Bulan Ke Minggu Ke Hari Ke Date Bobot Progres: Time Schedule

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BULAN KE→ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PROGRES MINGGU KE→ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
HARI KE→ 1- 7 8 - 14 15 - 21 22 - 28 29 - 35 36 - 42 43 - 49 50 - 57 58 - 64 65 - 71 72 - 78 79 - 85 86 - 92 93 - 99 100-106 107-113 114-120 121-127 128-134 135-141 142-148 149-155 156-162 163-169 170-176 177 - 183 184 - 190 191-197 198-204 205-211 212-218 219-225 226-232 233-240
DATE → 5 - 11 /Mei 12 - 18 /Mei 19 - 25 /Mei 26 - 1 /Mei 2 - 8 /Jun 9 - 15 /Jun 16 - 22 /Jun 23 - 29 /Jun 30 - 6 /Jun 7 - 13 /Jul 14 - 20 /Jul 21 - 27 /Jul 28 - 3 /Jul 4 - 10 /Agt 11 - 17 /Agt 18 - 24 /Agt 25 - 31 /Agt 1 - 7 /Sep 8 - 14 /Sept 15 - 21 /Sep 22 -28 /Sep 29 - 5 /Sep 6 -12 /Okt 13 - 19 /Okt 20 - 26 /Okt 27 - 2 /Okt 3 - 9 /Nov 10 - 16 /Nov 17 - 23 /Nov 24 - 30 /Nov 1 - 7 /Des 8 - 14 /Des 15 - 21 /Des 22 - 28 /Des
1 Pengukuran dan Pemasangan Bouw plank 200.00 M' 0.00037 0.037% 0.037%
2 Pekerjaan Sondir 5.00 Titik 0.00138 0.138% 0.138%
3 Pekerjaan Boring Mesin 12.00 m' 0.00055 0.055% 0.055%
4 Direksi Keet 24.00 M2 0.00066 0.066% 0.066%
5 Papan Nama Proyek 1.00 ls 0.00002 0.002% 0.002%
6 Foto Proyek 3.00 Phase 0.00028 0.028% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%
7 Air Kerja 1.00 Ls 0.00028 0.028% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%
8 Listrik Kerja 1.00 Ls 0.00028 0.028% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%
9 Pagar Seng Keliling Proyek 200.00 M' 0.00055 0.055% 0.055%
10 Gudang Kerja 24.00 M 2 0.00044 0.044% 0.044%
11 Paket Kamera Pengaw asan (CCTV) 1.00 Ls 0.00028 0.028% 0.028%
12 Tenaga Pengamanan 14.00 OB 0.00258 0.258% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008%


1 Pembuatan Manual, Prosedur, Instruksi Kerja, Ijin Kerja 1.00 LS 0.00009 0.009% 0.009%
2 Induksi K3 (Safety Induction ); khusus untuk pekerja baru 140.00 Org 0.00013 0.013% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004%
3 Pengarahan K3 (safety briefing) : Pertemuan Keselamatan (Safety Talk dan/atau Tool 140.00 Org 0.00013 0.013% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004% 0.0004%
4 Simulasi K3; 35.00 Org 0.00003 0.003% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001% 0.0001%
5 Spanduk (banner) ; 5.00 Lb 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%
6 Poster; 3.00 Lb 0.00003 0.003% 0.003%
7 Papan Informasi K3. 1.00 Bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.003%
8 Tali Keselamatan (Life Line); 2.00 Ls 0.00009 0.009% 0.009%
9 Penahan Jatuh (Safety Deck); 1.00 Ls 0.00023 0.023% 0.023%
10 Pagar Pengaman (Guard Railling); 1.00 Ls 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%
11 Pembatas Area (Restricted Area ). 1.00 Ls 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%
12 Topi Pelindung (Safety Helmet) ; 140.00 Bh 0.00065 0.065% 0.065%
13 Pelindung Mata (Goggles, Spectacles); 42.00 Psg 0.00008 0.008% 0.008%
14 Tameng Muka (Face Shield); 39.00 Bh 0.00007 0.007% 0.007%
15 Pelindung Telinga (Ear Plug, Ear Muff); 42.00 Psg 0.00008 0.008% 0.008%
16 Pelindung Pernafasan Dan Mulut (Masker); 140.00 Bh 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%
17 Sarung Tangan (Safety Gloves); 42.00 Psg 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%
18 Sepatu Keselamatan (Safety Shoes); untuk Staf 42.00 Psg 0.00097 0.097% 0.097%
19 Sepatu Keselamatan (Rubber Safety Shoes and toe cap) 140.00 Psg 0.00194 0.194% 0.194%
20 Penunjang Seluruh Tubuh (Full Body Harness); 12.00 Bh 0.00055 0.055% 0.055%
21 Rompi Keselamatan (Safety Vest); 140.00 Bh 0.00026 0.026% 0.026%
22 Pelindung Jatuh (Fall Arrester); 12.00 Bh 0.00011 0.011% 0.011%
23 Peralatan P3K (Kotak P3K, Tandu, Tabung Oksigen, Obat Luka, Perban, dll) 1.00 Ls 0.00028 0.028% 0.028%
24 Ruang P3K (Tempat Tidur Pasien, Stetoskop, Timbangan Berat Badan, Tensi Meter, 1.00 Ls 0.00028 0.028% 0.028%
25 Rambu Petunjuk (Rambu Petunjuk, Rambu Larangan, Rambu Peringatan, Rambu 1.00 ls 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%
26 Lain- Lain Terkait Pengendalian Risiko K3 2.00 Bh 0.00010 0.010% 0.010%
27 Alat Pemadam Api Ringan (APAR); 10Kg 4.00 Bh 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%
28 Sirine; 2.00 Bh 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%
29 Bendera K3; 1.00 Ls 0.00003 0.003% 0.003%
30 Jalur Evakuasi (Escape Route ); 2.00 Bh 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%
31 Lampu Darurat (Emergency Lamp ); 2.00 Bh 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%
32 Program Inspeksi Dan Audit Internal; 2.00 Org 0.00018 0.018% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%
33 Pelaporan dan Penyelidikan Insiden. 1.00 Ls 0.00009 0.009% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003% 0.0003%


1 Kolom K1 (30x30), Beton K-300 29.67 M3 0.00267 0.267% 0.267%

2 Besi beton 5,125.97 Kg 0.00654 0.654% 0.218% 0.218% 0.218%

3 Bekisting 246.24 M2 0.00163 0.163% 0.054% 0.054% 0.054%

4 Kolom K2, Beton K-300 0.73 M3 0.00007 0.007% 0.007%

5 Besi beton 154.45 Kg 0.00020 0.020% 0.007% 0.007% 0.007%

6 Bekisting 9.12 M2 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

7 Perkerjaan dalam bangunan, Tanah urug peninggian lantai t=45 cm (dalam bangunan) + pemadatan
331.56CBR 5%
M3 0.00147 0.147% 0.073% 0.073%

