Agd 16

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1. The following visual, produced by ourworldindata.

org, plots the world population

along with the annual growth rate of the world population against time, using the latest
data from the United Nations Population Division. The visual also includes the UN's
latest forecast for population growth, compiling trends seen in subsets of the population
that have already experienced rapid growth. Typically, this period of rapid growth is

What was the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) between 1700 and 2019?

1. 0.5%

2. 1.4%

3. 0.8%

4. 1.1%

5. 0.2%
2. In the following chart, you can see the evolution of imports and exports of cars of an
Asian country.

Which of the following statements is not correct?

1. In 2010 the exports matched the imports.
2. The maximum number of imports has been slightly above 1.5 million during the period.
3. The gap between imports and exports is being reduced. -> Answer
4. In 2015 the difference between imports and exports was close to 250000 units.
5. On average, the country is a net importer; imports are higher than exports.

3. ABC News analyzed some Google Community Mobility Report data during the start
of the first Covid-related lockdown in April 2020.

Which types of seasonality seem to be present in the chart?

1. Monthly seasonality
2. None of these
3. Weekly seasonality
4. Daily seasonality
5. All of these -> Answer
4. Suppose you wanted to measure the relationship between someone's height and their
weight, as well as between their income and education level.

Which of these is correct?

1. The correlation coefficient between income and education level is normally -1

2. The correlation between someone's height and weight is normally negative
3. If you regressed height on weight, you'd expect the weight coefficient to be positive ->
4. The covariance between someone's height and weight is normally negative
5. The correlation coefficient between income and education level is normally 0

5. you're provided with the report shown.

What is the following?

1. The conversion rate for the whole week

2. The total revenue in Euros assuming a rate of 1USD = 0.95EUR

1. 1: Not possible to calculate with the given data

2: 50M
2. 1: 4.5%
2: 47.5M
3. 1: Not possible to calculate with the given data
2: 47.5M
4. 1: 4.64% -> Answer
2: 50
5. 1: Not possible to calculate with the given data
2: 50
6. Alooba has decided to diversify its range of services and products and launch a
premium ice cream brand - Alooba Luxury Ice Creams. The pricing structure for its 3
key flavors (Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry), has been presented in the following

A new client has been identified, however, they desire larger quantities of ice cream
than shown in your pricing model. Your manager has told you that you can use linear
extrapolation to provide a quote.

What is the correct quote for 200 liters of chocolate and 200 liters of strawberry ice
cream, based on this modeling assumption?

1. $1,766.67
2. $1,360.00
3. Insufficient information to perform linear extrapolation
4. $1,580.00

7. 20,500 leads were generated in the previous month by a lead-generating platform (X)
through multiple sources, out of which 30% of the leads were generated through
surveys. The average revenue per lead for X was 245 AUD and the average cost per lead
for X was 190 AUD. For leads generated specifically through surveys, both revenue per
lead and cost per lead were 12% higher than average values for X.Calculate the return
on investment (ROI) for leads generated through surveys.

ROI is defined as (Revenue from Investment-Cost of Investment)/Cost of Investment

1. 23.2%
2. 17.8%
3. 19.0%
4. 24.0%
5. 28.9%
8. A social media website X tracks the active customers on a daily basis.

For all the customers who were active on the website at least once a month, they also
calculated the % of customers who were inactive for 2 weeks, and the % of customers
who were inactive for 3 weeks. The average of both is considered as the net inactive %.

Activity Australia United Kingdom USA Canada India

1 Day Active 1,845 1,795 1,820 1,820 1,840
1 Week Active 12,915 9,015 9,025 10,320 10,100
2 Weeks Active 55,350 35,350 50,750 47,150 44,430
1 Month Active 128,080 103,080 80,080 100,415 94,525
The table shows the number of customers active on the website for the top 5 countries.
As a marketing analyst for X, identify the country with the highest net inactive %.
1. India
2. Australia
3. USA -> Answer
4. United Kingdom
5. Canada

9. A study on COVID situations in the United States was performed. The author wants
to present the death rate per 1000 by state. Hence, the death density was calculated by
dividing the total fatalities related to COVID over the population and multiplied by
1000. A map was created as below.

An editor says the map is misleading. Which part of the map is misleading?
1. The font is too thin
2. Missing legend
3. Calculation of the death density
4. Too many decimals
5. Color -> Answer
10. Please see the plot to answer the question

Which of the following plots is displayed in the figure in the attachment?

1. Linear trend
2. A timer series plot
3. A boxplot
4. A histogram
5. A scatterplot

11. Your manager asks you to investigate whether the customers' age influences the cost
of the sports shoes they buy. Which of the following can be used to investigate the effect
of the customers' age on the cost of shoes purchased?

1. Variance
2. Correlation
3. Regression
4. Covariation
5. Autocorrelation

12. A retail company decided to increase promotional signage in one of its stores, Store
A, in the month of April. In the remaining stores, the signage remained the same. The
average customer basket value (sales per transaction) was tracked in all stores for the
year. The following table gives the average customer basket value in January (prior to
the change in Store A) and in September (after the change in Store A).

Month Store A Store B

January $42.45 $45.46

September $38.21 $34.87

Change -$4.24 -$10.59
Using the method of difference in differences, what is the estimated signage impact on
the average customer basket?

1. $6.35
2. $4.24
3. $14.83
4. -$10.59
5. -$4.24

13. Suppose you measure the height and weight of 25000 university students. You
record each student's height in both centimeters and nanometres, and you record their
weight in kilograms as well as grams.

Suppose the variance of weight (kg) is 30 and the variance of the height (cm) is 80. What
can we say about the standard deviations of those metrics?

1. The standard deviation of weight is 8.9 kg and height is 5.5 cm.

2. The standard deviation of weight is 5.5 kg and of height is 8.9 cm
3. The standard deviation of weight is 900 kg and height is 6400 cm.
4. The standard deviation of weight is 30 kg and the standard deviation of height is 80 cm.
5. We need more information to calculate the standard deviations.

14. You are working in a pet store. The store keeps all the pet's information in one Excel

1 Pet ID Pet Type Pet Name

2 505 Cat Lucy
3 513 Dog Cooper
4 524 Fish Captain
5 554 Cat Milo
6 555 Dog Luna
Which is the proper function in Excel to find out which ID the pet "Cooper" belongs
1. =INDEX(A2:A6,MATCH("Cooper",C2:C6,0))
2. =MATCH(A2:A6,INDEX("Cooper",C2:C6,0))
3. =LOOKUP("Cooper",C:A)
15. In this Excel document you have the following formula in the cell G2:

1 Customer Emails Open Unsubscribe CTR_E

base_A sent_B rate_C rate_D
2 A1 10000 25% 2% 10%
3 A2 20000 15% 4% 10%
4 A3 30000 15% 6% 8%
5 A4 25000 10% 3% 9%

=sumifs (B2:B5, B2: B5, ">20000", C2: C5, ">15%")

What is the result of the formula?

1. 10%

2. 25000

3. 0

16. You are working on an Excel worksheet. In the right table, you want to find the
corresponding Pet Name to the Pet ID. Such a relationship can be found in the left
table. For those Pet IDs that do not exist in the left table, you want to leave the cell

What is the proper function to use in cell F2?

1. =VLOOKUP(E2,A:C,3,0)


3. =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(E3,A:C,3,0)),VLOOKUP(E3,A:C,3,0),"")

4. =ISNA(VLOOKUP(E3,A:C,3,0))

5. =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(E2,A:C,3,0),"")

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