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The current research aims to analyse the diversity of workers and its influence on the organizational
performance. The success of an organization is achieved by bringing new creative ideas. Thus, adopting
diversity management and diverse workforce inside organization, will create a behaviour to add several traits
that will enhance the organizational performance by adapting the current work environment to the future
work plan. The goal of the research is to identify the impact of diversity in being an independent variant
resembled by: (Type, sex, age, religion, ethnicity) and the other one the organizational performance in being
a dependent (Related) variant resembled by (market share, sales growth, customer satisfaction, the release
cycle of a new product.) The present research reached numerous of conclusions, their highlights resembled by
the importance of diversity relying on diversity strategy on improving the current products while offering
continuous and effective support to the projects of development and research, considering it as the main tool
to support the success of effective organizational performance. The results generally confirmed the relation
and the expected impact between the effective organization performance and diversity in the researched
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 2 / 2016
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 2 / 2016
was used to measure organizational performance (Ferlenius, 2004) Pointed out that diversity
that includes 13 paragraphs. management is responsible for creating a new
workspace and a new way that has a set
DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT commitments and values that reserves the
differences between individuals, briefly it
Managers and leaders understand the increasing concentrates and redirects the organization’s
importance of type on the concepts of justice and culture.
equality and equal opportunities they respond to by Diversity management is the management of
making programs and practices that ensure the individuals in a way that makes every one of them
process of choosing employing and supporting new feel as a valuable and effective part of the
diverse employees, but how do they manage this organization.
process? (Cox, 2004) sees diversity management as the
Thomas and Ely pointed out that realizing the rates current and the commitment on the part of the
of diversity between employees is not sufficient to organization that value the differences between the
earn all the benefits that exist between them, in employees in the work environment by using
accordance to this prototype for both researchers, diversity as a source of power to achieve the
leaders must seek the concept of management company’s goals.
diversity deeply, focusing on making groups of
employees (Age, ethnicity, traditions) since this 2. The concept of diversity
resembles diversity in the working group not the Diversity is the characteristics that differentiates
work itself. members from each other like age, sex, culture,
Diversity organization in human resources is education, and social status. Employment level,
accompanied by richness and diversity in religious beliefs and political beliefs, physical
knowledge, as well as unique improvements ability) some members may overlap in some of these
concerning organizational performance including characteristics (Gardenswartz, Rowe, 2010)
decision making, mental communication, ways to Every organization owns a variety of human
achieve goals, ways to motivate the employees and resources but those organizations differ from each
other practices that can make a change in the other on the level of variety or diversity, diversity
orientation and the practices of the organization arises from these differences (age: young or older),
when it’s required, when the organization allows (type: male or female), (nationality) (religion:
diversity to make substantial impact on the work Muslim, Christian etc.), (colour: black or white)
practices and its fundamental theories, that’s when (Ahmed, 2014).
the leaders feel safe towards the existence of a Munjuri (2012) pointed out that diversity is the way
diverse working force (Brooklyn, 2013). that can affect their relation within the organization
Diverse organizations are characterized by focusing such as age, gender, education, religion, and culture.
on employing and just treatment in other way Mercs (2012) sees as diversity the difference in (age,
diverse organizations have the policies and practices sex, ethnicity, education, culture) as a strong factor
pointed out by the full form of human resources, to complete tasks inside the organization
supporting the abilities of the employees to make effectively).
use of their potential also organizations can step one Cox (2001) sees that differences in cultures and
more step ahead to create a full organization, since traditions whether social or cultural among the
full organization share the same opinions to employees within the organization.
determine its strategies, its work performance, From what was previously discussed the researcher
operating system, also the fundamental values and sees that diversity allows organizations to improve
the rules of success. business performance, innovation, and creativity to
create a competitive environment that allows the
1. The concept of diversity management organization to survive and continue in a rapidly
Diversity management is the admission of changing environment through a diverse mixture of
individual differences and appreciation of those employees and tasks.
differences, also the concept of diversity includes
justice and respect, meaning every person is linked 3. Negative effects of diversity
to his own self realizing individual differences. Priscilla (2013) pointed out the high costs for
It’s the last evolvement in the series of strategies that diversity management, the increase in satisfaction
aims to get even opportunities in the number of ways can be costly, training using the best ways to interact
to improve organization and their effectiveness, with other employees, this type can lead to different
while focusing on positive treatment between types of view, values, work traditions, the things that
different civilizations among the employees to can obstruct business if they don’t impose criteria,
encourage a cultured environment with performance which can also lead managers and some workers to
(John, 2007). bias against the minorities.
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 2 / 2016
4. The positives of diversity management are: women perform with more stability than men do,
- When the organization can beat the difficulties of while they show less expectation to succeed than
diversity then this means it possess competitive men do. Also, the absence percentage for women is
characteristics better than those organization who higher than those of men due to pregnancy and
couldn’t coop with the difficulties of diversity; maternity.