8 Pasir urug diatas tanah urug t=10 cm (dalam bangunan) 73.68 M3 0.00147 0.147% 0.147%

9 Cor beton lantai kerja Fc 7,4 Mpa t=5 cm (dalam bangunan) 36.84 M3 0.00298 0.298% 0.298%

10 Cor beton Lantai Dasar Fc 25 Mpa t=10 cm (dalam bangunan), Beton K-300 73.68 M3 0.00663 0.663% 0.663%

11 Besi Wire Mesh M8 2,247.81 Kg 0.00215 0.215% 0.108% 0.108%

12 Tangga lt. 1 (Samping kanan & kiri), Beton K-300 10.36 M3 0.00093 0.093% 0.093%

13 Besi beton 1,546.06 Kg 0.00197 0.197% 0.099% 0.099%

14 Bekisting 23.52 M2 0.00016 0.016% 0.008% 0.008%

15 Balok Bordes 20x35 cm , Beton K-300 0.49 M3 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

16 Besi beton 147.74 Kg 0.00019 0.019% 0.009% 0.009%

17 Bekisting 10.08 M2 0.00008 0.008% 0.004% 0.004%

18 Kolom KB, Beton K-300 0.16 M3 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

19 Besi beton 36.64 Kg 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

20 Bekisting 2.20 M2 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

21 Pelat Beton Canopy Jendela t= 10 cm, Beton K-300 4.63 M3 0.00042 0.042% 0.042%

22 Besi beton 687.01 Kg 0.00088 0.088% 0.044% 0.044%

23 Bekisting 56.83 M2 0.00039 0.039% 0.020% 0.020%

24 SW-1, Beton K-350 37.63 M3 0.00339 0.339% 0.339%

25 Besi beton 9,383.83 Kg 0.01197 1.197% 0.399% 0.399% 0.399%

26 Bekisting 226.80 M2 0.00156 0.156% 0.052% 0.052% 0.052%

27 Kolom K1, Beton K-300 23.84 M3 0.00215 0.215% 0.215%

28 Besi beton 4,180.86 Kg 0.00533 0.533% 0.178% 0.178% 0.178%

29 Bekisting 194.40 M2 0.00129 0.129% 0.043% 0.043% 0.043%

30 Kolom K2, Beton K-300 0.59 M3 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

31 Besi beton 149.16 Kg 0.00019 0.019% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%

32 Bekisting 7.20 M2 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

33 Balok G1.1, Beton K-300 7.16 M3 0.00064 0.064% 0.064%

34 Besi beton 1,346.83 Kg 0.00172 0.172% 0.057% 0.057% 0.057%

35 Bekisting 96.57 M2 0.00075 0.075% 0.025% 0.025% 0.025%

36 Balok G2.1, Beton K-300 6.38 M3 0.00057 0.057% 0.057%

37 Besi beton 1,369.07 Kg 0.00175 0.175% 0.058% 0.058% 0.058%

38 Bekisting 91.71 M2 0.00071 0.071% 0.024% 0.024% 0.024%

39 Balok G4.1, Beton K-300 8.23 M3 0.00074 0.074% 0.074%

40 Besi beton 1,635.61 Kg 0.00209 0.209% 0.070% 0.070% 0.070%

41 Bekisting 91.88 M2 0.00071 0.071% 0.024% 0.024% 0.024%

42 Balok G5.1, Beton K-300 1.66 M3 0.00015 0.015% 0.015%

43 Besi beton 524.04 Kg 0.00067 0.067% 0.022% 0.022% 0.022%

44 Bekisting 22.63 M2 0.00018 0.018% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%

45 Balok G2.2, Beton K-300 4.40 M3 0.00040 0.040% 0.040%

46 Besi beton 1,077.67 Kg 0.00137 0.137% 0.046% 0.046% 0.046%

47 Bekisting 59.99 M2 0.00047 0.047% 0.016% 0.016% 0.016%

48 Balok B2.1, Beton K-300 1.35 M3 0.00012 0.012% 0.012%

49 Besi beton 299.68 Kg 0.00038 0.038% 0.013% 0.013% 0.013%

50 Bekisting 19.38 M2 0.00015 0.015% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%

51 Balok B2.2, Beton K-300 3.69 M3 0.00033 0.033% 0.033%

52 Besi beton 520.81 Kg 0.00066 0.066% 0.022% 0.022% 0.022%

53 Bekisting 53.04 M2 0.00041 0.041% 0.014% 0.014% 0.014%

54 Balok B2.3, Beton K-300 1.71 M3 0.00015 0.015% 0.015%

55 Besi beton 356.46 Kg 0.00045 0.045% 0.015% 0.015% 0.015%

56 Bekisting 24.52 M2 0.00019 0.019% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%

57 Balok B3.1, Beton K-300 2.42 M3 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%

58 Besi beton 449.96 Kg 0.00057 0.057% 0.019% 0.019% 0.019%

59 Bekisting 44.83 M2 0.00035 0.035% 0.012% 0.012% 0.012%

60 Plat lantai 2 t =130 mm, Beton K-300 100.53 M3 0.00905 0.905% 0.905%

61 Besi beton 11,865.84 Kg 0.01514 1.514% 0.505% 0.505% 0.505%

62 Bekisting 788.47 M2 0.00542 0.542% 0.181% 0.181% 0.181%

63 Tangga lt.2 (Samping kanan & kiri), Beton K-300 10.36 M3 0.00093 0.093% 0.093%

64 Besi beton 1,546.06 Kg 0.00197 0.197% 0.066% 0.066% 0.066%

65 Bekisting 23.52 M2 0.00016 0.016% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%

66 Balok Bordes 20 x 35 cm, Beton K-300 0.49 M3 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

67 Besi beton 147.74 Kg 0.00019 0.019% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%

68 Bekisting 10.08 M2 0.00008 0.008% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

69 Kolom KB, Beton K-300 0.16 M3 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

70 Besi beton 36.64 Kg 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

71 Bekisting 2.20 M2 0.00001 0.001% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%

72 Pelat Beton Canopy Jendela t= 10 cm, Beton K-300 4.63 M3 0.00042 0.042% 0.042%

73 Besi beton 687.01 Kg 0.00088 0.088% 0.029% 0.029% 0.029%

74 Bekisting 56.83 M2 0.00039 0.039% 0.013% 0.013% 0.013%

75 SW-1, Beton K-350 20.94 M3 0.00188 0.188% 0.188%

76 Besi beton 8,227.28 Kg 0.01050 1.050% 0.350% 0.350% 0.350%

77 Bekisting 129.20 M2 0.00086 0.086% 0.029% 0.029% 0.029%

78 Janggutan Beton, Beton K-300 8.10 M3 0.00073 0.073% 0.073%

79 Besi beton 666.67 Kg 0.00085 0.085% 0.028% 0.028% 0.028%

80 Bekisting 114.34 M2 0.00079 0.079% 0.026% 0.026% 0.026%

81 Kolom K1, Beton K-300 23.84 M3 0.00215 0.215% 0.215%

82 Besi beton 4,180.86 Kg 0.00533 0.533% 0.178% 0.178% 0.178%

83 Bekisting 194.40 M2 0.00129 0.129% 0.043% 0.043% 0.043%

84 Kolom K2, Beton K-300 0.59 M3 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

85 Besi beton 149.16 Kg 0.00019 0.019% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%

86 Bekisting 7.20 M2 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

87 Kolom K3, Beton K-300 1.96 M3 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%

88 Besi beton 398.22 Kg 0.00051 0.051% 0.017% 0.017% 0.017%

89 Bekisting 19.20 M2 0.00013 0.013% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%

90 Balok G1.1, Beton K-300 7.16 M3 0.00064 0.064% 0.064%

91 Besi beton 1,346.83 Kg 0.00172 0.172% 0.057% 0.057% 0.057%

92 Bekisting 96.57 M2 0.00075 0.075% 0.025% 0.025% 0.025%

93 Balok G2.1, Beton K-300 6.38 M3 0.00057 0.057% 0.057%

94 Besi beton 1,369.07 Kg 0.00175 0.175% 0.058% 0.058% 0.058%

95 Bekisting 91.71 M2 0.00071 0.071% 0.024% 0.024% 0.024%

96 Balok G4.1, Beton K-300 8.23 M3 0.00074 0.074% 0.074%

97 Besi beton 1,635.61 Kg 0.00209 0.209% 0.070% 0.070% 0.070%

98 Bekisting 91.88 M2 0.00071 0.071% 0.024% 0.024% 0.024%

99 Balok G5.1, Beton K-300 1.66 M3 0.00015 0.015% 0.015%

100 Besi beton 524.04 Kg 0.00067 0.067% 0.022% 0.022% 0.022%

101 Bekisting 22.63 M2 0.00018 0.018% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%

102 Balok B2.1, Beton K-300 1.35 M3 0.00012 0.012% 0.012%

103 Besi beton 299.68 Kg 0.00038 0.038% 0.013% 0.013% 0.013%

104 Bekisting 19.38 M2 0.00015 0.015% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%

105 Balok B2.2, Beton K-300 3.69 M3 0.00033 0.033% 0.033%

106 Besi beton 520.81 Kg 0.00066 0.066% 0.022% 0.022% 0.022%

107 Bekisting 53.04 M2 0.00041 0.041% 0.014% 0.014% 0.014%

108 Balok B2.3, Beton K-300 1.71 M3 0.00015 0.015% 0.015%

109 Besi beton 356.46 Kg 0.00045 0.045% 0.015% 0.015% 0.015%

110 Bekisting 24.52 M2 0.00019 0.019% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%

111 Balok B3.1, Beton K-300 2.42 M3 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%

112 Besi beton 449.96 Kg 0.00057 0.057% 0.019% 0.019% 0.019%

113 Bekisting 44.83 M2 0.00035 0.035% 0.012% 0.012% 0.012%

114 Tangga lt.3 (Samping kanan & kiri), Beton K-300 10.36 M3 0.00093 0.093% 0.093%

115 Besi beton 1,546.06 Kg 0.00197 0.197% 0.066% 0.066% 0.066%

116 Bekisting 23.52 M2 0.00016 0.016% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%

117 Balok Bordes 20 x 35 cm, Beton K-300 0.49 M3 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

118 Besi beton 147.74 Kg 0.00019 0.019% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%

119 Bekisting 10.08 M2 0.00007 0.007% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

120 Plat lantai 3 t=13 cm, Beton K-300 100.53 M3 0.00905 0.905% 0.905%

121 Besi beton 11,498.21 Kg 0.01467 1.467% 0.489% 0.489% 0.489%

122 Bekisting 788.47 M2 0.00542 0.542% 0.181% 0.181% 0.181%

123 Kolom KB, Beton K-300 0.16 M3 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

124 Besi beton 36.64 Kg 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

125 Bekisting 2.20 M2 0.00001 0.001% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%

126 Pelat Beton Canopy Jendela t= 10 cm, Beton K-300 4.63 M3 0.00042 0.042% 0.042%

127 Besi beton 687.01 Kg 0.00088 0.088% 0.029% 0.029% 0.029%

128 Bekisting 56.83 M2 0.00039 0.039% 0.013% 0.013% 0.013%

129 Janggutan Beton, Beton K-300 8.10 M3 0.00073 0.073% 0.073%

130 Besi beton 666.67 Kg 0.00085 0.085% 0.028% 0.028% 0.028%

131 Bekisting 114.34 M2 0.00079 0.079% 0.026% 0.026% 0.026%

132 Kolom K1, Beton K-300 11.58 M3 0.00104 0.104% 0.104%

133 Besi beton 2,023.09 Kg 0.00258 0.258% 0.086% 0.086% 0.086%

134 Bekisting 88.56 M2 0.00059 0.059% 0.020% 0.020% 0.020%

135 Balok G1.2, Beton K-300 2.18 M3 0.00020 0.020% 0.020%

136 Besi beton 474.75 Kg 0.00061 0.061% 0.020% 0.020% 0.020%

137 Bekisting 34.16 M2 0.00027 0.027% 0.009% 0.009% 0.009%

138 Balok G2.3, Beton K-300 22.01 M3 0.00198 0.198% 0.198%

139 Besi beton 5,150.74 Kg 0.00657 0.657% 0.219% 0.219% 0.219%

140 Bekisting 316.74 M2 0.00246 0.246% 0.082% 0.082% 0.082%

141 Balok B2.1, Beton K-300 2.25 M3 0.00020 0.020% 0.020%

142 Besi beton 492.38 Kg 0.00063 0.063% 0.021% 0.021% 0.021%

143 Bekisting 32.66 M2 0.00025 0.025% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008%

144 Plat lantai Atap t=13 cm, Beton K-300 10.83 M3 0.00097 0.097% 0.097%

145 Besi beton 1,494.51 Kg 0.00191 0.191% 0.064% 0.064% 0.064%

146 Bekisting 87.41 M2 0.00060 0.060% 0.020% 0.020% 0.020%

147 Pelat Dudukan Watertank (2x5 m), Beton K-300 1.30 M3 0.00012 0.012% 0.012%

148 Besi beton 169.85 Kg 0.00022 0.022% 0.007% 0.007% 0.007%

149 Bekisting 11.82 M2 0.00008 0.008% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

150 Balok tanggulan, Beton K-300 0.60 M3 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

151 Besi beton 147.09 Kg 0.00019 0.019% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%

152 Bekisting 11.09 M2 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

153 Balok B4.1, Beton K-300 6.01 M3 0.00054 0.054% 0.054%

154 Besi beton 1,270.17 Kg 0.00162 0.162% 0.054% 0.054% 0.054%

155 Bekisting 93.87 M2 0.00073 0.073% 0.024% 0.024% 0.024%

156 Kolom K1, Beton K-300 1.12 M3 0.00010 0.010% 0.010%

157 Besi beton 210.41 Kg 0.00027 0.027% 0.009% 0.009% 0.009%

158 Bekisting 7.09 M2 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

159 Balok B3.1, Beton K-300 3.16 M3 0.00028 0.028% 0.028%

160 Besi beton 682.42 Kg 0.00087 0.087% 0.029% 0.029% 0.029%

161 Bekisting 45.79 M2 0.00036 0.036% 0.012% 0.012% 0.012%

162 Atap Bagian Baw ah, Pekerjaan Atap Baja Ringan 484.08 M2 0.01145 1.145% 0.286% 0.286% 0.286% 0.286%

163 Pipa baja 4, T = 3.2 mm 82.96 m 0.00038 0.038% 0.013% 0.013% 0.013%

164 Gording Kanal Profil CNP 100X50X20X3,2 11.32 m 0.00007 0.007% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

165 Plat pengaku, plat penyambung, base plate, Claet Plate 71.11 Kg 0.00026 0.026% 0.009% 0.009% 0.009%

166 Mur Baut A325 HTB Dia 12 mm 32.00 bh 0.00015 0.015% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%

167 Pekerjaan Groutig (sika grout) 8.00 titik 0.00004 0.004% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

168 Atap Bagian Atas, Pipa baja 4, T = 3.2 mm 82.40 m 0.00038 0.038% 0.013% 0.013% 0.013%

169 Pipa baja 3, T = 3.2 mm 319.00 m 0.00171 0.171% 0.057% 0.057% 0.057%

170 Plat pengaku, plat penyambung, base plate, Claet Plate 138.28 Kg 0.00051 0.051% 0.017% 0.017% 0.017%

171 Mur Baut A325 HTB Dia 12 mm 64.00 bh 0.00030 0.030% 0.010% 0.010% 0.010%

172 Pekerjaan Groutig (sika grout) 16.00 titik 0.00007 0.007% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

173 Ikatan Angin/Trackstang dan bracing besi bulat dia. 12mm+kelem 72.95 Kg 0.00336 0.336% 0.112% 0.112% 0.112%


1 Pondasi Bored Pile dan Tie Beam (Sloof), Pekerjaan mobilisasi dan demobilisasi 1.00 UNIT 0.00065 0.065% 0.032% 0.032%

2 Pekerjaan Pondasi Bored Pile D 80 cm (P1), Pengeboran Pondasi Bored Pile D 80 cm 228.00 M 0.00946 0.946% 0.473% 0.473%

3 Beton K-300 114.65 M3 0.01032 1.032% 1.032%

4 Besi beton 7,082.12 Kg 0.00903 0.903% 0.452% 0.452%

5 Pekerjaan Pondasi Bored Pile D 80 cm (Shear Wall P4), Pengeboran Pondasi Bored Pile D 80 cm
96.00 M 0.00398 0.398% 0.199% 0.199%

