Flight planning
NAT Æ westbound tracks begins with A as the most northerly and continue vertically down B, C, D…… and so
on depending on how many tracks are needed to accommodate the forcast traffic.
east bound tracks begins with Z as the most southerly and continue vertically upward with Y, X,
RVSM Æ reduced vertical separation minima. possible for aircraft suitably equipped and approved
(2000 ft / 1000 ft).
MSA = minimum sector altitude / minimum safe altitude Æ 1000 ft clearance within 25NM.
NAM = nautical air miles / GNM = ground nautical miles / SAR = specific air range (NAM per unit of fuel).
best SAR (specific air range) is that altitude where 90% rpm gives 1,32 x VIMD without accelerating.
LRC (long range cruise) = 4% faster than still air best range speed and gives 99% of the range.
PSR or PNR Æ last point on a route at which it is possible to return to destination with sensible fuel reserves.
time to point of no return = E = safe endurance / H = groundspeed home / O = GS out
(O + H )
- 35 -
ETP (equal time point) or CP (critical point) = for quickest way home determination.
D× H
distance to CP = D = total track distance / H = groundspeed home / O = GS out
(O + H )
for engine failure calculations Æ take the less engine speed in formula!!
- 36 -
Human performance and limitations
72 beats/min (mean), adult at rest // 5 l/min of blood is pumped // breathing = approximately 16/min.
21% oxygen in air (160 mmHg) // 14,5% oxygen in lungs (100 mmHg)
hyperventilation Æ increase in breathingÆ reduction in CO2Æ change of acid balance (blood more alkaline)Æ
reduction of artery diameterÆ lack of oxygen.
Boyle Marriott’s law Æ volume of gas varies inversely with its pressure.
Henry’s law Æ amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is proportional to the pressure over the liquid.
Dalton’s law Æ total pressure of a gas is equal to the sum of the partial pressures.
atmosphere Æ 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0,9% argon, 0,03% carbon dioxide.
rods = low lights, no colour // cones = sharp colour vision (photopic vision).
6/6 vision = you can see at 6m, what normal people can see at 6m.
- parallax = head movement cause distant objects to move relative to each other.
night vision Æ pupil dilates / chemical within the rodsÆ vitamin A helps, probably B and C.
NIHL = noise induced hearing loss / high levels of noise Æ temporarily NIHL
unlikely at levels < 90dB / at 120dB discomfort / at 140dB pain / > 160dB drum maybe ruptured.
prolonged > 90dB can cause permanent damage.
- 37 -
vibration 1-4 Hz Æ interference with breathing.
4-10 Hz Æ chest and abdominal (buikpijn).
8-12 Hz Æ back ache.
10-20 Hz Æ head aches, eye strain, pain in throat, speech disturbance and muscular tension.
weight (kg )
BMI = body mass index =
(lenght ⋅ in ⋅ M ) 2
5 stages of sleep Æ stage 1, 2, 3, 4 and paradoxical or REM sleep (rapid eye movement).
westbound trans oceanic flights are easier to cope with than eastbound (red eye) flights.
the sensory store; iconic memory stores visual information for ≈ 0,5 seconds.
ecoic memory stores auditory information for ≈ 8 seconds.
long term memory; episodic memory (autobiographical memory, what you did on your holiday).
semantic memory (general knowledge, such as the meaning of words).
procedural memory (motor memory) information which cannot be described consciously.
situational awareness = maintaining an accurate mental model (requires conscious effort to maintain).
homeostasis Æ physiological balance (interplay between the sympathic and parasympatic nervous system).
Æ ANS system = autonomic nervous system (involuntary activities, like heartbeat).
- 38 -
fight or flight reflex Æ part of general adoption syndrome Æ 1. alarm reaction.
2. resistance.
3. exhaustion.
automation complacency = crew tend to become passive monitors of the system and fail to actively question
its performance.
A certain level of arousal is a positive influence on performance. An extremely aroused/anxious pilot will
perform significantly less well than an optimally aroused pilot.
- 39 -
Decision making
Hierarchie of needs
- 40 -
A person (P+) and goal (G+) oriented person is the ideal pilot.
