Elizabethan Reseach Project Assignment Updated March 2014
Elizabethan Reseach Project Assignment Updated March 2014
Elizabethan Reseach Project Assignment Updated March 2014
This is our first leap into the world of digital research and representation. As this is the first time we are doing some of these types of activities, please be patient and allow your teacher to work through any issues in the end, we want to use technology to find information and share our findings with a broader audience. For this assignment, we would like you to work with a partner namely so you can learn from one another!". #e are going to allow you to choose your partner please be very careful who you choose, as you will be dependent upon that person to gather information on your behalf. $ven though you are working in partners, ultimately you will receive an individual mark for the pro%ect and presentation.
Task: The producing team behind Academia Teachers &roductions has decided that they would like to produce an
authentic dramatic production of #illiam 'hakespeare(s Romeo and Juliet. )ou have been called upon to be e*pert consultants in one of the various areas of $li+abethan,Tudor history that will show up in the playfood and drink fashion- lower class females fashion- lower class males fashion- higher class females fashion- higher class males marriage customs education family life roles" entertainment not theatre" /ichard .urbage 0ord 1hamberlain(s 2en,roles they(d play" popular music crime and punishment astrology,beliefs the .lack &lague medicine" music can include dance" religious figures- the role of the Friar in the 1atholic 1hurch medicine and health care death, funeral and burial rituals
Step 1: Research
)ou are going out into the world wide web to find information about your chosen topic. )our main goal is to find interesting and enlightening facts about the real $li+abethan $ra in which our fictional stories Cue for Treason and Romeo and Juliet are both set". )ou will receive instruction from the teacher3librarian as to how to conduct good research. 4eep in mind that there are many sources of information available to you that are not the best 5uality search out authentic sites for your information e.g. it would be better to go directly to a site that is dedicated to the rebuilt 6lobe Theater in 0ondon rather than someone(s class pro%ect site about the 6lobe Theatre". 7n general, website addresses that end in .org or are related to the government or respected institutions e.g. the ..1, a
university website" are safer than others. 8on(t %ust 6oogle and use the first item that comes up! #ikipedia is also good for a first look at a topic but real research shouldn(t take place there. 8on(t be afraid to use &/79T resources available in our library!" the teacher3librarian would be very happy to support you in finding information. Product #1: Research Notes (individual) )our group must consult and use a minimum of FO R (!) research sources (" per person) . $ach source must have a research notes sheet available in the class $li+abethan /esearch folder on the 6oogle 8rive save a cop# for each of the sources you use these should be saved into your own folder and then shared with your partner and your teacher only". Process: :" 0og into your #/8'. 6oogleApps account. ;" $lick on the .ell $96 :87 shared files folder and click on $li+abethan /esearch /esources folder. <" Ri%ht&click on the 9ote3taking #orksheets=original copy document and then select 'ake a $op#. >" Rename that cop# with your last name e.g. .ell=notes :". ?" 'ove your document copy into your own drive so that other students do not have access to it". @" Share your notes with your partner and me ashley=bellAgoogleapps.wrdsb.ca". (our Research Notes )ill *e evaluated individuall# + , )ill *e lookin% for t)o sets of notes- shared )ith me- from each person. Product #": /nnotated 0orks $ited Pa%e (%roup) )our group is responsible for creating and sharing an /nnotated 0orks $ited Pa%e for your four best sources ideally, two per person". Process: :" 0og into your #/8'. 6oogleApps account. ;" $lick on the .ell $96 :87 shared files folder and click on $li+abethan /esearch /esources folder. <" $lick on the 'ample Annotated #orks 1ited document to see how it is laid out. >" 7n your own drive, create an Annotated #orks 1ited document and name it with your topic e.g. 'hakespeare Annotated #orks 1ited". ?" 'hare the Annotated #orks 1ited document with your partner and me ashley=bellAgoogleapps.wrdsb.ca". (our /nnotated 0orks $ited )ill *e evaluated for the %roup1 ho)ever- if it is clear that onl# one person created the entries- marks )ill *e ad2usted accordin%l#3
Product #": 4isual Support <oo%le =oc 7Poster8 (%roup) #hen you present, you want to provide your audience with visual support. Therefore, your group is responsible for creating and sharing a 6oogle 8oc that is a virtual poster that contains the following information in support of your topic3 at least five (>) of the most interesting facts about your topic, complete with proper citations 3 facts should be listed as bulleted points not complete sentences" and should be in #our o)n )ords 3 at least three (?) images to help illustrate your topic you will learn how to easily incorporate those images into your 6oogle document, complete with proper citations" Process: :" ;" <" >" ?" @" D" 0og into your #/8'. 6oogleApps account. $lick on the .ell $96 :87 shared files folder and click on $li+abethan /esearch /esources folder. $lick on the .ell 'ample For $li+abethan /esearch &oster document to see how it is laid out. Ri%ht&$lick on Template=&oster document and then select 'ake a $op#. Rename that cop# with your topic e.g. 'hakespeare=poster" 'ove your document copy into your own drive so that other students do not have access to it". Share your poster with your partner and me ashley=bellAgoogleapps.wrdsb.ca".
'pecial 9ote- you will make use of the 6oogle /esearch Tool in order to integrate images.
9li@a*ethan Research Pro2ect + $ompletion $hecklist /ctivit#AProduct /esearch 9otes :" on my topic individual" /esearch 9otes ;" on my topic individual" Annotated #orks 1ited page group" &oster group" &resentation 9otes,prepared
1ompletedE 'hared with my partner and teacher via 6oogle 8riveE