MBA Day Sem, 01 Sep, 2023
MBA Day Sem, 01 Sep, 2023
MBA Day Sem, 01 Sep, 2023
MB304-M-I Marketing Engineering Elective 5 4Th + 1 Tu 30+70
MB304-M-II Advertisement and Retail
Management Elective 5 4Th + 1 Tu 30+70
Human Resources
MB304-HR-I Compensation Management Elective 5 4Th + 1 Tu 30+70
MB304-HR-II Industrial Relations and
Labour Laws Elective 5 4Th + 1 Tu 30+70
MB-304-E-I Business Feasibility & Elective 5 4Th + 1 Tu 30+70
MB304-E-II Innovation & Design Elective 5 4Th + 1 Tu 30+70
MB304-S-I Data Base Management Elective 5 3Th + 2P+1 30+20
Systems Tu +50
MB304-S-II Business Analytics Elective 5 4Th + 1 Tu 30+70
Case Study
CS301 2 50
Research Design
RD301 1 25
Progress Seminar
PS301 1 25
*Research Design and Progress Seminar should be evaluated for 25 marks each and
then converted to Grade.
Two Case Studies will be conducted both for Core and Elective. Presentations may be
conducted in Teams. Evaluation must be done on the basis of participation, conceptual
knowledge, team cohesiveness, analytical skills, discussion and presentation skills.
Each Case study should be evaluated for 25 Marks.
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
UNIT-I Introduction to Production and Operations Management:
Introduction, Objectives, Scope and Differences among Production and Operations
Management. Historical evolution of Production and Operations Management.
Characteristics of Modern Operation functions. Recent trends in Production and Operations
Management. Operations Management interaction with other functional areas of
management. The transformation Process: Manufacturing, Service and Hybrid Agile
Suggested Books:
1. Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers and Robert Johnston - Operations management, Prentice
Hall. Sixth edition
2. Panner Selvem - Production and operations management, Prentice Hall of India
3. Upendra Kachru - Operations management - Excel Publications.
4. Martin K. Starr: Production & Operations management, Wiley India, New Delhi.
5. Buffa, S. Elwood and Sarin, K. Rakesh - Modern Production/Operations Management,
John Wiley & Sons.
6. Chunnawals - Production & operations management, Himalaya Publications.
7. Kanishka bedi-Production & operations management, Oxford University Press.
8. Adam EE & Ebert RJ - Production and operations management, 6th ed., Prentice hall of
9. Chary, S.N. - Production & Operations management, New Delhi, Tata McGraw Hill
10. Manoj Kumar Sarkar - Production & Operations Management, Jaico Publisher.
11. P. Rama Murthy - Production and Operations Management, new age international.
12. Gaither N. and Frazier, G., Operations Management, ed. ix, Thomson.
13. R.Dan Reid, Nada R.Sanders, “Operations Management: An Integrated Approach”, 7th
edition, Wiley Publications.
14. NVS Raju, Operations Management, BS publications
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Identify and explain the key concepts and principles of e-global business.
2. Evaluate the impact of e-commerce on global business operations.
3. Analyse and develop strategies for conducting business in a digital environment.
4. Apply critical thinking skills to solve problems and make informed decisions related to e-
global business.
Suggested Books:
1. "E-Commerce 2025: 11 Trends Impacting E-Commerce Companies This Decade" by
Gerald Celente
2. "Global E-commerce: Impacts of National Environment and Policy" by Yong Zhou
3. "E-Business and E-Commerce Management" by Dave Chaffey and Tanya Hemphill
4. "Global Electronic Commerce: A Policy Primer" by Catherine L. Mann and Sarah
Cleeland Knight
5. "e-Business: The Indian Scenario" by Ravi Kalakota and Marcia Robinson
6. "e-Commerce in India: A Game Changer for the Economy" by Pradeep Kumar.
7. "Global E-commerce: Impacts of National Environment and Policy" edited by Geng Cui
and Yu Tian
8. "Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice" by Dave Chaffey and Fiona
9. Jayakar Dalavai, Vidyadhar Reddy Aileni, International Business, BS Publications
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Course outcomes:
After going through this course one should be able to;
1. Understand the basic terminologies and metrics that are used to govern quality
2. Get a better perspective on quality standards like ISO and quality awards
3. Be able to identify the various metrics that govern quality
4. Elucidate the role and importance of six sigma as a quality measurement tool
5. Identify the various means and techniques for establishing quality in manufacturing,
services and IT sector.
