VAPT Mooc Course Notes
VAPT Mooc Course Notes
VAPT Mooc Course Notes
1) Reconnaissance
Reconnaissance is the term given to finding out about a target. Individuals typically
have one internet addressed assigned to them by their service provider whereas
businesses will have mul�ple addresses. An atacker will first start with the web
address and then perform scans to find other addresses for systems used by the
target. This is known as an IP Address Scan.
When an atacker has a list of ac�ve hosts, they will scan each host to find out what
entry points are exposed.
When an atacker has a list of ac�ve hosts, they will scan each host to find out what
entry points are exposed. This is known as port scan.
2) Weaponiza�on
Weaponiza�on means taking a known vulnerability and customizing it to a specific
target or group of targets and integra�ng it to run from an automated cyber atack
pla�orm. Cyber criminals will o�en purchase the weaponized malware from
dedicated developers.
3) Delivery
The most common way of delivering mal ware is to atach an infected PDF document,
image or other electronic item in a way that when the document is opened, the
malware will self-install. This process is known as phishing
Another way is to find a vulnerable website, infect it with malware and send an email
invita�on to the target to visit the website.
A third way might be to use default user id’s and passwords or a stolen user id and
password to enter the target system and directly implant the malware.
Its also possible to find flaws in so�ware that is exposed to the internet and to
manually deliver the malware.
Finally an infected flash drive can be used if the target system is not directly
connected to the internet.
4) Exploita�on
For email atachments and flash drive atacks, the infected item will exploit a
vulnerability in the target so�ware post-delivery. For a browser-based atack, the
infected item will take advantage of a vulnerability in the browser. In the case of
remote access, the exploita�on phase is simply the unauthorized use of creden�als.
5) Installa�on
Once the malware has been installed, the malware will install a payload into memory
or disk of the target system. A mechanism will also have to be introduced to ensure
the payload is restarted every �me the system is rebooted. This can be achieved in
Windows using the Windows Registry
The payload will o�en be or include a means of maintaining ongoing access to a
command shell.
6) Command and Control
A system compromised is o�en automated. Once a payload is installed, the first step
it will perform is to connect to the command and control server to register as a
compromised host. The atacker will then want to send back commands for some
ac�on to be taken.
7) Ac�on
The type of ac�on carried out by the payload depends upon the mo�ves of the
atacker. A hack�vist may want to deface a website. A state sponsored agent may
want to steal sensi�ve informa�on. A cyber criminal may want to access a bank
account to steal money.
Understanding Malware Techniques and MITRE's Atack Framework
MITRE provides a comprehensive repository of tac�cs and techniques used in
malware. Based on the Lockheed Mar�n cyber kill chain, MITRE's repository covers
the en�re atack lifecycle.
The MITRE Atack Matrix
Having iden�fied which hosts are responding, we can probe the TCP and UDP Ports to
iden�fy what services are running.
This can be performed for TCP ports using the following command:
Nmap -PS <ip address>
Nmap checks the most common services to see if they’re open for the host. It does
this by star�ng to open a connec�on to the service and then closing it down before
the connec�on is complete. This is called a TCP SYN ping. It works by sending an
empty TCP packet with the SYN flag set and wai�ng for the server to respond with
the standard SYN-ACK response.
For UDP ports, we shall use the following command:
Nmap -sU -P0 <ip address>
The P0 op�on is used to skip the ping check as it has already been performed, the
UDP scan will scan the most common UDP ports.
We can also use nmap to drill down into an individual service and get more details
about what is running using the following command
Nmap -sV <ip address>
Nmap will try to iden�fy the version of so�ware being used for a service. For a more
sophis�cated scan, you can limit the scan to a par�cular service using the -P op�on
Nmap -sV -p <service number> <ip address>
All of these scans can also be combined into a single command illustrated below
Nmap -sSUV -p U:<port range>, T:<port range> <ip address>
This command will perform both TCP and UDP port detec�on and service
iden�fica�on using just one command.
To determine what opera�ng system is running on the fevice, we use the command
Nmap -PS -O <ip address>
Penetra�on Tes�ng with Metasploit
Understanding Metasploit
HD Moore, a cybersecurity professional realized he spent major chunk of his �me
sani�zing public exploits rather than focusing on exploita�on strategies.
Moore released the first version of Metasploit in 2003 with a total of 11 exploits. The
ini�al release was writen in Perl and then rewriten in Ruby in 2007.
Metasploit was then acquired by Rapid7 in 2009. Currently Metasploit supports more
than 2300 exploits, over 3300 modules and payloads.
The Metasploit framework operates as an open source project backed by over
200,000 users and contributors. It has exploits available for most OS pla�orms,
products and OEMs
Metasploit Timeline
Overview of Metasploit
Metasploit is neither a rou�ne tool or a common so�ware. It is a framework that you
can use off the shelf or use as base to build your own exploits. It supports most
phases of a penetra�on tes�ng exercise. It integrates with majority of 3rd party tools
like nmap, acune�x, nieces etc. Metasploit is not the only framework out there but it
is the most commonly used.
Architecture of Metasploit
At the center of our diagram, we have our 3 Metasploit libraries. The libraries help us
run our exploits without having to write addi�onal code. All of these 3 libraries
interact with the Metasploit User interface
Rex is a basic library for most of the tasks such as
• Handling socket connec�ons
• TCP/IP Protocol stack
• Secure Socket Layer issues
The core deals with the basic API of metasploit. The Base provides the friendly API
and also helps in dealing with other APIs used within the framework. It offers
features like logging, session management
Addi�onally, there is the Metasploit User Interface where we can use the command
line, msfconsole, the web UI and the GUI
On the extreme right of the diagram, we have all the various modules that are
available within metasploit such as Auxilliary, Encoders, Exploits, No Opera�ons and
Penetra�on Modules
Metasploit provides us with various modules that we can use for penetra�on tes�ng.
These include:
a) Exploits
An exploit is a piece of code that when executed will take advantage of a specific
vulnerability on the target.
b) Payloads
A payload is a piece of code that runs on the target a�er successful exploita�on. It
defines the ac�ons that we want to perform on the target a�er we have successfully
compromised the system.
c) Auxiliary
Auxiliary are modules that provide non exploita�on features such as scanning,
fuzzing, sniffing. Auxiliary doesn’t require payloads
d) Encoders
Encoders are used to obfuscate modules to avoid detec�on through mechanisms
such as an�virus, firewall, intrusion detec�on
e) NOPS – No Opera�on
It is used to ensure that if we are using mul�ple payloads, they can all be of the same
size. They are par�cularly useful for successful exploita�on of our exploit codes.