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Submitted to fulfill the requirements for thesis writing at English Education

Department of Faculty of Educational Science and Teacher’s Training

Siliwangi University













Approved by:

Supervisor I, Supervisor II,

Dr. Soni Tantan Tandiana, S.Pd. Fuad Abdullah, S.Pd., M.Pd.

NIDN. 0415097002 NIDN. 0028038901


It is with utmost reverence and a profound sense of purpose that I undertake the
exploration of students' perceptions concerning the teacher's corrective feedback
on English writing assignments. This thesis proposal delves into the domain of
language learning and pedagogy, with a particular focus on nurturing writing
proficiency among students in a junior high school in Karawang, Indonesia.
Driven by an ardent desire to make a meaningful contribution to the field of
English education, this research endeavors to illuminate students' feedback
preferences, attitudes, and appraisals of the efficacy of corrective feedback
practices. This thesis proposal bears witness to an exhaustive review of existing
literature, drawing on insights from eminent language experts, both on the
national and international front, who have delved into the intricacies of feedback,
motivation, and writing pedagogy. The invaluable guidance of my esteemed thesis
advisor and unwavering support from my university faculty have been
instrumental throughout this research endeavor.

Tasikmalaya, March 2023

Nurazzizah Permata Sholehah



I am deeply grateful and honored to express my heartfelt appreciation to all those

who have contributed to the realization of this thesis proposal entitled “Exploring
the Students’ Perceptions of the Teacher’s Corrective Feedback to Their English
Writing Assignments. Without their unwavering support, guidance, and
encouragement, this research endeavor would not have come to fruition. This
proposal is intended to be submitted to the English Education Department, Faculty
of Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training, Siliwangi University, as partial
fulfillment of the requirements of the Research Seminar Proposal.
On this occasion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to:

1. Head of English Education Department, Faculty of Educational

Sciences and Teachers’ Training, Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya,
2. Dr. Soni Tantan Tandiana, S.Pd as the first supervisor whose expertise,
patience, and insightful feedback have been instrumental in shaping
the direction of this research,
3. Fuad Abdullah, S.Pd., M.Pd. as the second supervisor whose profound
knowledge and guidance have enriched my insight,
4. All lecturers of the English Education Department, Faculty of
Educational Sciences and Teachers’ Training, Siliwangi University,
To conclude, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all parties
involved for their unwavering support, understanding, and encouragement
throughout this research journey.

Tasikmalaya, March 2023

The Writer


APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………… i

PREFACE ………………………………………………………………… ii
ACKNOWLEDGMENT …………………………………………………. iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………… iv
LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………….. v
LIST OF ENCLOSURE …………………………………………………. vi
1. Background of the Study ………………………………………… 1
2. Formulation of the Problem ……………………………………… 3
3. Operational Definition …………………………………………… 3
4. Aims of the Research …………………………………………….. 4
5. Significances of the Research ……………………………………. 4
6. Literature Review ………………………………………………… 5
7. Research Procedure ………………………………………………. 10
7.1 Method of the Research ………………………………………. 10
7.2 Focus of the Research ………………………………………… 10
7.3 Setting and Participants ………………………………………. 11
7.4 Technique of Collecting the Data ……………………………. 11
7.5 Technique of Analyzing the Data …………………………….. 13
7.6 Steps of the Research …………………………………………. 15
7.7 Time and Place of The Research ……………………………… 16
REFERENCES …………………………………………………………... 18

ENCLOSURES …………………………………………………………… 21


Table 1. Steps of the Research …………………………………………….. 14

Table 2. Time of the Research ……………………………………………. 15


Enclosures 1. Participant Consent ………………………………………… 21

Enclosures 2. Interview Questions ………………………………………... 23


1. Background

Writing proficiency is a critical skill for students to excel in academic and

professional domains (Ferris, 2012). In the context of English language learning,
effective writing skills are essential for students to communicate ideas coherently
and convey their thoughts with precision. One of the significant factors
contributing to students' writing development is the feedback they receive from
their teachers.

