CQ Revised Letter

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Weapon DMG Range

Axe or Machete 2d6 -
ONE-SHEET SCI-FI RPG RULES Two-handed sword or battleax 4d6 -
Sword or Cutlass 3d6 -
Starships riding fire across the sky. Heroes and villains exchanging laser Handgun 2d6 10/50
fire. Desperate spacers struggling against an alien monstrosity. Vast alien Shotgun 4d6 20/40
vistas, flying cities, moonscapes, mad robots, and first encounters. High- SMG (Auto) 2d6 30/100
action science-fiction adventure that stimulates your sense of wonder. Assault Rifle (Auto) 3d6 50/200
Now – on a single two-sided sheet! Laser Rifle 5d6 300/500
All you need to play this game are this sheet, two or more six-sided dice, Pulse Rifle (Auto) 4d6 300/600
writing instruments and supplies, and an active imagination. Blaster 4d6 50/200
Hand Grenade (3m radius) 5d6 5/15
Throw 2d6: throw two six-sided dice and add the results together, add Vehicle Agility Armor
the skill modifier, and compare to difficulty. If the total equals or exceeds Ground Car +0 Unarmored
the difficulty number, you succeed. Otherwise, you fail. Skill notation: APC -1 Light
"throw Technical 6+" = throw two dice, add them together and add the Helicopter +1 Unarmored
Technical skill, and if the total equals and exceeds 6, you succeed. If you ATV -1 Light
lack a skill, throw at -1 penalty (i.e., subtract 1 from the throw). Aircar +0 Unarmored
Grav Gunship +0 Heavy
Task Difficulties
Tank -2 Heavy
Difficulty Description Difficulty Number
Motorcycle +2 Unarmored
Easy 4+
Difficult 8+
Formidable 10+ There is no initiative - everything happens simultaneously, and the results of
combat actions (e.g., wounds) are applied after all combat actions are resolved.
SKILLS In a combat round, you may move up to 10m and attack or move 20m without
There are 6 skills:
Throw Combat 8+ to hit a target in melee or in ranged Effective range; Combat
Combat: combat, from shooting to melee. Includes gunnery. 10+ to hit beyond Effective range. Apply the target's Combat skill as a penalty to
Knowledge: education and general scholarly skills.. hit. Shotguns can hit two adjacent targets at once (throw to-hit for each).
Automatic weapons can attack twice a round (any target).
Physical: toughness and fitness, as well as brute strength.
Upon a hit, throw the weapon's damage dice, subtract any armor, and apply to
Social: persuasion, deception, and street smarts. the target's Stamina. As long as Stamina is positive, the character is not wounded,
only bruised. However, if Stamina runs out, the character is Wounded and
Stealth: sneaking, recon, and picking locks. typically is out of combat. Characters may attempt to keep fighting even when
Wounded; throw Physical 6+ to keep fighting when receiving a wound.
Technical: tech skills, from repairing machines to flying starships.
Any further damage caused to a Wounded character causes additional Wounds.
The character may throw Physical 6+ to keep fighting every time they receive a
wound. However, every Wound the character suffers incurs a -1 penalty on the
CHARACTER CREATION Triage roll, as well as to the roll to keep fighting when wounded.
1. Distribute 5 points among your six skills. You may not exceed When combat is over, characters with a positive Stamina recover their full
3 in any one skill. Stamina within 10 minutes of catching their breath and resting. For each
2. Your Stamina is equal to 12 plus twice times your Physical skill. Wounded character, roll on the Triage table after combat. Apply -1 per Wound
This represents your resistance to injury. the character suffers; -2 if the character is attempting to recover on their own
3. Your equipment is at the Referee’s discretion. (without first aid); +2 if another character uses a medical kit on them.
4. You may carry up to 10 Items plus two items per point in your
Physical skill.
2d6 Result
5. Think of a description and a personality for your character.
5 or lower Death
EQUIPMENT 6-7 Severe injury; character will recover after 3d6
weeks of medical care.
Armor 8-10 Moderate injury; character will recover after 1d6
Armor Protection days of rest
Leather 2 11 or higher Flesh wound; character will recover within 1 day of
Bulletproof vest 3 rest or immediately with a medical kit.
Ballistic Cloth 6
Space Suit 6
Combat Armor 11
VEHICLE COMBAT Missiles are limited in number (Referee's discretion); the defender, in
lieu of an attack on the enemy, may attack a missile, destroying it on a
Vehicle combat is a chase and is played in turns. Each side throws successful hit. A hit component is disabled or destroyed (Referee's
1d6+Technical+Agility; the vehicle with the higher throw has Position. discretion). Knocked Out is out of combat; a Crew hit causes 3D damage
The Pursuer wins on ties. A vehicle with Position may attack normally to all crew and passengers. Destroyed ships usually take some time to
(Combat 8+). A vehicle without Advantage can attack at a -4 penalty. explode dramatically, so crews often have time to race to the life-pods.
Chase lasts until one side is disabled or 5 turns pass without either being
Armor penetration depends on weapon and armor. Upon a successful Spaceship Damage
hit, compare the vehicle’s armor to the weapon type on the following 2D Regular Critical
table. Then, refer to the appropriate Vehicle Damage Table. 2 Hull Breach Knocked Out
3 Power Plant Knocked Out
Vehicle Penetration 4 Jump Drive Knocked Out
Armor/Weapon Small Arms Support/Laser Gunnery 5 Weapons Knocked Out
Unarmored Regular Regular Critical 6 Maneuver Drive Crew
Light - Regular Critical 7 Fuel Crew
Heavy - - Regular 8 Cargo Hold Crew
9 Crew Crew
A hit component is disabled or destroyed (Referee's discretion). Knocked
10 Computer Destroyed
Out is out of combat; a Crew hit causes 3d6 damage to all crew and
11 Bridge Destroyed
passengers; destroyed is destroyed and causes 5d6 damage to all crew
12 Critical Destroyed
and passengers unless they throw Physical 8+ to bail out.
Vehicle Damage STAR TRAVEL
2D Regular Critical When travelling between planets or stars, the pilot rolls Technical 6+,
4- Breach Knocked Out modified by the ship’s Agility. On success, the ship arrives just one time.
5 Cargo Knocked Out On failure, the ship arrives a short bit too late for the intended purpose.
6 Crew Knocked Out
7 Weapon Crew Alternatively, for more elaborate travel using a hexagon grid, any ship
8-9 Locomotion Crew may travel 2 hexagons per week, and requires refueling and recalibration
10 Electronics Destroyed (Referee’s discretion) after each such Jump, typically taking one week.
11 Power Plant Destroyed
12 Critical Destroyed ADVANCEMENT
Heroic and determined characters may develop their talents quickly and
become living legends. To represent this, Cepheus Quantum offers an
SPACESHIP COMBAT experience system.

