Clinical Breast Imaging A Patient Focused Teaching File
Clinical Breast Imaging A Patient Focused Teaching File
Clinical Breast Imaging A Patient Focused Teaching File
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Cardenosa, Gilda.
Clinical breast imaging : a patient focused teaching file / Gilda Cardenosa
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-10:0-7817-6267-7 (alk. paper)
1. Breast—Imaging—Atlases. 2. Breast—Radiography—Atlases. 3. Breast—
Cancer—Diagnosis—Atlases. I. Title.
[DNLM: 1. Breast Diseases—radiography—Atlases. 2. Mammography—methods—
Atlases. 3. Ultrasonography, Mammary—methods—Atlases. WP 17 C266c 2007]
RC280 B8C3744 2007
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Your courage is inspirational, your impact profound. You light the path and motivate so
many of us to work relentlessly with gentle passion, quiet strength, steadfast commitment,
and serene humility to make a difference, one patient at a time.
Thank you.
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Preface ix
Acknowledgments xi
1 My Aunt Minnie 1
2 Screening 72
4 Management 377
Index 499
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inston Churchill described writing a book as an adv enture: radiology and breast imaging. The concept of the clinical breast
W “To begin with, it is a toy and an amusement; then it becomes
a mistress and then it becomes a master, and then a tyrant. The last
imager is rooted in the fi m conviction that as breast imagers w e
make an incredibly valuable contribution to patient care—and y et,
phase is that just as you are about to be reconciled to your servitude, by virtue of our pivotal position in potentially bridging clinical and
you kill the monster and fling him out to the pu lic.” This is so! pathologic findings, with xpanding imaging capabilities, there is
Writing a book is solitary work that grabs hold of you and quickly so much more that we can do to revolutionize patient care and the
consumes your every waking moment and frequentl y haunts your manner in which that care is delivered. We must first, h wever, rec-
dreams. In the end, as “you kill the monster and fling him out to th ognize our unique position, embrace the challenges, and spearhead
public,” you can only hope fervently that what you thought needed the journey. Clinical breast imaging is a mo vement that is hard to
to be written, and the manner in which you chose to present your stop, because it is the right thing to do.
ideas, is useful but, most important, challenges others to think crit- I have arbitrarily divided the book into four chapters: “ My Aunt
ically about the concepts presented. Minnie,” “Screening,” “Diagnostic Breast Imaging,” and “Manage-
The effect of breast imaging, and the role of radiolo gists, in the ment.” Chapter 2, “Screening,” discusses our approach to screening
management of w omen with breast cancer goes unstated and , in studies and potential abnor malities detected on screening mammo-
many ways, misrepresented. There is continued skepticism and crit- grams. Because I wanted each patient presented to stand independ-
icisms relative to our contributions to patient care and the signifi ently, there is repetition of basic concepts, but my aim was to build a
cance of what has already been accomplished: the routine identifi strong infrastructure from which you can advance the care of y our
cation of small, lymph node–negative, stage 0 and stage I in vasive patients and the field of breast imaging. It is also impotant to empha-
cancers and ductal carcinoma in situ. Prior to the advent of high- size that although this book is di vided into chapters, the di vision is
quality mammography, some breast diseases such as ductal carci- arbitrary. Presenting screening mammograms without the diagnostic
noma in situ (DCIS) were considered “rare” and our understanding evaluation, when one is indicated, makes little sense to me; I cannot
of these diseases was limited. As a direct result of screening mam- squander invaluable opportunities to teach and car ry the discussion
mography, DCIS is routinely diagnosed and our knowledge, relative to appropriate completion. Consequently, there is overlap: Diagnostic
to the heterogeneity of this disease, has exploded. Recently reported and management issues are discussed in the chapter on screening,
decreases in breast cancer mor tality rates are attributed by many to and screening studies are presented in the diagnostic and manage-
more effective treatment, ignoring or relegating to a secondary role ment chapters. Management issues are discussed in the diagnostic
our ability to detect DCIS, stage 0, and stage I lesions in man y chapter. The differentials listed are not intended to be exhaustive lists
patients. Is early detection possibly the more important factor, and but rather, reasonable possibilities for one or multiple findings. It i
does not our ability to identify small lesions increase available treat- also important to recognize that the situation presented here is, b y
ment options for patients and render them more effective? necessity, artificial: Unlike what is presented here, in a screening
Clinical Breast Imaging: A Patient-Focused Teaching File pre- population, most mammograms are normal; and although the inci-
sents a clinically oriented, common-sense approach to screening, dence of cancer is higher in a diagnostic patient population, many
diagnostic evaluation, and the management of patients with breast patients are also normal or have benign changes and not cancer.
conditions encountered commonly by breast-imaging radiologists. In an era when high technology dominates the interest of radiol-
What is presented reflects a philosophical approach to breast imag ogy residents, I can only encourage them strongly to consider breast
ing, centered on empathy for patients, who deserve complete eval- imaging as a wonderful opportunity to make a powerful and signif-
uations and prompt answers, never forgetting that we are first an icant difference in the lives of their patients.
foremost physicians and clinicians, albeit with focused training in GILDA CARDEÑOSA
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ver the years I have been helped, supported, encouraged, and and personal trials, has steadfastly, and without ever casting judg-
O inspired by many colleagues. In par ticular, I w ould like to
acknowledge Drs. Christine Q uinn, Michael Lin ver, Ellen
ment, supported and believed in my life's work and me.
When asked what the three most important things for parents to
Mendelson, Gillian Newstead, Regina O'Brien, Edward Hendrick, do when raising children are, Alfred Schweitzer responded,
G. W. Eklund, Peter Dempsey, Robert Schmidt, Cindy Lorino, “Example, example and example.” This is what my mother, Gilda
Barbara Schepps, Martha Mainiero, Phillip Murphy, Stephen Feig, Paniza Cardeñosa, provided many times over: I owe everything I
Jacqueline Hogge, Rebecca Zuurbier, Anne Roberts, Celia Parodi, am to her. Always with a smile on her face and a joke up her sleeve,
Mirta Lanfranchi, Felix Leborgne, Deborah Hall, Teresa McCloud, she was tenacious in her efforts to give me as much of a chance in
John Pile-Spellman, William Chilcote, Arlene Libby, Gus life as possible. With an incredible work ethic and her silently per-
Magrinat, Matthew Manning, Robert Murray, Peter Young, Ericka sistent and resourceful w ays, she helped mak e dreams a reality
Coates, Jerome Gehl, Minta Phillips, Randy J ackson, and Stuar t when others mocked them as foolish f antasies. Although she is no
Geller. I would also like to specifical y acknowledge two excep- longer here, her spirit lives and I continue to be guided by the strong
tional women who have been instrumental in advancing the impor- principles and work ethic she instilled in me.
tance of high-quality mammo graphy at the national and inter na- Ultimately, it w as Lisa McAllister at Lippincott Williams &
tional level, as w ell as through their outstanding courses for Wilkins who made this dream come true. I can only hope this book
technologists and physicians, Rita Heinlein and Debra Deibel. It is as useful as I believed in its need to be published. She has been
has been a privilege to work and learn with them, and I thank them incredibly supportive, gracious, and patient with me, as I struggled
for their friendship. Lastl y, I o we a special debt of g ratitude to and made requests for more figure space and time. I will for ver be
Drs. Ann S. Fulcher and Mar y Ann Turner, Chair and Vice Chair, grateful to her. Kerry Barrett and Louise Bierig ha ve been instru-
Department of Radiology, Virginia Commonwealth University, for mental to this project. Their many suggestions and meticulous work
their support and patience as I worked to complete this project. are reflected in the final product, and I thank them for the
On a personal note, I ackno wledge the suppor t of Amy Davis, commitment.
Leigh Kuhnly, Cara Sams, and Diana Shepherd, four very special Lastly, to all of the others including Nicole Walz, Ben Rivera,
women whose relentless commitment to patient care is inspira- Angela Panetta, Doug Smock, Larry Didona at Lippincott Williams
tional. They toil selfless y behind the scenes, making an incredible & Wilkins and Max Leckrone and the team at TechBooks, Inc. who
difference to so man y of us. I am also par ticularly indebted to worked behind the scenes to bring this to fruition, many thanks for
Kathleen M. Connelly, who, over the years, through many projects your hard work and dedication.
