Co Economics

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Programme Outcomes (POs) for BA in Economics (Core)

POs are the indicators of knowledge, skills and attitudes a graduate should have at the
time of graduation.

1. In-depth & Specialised knowledge: The graduates in Economics will be capable

to understand the concepts and processes related to this field of study. They are able
to demonstrate procedural knowledge and skills in areas related to their specialization
and current developments, including a critical understanding of the latest
developments in the areas of study. They also have the ability to use established
techniques of analysis and enquiry within the areas of study.

2. Analytical and critical thinking: A graduate in Economics is capable to

demonstrate independent learning, analytical and critical thinking of a wide range of
ideas and complex problems and issues.

3. Interdisciplinary Perspective: After completing graduation in Economics the

students are supposed to have commitment to intellectual openness and developing
understanding beyond subject domains.

4. Communication Competence: Graduates in Economics are expected exhibit

effective oral and written communicative skills to covey disciplinary/subject
knowledge and to communicate the results of studies undertaken in an academic field
accurately in a range of different contexts using the main concepts, constructs and
techniques of the subject(s) of study.

5. Career development: Students after completing the BA in Economics programme

is supposed to show proficiency in academic, professional, soft skills and
employability required for higher education and placements.

6. Commitment to the society and the Nation: the Graduates are able to recognise
the importance of social, environmental, human and other critical issues faced by
humanity at the local, national and international level; appreciate the pluralistic
national culture and the importance of national integration.
of B.A. in Economics (Core)

1. Understand basic concepts and theories of economics

2. Understand the relation/conflict between economic growth & environmental

problems as well as economic growth & Social inequality

3. Have the idea of government economic policies both at national & international


4. Ability Comprehend and evaluate economic policies at various levels

5. Ability to understand Financial Markets & it’s working

6. Familiarity with basic quantitative tools and their applications in economics

7. Develop analytical ability and other cognitive skills.

8. Develop interest in taking up higher studies in economics, including research.





 Comprehend new concepts, vital to the understanding of
economics of information, property rights and public
MICROECONOMICS  Adequate knowledge of production functions,
production techniques and cost concepts in different
time periods.
 Familiarization with theoretical aspects of input markets
with regard to their pricing and market behaviour in
order to facilitate replication in the practical field.

 Improve the basic mathematical skills of the students by

familiarizing them with Set theory, function, sequence
MATHEMATICAL C2 and Number system for economic decision making.
METHODS IN  Applications of calculus in economics
 Acquaint the students with dynamic analysis using
differential equations.

 Understand basic principles of microeconomics

 Comprehend the mechanism of demand and supply and
INTRODUCTORY GE 1 market equilibrium
MICROECONOMICS  Analyze different market structure and their workings,
along with factor markets


 A comprehensive understanding of the concept of GDP

and GNP, enabling them to analyze the status of the
INTRODUCTORY C3 economy, its growth over time in a compatible manner.
MACROECONOMICS  Introduction to the basics of monetary economics which
will enable them to understand the debate between the
monetarists and the Keynesians at a higher level.
 Understanding of the theories that explain one of the
conditions of market economy that comes in the form of
inflation. Comprehension of the significance of price
stability and the socio-economic costs of its absence.

 Application of matrix operations in solving economic

problems involving simultaneous equation system.
MATHEMATICAL C4  Apply mathematical tools for optimisation and taking
METHODS IN economic decisions.
 Acquaint the students with dynamic analysis using
difference equations.