6 Beton K-300 48.27 M3 0.00434 0.434% 0.434%

7 Besi beton 2,981.94 Kg 0.00380 0.380% 0.190% 0.190%

8 Pekerjaan Pondasi Bored Pile D 60 cm (P2), Pengeboran Pondasi Bored Pile D 60 cm 12.00 M 0.00039 0.039% 0.039%

9 Beton K-300 3.39 M3 0.00031 0.031% 0.031%

10 Besi beton 279.56 Kg 0.00036 0.036% 0.018% 0.018%

11 Pekerjaan Pembuangan Lumpur/tanah pengeboran 166.32 M3 0.00031 0.031% 0.031%

12 Pile Cap Tipe PC-1, Beton K-300 108.00 M3 0.00972 0.972% 0.972%

13 Besi beton 9,975.99 Kg 0.01273 1.273% 0.636% 0.636%

14 Bekisting 244.80 M2 0.00162 0.162% 0.081% 0.081%

15 Pile Cap Tipe PC-4 (PC4-Shear Wall), Beton K-300 29.27 M3 0.00263 0.263% 0.263%

16 Besi beton 5,361.83 Kg 0.00684 0.684% 0.342% 0.342%

17 Bekisting 46.88 M2 0.00031 0.031% 0.016% 0.016%

18 Pile Cap Tipe P-2, Beton K-300 2.16 M3 0.00019 0.019% 0.019%

19 Besi beton 368.33 Kg 0.00047 0.047% 0.023% 0.023%

20 Bekisting 8.16 M2 0.00005 0.005% 0.003% 0.003%

21 Tie Beam / Sloof TB1- 25x45 cm, Beton K-300 21.83 M3 0.00196 0.196% 0.196%

22 Besi beton 4,051.11 Kg 0.00517 0.517% 0.258% 0.258%

23 Bekisting 223.11 M2 0.00148 0.148% 0.074% 0.074%

24 Tie Beam / Sloof TB2- 30x50 cm, Beton K-300 0.38 M3 0.00003 0.003% 0.003%

25 Besi beton 66.97 Kg 0.00009 0.009% 0.004% 0.004%

26 Bekisting 3.33 M2 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001%

27 Pekerjaan Rollag Bata, Pas, 1bt (dibaw ah dinding bata) 97.00 M2 0.00202 0.202% 0.202%

28 Besi Dow el 10-1000 119.46 Kg 0.00013 0.013% 0.007% 0.007%

29 Pekerjaan Galian tanah, Pile Cap Tipe PC-1 169.20 M3 0.00128 0.128% 0.128%

30 Pile Cap Tipe PC-4 (PC4-Shear Wall) 46.12 M3 0.00035 0.035% 0.035%

31 Pile Cap Tipe P-2 4.20 M3 0.00003 0.003% 0.003%

32 Tie Beam / Sloof TB1- 25x45 cm 40.74 M3 0.00031 0.031% 0.031%

33 Tie Beam / Sloof TB2- 20x30 cm 0.67 M3 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

34 Pekerjaan Urugan Pasir tebal 10 cm, Pile Cap Tipe PC-1 14.40 M3 0.00029 0.029% 0.029%

35 Pile Cap Tipe PC-4 (PC4-Shear Wall) 3.90 M3 0.00008 0.008% 0.008%

36 Pile Cap Tipe P-2 0.29 M3 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

37 Tie Beam / Sloof TB1- 25x45 cm 4.85 M3 0.00010 0.010% 0.010%

38 Tie Beam / Sloof TB2- 20x30 cm 0.08 M3 0.000002 0.000002 0.000%

39 Pekerjaan Lantai Kerja tebal 5 cm, Pile Cap Tipe PC-1 7.20 M3 0.00058 0.058% 0.058%

40 Pile Cap Tipe PC-4 (PC4-Shear Wall) 1.95 M3 0.00016 0.016% 0.016%

41 Pile Cap Tipe P-2 0.14 M3 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

42 Tie Beam / Sloof TB1- 25x45 cm 2.43 M3 0.00020 0.020% 0.020%

43 Tie Beam / Sloof TB2- 20x30 cm 0.04 M3 0.00000 0.000% 0.000%

44 Urugan tanah kembali bekas galian 225.65 M3 0.00100 0.100% 0.050% 0.050%

45 Pekerjaan Test PDA Tiang 2.00 TTK 0.00092 0.092% 0.092%


1 Pekerjaan Galian tanah 14.51 M3 0.00011 0.011% 0.011%

2 Pasir urug diatas tanah urug t=10 cm 2.13 M3 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

3 Cor beton lantai kerja Fc 7,4 Mpa t=5 cm 0.88 M3 0.00007 0.007% 0.007%

4 Pekerjaan Pondasi Bored Pile D 60 cm (P1), Pengeboran Pondasi Bored Pile D 60 cm 36.00 M' 0.00116 0.116% 0.116%

5 Beton K-300 10.18 M3 0.00092 0.092% 0.092%

6 Besi beton 838.67 Kg 0.00107 0.107% 0.053% 0.053%

7 Pekerjaan Pembuangan Lumpur/tanah pengeboran 10.18 Rit 0.00002 0.002% 0.002%

8 Pile Cap Tipe P-1, Beton K-300 18.00 M3 0.00162 0.162% 0.162%

9 Besi beton 1,662.66 Kg 0.00212 0.212% 0.106% 0.106%

10 Bekisting 40.80 M2 0.00027 0.027% 0.014% 0.014%

11 Pekerjaan Galian tanah, Pile Cap Tipe PC-1 10.20 M3 0.00008 0.008% 0.008%

12 Pekerjaan Urugan Pasir tebal 10 cm, Pile Cap Tipe PC-1 2.40 M3 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

13 Pekerjaan Lantai Kerja tebal 5 cm, Pile Cap Tipe PC-1 1.20 M3 0.00010 0.010% 0.010%

14 Pemadatan tanah CBR 6% 59.09 M2 0.00044 0.044% 0.044%

15 Pekerjaan Lantai Dasar GWT, Beton K-300 4.38 M3 0.00039 0.039% 0.039%

16 Besi beton 421.62 Kg 0.00054 0.054% 0.054%

17 Bekisting 19.25 M2 0.00013 0.013% 0.013%

18 Pekerjaan Dinding GWT, Beton K-300 7.04 M3 0.00063 0.063% 0.063%

19 Besi beton 1,395.30 Kg 0.00178 0.178% 0.178%

20 Bekisting 99.59 M2 0.00069 0.069% 0.069%

21 Pekerjaan Pelat Penutup GWT, Beton K-300 2.49 M3 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%

22 Besi beton 283.99 Kg 0.00036 0.036% 0.036%

23 Bekisting 19.09 M2 0.00013 0.013% 0.013%

24 Pekerjaan Galian tanah 1.44 M3 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

25 Pasir urug diatas tanah urug t=10 cm 0.65 M3 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

26 Cor beton lantai kerja Fc 7,4 Mpa t=5 cm 0.31 M3 0.00003 0.003% 0.003%

27 Pekerjaan Pondasi Bored Pile D 60 cm (P1), Pengeboran Pondasi Bored Pile D 60 cm 24.00 M' 0.00077 0.077% 0.077%

28 Beton K-300 6.79 M 3 0.00061 0.061% 0.061%

29 Besi beton 559.11 Kg 0.00071 0.071% 0.071%

30 Pekerjaan Pembuangan Lumpur/tanah pengeboran 6.79 M3 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

31 Pile Cap Tipe P-1, Beton K-300 12.00 M3 0.00108 0.108% 0.108%

32 Besi beton 1,108.44 Kg 0.00141 0.141% 0.141%

33 Bekisting 27.20 M2 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%

34 Pekerjaan Urugan Pasir tebal 10 cm, Pile Cap Tipe P-1 1.60 M3 0.00003 0.003% 0.003%

35 Pemadatan tanah CBR 6% 24.90 M3 0.00019 0.019% 0.019%

36 Pekerjaan Lantai Dasar R.Pompa, Beton K-300 2.08 M2 0.00019 0.019% 0.019%
37 Besi beton 175.62 M3 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%

