Electrical Lab Mannual

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Subject Code: - 1EI004

BE Ist Year (All Branch)

Submitted to- Submitted by-

Name: - Name:

IET, DAVV Indore Roll No.-

Department of Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (M


S. Name of Experiment Page Date of Sub. Remarks

No. No

1 Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws. 3-7

2 Verification of Thevenin's theorem. 8-10

3 Verification of Norton’s theorem. 11-13

4 Verification of Superposition theorem. 14-17

5 To determine the inductance of choke 18-20

coil by three voltmeter method.

6 To determine the turns ratio of single 21-24

phase transformer.

7 To measure the power consumed by a 25-28

single phase circuit using single phase


8 To Determine the efficiency of single 29-32

phase transformer by direct loading


9 To obtain speed control of DC shunts 33-36


10 Study of DC generator 37-39


Objective: - Verification of Kirchhoff’s Law.

Apparatus required: - Network, patch cord, Multimeter, alligator clips.

Theory: - A simple circuit is one that can be reduced to an equivalent circuit containing a
single resistance and a single voltage source. But, for circuit analysis, we come across a
number of circuits in which the various components are neither in parallel nor in series.

One example is two or more

batteries connected in different branches or another is an
unbalanced circuit. Here the rules of series and parallel circuit are inapplicable. Such circuit
can be easily solved with the help of Kirchhoff’s law are two in number:

1. Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL)

2. Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL)

Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL):

It states that since there is no accumulation of change in a system of conductor the algebraic
sum of current entering at a point of junction is zero. This simply means that the total current
leaving the junction is equal to the total current entering that junction.

Kirchhoff’s voltage law:

It states that the algebraic sum of all IR drops and EMF’s in any closed loop’s (or mesh) of a
network is zero.

IR+EMF=0 (Round a loop)

In applying Kirchhoff’s law to Electrical network, it is required to assign proper directions of
current to different branches of the network. This requires choosing of current direction does
not happen to the actual direction than on solving the equation this current would be found to
have minus sign. If the answer is positive then assumed direction is the correct direction of
the current flow.

Circuit Diagram:-


1. Hock up the circuit as shown in the figure.

2. Select loop one and measure voltage V1, V2 and V3 using the voltmeter. The sum of
voltages should be equal to 15V.
3. This verifies Kirchhoff’s voltage law.
4. Select loop and measure the voltage across the resistance and record in t e table.

Observation and calculations:-

(A) Verification of KCL

(1) For junction F


Algebraic sum of all the current=

(2) For junction H


Algebraic sum of all the current=

(B) Verification of KVL

(1) Loop AFHCA

Algebraic sum of voltage=

(2) Loop FNPHF

Algebraic sum of voltage=

(3) Loop AFNPHCA

Algebraic sum of voltage=

Result and Conclusion:-

1. Verified theorems by calculating voltages and currents in individual branches

and confirm with the theoretical value.
2. There may be difference in the practical results and theoretical calculations. This
may be because the resistances have variation in their values and the difference
may come because of error in meter ranges.


1. All connections should be tight.

2. Before connecting the instruments check their zero reading.
3. Ammeter should be connected in series.
4. Voltmeter should be connected in parallel to the circuit.

Viva Questions:-
1. What is Kirchhoff’s law?
2. What is Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL)?
3. What do you mean by junction (node)?
4. What direction should be assumed for KCL?
5. Formula for KCL?
6. What is Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL)?
7. Formula for KVL?
8. What are the Positive and Negative Signs in Kirchhoff's Voltage Law?
9. Application of Kirchhoff’s Law?

Objective: - Verification of Thevenin’s theorem.

Apparatus Required: - Trainer kit’ Patch cords, Multimeter.

