Md. Asik Iqbal

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East West University

Project Report

Railway Online Booking System Design and


Submitted by:

Md. Asik Iqbal 2015-1-55-003

Tridib Biswas 2015-1-55-021
Rokebul Ehsan 2015-1-55-027

This paper is an essential fragmentary of the total completeness of the degree of Bachelor
Science in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering at East West University.

Project Supervisor Chairperson

Dr. Anup Kumar Paul Dr. Mohammed Moseeur Rahman

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor & Chairperson

Department of Electronics and Communications Department of Electronics and

Engineering Communications Engineering


We hereby declare that we complete our project on the topic entitle Railway Online Booking
System Design and Implementation. We prepared the project report and submitted to the
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering. This project is submitted to fulfil
the requirement the degree of B.Sc. in Information and Communications Engineering.

We claim that project work which is demonstrated in this report is out own work. We also declare
that this work has not been submitted anywhere for publication.

________________ __________________ ___________________

Md. Asik Iqbal Tridib Biswas Rokebul Ehsan
2015-1-55-003 2015-1-55-021 2015-1-55-027

Signature of Supervisor Signature of Chairperson

___________________________ ________________________________
Dr. Anup Kumar Paul Dr. Mohammed Moseeur Rahman
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor & Chairperson

Department of Electronics and Communications Department of Electronics and

Engineering Communications Engineering


Our designed Railway Reservation System facilitates the passengers to enquire about the trains
available on the basis of source and destination, Booking and Cancellation of tickets, enquire about
the status of the booked ticket, Tracking the current position etc. The aim of case study is to design
and develop a database maintaining the records of different trains, train status, and passenger. It is
the computerized system of reserving the seats of train seats in advanced. It is mainly used for long
route. On-line reservation has made the process for the reservation of seats very much easier than
ever before.
In our country, there are number of counters for the reservation of the seats and one can easily
make reservations and get tickets. Then this project contains entity relationship model diagram
based on railway reservation system and introduction to relation model. The design of the railway
reservation database system is also based on the relation model.

Railway Online Booking System Design and

Letter of Acceptance

This Project entitled by “ Railway Online Booking System Design and Implementation” submitted
by Md. Asik Iqbal (2015-1-55-003), Tridib Biswas (2015-1-55-021), Rokebul Ehsan (2015-1-55-
027) to the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, East West University,
Dhaka, Bangladesh is granted by the dept. in some achievement of assertion for the Reward of the
Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information and Communications Engineering in April 2019.

___________________ _________________________________
Date Supervisor
Dr. Anup Kumar Paul
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh


We would like to express our sincere thanks to our project head Assistant Professor Dr. Anup
Kumar Paul for his endeavor help and cooperation in completion of the project. He constantly
encouraged me with his valuable suggestions throughout the project lifecycle.

We would also like to thank faculty members of our university for their kind interest at various
points to follow the project lifecycle.

We wish to thank the great people of department of Electronics and Communications Engineering
at East West University.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER-01 ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 2
CHAPTER-02 ............................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 System Overview ................................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 System Function.................................................................................................................................. 4
2.3 System design ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Database design .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.5 ER Model ............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.6 Modification and Implementation over existing model ...................................................................... 8
CHAPTER-03 ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Case Diagram ...................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Activity Diagram .............................................................................................................................. 10
3.3 System Requirements........................................................................................................................ 10
1.Web Server (Apache Server (XAMPP) Version: 3.2.2 and above .................................................. 10
2. Database Management System (MySQL):...................................................................................... 11
3. Server-side Language (PHP) ........................................................................................................... 11
4. HTML ............................................................................................................................................. 11
5. CSS ................................................................................................................................................. 11
6. BOOTSTRAP ................................................................................................................................. 12
7. JavaScript ........................................................................................................................................ 12
8. JQuery ............................................................................................................................................. 12
9. Version Control Software (GitHub) ................................................................................................ 12
10. Text Editor (Brackets) ................................................................................................................... 12
11. Browser: ........................................................................................................................................ 12
CHAPTER-04 ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Functionalities ......................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Registration and login: ...................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.1: Registration ............................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.2: Login ......................................................................................................................................... 13

