Solar Inverter Synopsis-SKS

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Synopsis Report


“Solar Inverter”

Submitted By

Sanjeev Kr Sharma – (1801161)


B.Tech (EEE)

Year/Sem: 4th/8th

Under the Guidence of

Prof. Chetan Gupta (HOD)

Professor Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Monad University Hapur

(The Monad University, Hapur is established by the UP State Govet,Act

23 of 2010&U/S 2(f) of UGC Act1956).)

N.H. 9, Delhi Hapur Road Village & Post Kastla, Kasmabad, Pilkhuwa, Uttar
Pradesh 245304

This is to certify that the report of the project entitled “Solar Inverter”

Submitted by Sanjeev Kumar Sharma in fulfilment of the requirement

for the award of Bachelor of Technology Degree in Electrical &

Electronics at Monad University Hapur is an authentic work carried out

by them under my supervision & guidance.

Date :


H.O.D. Guide

(Mr. Chetan Gupta) (Mr. Chetan Gupta)

(Electrical & Electronics Engineering) (Electrical & Electronics



It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of the B. Tech

Project undertaken during B. Tech Final year. We owe special debt of
gratitude to Assistant professor Pawan Sir, Department of Electrical
engineering for his constant support and guidance throughout the course
of our work. His sincerity, through the toughness and perseverance have
been a constant source of inspiration for us. It is only his cognizant
efforts that our endeavours have seen in light of the day. We also take
the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Assistant Professor
Mr. Chetan Gupta, Head Department of Electrical Engineering, for his
full support and assistance during the development of project, We also
do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all
faculty members of department for their kind assistance and cooperation
during the development of our project last but not the least, we
acknowledge our friends for their contribution in the completion of the

Name: Sanjeev Kr Sharma
Enroll No.: 1801161


We hereby declare that this submission is out own work and that, to the

best of our knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously

published or written by another person nor material which to a

substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree

or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except

where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.


The purpose of this project is to control the speed and direction of DC Motor using

Microcontroller and GSM Modem with password protection. This uses a PWM (Pulse Width
Modulation) technique to control the speed of motor from 0% to 100%. ... User can send
SMS messages to control the motor speed and direction.

Speed control of induction motor is done in this method by injecting a particular voltage in
the rotor diagram. The injected voltage (emf) needs to have an equal frequency with the slip
frequency. However, there is no limitation for the phase of that emf.


The main objective is to increase the reliability of the motor application by using the recent
technology advancement. This work ensure the continuous monitoring and easy control of high
horse power induction motors used in variety of industrial fields. By ensuring the system reliability
abnormal conditions are easily identified and easily rectified. As Induction machines are used nearly
90% in industries, the economic data monitoring is required. The productivity of industries can be
increased by doing the preventive maintenance of induction machines. By taking preventive
measures the failure of system and cost of high horse power motors is protected. • To monitor and
control an induction motor based on internet of Things (IoT) for safe and economic data
communication in industrial fields. • To start or stop the induction machine to avoid system failures
by Automatic and manual control methods. • To monitor and control the motors used in Electric
vehicles (to make EV vehicle as automatic one)

D.C. Motor Scope

The main purpose of a speed controller is to focus on how a Bluetooth based device can be
used to control speed and direction of a DC motor at a desired speed and the main objective
of a DC drive is to maintain a system with stable speed irrespective of load condition. DC
motors are compact and are widely used for variable speed drive systems throughout the
world in industries, electric traction, and military equipment, due to their high efficiency,
smooth and quiet operation, reliability, and infrequent maintenance. The popularity of
wireless technology has led to several options such as GSM, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth, each
having advantages, disadvantages, concepts, and applications.

The title of the project is “Writing Machine”. This project will handle the activities
related to writing. Writing Machine has most of the facilities that a modern
technology requires to gain and apply it in a progressive direction. Writing Machine
is automatic writing machine use for the typing any type of text and drawing any
design on paper.
Writing machine
 is working like a CNC machine. This Machine is working on 3 axis (X, Y, Z).
Writing machine is an auto writing machine through which you can make
your your work easy by programing your project. As per the title this is a
simple project using Arduino to make Homework writing machine at your home.
This machine can draw any design and write any type of fonts. You can
see sharpness and perfection of writing in photos. The machine uses a gantry to
move the writing tip along the X and Y axes. The flexible-nib pen is mounted on a
servomotor which rotates the tip onto the writing surface, taking care of
the third axis.
 This three axis motion is given by stepper motor and servo motor. It has
facilities to generate various types of reports and projects which are very helpful
to students and business effectively.
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Synopsis for B.E. VII sem. Students. Format: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 synopsis should be typed on a4 size bond paper; spiral
bound and submitted one copy per student. One soft copy per
project should also be submitted. Detailed specifications are as
Font: Times New Roman.
Font size: Title14 bold, Text12. (All text matter should be
justified.) Spacing: 1. Lines. Margins: Left-1.25, Right- 1.25

Department of Electronics Engineering


Guidelines for B. Tech Project

These guidelines for successful completion of the B. Tech. projects are

to facilitate various institutes in effective and uniform conduction of
projects to be carried out by undergraduate students in Semester VII and
Semester VIII. It is expected that these guidelines will help in overall
improvement in the quality of B. Tech. projects along with improvement
in the evaluation process. The B. Tech. project is a partial requirement
for successful completion of the degree. It can be two types: Projects
based on implementation of any application oriented problem,
which will be more or less experimental in nature, and the others will be
based on some innovative/ theoretical work. In order to monitor the
overall functioning of the activities related to the B. Tech projects and to
have academic bridge among the various groups, it is proposed to
create three level of committees- one at the UPTU level, henceforth
termed as University Project Cell (UPC), one at each Institute,
henceforth termed as Institute Project Cell (IPC), and one at each
department of the Institute which is termed as Department Evaluation
Committee (DEC).IPC of an Institute will comprise the Director of the
institute or his nominee as the Convener and all the heads of the
department. Director will inform the university the members of the IPC by
December of each year. DEC will comprise the Head of the Department
as the Convener along with two senior faculty members of the
department and a faculty member from other department nominated by
the IPC. The Head will form the cell by the middle of the odd semester
and will inform the Director of the Institute accordingly. Task of
nomination of the faculty member from other department has to be
completed by the end of Summer Vacation of the Institute. Roles of
these committees are given below:
A) University Project Cell (UPC):

Project Evaluator List : The university level project evaluation cell is
responsible to take out external project evaluators list. This list should
comprise of faculty

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members teaching in reputed technical institutes and having more than 5
years of teaching experience.

Like the academic calendar, a separate calendar for project evaluation
will be given in advance by the Project Cell.

The project evaluation will be carried within 0ne week after the
final year theory examination.

The Project Cell will be responsible for conducting training programs for
all the university's faculty members of various institutes.

The main aim of these training programs (which will be conducted by
some experienced faculty member preferably from some IITs) will be to
make the faculty members aware of the new and emerging trends in
research as well as in industry.

The list of all the projects conducted in the last 3 years by all the
institutes department wise will be maintained and updated by the Project

The Project Cell is also responsible for random re-evaluation/ scrutiny of

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