 A comprehensive understanding of the concept of

national income accounting
INTRODUCTORY GE 2  Introduction to the basics of monetary economics
MACROECONOMICS  An extensive view on different aspects of inflation


 knowledge of various approaches to the analysis of

consumer’s behaviour
ESSENTIALS OF C5  Understand and analyse optimal decision-making
MICROECONOMICS processes applicable in the sphere of costs, output and
 Ability to decipher the features and functioning of
competitive markets

 Theoretical understanding the two main components of

national income viz. consumption & Investment
ESSENTIALS OF C6 functions
MACROECONOMICS  Comprehension of new macroeconomic reality in the
form of stagflation and economists’ response to that
with new explanation, new tools and new approaches.
 Understand the relative efficacy of fiscal and monetary
policies under restrictive conditions, expose to more
realistic foreign exchange regime that prevails in the
world today.
 Develop the elementary statistical skills by getting
familiar with sampling, measures of central tendency
STATISTICAL C7 and dispersion essential for economic decision making.
METHODS FOR  Provide a strong groundwork of Probability Theory
 Ability to analyse variable relationship and prediction
using correlation, regression and time series analysis.
MONEY AND  Comprehension of conceptual issues of money in an
FINANCIAL economy.
GE 3.2  understanding of functions and role of banking system
 Introduction to basics of financial economics


 The familiarity with general equilibrium analysis and

understanding concepts of welfare analysis will help in
the assessment of welfare implications of economic
 Understand the strategic considerations under monopoly
& oligopoly market conditions and their application in
economic decision making.
 Acquaintance with game theory
 Evaluate and assess market failure induced by
externalities and asymmetric information.
ADVANCED  A clear understanding of fundamentals growth models
MACROECONOMICS  Familiarity with the basics of fiscal and monetary
C9 policies and issues that surround the policy decisions.
 Familiarity with the different schools of
Macroeconomic thought
 Acquaint with the basics of econometrics
 Develop the understanding of statistical distribution of
INTRODUCTORY C10 numerical information
ECONOMETRICS  Familiarize with the simple and multiple linear
regression models and their desirable properties as well
as the assumptions
 Understand the causes, consequences, tests & remedies
of violations of assumptions
 Understand basic fiscal functions
 Comprehend the mechanism of dealing with public
PUBLIC FINANCE GE 4.3 goods & Externality
 Understand the basics of Indian Public finances,
including recent tax structures.


 Understand the history and evolution of the Indian

economy since independence
INDIAN ECONOMY- C11  Conceptualize the growth pattern of human resource
I development and appraise the policy measures
 Comprehend various aspects of economic challenges
such as poverty & unemployment
 Comprehend the concept and indicators of development
 Familiarize with the fundamental theories of
DEVELOPMENT C12 development
ECONOMICS-I  Understanding of the concept of inequality, its
measurement and consequences emphasizing on
empirical considerations

 Comprehension of conceptual/theoretical and empirical

issues of money in an economy.
MONEY AND DSE5  understanding of functions and role of banking system
FINANCIAL  Introduction to basics of financial economics that
includes the working mechanism of various financial
instruments, stock market operation etc.

 Understand the basic fiscal functions of an economy

 Understand the different aspects of public debt & public
PUBLIC DSE6 revenue
ECONOMICS  Understand the basics of Indian Public finances,
including recent tax structures.


 Understand the role of macroeconomic policies in

formulating money supply, trade, and ensuring price
INDIAN ECONOMY- C13 stability
II  Examine the policies in shaping the primary, secondary,
and tertiary sectors of the Indian economy and assess
their performances
 Comprehend the basic concepts of demography
 Introduce to the dynamics of land, labour & Credit
ECONOMICS-II  Understand the nexus between trade, globalisation,
environmental issues & sustainable development

 understand the linkage between the economy and the

 theoretically understand the causes of environmental
ECONOMICS problems
 analyse the alternative policy measures to deal with
environmental issues
 compare the alternative valuation techniques for non-
market environmental resources
 Understanding of the traditional core theories of
international trade and empirical challenges to these
ECONOMICS  Ability to evaluate trade policies with reference to
effective gain and world welfare. Comprehension of
impediments to free and fair trade in real world
 Familiarity with issues that dominate the international
financial system.
 Understanding the working of international monetary
system & institutions

 C (1 - 14) implies Core courses

 DSE implies Discipline Specific Elective Courses
 GE implies Generic Elective Courses

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