Theory:- The Thevenin’s theorem is used to simplify a complicated network consisting of

a no. of sources, circuit elements and load, in to a network consisting of an equivalent
voltage source in series with an equivalent resistance called Thevenin’s resistance to which
the load is connected in series. The Thevenin’s theorem is stated as “The current in any
passive circuit element (which may called RL) in a network is the same as would be
obtained if RL were supplied with a voltage source VOC (or VT) in series with an
equivalent resistance Rin (or RT) being the resistance that would be measured at these
terminals after all sources have been removed and each has been replaced by its internal

I = Vth / ( Rth + RL ) or I = Voc /( Ri + RL )

Circuit Diagram:-

1. Remove the resistance (called load resistance RL) whose current is required.
2. Find the open-circuit voltage Voc that appears across the two terminals from where
resistance has removed. It also called Thevenin voltage Vth.
3. Compute the resistance of the whole network as looked into from these two
terminals after all sources of e.m.f. have removed. It also called Thevenin resistance
4. Replace the entire network by single Thevenin source whose voltage is Vth or Voc
and whose internal resistance is Ri or Rth.
5. Connect RL back to its terminals where it previously removed.
6. Finally, calculate the current flowing through RL by using the equation,

Observation Table:-

S.No. Source VTH Th VTH Pr RTH Th RTH Pr I1 Th I1 Pr

Calculation: -
VTH = RTH = IL =

VTH = RTH = IL =

Result:- Thevenin’s Theorem is verified.

1. All connections should be tight.
2. Before connecting the instruments check their zero reading.
3. Ammeter should be connected in series.
4. Voltmeter should be connected in parallel to the circuit.

Viva Questions:-
1. State TheveninTheorem?

10 | P a g
2. How equivalent impedance is calculated in TheveninTheorem?

11 | P a g
12 | P a g e
Objective: - Verification of Norton’s theorem.

Apparatus Required: - Trainer kit’ Patch cords, Multimeter.

Theory: - By Norton’s theorem a network is reduced in to a simple circuit in which a

parallel combination of constant current source and Thevenin’s resistance feeds the load
resistance. The Norton’s theorem is stated as “Any two terminal network, consisting of
sources and linear impedances can be replaced at its two terminals, by an equivalent
network consisting of a single current source in parallel with an impedance. The equivalent
current source is the short circuit current measured at the terminals and the equivalent
impedance is same as the Thevenin’s equivalent impedance “.

Circuit Diagram: -

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Procedure: -
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Apply the DC voltage 10 V from RPS i.e., at terminal AB.
3. Note down the load current I1 from ammeter.
4. Now remove load resistance (RL) and connect ammeter between CD and measure
the supply from AB and short it.
5. Remove the supply from AB and short.
6. Also remove the ammeter. Measure the resistance of CD using DMM.
7. After getting In and Rn make a circuit as applying In current source and connecting
Rn and keeping load resistance RL as it is in the original circuit and measure load
current IL through RL by connecting an ammeter in series with RL.
8. Compare IL and In and observe that both values are equal. 9. In case of current
source not available, give equivalent DC supply voltage.

Observation Table: -

S.No. Source In Th In Pr RTH Th RTH Pr I1 Th I1 Pr

Calculation: -
ISC = RN = IL =

ISC = RN = IL =

Result: - Norton’s Theorem is verified.

Precautions: -
1. Connections should be made tightly and properly.
2. Measuring instruments must be handled properly.
3. Care should be taken while taking readings to avoid parallax error.
Viva Questions: -
1. State Norton's Theorem?
2. What is the difference between the Norton's theorem and Thevenin's theorem?
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15 | P a g e
Objective: - Verification of Superposition theorem.

Apparatus Required: - Trainer kit’ Patch cords, Multimeter.

Theory: - This is one of the fundamental theorems applicable to linear networks. Linear
networks are those networks which are constructed with linear elements only. The active
sources and the passive elements like R, L, C and M are assumed to be operated in their
linear ranges. The v-i, relationship for these elements are linear. “In a linear network with
several independent sources which include equivalent sources due to initial conditions, and
linear dependent sources, the overall response in any part of the network is equal to the sum
of the individual responses due to each independent source, considered separately, with all
other independent sources reduced to zero”. Here the sources which are considered one at a
time making all other sources zero, are the independent sources including sources due to
initial conditions only. The dependent sources are retained as they are in network.
Also when one independent source is considered all other independent sources are reduced to
zero. This means all independent voltage sources are shorted and all independent current
sources are open circuited. If the sources contain internal impedances, the sources are
replaced by their internal impedances.