- Successful organizations in diversity management
increase their abilities to attract good human * Age (John & Burke, 2003)
resources; The researcher found out that age is especially
- The increase in the organization’s speed and its important, since people with 50 years and above
ability to work productively along with market compose 85% of expected businesses, from the
(Priscilla, 2013); expected work of years 1990-2005. Those workers
- Diversity in ideas and innovation and the ability to are unstable concerning their jobs lacking flexibility
solve problems (McLauren, 2012); and desire. In some cases, workers at the age of 40
- The increase in the organization’s flexibility in are slow and suffer from the lack of daring. Their
facing issues generally (Ahmed, 2014). abilities are no longer taken in consideration by the
Diversity management is the last in the series of organization
strategies that aims to get the chances on the ways to Treating the employees differently based on age has
improve competitiveness in organizations and their been found increasingly effective in the U.S and the
effectiveness, while focusing on the necessity of U.K.
bringing different civilizations into the group of (Josiah & Omkar, 2015) Pointed out the young
employees, as well as dealing flexibly with those people in their first stages of learning are more
differences to encourage a civilized environment driven to discover their role model and discover new
between employees and to look at differences as the things, as well as accepting better ideas, older people
values that push employees to do their best. face the problem of lacking quality in solving issues.
Geller and Veen, 2009) mentioned that
5. Dimensions of diversity inhomogeneous age group can impact the
The world is rapidly racing towards diversity productivity of the organization, that can weaken it.
Diversity and cultural diversity on the country's
level or the global level do not repulse with patriotic * Ethnicity (John Burke, 2003)
belonging, since patriotism is a very vast term that
exceeds ethnicity. Language puts all the citizens of In the United States the working force was made of
the country in one patriotic frame while reserving African, American Asian American, Spanish
the different flavours of different cultures nested in American, in a statistic during 2005 it was found that
it. No matter how big it is. 27% of those form the working force.
Diversity presents a great chance for the fusing of (Hudson) formed an expectation that this percentage
civilizations. Development and growing are assured will increase to 32 % in the year 2020, this theory
by diversity and the bridge for monogamy and the probably has an impact on the professional career
symmetry of citizens and nations (Feroron, 2003). chances and the progress of the employees within
The focus falls on the group of dimensions linked the minorities.
with diversity as pointed by (Gordenswartz and The problem of different ethnicities between
Rovos, 2010), as presented in the figure 2. individuals, groups and nations is one serious
problem that made the misery of human history,
*Sex or type difference leads to conflict if not contained and
The international work organization (ILO) points managed in accordance to the rights of sex will turn
out that the lack of variety in the employees’ base into injustice and deprivation. The type of ethnicity
while putting holds on women participation might became a hot topic in organizations in the whole
limit economic growth due to the fifth goal of the wide world. This factor might be less effective on
united states agenda expiring in 2030 encourages to the employee’s performance in doing his job,
achieve equality between the two sexes while opposed to sex, age, culture, and diversity
allowing women to participate, teach and fill management and those generated from the type of
leadership roles (Davidson & Burke, 2011). ethnicity itself.
Ethnicity type can arise challenges due to different
A study by (John Wiles, 2003) says that there is a individuals; ethnicity differences can impact the
minor difference between men and women in personal individual engagements.
performing their jobs inside to organizations. Both
men and women show no signs of differences in *Religion
their ability to solve problems as well as their Religious easiness is just a way to respect people and
analysing and competitive skills along with their treat them fairly, so that the individual can get a
motivational skills and their ability to teach plus productive and homogeneous workplace, there is an
their social traits. In other studies, it was shown that extra benefit on the organization in that it learns at
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 2 / 2016
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 2 / 2016
organization to draw on those ideas to meet up with Or to bring consultants specialized in diversity to
its strategies and the customer requirements help the organization in carrying on the plan and to
efficiently. carry the plan to the employees, one of the problems
- More effective execution that face organizations is the inability to transport
- Organization that follows diversity in their work plans to employees, this can be done by holding
will inspire all its workers to work effectively and meetings about diversity. Putting employees in the
that the organization strategies will be executed thus battlefield is half the battle of achieving the plan.
--- acquiring high productivity
*The dominance of the majority (Cox, 1991)
9. Challenges that come with diversity (Eisenberg The majority in the work place goes back to
et al, 2010) homogeneous cultural backgrounds, this on its own
- Cooperation or communication resembles an implied threat that imposes on other
Languages and cultures, awareness tools, all of them backgrounds, and this usually happens
must be overcome using various programs. coincidentally and produces huge numbers.
