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Objective Aloe elegans Tod. is an ecologically, environmentally, medicinally, and commercially useful aloe species
in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Unfortunately, it is highly threatened due to industrial and urban expansion and traditional
mining and agricultural activities. As a consequence, it is included in the IUCN List of Threatened Species since 2013.
The plant is getting thinly populated in many parts of the Tigrai floristic region since it is being exploited for traditional
and commercial purposes. Therefore, this study was aimed to develop a reproducible, large-scale micropropagation
protocol using offshoot cuttings in Murashige and Skoog (MS) media enriched with plant growth regulators (PGRs).
Results Sterilized explants cultured in full-strength MS media enriched with 0.25 mg/L benzyl amino purine (BAP)
and 0.10 mg/L naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) resulted in 100% healthy and live (i.e., initiated) explants after four weeks
of initiation study. Unsupplemented initiation media (control) yielded only 14.3% initiated explants. The initiated
explants were tested for their shooting response to produce microshoots by incubating in different concentrations
and combinations of BAP and NAA for four weeks. Fewer days to shooting (13.0 ± 1.0 days), higher mean shoot
number (5.0 ± 1.0), and higher mean shoot length (9.20 ± 2.35 cm) were observed with 1.0/0.50, 1.0/0.25, and 1.0
/0.50 mg/L BAP/NAA combinations, respectively. The rooting responses of the microshoots toward producing
plantlets were also tested by incubating them in half-strength MS media enriched with different concentrations of
NAA and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for four weeks. Fewer mean days to rooting (12.0 ± 1.0 days), higher mean root
number (8.0 ± 4.0), and higher mean root length (7.53 ± 3.03 cm) were observed in MS media enriched with 0.75, 0.75,
and 1.25 mg/L IBA, respectively. The responses of A. elegans plantlets to primary (in greenhouse) and secondary (in
nursery shade and direct sunlight) acclimatization in coco peat, composted soil, and manured soil media were high –
with survival percentages of 87.5–97.8% in three to four weeks.
Keywords Acclimatization, Aloe elegans, Initiation, Micropropagation, Rooting, Shooting
Desta Berhe Sbhatu
[email protected]
Department of Biology, College of Natural and Computational Sciences,
Mekelle University, PO Box 231, Mekelle, Ethiopia
Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Mekelle Institute of
Technology, Mekelle University, PO Box 1632, Mekelle, Ethiopia
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Welehaweria and Sbhatu BMC Research Notes (2023) 16:215 Page 2 of 7
Fig. 1 Different concentrations of BAP and constant concentration of NAA on shooting of A. elegans Tod
Fig. 2 Shooting response of A. elegans Tod. with different BAP/NAA supplementations. (Shoots in the smaller frame were cultured in MS medium with
1.0/0.25 mg/L BAP/NAA supplement)
9.20 ± 2.35 cm (cultured in MS medium supplemented High mean shoot lengths were also reported with lower
with 1.0 mg/L BAP + 0.50 mg/L NAA). The mean shoot (0.50 mg/L) [12, 19, 20] and higher (2.00 to 4.00 mg/L)
length of 9.20 ± 2.35 cm was significantly higher than the BAP in combination with 0.50 mg/L NAA [19–21].
rest of the mean values (p ≤ 0.05). No shooting response This research and so many other studies have gener-
was observed in the control (Fig. 1(c)). Many studies ally shown that the supplementation of low (0.50 mg/L)
with other species have reported the highest mean shoot through medium (2.0 mg/L) to high (4.0 mg/L) BAP in
length in plantlets cultured in MS media supplemented combination with 0.5 mg/L of NAA produce microshoots
with 1.0 mg/L BAP in combination with 0.5 mg/L NAA with high mean length. When all the variables of good
as compared to other combinations of PGR supplements shooting response are considered, 1.0–1.50 mg/L BAP
[7, 12, 13, 18]. in combination with 0.25–0.50 mg/L NAA lead to better
Welehaweria and Sbhatu BMC Research Notes (2023) 16:215 Page 5 of 7
micropropagation performance in Ethiopian aloes [7, 12, cultured in MS media enriched with 0.75 and 1.25 mg/L
13]. NAA produced 7.0 ± 4.0 roots per shoot (p ≤ 0.05). A
study with A. percrassa Tod. has resulted in higher mean
Rooting responses root number in shoots cultured in MS media with low
The ANOVA results showed that means of days to concentration of NAA supplements – decreasing with
rooting, number of roots, and length of roots were sta- increasing concentration from 8.4 in unsupplemented
tistically significantly different between the different medium to 3.4 with 1.50 mg/L NAA [7]. A similar trend
treatments (p ≤ 0.05) (Table 1). was observed in A. adigratana Reynolds [13]. Another
Microshoots grown in half-strength MS media sup- study on A. barbadensis has recorded the highest mean
plemented with three concentrations of NAA and IBA number of roots per shoot (4.8 ± 0.53) when cultured with
rooted in 12.00 ± 1.00 to 19.00 ± 2.00 days. Rooting 0.50 mg/L NAA supplementation [27]. Another study
medium supplemented with 0.75 mg/L IBA has resulted has also reported a better rooting response in A. indica
in rooting in 12.00 ± 1.00 days – statistically significantly L. with 0.50 mg/L NAA [26]. On the contrary, a research
less than all other treatments (p ≤ 0.05). Auxins (espe- with A. trichosantha Berger showed that the mean num-
cially IBA and NAA) are most commonly used PGRs ber of roots increases with increasing NAA supplements
for rooting of shoots [7, 12, 13, 16, 22–27]. Many stud- from 0.50 to 1.0 mg/L [12].