38 Bekisting 2.58 Kg 0.00002 0.002% 0.002%

39 Pekerjaan Pelat Dak R.Pompa, Beton K-300 2.82 M2 0.00025 0.025% 0.025%

40 Besi beton 317.12 M3 0.00040 0.040% 0.040%

41 Bekisting 21.63 Kg 0.00014 0.014% 0.014%

42 Kolom K1 (R. Pompa), Beton K-300 0.62 M2 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%

43 Besi beton 112.99 M3 0.00014 0.014% 0.014%

44 Bekisting 8.40 Kg 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%

45 Balok B1 (R. Pompa), Beton K-300 1.72 M3 0.00015 0.015% 0.015%

46 Besi beton 485.27 Kg 0.00062 0.062% 0.062%

47 Bekisting 32.92 M2 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%

48 Tie Beam Dasar Pelat (R. Pompa), Beton K-300 3.00 M3 0.00027 0.027% 0.027%

49 Besi beton 666.78 Kg 0.00085 0.085% 0.085%

50 Bekisting 30.45 M2 0.00020 0.020% 0.020%

51 Tie Beam Ramp (ruang pompa), Beton K-300 0.07 M3 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

52 Besi beton 16.63 Kg 0.00002 0.002% 0.002%

53 Bekisting 1.36 M2 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

54 Ramp (ruang pompa), Beton K-300 0.29 M3 0.00003 0.003% 0.003%

55 Besi beton 18.79 Kg 0.00002 0.002% 0.002%

56 Bekisting 6.80 M2 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

57 Pekerjaan Galian tanah 28.50 M3 0.00021 0.021% 0.021%

58 Pekerjaan Urugan Tanah kembali 7.98 M3 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

59 Pasir urug diatas tanah urug 5.60 M3 0.00011 0.011% 0.011%

60 Cor beton lantai kerja Fc 7,4 Mpa t=5 cm 0.46 M3 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

61 Pekerjaan Lantai Dasar STP, Beton K-300 1.39 M3 0.00013 0.013% 0.013%

62 Besi beton 148.94 Kg 0.00019 0.019% 0.019%

63 Bekisting 1.84 M2 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%

64 Kolom K1 (STP), Beton K-300 0.29 M3 0.00003 0.003% 0.003%

65 Besi beton 93.27 Kg 0.00012 0.012% 0.012%

66 Bekisting 6.43 M2 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

67 Balok BP (STP), Beton K-300 0.40 M3 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

68 Besi beton 83.36 Kg 0.00011 0.011% 0.011%

69 Bekisting 7.38 M2 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

70 Pelat Atas (STP), Beton K-300 0.70 M3 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%

71 Besi beton 152.26 Kg 0.00019 0.019% 0.019%

72 Bekisting 1.12 M2 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%


1 PEKERJAAN PASANGAN DINDING & BETON PRAKTIS, Pas dinding bata ringan t = 7,5 cm 466.20 M2 0.00844 0.844% 0.422% 0.422%
2 Plesran Trasram 231.07 M2 0.00164 0.164% 0.082% 0.082%
3 Plesteran mortar 701.34 M2 0.00480 0.480% 0.240% 0.240%
4 Acian Mortar 701.34 M2 0.00304 0.304% 0.152% 0.152%
5 Kolom/Balok praktis 11 x 11 cm (termasuk balok Latei) 533.20 M' 0.00381 0.381% 0.191% 0.191%
6 Perapihan kolom beton 216.00 M2 0.00148 0.148% 0.074% 0.074%
7 Perapihan balok beton + balok tangga+janggutan 103.95 M2 0.00071 0.071% 0.036% 0.036%
8 Perapihan pelat beton baw ah tangga + bordes 57.17 M2 0.00039 0.039% 0.020% 0.020%
9 Perapihan topi jendela 45.60 M2 0.00031 0.031% 0.016% 0.016%
10 Pasang Rolag Bata 2 bt, (50x20cm) Pondasi Teras Hunian, Tangga Entrans Utama, 37.70 M2 0.00202 0.202% 0.202%
11 Pasang Cover plumbing di Kolom Entrace : kalsiboard & rangka besi hollow 4/4 7.20 m' 0.00023 0.023% 0.023%
12 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap 2.00 Unit 0.00096 0.096% 0.048% 0.048%
13 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap 2.00 Unit 0.00089 0.089% 0.044% 0.044%
14 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap 1.00 Unit 0.00046 0.046% 0.023% 0.023%
15 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 11.00 Unit 0.00371 0.371% 0.185% 0.185%
16 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 11.00 Unit 0.00162 0.162% 0.081% 0.081%
17 Pintu Toilet , type P3 2.00 Unit 0.00025 0.025% 0.012% 0.012%
18 Pintu Toilet , type P4 11.00 Unit 0.00064 0.064% 0.032% 0.032%
19 Kusen Alumunium + Daun pintu alumunium (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 14.00 Unit 0.00207 0.207% 0.104% 0.104%
20 Kusen Alumunium + Daun pintu alumunium (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 2.00 Unit 0.00030 0.030% 0.015% 0.015%
21 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 4.00 Unit 0.00135 0.135% 0.067% 0.067%
22 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium kaca polos t 6 mm (terpasang lengkap 2.00 Unit 0.00029 0.029% 0.014% 0.014%
23 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium kaca polos t 6 mm, jalusi (terpasang 13.00 Unit 0.00276 0.276% 0.138% 0.138%
24 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium kaca polos t 6 mm, jalusi (terpasang 13.00 Unit 0.00189 0.189% 0.094% 0.094%
25 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR1 13.00 Unit 0.00036 0.036% 0.036%
26 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR2 2.00 Unit 0.00010 0.010% 0.010%
27 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR4 4.00 Unit 0.00044 0.044% 0.044%
28 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR5 4.00 Unit 0.00030 0.030% 0.030%
29 Railling balkon R (uk. 1m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 8.00 Unit 0.00026 0.026% 0.026%
30 Railling balkon R1 (uk. 1,15m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 14.00 Unit 0.00045 0.045% 0.045%
31 Railling balkon R2 (uk. 1,825mX2 x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 13.00 Unit 0.00042 0.042% 0.042%
32 Pasang Hand Railing Besi pipa d.2,5 inc , fins cat besi 56.70 M1 0.00288 0.288% 0.288%
33 Penutup plafond Gypsum t=9 MM + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm modul 552.60 M2 0.01781 1.781% 0.891% 0.891%
34 Penutup Plafon GRC + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm modul 60 x 60 cm 65.10 M2 0.00210 0.210% 0.105% 0.105%
35 Plafond Drop Ceiling Gypsum t=9 MM + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm 98.43 M2 0.00317 0.317% 0.159% 0.159%
36 List plafond gypsum 5 cm 857.26 M' 0.00439 0.439% 0.439%
37 Pasang Keramik Lantai 60 x 60 HT Polished, R, Hunian, Koridoor, R Pengelola & R. 557.69 M2 0.01344 1.344% 0.672% 0.672%
38 Pasang Keramik Lantai di tangga Service dan Tangga utama 60 x 60 HT Polished 22.62 M2 0.00055 0.055% 0.055%
39 Pasang Step nozing 10 x 60 cm HT (cutting) 71.40 M' 0.00141 0.141% 0.141%
40 Pasang Keramik Lantai 20 x 20 km/w c Unpolished(toilet & teras unit) 69.10 M2 0.00110 0.110% 0.110%
41 Pasang Keramik dinding 20 x 25 km/w c Polished 192.24 M2 0.00705 0.705% 0.705%
42 Pasang Plint Keramik 10 x 60 cm HT Polished 379.51 M' 0.00668 0.668% 0.668%
43 Pasang Keramik Tac Tile (Pengarah tunanetra) 19.20 M' 0.00044 0.044% 0.044%
44 Waterproofing EX SIKA (liquid/cement base) di daerah km/w c 210.60 M2 0.00266 0.266% 0.266%
45 Waterproofing EX SIKA (liquid/cement base) di Canopy Jendela 63.85 M2 0.00081 0.081% 0.081%
46 Pasang closet duduk type standart (lengkap terpasang) 14.00 Buah 0.00246 0.246% 0.246%
47 Pasang kran 0,5" stainless (lengkap terpasang) 16.00 Buah 0.00221 0.221% 0.221%
48 Pasang show er dinding + stop kran + kran (lengkap terpasang) 14.00 Buah 0.00220 0.220% 0.220%
49 Pasang jet w asher (lengkap terpasang) 14.00 Buah 0.00220 0.220% 0.220%
50 Pasangan floor drain stainless , di Toilet di Teras, termasuk coring beton 29.00 Buah 0.00027 0.027% 0.027%
51 Kitchen sink+kran 2.00 Buah 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%
52 Handrail Stainless Kloset, Bahan pipa 11/4 in tbl 1mm+Ukuran Lebar 80cm x tinggi 2.00 Buah 0.00003 0.003% 0.003%
53 Cat dinding bag. Luar termasuk kolom/balok, Shear Wall, Canopi (exterior) Tipe 501.13 m2 0.00207 0.207% 0.069% 0.069% 0.069%
54 Cat dinding bag. Dalam termasuk kolom/Balok & beton expose (interior) Tipe Acrilic 1,051.96 m2 0.00434 0.434% 0.145% 0.145% 0.145%
55 Cat Plafond Gypsum dan GRC Tipe Acrilic emultion paint 716.13 m2 0.00306 0.306% 0.102% 0.102% 0.102%
56 Pasang Railing Ramp t.0,85cm: Besi pipa d.2" & 3/4"inc by specialist 9.30 m' 0.00047 0.047% 0.047%
57 Pasang Keramik Lantai 60 x 60 HT Unpolished (RAMP) 3.14 m2 0.00007 0.007% 0.007%
58 Pasang Keramik Tac Tile (Pengarah tunanetra) 8.80 M' 0.00020 0.020% 0.020%
59 Plesteran ad 1:3 t=1,5cm, Rolag Bata, dibaw ah pas. dinding (diatas Tiebeam) 22.67 m2 0.00016 0.016% 0.016%
60 Pas. Acian ad. 1:3 t= 15mm 22.67 m2 0.00010 0.010% 0.010%
61 Pekerjaan Selasar Keliling bangunan Rolag Bata 20 x 50cm (pas. 1 bt) 45.67 m2 0.00101 0.101% 0.101%
62 Beton Floor t= 8cm, K175, besi M8 1 lps 142.09 m2 0.00943 0.943% 0.943%
63 Pasang Keramik Lantai 60 x 60 HT Unpolished 142.09 m2 0.00324 0.324% 0.324%
64 Pasangan dinding bata ringan t = 7,5 cm 763.79 M2 0.01383 1.383% 0.691% 0.691%
65 Plesran Trasram 225.61 M2 0.00160 0.160% 0.080% 0.080%
66 Plesteran mortar 773.94 M2 0.00530 0.530% 0.265% 0.265%
67 Acian Mortar 773.94 M2 0.00335 0.335% 0.168% 0.168%
68 Kolom/Balok praktis 11 x 11 cm (termasuk balok Latei) 829.51 M' 0.00593 0.593% 0.296% 0.296%
69 Perapihan kolom beton 233.90 M2 0.00160 0.160% 0.080% 0.080%
70 Perapihan balok beton 147.71 M2 0.00101 0.101% 0.051% 0.051%
71 Perapihan balok beton + balok tangga+janggutan 112.93 M2 0.00077 0.077% 0.039% 0.039%
72 Perapihan topi jendela 72.98 M2 0.00050 0.050% 0.025% 0.025%
73 Kolom Praktis 12 x25 cm, untk Railling Void 37.40 M1 0.00027 0.027% 0.027%
74 Pasang Cover plumbing di Kolom Entrace : kalsiboard & rangka besi hollow 4/4 6.80 m' 0.00022 0.022% 0.011% 0.011%
75 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap 1.00 Unit 0.00048 0.048% 0.024% 0.024%
76 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 15.00 Unit 0.00506 0.506% 0.253% 0.253%
77 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 15.00 Unit 0.00221 0.221% 0.110% 0.110%
78 Kusen Alumunium + Daun pintu alumunium (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 15.00 Unit 0.00222 0.222% 0.111% 0.111%
79 Kusen Alumunium + Daun pintu alumunium (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 2.00 Unit 0.00030 0.030% 0.015% 0.015%
80 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium kaca polos t 6 mm, jalusi (terpasang 15.00 Unit 0.00319 0.319% 0.159% 0.159%
81 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium kaca polos t 6 mm, jalusi (terpasang 2.00 Unit 0.00029 0.029% 0.015% 0.015%
82 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR1 15.00 Unit 0.00042 0.042% 0.042%
83 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR2 2.00 Unit 0.00010 0.010% 0.010%
84 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR4 4.00 Unit 0.00044 0.044% 0.044%
85 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR5 4.00 Unit 0.00030 0.030% 0.030%
86 Railling balkon R (uk. 1m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 8.00 Unit 0.00026 0.026% 0.026%
87 Railling balkon R1 (uk. 1,15m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 16.00 Unit 0.00051 0.051% 0.051%
88 Railling balkon R2 (uk. 1,825mX2 x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 15.00 Unit 0.00048 0.048% 0.048%
89 Railling balkon R3 (uk. 1,826m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 20.00 Unit 0.00064 0.064% 0.064%
90 Railling balkon R4 (uk. 1,826m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 2.00 Unit 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%
91 Railling balkon R5 (uk. 1,826m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 2.00 Unit 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%
92 Railling balkon R6 (uk. 1,826m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 2.00 Unit 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%
93 Railling balkon R7 (uk. 1,826m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 2.00 Unit 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%
94 Penutup plafond Gypsum t=9 MM + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm modul 480.28 M2 0.01548 1.548% 0.774% 0.774%
95 Plafon GRC + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm modul 60 x 60 cm 72.00 M2 0.00232 0.232% 0.116% 0.116%
96 Plafond Drop Ceiling Gypsum t=9 MM + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm 113.58 M2 0.00366 0.366% 0.183% 0.183%
97 List plafond gypsum 5 cm 883.99 M' 0.00452 0.452% 0.452%
98 Pasang Keramik Lantai 60 x 60 HT Polished Unit dan Koridor 496.32 M2 0.01196 1.196% 0.598% 0.598%
99 Pasang Keramik Lantai 60 x 60 HT Unpolished (Balkon Bersama) 7.99 M2 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%
100 Pasang Keramik Lantai di tangga 60 x 60 HT Polished 22.62 M2 0.00055 0.055% 0.055%
101 Pasang Step nozing 10 x 60 cm HT 43.20 M' 0.00085 0.085% 0.085%
102 Pasang Keramik Lantai 20 x 20 km/w c Unpolished (toilet & Balkon unit) 76.00 M2 0.00121 0.121% 0.121%
103 Pasang Keramik dinding 20 x 25 km/w c Polished 205.34 M2 0.00753 0.753% 0.753%