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Cha p t e r 1
My Aunt Minnie
Amorphous calcifications Lucent centered calcifications
Artifacts Lymph nodes
Calcified parasites Milk of calcium
Cysts Negative density artifacts
Dystrophic calcifications Nipple rings
Extracapsular implant rupture Oil cysts
Fibroadenolipomas Plus density artifacts
Gel bleed Radiolucent mass
Hair Rod-like calcifications
Hickman catheter Seborrheic keratoses
Hyalinizing fibroadenomas Skin folds
Implants Sternalis muscle
Intracapsular implant rupture Vascular calcifications
Keloids Wire fragments
Lipomas Wire localization
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Figure 1.1. Screening study, 42-year-old woman: craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique
(B) views.
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Figure 1.1. (Continued) (C) Craniocaudal view. Skin lesions projecting be yond the skin ( thin
arrows) are easily identified. Skin lesions superimposed on the parenc yma (thick arrows) can often
be identified y a sharply defined lucen y (air) partially or completely outlining their margins.
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Figure 1.2. A: Skin lesion, right breast, photographically coned view. The interstices of the lesion are shar ply outlined by air. A portion of the mass is
seen extending beyond the breast. B: Skin lesion, left breast, photographically coned view. Metallic BB placed on the skin lesion. A thin, sharply define
lucency (air) outlines the margins of the mass as well as some of the interstices of the lesion. Craniocaudal (C) and photographically coned (D) views of
skin lesion, laterally in the right breast. Metallic BB placed on skin lesion. The margins and interstices of the lesion are sh arply defined y a surrounding
lucency (air).
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Figure 1.3. A: Mediolateral oblique, photographically coned view of an oval, mixed-density (fat containing) mass. B: Ultrasound image, antiradial (ARAD) pro-
jection of a hypoechoic mass with a focus of central echogenicity corresponding to the mass shown in (A) at the 2 o’clock position, 10 cm from the left nipple.
T1-weighted images. This uptake is followed by either a plateau or however, these changes are reactive and do not reflect a malignan
rapid washout. Contrast enhancement may appear rimlike when the process. Similarly, on ultrasound, biopsy is considered if there is
hilar region is centrally located (Fig. 1.3I, J). Vessels can sometimes thickening and bulging of the cor tical area, often asymmetric and
be seen in the hilar region. microlobulated, with concomitant thinning and apparent mass
Mammographically, if a l ymph node increases in size and den- effect, or complete loss, of the h yperechoic hilar region. Increased
sity and there is associated loss of the fatty hilum with indistinct or blood fl w can be seen in some of these lymph nodes.
spiculated margins, biopsy ma y be indicated; in man y women,
Figure 1.3. (Continued ) C: Mediolateral oblique, photographically coned vie w of a round mass with w hat may be an eccentric f atty hilum.
D: Ultrasound image, antiradial (ARAD) projection of palpable (PALP) hypoechoic mass (arrows), with an eccentric focus of echogenicity corresponding
to the mass shown in (C) at the 2 o’clock position, 4 cm from the left nipple. E: Ultrasound image, left axilla, demonstrating an oval lymph node (arrows)
characterized by a thin hypoechoic cortex and central area of echogenicity corresponding to the fatty hilum seen on mammograms. F: Ultrasound image,
left axilla, demonstrating an oval mass (arrows) with a thin hypoechoic cortex and a central oval area of echogenicity.
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Figure 1.3. (Continued) Ultrasound images, in radial (RAD) (G) and antiradial (ARAD) (H) projections, of an oval mass (arrows) characterized by a
hypoechoic cortex and a central focus of echogenicity, at the 10 o’clock position, 10 cm from the right nipple. I: T1-weighted sagittal image, precontrast,
demonstrating a mass with a central focus of lower signal intensity. J: T1-weighted sagittal image, immediately postcontrast, at the same tabletop position
shown in (I), demonstrates rapid enhancement of the cortical rim of the mass.
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Figure 1.4. Screening study. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views. Diagnostic study in a different patient presenting with a
“lump” in the right breast. Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views (metallic BB marking palpable finding).
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Figure 1.4. (Continued) Craniocaudal (E) and mediolateral oblique (F) spot compression views of the palpable finding in the right breast
Figure 1.5. Screening study. Craniocaudal (A) view exaggerated laterally and mediolateral oblique (B) view, photographically coned. Screening study,
different patient. Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, photographically coned. Ultrasound images in radial (E) and antiradial (ARAD)
(F) projections of a palpable mass at the 6 o’clock position, 2 cm from the left nipple, radiolucent on the mammogram (not shown).
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Figure 1.6. Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (B) and antiradial (ARAD) (C) projections of palpable finding, right breast.
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Figure 1.7. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, photographically coned, left breast.
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Figure 1.7. (Continued) Screening study, 46-year-old woman. Photographically coned images (E, F) of same area in the right breast, 2 years apart.
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Figure 1.8. Screening study, 63-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, left breast.
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C Figure 1.8. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C) view, left breast, pho-
tographically coned.
Figure 1.8. (Continued) Screening study, 40-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (D) views.
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Figure 1.8. (Continued) Craniocaudal (E) views, 1 year following (D). Craniocaudal (F) view, left breast, photographically
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Figure 1.8. (Continued) Craniocaudal (G) view, left breast, photographically coned, 1 year following (F).
Figure 1.9. Screening study, 70-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, left breast.
Figure 1.10. Screening study, 65-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, left breast, pho-
tographically coned.
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tion (Fig. 1.10C arrowheads) are incidentally noted. These are all
What observations can you make, and do you think
hyalinizing fibroadenomas. It is impo tant to recognize that a mass
this woman needs to be called back for additional
is not always seen in association with the dystrophic calcification
evaluation? of a fibroadenoma (i.e., a cluster of calcifications alone can repr
sent a hyalinizing fibroadenoma). These findings require no addi
Two macrolobulated, dense masses with par tially well circum- tional evaluation or shor t-interval follow-up. However, don’t be
scribed margins and coarse, dense calcifications are imaged in th lulled by obviously benign findings; ma e sure to focus your atten-
left breast. A cluster of dense, tightl y packed calcifications i tion on the remainder of the mammogram.
also present (Fig. 1.10C, ar row), with no associated soft tissue
component. Scattered benign calcifications and a terial calcifica
Figure 1.10. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) view, left breast. Macrolobulated masses with dense, coarse calcifications represent yalini-
zing fibroadenomas. Although no soft tissue component is present, a cluster of dense tightly packed calcifications (a row) also represents a
hyalinizing fibroadenoma. Arterial calcification (a rowheads) is present.
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Figure 1.11. Screening studies, 43-year-old woman. Mediolateral oblique (A) view left breast, photographically coned. Mediolateral oblique (B) view,
left breast, 1 y ear after (A), photographically coned. Mediolateral ob lique (C) view, left breast, 3 y ears after (A), photographically coned. Mediolateral
oblique (D) view, left breast, 5 years after (A), photographically coned.
Figure 1.12. Diagnostic study, 48-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast. Mediolateral
oblique (A) views with metallic BB on the “lump” described by the patient in the left breast.
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Figure 1.12. (Continued) Spot compression (B) view of palpable finding. Left subareolar area (C), 5 years before (A, B), photographically coned view.
Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (D) and antiradial (ARAD). (E) projections of palpable (PALP) finding.
Figure 1.12. Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (F) and antiradial (ARAD) (G) projections of palpable (PALP) finding in the left breast at the 11:30 o’cloc
position, 2 cm from the nipple. A round, hypoechoic mass with heterogeneous echotexture, dense calcifications arrows), and shadowing are imaged, corre-
sponding to the palpable area of concern to the patient. Shadowing (arrowheads) is intermittently seen associated with some of the calcifications
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Figure 1.13. Screening mammogram, 63-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) view, left breast. Craniocaudal (B) view, left breast, 3 years previously.
Figure 1.14. Screening mammogram, 55-year-old woman. Mediolateral oblique (A) view, right breast. Mediolateral ob lique (B) view, right breast,
4 years previously.