- 41 -
Radio navigation
wave length λ= (C=speed of light in m/s / f=frequency in Hertz)
max skip distance (NM) = 1,43 H (of ionosphere in Km)
skip distances are increased at night as the ionosphere weakens and refract less.
HF = 3 MHz – 30 MHz / VHF = 30 MHz – 300 MHz / UHF = 300 MHz – 3 GHz
sky waves refract from the ionosphere (breking) caused by a change of speed. ionosphere is more dense in
summer and during the day. sky waves are only reliable in HF band.
ACARS (AC communications addressing and reporting system) = data link between operator and AC (VHF).
FM = frequency modulation (varying the frequency to ad intelligence. less static interference than AM,
greater power required, complex receiver required.
surface waves Æ caused by diffraction and ground conductivity slowing the wave. are longest at low
- 42 -
sky waves Æ refract from ionosphere Æ only reliable in HF band but present as interference in MF and LF.
ionosphere is weaker at night (+ summer day more dense than winter day).
surface waves = start to be significant in HF and get longer with lower frequencies.
VHF is used for short range communications, aviation frequencies: 118MHz to 137MHz.
selcal (selective calling) Æ 4 letter code (each airframe) Æ checked at first contact with new ATC unit.
bearing class A = ±2° , class B = ±5° , class C = ±10° , class D > ±10° (B=common).
QGH letdown (ground homing) = controller interpreted (no chart) as radar approach.
under radar control = ATC responsible for separation and terrain avoidance.
radar advisory service = only provided under IFR regardless of meteorological conditions (pilot responsible
for terrain avoidance).
radar information service = may be under VFR/IFR (info on conflicting traffic without avoidance action).
SRA = surveillance radar approach = pilot is given distances from touchdown, advisory altitude or height
information and azimuth instructions (based on 3° glide path).
PAR = precision radar approach = SRA including 3° glide path information + corrections.
HF frequency classification
lowest usable HF maximum usable optimum frequency
Static & Ionospheric Best combination – use End of skip distance – a bit
attenuation highest frequency that works temperamental
- 43 -
radio spectrum classification
Very Low Med High Very Ultra Super Extra
Freq 3-30K 30-300K 300K- 3M-30M 30M- 300M-3G 3G-30G 30G-
3M 300M 300G
Wavelength 100km- 10Km- 1Km- 100m- 10m-1m 1m-10cm 10cm- 1cm-
10km 1Km 100m 10m 1cm 1mm
Myria Kilo Hecto Deca Metric Deci Centi Milli
Space Waves
Sky Waves
Surface 4000nm 1000nm 300nm 100nm
Ionos Duct
Atmos. Attn
Surface Attn
Ionos Attn
Uses Loran NDB Comms Comms Glideslope Radio alt.
NDB 1750k 2850K- 118M- GPS 4.3G
190k 22M 137M 1.5G(L1)C/A+P MLS
1.2G(L2)P ATC/Wx
SSR Radar
DME 9-10G
landing categories
category aircraft minima; DH / RVR
I 200 ft on barometric altimeter / RVR > 550 m
II 100 ft on radio altimeter / RVR 300 m
III A 0 ft on radio altimeter / RVR 200 m
III B 0 ft on radio altimeter / RVR 75 m
III C 0 ft on radio altimeter / RVR 0 m
glidepath ⋅ angle
glidepath ⋅ height = × distance (ft) ≈ (300 ft/nm)
glide path in ° = x 60
system errors Æ FM immune filters reduce localiser interference.
radar bands are UHF, SHF with some EHF. Pulse radar uses a single aerial to both transmit and receive.
continuous wave radar has no minimum range limitation (radio altimeter).
PRP = pulse recurrence period = time it takes to send and receive one pulse.
PRF = pulse repetition frequency = number of pulses per second.
- 44 -
low PRF is needed for long range radars. maximum range is controlled by PRF and power.
maximum theoretical range (m) = (C=300.000.000 m/s)
2 × PRF
C × pulse ⋅ length
minimum theoretical range (m) = (C=300.000.000 m/s)
airborn weather radar: 9 GHz – 10 GHz in the SHF band. conical beam is used for cloud.
cloud height above aircraft (ft) = range (ft) x (scanner tilt – ½ beam width) : 60
doppler = self contained on board navigation system that computes GS and drift of the aircraft (old).
