1 Networking Fundamentals

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Networking Fundamentals

Spoofing of MAC Address in Kali Linux with macchanger command :

To spoof you MAC address first ensure to put your interface down with following

ifconfig <interface> down

for example: ifconfig eth0 down

After you interface is down then you can go ahead for spoofing with macchanger
command with following syntax.

macchanger <interface> <option>

In macchanger there are various options are available as follows

-e: Stands for ending it only spoofs the ending octates and starting octates remains
-a: It spoofs the complete MAC address but for same kind of device that you using.
-A: It spoofs the complete MAC address and it can be for any kind of devices
-r: It stands for random. It spoofs your complete MAC address randomly and it gives
you non existing MAC address.
-m: It stands for manual. Here you can enter whichever MAC you want to spoof
-p: It stands for permanent. It restores your original MAC address back.
-l: It stands for list. It displays the content of the DB that stores all MAC address
series and their vendor names.

For example:

macchanger eth0 -e

macchanger eth0 -m 00:11:22:33:44:55

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Spoofing of IP Address in Kali Linux:

To spoof IP address, there are so many techniques that can be used.

1) Using of online proxy servers:

There are so many online proxy servers available for free using them can help us in
spoofing and hiding your real location. Some of popular proxy servers are as follows.

2) Using a TOR Browser:

You can use a TOR browser that’s built on Firefox and completely free and available
for all the platforms. Searching for a TOR hidden wiki can provide various hidden
URL that can be browsed with the help of TOR browser.

3) Using of a VPN:
You can use VPN to make your IP address spoofed on system wide. There are so
many VPN services are available most of them are paid services. Few of free VPN
are as follows
Hotspot Shield VPN
Cyberghost VPN
Hola VPN
Opera VPN (Available as app on android/iOS or built in Opera web browser)

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