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Analytical Exposition Text

“The influence of learning application students in handphone to assigments SMAN 1

Gedeg students”

Anggota Kelompok :

Danar Dwi Herlambang [07]

Faiz Haidar A.F [13]
Ganitra Almer A [16]
Jeconia Marella [18]
Muhammad Yusuf Firdaus [26]
Rava Malik S [32]

Learning technology always develops along with the times. In the implementation of daily
learning, we often encounter the use of technological developments in the world of education,
such as what teachers or lecturers often do, namely combining technological tools in learning

As during the covid-19 pandemic that had occurred, students or students studied online with the
help of digital technology. Various online learning applications are also many choices, ranging
from zoom, google meet and other online learning applications.

With the help of this technology, all learning activities at school or on campus can still be carried
out, like a normal day. Technology also has positive and negative impacts. Learning technology
always develops along with the times. In the implementation of daily learning, we often
encounter the use of technological developments in the world of education, such as what teachers
or lecturers often do, namely combining technological tools in learning processes.

As during the covid-19 pandemic that had occurred, students or students studied online with the
help of digital technology. Various online learning applications are also many choices, ranging
from zoom, google meet and other online learning applications.

With the help of this technology, all learning activities at school or on campus can still be carried
out, like a normal day. Technology also has positive and negative impacts.

A number of students were of the opinion that learning apps can help students a lot in their
learning activities. They can easily find information through the application related to lessons.
They are also faster and easier to do the assignments given by the teachers.

Android application is a medium that is classified as an electronic form of learning media,

because the android application product is run on smartphones and gadgets with the android
operating system.
Here's an example of an Application for Creating Audio Visual Interactive Learning Media
Kahoot (create a digital classroom)
Google Classroom (create a digital classroom)
Microsoft Teams (create a digital classroom)
Canvas LMS (create a digital classroom)
Quora (create a digital class)
Open Study (create a digital classroom)
Lectora (create a digital classroom)

With this online learning application, it can save costs and time, be more practical and flexible, a
more suitable approach, a pleasant learning experience, more personalized, easy to document,
environmentally friendly because it can reduce the use of paper, and finally an alternative during
social distancing.

The use of learning media is a part that cannot be separated and is already an an integration of
the learning method learning methods used. Utilization of increasingly varied media that based
on the android application becomes teacher's challenge in carrying out his duties as a teacher in
in order to achieve learning objectives An application is a computer program computer program
that created to work and perform specific tasks
specific tasks of the android user. Applications can also be defined as a program in the form of
program that runs on a particular system system which useful to assist various activities that
performed by humans.

The use of learning applications that act as learning media is expected to increase students'
interest in learning during the pandemic. In line with this Firmansyah (2015) reveals that in
developing students' interest in learning, a clear source is needed regarding the process of
developing the child's interest. a clear source regarding the process of developing the child's
interest. The characteristics of children's interests also need to be known in order to to be able to
develop an effective child interest development program, and have a policy to determine which
direction the interest will develop.The main problem that often occurs, especially in teaching and
learning activities that take place in schools, is learning interest.
School is interest in learning. Interest provides an understanding as an individual personal
characteristic that
is an enduring disposition that is relatively stable. This interest is generally aimed at a specific
activity, For example, special interests in sports, science, music, dance, and computers (Siahaan
et al., 2019), while Metaputri et al. (2016) argue that interest in learning can be generated by
applying a fun and demanding learning model. learning model that is fun and demands student
activeness, then slowly there will be an interest in learning. interest in learning in students and
ultimately leads to optimal learning outcomes as well.

Based on the results of interviews conducted on March 11, 2021, the researcher obtained the
following results that in the implementation of online learning, teachers and students mostly use
the Whatsapp application.

Group. The application is used by the teacher to convey material and provide assignments, then
students work on assignments at home and collect them via Whatsapp in the form of photos. At
implementation of the Midterm Assessment (PTS) is also carried out online by using Google
Docs and students work on questions through the link

Docs and students work on questions through a link shared by the teacher, but the
implementation of online PTS does not apply to all subjects, only the subjects of applies to all
subjects, only certain subjects.

Researchers conducted interviews on March 11, 2021 with 5 grade IV elementary school
students. 4 of the 5 students already have the awareness to take part in online learning according
to the schedule determined by the school. determined by the school. 1 of them has not been able
to follow the learning activities according to the schedule because the cellphone used for learning
is brought by the school. because the cellphone used for learning was taken by his parents to
work. All students still need

Students are more willing to participate in learning when educational content is delivered in an
interactive and dynamic way through quizzes, polls, surveys and videos. And smartphones are
particularly helpful and supportive of this type of delivery.

Mobile learning offers a great opportunity to enhance the education of young learners by
blending the usual methods used. This blended-learning approach can be very effective when the
role of smartphones in the learning journey is properly understood.
Benefits of Application Online Learning

Online learning is becoming a trend in the digital era and can be used as an alternative learning
in many situations. Here are the benefits of online learning that you need to know.

1. Practical and flexible The first benefit of online learning is in terms of practicality. With
online learning, the interaction between teachers and students will be more practical
because they don't have to travel to meet. In addition, there is no classroom as a formal
learning place. The teaching and learning process can take place anywhere as long as it is
conducive and can help to focus. In addition, there is no need to "dress up" or "look
formal" so it is more flexible.

2. More suitable approach Online learning uses a technological approach that is more
suitable for today's learners than the conservative method of learning in the classroom.
The delivery methods used in online learning classes are also generally a mix of formal
and informal. You will find it easier to understand something that is delivered in a way
that suits your "style", right?