GPS Æ 24 satellites, 21 operational and 3 spares - 6 circular orbital planes at 55° to the equator -
each orbital plane, 3 or 4 satellites at 20200 km, once/12 hours – at least 4 satellites will
always be in line of sight – mask angle 5° above horizon.
2 frequencies UHF described as L1 and L2. P code (precise//C/A code (coarse acquisition).
L1= C/A + P // L2= P only.
- 45 -
Principles of flight
P + ½.φ.V2 = constant
Q and lift/drag are proportional to EAS2 // EAS is slightly less than IAS.
stagnation point Æ pressure equals total head pressure // RAF = relative air flow.
positive pressures do not occur on the lower airfoil surface until alphas of 12° - 15°.
CP on a cambered airfoil moves. on a symmetrical airfoil it remains near 20% - 25% MAC.
turbulent boundary layer is thick (20x laminair layer), draggy and high energy. laminair boundary layer is thin
slippery and low energy.
profile drag = zero lift drag = parasite drag (skin friction / form drag / interference drag).
induced drag = lift depending drag or lift induced drag (vortex drag).
best ratio of EAS over drag = 1,32 x VIMD (best range speed for jet aircraft)
VX (jet) = VIMD // VX (prop) = Vminimum control (= 1,1 x Vstall) // power = TAS x (thrust or drag)
VY EAS decreases with height / service ceiling jet < 500 ft/min, propeller < 100 ft/min.
stalling speed in manoeuvre increases by the square root of the load factor. load factors increase rapidly from
30° up.
- 46 -
load ⋅ factor = VStall increasing factor. less weight will give you better turn performance. turn radius is
greater at height. maximum rate speed is higher than minimum radius speed.
radius of turn (NM) =
angle of bank in rate 1 turn = + 7 (approximation)
V 2 (m / s )
radius of turn (m) =
10 × tan⋅ bankangle
static stability describes the first response of the AC of being displaced in attitude or speed.
dynamic stability describes what happens after that, in the long term.
TAS (kt )
mach no. (M) = (M is ratio and has no units)
LSS (kt )
mach wave Æ at Mach 1.0 , individual pressure waves pile up into a single pressure wave just ahead of the
aircraft. mach waves that form near the aircraft, on wings and other parts of the structure, are more intense
and are called shockwaves.
Mdet = detachment mach no. (Mfree stream at which the shockwaves attaches!?)
transonic regime (from Mcritical to Mdetached) Æ aircraft flies subsonic at high mach nos. Æ some local flows
become supersonic.
M 1,4 (=Mdet) Æ CL is down to 70% of its low speed value as there is no up wash ahead of the leading edge
and there is an energy loss through the bow shockwave. Æ CP is at about 50% MAC.
transonic flight Æ CL is rising in the subsonic regime; increasing Reynolds number/effect of compressibility/
change in upwash.
CSU = constant speed unit (if rpm falls, CSU moves to finer pitch, if rises to coarser pitch)
CSU will select (at constant power): coarse pitch at high speed and fine pitch at low speed.
full propeller operating range Æ feather stop (+85°) – feathering – flight coarse pitch stop (+50°) –
flight range – flight fine pitch stop (+14°) – taxi – ground fine pitch stop (-1°) – reverse -
reverse pitch stop (-15°).
alpha range = flight range between flight fine and flight coarse pitch stop.
beta range = (for ground manoeuvring) direct adjustment of propeller pitch.
FI = fatique index (100 = fatique life has been used up). increasing aircraft AUM by 1% can increase fatique
life consumption by 5%.
’’n’’ (load factor) =
cos⋅ bankangle
M = mach number
Æ speed
- 48 -
Aviation law
light signals
to an a/c on the ground to an a/c in the air
Green Go (cleared take off) Go (cleared to land)
Red Stop Stop (ie circle and give way)
Flashing Red Get clear of landing area. Stay clear of landing area (ie do not land)
Flashing White Go to start Go to start (ie land here but await signals)
Flashing Green Cleared to taxi Come back and await signals
Red pyrotechnic Belay previous instructions - do not land for the moment.