Circuit Diagram: -

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Procedure: -
1. Connect the circuit as per the circuit diagram.
2. Adjust the voltage V1 as 10 V and voltage V2 as 15 V.
3. Measure the current through resistor R3 using ammeter i.e., Itotal.
4. Now keep the voltage V1 same (i.e., 10V) and remove V2 voltage and short. Then
measure the current through resistor R3 i.e., I’.
5. Now keep the V2 voltage as 15V and remove voltage V1 and short, then measure
the current through resistor R3 i.e., I”
6. Verify that Itotal = I’ + I’’.
7. Tabulate the readings in tabular column.
8. Repeat the procedure for different voltage values of V1and V2.
9. Compare the values measured with those obtained through theoretical calculations.

Observation Table: -

V1 V2 I1 I2 I3 I’1 I’2 I’3 I”1 I”2 I”3



Calculation: -

Result: - Superposition Theorem is verified.

Precautions: -
1. Connections should be made tightly and properly.
2. Measuring instruments must be handled properly.
3. Care should be taken while taking readings to avoid parallax error.

17 | P a g e
Viva Questions: -
1. What is the condition under which the superposition theorem can be applied?
2. What is Bilateral Circuit?
3. Define active and passive element.
4. What is Linear Circuit?
5. A voltage source is replaced with what while considering effect due to a particular
source in a circuit in case of circuit having more than one source to apply
superposition theorem?
6. A current source is replaced with what while considering effect due to a particular
source in a circuit in case of circuit having more than one source to apply
superposition theorem?
7. How the final voltage across two terminals are obtained in a circuit using
superposition theorem.
8. When superposition theorem is applied?
9. How superposition theorem is applied when there is a dependent source in the circuit?
10. The superposition theorem can be applied to obtain ?

18 | P a g e
19 | P a g e
Objective: - To measure R and L of a choke coil.

Apparatus Required: - Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wattmeter, Choke, Variac, Connecting Wires

Theory: -
The choke coil is a combination of resistance and inductor coil. It is used as booster for
starting a tube light. As it is mainly a coil having both resistance and inductive reactance, it
can be used in circuits requiring inductance. Inductance has the property of not allowing
sudden change in current in the circuit. Thus when an ac supply is given to a choke coil, the
current through it lags behind the voltage across it by certain phase angle. By measuring
the voltage across and current through the coil we can determine the resistance and
inductance of the coil.
Circuit Diagram: -

Procedure: -
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure.
2. Ensure that the variac is at zero position.
3. Switch on 1-phase ac supply.
4. Increase the output voltage of the variac slowly.
5. Note down the readings of ammeter, voltmeter and wattmeter for various values of
output voltages of variac.

20 | P a g e
Observation Table: -

Sr. Voltmeter Ammeter Wattmeter Resistance Z=V/I XL = L

No. Reading Reading Reading R = W/I2 (Ω) 2
√Z − R 2 (H)
(V) (A) (W) (Ω) (Ω)

Calculation: -

Result and Conclusion: - The values of resistance and inductance of the choke coil are
found to be………………………………………….

Precautions: -
1. Connections should be made tightly and properly.
2. Measuring instruments must be handled properly.
3. Care should be taken while taking readings to avoid parallax error.

Viva Questions: -
1. What is the use of choke coil in tube light?
2. What is the unit for inductance?
3. What is the unit for reactance?
4. What consists of real and imaginary parts of impedance?
5. How the reactance of the coil is calculated from impedance and resistance?
6. How the resistance value of choke coil is calculated?
7. What is power factor?
8. Power factor of choke coil is leading or lagging?
9. What is meant by leading and lagging power factor?
10. What is meant by unity power factor?

21 | P a g e
22 | P a g e
Objective: - To determine the turn’s ratio of single phase transformer.