Spaceships have Agility, armor, and weapons. Characters gain 1 XP per adventure. Every 5 XP, the character rises in
Rank. When they gain a new Rank, they may choose one of the following:
Spaceship Agility Armor Weapons • Gain +3 Stamina.
Fighter +2 Unarmored 1x Pulse Laser (Light)
• Gain one skill point to add to any skill; you may not raise any
Corsair +1 Armored 2x Missiles (Heavy, 2
skill beyond 5.
rolls per hit)
Frigate +0 Armored 2x Particle Beams A player character may advance up to four times in Rank (up to Rank 5).
(Heavy) Most NPCs do not rise above the Rank 2; higher Ranked NPCs are rare
Merchant or -1 Unarmored 2x Pulse Lasers (Light) and unique.
Spaceship combat is a chase and is played in turns. Each side's pilot
throws 1d6+Technical+Agility; the spaceship with the higher throw has This Product is published under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
Position. The Pursuer wins on ties. A spaceship with Position may attack International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). In summary, you may distribute and
normally (Combat 8+; one gunner per weapon). A spaceship without modify this text, even publish it commercially, provided you credit
Position can attack at a -4 penalty. Chase lasts until one side is disabled Stellagama Publishing and permit others to do the same.
or 5 turns pass without either being destroyed.
Upon a successful hit, consult the following table, comparing the weapon Buy Cepheus Deluxe: Enhanced Edition – a full-
power to the ship’s armor. scale 2d6 sci-fi RPG by Stellagama Publishing
Armor/Weapon Light Heavy
Unarmored Regular Critical
Armored Regular on 4+ on 1d6 Regular


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