Corrective feedback, in particular, plays a crucial role in addressing

students' errors and providing guidance for improvement. According to Carless
and Winstone (2020), feedback is one of the most powerful influences on student
achievement, with corrective feedback being a significant component of effective
feedback practices. They emphasize that for feedback to be impactful, students
must perceive it as relevant and actionable. Therefore, gaining insights into
students' perceptions of teacher corrective feedback is essential in tailoring
feedback strategies that align with their needs and preferences, fostering a positive
and constructive feedback environment (Li, 2020). By understanding how
students interpret and respond to corrective feedback, educators can better support
their writing development and enhance the overall effectiveness of feedback
practices in English language education (Li, 2020). This thesis proposal aims to
explore the students' perception of the teacher's corrective feedback on English
writing assignments in a junior high school in Karawang, to gain insights into
students' feedback preferences, attitudes, and the perceived effectiveness of
corrective feedback practices.

The significance of teacher corrective feedback in the context of English

writing instruction has been widely acknowledged in the literature. Research by
Ferris (2006) highlights the positive impact of corrective feedback on students'
writing accuracy and development. However, the effectiveness of feedback
depends on students' reception and utilization of the feedback provided.
Therefore, understanding how students perceive and interpret corrective feedback

is crucial in enhancing feedback practices and fostering students' writing growth.

By exploring the students' perception of corrective feedback through in-depth
interviews, this thesis proposal aims to contribute to the existing body of
knowledge on effective feedback practices in English writing instruction.

Written corrective feedback is a pedagogical approach employed by

teachers to enhance students' language accuracy and proficiency. Through this
method, teachers provide annotations, corrections, or suggestions directly on
students' written assignments, aiming to rectify grammatical, lexical, or structural
errors. This technique is thought to facilitate students' language development by
addressing their mistakes and promoting self-awareness. However, its
effectiveness remains a subject of debate within the educational community, as
research suggests varying degrees of impact on student learning. Therefore, the
researcher conducted a preliminary interview to see the phenomenon and the
efficacy of written corrective feedback on August 9, 2023. The efficacy of written
corrective feedback largely depends on factors such as the type of errors
addressed, the individual learning styles of students, and the clarity of the
feedback provided, indicating the need for a balanced and well-informed
implementation to maximize its benefits.

While several studies have explored the role of teacher corrective feedback
on students' writing development, there is a notable research gap regarding the
specific focus on students' perceptions and attitudes towards corrective feedback.
Existing research has predominantly emphasized the types and frequency of
feedback provided by teachers, but there is limited research that delves into
students' perspectives on the usefulness and impact of corrective feedback.
Several researchers have highlighted the significance of corrective feedback in
students' writing development. For instance, a study by Rohmah and Halim (2023)
examined the use of oral corrective feedback. Their research provided insights
into how beneficial the feedback to the students’ writing improvement.
Additionally, a study by Koltovskaia (2020) explored the student engagement
with automated written corrective feedback, Grammarly, implementation in their

writing drafts. Furthermore, a study by Li and Vuono (2019) focused the research
on the use of oral and written corrective feedback in the past 25 years in System –
a name of journal platform. However, their research did not involve students’
perceptions that it would make the main difference of this thesis. There have been
much research on the teacher’s corrective feedback during English learning
activities. However, little attention is addressed to the investigation of teacher’s
corrective feedback to students’ writing assignments, especially in an Indonesian
junior high school context. Therefore, the present study aims at researching the
students’ perceptions of corrective feedback given by the teacher to their writing

2. Formulation of the Problem

The question of the research is, What are the students’ perceptions on the
teacher’s written corrective feedback to their English writing assignments?

3. Operational Definitions

To avoid misunderstanding the terms set out in this study, the researcher
provides two definitions related to this study as follows:

3.1 Corrective Feedback: Corrective feedback refers to the information or

guidance provided by teachers to students to address and correct errors or
mistakes in their language production, particularly in written or spoken
language tasks. The purpose of corrective feedback is to help students
identify and rectify language inaccuracies, promoting language development
and improvement. This feedback may involve explicit corrections, hints, or
suggestions to assist students in refining their language usage and fostering
their language learning process.

3.2 Students’ Perceptions: Students' perceptions refer to the subjective

understanding, interpretation, and awareness that students hold regarding to
the various aspects of their educational experiences, including teaching
methods, learning materials, assessment, and interactions with teachers and

peers. It encompasses students' beliefs, attitudes, feelings, and viewpoints

about their learning environment, learning tasks, and their own abilities.
Understanding students' perceptions are crucial as it can significantly impact
to their motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes, influencing their
overall academic performance and progress in their educational journey.