ICAO annexes
annex subject
1 Personnel Licensing (Getting a license is my Number 1 priority)
2 Rules of the Air (2 Sets of Rules, VFR and IFR)
3 Meteorological Services (3ºC/1000ft DALR)
4 Aeronautical Charts (4 Cardinal Points)
5 Dimensional Units (CRP 5)
6 Operation of Aircraft (DC6)
7 Nationality and Registration Marks (The League of Seven Nations)
8 Airworthiness (Looks like a propeller)
9 Facilitation (NEIN in German – Immigration)
10 Aeronautical Communications (100 for the Operator)
11 Air Traffic Control Services (1 to 1 Personal Services)
12 Search & Rescue (The one before Accident Investigation)
13 Accident Investigation (Unlucky for some)
14 Aerodromes (14 Aerodromes around Heathrow)
15 Aeronautical Information Services (Looks like IS)
16 Environmental Protection (16 Age of Consent, use protection)
17 Security (17ft security fence required)
18 Dangerous Goods (At 18 you can drink but it’s DANGEROUS to drive)
holding speeds
normal turbulent
≤ FL140 170kts (A&B)/230kts 170kts (A&B)/280kts
≤ FL200 240kts 280kts
≤ FL340 265kts 280kts
intenational conventions
Warsaw Tokyo (1963) Montreal Rome
(1926) Hague (1970) (1971) (1933/38/52)
Subject Liability Hijacking/ Jurisdiction Non-Hijacking Ground Damage
Withdrawal Inform ICAO 6 Months
notice to
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type description
Vertical During ascent or descent 15 mins whilst vertical separation does not exist, down
to 10 where navaids permit, or 5minutes if less than 10 minutes of an actual
timed position report.
Lateral VOR/RNAV 15° more than 15nm from facility.
NDB 30° more than 15nm from facility.
DR 45° more than 15nm from intersect
Longitudinal DME (On track) 20nm or 10nm where front a/c is 20kt+ faster. Also 10nm
when climbing or descending through level.
Timing - 15mins, down to 10mins if navaids permit, down to 5 mins if front a/c
is +20kts, to 3mins if +40kts.
Mach number 10-5mins. Each minute less than 10 requires an additional .01M
from leading a/c starting at 0.02M up to 0.06M.RNAV 80nm.
RNP RNAV 80nm (RNP 20) verified every hour, 50nm (RNP 50) verified every
½ hour. Otherwise 80nm when same on-track waypoint.
Radar Separation – 5nm standard, 3nm when conditions allow (UK 40nm
from radar head) and 2.5nm on localiser/approach (5nm on localiser for wake
Wake Turbulence Departure Lighter AND from intermediate part of runway (3min)
2mins UNLESS
Arrival LIGHT behind heavier (3min), 4/5/6 & 5nm
Departure 1, 2, 5mins. 1 if tracks diverge by 45° or more. On same track, 2 if speed
difference of 40kts, 5 otherwise. <1 minute if taking off in different directions. 5
mins max between departing and arriving traffic
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reporting requirements
subject reporting
Unlawful Interference ASAP
Nav Irregularity/Met eg. VA, Radiation ASAP
Accident Quickest available means
Emergency which endangers safety & thereby Local authority without delay, if required by state to
violates local regs or procs appropriate authority then to state of origin in writing
within 10 days.
Flight Incidents which (may) endanger safe ops Authority within 72 hours
Technical defects and excess of tech limitations Recorded in tech log
Air Traffic Incidents endangerment by other flying ICAO PANS RAC
device/ATC etc.
Birdstrike ASAP ATC
licensing requirements
total hours PIC hours XC hours night hours Instr. hours
ATPL (21-59) 1500 250 PIC/P1s 200 100 PIC/P2 75
500 MPA 100 sim 100 PIC 100 PIC/P1s 30 ground
Transport 25 Proc trainer
Category a/c
CPL (18- 150 20 5 10
5yrs 300nm flight 5 FSTOL as PIC 5 Ground
PPL (17-
IR (A) 50 PIC
for C/PPL 10 in Airplanes
JAR 23 and 25 Æ covers the regulations applying to small and large aircraft respectively.
