Effects of Steel Coatings On Electrode Life in Resistance Spot Welding of Galvannealed Steel Sheets

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Materials Transactions, Vol. 51, No. 12 (2010) pp.

2236 to 2242
#2010 The Japan Institute of Metals

Effects of Steel Coatings on Electrode Life in Resistance Spot Welding

of Galvannealed Steel Sheets
X. Hu1;2 , G. Zou2;3 , S. J. Dong1 , M. Y. Lee4 , J. P. Jung5; * and Y. Zhou2
School of Mechanical Engineering, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, P. R. China
Center for Advanced Materials Joining, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, P. R. China
Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology, Pohang 790-330, Korea
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul 130-743, Korea

The effects of different galvannealed (GA) coatings, containing Fe varying from 7.0 to 11.4 mass%, on steel sheets on the electrode life in
resistance spot welding (RSW) have been investigated with metallurgical analysis of the coating microstructures and properties, and the surfaces
and cross-sections of failed electrodes. The results showed that the electrode life in RSW of GA steel with 11.4 mass% Fe in coating was 110%
higher than that with coatings containing 7.0 or 9.6 mass% Fe. The improvement was believed to be caused by the build-up of a Fe-rich alloy
layer on the electrode surface, which could serve as a barrier to prevent copper loss from the electrode surfaces to the steel sheets, thus reducing
the growth rate of the electrode tip face diameters. In addition, higher Fe content in the coating resulted in increased contact resistance and hence
a lower welding current needed in RSW. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.M2010239]

(Received July 21, 2010; Accepted August 26, 2010; Published October 27, 2010)
Keywords: resistance spot welding, galvannealed steel, electrode life, coating composition and microstructures

1. Introduction

Resistance spot welding has been used for various fields

from an auto industry1) to a medical area.2) In the automotive
industry, galvannealed (GA) steel sheet is used for both
exposed and internal body parts because of its superior
corrosion resistance and its good weldability and paintabil-
ity.3,4) Galvannealed coatings are essentially diffusion layers
containing Fe-Zn intermetallic phases formed between
molten Zn and steel substrates at annealing temperatures
around 500 C. Depending on the heat treatment conditions,
there are four intermetallic Fe-Zn compounds, i.e., zeta (),
delta () and two gamma (, 1 ) phases that may be
observed,5) as can also be inferred from the phase diagram
(Fig. 1). For example, Long6) indicated that a low-iron
coating (about 10.4 mass% Fe) had a 2–3 mm of  phase,
3–4 mm of  phase and 1 mm of  phase, while a coating
of higher iron content (13.3 mass% Fe) had a -layer 1–2 mm
thick, a -layer 45 mm thick, and a very thin -layer on Fig. 1 Zinc rich corner of the Fe-Zn binary phase diagram.7)
the galvannealed coating surface, based only on scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrom-
etry (EDS) analysis. But the exact microstructure of the welds that can be made before corrective action is required.10)
coatings (type and thickness of the intermetallic layers, etc.) Electrode life is generally defined as the number of welds that
was very sensitive to the heat treating conditions, such as can be made, without dressing the electrode tips, before the
heating rate, hold temperature and time, and cooling rate of weld size falls below an acceptable level. Electrode tip wear,
the galvannealing treatment.3,5) Although not represented in resulting in electrode tip face growth, has been suggested as
Fig. 1,  phase is a solid solution of Fe in Zn with solubility the dominant process that limits electrode life in RSW of Zn-
limit of 0.03 mass%. The detailed characteristics and micro- coated steel.11,12) When welding zinc-coated steel and other
hardness of these intermetallic compounds and pure phase alloys, the alloying and local bonding between electrodes and
are summarized in Table 1.4–8) sheets often results in the removal of Cu from the electrode
Resistance spot welding (RSW) has been the primary tip surface (and hence electrode wear) as evidenced by Cu
joining technique for automotive body-in-white assembly being found on the surface of the welds.13–16) Obviously, it
since the 1930s.9) An important factor in RSW of Zn-coated is helpful to increase electrode life by preventing alloying
steel is electrode life, that is, a limit to the number of spot between electrodes and sheets. For example, Dong and
Zhou17,18) investigated the effects of a TiC composite coating
*Corresponding author, E-mail: jpjung@uos.ac.kr on the electrode surfaces on electrode tip degradation in
Effects of Steel Coatings on Electrode Life in Resistance Spot Welding of Galvannealed Steel Sheets 2237