Suggested Books:
Course Outcomes:
After studying this Course, the student will be able to:
1) Differentiate various avenues of investment on the basis of risk and return
2) Gain basic knowledge of analysing stocks
3) Make valuation of equity, debt and portfolio instruments
4) Gain an understanding of mutual funds, their performance evaluation and regulation.
Concept; Real vs. Financial assets; Investment decision process; Sources of investment-
information; Investment vs. Speculation; Factors to be considered in investment decision-
Liquidity,Return, Risk, Maturity, Safety, Tax and Inflation. The concept and measurement
of return-realized and expected return. Ex-ante and ex-post returns.
The concept of risk. Sources and types of risk. Measurement of risk-Range, Standard
Deviation and Co-Efficient of Variation. Risk-return trade-off. Risk premium and risk
Approaches to investment analysis-Fundamental Analysis; Technical Analysis (including
basic numerical on RSI, Oscillators, Moving averages for security analysis); Efficient
Market Hypothesis.
Concept of portfolio. Portfolio return and risk. Harry Markowitz’s Portfolio theory,
construction of minimum risk portfolio, the single-index model. Capital market theory:
Introduction of risk-free asset, Capital Market Line, Separation theorem.
Features and types of debt instruments, Bond indenture, factors affecting bond yield.
Bond yield measurement-Current yield, holding period return, YTM, AYTM and YTC.
Bond valuation: Capitalization of income method.
Bond-price theorems, Valuation of compulsorily / optionallyconvertible bonds, Valuation
of deep discount bonds. Bond duration, Macaulay’s duration and modified Macaulay’s
duration. Bond convexity, Considerations in managing a bond portfolio, term structure of
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Suggested Books:
1. Alexander. G.J, Sharpe. W.F and Bailey. J.V, “Fundamentals of Investments”, PHI, 3rd
2. Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Marcus.A.J, Pitabas Mohanty, “Investments”, TMH, 8 Ed.
3. Prasanna Chandra, “Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management”, TMH, 3 Ed.
4. Charles.P.Jones, “Investments: Analysis and Management”, John Wiley &Sons, Inc. 9
5. Francis. J.C. & Taylor, R.W., “Theory and Problems of Investments”. Schaum’s
Outline Series,McGraw Hill
6. Herbert. B. Mayo, “Investments: an Introduction”, Thomson – South Western. 9 Ed.
7. Peter L. Bernstein and Aswath Damodaran, “Investment Management”,Wiley
Frontiers inFinance.
8. Dhanesh Khatri, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, 2010, Macmillan
9. Sudhindra Bhat, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, 2009, Excel Books.
10. Preeti Singh, Investment Management, 2010, HPH, 17 Revised Edition.
11. Stephen A. Ross, Randolph Westerfield, and Jeffrey Jaffe, “Corporate Finance”, TMH.
12. S. Chand “Investment Management: Security Analysis & Portfolio Management”.
13. S. Kevin, “Analysis and Portfolio Management”, PHI.
14. Punithavathy Pandian, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, Vikas
Publishing House
15. Donald E. Fisher and Ronald J. Jordan: “Securities Analysis and Portfolio
Management”,Prentice Hall.
16. Graham & Dodd, “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management”, McGraw Hill.
17. Jack Clark Francis, “Investment”, TMH, New Delhi.
18. Dr.V.A.Avadhani, “ Investment Management”, HPH
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Course Objective:
1) To create awareness about Financial System and Financial services in India.
2) To learn about the role of financial institutions in India
3) To understand the importance of Venture Capital
Course Outcomes:
1) To explain the importance ,functions of financial system and financial services
2) To understand the concept of merchant banking and its functions
3) To learn the venture capital financing modes used to raise finance
4) To understand factoring ,bill discounting and credit rating services needed for
Suggested books:
Course objectives:
The objectives of this course are;
1. Acquainting the readers with modeling of market variables using a wide variety of
2. Use of market segmentation and perceptual maps to provide an insight into marketing
strategy analysis
3. Use of forecasting models to measure demand and market response modeling
4. To gain an insight into quantitative and qualitative response models and their role in
strategic analysis
5. To help understand how modeling can be used in advertising decision making and
pricing analysis
Course Outcomes:
After reading this course one should be able to;
1. Understand the relevance of modeling in marketing for logical judgment
2. Appreciate the business and economic lifetime value of marketing engineering
3. Be well versed with the various models, both qualitative and quantitative in marketing
4. Understand the relevance of using modeling in marketing as a decision making tool
5. Learn the importance of marketing engineering as a strategic marketing analysis tool
Unit – I:
Marketing Engineering Approach, Key Concepts of Marketing Engineering (ME) Model,
Verbal, Model, Box and Arrow Model, Response Model, Mathematical Model, Models Vs
Judgements, Trial / Repeat Model, Marketing Decision Environment, Tools for Marketing
Engineering , Business Value of Marketing Engineering, Customer Value, Value in Use
Assessment, Economic Life Time Value, Approaches to Measure Customer Value.