ICAO assembly is convened once every 3 years. they appoint the counsil for a 3 year term (permanent body
composed of 33 contracting states).
controlled airspace;
Class A: most airways, important control zones and control areas (IFR only).
Class B: upper airspace Æ IFR and VFR permitted (controlled).
Class C: IFR + VFR (controlled) Æ IFR is separated from IFR and VFR, VFR is separated from IFR and receive
traffic information about other VFR.
Class D: IFR + VFR (controlled) Æ IFR is separated from IFR and receive traffic information in respect of VFR
flights. VFR receive traffic information on all other flights.
Class E: IFR + VFR permitted; IFR with air traffic control service and are separated from other IFR. All flights
receive traffic information as far as practicable (no control zones).
Class F: IFR + VFR permitted; IFR flights receive air traffic advisory service and all flights receive flight
information service if requested.
Class G: IFR + VFR permitted and receive flight information service if requested.
air traffic control service: IFRÆ A, B, C, D and E / VFRÆ B, C and D + all aerodrome traffic at controlled
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width of runways = 18 – 45M (precision approach runway not less than 30M at 1 or 2 type).
all turns in holding procedures are calculated for angle of bank of 25° or 3°/s (=rate 1).
if not specified, right turns.
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parallel entry
direct entry
offset entry
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Operational procedures
jets must be able to land in 60% and turboprops in 70% of the LDA.
runway is considered wet Æ < 3mm water without significant areas of standing water.
class B aircraft Æ must be able to land in 70% of LDA, slope is taken into account.
NAT-OTS Æ eastbound Z-A, bottom to top (red eye) 01:00 to 08:00 hours
westbound A-Z, top to bottom 11:30 to 18:00 hours
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class A aircraft Æ all jets and turboprops with more than 9 pax. seats or MTOM >5700kg (B-737). JAR 25
class B aircraft Æ small prop. driven aircraft, piston or turbo with < 9 pax. seats and MTOM <5700kg. JAR 23
class C aircraft Æ large piston aircraft > 9 pax. seats or MTOM > 5700kg (not many still flying commercially).
jet thrust reduces with altitude. on hot days jet thrust reduces with temperature.
most jet engines are flat rated below ISA +15°, and at low temperatures, thrust does not vary with temp.
most jets indicate thrust with EPR, B-737 uses rpm of the first stage fan (N1).
jet engine thrust reduces initially with speed because of intake momentum drag, but picks up as the ram
effect builds up and assists mass flow.
VR > 1,05 VMCA (one engine out). VMC is highest where the air is cold and dense (asymmetric thrust is
a range of decision speeds exist at weights below the OEI field length limited TOM.
the engine out take off calculation uses gross, 50:50, performance.
wet runways have VEF 10kt lower and a 15ft screen height.
V2 = safety speed = target speed to be attained at the screen height (35ft/15ft) with OEI.
all engines case Æ the margin between net and gross = 1,15 (JAR 25), net being the greater of them.
LRC (long range cruise) is 4% faster than still air best range speed and gives 99% of the range.
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class A jets must land in 60% of LDA, Turbo props and class B in 70%.
class B (multi) aircraft need to clear obstacles by 50ft using net performance (net=0,77xgross).
class A aircraft need to clear obstacles by 35ft using net performance, 50ft in a turn.
(net=grossx0,8-twin // or 0,9-3 engines // or 1,0-4 engines).
increased V2 procedure can improve MTOM when WAT limited but not field length limited.
increased V2 procedure can improve climb gradients when obstacle limited but not field length limited.
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Aircraft General Knowledge
F = force (lbs) / A = area (sq in – in2) / P = pressure (psi) Æ bar x 14,5 = psi
V = I x R // P = I2 x R // P = V x I
CIVIL = in Capaciters the current I leads the Voltage which leads the current I in inductors L.
J3E = HF comms // A3E = VHF comms // A8W = ILS // A9W = VOR // PON = DME
NON = NDB carrier wave // A1A = NDB ident // A2A = alternative NDB ident
sky waves refract from the ionosphere // space waves are line of sight waves.
power =
the ratio of air to fuel which ensures complete combustion = 15:1 by weight.
manifold pressure is absolute pressure / boost pressure is relative to ISA pressure at sea level.
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