Ineffective communication will cause distraction This dominance will impose pressure or stress on
and shortage in the working team and the moral different work groups creating a small cultural work
spirit group that attracts bigger cultural work groups.
- Blocking change: Usually employees will reject
accepting the truth, cultural change, and social * Group belief (Turner, 1998)
change in their work base It’s usually when a group in the same organization
- The policy of including diversity management in adopts the same ideas to lessen the differences.
work This sounds like a good thing. But the global
This challenge can overcome all diversity advocates economy requires various points of view
through researches and dividing employees that . A group with a belief will contain the opposing
implement strategies by increasing the effect of points of view. Without the difference in points of
diversity in the organization. view the organization holds few chances to widen its
Mitchell (2016) pointed out to a group of challenges horizon whether in a geographical area to invent
that faces diversity management something new.
* Every work place faces People that reject the * Factors of diversity success (Patricia, 2007)
process of diversity in work, change even in a -Leaders that appreciate and support diversity
perfect environment we find people that do not take - Employees behaviour and procedures that overlap
plans seriously, this will be a big challenge for with the values of the management lay, behaviour
managers and owners to carry on with their plan, - Strategies that attract diverse working force on all
those negative habits can affect the moral spirit and levels including the management.
cause disruption in the production process. This can - barriers that hold the whole working force from the
be corrected by using workshops, achieving participation of women, native people ،workers of
chemistry between workers to achieve the perfect different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, sex
working environment. diversity and to work on eradicating all of those.
Koonce (2001) sees that the factors of success are:
* Weak communication link due to different - Managers that believe a diverse working
backgrounds and various cultures, age groups, force is essential to achieve successful skills.
sexes, religions; a result of these differences will be
different communication patterns between - The managers realize the truth behind
employees there will be misunderstandings form diversity not based on the differences between
one party to another, this causes a problem for the groups but on the differences between individuals.
organization to manage differences with the - The managers are ready to change the
existence of these problems organization; the organization needs to learn the
Misunderstanding leads to the wrong type of perfect way to handle diversity in the workplace to
diversity which leads to bad relations between succeed in the future.
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 2 / 2016
management specifically and management interest for the contributors by being the main
behaviour generally aside from that. This subject is responsibility for the management.
still mysterious and controversial one whether in its Besides a new direction appeared especially in
definition or the elements it contains. Knowing capitalist societies call for the commitment necessity
organizational performance helps discover the range of the organization towards the society it falls in and
of organization ability to face changing environment towards the organization’s task in solving social
and the level of compatibility with the strategic problems linked with doing those activities.
procedures with the goals of the organization and its Shermehor (2001) sees that social responsibility is
resources. (Tuggle, 1998) the organization’s commitment to working in ways
Daft (2001) pointed out that organizational that serves its interests and those whose interest is
performance is the total of all processes done by the affected by its behaviour generally.
organization, any error within any part reflects on Social responsibility is constant commitment on the
the performance which is the mirror of the side of the organizations by acting morally and
organization. contributing to making economic growth and
Beard & Dess (1981) see organizational working on improving the type of living condition
performance as the result of correspondence of the working force and their families, native
between strategy and internal environment factors society, and society as whole (Capron, 2007).
for the organization.
Human resources strategies: *Increasing profit
Organizational performance is the company's ability Indicators were counted on to measure
to achieve its market goals as well as financial goals organizational performance in this field including,
and market share plus the growth rate. (Vickery, coping with change of organization profit and the
1991) returns of royalty rights.
Performance is the ability to produce effectively
(consuming few resources) for products and services *Market share
to respond to the market (type, options, price) which This is one of the most important gauges to coop
allows overflowing to push the economic system with change in the organization performance that
(Plorino, 1991) indicates the effectiveness of organization’s strategy
Peterson et al (2003) added that organizational or the extent of the success of its work, programs,
performance is the company's ability to use its and products compared to its competitors.
resources effectively and produce homogeneous
outlets; *Adaptation
David (2015) defines organizational performance as (Willi and Umlker, 2003) see that fulfilling
the set of results depending on the activities and individual needs, self-proving, and the increase of
practices done by the organizations. That is expected resistance to work under pressure and the increase of
to be parallel with goals and plans placed. satisfaction level about his job, all of those are to
The researcher sees organizational performance as allow improvement in employees’ performance and
the company's ability to meet with the requirements their productivity in the organization which is an
and desires of the customer in a way that achieves essential factor for the individual adaptation within
goals. the organization (Altaher, 2007).