Unit – II:
Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning-Traditional Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning
through Brand Linkages, Perceptual Maps, Preference Maps, Limitations of Perceptual and
Preference Map Forecasting Methods – Judgemental Method, Market and Product Analysis
Method, Time Series Methods, Causal Methods, Product Life Cycle, New Product
Forecasting Models – The Bass Model Bases Model, Selection of Forecasting Methods.
Unit – III:
Market Response Models: Concept of a Response Model, Response Models – Aggregate
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Unit – IV:
Strategic Market Analysis, Strategic Marketing, Decision Making, Advertising Budget Model,
Rao & Miller Model, Ad budg model,the Full Model, Advisor Model, Media Decisions,
Steps in Ad design Adcad systems, Syntex Approach.
Unit –V:
Geo-demographic analysis, Gravity Model, Pricing Models, Differential Pricing, Competitive
Bidding Bases for Differential Pricing, Revenue Management Process, Promotional analysis.
Promotional Effects, Promotional types and targets, Promotional Effects Model.
Suggested Books:
Course Objectives:
The objectives of this course are;
1. To sensitize students on various dimensions of the promotion mix
2. To help gain an understanding of the role of advertising in marketing
3. To explore the various elements relating to an effective advertising strategy
4. To introduce the concept of organized retailing
5. To help understand the various functions & roles of retailing in India
Course Outcomes:
After reading this course you should be able to;
1. Understand the importance of advertising in the marketing mix
2. Establish the importance of creativity in an ad campaign
3. Determine the comparative importance of organized retailing sector vis-a- vis
unorganized sector
4. Compare the functions and performance of organized retail sector to others
5. Determine the role of other functional areas of marketing as key drivers to the retail
Advertising – Role in promotion mix, Objectives of advertising, Creativity in advertising,
Ad-copy, Creative strategy & process – Implementation & evaluation, DAGMAR, Types of
ad appeals, Ad budget – Establishment & allocation, Budgeting approaches
Unit- II:
Media planning, Deciding media objectives – Media strategy, Media mix, Ad reach Vs.
Frequency, Evaluation of media, Internet and interactive media, Role of technology in media,
Media planning, Role of Technology in media planning, Measuring ad effectiveness, Copy
Unit – III:
Introduction to organized retailing, Trends in retail, Types of retail format, Behaviour of
organized retail markets, Objectives and function of retailing, retailing in India
Unit- IV:
Retailing in rural India, Geographic spread of Indian retail sector, Organized & unorganized,
Types of retail formats, Retailing in services sector, International retailing, Cultural
challenges in International retail, Role of MNC’s
Unit – V
CRM in retail, Retail pricing strategies – Key drivers, Merchandising management, Store
management, visual merchandising – Logistics management, Developing retail CRM
programmes, Legal & ethical concerns in organized retail
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Suggested Readings:
1. Aaker, David A, Advertising Management 4th edition, PHI
2. Bajaj Tuli Srinivatsava , Retail Management, 3rd Edition, Oxford Publication
Suggested Books
1. Belch, George E and Blech, Michael A, Advertising and promotion, Tata McGraw
2. Ogilvy David, Ogilvy on Advertising , Longeman, London
3. Chunawalla, S.A., Advertising , Sales and Promotion Management Himalaya
Publishing House.
4. Mohan, Mahendra, Advertising Management, Tata Mcgraw Hill
5. Levy & Weitz, Retailing Management, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Bary Berman & Evans, Retail Management- A Strategic Approach, Pearson education
7. Akileshwar Pathak, Legal Aspects of Business, Tata McGraw Hill
8. Nicholas Alexander, International Retailing, Blackwell Basin Publishers Ltd
9. Dr.Harjith Singh, “Retail Management: A Global Perspective, Texts and Cases”
10. S.A.Chanuwalla and KC.Sethia, “ Foundations of Advertising- Theory and Practice”,
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to
Wage Administration, Wage Policy and Wage Legislation in India - The Minimum
Wages Act, 1948. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936. The Payment of Bonus Act,
1965. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. The
Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952; Wage Structure
in different Sectors – in Central Government, in State Government, in PSEs and in
Nationalised Banks; Wage Boards - structure, scope and functions – Pay Commissions
– Compensation Committees; Compensating contingent employees.