ies have reported rooting of aloe microshoots within one Similarly, the mean root length of shoots grown in
and three weeks in MS media supplemented with 1.0 to MS media supplemented with NAA and IBA ranged
2.0 mg/L of IBA [7, 13, 25]. Similarly, rooting media sup- from 3.62 ± 2.37 to 7.53 ± 3.03 cm. Higher IBA con-
plemented with 0.50–1.50 mg/L NAA have caused root- centrations have resulted in higher mean root lengths
ing responses in less than 15 days [7, 12, 13, 22]. Many (Table 1). On the other hand, higher mean root lengths
studies have shown that aloe shoots develop roots in were observed with increasing concentration of NAA
9–30 days but it is hard to draw clear pattern when PGRs’ from 0.75 to 1.50 mg/L. In a study with A. adigratana
concentrations increase or decrease [7, 12, 13]. Reynolds, mean root length decreased with increasing
The mean root number of the rooted shoots, tech- NAA concentration from 0.50 to 1.50 mg/L while the
nically known as plantlets, ranged from 4.00 ± 2.00 to opposite was observed with IBA [13]. In one study with
8.00 ± 4.00. Half-strength MS medium enriched with A. trichosantha Berger, it was shown that the mean root
0.75 mg/L IBA has produced plantlets with significantly length decreases as NAA concentration decreases from
higher mean root number (8.00 ± 4.00; p ≤ 0.05) (Table 1). 0.25 to 1.50 mg/L [12]. Other researchers have observed
A. adigratana Reynolds shoots cultured in rooting media similar patterns with unsupplemented and low NAA
enriched with 0.50 to 1.50 mg/L IBA have produced 8.4 supplemented (0.50 mg/L) media producing the high-
to 11 roots per shoot [13]. IBA (1.0 mg/L) in combination est mean root lengths of up to 6.0–7.0 cm [7, 11, 28]. In
with activated charcoal (500 mg/L) has resulted in higher the future, optimization of rooting media for A. elegans
mean root number (5.42) per explant in A. barbadensis shoot culture should focus on lower NAA and higher IBA
Mill. [17]. The present study has also shown that shoots supplementations.
withstanding harsh environmental conditions. It is, thus, The authors acknowledge the Tigrai Biotechnology Center Pvt. Ltd. Co. for
natural for aloe species to easily acclimatize. The pres- allowing us to carry out the laboratory and greenhouse studies.
ent study has observed similar survival rates of plantlets
Authors’ contributions
subjected to secondary acclimatization with no differ- D.B.S. and M.W. were involved in conceiving, designing, and planning of the
ence due to rooting media or microclimate. The second- study; D.B.S. carried out the identification and field location of the plant; M.W.
ary acclimatization tests under shaded nursery or direct carried out the collection of the plant materials, the experimentation, data
collection and analyses, and draft manuscript write up, and D.B.S. reviewed
sunlight did not make a difference. We have observed the manuscript for content, language, and style; and prepared the manuscript
that the death of the single plantlet in each treatment was for publication.
not linked to physiologic or anatomic reasons but due to
physical damages. Regardless of the planting soil media This study was supported by Mekelle University, PO Box 231, Mekelle, Ethiopia
or light conditions (nursery shade or direct sunlight), through the Grant No.: CRPO/MIT/LARGE/001/09.
high survival of aloe plantlets subjected to secondary
Data Availability
acclimatization is common [7, 12–14, 18]. Healthy and The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available from
undamaged plantlets often survive and grow profusely. the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Conclusion Declarations
This study has shown that initiation and shooting of
Ethics approval and consent to participate
A. elegans explants required PGRs-supplemented MS Not applicable.
media. Explants of the species responded to full-strength
MS shooting media enriched with 1.0/0.50 mg/L BAP/ Consent for publication
Not applicable.
NAA in less than two weeks. MS shooting media supple-
mented with 1.0 mg/L BAP in combination with 0.25 to Competing interests
0.50 mg/L NAA were effective in yielding the highest No competing interests to disclose.
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