104 Pasang Plint Keramik 10 x 60 cm HT Polished 327.34 M' 0.00576 0.576% 0.576%
105 Waterproofing EX SIKA (liquid/cement base) di daerah km/w c dan konsol beton 236.62 M2 0.00299 0.299% 0.299%
106 Waterproofing EX SIKA (liquid/cement base) di Canopy Jendela 63.85 M2 0.00081 0.081% 0.081%
107 Pasang closet duduk type standart (lengkap terpasang) 15.00 Buah 0.00264 0.264% 0.264%
108 Pasang kran 0,5" stainless (lengkap terpasang) 17.00 Buah 0.00235 0.235% 0.235%
109 Pasang show er dinding + stop kran + kran (lengkap terpasang) 15.00 Buah 0.00235 0.235% 0.235%
110 Pasang jet w asher (lengkap terpasang) 15.00 Buah 0.00235 0.235% 0.235%
111 Pasangan floor drain stainless , di Toilet di Teras, termasuk coring beton 34.00 Buah 0.00031 0.031% 0.031%
112 Kitchen sink+kran 2.00 Buah 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%
113 Cat dinding bag. Luar termasuk kolom/balok, Shear Wall, Canopi (exterior) Tipe 493.36 m2 0.00203 0.203% 0.068% 0.068% 0.068%
114 Cat dinding bag. Dalam termasuk kolom/Balok & beton expose (interior) Tipe Acrilic 810.76 m2 0.00334 0.334% 0.111% 0.111% 0.111%
115 Cat Plafond Gypsum dan GRC Tipe Acrilic emultion paint 665.86 m2 0.00284 0.284% 0.095% 0.095% 0.095%
116 Pasangan dinding bata ringan t = 7,5 cm 832.87 M2 0.01508 1.508% 0.754% 0.754%
117 Plesran Trasram 230.04 M2 0.00163 0.163% 0.082% 0.082%
118 Plesteran mortar 876.35 M2 0.00600 0.600% 0.300% 0.300%
119 Acian Mortar 876.35 M2 0.00380 0.380% 0.190% 0.190%
120 Kolom/Balok praktis 11 x 11 cm (termasuk balok Latei) 855.77 M' 0.00612 0.612% 0.306% 0.306%
121 Perapihan kolom beton 205.54 M2 0.00141 0.141% 0.070% 0.070%
122 Perapihan balok beton 130.59 M2 0.00089 0.089% 0.045% 0.045%
123 Perapihan balok beton + balok tangga+janggutan 41.81 M2 0.00029 0.029% 0.014% 0.014%
124 Perapihan topi jendela 35.65 M2 0.00024 0.024% 0.012% 0.012%
125 Kolom Praktis 12 x25 cm, untk Railling Void 37.40 M1 0.00027 0.027% 0.027%
126 Pasang Cover plumbing di Kolom Entrace : kalsiboard & rangka besi hollow 4/4 6.80 m' 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%
127 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap 1.00 Unit 0.00048 0.048% 0.024% 0.024%
128 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 15.00 Unit 0.00506 0.506% 0.253% 0.253%
129 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Kaca Polos t=8 mm (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 15.00 Unit 0.00221 0.221% 0.110% 0.110%
130 Kusen Alumunium + Daun pintu alumunium (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 15.00 Unit 0.00222 0.222% 0.111% 0.111%
131 Kusen Alumunium + Daun pintu alumunium (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), 2.00 Unit 0.00030 0.030% 0.015% 0.015%
132 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium kaca polos t 6 mm, jalusi (terpasang 15.00 Unit 0.00319 0.319% 0.159% 0.159%
133 Kusen Aluminium + Daun Jendela Aluminium kaca polos t 6 mm, jalusi (terpasang 2.00 Unit 0.00029 0.029% 0.015% 0.015%
134 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR1 15.00 Unit 0.00042 0.042% 0.042%
135 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR2 2.00 Unit 0.00010 0.010% 0.010%
136 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR4 4.00 Unit 0.00044 0.044% 0.044%
137 Glassblock 20 x 20 + Beton cetak (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type GR5 4.00 Unit 0.00030 0.030% 0.030%
138 Railling balkon R (uk. 1m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 8.00 Unit 0.00026 0.026% 0.026%
139 Railling balkon R1 (uk. 1,15m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 16.00 Unit 0.00051 0.051% 0.051%
140 Railling balkon R2 (uk. 1,825mX2 x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 15.00 Unit 0.00048 0.048% 0.048%
141 Railling balkon R3 (uk. 1,826m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 20.00 Unit 0.00064 0.064% 0.064%
142 Railling balkon R4 (uk. 1,826m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 2.00 Unit 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%
143 Railling balkon R5 (uk. 1,826m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 2.00 Unit 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%
144 Railling balkon R6 (uk. 1,826m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 2.00 Unit 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%
145 Railling balkon R7 (uk. 1,826m x t.1,2m), besi hollow 4/4, fins cat besi 2.00 Unit 0.00006 0.006% 0.006%
146 Penutup plafond Gypsum t=9 MM + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm modul 480.28 M2 0.01548 1.548% 0.774% 0.774%
147 Plafon GRC + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm modul 60 x 60 cm 72.00 M2 0.00232 0.232% 0.116% 0.116%
148 Plafond Drop Ceiling Gypsum t=9 MM + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm 113.58 M2 0.00366 0.366% 0.183% 0.183%
149 List plafond gypsum 5 cm 883.99 M' 0.00452 0.452% 0.452%
150 Pasang Keramik Lantai 60 x 60 HT Polished Unit dan Koridor 496.32 M2 0.01196 1.196% 0.598% 0.598%
151 Pasang Keramik Lantai 60 x 60 HT Unpolished (Balkon Bersama) 7.99 M2 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%
152 Pasang Keramik Lantai di tangga 60 x 60 HT Polished 22.62 M2 0.00055 0.055% 0.055%
153 Pasang Step nozing 10 x 60 cm HT 43.20 M' 0.00085 0.085% 0.085%
154 Pasang Keramik Lantai 20 x 20 km/w c Unpolished(toilet & Balkon unit) 76.00 M 2 0.00121 0.121% 0.121%
155 Pasang Keramik dinding 20 x 25 km/w c Polished 205.34 M 2 0.00753 0.753% 0.753%
156 Pasang Plint Keramik 10 x 60 cm HT Polished 327.34 M' 0.00576 0.576% 0.576%
157 Waterproofing EX SIKA (liquid/cement base) di daerah km/w c dan konsol beton 236.62 M2 0.00299 0.299% 0.299%
158 Waterproofing EX SIKA (liquid/cement base) di Canopy Jendela 63.85 M2 0.00081 0.081% 0.081%
159 Pasang closet duduk type standart (lengkap terpasang) 15.00 Buah 0.00264 0.264% 0.264%
160 Pasang kran 0,5" stainless (lengkap terpasang) 17.00 Buah 0.00235 0.235% 0.235%
161 Pasang show er dinding + stop kran + kran (lengkap terpasang) 15.00 Buah 0.00235 0.235% 0.235%
162 Pasang jet w asher (lengkap terpasang) 15.00 Buah 0.00235 0.235% 0.235%
163 Pasangan floor drain stainless , di Toilet di Teras, termasuk coring beton 34.00 Buah 0.00031 0.031% 0.031%
164 Kitchen sink+kran 2.00 Buah 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%
165 Cat dinding bag. Luar termasuk kolom/balok, Shear Wall, Canopi (exterior) Tipe 447.06 m2 0.00184 0.184% 0.061% 0.061% 0.061%
166 Cat dinding bag. Dalam termasuk kolom/Balok & beton expose (interior) Tipe Acrilic 660.49 m2 0.00272 0.272% 0.091% 0.091% 0.091%
167 Cat Plafond Gypsum dan GRC Tipe Acrilic emultion paint 41.81 m2 0.00018 0.018% 0.006% 0.006% 0.006%
168 Pasangan dinding bata ringan t = 7,5 cm 253.37 M2 0.00459 0.459% 0.229% 0.229%
169 Plesteran mortar 506.74 M2 0.00347 0.347% 0.173% 0.173%
170 Acian Mortar 506.74 M2 0.00220 0.220% 0.110% 0.110%
171 Kolom/Balok praktis 11 x 11 cm 141.94 M1 0.00101 0.101% 0.101%
172 Pasang Partisi GRC Bord Rangka Holow Galvanish (1 muka) 213.18 M2 0.00687 0.687% 0.687%
173 Kusen besi+ Daun pintu plat besi (terpasang lengkap dengan aksesoris), Type P7 2.00 Unit 0.00070 0.070% 0.070%
174 Pasang Hand Railing Besi pipa d.2,5 inc , fins cat besi 18.42 M1 0.00093 0.093% 0.093%
175 Pas. Logo PU Plat Baja 80 x 80 t=3mm finish cat duco w arna doff terpasang 1.00 bh 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%
176 Plafon GRC/expose + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm modul 60 x 60 cm , 48.38 M2 0.00156 0.156% 0.156%
177 Plafon GRC + rangka hollow galvanis 40x40 & 40x20 mm modul 60 x 60 cm, di konsol 78.42 M2 0.00253 0.253% 0.253%
178 Perapihan dak dan balok beton di Tow er air 58.06 M2 0.00040 0.040% 0.040%
179 Waterproofing Membran Bakar t=3cm Lantai Dak Torn + 15 cm Pada Tanggulan 105.33 M2 0.00133 0.133% 0.133%
180 Pekerjaan Screeding mortar 1:2 t= 5cm 95.46 M2 0.00068 0.068% 0.068%
181 Pekerjaan Acian/perapihan dak 95.46 M2 0.00041 0.041% 0.041%
182 Pasangan roof drain stainless , termasuk coring beton 10.00 Buah 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%
183 Cat dinding bag. Luar termasuk kolom, Canopi (exterior) Tipe Wheatershield 329.43 M2 0.00136 0.136% 0.136%
184 Cat dinding bag. Dalam termasuk kolom (interior) Tipe Acrilic emultion paint 37.44 M 2 0.00016 0.016% 0.016%
185 Cat Epoxy 500 micron 95.46 M 2 0.00056 0.056% 0.056%
186 Pemasangan atap spandek T 0,4 613.68 M2 0.01007 1.007% 0.503% 0.503%
187 Pas.Bubungan: Nok atap trans paran 32.00 M' 0.00027 0.027% 0.027%
188 Lisplang GRC tebal 9 mm lebar 20 cm, finish Cat 194.10 M' 0.00099 0.099% 0.099%
189 Talang horzontal bahan metal/zincalum, termasuk rangka dan asesoris 78.10 M2 0.00067 0.067% 0.067%
190 Penutup Atap Transparant T=12mm , UPVC , Skylight semi transparant (20% tembus 294.63 M2 0.00483 0.483% 0.483%
191 Pek. Tanah Subur Pasir urug t = 7 cm 112.34 M3 0.00207 0.207% 0.207%
192 Pek. Tanaman Rumput Gajah Mini 748.94 M2 0.01036 1.036% 1.036%
193 Pek. Tanam Pucuk Merah t= 30 s/d 40 cm 34.00 Btg 0.00047 0.047% 0.047%
194 Pek. Tanaman Pohon Mangga dia 5-10 cm T=1,5 m 6.00 Btg 0.00008 0.008% 0.008%
195 Pek. Tanaman Pohon Kelengkeng dia 5-10 cm T=1-1,5 m 8.00 Btg 0.00011 0.011% 0.011%
196 Pek. Tanaman Pohon Rambutan dia 5-10 cm T=1-1,5 m 5.00 Btg 0.00007 0.007% 0.007%
197 Pek. Pasir Urug t = 7 cm di Baw ah Paving 43.14 M3 0.00079 0.079% 0.079%
198 Pek. Paving Blok t = 8 cm (standart) 616.34 M2 0.00874 0.874% 0.437% 0.437%
199 Pek. Kanstein uk. 8.40.20 Jalan Sekeliling Bangunan 204.80 M1 0.00264 0.264% 0.264%
200 Pek. Pasangan 1/2 Bata Saluran 150.86 M2 0.00155 0.155% 0.155%
201 Pek. Plesteran 1:3 120.06 M2 0.00085 0.085% 0.085%
202 Pek. Acian 120.06 M2 0.00052 0.052% 0.052%
203 Pek. Pasir Urug t = 10 cm 4.89 M3 0.00009 0.009% 0.009%
204 Pek. Galian Tanah Saluran 22.63 M 3 0.00021 0.021% 0.021%
205 Pek. Buis Beton Setengah Lingkaran 30 cm 130.50 M 1 0.00144 0.144% 0.144%
206 Pek. Gorong-Gorong dia. 60 cm Menuju Ke Riol Kota 50.00 M1 0.00069 0.069% 0.069%
207 Pek. Grill penutup saluran, besi siku 50.50.5 + plat strip 26.50 M1 0.00029 0.029% 0.029%
208 Pek. Pasangan 1/2 Bata Bak Kontrol ( 4 unit BK ) 10.24 M2 0.00011 0.011% 0.011%
209 Pek. Plester + Aci 12.16 M2 0.00014 0.014% 0.014%
210 Pek. Pasir Urug t = 5 cm 0.13 M3 0.00000 0.000% 0.000%
211 Pek. Galian Tanah 3.87 M3 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%
212 Pek. Perapihan Dinding Beton Exterior 54.25 M2 0.00037 0.037% 0.037%
213 Pek. Perapihan Daerah Dak Beton 24.25 M2 0.00017 0.017% 0.017%
214 Pek. Waterproofing (coating tahan asam, anti toxid + serat fiber) Lantai dan Dinding 64.68 M2 0.00082 0.082% 0.082%
215 Pek. Waterproofing membran bakar t=3cm di Daerah Dak 24.25 M2 0.00031 0.031% 0.031%
216 Pek. Pasang Lantai Keramik 20x20 ad.5 cm (kasar) 11.83 M2 0.00019 0.019% 0.019%
217 Pek. Pasang Keramik Dinding 20x20 118.50 M2 0.00434 0.434% 0.434%
218 Pek. Cat Dinding dan Dak Bag. Luar (exterior) 54.25 M2 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%
219 Pek. Tangga Dalam 'M' GWT + Cat (model gantung lengkap terpasang) 2.00 Unit 0.00037 0.037% 0.037%
220 Pek. Tangga Luar 'M' GWT + Cat (model gantung lengkap terpasang) 1.00 Unit 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%
221 Pek. Penutup Mainhole Baja + Cat (terpasang) 2.00 Unit 0.00009 0.009% 0.009%
222 Pek. Pasangan Dinding Bata 1:5 25.38 M2 0.00026 0.026% 0.026%
223 Pek. Plester Dinding Exterior/Dind. Terluar 50.77 M2 0.00036 0.036% 0.036%
224 Pek. Acian Dinding Exterior/Dind. Terluar 50.77 M 2 0.00036 0.036% 0.036%
225 Pek. Kolom Praktis & Balok Praktis 11/11 Termasuk Opening Kusen Aluminium 11.28 M' 0.00008 0.008% 0.008%
226 Pek. Perapihan Daerah Dak Beton 25.65 M2 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%
227 Pek. Waterproofing (coating tahan asam, anti toxid + serat fiber) Lantai dan Dinding 58.14 M2 0.00074 0.074% 0.074%
228 Pek. Waterproofing membran bakar t=3cm di Daerah Dak 50.12 M2 0.00063 0.063% 0.063%
229 Pek. Pasang Lantai Keramik 20x20 ad.5 cm (kasar) 13.73 M2 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%
230 Pek. Pasang Keramik Dinding 20x20 49.28 M2 0.00181 0.181% 0.181%
231 Pek. Cat Dinding dan Dak Bag. Luar (exterior) 67.79 M2 0.00028 0.028% 0.028%
232 Pek. Pintu Besi 1.00 Unit 0.00007 0.007% 0.007%
233 Pek. Pembuatan Lemari Surat 1.00 unit 0.00092 0.092% 0.092%
234 Pek. Nama Ruangan 10x20 cm -acrylic (lengkap terasang) 47.00 unit 0.00009 0.009% 0.009%
235 Pek. Nama Lantai 30x30 -acrylic (lengkap terasang) 9.00 unit 0.00002 0.002% 0.002%
236 Pek. Papan Informasi Denah Bangunan 60x120 cm -acrylic (lengkap terpasang) 3.00 unit 0.00001 0.001% 0.001%