Table 1 Fe-Zn phase characteristics.4{9Þ

Fe content Melting points VHN

Phase Formula Crystal structure
(mass%) (T/ C) (25 mg)
 Zn Hexagonal 100 419.4 52
 FeZn13 Monoclinic 5:26:1 530 208
 FeZn10 FeZn7 Hexagonal 7:011:5 672 358
1 Fe5 Zn21 Fe11 Zn40 FCC 17:022:0 NA 505
 Fe3 Zn10 FeZn3 BCC 24:031:0 782 326
-Fe Fe BCC 100 1538 104
Note: 1 phase transforms to the  þ  mixed phases at 550 C.

resistance welding of nickel-plated steel, and indicated that current test (to determine the welding current that will be
the electrode coating could serve as a barrier layer to reduce used in the endurance test), all on the same set of two
the Cu loss from the electrode, increasing electrode life. electrodes.20)
Pickett et al.,19) in an investigation of electrode life in In the stabilization tests, the initial current was selected to
RSW of GA steels with coatings containing different Fe be 7000 A, based on the AWS standard on 0.7-mm-thick
contents, have shown that the electrode life was increased by zinc-alloy coated steel sheets. Stabilization weld-button size
two-fold when Fe content increased from 8 to 10 mass% and (SWS) is defined as 90 percent of the dressed tip face
further increased when Fe increased to 13 mass%. But, diameter without expulsion or severe sticking,20) which was
unfortunately, the electrode life tests were arbitrarily stopped 4.4 mm in this work based on 0:9  4:9 mm rounded to the
at 10,000 welds for 13 mass% Fe so that the exact improve- closest 0.1 mm (4.9 mm is the average of measured initial tip
ment was not quantified. Also the reason for the increase in face sizes Using the carbon imprint technique,21) which were
electrode life was not discussed. The present work has aimed 4.90, 4.91 and 4.88 mm for the electrodes for steels #1, #2
at clarifying the effects of steel coatings on electrode life in and #3 respectively). Weld (button) size was determined by
RSW of GA steels and the mechanism of improving electrode the button left on one steel sheet after peel testing.20) Once
life by increasing Fe content in the coating. the total welds reached 250, the stabilization test ended and
the same set of electrodes moved on to the current test.20)
2. Experimental At the start of the current test, the initial current I0 should
be sufficiently low to produce a weld that is at least 0.5 mm pffi
The steel substrate used in this work was 0.7 mm in smaller than the minimum weld size (MWS), defined as 4 t
thickness with chemical composition, in mass%, as C ¼ (tpisffiffiffiffiffiffithe
ffi thickness of the coated steel sheet), i.e., MWS ¼
0:003, Si ¼ 0:01, Mn ¼ 0:09, P ¼ 0:009, S ¼ 0:005, Al ¼ 4 0:7 ¼ 3:35 mm in this work. This initial current was
0:051, Cr ¼ 0:012, Mo ¼ 0:003, Cu ¼ 0:018, Ni ¼ 0:008, selected to be 8300 A, 7300 A and 7200 A for steels #1, #2
Sn ¼ 0:003, V ¼ 0:002, Nb ¼ 0:014, Ti ¼ 0:026. The coat- and #3, respectively, based on the weld size and welding
ing thickness on both steel sides and the nominal Fe content current data from the stabilization test. The final currents,
in the coatings are 9.2, 8.9 and 8.5 mm, 7.0, 9.6 and based on when expulsion or severe electrode sticking
11.4 mass%, respectively for steels #1, #2 and #3, which occurs,20) was determined to be 9200, 8700, 8500 A for
were the averages of 10 measurements each by a JEOL JSM- steels #1, #2 and #3, respectively. The total welds made in
6460 scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with the stabilization and current tests were 274, 288 and 288,
energy-dispersive spectrometer (EDS) on the cross-sections respectively for steels #1, #2 and #3.
of steel sheets. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was The welding current for the endurance test is set as the final
conducted using a Rigaku AFC8 power X-ray diffractometer current less 200 A, i.e., 9000 A, 8500 A and 8300 A for steels
using Cu K radiation. Micro-hardness of steel coatings was #1, #2 and #3, respectively. According to the AWS stand-
measured using a HMV 2000 Vickers hardness tester at 5 g ard,20) when the weld button size drops to a value lower than
load on prepared metallographic cross-section samples. MWS, i.e., 3.35 mm, the number of welds made is deemed
All spot welds were produced by an air operated stationary endurance life. In this work, electrode life is taken as the
single phase alternating current (AC) RSW machine of sum of total welds made in the stabilization, current and
250 kVA rating at 60 Hz. The electrodes used in this work endurance tests.
were RWMA Group A, Class II, Cu-Cr-Zr domed-flat nose, Figure 2 shows the carbon imprints of electrode tip faces at
female caps with nominal tip face diameter of 4:8 mm  the start of the stabilization test, and the start and end of the
0:5 mm. Electrode force (2000 N), weld time (11 cycles), endurance test with electrode tip face diameter as 4.91, 4.88
cooling water flow (4 L/min), welding rate (25 welds/min), and 4.90 mm respectively for steels #1, #2, and #3 after
and short (5 cycles) and long hold time (90 cycles), specified the stabilization and current tests. This indicates that no
by recommended practices of the AWS standard, AWS/ significant change took place in the electrode tip morphology
ANSI/SAE D8.9-97,20) were used in this work. Based on the and size before and after the stabilization and current tests.
standard, electrode life can be determined in an endurance Only one pair of electrodes for each type of steel coating
test following a weld size stabilization test (to compensate for was tested because of the limited supply of steel sheets. But
the dynamic behavior of welding current versus weld size fortunately the electrode life tests using the AWS standard
that occurs when making welds with new electrodes) and a showed very good consistency in RSW of these GA steels.19)
2238 X. Hu et al.