4. The Aim of the Research

This study aims to investigate students’ perceptions on the teacher’s written
corrective feedback to their English writing assignments.

5. The Significance of the Study

4.1[5.1] Theoretical Contributions: Theoretically, it contributes by providing
a comprehensive understanding of students’ perceptions of teacher’s
corrective feedback on their writing assignments. By examining various
theoretical frameworks, this study expands the theoretical foundations of
feedback research in the context of writing instruction. It provides insights
into the factors that shape students' perceptions, the nature of effective
feedback, writing motivation, engagement, and skill development.
4.2[5.2] Practical Contributions: Practically, this research offers valuable
implications for educational practitioners, including teachers, curriculum
designers, and administrators. By investigating the actual students’
perceptions of teacher’s corrective feedback on their writing assignments,
it provides practical insights into the challenges and opportunities
associated with providing effective feedback in the English writing
classroom. The findings shed light on best practices for designing and
delivering feedback that enhances students' writing performance and
fosters their autonomy and metacognitive development. This knowledge
can inform the development of evidence-based strategies and instructional
resources that can be utilized to improve writing instruction and enhance
students' writing skills across educational settings.

4.3[5.3] Empirical Contributions: Empirically, this research contributes by

generating new empirical evidence on students’ perceptions of teacher’s
corrective feedback on their writing assignments. Through interviews, it
gathers comprehensive and rich data on feedback practices, students'
perspectives, and the immediate effects of feedback on writing
performance. The empirical findings provide robust evidence for the
effectiveness of certain feedback approaches, the challenges faced by
teachers in providing feedback, and the benefits of specific feedback
strategies in promoting students' writing development. These empirical
insights enhance understanding of the complex dynamics of feedback in
the English writing context and provide a foundation for evidence-based
decision-making in writing instruction.

6. Literature Review
5.1[6.1] Definition of Writing and Writing Process
Writing is a complex and multifaceted communicative skill that plays a
pivotal role in human expression and knowledge dissemination. Scholars and
experts have offered various definitions of writing, each highlighting different
aspects of its nature.

According to John (2020), writing is a cognitive process that involves

the expression of thoughts, ideas, and information through textual
representation. He emphasizes the iterative nature of writing, where writers
engage in drafting, revising, and editing to refine their content. he underscores
the importance of considering the audience and purpose, suggesting that
effective writing is shaped by the intended readers and goals.

In addition, Smith and Lee (2019) define writing as a social and cultural
activity. According to them, writing is not only a means of conveying
information but also a way of participating in conversations within various
communities. They highlight that different disciplines and fields have their

own conventions and expectations for writing, influencing how writers

compose their texts.

Furthermore, Brown and Johnson (2020) propose that writing is a

complex cognitive task that requires the integration of various cognitive
processes, such as planning, organizing, and evaluating. Their work highlights
the role of metacognition, where writers monitor and regulate their own
thinking during the writing process.

The writing process refers to the series of steps and activities that
writers undertake to produce written content. It is a systematic approach that
helps writers organize their thoughts, refine their ideas, and communicate
effectively with their intended audience. Bereiter and Scardamalia (2006)
proposed the knowledge-transforming model as a process-oriented theory of
writing. According to this model, writing involves the transformation of
knowledge and the construction of new understanding through the act of
writing itself. They argue that writing is not just a means of communicating
pre-existing knowledge but rather a process that facilitates the development of
new ideas and deeper understanding.

In the knowledge-transforming model, writers engage in a process of

knowledge construction, which involves problem-solving, argumentation, and
reflection. Writers actively use writing as a tool for thinking and learning. They
engage in iterative cycles of planning, drafting, revising, and reflecting to
refine their ideas and generate new insights.

A writing model is a structured framework or theoretical approach that

describes the process and elements involved in creating written content. It
provides writers with guidelines and insights on how to effectively plan,
organize, and communicate their ideas, leading to more coherent and
compelling writing outcomes. Graham and Harris (2000) propose a Model of
Writing that comprises three main components: the writing goals, the writing

process, and the writing strategies. According to their model, writers engage in
goal setting, planning, translating, and revising during the writing process.