Apparatus Required: - transformer, Autotransformer, load lamps, ammeters, voltmeters.

Theory: -
Turns ratio is the ratio of number of turns in primary winding to the number of turns in
secondary winding or turns in secondary winding. The EMF induced in the winding is
proportional to the number of turns of that winding. So by knowing the induced voltage
across the winding we can get the turns ratio as follows. According to the principle of mmf
balancing (on which transformer operates) N 1I 1=N2 I2 neglecting load current.
This gives
V1/V2= N 1/N 2 = K.....................(1)
I1/ I2 = N2/N1 = 1/K.....................(2)
V1/V 2 = N 1/N 2 = I2/I1 = K
Where V1, N1 and I1 are the primary voltage, primary number of turns and primary currents
V2, N2and I2
Are the secondary voltage, secondary number of turns and secondary current? Hence currents
are in the inverse ratio of the voltage transformation ratio.

Circuit Diagram: -

23 | P a g e
Procedure: -
1. Make the connection as shown in the diagram.
2. By keeping lamp load current open apply some voltage in the primary side of
transformer by auto transformer and note the primary voltage (V1) and the
secondary voltage (V2).
3. Vary the applied primary voltage (V1) and note (V2). Repeat these process for
further set of readings.
4. Now switch on the lamp load and apply rated primary voltage to the transformer .
Note down the primary current (I1) and the secondary current (I2).
5. Increase the load by putting respective bulb switches on and note I1 and I2.
6. Repeat this process for further set of readings.

Observation Table: -

1. For voltage ratio:-

S.No. Primary voltage (v1) Secondary voltage (v2) Ratio (v1/v2)


24 | P a g e
2. For current ratio :-

S.No. Primary current (i1) Secondary current (i2) Ratio (i2/i1)


Calculation: -

Result: - The turns ratio of the given transformer is ………………………….

Precautions: -
1. All connections should be tight.
2. The circuit should be according to circuit diagram.
3. The power should be on when the circuit is checked completely.

Viva Questions: -
1. How transformer ratio is obtained for a transformer.
2. The power at primary terminals and secondary terminals is .
3. What is the use of a transformer?
4. What is the relation between turn’s ratio, voltage ratio and current ratio in a
5. The size of the transformer (increases/decreases) with the KVA rating of
the transformer?
6. What is the relation between power and KVA of a circuit?

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26 | P a g e
Objective: - To measure the power consumed by a single phase circuit using single phase

Apparatus Required: - Ammeter, Voltmeter, Wattmeter, and Resistive Load.

Theory: - In a Dynamometer instrument there are sets of coil, one stationary and other
movable. Produces a magnetic field in which the current carrying movable coil is placed
hence both experience a torque. However, if these are but also to the cosine of their phase
difference and also is the indication thus by making the current in the coils proportional to
and in the phase with the load voltage and load current power absorbed by the load can be
The wattmeter consists of a stationery coil which carries the load current by current
proportional to the voltage. The former is termed as the current coil and latter as pressured
coil. The current coil has low resistance and is connected in the circuit like an ammeter.
The pressure coil has a very high resistance and is connected in the circuit like a voltmeter.
In order to measure power the current coil & pressure coil should be connected properly so
as to make the current passing through current coil equal to load connected voltage across

Circuit Diagram: -

27 | P a g e
Procedure: -
1. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. Check and adjust zero indication of wattmeter and note the multiplying factor of
3. Switch on the supply.
4. Adjust required amount of supply voltage with variable load.
5. Adjust balanced load.
6. Note voltmeter, ammeter & wattmeter reading with switch on.
7. Take five readings for different current for balanced load.
8. Switch off the supply.
9. Calculate total active power and power factor.

Observation Table: -

S.No. Voltage Ammeter Wattmeter Active Power Power Factor

Reading Reading Reading VI (W) cos□ = W/VI

Calculation: -

Result: - Thus the power of single phase circuit for different loads is measured.

28 | P a g e
Precautions: -
1. Connections should be made tightly and properly.
2. Measuring instruments must be handled properly.
3. Care should be taken while taking readings to avoid parallax error.