(a) The contact resistances between electrode and steel sheet,

and between steel sheets, were measured under weld force
(2000 N) without welding current. Data reported are averages
of fifteen replicate measurements using a digital four-point
low-resistance ohmmeter.
1 mm
3. Results
(b) 3.1 Steel coating microstructure and hardness
In Fig. 3, the SEM cross-sections of the Zn-Fe coatings on
the steel sheets are shown, in which the compositions of the
labeled regions were determined by EDS as reported in
1 mm
Table 2. Steel #1 was found to have a three-layer structure
marked as layers A, B and C, with thicknesses around
12, 45 and 23 mm respectively, and compositions of
(c) Zn-1.2 mass%Fe, Zn-5.5 mass%Fe and Zn-10.1 mass%Fe

Table 2 EDS results of labeled areas in Fig. 3 (mass%).

Steel #1 Steel #2 Steel #3

1 mm A B C B C C D E
Fe 1.2 5.5 10.1 6.7 10.5 10.4 14.5 27.7
Fig. 2 Carbon imprints of electrode tip faces for steels (a) #1, (b) #2 and (c) Zn 98.8 94.5 89.9 93.3 89.5 89.6 85.5 72.3
#3 at the start (left) the end (centre) of stabilization tests and at the end of
Possible phases       1 
endurance test (right).

Fig. 3 SEM backscatter images at lower and higher magnification of highlighted areas for steels #1 (a) and (b), #2 (c) and (d), and #3 (e)
and (f), respectively.
Effects of Steel Coatings on Electrode Life in Resistance Spot Welding of Galvannealed Steel Sheets 2239

Table 3 Coating microhardness and contact resistance.

Contact resistance Contact resistance
Steel Hardness
between electrode between sheets
sheets (H=HV 5 g)
and sheet (/m) (/m)
#1 159:1  4:5 9:5  2:3 20:8  3:5
#2 253:3  6:4 10:1  2:5 26:8  3:7
#3 373:5  10:6 34:3  3:6 50:7  4:5