Figure 1.15. (Continued) Screening study, 80-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 1.15. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) views, screening study 5 y ears prior to (A, B). Screening study, 76-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (D)
view, right breast. Craniocaudal (E) view, right breast, 2 years prior to (D).
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Figure 1.16. Screening study, 42-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 1.16. (Continued) Digital screening study, 40 year-old woman. Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique
(D) views of the left breast, photographically coned.
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Figure 1.16. (Continued) Ultrasound image (E) in the radial (RAD) projection at the 2 o’clock position, 1 cm from the left nipple. Screening study, 72-year-
old woman. Craniocaudal (G) and mediolateral oblique (H) views, photographically coned. Ultrasound Image (I) at the 10 o’clock position, 2 cm from the left
fore, is a dif ferential appearance betw een craniocaudal and 90- sion that can be seen changing appearances betw een craniocaudal
degree lateral views, although it can also be seen on mediolateral and mediolateral ob lique or 90-de gree lateral vie ws. If an ultra-
oblique views in many patients. If the diagnosis is in question on sound is done, cystic changes, some with associated calcifications
the screening study, the patient is called back to confi m the diag- are often identifia le.
nosis with a 90-degree lateral view. This process can be diffuse and BI-RADS® category 1: ne gative. BI-RADS® cate gory 2:
bilateral, unilateral or focal. Although it is most common for the benign finding is used if the calcifications are described in the bo
calcium to be in suspension, in some patients there are indi vidual of the repor t. Next screening mammogram is recommended in 1
calcifications (often with some what geometric shapes) in suspen- year.
Figure 1.16. (Continued) Ultrasound image (F) in the radial (RAD) projection at the 2 o’clock position, 1 cm from the left nipple. One of se veral sub-
centimeter cysts in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. Echo genic foci (arrows) and a linear focus of echo genicity (arrowheads) are noted in the
dependent portion of the cyst. This is milk of calcium. (J) Ultrasound image (J) at the 10 o’clock position, 2 cm from the left nipple. A cyst with calcifica
tions (arrows) and a curvilinear focus of echogenicity consistent with calcium out of suspension in the dependent portion of the cyst (arrowheads).
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Figure 1.17. Screening study, 67-year-old patient. Craniocaudal (A) view, right breast. Craniocaudal (B) view, right breast,
2 years after (A).
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Figure 1.18. Screening study, 72-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, photographically coned.
Figure 1.19. Screening study, 53-year-old woman. Craniocaudal views, photographically coned.
Figure 1.20. Screening study, 54-year-old woman. Mediolateral oblique views, photographically coned.
Figure 1.22. Screening study, 75-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, left breast.
Figure 1.23. (Continued) Ultrasound image (C), radial (RAD) projection at the site of the palpable (PALP) finding, 10 o’clock position, 12 cm from th
right nipple. Ultrasound image (D), antiradial (ARAD) projection at the site of the palpab le (PALP) finding, 10 o’clock position, 12 cm from the righ
Figure 1.23. (Continued) Craniocaudal (E) views, photographically coned laterally. Extravasated silicone is present (arrows) closely apposed to the right
implant posterolaterally.
Figure 1.23. (Continued) Craniocaudal (F) view, right breast, photographically coned medially. Extravasated silicone is present (arrows) closely apposed to
the right implant medially. Also noted is calcification of the capsule arrowheads). Ultrasound image (G), radial (RAD) projection at the site of the palpab le
(PALP) finding, 10 o’clock position, 12 cm from the right nipple.The appearance of silicone on ultrasound is variable. In this image, extravasated silicone is
imaged as a cluster of round and irregular hypoechoic masses.
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Figure 1.24. A: Craniocaudal views, photographically coned view medially. B: Craniocaudal views, photographically coned view
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Figure 1.25. Right (A) and left (B) craniocaudal views, photographically coned anteriorly.
Figure 1.27. Screening study, 62-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, left
breast, photographically coned. Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, 1 year after (A) and (B),
photographically coned.
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excision of the wire fragments, as well as the wire used for the cur-
What is your impression?
rent localization procedure.
What recommendation would you make based on the
Specimen radiography is indicated follo wing all preoperati ve
most recent set of images? wire localizations for several reasons, including documentation that
the localized lesion and localization wire ha ve been excised. The
A retained wire fragment is imaged in the upper inner quadrant of radiograph is also used to mark the location of the lesion of interest
the left breast, consistent with the history provided by the patient of for the pathologist. Rarely, additional unsuspected lesions ma y be
a breast biopsy preceded b y wire localization “man y” years ago identified on the specimen radiograph, and proximity of the lesion
(Fig. 1.27A, B). The wire fragment is stable in appearance and posi- to the margins may be suggested. However, it is important to recog-
tion compared with several prior mammograms, and the patient is nize that the radio graph is a tw o-dimensional representation of a
asymptomatic. On her ne xt screening mammo gram (Fig. 1.27C, three-dimensional structure and therefore the status of the margins
D), the wire is fragmented and the lar ger of the two fragments has requires histologic evaluation. The surgeon is contacted following a
migrated such that it ma y be embedded in the pectoral muscle; review of the specimen radiograph. If the localizing wire is not seen
however, this cannot be confi med because the wire could not be on the specimen radio graph, the surgeon is asked if it w as pulled
imaged in its entirety on the craniocaudal view. Given the changes during the surgical procedure. If the sur geon is unable to provide
noted in the wire, e xcisional biopsy follo wing preoperative wire reassurance about the location of the wire, a follo w-up mammo-
localization of the fragments is recommended. A specimen radi- gram is obtained 6 to 8 weeks following the surgery.
ograph obtained follo wing the sur gical procedure documents
Figure 1.28. Screening study, 88-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, photographically coned views, right breast.
Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, photographically coned, right breast, screening study 8 years prior to (A) and (B).
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limited to, needle tips, sewing needles, lead pencil tips, bullets, bul-
What do you think, and what are the possible
let fragments, and buckshot. Patients are usually asymptomatic and
unaware of the presence of a foreign body in their breast. Iatrogenic
sources of foreign bodies include acupuncture needles, sur gical
A needle tip is present in the subcutaneous tissue. A biopsy marker
clips following lumpectomy and axillary dissection, retained wire
is seen at this site on films done 8 ears ago; its association with the
fragments following preoperative wire localizations, metallic
needle tip on both images suggests the possibility that the needle tip
markers placed to mark the site of a prior percutaneous needle
is retained from a breast surgical procedure the patient had 30 years
biopsy, port-a-catheters, pacemakers, and retained Dacron cuf fs
previously. Alternatively, the location of the needle tip at a prior
from a Hickman catheter.
biopsy site ma y be coincidental and not related to the sur gery.
Foreign bodies that can be seen in the breast include, but are not
position and lift the breast up from the inframammary fold as much
What do you think of these images?
as the natural mobility of the breast will allo w. After lifting the
Why are the pectoral muscles sharply outlined by
breast, it is important to pull the breast out away from the chest wall
radiolucency? and to tug on the lateral aspect of the breast as much as the natural
mobility of the breast allows. As the breast is lifted, a skin fold can
The images are of fairly good quality, in that exposure and contrast are be created inferiorly if a por tion of abdominal w all skin is lifted
optimal; however, there are lar ge skin folds inferiorl y (at inframam- with the breast. Since this fold develops inferiorly, the technologist
mary fold (IMF)/abdomen) simulating pectoral muscles.Air outlining is unable to see it as she inspects the breast superiorl y before the
the skin folds accounts for the radiolucency noted at the anterior edge exposure is made. As in this patient, when this skin fold develops,
of the folds. The tissue surrounding the skin folds should be evaluated it can simulate the pectoral muscle. Unlik e the pectoral muscle, a
carefully for blurring, because the skin folds may limit compression. sharp radiolucency (air) is seen abutting the skin fold.