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Essential Readings:
1. Joseph J. Martocchio- Strategic Compensation- 3rd Edition
2. Dr. Pradeep Kumar Das, Dr. Madan Chettri and Ms. Roshni Tamang., Compensation
Management, Lulu Publication, 2021, 1st Edition.
3. Tapomoy Deb, Compensation Management – Texts and Cases, Excel Books, 2009, 1st
4. S. K. Bhatia, New Compensation Management in Changing Environment –
Managerial Remuneration and Wage & Salary Administration, A Professional
Manual, Deep and Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., 2009, 3rd Edition.
5. R.C. Sharma and Sulabh Sharma, Compensation Management, Sage Publications,
6. Dr.Kanchan Bhatia,” Compensation Management”, HPH
7. Peter T.Chingos, “Paying for Performance: A guide to Compensation Management,
2nd edition, Wiley Publications.
Suggested Readings:
1. Milkovich, Newman & Gerhart, Compensation, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011, 10th Edition
2. Richard I. Henderson, Compensation Management in a Knowledge-Based
World, Pearson Education, 2009, 10th Edition.
3. B D Singh, Compensation and Reward Management, 2008, Excel Books.
4. Dr. Vinay Ojha, “Compensation and Reward Management”, 2019, 7th Edition.
5. Luis R. Gomez-Mejia & Steve Werner, Global compensation -
Foundations and perspectives Routledge, 2008.
6. Mousmi S. Bhattacharya & Nilanjan Senguupta, Compensation Management,
Excel Books, 2009, 1st Edition.
7. Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya Compensation Management- Oxford University
Press, 2015
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Industrial relations- Meaning, Concept and objectives; Changing roles of actors - Workers,
Management & Government in industrial relations; Approaches to Industrial Relations -
System approach (Dunlop’s), Social Action Approach, input – output Approach; Conditions
for good Industrial Relations, Economic Reforms and status of IR in India, Industrial
Relations code 2020.
Trade Unionism - Objectives and Functions of Trade Unions; Trade Union Movement in
India - History and growth of Trade Union in India – Trade Unions in Pre and Post -
independence Period; Trade Unions Act, 1926; Challenges of Trade Unions in India,
Changing industrial environment and Role Trade Unions in Globalized economy.
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Labour Legislation - History and growth of labour legislation in India; International Labour
Organization (ILO) – Activities of ILO, Impact of I.L.O. on Indian Labour standards; Labour
Welfare and Social Security – Meaning, Concept and Principles of Labour Welfare, Approaches to
Labour Welfare, Indian Constitution & Labour Welfare and National Commission on Labour
recommendations on Labour Welfare; Meaning, Evolution, institutional growth and need of social
security and concept of employer's Liability; Salient features of Welfare and security legislations for
organized and unorganized workers in India, Code on Social Security, 2020;
Essential Readings
1. New Labour and Industrial Laws, 2020, Taxmann Publications, New, Delhi.
2. Mishra, SN, Labour and Industrial Laws, 2018, Central Law Publications.
3. Ghosh, P and Nandan, S, 2015, Industrial relations and Labour Laws, Mc Graw Hill
4. Goswami, V.G., 2015, Labour and Industrial Laws, Allahabad, Central Law Agency
5. Srivastava, SC, 2012, Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, Vikas Publications, New
6. C.S Venkata Ratnam, “Industrial Relations”, 2009, Oxford University Press, New
7. S.C.Srivatsava, “Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, 8e, S.Chand Publications
8. Sharan, “ Industrial Relations and Labour Laws at Glance, Shroff Publications
Suggested Readings
1. Sukomal Sen, 1997, “Working Class in India, History of Emergence and Movement
(1830-1990)”, National Book Agency, Kolkata.
2. Srivastava, S.C, “Industrial Relations and Labour Laws”, 5th Rev., Vikas Publication
House, New Delhi, 2006
3. Singh B.D, 2008, “Industrial relations and labor laws”, Excel books.
4. P.K.Padhi, 2009, “Labour and Industrial Laws”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize the students with the mechanics of appraisal and evaluation of projects.
2. To understand the concept of SCBA
3. Learn to write a Business Plan
Course Outcomes:
UNIT-I: Introduction:
a) Market Appraisal: Market and demand analysis - Market survey - Demand forecasting -
Sales projections. (b) Technical Appraisal: Issues involved in technical feasibility –
Production technology - Materials and inputs - Plant capacity - Site selection – Plant layout –
Site preparation - Civil works and structures - Details of machines and equipment-
Specification and cost determination. (c) Operational Appraisal: Heads of cost - Estimates of
cost of production - Break even point - Economics of working - Profitability.
