Cc4101 Advanced Manufacturing Process Jan 2022

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Question PaperCode 12076


F'irnt Sementer



(Regulations 2021)
Time:Three hours Maximun: 100 marks

Answer ALL qutstions.

PART A-(10 2 =20 marks)

1. What are the disad vantages of ceramic coating?

2. Compare and contrast diffusion catinga and liamond enatirg

3. Give four reasons supporting the need for the developnent of non-traditional
4. Why do ductile naterials erode less than brittle naterials in the USM process?

5. How the initial ionization is accomplished in PAM?

6. Can you machine electrically non-conducting materials using the EBM

process? Brief.

7 With neat sketches, state the 3 stages in the sintering process of ceramics.

8 What is the difference between plastic and elastomer?

9 State the differences between wet and dry oxidation.

10. What is accelerated life testing? Wny is it practiced?

PART B-(5 13= 65 marks)

Distinguish between continuous and pulse ion beam implantation

11. (a)
techniques. With a neat sketch, explain the various component systems
of the continuous 1on implanter. (5+8)

(b) Describe the principles and
procedure of the chemical vapour deposition
(CVD) method in detail. Explain how Mo coating ani Al.0: coatings are
formed by C\D 6-7

(a) (1) Differentiate between AJM and WJM concerning principle. process
capab1lities and pertormance.

(11) The material renmoval in abrasive jet machining

rate is 0.5 mm°/s
Caleulate material removal per impact. if the mass flow rate of
abrastve 1sgm/ce and grit size 60 pn Also, fnd cut the
mdentation radius.


Discuss the following for EDM Process. (1) Effect of process

variables Over produet quality. (2) spark initiation process.

(11) Determine water jet velocity, mass flow rate of water. abrasive
water jet velocity and depth of penetration in abrasive water jet
machining for the following conditions: Pressure 4000 bar, oriice
diameter 0.3 nm. mass tlow rate of abrasive 1 kg/mm. traverse
speed 300 mm/nmm, focusing tube diameter 1 mm and specific
energy of work material is 13.6 J/mm?. Assume other values if

13. (a) (i) Discass the process characteristics of different 1asers typically used
in the LBM process. (5)

(ii) Explain the process capabilities of L.BM and PAM

(ai) Discuss the process parameters of LBM and their induence on

nachining quality.


(b)() Derive the equations for modelling of material removal rate to

evaluate the efticiency of the ECM process.

Discuss the process of Electro Chemical Grinding (ECG) with a neat

diagram. Also. list down the materials used for abrasive wheels
used in ECG. 5

in detail the processing methods of particulate ceramics with

14. Explain
their applicatio1s.


(b) ) Explain in detail the production of reinforced plastics.

of tiber reintorced with
(i) Explan the classifications Composites
specifie examples and near sketehes

15. (a) () for the
How is epitaxy different from other techniques used
deposition? (3)

(11) Describe the procedures of image splitting lithography and

immersion lithography. 6)

(iii) Last down the basic design considerations in laying out PCBs. (4)

influencing the development of
(b) (i) Discuss the factors
and requirements that are
ii) Explain in detail the major elements in
the c-manufacturing platform
desired to effectively implement
various manufacturing environments. (8)
PART C - (1 x 15 15 marks)

machining requirements. Select appropriate

16. Following the
(a) are
for each with justification. (3+4+4+4)
traditional machining method

i) Deep drilling
(11) Machining of injection moulding
(iii) Profile cutting of turbine

(iv) Die block used in press tools

most suitable cleaner,
cleaning method and
Select and justify the (7.5+7.5)
(b) materials and applications.
t r e a t m e n t for the following

for automobile applications

) AI-Si cast alloy components
w e a r and anti-galling
fasteners with superior
(ii) Steel

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