2 - Dimension of organizational performance Kotler (2000) pointed out to numerous factors that
(Miller and Dess, 1996) lead to a special organizational performance through
- Social responsibility sharing the characteristics of organizations with
- Increasing profit supreme performance, he presented four factors that
- Work abilities lead to a supreme organizational performance:
- Adaptation 1- Supreme performance happens through selecting
- Sales growth those concerned (Customer, workers, suppliers,
-market share disrupters) the organization realizes to complete
The researcher will use those as indicators to their needs.
measure organization performance 2- Managing the operations of fundamental works
resembled in developing a new product, attracting
* Social Responsibility customers, cutting spending, fulfilling needs to
The traditional concept of social responsibility of the allow the organization to fulfil its personal goals by
organization in the necessity of achieving profit satisfying those of interest.
within the legal framework the product acquired its 3- Allocating human resources (financial, corporal,
ingredients from the classic economic theory that the informational).
main calibre for the organization performance is its 4- Effective management able to put a clear and
economic efficiency that falls in organizing self- known strategy for the workers as well was as
setting goals and how to achieve them.
Cross-Cultural Management Journal
Volume XVIII, Issue 2 / 2016
The researchers see that the organizational the workers of the company through rewards and
performance as a reflection of the organization’s payment increase.
ability and its competency in achieving goals The mass of growth has a special importance; the
already planned for carefully by the organization financial analyst can determine the nature of
which reflects positively on achieving their company’s growth if it’s suitable with the economic
competitive capabilities. growth rates which allow a sure growth.
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Volume XVIII, Issue 2 / 2016
organizational culture to reach creativity and The problem falls in a person not trusting himself to
flexibility (Dessler, 2003). do his job which reflects negatively on performance.
• Work pressure
4 - Factors affecting organizational performance: Modern work is filled with responsibility and tasks,
some employees do their jobs under pressure, others
• Human relations escape their jobs under this kind of pressure,
Many researchers agree that human relations play an organizations where job pressure is high, this kind
important role in elevating performance of of pressure will determine employees’ performance
organizations, they found out that there is an effect (Ries & Penda, 2001).
of human relations on organization performance. • Sufficient resources and time:
Organizational performance is the interaction Both of those allow employees to do their jobs and
between the elements of production resembled by that’s important for a better performance and the
human resources – financial resources, tools, and employees will have a sense of pride when they do
raw material as well as time, all of them are their jobs.
interacted to raise organizational performance, most • Lack of plan clearance:
researchers agree on high organizational This happens when the employees are given
performance by the fusion of five main components incomplete or vague plan this will produce pressure
(Employees participation, self-driven team, on the employees and impact the performance
inclusive quality management, organizational negatively, the employees will not have a clear idea
education, production technology (Angrlo, 2005). on the organization decisions thus they resort to their
• Conflict own expectations, this will hurt the organization
Starting from the point of organizational conflict as image and destroy performance trust.
unfamiliar and unnatural as it leaves negative traits
on performance and organization effectiveness thus *Outdated technologies
it has to be dealt with (Abd Al-Wahd, 2008). To make the employees efficient and productive
Modern management mentality sees that they need to possess the right tools, ignoring the
organizational conflict is avoided; the existence of importance of updating the equipment can decrease
conflict within the organization causes staleness or the productivity level and performance.
the falling of the company, high levels of conflict hit • Ignoring health condition
cooperation critically, moderate conflict levels are Bad health condition for one of the employees can
required. (Rogers, 2006). affect his ability to perform and this has an
• Informational technology increasing impact against the goals of the
The concepts of informational technology are organization.
numerous in accordance with the opinions of
researchers, the contributions of informational There are several factors that affect performance
technology are manifested in motivating individuals (Ries and Pena, 2001)
to achieve better performance. • Long working hours
It helped in presenting new motivators contributing This negatively impacts the performance of the
at enforcing the effectiveness of organizational employees, their families and society (Lonnie
performance, (Daft, 2000) pointed out that it’s a Golden, 2011)
strategical weapon than can help support the • Training
organization abilities. Organizations present awareness towards constant
• Permission training.
(Goodman, 2007) pointed out that permission is New production information, new improvement
giving allowance to the follower holding him the plans for the organization, more importantly training
responsibility, while assuring that the follower employees on modern technologies. Since training
understands the task or duty and that he has the plays an important role on the employees’
information, training, motivation, guidance, health performance.
skills to become successful). • Pressure
(Quinn & Spreitzer, 1997) mentioned the width of Presumably, pressure has a positive impact on
calculation data of the workers concerning market employees in every organization but to a known
share, growth chances and, competitiveness extent, in most organization it surpasses the limit
strategies all those are main steps in the right that the employee can handle which leaves a
direction in the journey of permission program. negative trail.
• Communication
The link between social media sites and the
5 - Factors that effects employee’s performance employee performance will create obstacles for the
in work (Arindam, 2016) employees to compete with their routine problems
and to get solution for them from their managers
• Personality (Nnuru, 2012).
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Volume XVIII, Issue 2 / 2016
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- Ethnicity