1 PEMIPAAN AIR BERSIH, Pipa PVC AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), PVC AW dia. 15 168.00 m 0.00043 0.043% 0.014% 0.014% 0.014%

2 PVC AW dia. 20 56.00 m 0.00015 0.015% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%

3 PVC AW dia. 40 86.00 m 0.00032 0.032% 0.011% 0.011% 0.011%

4 PVC AW dia. 50 (Riser dari Tangki Air Atas), (Ball Valve & Gate Valve), dia. 40 20.00 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

5 dia. 40 1.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

6 dia. 20 14.00 bh 0.00023 0.023% 0.008% 0.008% 0.008%

7 Meter Air c/w BV dia. 20 14.00 bh 0.00052 0.052% 0.017% 0.017% 0.017%

8 84.00
PEMIPAAN AIR KOTOR & AIR BEKAS, Pipa PVC Kelas AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), dia. 150 ( horisontal 0.00155
m pipa air kotor ) 0.155% 0.052% 0.052% 0.052%

9 dia. 150 ( horisontal pipa air bekas) 72.00 m 0.00133 0.133% 0.044% 0.044% 0.044%

10 dia. 100 ( riser pipa air kotor ) 56.00 m 0.00077 0.077% 0.026% 0.026% 0.026%

11 dia. 80 ( riser pipa air bekas ) 56.00 m 0.00062 0.062% 0.021% 0.021% 0.021%

12 dia. 100 28.00 m 0.00039 0.039% 0.013% 0.013% 0.013%

13 dia. 80 56.00 m 0.00062 0.062% 0.021% 0.021% 0.021%

14 dia. 50 28.00 m 0.00013 0.013% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%

15 Clean Out (CO), CO, dia. 150 4.00 bh 0.00007 0.007% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

16 CO, dia. 100 4.00 bh 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

17 PEMIPAAN AIR HUJAN, Pipa PVC Kelas AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), dia. 100 ( pipa tegak )44.00 m 0.00061 0.061% 0.020% 0.020% 0.020%

18 dia. 80 ( pipa balkon ) 39.00 m 0.00043 0.043% 0.014% 0.014% 0.014%

19 PEMIPAAN VENT, Pipa PVC Kelas D (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), Dia. 50 ( pipa riser ) 56.00 m 0.00026 0.026% 0.009% 0.009% 0.009%

20 Dia. 32 14.00 m 0.00007 0.007% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

21 INSTALASI PANEL, Pengadaan dan pemasangan PP-LT.1 dengan komponen panel, sbb , MCCB1.00 , MCB 1P, 60.00092
3P, 75 A unit A , Ampere-meter0.092%
50/5 A, Volt-meter 0-500 Volt, Volt Selector Sw itch, Fuse 2 A, Indicator Lamp, Rel MCB 3P, Cu Bar 5 x 63 A, Accessories & Termination, Box Panel 0.046% 0.046%

22 15.00
Pengadaan dan pemasangan P-UNIT , dengan komponen panel sbb , MCB 1P, 6 A 1 bh, MCB 1P, 6 A 2bh,unit
Box Hanger0.00069
1 bh 0.069% 0.035% 0.035%

23 INSTALASI KABEL FEEDER, Kabel Distribusi Daya dari MDP , NYY 4 x 10 mm2 + E-NYA 6 mm210.00
ke PP-LT.1m 0.00008 0.008% 0.004% 0.004%

24 Kabel Distribusi Daya dari PP-LT.1 ke , NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/1 34.15 m 0.00010 0.010% 0.005% 0.005%

25 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/2 28.95 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

26 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/3 18.95 m 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

27 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/4 29.45 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

28 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/5 35.95 m 0.00011 0.011% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%

29 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/6 43.95 m 0.00013 0.013% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%

30 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/7 34.35 m 0.00010 0.010% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

31 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/8 29.11 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

32 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/9 19.25 m 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

33 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/10 16.45 m 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

34 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/11 16.45 m 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

35 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/12 16.45 m 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

36 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Serbaguna 16.45 m 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

37 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Pengelola 16.45 m 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

38 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Selasar 16.45 m 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

39 INSTALASI KABEL TRAY, Kabel Tray W600 x H100 12.00 m 0.00055 0.055% 0.018% 0.018% 0.018%

40 Kabel Tray W200 x H100 77.00 m 0.00178 0.178% 0.059% 0.059% 0.059%

41 Fitting-Fitting , Elbow W200 x H100 2.00 bh 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

42 Tee W200 x H100 1.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

43 Material bantu ( mur, baut, hanger rod, supporting, dll ) 1.00 lot 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

44 INSTALASI ARMATUR LAMPU, SAKLAR & STOP KONTAK, Lampu LED 7 Watt , (Hunian) 71.00 bh 0.00052 0.052% 0.017% 0.017% 0.017%
45 Lampu LED 7 Watt , (Selasar) 17.00 bh 0.00013 0.013% 0.013%

46 Lampu LED 7 Watt, c/w battery charger (Selasar) 7.00 bh 0.00015 0.015% 0.015%

47 Lampu baret isi TL Bulat-20 w att c/w battery charger 2.00 bh 0.00014 0.014% 0.014%

48 Exit Lamp-18 w att c/w battery charger 3.00 bh 0.00022 0.022% 0.022%

49 Stop Kontak 1P, 220 Volt, 13A, Wall Type 86.00 bh 0.00040 0.040% 0.040%

50 Saklar 1 gang 27.00 bh 0.00010 0.010% 0.010%

51 Saklar 2 gang 18.00 bh 0.00009 0.009% 0.009%

52 Saklar Hotel 1 gang 6.00 bh 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

53 100.00
INSTALASI PENERANGAN & STOP KONTAK, NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 + PVC Conduit dia.20 untuk Lampu ttk 0.00221 0.221% 0.074% 0.074% 0.074%

54 NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 + PVC Conduit dia.20 untuk Stop Kontak 86.00 ttk 0.00230 0.230% 0.077% 0.077% 0.077%

55 PEMIPAAN AIR BERSIH, Pipa PVC Kelas AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), PVC AW dia. 15 180.00 m 0.00046 0.046% 0.023% 0.023%

56 PVC AW dia. 20 60.00 m 0.00017 0.017% 0.008% 0.008%

57 PVC AW dia. 40 86.00 m 0.00032 0.032% 0.016% 0.016%

58 PVC AW dia. 50 (Riser dari Tangki Air Atas) 16.00 m 0.00007 0.007% 0.004% 0.004%

59 Peralatan Katup-katup, (Ball Valve & Gate Valve), dia. 40 1.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.002% 0.002%

60 dia. 20 15.00 bh 0.00024 0.024% 0.012% 0.012%

61 Meter Air c/w BV dia. 20 15.00 bh 0.00055 0.055% 0.028% 0.028%

62 60.00
PEMIPAAN AIR KOTOR & AIR BEKAS, Pipa PVC Kelas AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), dia. 100 m air kotor 0.00083
( riser pipa ) 0.083% 0.042% 0.042%

63 dia. 80 ( riser pipa air bekas ) 60.00 m 0.00066 0.066% 0.033% 0.033%

64 dia. 100 15.00 m 0.00021 0.021% 0.010% 0.010%

65 dia. 80 37.50 m 0.00042 0.042% 0.021% 0.021%

66 dia. 50 22.50 m 0.00010 0.010% 0.005% 0.005%

67 PEMIPAAN AIR HUJAN, Pipa PVC Kelas AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), dia. 100 ( pipa tegak )32.00 m 0.00044 0.044% 0.022% 0.022%

68 dia. 80 ( pipa balkon ) 15.00 m 0.00017 0.017% 0.008% 0.008%

69 dia. 80 ( pipa selasar ) 12.00 m 0.00013 0.013% 0.007% 0.007%

70 Roof Drain, Cast Iron, dia. 80 2.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.001% 0.001%

71 PEMIPAAN VENT, Pipa PVC Kelas D (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), Dia. 50 ( pipa riser ) 60.00 m 0.00028 0.028% 0.014% 0.014%

72 Dia. 32 15.00 m 0.00008 0.008% 0.004% 0.004%

73 INSTALASI PANEL, Pengadaan dan pemasangan PP-LT.2 dengan komponen panel, sbb , MCCB1.00 , MCB 1P, 60.00092
3P, 63 A unit A , Ampere-meter0.092%
50/5 A, Volt-meter 0-500 Volt, Volt Selector Sw itch, Fuse 2 A, Indicator Lamp, Rel MCB 3P, Cu Bar 5 x 63 A, Accessories & Termination, Box Panel 0.031% 0.031% 0.031%

74 15.00
Pengadaan dan pemasangan P-UNIT , dengan komponen panel sbb , MCB 1P, 6 A 1 bh, MCB 1P, 6 A 2bh,unit
Box Hanger0.00069
1 bh 0.069% 0.023% 0.023% 0.023%

75 INSTALASI KABEL FEEDER, Kabel Distribusi Daya dari MDP , NYY 4 x 10 mm2 + E-NYA 6 mm210.00
ke PP-LT.2m 0.00008 0.008% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

76 Kabel Distribusi Daya dari PP-LT.2 ke , NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/1 34.15 m 0.00010 0.010% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

77 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/2 28.95 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

78 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/3 16.45 m 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

79 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/4 18.95 m 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

80 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/5 29.45 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

81 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/6 35.95 m 0.00011 0.011% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%

82 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/7 43.95 m 0.00013 0.013% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%

83 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/8 34.35 m 0.00010 0.010% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

84 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/9 29.11 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

85 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/10 19.25 m 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

86 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/11 16.45 m 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

87 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/12 28.95 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

88 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/13 28.95 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

89 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/14 28.95 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

90 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Selasar 28.95 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

91 INSTALASI KABEL TRAY, Kabel Tray W200 x H100 77.00 m 0.00178 0.178% 0.059% 0.059% 0.059%

92 Fitting-Fitting , Elbow W200 x H100 2.00 bh 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

93 Tee W200 x H100 1.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

94 Material bantu ( mur, baut, hanger rod, supporting, dll ) 1.00 lot 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

95 INSTALASI ARMATUR LAMPU, SAKLAR & STOP KONTAK, Lampu LED 7 Watt , (Hunian) 67.00 bh 0.00049 0.049% 0.016% 0.016% 0.016%

96 Lampu LED 7 Watt , (Selasar) 17.00 bh 0.00013 0.013% 0.013%

97 Lampu LED 7 Watt, c/w battery charger (Selasar) 5.00 bh 0.00011 0.011% 0.011%

98 Lampu baret isi TL Bulat-32 w att c/w battery charger 2.00 bh 0.00014 0.014% 0.014%

99 Exit Lamp-18 w att c/w battery charger 2.00 bh 0.00015 0.015% 0.015%

100 Stop Kontak 1P, 220 Volt, 13A, Wall Type 91.00 bh 0.00042 0.042% 0.042%

101 Saklar 1 gang 30.00 bh 0.00011 0.011% 0.011%

102 Saklar 2 gang 16.00 bh 0.00008 0.008% 0.008%

103 Saklar Hotel 6.00 bh 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

104 INSTALASI PENERANGAN & STOP KONTAK, NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 + PVC Conduit dia.20 untuk Lampu ttk 0.00206 0.206% 0.069% 0.069% 0.069%

105 NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 + PVC Conduit dia.20 untuk Stop Kontak 91.00 ttk 0.00243 0.243% 0.081% 0.081% 0.081%

106 PEMIPAAN AIR BERSIH, Pipa PVC Kelas AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), PVC AW dia. 15 180.00 m 0.00046 0.046% 0.023% 0.023%

107 PVC AW dia. 20 60.00 m 0.00017 0.017% 0.008% 0.008%

108 PVC AW dia. 40 86.00 m 0.00032 0.032% 0.016% 0.016%

109 PVC AW dia. 50 (Riser dari Tangki Air Atas) 12.00 m 0.00006 0.006% 0.003% 0.003%

110 Peralatan Katup-katup, (Ball Valve & Gate Valve), dia. 40 1.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.002% 0.002%

111 dia. 20 15.00 bh 0.00024 0.024% 0.012% 0.012%

112 Meter Air c/w BV dia. 20 15.00 bh 0.00055 0.055% 0.028% 0.028%
113 PEMIPAAN AIR KOTOR & AIR BEKAS, Pipa PVC Kelas AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), dia. 100 m air kotor 0.00083
( riser pipa ) 0.083% 0.042% 0.042%

114 dia. 80 ( riser pipa air bekas ) 60.00 m 0.00066 0.066% 0.033% 0.033%

115 dia. 100 15.00 m 0.00021 0.021% 0.010% 0.010%

116 dia. 80 37.50 m 0.00042 0.042% 0.021% 0.021%

117 dia. 50 22.50 m 0.00010 0.010% 0.005% 0.005%

118 PEMIPAAN AIR HUJAN, Pipa PVC Kelas AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), dia. 100 ( pipa tegak )32.00 m 0.00044 0.044% 0.022% 0.022%

119 Dia. 80 (pipa balkon) 15.00 m 0.00017 0.017% 0.008% 0.008%

120 PEMIPAAN VENT, Pipa PVC Kelas D (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), Dia. 50 ( pipa riser ) 60.00 m 0.00028 0.028% 0.014% 0.014%