4.1.3 Password Recovery .................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Home Page and Booking tickets ....................................................................................................... 14
4.2.1 Home page ................................................................................................................................. 14
4.2.2 Book ticket ................................................................................................................................. 15
4.2.3 Seat Selection ............................................................................................................................. 15
4.2.4 Invoice........................................................................................................................................ 16
4.2.5 Payment Method ........................................................................................................................ 16
4.3 Cancelling Ticket .............................................................................................................................. 17
4.3.1 Cancel the Ticket ....................................................................................................................... 17
4.3.2 Confirmation .............................................................................................................................. 17
4.3.3 Confirmation Page: .................................................................................................................... 18
4.4. Route Search: ................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4.2 Available Trains ......................................................................................................................... 18
4.5 Get Location...................................................................................................................................... 19
4.5.1 Location of train ......................................................................................................................... 20
4.6 Ticket details ..................................................................................................................................... 20
4.6.1 Entering mail address ................................................................................................................. 20
4.6.2 Ticket details: ............................................................................................................................. 21
4.7 Your Profile ...................................................................................................................................... 21
4.8 Logged in user................................................................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER-05 ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Database Management ............................................................................................................................ 23
Database Design: .................................................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Database Tables ................................................................................................................................ 23
5.2 List of Tables: ................................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.1 Passenger Table.......................................................................................................................... 24
5.2.2 Ticket Table: .............................................................................................................................. 24
5.2.3 Train Table ................................................................................................................................. 25
5.2.4 Users Table ................................................................................................................................ 25
CHAPTER-06 ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Specification of code............................................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Index.php .......................................................................................................................................... 26
6.2 Search route ...................................................................................................................................... 34
6.3 Get location ....................................................................................................................................... 36
6.4 Delete reservation: ............................................................................................................................ 38
6.5 Contact.php ....................................................................................................................................... 39

6.6 Database search ................................................................................................................................. 41
6.7 DB config:......................................................................................................................................... 42
CHAPTER-07 ............................................................................................................................................. 43
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 43
7.1 Future Aspects .................................................................................................................................. 43
7.2 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 43
Appendix..................................................................................................................................................... 44
Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Reference: ................................................................................................................................................... 45



Rail transport is one of the most important means of transport, has played an important role in the
transport industry in Bangladesh. With rapid economic development, the railway lines and
passengers have been increasing year by year in the country. With such a huge customer base,
buying train tickets problem has been very prominent. The electronic commerce could solve the
problem of railway ticketing. Introduced a new online ticketing system is not only technological
innovation, but also will improve the railway services, to a certain extent, solve the difficult
problem of railway ticketing.

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this project is to describe the railway reservation system which provides details for
the railway reservation system like the train timing details, reservation, billing and cancellation on
various types of reservations namely,

1) Confirm reservation for confirm sent

2) Reservation against Cancellation
3) Online reservation

1.2 Scope
Technology has transformed many aspects of life in the 21st century, including the way many of
us make train reservations. For example, to make ticketing more convenient for travelers, an online
reservation system helps us in booking tickets from the comfort of our homes or offices. While
this is convenient for most people, it has made things particularly easier for people residing in
remote locations.

This project has a substantially large scope. It includes the following features which help it easy
to use, understand and modify it:
• Automation of Reservation Status.
• No need to do paper work.
• To save the environment by using paper free processing
• To increase efficiency and accuracy of the software

• Management of online database
• Management of online payment

This web package can be used by non-programming personal avoiding human handled chance of
error. This project is used by two types of users:
Railway Administrator
• Authorized railway reservation counters
Main points are:
• Simplified management of passengers
• Can be used online
• Online payment system
• Human friendly interface

The various advantages of using the online reservation system are as follows:

1) Convenient – You can book or cancel your tickets sitting in the comfort of your home or
2) Saves Time and Effort - You can save the time needed to travel to the railway reservation
office and waiting in the queue for your turn.
3) Towards a greener planet – Instead of printing your ticket you can also choose to travel with
the soft copy of your booked ticket in your laptop or even on your mobile Freight Revenue
4) Passenger Revenue enhancement. Improved & optimized service.

1.3 Objective
User can visit the page and buy ticket according to their choice via online payment. The
information of user will be collected and saved in the database for the purpose of safety and
reliability. Administrator has the authority to add, delete or edit any information of use or any data
in the database.


2.1 System Overview

A typical three-layer structure is used in the system: the database layer, the application service
layer, the user interface layer. System architecture as shown in Figure 1.

The database layer - The database is used to hold data, including user registration information,
ticket ordering information, ticket information and all of the other information.

The application service layer - The application service layer is the core of this three-layer
structure, the system functions and business logic are handled in this layer. In this layer, the
system's business logic is encapsulated, the application service interfaces is provided for the user
interface layer and the system modules between the function calls. The application service layer
also updates data in the database, according to the service request of the top layer.