In the goal setting phase, writers establish the purpose and audience of
their writing, which influences their content and organization choices. Planning
involves generating and organizing ideas, outlining the structure, and setting a
writing timeline. The translating phase focuses on transforming ideas into
written text, emphasizing sentence construction, vocabulary choice, and
paragraph development. Finally, revising entails evaluating and improving the
content, organization, and clarity of the text.

In conclusion, the writing process is a systematic and dynamic

approach that empowers writers to organize their thoughts, refine their ideas,
and effectively communicate with their audience.

5.2[6.2] Corrective Feedback in Teaching Writing

Writing feedback is crucial as it provides valuable insights from others'
perspectives, helping writers identify areas of improvement and refine their
work. Constructive feedback not only enhances the quality of the writing but
also fosters growth, confidence, and a deeper understanding of one's own
writing style and voice. Bereiter and Scardamalia (2006) highlight the
importance of feedback in supporting the knowledge-transforming process.
They argue that feedback should focus not only on surface-level corrections
but also on providing guidance and support for knowledge construction.
Feedback that encourages deep reflection, challenges assumptions, and
prompts further inquiry can foster the growth of new knowledge and enhance
the quality of writing.

Written corrective feedback (WCF) plays a pivotal role in the realm of

teaching writing, offering a means to enhance language accuracy, promote
learning, and facilitate students' writing development. Truscott (1996) and
Ferris (1999) advocate for direct error correction, emphasizing the importance
of accurate language usage from the outset. However, recent perspectives by

scholars such as Hartshorn (2019) suggest a more nuanced approach, where

error correction is balanced with an emphasis on global writing skills. WCF
involves instructors providing annotations, corrections, or suggestions directly
on students' written assignments to address grammatical, structural, or lexical
errors. This approach serves a dual purpose: rectifying mistakes to improve the
final product and guiding students in honing their writing skills.

Ferris (2012) suggests that effective WCF should encompass a

spectrum of techniques, ranging from direct error correction to more indirect
forms like highlighting issues without explicitly providing solutions. The
choice of strategy depends on instructional goals, learners' proficiency levels,
and the learning context. Research indicates that well-crafted WCF not only
aids in error correction but also fosters metalinguistic awareness, encouraging
students to reflect on language rules and structures.

However, the effectiveness of WCF is not universally consistent. The

impact can vary based on factors such as the type of errors targeted, the clarity
of feedback, students' familiarity with the language, and their receptiveness to
feedback. Recent studies by Li and Simpson (2018) shed light on the
importance of aligning feedback with individual student needs and preferences.
Additionally, an excessive focus on error correction might divert attention from
other essential aspects of writing, such as content, organization, and critical

Effective WCF should strike a balance between addressing errors and

fostering a positive learning environment. Hyland (2003) emphasizes timely
feedback delivery, specificity in pointing out errors, and clear explanations or
alternative suggestions as key components. Moreover, fostering a growth
mindset by emphasizing that errors are part of the learning process can
encourage students to view feedback constructively rather than as criticism.

5.3[6.3] Previous Studies of Corrective Feedback


In the realm of language education, recent years have witnessed a surge

in studies investigating the effectiveness of corrective feedback in writing
instruction. Collins et al. (2020) conducted a comprehensive study exploring
the impact of various types of corrective feedback on the writing proficiency of
second language learners. The research, published in the "Journal of Applied
Linguistics," involved a diverse group of participants and meticulously
examined the outcomes of direct correction, indirect feedback, and peer
assessment. By comparing these approaches, Collins et al. (2020) shed light on
the nuanced benefits and limitations of each feedback method, contributing to
the ongoing discourse on optimizing writing pedagogy.

Another noteworthy study was spearheaded by Ramirez et al. (2019).

Ramirez's research, published in the "Modern Language Teaching Journal,"
delved into the role of timing in the provision of corrective feedback. His team
conducted a longitudinal analysis with a focus on immediate versus delayed
feedback in a university-level writing course. By closely monitoring students'
writing progress and analyzing their revisions over a semester, Ramirez et al.
(2019) revealed that while immediate feedback resulted in prompt error
correction, delayed feedback allowed students to engage more deeply with the
revision process, leading to substantial improvements in overall writing

Furthermore, Nguyen et al (2022). embarked on a cross-cultural study

exploring the cultural nuances in receiving corrective feedback in writing.
Published in the "International Journal of Applied Linguistics," their research
involved participants from both Western and Eastern educational contexts. By
combining surveys, interviews, and writing assessments, Nguyen et al (2022).
illuminated how cultural factors influence students' perceptions of feedback
and subsequent revision behaviors. This study not only underscores the
importance of tailoring feedback approaches to cultural backgrounds but also
provides valuable insights into fostering a more inclusive and effective writing
pedagogy in diverse learning environments.

