ME30604 Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes
ME30604 Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes
ME30604 Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes
End Sem. Examination: Spring 2017-18 Time: 3 hon r.s Fri II rna rks: 100
2. a. Derive an expression for the material removal rate of a brittle material in abrasive
jet machining. (5)
b. A workpiece has a 10 qm thick ceramic coating on its surface. The strength of
coating is 4 Gpa. This coating is to be removed by abrasive jet having average
grit diameter of 50 pm and grit density of 4000 kg/m 3. If the10 qm thick coating is
to be removed in a single impact of grit what should be its velocity? Estimate the
AJ mass flow rate to remove ceramic coating over a 10 cm x10 cm area in one
minute machining time. (3+4=7)
ii. Full penetration hutt welding of two 5 mm thick titan ium plates is to he d‹›nc I ?
m/min speed with an elcctron heam focused to 600 /+m diameter sput at the platc
surface. What will bc the e-bcam power required t‹› perform the wclding aizc\ wl ‹1t
will be the actual weld-bcad width? During the welding prc›ccss §% nzatci’iaI is
evaporated and thc e- beans power coupling ef!icicizcy incl udiny conduction l‹›ss
is 0. I .
The thermo-physical propcrties of aluminum are given as thC following :
Density ' 4§10 kg m ", [.atent heat of fusion' 437 kJ kg-', Latent heal o!“
vaporization '9000 kJ kg ', Specific heat' 520 J kg" ' K"', Melting tempcraturc
I670°C, Boiling temperature 3260°C, Thermal conductivity 19 W m-' K- 1
you may assume conslanl properties over Ihe whole lemf:›eruiure range. | 7l
4(a) Explain the functions of servo reference voltage and servo sensitivity in relation to
maintaining the inter-electrode gap in EDM.
4(b) Explain with simple diagram how the effect of variation of electrolyte temperature
(between exit and entry side) in the inter-electrode gap is taken care of during designing for
tool in ECM.
4(c) The composition (% by weight) of Nimonic 75 alloy is given in the table below:
Element Ni Cr Fe Ti Si Mn Cu
% presence by 72 20 5 0.5 1 1 0.5
Atomic weight 58.7 52 56 48 28 54 63
Valency 2, 3 2, 3, 4 2, 3 3, 4 4 2, 4, 6,7 1, 2
Density (g/cm ) 8.9 7.2 7.9 4.5 2.3 7.4 9
5.(a) What are the reasons for dcveloping a hybrid manufacturing process?
6(a) Highlight two application areas where clectrochemical honing process may be useful.
6(a) With a neat diagram explain the different interaction phases oi the rotating grinding
wheel with moving job and corresponding material removal mechanisms during electro-
chemical grinding (ECG) proccss.
6(c) In a photochemical blanking operation a rectangular slit 300 micron iv idth was attempted
to be made on a copper-beryllium sheet of 200 micron thickness by selectively exposing
only the top surface with a mask. It resulted in a tapered sl it for which the dimension at
the top was more than the dimension ai the bottom.
Suggest some change in the approach while continuing with the same process so that a
near-vertical slit could be obtained. (Use suitable diagram for explanation)
(2+6+2 = 10 Marks)
7(a) Prove that buckling strength to weight ratio of an Euler column increases if its linear
dimensions are scaled down.
7(b) With the help of diagram explaln the process sequences for a optical lithography process
on a silicon wafer.
7(c) Why is an X-ray source more suitable for high resolution lithography?
(3+6+1 = 10 Marks)
8(b) Why is the manufacture of the micro-electrode tools essentially carried out in situ in a
micro-EDM set up itself?
8(c) Explain with a schematic diagram the way a micro-tool (for subsequent use micro-
EDMing operation) can be fabricated in-situ in a micro-EDM set up by wire
electrodischarge grinding (WEDG) process?
8(d) What are the possible sources of stray capacitance in a micro-EDM set up?
(3+2+4+I = 10 Marks)