Model Question Paper Tool Design: Part A
Model Question Paper Tool Design: Part A
Model Question Paper Tool Design: Part A
II. Answer any 8 questions from the following.
(8x3=24 Marks)
Module outcome Cognitive level
1 Compare piercing and blanking operation M1.03 U
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10 List different types of Clamps M4.02 R
Answer all the questions from the following.
(6x7=42 Marks)
Module outcome Cognitive level
Explain following sheet metal cutting operation with diagram
III M1.03 U
i. Coining ii. Lancing iii. Planishing
Compare progressive tool with combination tool with rough
IV M1.04 U
Write short note on the following terms
a) Kinematic link
V b) Kinematic pair M1.01 U
c) Kinematic chain
d) Mechanism
Calculate the bending force for 45o bend in aluminium (shear
X strength-448 N/mm2), 0.25 cm thick and 1.12 m long with a die M2.04 A
opening 8 times the metal thickness. The bend is to be made with V
bending methods
XI Illustrate cold chamber die casting M3.04 U
XII Explain with a neat sketch the working of screw type injection M3.03 U
XIII Explain the 3-2-1 principle in jigs and fixture M4.01 U
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XIV Compare the use of jigs with fixtures M4.01 U
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TED (21) – 5111 REVISION 2021
Model Question Paper
Tool Design
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 75
I. Answer all questions in one word or one sentence.
(9x1=9 Marks)
Module outcome Cognitive level
1 Define Mechanism M1.01 R
II. Answer any 8 questions from the following.
(8x3=24 Marks)
Module outcome Cognitive level
1 Explain Curling operation with a neat figure M1.03 U
Determine the punch and die dimension for blanking a round disk
2 of diameter 0.2 cm from MS sheet 2 mm. Shear strength of M2.01 A
material is 278 N/mm2
3 Enumerate the steps involved in design of blanking die M2.01 U
List the type of pilots and methods of piloting operation used in
4 M2.01 R
press tool
5 Explain the phenomenon of spring back in bending operation M2.03 U
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Answer all the questions from the following.
(6x7=42 Marks)
Module outcome Cognitive level
Write the equation for calculating degree of freedom of a
III mechanism and Calculate the degree of freedom for a four- bar M1.01 U
IV Explain combination die set with a neat sketch M1.04 U
V Explain any 3 types of thread and their application with neat M1.02 U
VI Draw and Explain Compound die set M1.04 U
VII Illistrate fine blanking with a neat sketch M2.01 U
An L shaped steel component rectangular
piece as in figure is to be made from 3 mm
thick sheet. Sketch the scrap strip layout
VIII and find out the area utilization. M2.02 A
X M2.04 A
XI Explain with a neat sketch the working of single cavity injection M3.03 U
Illustrate and explain about compression mould for component
XII M3.04 U
showing vertical flash
XIII Explain the components of drilling jig with a neat sketch M4.01 U
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