5.4[6.4] Students’ Perceptions on the Teacher’s Feedback

Students' perception of teacher feedback plays a crucial role in shaping

their response to feedback and its impact on their writing development. Hattie
and Timperley (2007) emphasize the significance of students' perceptions of
feedback quality and their understanding of how to use feedback to improve
their writing. Students' beliefs about the effectiveness of teacher feedback can
influence their motivation, engagement, and willingness to engage in the
writing process. By investigating students' perceptions of teacher feedback, this
study aims to uncover students' perspectives on the usefulness, clarity, and
relevance of feedback provided by their teachers. The findings will shed light
on the factors that contribute to students' receptivity to feedback and inform
instructional strategies that can enhance the effectiveness of feedback in
promoting writing improvement.

There are several thoughts about students’ perception on getting

feedback. According to Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick (2006), students'
perception of feedback is central to its impact on their learning and
development. Their formative feedback model highlights the importance of
creating a feedback-rich environment that fosters students' self-regulation and
active engagement with feedback. Students' perceptions of feedback
effectiveness are influenced by factors such as the timeliness, specificity, and
individualization of feedback. This research will explore students' perspectives
on the timing and frequency of feedback, as well as their preferences for
written or verbal feedback. By understanding students' perceptions of feedback,
educators can tailor feedback approaches that align with students' preferences
and learning styles, thereby enhancing the receptivity and utilization of
feedback in the writing process.

The socio-emotional aspects of feedback are also crucial in shaping

students' perceptions and responses. Shute (2008) highlights the impact of
feedback on students' emotional states and motivation. Positive feedback

experiences can foster a sense of competence and self-efficacy, motivating

students to engage more actively in the writing process. Conversely, feedback
that is perceived as overly critical or punitive can lead to decreased motivation
and avoidance of writing tasks. This study will investigate students' emotional
responses to feedback and their attitudes towards the feedback process. By
examining the emotional dimensions of feedback, educators can design
feedback practices that create a supportive and encouraging learning
environment, promoting students' willingness to take risks and invest effort in
their writing.

In conclusion, students' perception of teacher feedback plays a pivotal

role in shaping their response to feedback and its impact on their writing
development. By understanding students' perspectives on feedback
effectiveness, timing, and emotional aspects, educators can tailor feedback
approaches that foster receptivity, motivation, and active engagement in the
writing process, ultimately promoting students' writing improvement and

7. Research Procedures
6.1[7.1] Method of the Research

A descriptive study, as defined by Neuman (2014), serves as a

comprehensive approach to investigate and understand the multifaceted
phenomenon of students' perceptions towards teacher corrective feedback in
English writing assignments. This study aims to capture various dimensions of
students' viewpoints, attitudes, and responses to the corrective feedback they
receive by systematically observing and recording it. This method is employed
since it is driven by the need to unravel the intricacies underlying students'
reactions to feedback, explore potential patterns, and discern factors
influencing their engagement.

Through qualitative interviews and data collection, in line with Creswell's

(2013) methodology, the study involves directly interacting with participants to

gather their authentic perspectives. These perspectives are then meticulously

analyzed using established qualitative methods, as highlighted by Patton
(2015), allowing for a thorough exploration and presentation of the intricate
dynamics that contribute to students' perceptions.

By employing a descriptive study approach, inspired by the works of these

experts and grounded in Neuman's definition, this research aims to provide a
holistic and nuanced depiction of how students perceive teacher corrective
feedback, thereby laying a foundation for future research and fostering an
informed pedagogical environment.

6.2[7.2] Focus of the Research

The focus of this thesis proposal is to explore the perceptions of students
regarding the teacher's corrective feedback on English writing assignments at
A junior high school in Karawang, aiming to gain insights into students'
feedback preferences, attitudes, and the perceived effectiveness of corrective
feedback practices. Through an in-depth exploration of students' perspectives,
this research seeks to contribute to the realm of language education by
fostering a deeper understanding of effective feedback strategies and their
potential impact on students' writing development and motivation.