Viva Questions: -
1. What is the formula of reactive impedance of the inductor?
2. What is the phasor relation of voltage and current in a pure resistance, inductor
and capacitor?
3. What is the power factor value for a pure resistance, inductor and capacitor?
4. How power factor can be obtained using power, voltage and current?
5. How the power factor for a circuit is obtained for an ac circuit?
6. What is the formula for ac power in terms of power factor?
7. What happens when a RLC series circuit reaches its resonance frequency?

29 | P a g e
30 | P a g e
Objective: - To determine the efficiency of single phase transformer by direct loading

Apparatus Required: - Transformer with 220 volt primary and 110 volt secondary, AC
voltmeter, Dynamometer type voltmeter, Auto transformer, Ammeter, Loading system.

Theory: - The efficiency of the transformer is defined as the ratio of the output power to the
input power.
Total power supplied to the transformer is the sum of power to the load plus the inherent
losses of the transformer.
The losses are of two types.
• Core losses due to Hysteric and Eddy current.
• Copper losses which are variable losses which vary as the square of load current.
The core losses are constant losses irrespective of load.Tranformer being a static device, the
efficiency is usually very high.
Multiplication factor= current rate x input range/maximum range of wattmeter (312.5)
% Efficiency = output power/Input power x 100

Circuit Diagram: -

31 | P a g e
Procedure: -
1. Make the connections as shown in the circuit.
2. Keep the load switches off.
3. Adjust the input to the transformer to rated value with the help of the auto
4. Note down the wattmeter reading ,voltmeter reading and ammeter reading.
5. Connect load by switching the lamp on and take the observation of wattmeter
,Ammeter and voltmeter.
6. Repeat the above by swithching the load in steps and record the reading in the
observation table.
7. Calculate the efficiency of the transformer in each case and record in the
observation table.

Observation Table: -

S.No. Primary Wattmeter Secondary Output Output Efficiency

Voltage Reading Voltage Current Watts %=
V1 P1 V2 I2 P2=v2*i2

Calculation: -

Result: - The efficiency has been calculated at different loads.

32 | P a g e
Precautions: -
1. Connections should be made tightly and properly.
2. During short circuit the supply voltage should be applied through a variac and
increased very slowly from its low value, so that the rated current flows through the
secondary. The measured current should not exceed rated value otherwise it would
damage windings. Reading of A2 should be noticed.
3. The short circuit copper wire should be of large cross-section than that used in
transformer winding.
4. For measuring power at no load a wattmeter of very low ampere rating and low
power factor should be used.
5. Measuring instruments must be handled properly.
6. Care should be taken while taking readings to avoid parallax error.

Viva Questions: -
1. What do mean by efficiency?
2. What is the formula for determining the efficiency of a particular device?
3. What are the types of losses present in transformer?
4. What is the reason for variable losses in the transformer?
5. How the constant losses are taken care of in a transformer?
6. Why the efficiency of a transformer is high when compared to other rotating
electrical devices?
7. Is transformer a static or dynamic device?
8. What type of constant loss is not present in transformer which is present in other
rotating device?

33 | P a g e
34 | P a g e
Objective: - To study a DC motor.

Learning Objective:-
1. To understand the fact that DC machine can be used either as generator or as a motor.
2. To gain the knowledge about Faraday’s law of electromagnetic conversion.

Apparatus Required:-
Cut-view model of a DC machine.