indicated that the compositions of B and C layers were

Zn-6.7 mass%Fe and Zn-10.5 mass%Fe, respectively, which
were confirmed by the XRD analysis (Fig. 4(b)) to be  and 
phases. Although the  and  phases were detected from the
XRD spectra in Fig. 4(b), these were not found in the EDS
results. A possible reason could be that these layers might be
very thin and/or discontinuous, especially for the  phases
between the steel substrate and  phase layer.7)
From the SEM/EDS and XRD results, as shown in Figs. 3
and 4, it was noted that the coating of steel #3 consisted
mainly of  layer with a thickness of 67 mm, marked by
letter ‘‘C’’ in Fig. 3(f). Between the  layer and substrate,
a thinner layer about 12 mm thick was seen. From Table 2
and XRD results in Fig. 4(c), the marks of ‘‘D’’ and ‘‘E’’ in
Fig. 3(f) corresponded to compositions of Zn-14.5 mass%Fe
and Zn-27.7 mass%Fe in the thinner layer, respectively, thus
it was indicated that the microstructure in the thinner layer
was a 1 and  mixture.
Considering that steel coating microstructure can be
greatly influenced by the heat treatment conditions,3,5) the
observations in this work are in general agreement with the
literature. For example, Pickett et al.19) indicated in a study
of RSW of GA steels that  plus a thin discontinuous layer
(c) of  phase existed at 8 mass% Fe,  and  plus a thin
discontinuous layer of  phases at 10 mass% Fe, and  phase
plus a relatively thick continuous layer of  phase was
present at 13 mass% Fe, although only SEM/EDS analysis
was conducted. As the Fe content in GA steel coatings
increase, the thickness of the  layer increases,  and 1
phases start to form and grow, and the  layer reduces or even
Table 3 shows the microhardness of these steel coatings
and the contact resistance of electrode/sheet and sheet/sheet
interfaces. It is clear that higher Fe content increased the
hardness of the coating on the steel surface because of the
thicker and harder surface layers containing , 1 and 
phases (Table 1), which resulted in the highest hardness in
the coating on steel #3. Harder coating hardness resulted in
Fig. 4 XRD spectra of the coating surfaces of steels #1 (a), #2 (b) and
#3 (c).
higher contact resistance, especially for steel #3, as shown
in Table 3. Friedman et al.22) indicated that when welding
galvannealed steel, high coating hardness would result in
(Table 2). Although the inherent accuracy of EDS analysis decreased interface contact area under the identical electrode
for these very thin layers is not high, a comparison of Table 2 force. Both smaller contact area and higher surface hardness
with the phase diagram (Fig. 1 and Table 1) indicates that increases contact resistance.15,23) On the contrary, the lower
possible phases of the A, B and C layers were ,  and , hardness  phase (about 50 HV , Table 1) in the coating
respectively. These were confirmed by the XRD analysis reduced coating hardness and hence contact resistance for
(Fig. 4(a)). steel #1. Higher contact resistance also resulted in lower
The coating on steel #2 displayed a two-layer structure as welding current required to obtain the same button size for
shown in Fig. 3(c) and (d). The outer layer (B) had a saw- steel #3, which is consistent with the literature.15,22,24) The
toothed shape with around 34 mm thickness, and the inner static contact resistance in the Table 3 is the starting point
layer (C) was around 45 mm in thickness. The EDS analysis of the dynamic resistance in actual welding. Although it
2240 X. Hu et al.


MWS line: 3.35 mm

Fig. 5 Button diameter versus the number of welds during endurance test.

cannot be used to replace dynamic resistance, but can give (b)