6.3[7.3] Setting and Participants

The setting of this descriptive case study is at SMP Negeri 1
Rengasdengklok, Karawang, a secondary public school located in a suburban
area. The rationale for selecting SMP Negeri 1 Rengasdengklok as the research
site is informed by a preliminary interview conducted with an English teacher
at the school. This interview provided valuable insights into the school's
approach to English language education, particularly its emphasis on writing
skills and the implementation of corrective feedback strategies.
The participants of this study will comprise students from a certain class of
the second-grade level at the school. A purposive sampling technique will be
thoughtfully employed to ensure the inclusion of students with diverse

proficiency levels, genders, and writing abilities. Prior to participation, both the
school administration and the students will grant informed consent, upholding
ethical considerations and safeguarding participants' rights and confidentiality.
Through this rigorous selection process, the study aims to uphold the integrity
of the research and the ethical treatment of participants, while the school's
selection is guided by the insights from the preliminary interview, aligning the
research's objectives with the real-life educational practices.
6.4[7.4] Technique of Collecting Data
This research will employ a semi-structured interview. A semi-structured
interview is a qualitative research method that combines predetermined
questions with the flexibility to explore and probe deeper into participants'
responses (Creswell, 2019). Since its flexibility, this descriptive case study
aims to explore students' perceptions of the teacher's corrective feedback on
English writing assignments at SMP Negeri 1 Rengasdengklok, Karawang. The
semi-structured interview approach allows for a flexible yet systematic
exploration of participants' experiences, providing valuable insights into their
perspectives. The steps are as follows:

1. Participant Selection
Adhering to the principles of semi-structured interviews, a purposive
sampling technique will be employed to select a diverse group of students from
a certain class at the second-grade level. The selection is also based on the
consideration of the English subject they are taking, and the teacher’s habit in
giving corrective feedback found from the preliminary interview result. This
sampling approach ensures the inclusion of participants with varying language
proficiency levels and writing abilities, enriching the study's

2. Interview Protocol Development

The development of the interview protocol will be guided by the research
objectives and relevant literature on corrective feedback and writing
instruction. The semi-structured format allows for a combination of open-

ended questions and predetermined questions, enabling participants to share

their experiences and perceptions while ensuring consistency across interviews.

3. Pilot Testing
Prior to the main data collection, a pilot study will be conducted with a
small group of students to test the effectiveness and clarity of the interview
questions. The insights gained from the pilot study will inform necessary
refinements to enhance the interview protocol's quality.

4. Informed Consent and Ethical Considerations

Following ethical guidelines, informed consent will be obtained from the
school administration and students. Participants will be provided with
information about the study's purpose, voluntary participation, and the
confidentiality of their responses, ensuring their rights and well-being are

5. Conducting Semi-Structured Interviews

In accordance with the principles of semi-structured interviews, one-on-
one interviews will be conducted with each participant. The semi-structured
format allows for flexibility, allowing the interviewer to explore emergent
themes while maintaining consistency across interviews.

7.5 Technique of Analysing Data

Thematic analysis, as recommended by Braun and Clarke (2006), will be
employed to analyze the interview data collected in this descriptive case study.
Thematic analysis is a flexible qualitative research approach for identifying,
analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within data. This method allows for an
in-depth exploration of participants' perceptions, attitudes, and experiences
regarding the teacher's corrective feedback on English writing assignments. The
steps are as follows:

1. Familiarization with Data

The audio-recorded interviews will be transcribed verbatim, and the
researchers will immerse themselves in the data to gain a comprehensive
understanding of participants' responses and narratives.

2. Generating Initial Codes

The researcher will conduct line-by-line coding of the transcribed data,
identifying meaningful units and generating initial codes that capture key concepts
and ideas.

3. Searching for Themes

The initial codes will be reviewed and collated to identify potential themes.
The researcher will explore similarities and differences in the data to develop a
preliminary set of themes.

4. Reviewing and Defining Themes

The researcher will iteratively review, refine, and define the identified
themes. Themes will be organized based on their coherence and relevance to the
research objectives.

5. Mapping and Refining Themes

The researcher will map relationships between themes, examining how they
intersect and influence each other. This iterative process will lead to the
refinement and fine-tuning of themes.