In positioning the breast for the craniocaudal projection, the
technologist should identify the inframammar y fold at its neutral
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pectoral muscle. The breast and underl ying pectoral muscle are
What do you think?
then mobilized medially as much as possible. If care is not taken, a
Are these optimally positioned mediolateral oblique
skin fold can develop laterally as the breast is mobilized mediall y.
views? If the technolo gist looks at the medial aspect of the breast after
compression is applied, she is unable to see the skin fold because it
The pectoral muscles are wide at the axilla. The anterior margin is is up against the buck y and therefore is not apparent. The edge of
slightly concave, but the muscles reach the le vel of the nipples. the fold is outlined b y air so a thin radiolucenc y is noted abutting
There are, however, large skin folds superimposed on the pectoral the skin fold. A lymph node is incidentally noted, superimposed on
muscles posteriorly. the right pectoral muscle.
In positioning the breast for the mediolateral oblique projection,
the angle of ob liquity is deter mined by the orientation of the
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Figure 1.31. Screening study, 47-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral (B) oblique views.
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Figure 1.31. (Continued) Craniocaudal views (C) photographically coned. Sternalis muscle (arrow).
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What observations can you make? What happened? What is the recommendation with respect to the amount
of time that should elapse between loading cassettes
On these images, a high-density artifact is present, surrounded by an with film and making an exposure, and why is this
area of blurring. This is consistent with poor film–screen contact.The recommended? How often should screens be cleaned?
artifact is on the screen and prevents the film from making direct con
tact with the screen. The blur surrounding the artifact reflects the lac It is recommended that appro ximately 15 minutes be allo wed to
of direct contact between film and screen. Depending on the size an elapse between loading a cassette with film and making a
shape of the ar tifact, the high-density material v aries in size and exposure. This is so any entrapped air between film and screen ca
shape and with it the sur rounding area of b lur. Unlike motion blur, escape and good film–screen contact can d velop. Screens should
this type of nonnsharpness is more localized, symmetric, and the area be cleaned at least w eekly or immediately after dust ar tifacts are
of blur is more geometrically marginated. noted in an image by either the technologist or radiologist.
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Figure 1.35. Screening study, 42-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral ob lique
(B) views.
These are nipple rings: They are used uni- or bilaterall y and are
variable in shape.
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Figure 1.38. Screening study, 49-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A, B) view. Screening study, 49-year-old woman.
Mediolateral oblique (B) view.
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Figure 1.38. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C) view, right breast, photographically coned. Calcified parasites
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Figure 1.39. Screening study, 73-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 1.39. Chest CT scan (C) confi ms the presence of a lipoma in the right pectoral muscle (CT scan w as done for reasons
other than the lipoma).
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Figure 1.40. Screening study, 63-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique
(B) views.
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Figure 1.40. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C) view, right breast, photographically coned. Sharp lucency con-
sistent with air partially outlines the lobulated mass. Adjacent lucent-centered calcifications consistent with skin calci
fications are noted. Craniocaudal (D) and mediolateral oblique (E) views taken 1 year prior to (A) and (B) with metal-
lic wires used to mark prior biopsy sites and keloids.
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Figure 1.40. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (F) view, left breast, and craniocaudal (G) view, right breast, photo-
graphically coned. Metallic wires used to mark prior biopsy sites and k eloids. The linear and cur vilinear shape and
sharply defined ma gins resulting from air surrounding the protuberant portion of the keloids are diagnostic. Associated
lucent-centered calcifications consistent with skin calcifications are also note
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Figure 1.41. Screening study, 60-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, left breast.
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Cha p t e r 2
Apocrine carcinomas Exaggerated craniocaudal views Milliamperage output (mAs)
Artifacts laterally (XCCL) Mondor disease
Axillary nodal metastasis Exposure Ninety-degree lateromedial views (LM)
Batch interpretation Fibroadenoma Ninety-degree mediolateral views (ML)
Biopsy changes Focal parenchymal asymmetry Poland syndrome
Breast cancer statistics Global parenchymal asymmetry Posterior nipple line (PNL)
Call-back (recall) rates Invasive ductal carcinoma, not Reduction mammoplasty
Contrast otherwise specified (NOS) Quantum mottle
Craniocaudal views (CC) Invasive lobular carcinoma Shrinking breast
Cysts Isolated tumor cells Screening guidelines
Diffuse changes Kilovoltage peak (kVp) Screening views
Distortion Lymphovascular space involvement Sharpness
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) Mediolateral oblique views (MLO) Triangulation
■ INTRODUCTION breast cancer screening guidelines that were adopted and published by
the American Cancer Society (ACS) in 2003. The ACS recommends
Mammography can demonstrate clinicall y occult breast cancers. Is annual screening mammography starting at age 40 years and continu-
this significant? Does this ma e a difference? Does finding clinical y ing for as long as a w oman is in good health. Clinical breast e xams
occult cancers affect overall mortality from breast cancer? Yes, yes, should be part of a periodic health exam about every 3 years for women
and yes. Support for the routine use of screening mammo graphy is in their 20s and 30s and annually for women aged 40 years and older.
provided by results from seven of eight randomized controlled trials Women should report any breast change they detect promptly to their
in large populations of women, including 40- to 49-year-old women. health care provider. Beginning in their 20s, w omen should be told
These studies demonstrated a 20% to 32% reduction in breast cancer about the benefits and limitations of breast self- xamination (BSE). It
mortality among the women invited to undergo screening mammogra- is acceptable for women to choose not to do BSE or to do it only occa-
phy. Updates from the two-county Swedish trial have reported 20-year sionally. Women known to be at increased risk (e.g., personal or strong
survivals of 87.3% and 83.8% among women identified with tumor family history of breast cancer, a genetic tendency or prior mediastinal
0.9 cm and 1.0 to 1.4 cm in size, respecti vely. The goal of screen- radiation therapy for Hodgkin lymphoma) may benefit from earlier ini
ing mammography (and our job), therefore, is to consistently identify tiation of early-detection testing, screening at shorter intervals, and/or
breast cancers that are 1.4 cm (ideally, 0.9 cm). It is noteworthy the addition of breast ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging
that the most common method of breast cancer detection is no w (MRI). Indeed, since 2003, several reports have supported the use of
screening mammography (as opposed to breast self-e xamination), MRI for the detection of small cancers in high-risk women.
and that mortality rates from breast cancer continue to drop. It was estimated that 211,240 ne w cases of breast cancer w ould
Based on the scientific vidence and expert opinion available, an occur in 2005 among w omen in the United States. Among men,
independent panel of 42 medical and scientific xperts developed new 1,690 new breast cancer cases were expected in 2005. The estimated
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numbers of deaths resulting from breast cancer in 2005 among In evaluating screening mammograms, I recommend developing
women and men were 40,410 and 460, respectively. A decline in the a viewing strategy that is systematic and is used consistently. I also
mortality rate from breast cancer of 2.3% per y ear from 1990 to think it is important to have a proactive and focused mindset when
2000 has been reported among all women, with larger decreases in reviewing studies, rather than w aiting passively for more subtle
women under age 50 years. The decline in the mortality rate is attrib- findings to become apparent. In other w ords, send your eyes out
uted to earlier detection and improved treatment. looking for potential lesions in specific locations; otherwise ou
may miss subtle findings or study limitations (e.g., lurring) that
may preclude detection of possible abnormalities. Chance favors a
■ SCREENING VIEWS prepared mind. Ideal viewing conditions are equally important. All
extraneous light should be eliminated so that the onl y light in the
Craniocaudal (CC) and mediolateral oblique (MLO) views are the
room is coming through the films being r viewed. Paper work and
standard screening views. In addition to routine views, our technol-
interruptions should be minimized.
ogists obtain anterior compression and e xaggerated craniocaudal
Whatever approach you use, it should begin with a review of the
(XCCL) views, as needed, to tailor the screening study to the indi-
films for technical adequac y. Specifical y, is positioning accept-
vidual woman.
able? Has any tissue, and possibly a lesion, been excluded from the
films (e.g., do y ou see tissue at the edge of an y of the films)? I
■ INTERPRETATION glandular tissue adequately compressed and penetrated (exposed)?