121 Dia. 32 15.00 m 0.00008 0.008% 0.004% 0.004%

122 Vent cup Dia. 50 15.00 bh 0.00026 0.026% 0.013% 0.013%

123 INSTALASI PANEL, Pengadaan dan pemasangan PP-LT.3, dengan komponen panel, sbb , MCCB1.003P, 63 A, MCB 1P, 60.00092
unit A , Ampere-meter0.092%
50/5 A, Volt-meter 0-500 Volt, Volt Selector Sw itch, Fuse 2 A, Indicator Lamp, Rel MCB 3P, Cu Bar 5 x 63 A, Accessories & Termination, Box Panel 0.092%
124 Pengadaan dan pemasangan P-UNIT , dengan komponen panel sbb , MCB 1P, 6 A 1 bh, MCB 1P, 6 A 2bh,unit 0.00069
Box Hanger 1 bh 0.069% 0.069%
125 INSTALASI KABEL FEEDER, Kabel Distribusi Daya dari MDP NYY 4 x 10 mm2 + E-NYA 6 mm2 ke PP-LT.3 m 0.00017 0.017% 0.017%

126 Kabel Distribusi Daya dari PP-LT.3 ke , NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/1 34.15 m 0.00010 0.010% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

127 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/2 28.95 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

128 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/3 16.45 m 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

129 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/4 18.95 m 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

130 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/5 29.45 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

131 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/6 35.95 m 0.00011 0.011% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%

132 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/7 43.95 m 0.00013 0.013% 0.004% 0.004% 0.004%

133 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/8 34.35 m 0.00010 0.010% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

134 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/9 29.11 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

135 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/10 19.25 m 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

136 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/11 16.45 m 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

137 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/12 28.95 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

138 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/13 28.95 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

139 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Unit/14 28.95 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

140 NYM 3 x 4 mm2 ke P-Selasar 28.95 m 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

141 INSTALASI KABEL TRAY, Kabel Tray W200 x H100 77.00 m 0.00178 0.178% 0.059% 0.059% 0.059%

142 Fitting-Fitting , Elbow W200 x H100 2.00 bh 0.00006 0.006% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

143 Tee W200 x H100 1.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

144 Material bantu ( mur, baut, hanger rod, supporting, dll ) 1.00 lot 0.00004 0.004% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

145 INSTALASI ARMATUR LAMPU, SAKLAR & STOP KONTAK, Lampu LED 7 Watt , (Hunian) 67.00 bh 0.00049 0.049% 0.016% 0.016% 0.016%

146 Lampu TL 1 x 18 Watt , Balk Type (Selasar) 17.00 bh 0.00013 0.013% 0.013%

147 Lampu TL 1 x 18 W, TL Balk Type c/w battery charger (Selasar) 5.00 bh 0.00011 0.011% 0.011%

148 Lampu baret isi TL Bulat-32 w att c/w battery charger 2.00 bh 0.00014 0.014% 0.014%

149 Exit Lamp-18 w att c/w battery charger 2.00 bh 0.00015 0.015% 0.015%

150 Stop Kontak 1P, 220 Volt, 13A, Wall Type 91.00 bh 0.00042 0.042% 0.042%

151 Saklar 1 gang 30.00 bh 0.00011 0.011% 0.011%

152 Saklar 2 gang 16.00 bh 0.00008 0.008% 0.008%

153 Saklar Hotel 1 gang 6.00 bh 0.00004 0.004% 0.004%

154 INSTALASI PENERANGAN & STOP KONTAK, NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 + PVC Conduit dia.20 untuk Lampu ttk 0.00206 0.206% 0.069% 0.069% 0.069%

155 NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 + PVC Conduit dia.20 untuk Stop Kontak 91.00 ttk 0.00243 0.243% 0.081% 0.081% 0.081%
156 LANTAI ATAP, PEMIPAAN AIR BERSIH, Pipa PVC Kelas AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), PVC AW dia. 65 m 0.00018
(Riser ke tanki air atas) 0.018% 0.009% 0.009%

157 PVC AW dia. 32 (Pipa Drain) 6.00 m 0.00004 0.004% 0.002% 0.002%

158 PVC AW dia. 100 (Header) 4.00 m 0.00007 0.007% 0.004% 0.004%

159 Peralatan Katup-katup, (Ball Valve & Gate Valve), dia. 65 2.00 bh 0.00018 0.018% 0.009% 0.009%

160 dia. 50 7.00 bh 0.00023 0.023% 0.011% 0.011%

161 dia. 32 2.00 bh 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002%

162 PEMIPAAN AIR HUJAN, Pipa PVC Kelas AW (Incl. Fitting & Accessories), Roof Drain, Cast Iron,12.00
dia. 100 bh 0.00017 0.017% 0.008% 0.008%

163 PEKERJAAN UTILITAS, P-PLN, MCCB 3P, 200 A 1 bh, Accessories & Termination 1 lot, Box Penel 1.00
1 Unit unit 0.00461 0.461% 0.231% 0.231%

164 P-MDP, Pengadaan dan pemasangan MDP, dengan komponen panel sbb, Mgs 3P, 63 A, MCCB 3P, 1.00
200 A,unit 0.00092
MCCB 3P, 80 A, MCCB 3P, 32 0.092%
A, MCB 3P, 32 A, Contacto, (timer sw itch), Earth Fault Relay, Over Current Relay, Over / Under Voltage Relay, Pow er Factor-meter, Frequency-meter, Ampere-meter 300/5 A, Ampere-meter 50/5 A, Volt-meter 0-500 Volt, Volt Selector Sw itch, CT 300/5 A, CT 50/5 A, Fuse Carrier 4 A, Indicator Lamp, Rel MCCB 3P, CU Bar 5 x 400 A, Accessories & Termination, Box Panel 0.046% 0.046%

165 P-PENGELOLA, Pengadaan dan pemasangan P-PENGELOLA dengan komponen panel, sbb , MCCB 1.003P, 80unit
A, MCB 3P,0.00016
63 A, MCB 3P, 320.016%
A, MCB 1P, 6 A, Ampere-meter 50/5 A, Volt-meter 0-500 Volt, Volt Selector Sw itch, Fuse 2 A, Indicator Lamp, Rel MCB 3P, Cu Bar 5 x 80 A, Accessories & Termination, Box Panel 0.008% 0.008%

166 KW-meter/3ph/80A 1.00

bh 0.00074 0.074% 0.037% 0.037%

167 P-POMPA AIR BERSIH, Pengadaan dan pemasangan P-POMPA AIR BERSIH, dengan komponen panel1.00 sbb,unit 0.00003
MCB 3P, 32 A, MCB 3P, 10 A,0.003%
WLC 61F G-AP 220 Volt, DOL ( Direct On Line ), Radar diantaki air atas, Fuse 2 A, Indicator Lamp, Rel MCB 3P, Cu Bar 5 x 32 A, Accessories & Termination, Box Panel 0.002% 0.002%

168 INSTALASI KABEL FEEDER, NYY 4 x 70 mm2 + E-NYA 35 mm2 Dari P-PLN ke MDP 50.00 m 0.00069 0.069% 0.035% 0.035%

169 Kabel Distribusi Daya dari MDP , NYY 4 x 16 mm2 + E-NYA 10 mm2 ke P-PENGELOLA-LT.1 10.00 m 0.00006 0.006% 0.003% 0.003%

170 Kabel Distribusi Daya dari P-PENGELOLA , NYY 4 x 6 mm2 + E-NYA 6 mm2 ke P-Air Bersih 40.00 m 0.00018 0.018% 0.009% 0.009%

171 NYY 4 x 4 mm2 + E-NYA 4 mm2 ke P-Shallow Well Pump 40.00 m 0.00092 0.092% 0.046% 0.046%

Type bh 0.00001 0.001% 0.000% 0.000%

173 Stop Kontak 1P, 220 Volt, 13A, Wall Type 1.00 bh 0.00000 0.000% 0.0004%

174 Saklar 1 gang 2.00 bh 0.00001 0.001% 0.0009%

175 Lampu Taman, Lampu Taman/ Penerangan Luar ( t = 2,5 m ) SL 26 w att bh 16.00 0.00111 0.111% 0.1107%
2.00 untukttk
176 INSTALASI PENERANGAN & STOP KONTAK, Ruang Pompa, NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 + PVC Conduit dia.20 Lampu 0.00004 0.004% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

177 NYM 3 x 2,5 mm2 + PVC Conduit dia.20 untuk Stop Kontak 1.00 ttk 0.00003 0.003% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

178 Lampu Taman, NYFGBY 3 x 2,5 mm2 untuk Lampu Taman 16.00 ttk 0.00037 0.037% 0.012% 0.012% 0.012%

179 Testing & Commissioning 1.00 lot 0.00009 0.009% 0.009%

1.00 Body,
180 PEKERJAAN SISTEM PENTANAHAN, INSTALASI, Pentanahan (Grounding) Netral Sistem & Pentanahan 0.00005
bh Body Panel, 0.005% Rod GIP 1 ( untuk R lebih kecil dari 2 ohm )
Item SBB, Grounding 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

181 Copper Rod, kabel BC, clamp rod, Bar CU, kontrol Box, Termination R.Supporting Material 1.00 lot 0.00001 0.001% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%

182 Kabel BC 50 mm2 30.00 m 0.00014 0.014% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%

183 Testing & Commissioning 1.00 lot 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

184 Body Peralatan pada Sistem Elektronik, Item SBB, Grounding Rod GIP 1 ( untuk R lebih kecil dari 2 ohm ) bh 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002% 0.002%

185 Copper Rod, kabel BC, clamp rod, Bar CU, kontrol Box, Termination R.Supporting Material 1.00 lot 0.00001 0.001% 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%

186 Kabel BC 50 mm2 30.00 m 0.00014 0.014% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%

187 Testing & Commissioning 1.00

lot 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

188 PEKERJAAN PENANGKAL PETIR, INSTALASI, Splitzen T=1 meter, pipa galvanized c/w peralatan5.00
bantu unit 0.00014 0.014% 0.005% 0.005% 0.005%

189 Bak kontrol 40x40x30 cm 2.00 unit 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

190 Dow n Conduktor BC 50mm + accessories 102.00 m 0.00047 0.047% 0.016% 0.016% 0.016%

191 Grounding System max. 2 ohm 2.00 lot 0.00009 0.009% 0.003% 0.003% 0.003%

192 Copper Rod, kabel BC, clamp rod, Bar CU, kontrol Box, Biaya Instalasi 1.00 lot 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

193 Material Bantu 1.00 lot 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%

194 Testing & Comissioning included perijinan dari DEPNAKER 1.00 lot 0.00009 0.009% 0.009%

195 Bracket, Seal , Test Box , dls 1.00 lot 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%


1 5.00 ABCbh
INSTALASI APAR, LANTAI 1, Fire Extinguisher Tabung Cat Oven sesuai SPEK & Skedul , Type Class 3,5 kg DCP0.00023 0.023%
Seamless, c/w support 0.012%

2 Type Class BC 4,6 kg CO2 Seamless, c/w support 1.00 bh 0.00006 0.006% 0.012% 0.003%

3 5.00Seamless,
LANTAI 2, Fire Extinguisher Tabung Cat Oven sesuai SPEK & Skedul , Type Class ABC 3,5 kg DCP 0.00023
bh c/w support 0.023% 0.003% 0.012%

4 5.00Seamless,
LANTAI 3, Fire Extinguisher Tabung Cat Oven sesuai SPEK & Skedul , Type Class ABC 3,5 kg DCP 0.00023
bh c/w support 0.023% 0.012% 0.012%

5 Exhaust Fan Toilet, LANTAI 1, Exhaust kap 100 Cfm ( ceiling Mounted ) 12.00 unit 0.00050 0.050% 0.012% 0.025%

6 Pipa PVC Class D, dia. 100 48.00 m 0.00044 0.044% 0.025% 0.022%

7 Grille 200 x 200 (Alumunium) 12.00 bh 0.00011 0.011% 0.022% 0.006%

8 LANTAI 2 & 3, Exhaust kap 200 CMH ( ceiling Mounted ) 28.00 unit 0.00116 0.116% 0.006% 0.116%

9 Pipa PVC Class D, dia. 100 112.00 m 0.00103 0.103% 0.052%

10 Grille 200 x 200 (Alumunium) 28.00 bh 0.00026 0.026% 0.052% 0.013%

11 1.00 peralatan
Sistem 0.092% di Ruang Kontrol secara lengkap termasuk pengkabelan dan koneksi meliputi peralatan sesuai diuraikan dlm Gambar dan Spesifikasi Teknis, tetapi tidak terbats pada item sbb, MCFA, kapasitas 10 Zone
Fire Alarm ditempatkan 0.013% 0.046%

