Chap 03
Chap 03
Chap 03
Chapter 78
78.1 PID Compensation
78.2 Generic Closed Loop Response
78.3 Dahlin’s Method
78.4 Deadbeat Method
78.5 Direct Programs
78.6 Cascade Programs
78.7 Parallel Programs
+ u(k) − u(k − 1) KC
r e C(s) u G (s)
+ y = .e(k)
+ T T T TR
– KC .T
1 − z−1 .u(z) = .e(z)
Fig. 78.1 Closed loop comprising impulse compensator and plant KI
Throughout this chapter it is presumed,as depicted u(z) = .e(z)
(1 − z−1 )
in Figure 78.1, that C(s) is the impulse compen-
sator to be designed and G(s) is the plant which is which clearly corresponds to a pole at z = 1 on the
assumed to include the ZOH. unit circle.
648 78 Impulse Compensation
The approach has obvious parallels with the reac- If G(s) is not known, as is usually the case, it must
tion curve method of tuning described in Chap- be estimated.This may be achieved by developing a
ter 24 and the approximation for higher order sys- model of the plant from first principles, by empiri-
tems described in Chapter 72. cal tests or by means of identification. Fortunately,
The designer may choose any sensible values the method is fairly tolerant of any estimating er-
for and L: rors.
y(s) = (78.5)
s. ( s + 1)
If L = n.T then:
78.4 Deadbeat Method
2 2 33 Often referred to as minimal response design, the
y(z) = z−n .Z L−1 method enables a compensator to be designed such
s. ( s + 1) that the closed loop response exhibits a fast rise
' −t/
= z .Z 1 − e time and a short settling time with zero offset: the
z z ideal response.
= z−n . −
z − 1 z − e−T/ The zero offset is established using the final
z −n+1
1 − e−T/ value theorem. From Equation 78.3:
(z − 1) z − e−T/ e(z) = r(z). (1 − M(z))
e(∞) = Lim e(kT) = Lim (z − 1) .e(z)
Assume a step input: k→∞ z→1
y(t) y
t t
0 T 2T 3T 4T 0 T 2T 3T 4T
Fig. 78.3 The deadbeat method: closed loop response to a step Fig. 78.4 The deadbeat method: closed loop response to a ramp
input input
a0 a1 a2 a3 am
b0 b0 b0 b0 b0
+ + + +
+ + + +
U - u(t)
+ +
+ +
b1 b2 bn
b0 b0 b0
The power series must not contain any positive on previous values of the output. The structure of
power in z, which would imply that an output sig- the software for the direct programming technique
nal could be produced before an error signal is is best illustrated in flow diagram form as depicted
applied. Thus n ≥ m for realisability. If n = m then in Figure 78.6.
it is important that b0 = 0.
Equation 78.6 may be rearranged:
b0 + b1 z−1 + b2 z−2 + . . . + bn z−n .u(z) 78.6 Cascade Programs
= a0 + a1 z −1
+ a2 z −2
+ . . . + am z −m
.e(z) Any compensator of the form of Equation 78.6 may
Inverse transform: be factorised such that:
b0 .u(k) + b1.u(k − 1) + b2 .u(k − 2) + . . . a0 . 1 + ˛i z−1
+ bn .u(k − n) C(z) =
= a0 .e(k) + a1 .e(k − 1) + a2 .e(k − 2) + . . . b0 . 1 + ˇj z−1
+ am .e(k − m)
where the various −˛i and −ˇj are the zeros and
Rearrange: poles respectively of C(z).
The compensator C(z) may be considered to be
1 1
m n
u(k) = ai .e(k − i) − bj .u(k − j) a series of simple pulse transfer functions cascaded
b0 b0 as depicted in Figure 78.7.
i=0 j=1
= E−U e( z ) u (z)
C1 (z) C 2 (z) C3 ( z ) C n (z)
Thus the current value of the output depends on
the current and previous values of the error, and Fig. 78.7 Decomposition of compensator into product of factors
652 78 Impulse Compensation
ej(t) ej(t-T)
αj + uj(t)
1 + ˛jz−1 +
e(z) + u(z)
Cj (z) = for j = 2, 3, . . . m. C 2 (z)
1 + ˇj z−1 +
C n (z)
Cj (z) = for j = m + 1, m + 2, . . . n.
1 + ˇjz−1 Fig. 78.9 Decomposition of compensator into sum of partial frac-
Each Cj (z) may be implemented with software as,
for example, in Figure 78.8.
Analysis yields:
Each Cj (z) may be implemented with software as
uj (z) = 1 + ˛jz−1 .ej (z) − ˇj z−1 .uj (z) depicted in Figure 78.10.
uj (z) 1 + ˛jz−1
Cj (z) = = ej(t) αj uj(t)
ej (z) 1 + ˇj z−1
b0 +
78.7 Parallel Programs βj