7.6 Steps of the Research

The following table contains the steps of the research:

Table 1. Step of the Research

Steps Description
Identifying the problem The research problem addressed in this
study stems from the pressing need to
understand students' perceptions of the

teacher's corrective feedback on English

writing assignments at A junior high
school in Karawang. While corrective
feedback plays a crucial role in language
learning, limited research has specifically
explored students' perspectives in the
Indonesian context.
Reviewing Literature To support this research, the researcher
examined various literature sources
concerning the subject, including books
and research articles.
Objectives and research questions The study examined the students’
perception on corrective feedback given
by the teacher.
Collecting the data The data will be gathered through semi-
structured interviews, which are well-
suited for uncovering qualitative trends
and issues not previously known and for
exploring novel areas of research interest
(Partridge et al., 2010).

Analysing the data This research will employ a thematic

analysis proposed by Braun and Clarke
(2006) in that it is an analytical
procedure to analyze, manage, represent
and inform themes contained in a data
Writing the report Once all the aforementioned steps have
been completed, the analyzed data will
be interpreted before being presented as

the study's findings.

7.7 Time and Place of the Research

This research will be conducted at A junior high school in Karawang, West
Java, Indonesia. Starting from research proposal writing, research proposal
examination, data collection, data analysis, report, and thesis examination based
on the research schedule made.

Table 2. Time of the research

No. Description Feb- May June July Aug Sep

2023 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023

1. Research
proposal writing

2. Research
3. Data collection

4. Data analysis

5. Report

6. Thesis

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Enclosure 1. Participant Consent form

I_____________, agree to participate in the research project entitled

conducted by ___________ who has discussed the research project with me.

I have received, read , and kept a copy of the information letter/plain

language statement. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about this
research and I have received satisfactory answers. I understand the general

purposes, risks , and methods of this research. I consent to participate in the

research project and the following has been explained to me:

● The research may not be of direct benefit to me

● My participation is completely voluntary

● My right to withdraw from the study at any time without any

implications for me
● The risks including any possible inconvenience, discomfort or harm as
a consequence of my participation in the research project
● The steps that have been taken to minimize any possible risks

● Public liability insurance arrangements

● What I am expected and required to do

● Whom I should contact for any complaints about the research or the
conduct of the research
● I can request a copy of the research findings and reports

● Security and confidentiality of my personal information.

In addition, I consent to:

● Audio recording of any part of or all research activities (if applicable)

● Publication of results from this study on the condition that my identity

will not be revealed.







Enclosure 2. Interview Guideline

The following interview guideline is adapted from Carless (2021) related

to students’ perspective and corrective feedback. The indicators are listed in the
following description.

Feedback Reception: Assessing the frequency and types of corrective feedback

students receive on their English writing assignments from teachers.

Feedback Preference: Identifying students' preferred methods of receiving

feedback, such as written comments, verbal feedback, or peer feedback, and
explore the reasons behind their preferences.

Perceptions of Corrective Feedback: Investigating how students interpret and

understand the corrective feedback provided by teachers, including their
perceptions of its purpose and significance in their writing development.

Feedback Impact: Examining the perceived impact of corrective feedback on

students' writing skills and language proficiency, identifying any improvements or
changes in their writing performance.

Feedback Utilization: Assessing how students utilize corrective feedback to

revise and enhance their writing, and explore the strategies they employ to
implement the feedback into their writing process.

Feedback Strategies: Identifying the specific corrective feedback strategies

preferred by students, such as explicit explanations, exemplars, or scaffolding, and
examine their efficacy from the students' perspective.

Challenges and Support: Exploring any challenges students encounter in

understanding and applying corrective feedback to their writing, and inquire about
the support they believe would assist them in effectively using feedback.

Attitudes towards Feedback: Understanding students' attitudes and emotions

regarding corrective feedback, including feelings of motivation, confidence, or
perceived barriers in accepting and applying feedback.

Teacher-Student Interaction: Examining the students' perceptions of teacher-

student interactions during feedback discussions, including the level of
engagement, approachability of the teacher, and opportunities for seeking

Suggestions for Improvement: Encouraging students to provide suggestions and

recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of corrective feedback practices

in English writing assignments, offering insights for potential pedagogical

improvements. The interview indicators aim to guide the inquiry into students'
perceptions of corrective feedback, facilitating a comprehensive exploration of
their experiences, attitudes, and preferences within the context of English writing

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