Silabus Makroekonomi 1
Silabus Makroekonomi 1
Silabus Makroekonomi 1
Even Semester 2016/2017
6.1.5. Apply
approach to explain
macroeconomics issues
Subject Synopsis/ This syllabus integrates the macroeconomics under the long run, the very long run, and
Indicative Syllabus the short run condition. However, the flow of the material is set based on the following
order: (1) long run, (2) short run, and (3) very long run. In addition, there is also
additional parts that concerns on microeconomic foundation of the consumption and
investment; macroeconomic policy debates on stabilization and government’s debt; and
latest development the financial crisis and the rise of the “new macroeconomic
theories”. In each session, lecturer will encourage the students to understand both of
the theory and the empirics of the topics.
Topics Material Reference
Natural Rate of
M: 7
The Economy in
5 the Long Run: Frictional Unemployment D:7,13-16
Real Wage Rigidity and
Structural Unemployment
Introduction to the Business
6 Goods&Services Market and M:10-11
Money Market: Building the
The Economy in IS-LM Model
the Short Run: IS- Application of the IS-LM:
LM and AD-AS Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy,
under Closed and Trade Policy
Economy IS-LM as Theory of Aggregate
7 Assumption Demand (AD) M:12
Aggregate Demand (AD) and
Aggregate Supply (AS): The
Short Run vs The Long Run
The Economy in
the Short Run: IS- Small Open Economy and the
LM and AD-AS Exchange Rate Regime: The
8 M: 13
under Open Mundell-Fleming
The Models of Aggregate
The Economy in
the Short Run:
9 Phillips Curve: the Short-Run M: 14
Theory of
Tradeoff Between Inflation
Aggregate Supply
and Unemployment
Economic Growth Part 1:
Capital Accumulation, Savings
and Population Growth M:8,9
(Solow Model)
Teaching/Learning Teaching method uses active lecturing and class discussions, in which students achieve
Methodology the study objectives by discussing and completing related problems or cases under the
guidance of lecturer and tutor. The problems and cases are taken from the textbook and
other sources.
Individually, each student is required to participate actively in teaching and learning, in
the form:
1. Ask questions in accordance with the topic.
2. Prepare yourself to answer questions.
3. Discuss issues related to the topic.
To be eligible, students must read the textbooks and other materials provided.
Minimum 80% of Total Lecture:
1. A maximum of 3 (three) times absent, for no reason.
2. Students who came 15 minutes after class begins is considered not present.
Details of learning The specific learning methods used in this subject are:
methods 1. Class Discussion
2. Lecturing
3. Learning Cooperation (collaborative learning)
Schedule of
Assistance or Lab Tutorials will be held 10 times in this semester. Tutor will give assignments, homework
(similar to the and quizzes that its weight has been determined at the previous point.
schedule of
teaching faculty)
Student Study
Effort Expected Class contacts:
Lectures 20 Hours
Tutor 20 Hours
Collaborative Learning 10 Hours
Presentation 5 Hours
Other student study effort outside the class:
Preparation for assignment/tests 10 Hours
Plagiarism Students should maintain originality and respect intellectual property rights. Therefore,
students should avoid conducting any act of plagiarism when doing written assignments
(if any), which may take a form of short individual / group paper and / or summary.
Since students are required to write group papers, students should sign a Statement of
Authorship and attach it to their papers before paper submission. The form of
Statement of Authorship is available at the Resource Center of the Program. Lecturer(s)
and / or tutor(s) will refuse to mark any paper that has no signed Statement of
Authorship attached.
In addition, students should ask for cover sheet from the Resource Center of the
Program for any assignment submitted.