a rough indication of the relative values of the dynamic
resistance.25) B
3.2 Electrode life
The relations between button size and number of welds
during the endurance tests are shown in Fig. 5. According to
the AWS standard,20) when the weld button size becomes
smaller than MWS, 3.35 mm, as illustrated by a dashed line
in Fig. 5, the number of welds is deemed endurance life.
Electrode life is taken as the sum of welds made in the
stabilization and current tests, and the endurance tests.
Therefore, the electrode lives of steels #1, #2 and #3 are
1349, 1388 and 2988 welds, respectively. This indicates that
the electrode life of the GA steel with a coating containing
11.4 mass% Fe increased by 110% compared to that of the
steel with 9.6 mass% Fe at the coating, while the electrode (c)
life was similar when the Fe content increased from
7.0 mass% to 9.6 mass%. The three dimensional changes of
the electrode tip shape during the endurance tests were not E
significant in this study.
4. Discussion C
The backscattered SEM images of the cross-sections of A
failed electrodes in RSW of steels #1, #2 and #3 are shown in
Fig. 6. The EDS results of labeled areas, i.e., A in steel #1,
A+B in steel #2, A+B+C+D+E in steel #3, are shown in
Table 4. It was observed that the A zone contained mainly Cu
and Zn; B and C zones contained Fe, Zn and Cu; D and E
zones contained Fe and Zn. On the other hand, XRD analysis
(Fig. 7) indicated Cu-Zn and Fe-Cu phases; Cu, Zn, Cu-Zn,
Fig. 6 SEM backscatter image of electrode cross-sections at the end of life
Cu-Fe, and Fe-Zn phases; and Cu-Zn and Fe-Zn phases on
for steels #1 (a), #2 (b) and #3 (c) #3.
the surface of failed electrodes in steel #1, #2, and #3,
respectively. Comparing Figs. 6, 7 and Table 4, it was noted
that the main difference between the electrodes in steels #1,
#2 and #3 was the outermost, continuous layers of Fe rich Table 4 Chemical elements in labeled areas in Fig. 6 (mass%).
phases on the steel #3 electrodes. The Fe on the electrode
#1 #2 #3
surface must come from the steel substrates because of very
negligible Fe content in the Cu electrode.
Fe 0.3 0.5 71.3 0.6 5.4 23.0 34.6 55.1
It has been proposed by Dilthey et al.26) that the material
Cu 81.3 51.1 5.9 31.3 22.6 5.9 0 0
transfer mechanism follows one of three possible scenarios in
Zn 18.4 48.4 39.0 68.1 72.0 71.1 65.4 44.9
RSW of Al sheets, i.e.: (1) the resultant local bond, mainly
Effects of Steel Coatings on Electrode Life in Resistance Spot Welding of Galvannealed Steel Sheets 2241


Fig. 8 Electrode tip face diameter versus the number of welds during
endurance test.

Fig. 9 Copper content on the button (weld) surfaces.

However, in the present study, it appears that the material

transfer in RSW of steel #3 follows mainly the second
scenario, i.e., the alloying between the steel coating and
electrode breaks from the steel sheet and accumulates on the
electrodes, as evidenced by Fe pick up on the electrode
surfaces (Table 4, and Fig. 6 and 7). This results in formation
of Fe rich layers on the electrode surface, which in turn can
serve as a barrier to prevent further interaction between the
Cu electrode and steel coating, hence eliminating the removal
of Cu from the electrodes. This can also be seen from the
preservation of Cu-Zn alloy layers between the Fe rich layers
Fig. 7 XRD spectra of electrode surfaces at the end of life for steels #1 (a), and copper alloy substrate (Fig. 6(c)) as comparing to steels
#2 (b) and #3 (c).
#1 and #2 (Fig. 6(a) and (b)). This Fe-rich barrier is similar to
the TiC composite coating applied on electrode tip surfaces
formed of Al-Cu alloy, between the Cu electrode and Al to improve electrode life.17,18) But the accumulation of the
substrate during welding is entirely pulled from the electrode Fe-rich layer will also contribute to the growth of the tip face
surface and accumulates on the Al sheet, (2) the entire Al-Cu diameter, and eventually reduce the current density and fail
alloy breaks away from the substrate and transfers onto the the electrode.
electrode surface, and (3) the Al-Cu alloy breaks internally, On the other hand, electrode degradation in RSW of steels
with part of the alloy sticking on the substrate and the rest on #1 and #2 follows mainly the first material transfer scenario
the electrode surface. While first and third scenarios have proposed by Dilthey et al.26) The continuous breaking off of
been confirmed in RSW of Al-alloy 5182,19) the first appears Cu-Zn alloy from the electrodes results in fast removal of Cu
to be the main material transfer mechanism in RSW of Zn- and hence growth in electrode tip face diameter and reduced
coated and other alloys, and removal of Cu from the electrode electrode life (Fig. 8). This is can be seen from Fig. 9 in
tip surfaces is therefore the reason of increased electrode which the mean copper contents on the steel surfaces of
wear.13–16) welds are much higher in steels #1 and #2 than in steel #3.
2242 X. Hu et al.

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