Lots of entertainment buzzwords are actually portmanteaus. They abbreviate concepts for movies,
television, and music to make them more appealing to an audience. Here are some portmanteau words
that you may have read in an entertainment magazine:
Newsworthy Portmanteaus
The news media is another area that creates a lot of portmanteaus. It makes their content readable and
engaging for an audience. Here are a few popular portmanteaus that you may see while skimming a news
ar cle or broadcast:
1. affluenza (affluent + influenza) - belief that a person’s wealthy status causes lack of mo va on
and empathy
2. botox (botulism + toxin) - dermatological procedure that injects a strain of botulism into the skin
to prevent and treat wrinkles
3. Brexit (Britain + exit) - the 2016 referendum for Britain to leave the European Union
4. Ebonics (ebony + phonics) - term to describe a common dialect in the American black community
5. Juneteenth (June + nineteenth) - Freedom Day in the black community that commemorates the
emancipa on of the last American slaves and the official end of slavery
6. Medicare (medical + care) - a government-funded healthcare plan for specific ci zens
7. Obamacare (Barack Obama + healthcare) - popular term for the Affordable Healthcare Act passed
during the Obama presidency)
8. Reaganomics (Ronald Reagan + economics) - “trickle-down” economic policy in the Reagan
9. smog (smoke + fog) - polluted air
10. stagfla on (stagna on + infla on) - a con nuous period of high infla on and unemployment
Classic Portmanteau Examples
Many portmanteaus are hiding in the dic onary as regular words! Take a look at the list below to learn
which words you may not have known are actually portmanteaus.
The technological world is infamous for its nicknames, acronyms, and abbrevia ons. But most
technological shorthand is actually made of portmanteaus! See how many of these technological words
you already knew.
1. adware (adver sing + so ware) - online adver sements that generate revenue
2. animatronics (anima on + electronics) - mechanical puppets
3. bionic (biology + electronic) - mechanical body parts
4. bit (binary + digit) - basic unit of digital informa on
5. blog (web + log) - online journal or diary (vlog is the term for “video log”)
6. breathalyzer (breath + analyzer) - tool for analyzing someone’s alcohol consump on by scanning
their breath
7. cyborg (cyberne c + organism) - robo c human or animal
8. email (electronic + mail) - electronic method of communica on
9. emo con (emo on + icon) - typed symbols that appear to show faces (e.g., :) ) before the
introduc on of emoji
10. imagineer (imagine + engineer) - an engineer who works on crea ve projects
11. intercom (internal + communica on) - loudspeaker system that sends audio messages to selected
12. malware (malicious + so ware) - so ware designed to cause damage to a computer or network
13. modem (modulator + demodulator) - device that transmits data from one computer to another
14. ne que e (network + e que e) - proper online behavior and manners
15. pixel (picture + element) - an individual photographic element of a televised or computerized
16. podcast (iPod + broadcast) - an audio talk show that was first available on iPods
17. webinar (web + seminar) - mee ng or lesson available on the Internet
Some of your favorite new foods may actually be portmanteaus. Words like froyo and frappuccino are
embedded in our modern culinary lexicon – and they’re delicious, too! Other common food portmanteaus
1. advertorial (adver sement + editorial) – an adver sement that takes the form of a wri en
2. affluenza (affluence + influenza) – unhealthy feelings of en tlement or lack of mo va on
experienced by wealthy people
3. alphanumeric (alphabe c + numeric) – consis ng of le ers and numbers
4. animatronics (anima on + electronics) – the electronic anima on of puppets or similar figures to
create lifelike effects
5. anklet (ankle + bracelet) – jewelry designed to wrap around the ankle
6. athleisure (athle c + leisure) – comfortable clothing that can be worn for exercise or as casual,
everyday a re
7. Botox (botulism + toxin) – an injectable drug that uses a strain of botulism to treat signs of aging
on the skin
8. breathalyzer (breath + analyzer) – a device used to analyze a person’s breath for their blood
alcohol content or to detect viruses
9. carjack (car + hijack) – the of an automobile using violence or in mida on
10. celebutante (celebrity + debutante) – a wealthy person who receives media a en on akin to that
of a celebrity
11. cyborg (cyberne c + organism) – a creature with human features created using mechanical
12. fortnight (fourteen + night) – two weeks of fourteen nights
13. fauxhawk (faux + mohawk) – hair that’s styled to look like a mohawk
14. glamping (glamorous + camping) – a style of camping that includes luxurious comforts and
15. hazmat (hazardous + material) – substances that could be dangerous if not properly contained
16. intercom (internal + communica on) – a two-way speaker system used to communicate among
people in a specific loca on
17. internet (interconnected + network) – a computer network of informa on
18. lis cle (list + ar cle) – an ar cle forma ed as a list
19. metaverse (meta + universe) – a virtual environment meant for social connec on
20. newscast (news + broadcast) – a radio or television segment that features current events
21. Obamacare (Obama + healthcare) – a colloquial term that describes the Affordable Care Act
created under President Barack Obama’s administra on
22. pluot (plum + apricot) – a hybrid stone fruit that combines the characteris cs of a plum and an
23. podcast (iPod + broadcast) – a digital audio program that can be downloaded and listened to on
24. popsicle (pop + icicle) – a frozen dessert, typically made with fruit juice or fruit flavor
25. smog (smoke + fog) – hazy, polluted air
26. spork (spoon + fork) – an ea ng utensil that serves as both a spoon and a fork
27. stash (store + cache) – a secret hiding place where valuables are kept
28. vlog (video + log) – a video-based diary published online
29. webinar (web + seminar) – a presenta on or seminar held online