Principle of operation:-
An electric motor is a machine which converts electric energy in to mechanical energy. Its
action is based on the principle that when a current carrying conductor is placed in a magnetic
field, it experiences mechanical force whose direction is given by Fleming’s left hand rule
and whose magnitude is given by
F = B I L Newton

From the point of view of construction, there is no basic difference between a DC generator
and a DC motor. In fact, the same DC machine can be used interchangeably as generator or
as a motor. When its field magnets are excited and its armature conductors are supplied
with current from the supply mains, they experience a force tending to rotate the
armature. Armature conductors supplied under N pole are assumed to carry current
downwards (crosses) and those under S pole are assumed to carry current upwards (dots)
by applying Fleming’s left hand rule. This current in armature winding produces another
magnetic field which interacts with the field due to poles thus producing a torque which
sets the armature rotating.
Back E.M.F.
It is seen that when current is supplied to the armature conductors placed in the main
magnetic field, torque develops and the armature rotates, the armature conductors cut the
magnetic field and an emf is induced in these conductors. The direction of the induced emf
in the armature conductors is determined by Fleming’s Right Hand Rule. It is shown on
Figure 1 (a) below:
It can be seen that the direction of this induced emf is opposite to the applied voltage. That

35 | P a g e
is why this induced emf in the armature, when the machine works as a motor, is called back
emf(Eb ) . The magnitude of this induced emf is given by the relation;
Eb =PZ N/60A
A simple conventional circuit diagram of the machine working as motor is shown in Figure
1 (b). In this case, supply voltage is always greater than the induced or back emf (i.e.
V>Eb). Therefore current is always supplied to the motor from the mains and the relation
among the various questions will be:
Eb =Va-Ra.

Construction: -
The DC motor consists of the following essential parts.
1. Magnetic frame or Yoke.
2. Pole cores and pole shoes.
3. Pole coils or field coils.
4. Armature core

36 | P a g e
5. Armature windings or conductors.
6. Commutators.
7. Brushes and bearings.
The outer frame or Yoke serves two purposes.
1. It provides mechanical support for the poles and acts as a protecting cover for the
whole machine.
2. It carries the magnetic flux produced by the poles.
There are two types of pole construction. The pole core itself may be solid piece made out
of either cast iron or cast steel. But the pole shoe is laminated and is fastened to the pole
face by means of counter shank screws In modern design the complete pole cores and pole
shoes are built of thin laminations of annealed steel which are riveted together under
hydraulic pressure. The thickness of lamination varies from 1mm to 0.25mm.
Armature Core:-
It houses the armature conductors or coils and causes them to rotate and hence cut the
magnetic flux of the field magnetic. It is cylindrical or drum shaped and is built upon
usually circular steel disc or laminations approximately 0.5mm thick. It is keyed to the
shaft. The purpose of using laminations is to reduce the loss due to Eddy currents.
The function of the commutator in the motor is same as in a generator i.e., reversing the
current in each conductor as it passes from one pole to another. It helps to produce a
continuous and unidirectional torque.
Armature Windings:-
The armature windings carry the current in the machine. The armature windings are wound
around the armature core. There are two ways of winding the armature conductors. One is
lap winding and other is wave winding.
Brushes and Bearings:-
The function of the brushes is to collect current from the commutator. These are usually made
of carbon or graphite. These are in the shape of rectangular blocks. These brushes are
housed in brush holders usually of box type. The brushes are made to bear down on the
commutator by a spring whose tension can be adjusted by changing the position of the
lever in the notches.

37 | P a g e
Circuit Diagram:-

Speed Control of DC Motors

The speed of a d.c. motor is given by the relation N a Eb/Φ where Eb=V-IaRa

1. Connections should be made tightly and properly.
2. Measuring instruments must be handled properly.
3. Care should be taken while taking readings to avoid parallax error.
DC series motors are used in electric traction for higher starting torque.
DC shunt motors are used for constant speeds. These mostly used in industries where
simpler speed control and constant speeds are required.
The dc machine studied.
Viva Questions:-
1. What is the working principle of DC motor?
2. How the direction of the motion can be determined in DC motors?
3. What is the type of commutator used in DC motors?
38 | P a g e
4. What are the types of winding used in DC motors?
5. How the speed of a DC motor can be controlled?
6. What is back EMF in DC motors?
7. What is the use of a starter?

39 | P a g e
40 | P a g e
Objective: - Study of DC generator on the following Points

Apparatus Required: -

Theory: -

41 | P a g e
42 | P a g e
Circuit Diagram: -

Result and Conclusion: -

Precautions: -


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