Financial Appraisal: (a) Cost of project and means of financing (b) Estimation of cash
inflows - Basic principles of estimation (c) Riskanalysis in capital budgeting, certainty
equivalent, standard deviation, sensitivity analysis etc. (d) Writing a Business Plan
a) Social Cost Benefit Analysis: Rationale of SCBA - Approaches to SCBA in India. (b)
Financing Projects: Appraisal procedures and practices of financial institutions -Financial
statements required for project financing
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
a) Project Implementation: Network techniques - Critical path - Project Crashing - Time and
cost over runs. PERT and CPM - Project management - Forms of organization – Project
planning and control.
Suggested Readings:
Course Outcomes:
1) To inculcate the concepts of creative thinking, design thinking and innovation.
2) Develop the students as a good designer by imparting creativity and problem-solving
3) Implement creative and design thinking to come up with an effective innovation.
4) Being able to identify problems and apply design thinking to come up with solutions.
5) Use design thinking to develop innovative products that bring business impact.
Tools for design thinking, The transition from design thinking to implementation in the
business context -How to use design thinking to develop innovative products and services -
Strategies for scaling design thinking in an organization and maintaining an innovative
culture - Design thinking's role in driving business growth and transformation - design
thinking and innovation for sustainability - Case studies of innovative products developed
through design thinking highlighting the business impact.
Suggested Books John.R. Karsnitz, Stephen O’Brien and John P. Hutchinson, “Engineering Design”,
Cengage learning (International edition), second edition, 2013.Roger Martin, "The Design of
Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage", Harvard Business Press,
2009.Product Design and Development- Karl T Elrich- sixth edition-McGraw Hill publications Hasso
Plattner, Christoph Meinel and Larry Leifer (eds), "Design Thinking: Understand – Improve- apply”
Springer, 2001.
Course Objectives:
1. The objective of the course is to present an introduction to database management
systems, with an emphasis on how to organize, maintain and retrieve - efficiently, and
effectively - information from a DBMS.
2. To explain basic database concepts, applications, data models, schemas and instances.
3. Describe the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL.
4. Use the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL in database creation and
5. Analyze and Select storage and recovery techniques of database system.
Course Outcomes:
1. Students can apply the basic concepts of Database Systems and Applications
2. Design a commercial relational database system (Oracle, MySQL) by writing SQL
using the system.
3. Students can get to facilitate students in Database design and also to familiarize issues
of concurrency control and transaction management in DBMS
Suggested Books:
A Case study is a detailed analysis of a person or group or a unit such as corporate division
that stresses factors contributing to its success or failure. It is a rich method for investigating
and researching a single case. The research questions that can be investigated by case studies
include outcome questions, theory-building, pragmatic and experiential or narrative
Faculty must choose Case Study for students. They must teach them the methodology of
solving Case Study.
For evaluating a case presentation/ discussion, the following steps shall be followed:
1. The participants should ensure that they have enough detail to help present an
overall assessment as well as a few strengths and weaknesses, with specific examples
of each category.
2. The evaluator should observe the reaction to the opening question and check if the
choice is a good one to set a base for further discussion.
3. Note down the participant responses as Initiator, Builder, Challenger and
Summarizer, etc.
4. Examine the connection across transaction blocks and assess how the overall
learning objective is being addressed.
5. Check if the closure is appropriately done and the participants have come up with
a decision sheet and involvement sheet.
6. Comment on the students’ preparation and level of engagement at different points
in the discussion.
7. Scrutinize the presentation for an overall assessment on the areas to be
appreciated, areas of concern, actionable recommendations.
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
RD 301
A Research Design seminar presentation to be made by the student on the topic chosen for
Project Work. A synopsis must be submitted to the college.
The Research Design Seminar will consist of
1. Title of the Project.
2. Statement of the problem
3. Introduction
4. Aims and objectives
5. Hypotheses (if any)
6. Research Methodology
a. Nature of the study
b. Scope of the study
c. Data Collection methods
d. Tools for analysis
e. Chapterization (Name of the chapters)
MBA (Day) Course Structure and Syllabus as per AICTE guidelines with effect from
PS 301
Students must present their Progress of Research Seminar showing the extent of work done
on the Project chosen. A write up on the Progress Work must be submitted to the college.