The user interface layer - The user interface layer is a program that runs on a remote user
computer. It displays the provided services by the server to the user. When the user selects a
service, this program sends request to the server. When the server returns the processed result, this
program shows it to the user.

Figure-1.1:System Overview.

2.2 System Function

The system functions are as following: customer register function, customer cancellation
function, searching function, booking function, refunding function. Functional blocks of the
system as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 Functional blocks of the system:

Customer register function: Customers could order tickets after they login on the system.
The registration information includes user's name, user's telephone, user’s email and user’s

Customer cancellation function: According to the customer's cancellation request, the system
could complete the cancelling operation of the ticket by his/her ticket ID.

Searching function: Customers can use the train route to site to query. When they type the
information, the system will return the relevant information to customers, including the type
of train, the type of the tickets, departure time, capacity, current location of the train and the
price of tickets.

Booking function: Customers could order tickets after they login on the system. They could
select the Station From, Station To, Train name, class selection, seat number and coach

Figure-2.1: System Function.

Location of the Train: Maintaining time schedule of Train is not reliable in Bangladesh.
Passenger have to wait long time in the station for the train without any knowledge when the train
will actually arrive. From location customer can easily find the location of the train.

2.3 System design

The system design includes business process design and database design. Business process design
implements the order of various functions and links between the various functions. Database
design mainly realizes data tables and the relationship between data tables.

➢ Business process design -The following business process is made after a detailed analysis of
business functions about railway online booking system. Customers register personal
information, so they can order tickets in the system. Customers search train information
through the system and see whether having appropriate tickets. Customers order tickets on the
user interface. The system returns the result of ordering tickets information. Customers can
select cancelling operation for some reasons, so the personal information will be removed from
the system. The systems business process chart is shown in figure below:

Figure-2.2: System Design.

2.4 Database design
Database Conceptual Design -In the database conceptual design phase, the entity - relationship
diagram can be used to establish the data model to form an ER graph model independent of
the machine and DBMS. ER diagram provides entities (ie data object), properties, and
associated methods, in order to describing the conceptual model of the real world. The basic
elements of ER diagram are constituted by entities, attributes and links. The representation is
as following: Entity type: It is expressed by rectangle. The entity name is written in the
rectangle. Attribute: It is expressed by oval and linked with the corresponding entity by line;
multi-valued attributes is connected by the two-lane; line is added under the name of the main
attribute. Contact: It is expressed by the diamond and linked with the corresponding entity by
line. The contact name is written in the diamond box. The contact type is written near by the
line. The relationship of 1 to 1, 1 to n, n to m should be clearly shown in the ER diagram.1 to
1 relationship between the two entities connected in the direction of writing 1; 1 to n relations
in the one to writing 1 and multi-party write N; n to m relationship between the two entities
are connected in the direction of writing N, M.

2.5 ER Model
An Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram is a type of flowchart that illustrates how “entities” such
as people, objects or concepts relate to each other within a system. ER Diagrams are most often
used to design or debug relational databases in the fields of software engineering, business
information systems, education and research. Also known as ERDs or ER Models, they use a
defined set of symbols such as rectangles, diamonds, ovals and connecting lines to depict the
interconnectedness of entities, relationships and their attributes. They mirror grammatical
structure, with entities as nouns and relationships as verbs.[1]

ER diagrams are related to data structure diagrams (DSDs), which focus on the relationships
of elements within entities instead of relationships between entities themselves. ER diagrams
also are often used in conjunction with data flow diagrams (DFDs), which map out the flow of
information for processes or systems.

ER Diagrams are composed of entities, relationships and attributes. They also depict
cardinality, which defines relationships in terms of numbers. Here’s a glossary:

• Entity
A definable thing—such as a person, object, concept or event—that can have data stored about
it. Think of entities as nouns. Examples: a customer, student, car or product. Typically shown
as a rectangle.

• Relationship
How entities act upon each other or are associated with each other. Think of relationships as
verbs. For example, the named student might register for a course. The two entities would be
the student and the course, and the relationship depicted is the act of enrolling, connecting the
two entities in that way. Relationships are typically shown as diamonds or labels directly on
the connecting lines.

Figure-2.3: ER diagram.

2.6 Modification and Implementation over existing model
Present Site:
1) Currently used website lacks human friendly interface.
2) Time consumed in accessing the records of the database.
3) User has to wait for a long time in the queue to get the reservation.
4) Facilities of the software cannot be accessed online/other than department systems.
5) Have to wait for the seat selection.
6) No bKash payment system available in the present website.