Are the films high in contrast?Are there any artifacts that may pre-
Compared to online reading, batch inter pretation of screening clude adequate interpretation? Is there any blurring?
mammograms is cost-effective and efficient. With batch interpreta- Look for diffuse changes that may be difficult to perceive, par-
tion, the patient leaves the imaging facility after her routine views ticularly if you are focused on detecting smaller potential lesions. Is
are done and reviewed by the technologist for technical adequacy. one breast larger or more dense than the other? Don’ t assume that
The mammograms are hung on high-luminance, dedicated mam- the larger breast is the abnor mal breast; the smaller breast ma y be
mography multiviewers for inter pretation by the radiolo gist at a progressively “shrinking.” Are the technical factors needed for ade-
later time. At our facility, right and left CC and right and left MLO quate exposure of one breast significant y different from those used
views are hung back to back. The two CC views are placed side by to expose the contralateral side? Is compression limited (e.g., cen-
side with the tw o MLO views. If they are available, films from timeters of compression or decane wtons used)? Is there promi-
years before are hung abo ve the cur rent study for comparison. nence of the trabecular markings? Do you see trabecular markings
Subtle changes may not be apparent from one year to the next, but superimposed on the pectoral muscles (e.g., reminiscent of “k er-
may be more easily perceived if a study other than the one from 1 ley” B lines)? Are there any findings in the axilla y regions?
year ago is used for comparison. However, before calling a patient After evaluating the mammo gram globally for technical ade-
back for a diagnostic study , reviewing the mammogram from the quacy and diffuse changes, look specifical y both with and without
year before is often helpful to make sure the current area of concern a magnification lens for masses, areas of asymmet y, architectural
was not evaluated last year. Any additional studies done at our cen- distortion, and calcifications. Na rowing the search is helpful in
ter are kept in jackets close to the multi viewer so that they can be focusing your review. On CC views, look at the lateral, middle, and
reviewed as deemed necessary by the interpreting radiologist. medial thirds of the breasts (Fig. 2.1). On MLO views, evaluate the
74 Chapter 2 • Screening
upper, middle, and lower thirds of the breasts (Fig. 2.2). Search out tainty in making appropriate recommendations and narrows differen-
potentially abnormal areas as y ou go back and for th between the tial considerations to one or two options. Recommendations are more
right and left breasts. Also, evaluate fat–glandular interfaces specif- easily justified foll wing complete and thorough e valuations. With
ically for straight lines or con vex tissue bulges, the fatty stripe of the confidence generated y the additional e valuation, succinct,
tissue between the pectoral muscle and glandular tissue on MLO definit ve, and directive reports can be generated.
views, the superior cone of tissue on MLO vie ws, the subareolar
areas, and the medial portions of the breasts on CC views (Fig. 2.3).
After formulating a working hypothesis on a given mammogram, ■ MANAGEMENT OF PATIENTS NEEDING
compare it with prior studies and look at the history form for poten- ADDITIONAL EVALUATION
tially relevant factors (hormone replacement therapy, prior breast
surgery, family history of breast cancer, skin lesions etc.). Be care- For women with an ob vious lesion on the screening study , addi-
ful not to let prior films influence decisions garding the relevance tional evaluation helps characterize the e xtent of the lesion and
of a finding on the cu rent study. In some women, it is important to sometimes establishes the presence of other , initially unsuspected,
look at several comparison studies. If you perceive an area of spic- lesions. It provides an opportunity to communicate directly with the
ulation or distortion that cannot be e xplained by a history of sur- patient and undertake imaging-guided biopsies at the time of call-
gery, trauma, or mastitis at that specific site, the patient should b back. In essence, we expedite patient care. Consequently, the only
evaluated in spite of apparent stability. Stability of a lesion does not BI-RADS® assessment cate gories I use on screening studies are
assure that it is benign. category 1 (negative), category 2 (benign finding), and cat gory 0
Make no assumptions. If you assume something is benign or (needs additional imaging evaluation or needs prior mammograms
malignant, it becomes v ery difficult to think otherwise. Also, if for comparison).
there is an obvious finding, ma e a conscientious effort to look at Category 0 is used when additional studies are indicated or when
the remainder of the mammogram first. Do not focus our attention prior studies are to be requested and comparison is needed to mak e
on obvious finding to the exclusion of other subtle, and potentially a final assessment. or those women in whom a potential abnormal-
more significant, finding ity is detected, we categorize the call-back as level 1, 2, or 3. These
On screening studies, my goal is to detect potential abnormalities. levels are used internally to indicate the amount of time that should
I make no particular effort to characterize potential or true lesions on be allotted for the patient’s diagnostic appointment. F ifteen, thirty,
screening studies. Over the years it has become apparent to me that and sixty minutes are allowed for level 1, 2, and 3 call-backs, respec-
sometimes what I think is a significant lesion on the screening mam tively. In general, level 1 designates those patients for whom physi-
mogram turns out to be insignificant after additional valuation and cal examination, additional mammo graphic images, or an ultra-
what I initially think is almost certainly benign is cancer. Similarly, in sound are all that should be needed to resolv e the question. If the
some patients, what is seen on the screening studies turns out to rep- interpreting radiologist expects that a patient will need additional
resent a more extensive lesion (“the tip of the iceber g”). Why make mammographic images and an ultrasound , the call-back is desig-
decisions with insufficient and potentially misleading infor mation? nated as level 2. When the radiologist expects that the patient will
Why work with low confidence? Additional evaluation increases cer- need a biopsy, level 3 is used so that an adequate amount of time is
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available to do a biopsy when the patient returns for additional eval- process for reviewing her mammogram, issuing a report to her doc-
uation. Although this is an arbitrar y classification, characterized y tor, sending her a letter with results, and the possibility of being
times when, after completing the e valuation, a le vel 1 call-back called back for a diagnostic evaluation. It is important for women to
patient requires a biopsy and a level 3 call-back patient does not, the be informed of the process and to know that being called back does
system works well. It provides for more efficient use of the schedule not necessarily mean they have cancer. Our goal is to minimize
and allows us to complete evaluations in one visit. It has enabled us some of the anxiety e xperienced by patients when they are called
to optimize patient care in a practical and cost-effective manner. back for additional evaluation. It does not always work, but it does
At the time of the screening study , the technologist informs the help some women.
patient about the possibility of a call-back for further evaluation. In All women who require additional e valuation are contacted
addition, each woman is given a written statement that describes the directly by a member of our staf f. By communicating with the
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76 Chapter 2 • Screening
patient directly, we can explain the reason for the call-back more at times is (unfor tunately) grossly underestimated. Re gardless of
appropriately than others might (e.g., as opposed to having a refer- how much you try to prepare a woman for the possibility of a call-
ring physician’s office tell the patient that the first images ta en back, it is guaranteed to provoke anxiety and stress in most women.
were no good), and w e reassure the patient re garding the need for High recall rates are also associated with increased costs and
additional studies. This method also e xpedites patient care b y decreased efficien y of screening programs. Counter this with our
decreasing the amount of time needed to schedule the diagnostic goal of never missing an oppor tunity to diagnose an earl y breast
evaluation. If we are unable to contact the woman by phone within cancer. Undoubtedly, to call back or not is a fine line that needs to b
48 hours following her screening study, we send a letter via regular considered carefully. Depending on the a vailability of prior films
mail asking her to call us. If after a week from mailing the letter we you can expect call-back rates to be higher among w omen with no
still have not heard from the patient, a cer tified letter is mailed to prior studies compared to those w omen in w hom prior films ar
her with a copy to the referring physician. All efforts to communi- available. In considering the call-back rate for indi vidual radiolo-
cate with the patient are documented in her chart. gists, I think it is impor tant not to consider this a static figure bu
A report is generated for all studies in which a prior mammogram rather a work in progress. Early in the career of a radiolo gist one
is requested and comparison is needed to mak e a final assessment should expect and accept higher call-back rates. Ho wever, the rate
These reports are assigned to a category “0”; we do not keep undic- should decrease progressively with the number of screening mam-
tated studies aside pending arrival of comparison films. By generat mograms evaluated over time. Although it is incon venient and not
ing a report, the referring physician is informed that we are working usually easy to schedule, the ideal lear ning situation is for the radi-
on obtaining prior studies and a system to track the patient is set in ologist recommending the call-back to be the one in volved in the
motion that minimizes the lik elihood of a patient “f alling through diagnostic workup. Under these circumstances, meaningful call-
the cracks.” We allow a 2-week interval during which we make every back rates can be generated and improvement shown over the years.
