2-Proactive Information Regarding PAMRA
2-Proactive Information Regarding PAMRA
2-Proactive Information Regarding PAMRA
The duties/ functions of the Chairperson of PAMRA are mentioned in clause 5 of the
PAMRA Regulations, 2021.
Without prejudice to the generality of the powers under subsection (5), the Director General
(a) register a Private Agricultural Produce Market, collection centre, “specialized
market,”, virtual market or a key service provider;
(b) suspend or cancel the registration of Private Agricultural Produce Market, a
collection centre, specialized market, virtual market or a key service provider;
(c) establish a just accounting procedure for a collection centre, specialized
market, virtual market and key service provider;
(d) inspect a collection centre, specialized market, virtual market and a key service
(e) cause collection of such information with respect to a collection centre,
specialized market, virtual market or key service provider as he may deem
proper or as the Authority may require;
(f) conduct surveys of relevant agricultural marketing and submit appropriate
recommendation to the Authority; and
(g) perform such other functions as the Authority may assign or the Government
may direct.
Further, the Authority may delegate its functions and powers under section 10 of the
PAMRA Act, 2018 read with clause 6 of PAMRA Regulations, 2021.
Ans. The Chairperson and eight private members are nominated by the Government of
Punjab for a period of three years.
Ans. The Director General PAMRA is the Chief Executive Officer of PAMRA.
Q.9. Is there any registration fee for Private sector Fruit & Vegetable and Grain
Ans. Yes, Rs.300,000/- for a private market which is established at an area of less than five
(5) acres and Rs.500,000/- for a private agricultural produce market which is established at
an area of more than 5 acres or more.
Q.10. What is minimum limit of land for establishment of Private Agri. Produce
Ans. Minimum four (4) acres is the limit to establish a private Fruit and vegetable market,
eight (8) acres in case of grain market and ten (10) acres is the minimum in case of
composite market.
Q. 12. What is the minimum width of roads required internal roads in a Private
Ans. The minimum road width should be 40 feet in all kinds of Private Sector Markets.
Q. 13. Who is the authority to monitor the working of the Private Market?
Ans. PAMRA may monitor the working of the Private Market under clause 31 of the
Punjab Private Sector Agricultural Produce Marketing Regulations, 2021.
Ans. The Management Committee of private market will collect the market fee from
commission agents only after completion of all development works and complete
functioning of market and after getting completion certificate of market from PAMRA.
Q.17. Who will register in the private sector Agricultural Produce Market?
Ans. Director General PAMRA is competent to issue notification for registration of written
intimation of Private Sector Agricultural Produce Markets.
Q.19. Who is the authority to approve Byelaws of a private Agri. Produce Market?