After implementation of project:

1) Easy to use GUI.
2) The software will be accessed online by Administrator for authorized data, by reservation
counters for reservation and by passenger for search for trains from a particular source to
3) New features as per requirements.
4) Customers will know the live location of the train.
5) Customer will be select their seat from the seat plan immediately.
6) Customer will be able to pay their bill via bKash.

3.1 Case Diagram

Figure-3.1: Case Diagram

3.2 Activity Diagram

Figure-3.2: Activity Diagram

3.3 System Requirements

1.Web Server (Apache Server (XAMPP) Version: 3.2.2 and above:

Apache is the most widely used web server software. Developed and maintained by Apache
Software Foundation, Apache is an open source software available for free. It runs on 67% of all
web servers in the world. It is fast, reliable, and secure. It can be highly customized to meet the
needs of many different environments by using extensions and modules. Most Word Press hosting
providers use Apache as their web server software.[2]

2. Database Management System (MySQL):

MySQL is a freely available open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
that uses Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL is the most popular language for adding,
accessing and managing Content in a database. it is most noted for its quick processing, proven
reliability, ease and flexibility of use.[3]

3. Server-side Language (PHP)

PHP The most popular server-side language on the web, PHP is designed to pull and edit
information in the database. Its most commonly bundled with databases written in the SQL
language. PHP was designed strictly for the web and remains one of the most widely used
languages around. It’s easy to install and deploy, is staying competitive with lots of modern
frameworks, and is the foundation for a number of content-management systems. PHP-powered
sites: Word Press, Wikipedia, Facebook.[4]


First developed by Tim Berner Lee in 1990, HTML is short for Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML is used to create electronic documents (called pages) that are displayed on the World wide
web. Each page contains a series of connections to other pages called hyperlinks. Every web page
seen on the Internet is written using one version of HTML code or another. HTML code ensures
the proper formatting of text and images so that your Internet browser may display them as they
are intended to look. Without HTML, a browser would not know how to display text as elements
or load images or other elements. HTML also provides a basic structure of the page, upon which
Cascading Style sheet are overlaid to change its appearance. One could think of HTML as the
bones (structure) of a web page, and CSS as its skin (appearance).[5]

5. CSS

CSS is a language that describes the style of an HTML document.CSS describes how HTML
elements should be displayed. It is much easier to maintain the appearance of a Web site. If one
uses a single CSS file updating this file allows the Web site look-and-feel to be altered easily; in
contrast use of HTML formatting elements would require every file to be updated to change the
appearance. CSS provides rich functionality, including defining the appearance of HTML pages
when they are printed. Use of CSS provides much greater accessibility, allowing users with special
needs to alter the appearance of a Web page to suit their requirements. CSS also allows Web pages
to be more easily rendered by special devices, such as speaking browsers.[6]


Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, as, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile
first project on the web.[7]

7. JavaScript

The most common use of JavaScript is to add Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Scripts are embedded
in Document Object Model (DOM) of the page.[8]

8. JQuery

jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of

HTML. It is free, open-source software using the permissive MIT license. Web analysis indicates
that it is the most widely deployed JavaScript library by a large margin.[9]

9. Version Control Software (GitHub)

GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way anyone work. From open to Business, one
can host and review code, manage projects, and build software alongside millions of other
developers. [10]

10. Text Editor (Brackets)

Brackets is a open source text editor that lets one efficiently design, develop and maintain standard
based websites and applications. Bracket provides a powerful combination of visual layout tools
application, development features and code editing support. [11]

11. Browser:
Any browser can open and support the server and website.[12]

4.1 Registration and login:
4.1.1: Registration
We have to get a login ID and Password to get access to the website. So we have to fill this
registration from in order to get the access and able to Book tickets.

Figure 4.1: Registration

4.1.2: Login
This is the login page.

Figure 4.2: login

4.1.3 Password Recovery
In case of forgetting the password, we can use this option to retrieve the password. User needs to
put his/her registered Email ID and a confirmation link of recover his/her password will be sent to
his/her mail.

Figure 4.3: Password Recovery

4.2 Home Page and Booking tickets

4.2.1 Home page

This is the UI we get after successfully logging into the website.

Figure 4.4: Home Page

4.2.2 Book ticket
For booking tickets we have to fill up this options and click “Book” to confirm the tickets.

Figure 4.5: Book ticket

4.2.3 Seat Selection

Here we have to select coach and desired seats.