effort to locate prior studies; this includes calling the f acility indi- It is also important to recognize that most call-backs for diagnostic
cated by the patient on her history form. If this action is unsuccess- evaluations do not lead to biopsies. Based on published reports, the
ful, we contact the refer ring physician and request prior mammo- American College of Radiolo gy recommends that call-backs be
gram reports that will indicate the name of the f acility and the date maintained at a rate of 10% or less.
of the prior study. Lastly, we sometimes call the patient to verify the
information she provided. If we are unable to obtain prior films afte
2 weeks, an addendum to the initial repor t is issued and we dictate ■ CONCLUSION
the findings as though there ere no prior studies. Ev ery effort we
make to procure prior studies is documented in the patient’s file In this chapter, the screening mammogram is the starting point for
all patients discussed. F ocus your attention initially on systemati-
cally reviewing the images as described abo ve. Determine if the
■ CALL-BACK RATES mammogram is normal or potentially abnormal. Some differentials
are included, and pathology results are provided for those patients
What is an appropriate call-back (recall) rate? This is an impor tant for whom biopsy is appropriate. I also need to state the ob vious at
question to consider and is something radiologists involved in screen- the onset of this chapter: What I present is an artificial situation. For
ing mammography should monitor routinel y. Calling a patient back didactic purposes, I have presented a significant number of patient
for diagnostic evaluation is not innocuous and should never be trivial- with breast cancer in this chapter; in a true screening program, most
ized. In some women, it is associated with signif cant morbidity that of the mammograms you review are normal.
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Figure 2.4. Screening studies. Mediolateral oblique (A) and craniocaudal (B) views.
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78 Chapter 2 • Screening
Figure 2.4. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C) views with suboptimal positioning. Although the pectoral
muscles are thick at the axilla, the anterior margins are not convex and they do not extend to the level of the nip-
ple. The shape of the muscles is triangular . Repeat mediolateral ob lique (D) views, using optimal technique,
show thick pectoral muscles at the axilla with convex anterior margins extending to the level of the nipples.
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80 Chapter 2 • Screening
le line (P
r nipp
2. po
Figure 2.4. (Continued) Craniocaudal (G) and mediolateral oblique (H) views.
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82 Chapter 2 • Screening
In addition to positioning, compression needs to be assessed b y retroglandular fat is dark g ray or nearl y black in high-contrast
specifical y evaluating the images for une ven or inadequate e xpo- images. Poor-contrast images are characterized b y dull gray retro-
sure, motion blur, and poor separation of parenchymal densities. glandular and subcutaneous fat, and the skin is readily apparent.
Sharpness needs to be evaluated by looking specifical y for blur-
ring (i.e., unsharpness). The most common cause of blur is patient
Additional Technical Factors to Assess motion. This is why adequate breast compression is critical. Shor t
exposures (ideally, 2 s) are also helpful in minimizing motion
Glandular tissue needs to be adequatel y exposed so that there is blur. Motion blur does not always involve the entire image. It can be
visualization of trabecula, small tubular str uctures, and vessels. In localized to one area on the mammo gram, where it is commonl y
many women, adequate penetration of the glandular tissue overex- caused by lack of unifor mity in breast compression. P oor fil
poses the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Image contrast is also screen contact can also be a cause of localized unshar pness.
important. Ideally, contrast is maximized so that subtle density dif- Sharpness is also af fected by focal spot size, object-to-image dis-
ferences in glandular tissue can be appreciated. Subcutaneous and tance, and source-to-image distance. Increases in focal spot size
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84 Chapter 2 • Screening
and object-to-image distance as w ell as decreases in source-to- pick-off, moisture, incorrect film loading so that the emulsion sid
image distance contribute to geometric unsharpness. is away from the screen, fo g, static, foreign objects on the screen,
The ability to detect small str uctures such as calcifications i etc.). Ideally, most images are artifact free. Depending on the over-
decreased by noise (e.g., radiographic mottle). Quantum mottle is all effect on image quality , films with a tifacts may need to be
the major cause of noise in mammography. Noise can be identifie repeated.
on an image b y a backg round density that is not homo geneous With respect to film labeling, the foll wing information is
and results in loss of shar pness and visualization of lo w-contrast required on all films: patient name, unique patient identificati
structures. number, date of study, radiopaque laterality and projection markers
Artifacts can result from x-ra y equipment (filte , compression placed closest to the axilla, f acility name, f acility location (city,
paddle, image receptor holder, grid, etc.), patient f actors (deodor- state, and Zip code), technolo gist identification, cassette/scree
ant, hair, jewelry, tattoos, etc.), and cassette, film, and screen actors identification number, and mammography unit identification num
(upside-down cassette in bucky, film scratches, dents, fing prints, ber if there is more than one unit in the facility.
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Figure 2.5. Screening study, 43-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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86 Chapter 2 • Screening
In this woman, it is important to determine that there is no palpable Pectoral muscle and retroglandular fat are imaged on the right cran-
abnormality in the right breast and that the asymmetr y in size iocaudal view and there is no tissue e xtending to the edge of the
(either a decrease in size on the right or an increase in size on the film, so it is unlik ely that posterior tissue has been e xcluded from
left) is not a new or developing change. If they are available, com- the image.
parison with multiple prior studies is critical, as is a history of prior No change is noted in comparing with multiple prior studies (not
right breast surgery or trauma. If there is any question about a cor- shown).
responding palpable abnormality or a progressive change in breast This is cate gorized as BI-RADS® cate gory 1: ne gative. BI-
size, the patient can be ask ed to retur n for cor relative physical RADS® category 2: benign finding can be used if the obse vations
examination and, if needed, additional mammographic views, ultra- are described in the repor t. Annual screening mammo graphy is
sound, or, occasionally, magnetic resonance imaging. When they recommended.
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Figure 2.6. Screening study, 81-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique
(B) views.
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88 Chapter 2 • Screening
90 Chapter 2 • Screening
Figure 2.7. Screening study, 45-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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asymmetric tissue is often planar (i.e., best seen in one projection and
What do you think?
changes significant y in appearance on other vie ws), scalloped, het-
What BI-RADS® category would you assign, and what erogeneous in density because of interspersed f at, and characterized
is your recommendation? by a g radual change in density at the mar gins. Masses are three-
dimensional, with an abrupt change in density and a bulging (convex)
A rounded, asymmetric island of tissue is noted laterall y in the left margin. True lesions, par ticularly when 1 cm, are of comparab le
breast. However, in evaluating the mediolateral oblique view, no com- size, shape and density on the tw o standard projections and are at
parably sized or shaped area is identified that ould correspond to the approximately the same distance from the nipple on the two views.
approximate location of this area on the craniocaudal view. Relatively BI-RADS® category 1: negative. Annual screening mammogra-
low-density tissue is seen superiorl y, characterized b y scalloping, phy is recommended.
interposed fat, and a gradual transition in density. As illustrated here,
92 Chapter 2 • Screening
What do you think? What do you think of this predominantly fatty pattern in
What BI-RADS® category would you assign, and what a 41-year-old woman?
is your recommendation?
Although it is routinel y suggested that mammo graphy in y oung
A focal area of parench ymal asymmetry is present in the upper women is not v ery good because dense tissue precludes the detec-
outer quadrant of the left breast. It is of comparable size and density tion of breast cancer , it is clear that age alone cannot be used to
and is at the same approximate distance from the nipple on the two establish the density of the parench ymal pattern in an indi vidual
projections. Differential considerations include nor mal variant, woman. Regardless of childbearing, y oung women can have com-
hormone replacement therapy effect, asymmetry secondary to prior pletely fatty tissue and older , postmenopausal w omen can ha ve
surgical excision of the cor responding tissue in the right breast, dense tissue. It is also important to recognize that there is large intra-
focal fibrosis, pseudoangiomatous stromal yperplasia (PASH), and interobserver variability in the application of arbitrarily define
posttraumatic changes (evolving hematoma, fat necrosis), mastitis, parenchymal patterns. Additionally, the perceived density of a tissue
fibroadenolipoma (hamartoma), invasive ductal carcinoma not oth- pattern is dependent on technical f actors. Some “extremely dense”
erwise specifie , invasive lobular carcinoma, and lymphoma. tissue is inadequately exposed fibr glandular tissue.