12 MDF, kapasitas 10 Zone 1.00 set 0.00001 0.001% 0.046% 0.000%

13 Rectifier 1.00 bh 0.00001 0.001% 0.000% 0.001%

14 Pow er Surge Arrester 1.00 bh 0.00005 0.005% 0.001% 0.003%

15 Battery & Charger 4 jam 1.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.003% 0.001%

16 Grounding u/ MCFA dan Surge Arrester ( R 0,5 Ohm ) 1.00 lot 0.00007 0.007% 0.001% 0.003%

NYA 5 x 2 mtr 0.00413
x 2,5 mm2 in 0.413%
conduit Dia.32 dari MCFA ke MDF 0.003% 0.207%

18 Kabel NYA 3 x 2 x 2,5 mm2 in conduit Dia.32 dari MDF ke TB-FA-LT.1 2.00 mtr 0.00030 0.030% 0.207% 0.015%

19 Kabel NYA 3 x 2 x 2,5 mm2 in conduit Dia.32 dari MDF ke TB-FA-LT.2 6.00 mtr 0.00089 0.089% 0.015% 0.044%

20 Kabel NYA 3 x 2 x 2,5 mm2 in conduit Dia.32 dari MDF ke TB-FA-LT.3 12.00 mtr 0.00177 0.177% 0.044% 0.089%

21 15.00
PERALATAN PENGINDERA dan PENANDA KEBAKARAN, Pengadaan dan pemasangan peralatan pengindera 0.00037
bh dan penanda 0.037%
kebakaran berikut alat / material bantu lainnya sesuai Gambar dan Spesifikasi Teknis., Lantai-1, Rate Of Rise Temperature - Heat detector 0.089% 0.019%

22 Manual push button 1.00 bh 0.00002 0.002% 0.019% 0.001%

23 Lampu Indikator 1.00 bh 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001%

24 Bell alarm 1.00 bh 0.00004 0.004% 0.001% 0.002%

25 End of Line Resistor 2.00 bh 0.00000 0.000% 0.002% 0.000%

26 TB-FA-LT.1 1.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.000% 0.002%

27 Lantai-2, Rate Of Rise Temperature - Heat detector 15.00 bh 0.00037 0.037% 0.002% 0.019%

28 Manual push button 1.00 bh 0.00002 0.002% 0.019% 0.001%

29 Lampu Indikator 1.00 bh 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001%

30 Bell alarm 1.00 bh 0.00004 0.004% 0.001% 0.002%

31 End of Line Resistor 2.00 bh 0.00000 0.000% 0.002% 0.000%

32 TB-FA-LT.2 1.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.000% 0.002%

33 Lantai-3, Rate Of Rise Temperature - Heat detector 15.00 bh 0.00037 0.037% 0.002% 0.019%

34 Manual push button 1.00 bh 0.00002 0.002% 0.019% 0.001%

35 Lampu Indikator 1.00 bh 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001%

36 Bell alarm 1.00 bh 0.00004 0.004% 0.001% 0.002%

37 End of Line Resistor 2.00 bh 0.00000 0.000% 0.002% 0.000%

38 TB-FA-LT.3 1.00 bh 0.00003 0.003% 0.000% 0.002%

39 15.00kabel NYA
PERALATAN PENGINDERA dan PENANDA KEBAKARAN, Instalasi titik detector dari TB-FA dengan ttk 2 x 1,50.00032 0.032%
mm2 didalam conduit dia. 20 mm2 lengkap dengan aksesoris dan semua peralatan / material bantu pemasangan sesuai detail Gambar dan Spesifikasi Teknis., Lantai-1, Rate Of Rise Temperature - Heat detector 0.002% 0.016%

40 Manual push button 1.00 ttk 0.00002 0.002% 0.016% 0.001%

41 Lampu Indikator 1.00 ttk 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001%

42 Bell alarm 1.00 ttk 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001%

43 Lantai-2, Rate Of Rise Temperature - Heat detector 15.00 ttk 0.00032 0.032% 0.001% 0.016%

44 Manual push button 1.00 ttk 0.00002 0.002% 0.016% 0.001%

45 Lampu Indikator 1.00 ttk 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001%

46 Bell alarm 1.00 ttk 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001%

47 Lantai-3, Rate Of Rise Temperature - Heat detector 15.00 ttk 0.00032 0.032% 0.001% 0.016%

48 Manual push button 1.00 ttk 0.00002 0.002% 0.016% 0.001%

49 Lampu Indikator 1.00 ttk 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001%

50 Bell alarm 1.00 ttk 0.00002 0.002% 0.001% 0.001%

51 Testing & Comissioning included perijinan dari DEPNAKER 1.00 lot 0.00014 0.014% 0.001% 0.014%


1 Pengadaan dan pemasangan unit, Lift Pump Kapasitas 200 l/menit Head 36 mtr Speed 2900 rpm2.00 0.00553
PI 5,5 KW/380V/50Hz/3ph
bh 0.553% 0.277% 0.277%

2 1.00
1 duty, 1 standby ( bergantian), lengkap dengan panel control, w lc di Tanki Air Atas dan accessories set 0.00005 0.005% 0.002% 0.002%

3 Booster Pump. Type Packaged Booster Pump. Kapasitas 2 x 120 l/menit. Head 20 mtr. Speed 1450 1.00rpm. Daya 0.00277
set 2,2 KW/380V/50Hz/3ph. 0.277% 2 Parallel Alternate. ( lengkap dengan Pump & Electromotor, Pressure Tank, Panel Kontrol, Pressure sw itch, Presure Gauge, Accessories, Gate Valve, Header & base Plat )
Operasi 0.138% 0.138%

4 Tangki Air Atas ( Type Cylinder ), Kapasitas 2,5 m3. Glass Rainforcement Plastic (GRP), lengkap2.00 Assesories0.00065
dengan unit 0.065%
dan dudukan/ pondasi 0.032% 0.032%

5 PEKERJAAN SHALLOW WELL, a. Pembuatan / Pengeboran sumur shallow w ell Kedalaman + 501.00
Meter Pipa 0.00646
unitCasing Pipa GIP Medium dia0.646%
150mm Pipa Rising dia 80mm Pipa screen dia 80mm. b. Pengadaan dan pemasangan pompa shallow w ell Kapasitas(deb air)150 s/d 200 Lpm. c.Bak Kontrol Valve uk, 600 x 600 mm dengan tutup Instalasi kabel Kontrol WLC 1 unit. d. Instalasi Pipa GIP dia 50 mm ke GWT 1 unit. e. Gate Valve dia 2 1 unit. f. Bak Kontrol Valve uk, 600 x 600 mm dengan tutup bordes tebal 2 mm 1 unit. g. Panel kontrol shallow w ell type outdoor 1 unit. h. Pengujian kw alitas air ke laboratorium 1 unit. i. Testing Comissioning & Training 1 unit. j. Material & Alat Bantu 1 unit 0.323% 0.323%

6 Ground Water Tank Kapasitas 23 m3 Rainforced Concrete Made 1.00 unit 0.00461 0.461% 0.231% 0.231%

7 2.00
ACCESSORIES POMPA AIR BERSIH, Gate Valve dia. 80 ( Untuk Penghubung/penyeimbang GWT), bh 0.00046 0.046% 0.023% 0.023%

8 dia. 50 4.00 bh 0.00065 0.065% 0.032% 0.032%

9 Check Valve ( CV ) dia. 50 2.00 bh 0.00046 0.046% 0.023% 0.023%

10 Strainer ( STR ) dia. 50 2.00 bh 0.00032 0.032% 0.016% 0.016%

11 Flexible Joint ( FJ ) dia. 50 4.00 bh 0.00018 0.018% 0.009% 0.009%

12 Foot Valve dia. 50 2.00 bh 0.00028 0.028% 0.014% 0.014%

13 Pressure Gauge 2.00 bh 0.00009 0.009% 0.005% 0.005%

14 GIP med dia. 100 ( pipa header ) 1.00 set 0.00014 0.014% 0.007% 0.007%

15 Instalasi pemipaan area pompa, c/w fiting-fitting & support. 1.00 lot 0.00023 0.023% 0.012% 0.012%

16 Meteran Air c/w GV dia. 50 & Box Meteran 1.00unit 0.00000 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%

17 10.00
INSTALASI PEMIPAAN, Pengadaan dan pemasangan unit. Pemipaan PPR PN-10 (Incl. Fitting & All Accessories),
m SITE0.00007 0.007%
PLAN 1. Dari Box Meter PDAM ke GWT PVC AW dia. 50 (Dari Box Meter PDAM ke GWT) 0.004% 0.004%

18 2. Pemipaan R.Pompa ke Tanki Air Atas, GIP dia. 50 46.00 m 0.00072 0.072% 0.036% 0.036%

19 INSTALASI AIR KOTOR & AIR BEKAS, Septic Tank ( Bio Tank ) Kapasitas 9 m3 /hari 2.00 unit 0.01291 1.291% 0.646% 0.646%

20 Resapan Kapasitas 5 m3 2.00 unit 0.00184 0.184% 0.092% 0.092%

21 Portable Grease Trap Kapasitas 30 Ltr 44.00 unit 0.00487 0.487% 0.243% 0.243%

22 TESTING COMMISSIONING 1.00 lot 0.00014 0.014% 0.014%

23 66,000.00
PENYAMBUNGAN DAYA PLN, Pekerjaan Pasang Baru Daya Listrik PLN 66 KVA (Biaya Penyambungan va Kabel) 0.01826
dan 1.826% 1.826%

24 10.004 x 4 mm2
PEKERJAAN INSTALASI KABEL FEEDER, Kabel Distribusi Daya dari Panel Pompa - Air Bersih, NYY m' ke LP-10.00005 0.005% 0.005%

25 NYY 4 x 4 mm2 ke LP-2 10.00 m' 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

26 20.00
Proteksi Kabel dengan Pipa Gip Dia 100 Pengadaan Pipa Gip Dia 100, termasuk galian dan material bantu lainya
m' 0.00065 0.065% 0.065%

27 Testing & Commissioning 1.00 lot 0.00014 0.014% 0.014%

28 PEKERJAAN CCTV, 1. Peralatan Utama CCTV Digital Multiplexer Recorder Hard Disk 320 GB, 161.00
Channel Unit 0.00138
Lengkap dengan 0.138%
Controller Ethernet 0.138%

29 Monitor CCTV TV 32 INCH 1.00 Unit 0.00046 0.046% 0.046%

30 Testing dan Commisioning 1.00 Ls 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

31 UPS 1 Kva 1.00 bh 0.00018 0.018% 0.018%

32 Surge Arrester (15 KA) 1.00 bh 0.00007 0.007% 0.007%

33 Grounding u/ MDF-CCTV dan Surge Arrester ( R 1 Ohm ) 1.00 lot 0.00005 0.005% 0.005%

34 2. Lantai Satu, Kamera CCTV, Dome Camera Colour Fixed w / Varifocal Lens 5.00 Titik 0.00129 0.129% 0.129%

35 Instalasi Camera Fixed Dome Indoor Coaxial Cable (Kabel Data) NYM 3 x 1,5 mm2 (Kabel Pow er)5.00 Titik 0.00039 0.039% 0.039%

36 3. Lantai Dua, Kamera CCTV, Dome Camera Colour Fixed w / Varifocal Lens 3.00 Titik 0.00077 0.077% 0.077%

37 Instalasi Camera Fixed Dome Indoor Coaxial Cable (Kabel Data) NYM 3 x 1,5 mm2 (Kabel Pow er)3.00 Titik 0.00024 0.024% 0.024%

38 4. Lantai Tiga, Kamera CCTV Dome Camera Colour Fixed w / Varifocal Lens 3.00 Titik 0.00077 0.077% 0.077%

39 Instalasi Camera Fixed Dome Indoor Coaxial Cable (Kabel Data) NYM 3 x 1,5 mm2 (Kabel Pow er)3.00 Titik 0.00024 0.024% 0.024%

A RATA-RATA BOBOT PROGRESS /MINGGU → 2.94% 0.90% 0.07% 0.18% 1.40% 3.53% 2.30% 1.30% 1.99% 2.02% 1.47% 1.58% 0.75% 1.78% 2.37% 1.70% 4.08% 3.22% 3.93% 7.83% 8.14% 5.39% 2.63% 2.77% 2.60% 3.78% 1.70% 2.60% 3.73% 2.21% 2.28% 2.63% 1.53% 8.19% 7.43%

B KOOMULATIF BOBOT PROGRES (/MINGGU /BULAN) → 0.90% 0.97% 1.15% 2.55% 6.07% 8.37% 9.68% 11.66% 13.68% 15.15% 16.72% 17.48% 19.26% 21.63% 23.34% 27.41% 30.63% 34.56% 42.39% 50.53% 55.92% 58.55% 61.32% 63.93% 67.70% 69.41% 72.01% 75.73% 77.95% 80.22% 82.85% 84.39% 92.57% 100.00%

Makassar, 5 April 2021




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