Figure 4.6: Seat Selection

4.2.4 Invoice
We get this invoice after booking the tickets and a Unique ticket ID will be given which can be
used later to cancel the ticket. This invoice will also be sent to the user Email.

Figure 4.7: Invoice

4.2.5 Payment Method

For paying the bill, we can use bKash, Rocket, Credit/ Debit card. As it’s under progress, we will
connect the payment gateway to the website as soon as we get the permission from the bank.

Figure 4.8: Payment using bKash.

4.3 Cancelling Ticket
4.3.1 Cancel the Ticket
In order to cancel the ticket, we have to give the unique ticket ID which we got from the booked

Figure 4.9: Cancel Ticket with unique ticket ID

4.3.2 Confirmation

Figure 4.10: Confirmation of ticket cancelling

4.3.3 Confirmation Page:

4.4. Route Search:

4.4.1 Route search
For searching the route we have to put the Station From and Station To and we will be able to
see available trains ,remaining capacity, their departure time and Fare per ticket.

Figure 4.11: Route searching

4.4.2 Available Trains

Figure 4.12: Available trains & Details.

4.5 Get Location
To see the current location of listed trains we have to click “get current location”. The feature is
still under development as we need to get permission from Google to use their GPS & MAP system
to track down their current location.

Figure 4.13 : Get train location

4.5.1 Location of train
This is the demo of tracking the train which will be replaced by the real time location of train

Figure 4.14 : Map view of train location

4.6 Ticket details

In order to see the booked ticket details we have to go through the the following processes.

4.6.1 Entering mail address

Figure 4.15 : Entering email address.

4.6.2 Ticket details:

Figure 4.16 : Details of booked ticket

4.7 Your Profile

Here logged in user can see his/her profile details.

Figure 4.17: Details of logged in user.

4.8 Logged in user
Here we can log out from the account.

Figure 4.18: logged in user.


Database Management

Database Design: Database design is the process of producing a detailed data model of a
database. This data model contains all the needed logical and physical design choices and physical
storage parameters needed to generate a design in a data definition language, which can then be
used to create a database. My database name is “e_ticket” and “logintut”.

5.1 Database Tables

In relational databases and flat file databases, a table is a set of data elements (values) using a
model of vertical columns (identifiable by name) and horizontal rows, the cell being the unit where
a row and column intersect. A table has a specified number of columns, but can have any number
of rows. We have total of 4 tables. They are-
• passenger
• ticket
• train
• users

5.2 List of Tables:

Figure 5.1: List of tables.

5.2.1 Passenger Table

Figure 5.2: Passenger Table

5.2.2 Ticket Table:

Figure 5.3: Ticket Table

5.2.3 Train Table

Figure 5.4: Train Table

5.2.4 Users Table

Figure 5.5: Users Table

Specification of code
6.1 Index.php

6.2 Search route

6.3 Get location

6.4 Delete reservation:

6.5 Contact.php

6.6 Database search

6.7 DB config:

7.1 Future Aspects
✓ We could try to do the betterment of the user interface.
✓ The mobile and email verification will be added.
✓ The Location Tracking process will be added.
✓ This project may be used professionally by creating a domain host for the web.
✓ The terms and conditions feature can be updated depending on the user demand and new
✓ The history of the user can be saved on this project but there is no account system for them.
Account system can be added for the long-term user for better reliability (Under

7.2 Conclusions
The train is still the most cheap and reliable way for travelling in Bangladesh. People can easily
travel cities by avoiding any kinds of traffic jams. Beside these, train journey is comfortable
due to the availabilities of sanitation, freedom of moving around and enjoying the nature. But,
in our country. Let alone this advantage; In our country, we cannot even get the ticket in a
proper way. In existing online ticket buying system has some drawbacks such as: Non-friendly
User interface; Seat selection is not available right away, we have to come back again to select
the seats; The most popular bKash payment method is not available. However, in our website,
we tried to overcome these drawbacks and we added some new features like “Getting real time
location of train” as train schedule is barely maintained. By using this feature, people can
arrange their time schedule to reach the train station. We have also added the bKash payment
system and a Handsome looking user friendly interface which is very easy to use and



CSS=Cascading Style sheet

DBMS= Database Management System
DOM= Dynamic Object Model
HTML=Hypertext Markup Language
JS=Java Script
PHP=Personal Home Page (recursive acronym=Hypertext Preprocessor)
RDBMS= Relational database management system
SPAM= [not an acronym] Slang or Unsolicited Commercial Mail
SQL= Standard Query Language
XAMP= Operating system(X) for APACHE, MySQL, PHP and PERL




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