If, as in this woman, no prior studies are available for comparison,
spot compression vie ws and possib ly ultrasound with cor relative
physical examination can be under taken to exclude an underlying
BI-RADS® category 0: need additional imaging evaluation.
Figure 2.8. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) spot compression views.
Figure 2.9. Screening study, 68-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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94 Chapter 2 • Screening
How do you evaluate a screening mammogram? What is your differential for architectural distortion?
The evaluation of screening mammograms can be approached in dif- Among the benign possibilities, consider f at necrosis related to
ferent ways. Develop a strategy that is systematic and use it consis- trauma or prior surgery, mastitis, complex sclerosing lesions (scle-
tently. Take a proactive approach, and acti vely send your eyes and rosing adenosis), papilloma, and focal fibrosis (rare). I vasive duc-
brain looking for particular abnormalities in specific locations (sub tal carcinoma not otherwise specified (NOS), tu ular carcinoma,
areolar area, medially on craniocaudal vie ws, etc.). This helps you ductal carcinoma in situ (rare), and in vasive lobular carcinoma are
stay focused and minimizes the likelihood that you will miss signifi among the invasive lesions that may present with architectural dis-
cant findings. Whatever approach you settle on, it should include a tortion. Armed with differential considerations, you can sort through
review of the films for technical adequa y. Specifical y, is the posi- them by integrating the imaging features of the lesion in question
tioning acceptable? Has tissue and possib ly a lesion been e xcluded with the patient’s age, pertinent history, and physical examination. If
(e.g., do you see tissue to the edge of an y of the films)? Is glandula you develop and routinely follow a simple, logical, and systematic
tissue adequately compressed and penetrated? Are the films high i approach, the next appropriate step becomes readily apparent and is
contrast? Are there any artifacts that may preclude adequate interpre- justifia le. This approach is rarely misleading.
tation of the films? Is there a y blurring? Before focusing on per-
ceiving localized findings, look for global or di fuse changes. These
may be difficult to appreciate once you focus your attention on more
What, if any, history would keep you from calling this
subtle findings patient back?
After evaluating the mammogram at a distance for technical ade- What BI-RADS® assessment category would you
quacy and diffuse changes, look specifical y (with and without a assign, and what is your recommendation?
magnification lens) for masses, focal areas of asymmetry, architec-
tural distortion, and calcifications. It is helpful to na row your In this patient, the overall characteristics of the lesion include long
search, so on craniocaudal (CC) views, focus on the lateral, middle, spicules, no significant central densit , and a more pronounced
and medial thirds of the breasts (F ig. 2.1). On the mediolateral appearance in one of the two routine views. It is critical to establish
oblique (MLO) views, focus on the upper, middle, and lower thirds if the patient has had a biopsy (or significant trauma) in the righ
of the breasts (F ig. 2.2). Search out potentiall y abnormal areas as subareolar area. If there is a history of prior surgery, the location of
you go back and for th between the right and the left breasts. the surgical procedure has to correspond directly to the area of dis-
Specifical y, evaluate fat/glandular interfaces, the fatty stripe of tis- tortion. Don’t hesitate to examine the patient to establish the pres-
sue between pectoral muscle and glandular tissue on MLO vie ws, ence of a subtle periareolar scar e ven when the patient does not
the superior cone of tissue on the MLO views, subareolar areas, and recall a prior breast biopsy. A complex sclerosing lesion is a good
the usually fatty tissue mediall y on CC vie ws (Fig. 2.3). After possibility in a w oman with this type of lesion and no histor y of
developing a working hypothesis on a given mammogram, compare surgery or apparent scar on ph ysical examination. Complex scle-
with prior studies and look at the histor y form for any pertinent rosing lesions are often seen better in one projection and , given
information (family history of breast cancer or o varian cancer, their size, usually have no corresponding palpable abnormality on
estrogen use, prior trauma or surgery, etc.). physical examination. In considering mastitis, the breast is usuall y
tender; there may be associated erythema and warmth as well as a
history of prior inflammato y changes in the subareolar area.
What do you think? In thinking about the malignant possibilities, an invasive ductal
carcinoma (NOS) of this size and in this location will almost cer-
In this patient, scattered dystrophic calcifications are present bilater tainly have physical findings, including a palpa le abnormality,
ally. Did y ou find a potential abno mality? If y ou did not, look dimpling, and possibly nipple retraction. Tubular carcinomas are
specifical y for architectural distor tion and move to the subareolar usually fairly small and are more commonly identified in ounger
areas. Architectural distortion is present in the right subareolar area, women (in their 40s). Invasive lobular carcinomas are more com-
best seen on the MLO view (Fig. 2.9C); it is not readily apparent on mon in older patients, and physical findings are often subtle
the CC view (Fig. 2.9D). Is it safe to assume that this is cancer? No! This patient has had sur gery in the right subareolar area cor re-
Benign-appearing lesions can tur n out to be cancer , malignant- sponding to the site of distor tion. The findings reflect at necrosis
appearing lesions can reflect benign changes. Ma e no assumptions, related to the prior biopsy. Architectural distortion related to prior
or you will pigeonhole y ourself and limit y our ability to think surgery is often planar and therefore better seen in one projection,
through the possibilities. Most findings in the breast h ve benign and as in this patient. No additional evaluation is indicated.
malignant etiologies in the differential. Our job is to sort through the BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding. Annual screening mam-
possibilities accurately and efficient y. mography is recommended.
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Figure 2.9. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C) and craniocaudal (D) photographically coned views. Architectural distortion readily apparent on the
mediolateral oblique view, more subtle on the craniocaudal view.
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96 Chapter 2 • Screening
Figure 2.10. Screening study, 68-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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98 Chapter 2 • Screening
An irregular, hypoechoic mass with angular margins is imaged at A poorly differentiated, invasive ductal carcinoma is repor ted
the 11 o’clock position, 6 cm from the right nipple, cor responding histologically following the ultrasound guided core biopsy . A 1.2-
to the expected location of the lesion seen mammographically. cm, grade III, invasive ductal carcinoma is reported on the lumpec-
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality, biopsy should tomy specimen. No metastatic disease is identified in four xcised
be considered. An ultrasound-guided core biopsy is done at the sentinel lymph nodes; [pT1c, pN0(sn)(i), pMX; Stage I].
time of the diagnostic evaluation.
Figure 2.11. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D), double spot compression
magnification vi ws.
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Figure 2.12. Screening study, 73-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral ob lique (B)
views, left breast. No prior films vailable for comparison.
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Figure 2.12. (Continued) Ultrasound images in radial (RAD) (E) and antiradial (ARAD) (F) projections, left breast.
Figure 2.13. Screening study, 38-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique
(B) views.
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Figure 2.13. (Continued) Comparison study, craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views.