3. Enjoyable learning experience Online learning has done away with classroom learning
items such as teachers with markers and whiteboards, and students with notes and pens.
You will get more engaging teaching with various media formats be it photos, videos or
audio. All of which will give you a more enjoyable learning experience

4. Sharpen students' memory skillsSmartphones can be a medium to sharpen students'

memory in the learning process. By using smartphones, they can record, take pictures,
and take notes of the complete lesson and study it at home.
5. Save time and money In a conventional two-hour class, for example, it will take at least 3
hours for the class to start due to moving rooms.
Both the teacher and the students have to travel to reach the classroom used for learning.
In addition, there are additional costs such as procuring books and photocopying
materials and so on. One of the other benefits of online learning is that it cuts all these
expenses so that students and teachers only need to be connected to a screen and an
internet connection.

6. Easy to document With conventional learning methods, students need to take notes or to
make copies of course materials for themselves. Another way is by photocopying the
materials, but it will require paper media so it is not very practical. Another benefit of
online learning is that it uses a medium that allows students to record and store the
material provided in digital form. So that it can be easily accessed and studied again at a
later date.

7. Environmentally friendly With reduced mobility, you have indirectly reduced pollution
caused by motorized vehicles. In addition, online learning does not require paper either
for providing materials, questions or data collection. This of course has a positive impact
on the environment because it reduces the consumption of paper that is made by
damaging the environment and reduces the waste generated from its use.

8. Alternatives during social distancing The covid-19 outbreak makes us have to limit social
interactions to break the chain of spread, including the teaching and learning process in
the classroom. However, education must continue, one of which is by utilizing the online
learning system. With this system, you and your teacher do not need to meet but the
teaching and learning process can continue.

I agree because it can save costs and time, more practical and flexible, more suitable approach,
fun learning experience, more personalized, easy to document, environmentally friendly because
it can reduce the use of paper.

My opinion as a writer With online learning, the interaction between teachers and students will
be more practical because they do not have to travel to meet. In addition, there is no classroom as
a formal learning place. The teaching and learning process can take place anywhere as long as it
is conducive and can help to focus.

Smartphones are equipped with various applications including educational applications. In

addition, with the help of search engines like Google, students can access various information
and check the accuracy of the information they have gathered.

This greatly helps them in doing their assignments and can increase their knowledge and help
them to improve their academic performance.

1. Increased convenience in learning

Many students or teachers feel more comfortable with the use of smartphones while studying
rather than having to spend a lot of their time looking for the resources they need by going to the

Smartphones help them to save a lot of time with just one click in their room and can utilize their
time to study or communicate with their friends, family or teachers at the same time.
2. Availability of more advanced technology

Smartphones provide a large selection of useful apps that can help with the learning process,
gathering the information needed. In addition, with smartphones, classes can be held via

Additionally, students and teachers can learn new skills and hobbies through smartphones. For
example, learning a new language, drawing techniques, cooking or improving public speaking
skills by learning through their smartphones.

The role of applications in the world of education, namely: Replacing the role of humans,
namely by automating a task or process. Strengthen the role of humans by presenting
information, tasks, or processes. Restructuring or making changes to a task or process.

How to utilize the app

- For Learning

Learn foreign terms.

-Learn complicated formulas.

-Learning with Apps.

-Visual and Audio Assistance through Videos.

-Utilize its Multifunctional Features

I disagree because sometimes online learning applications have a bad impact on students who
often open their cellphones will damage their eyes and affect their learning.

I disagree because it can lead to changes in behavior, ethics, norms, rules, or morals of life that
are contrary to the ethics, norms, rules, and morals of life that exist in society.

E-learning that can cause teacher displacement and result in teachers to be eliminated, or also
cause the creation of individualized because the learning system can be done with only one
person. Even it is possible that the ethics and discipline of students difficult or difficult to
supervise and foster, so that gradually the ethics and human especially students will decline
dramatically, as well as the drastically, and the main human nature, namely as a social being,
will be eroded. as a social being will be eroded.

Learners can be exposed to information overload, i.e finding an endless amount of information
available on the internet, so they are willing to spend hours on collecting and organizing the
information information, which can eventually lead to addiction, especially addiction, especially
with regard to pornography and can cost money money just to serve that addiction to serve that

Cyber crime. In the world of education this can occur, for example theft of important documents
or assets about an educational setting that is actually confidential (documents regarding final
exams or state or state exams) using the internet.
In addition, the adverse effects that occur in the use of learning applications are, most students
will depend on these applications and be lazy to think in doing their assignments. they will
become lazy in reading / looking for information in books. it's all because it's easier and faster to
do assignments using learning applications / google.

More frequent exposure to gadgets

It is undeniable that using online learning apps often makes you or your child open the gadget
more often than usual. This is because all school activities are done and supervised through the

This will indirectly have a negative impact on them. Exposure to gadgets that are too frequent
and too long will make children tend to get used to gadgets and later they can get addicted to

In addition, if not supervised, children will also be exposed to other negative effects of gadgets.
You certainly know how the negative impact of gadgets, especially online games that are now
very popular among children, right?

Increased stress and anxiety

Online schooling places a heavy mental burden on students. This is what makes stress and
anxiety tend to increase and is certainly not good for the continuity of their lives.

One of the things that makes children tend to be more easily stressed is the existence of a larger
task load. Teachers can be said to give assignments more often during online school. This is
because they also have difficulty in delivering the material.

The exposure of learning based on android applications has an influence on the learning
outcomes of grade IX students on the concept of plant reproduction. learning outcomes of sman
1 gedeg students on the concept of plant reproduction. Can save costs and time, more practical
and flexible, more suitable approach, fun learning experience, more personalized, easy to
document, environmentally friendly because it can reduce the use of paper.

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