What do you think? breath. If, at a gi ven voltage, the resulting amperage is high ( 400
mAs) and the tissue is not adequately exposed, either voltage or com-
Are these mammograms from two different women?
pression (or both) need to be increased. As voltage is increased, the
If they are from the same woman, what is your working resulting amperage (and e xposure time) decreases; as v oltage is
hypothesis? decreased, the resulting amperage (and e xposure time) increases. In
Are there any significant findings in either this woman, the resulting amperages on the cur rent study are w ell
mammogram? below 400 mAs, so the v oltage can be lo wered without sacrificin
adequate exposure of the tissue. As voltage is lowered, contrast is
These mammograms are normal and from the same woman, taken increased, improving overall image quality. Did you notice the lo w
20 months apart. In the inter val, she lost 150 pounds. On the cur- image contrast on the current images? Overall, the images (and par-
rent study (Fig. 2.13A, B), breast size is decreased and parench y- ticularly the fat) look gray, reflecting the poor contrast
mal density is increased, with a concomitant decrease in f at com-
pared with the study from 20 months before (F ig. 2.13C, D). The
changes are bilateral and symmetric. There is no skin or trabecular What is your differential for diffuse breast changes?
thickening. The breasts are significant y thinner, as evidenced by
the millimeters of compression used for e xposure on the cur rent Differential considerations for diffuse changes that are usually uni-
study compared with 20 months before. Gi ven similar kilovoltage lateral, although rarely can be bilateral, include radiation therap y
peaks on both studies, the resulting milliamperage output is consis- effect, inflammato y changes (e.g., mastitis), trauma, ipsilateral
tently lower on the current images. Also, note that rhodium kicked axillary adenopathy with lymphatic obstruction, dialysis shunt in
in for all of the films done on the comparison stud . the ipsilateral ar m with fluid verload, invasive ductal carcinoma
not otherwise specifie , inflammato y carcinoma, invasive lobular
carcinoma, or lymphoma. Invasive lobular carcinoma can lead to
Given the milliamperage output on the current study, increases in breast density and size, or a decrease in breast size (the
what could the technologist have done to improve shrinking breast). Dif ferential considerations for dif fuse changes
image quality? that are usually bilateral, although the y can be unilateral, include
hormone replacement therap y (e.g., estro gen), weight changes,
Image contrast is par tially related to the v oltage used for e xpo- congestive heart failure, renal failure with fluid verload, and supe-
sure. As you increase v oltage, you decrease image contrast. rior vena cava syndrome. Additional rare benign causes include
Optimally, you want to use a high enough voltage to penetrate the granulomatous mastitis, coumadin necrosis, ar teritis, and autoim-
tissue adequately, but not much more than that.At a given voltage, mune disorders (e.g., scleroder ma). Obtaining a thorough histor y,
the resulting amperage also needs to be considered, because this indi- examining the patient, and obtaining an ultrasound are often help-
rectly reflects the length of the xposure. As the amperage is ful in sorting through the differential considerations.
increased, exposure time is increased, and as exposure time increases, BI-RADS® category 1: negative. Next screening mammogram
motion blur may become an issue if the patient is unable to hold her is recommended at age 40.
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Figure 2.14. Screening study, 74-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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ding mass is imaged in tissue projecting on the lower third of the left
What do you think?
breast. If they are available, previous films will be helpful in assess
Is this a normal mammogram, or do you think ing a change and should be requested before calling the patient back
additional evaluation is indicated? for a diagnostic evaluation. In the absence of comparison films, or i
this represents a change w hen comparison is made to se veral
In this patient, by splitting the images (Fig. 2.14C, D) in thirds and sequential mammograms, additional evaluation is indicated.
focusing your attention to the medial por tions of the breasts on the BI-RADS® category 0: need additional imaging evaluation.
craniocaudal (CC) vie ws, a mass is detected mediall y in the left
breast. On the mediolateral ob lique (MLO) views, the cor respon-
Figure 2.14. Craniocaudal (E) and mediolateral oblique (F) spot compression views, left breast.
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oblique (MLO) view are actually above the level of the nipple. In
Where would you place the ultrasound transducer?
this patient, the lesion is in the lower aspect of the upper inner quad-
Be precise. (What clock position? How far back from
rant of the breast at the 9:30 o’clock position (see Fig. 3.6F–I), 4 cm
the nipple?) from the left nipple.
How would you describe the imaging findings? BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality, biopsy should
be considered. Rather than just consider it, a biopsy is done.
Spot compression views confi m the presence of a 1-cm mass with An invasive ductal carcinoma is diagnosed follo wing the ultra-
indistinct margins. An irregular, hypoechoic mass with indistinct sound-guided core biopsy. A grade II in vasive ductal carcinoma
and spiculated margins and a par tial echogenic halo is imaged on measuring 1 cm is confi med at the time of the lumpectomy, and the
ultrasound (Fig. 2.14G, H). Although the lesion projects below the sentinel lymph node is ne gative for metastatic disease [pT1b,
level of the nipple on the MLO vie w, be careful in assuming that pN0(sn)(i), pMX; Stage I].
this lesion is in the lo wer inner quadrant of the left breast. Some
lesions that project below the level of the nipple on the mediolateral
Figure 2.15. Screening study, 87-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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What do you think? How would you describe the imaging findings, and
Is this a normal mammogram, or do you think what is indicated?
additional evaluation is indicated?
Spot compression views (not shown) confi m the presence of a 1.5-
A mass is present in the upper cone of tissue on the mediolateral cm spiculated mass at this site. A biopsy is indicated. Ultrasound-
oblique (MLO) view. In many women, this area of tissue on the guided core biopsy is done at the time of the diagnostic study . An
MLO is scalloped. If the tissue in this area rounds of f asymmetri- invasive mammary carcinoma is repor ted histologically. A 1.6-cm
cally, it should raise concer ns about a developing lesion. A spicu- grade I in vasive ductal carcinoma with associated lo w-nuclear-
lated mass is seen laterally in the left craniocaudal view. grade ductal carcinoma with central necrosis is repor ted on the
BI-RADS® category 0: need additional imaging evaluation. lumpectomy specimen. No metastatic disease is diagnosed in tw o
excised sentinel lymph nodes [pT1c, pN0(sn)(i), pMX; Stage I].
Figure 2.16. Screening study, 68-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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the CC views, these are more commonly medial in location but can
What do you think?
also be seen laterally. Additionally, large rodlike calcifications, ori
Is this a normal mammogram, or do you think ented toward the nipple, are noted scattered bilaterally, and a lymph
additional evaluation is indicated? node with a prominent fatty hilum is seen at the edge of the left pec-
toral muscle superiorl y on the left MLO . Following a systematic
Arterial calcifications are present bilateraly. The artery, coursing infe- review of the films, no significant finding is per ved. No additional
riorly at the anterior edge of the right pectoral muscle on the medio- views are indicated.
lateral oblique (MLO) view, is the lateral thoracic ar tery. It is always BI-RADS® category 1: negative. Annual screening mammogra-
seen coursing in the subcutaneous tissue laterally on the craniocaudal phy is recommended (or BI-RADS® cate gory 2: benign findin
(CC) view. The calcified a tery, entering the breast just inferior to the can be used if you describe the arterial or secretory calcifications i
left pectoral muscle on the MLO view and extending toward the nip- your report).
ple, is likely a perforating branch of the internal mammary artery. On
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Figure 2.17. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C) views, 2 years prior to (B).
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Figure 2.17. (Continued) Ultrasound images in longitudinal (LON) (F) and transverse (TRS) (G) projections of a mass at the 2 o’clock position, 5 cm
from the left nipple.
Figure 2.18. Screening study, 54-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral
oblique (B) views.
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Figure 2.19. Initial screening study, 38-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral ob lique
(B) views.
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Figure 2.19. Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) double spot compression magnification vi ws,
right breast.
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Figure 2.20. Screening study, 45-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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What additional information would you like? What is your differential at this point?
Figure 2.21. Screening study, 65-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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cone of tissue on MLO vie ws, medial tissue on CC vie ws, the
What do you think?
fat–glandular interfaces, and the subareolar areas (F ig. 2.3). Focus
Is this a normal mammogram, or do you think down with a magnification lens, pa ticularly when looking for small
additional evaluation is indicated? masses, distortion, and clusters of calcifications. Is there a potentia
mass in this patient? Did y ou notice the right subareolar area? With
Review the images systematically. Look for specific findings, inclu what degree of confidence can ou characterize this potential finding
ing diffuse changes, masses, distor tion, asymmetry, and calcifica and how definit ve can you be in determining its significance? Prio
tions. Focus your attention on smaller amounts of tissue b y splitting films will be helpful, as will a sur gical history. If prior films are no
the craniocaudal (CC) and mediolateral ob lique (MLO) views into available (and the patient has no history of surgery), additional imag-
thirds (Figs. 2.1 and 2.2). Re view those areas w here breast cancers ing is needed to determine the significance of this finding
commonly develop, specifical y the f atty stripe of tissue betw een BI-RADS® category 0: need additional imaging evaluation.
pectoral muscle and glandular tissue on MLO vie ws, the superior
Figure 2.21. (Continued) Ultrasound images in radial (RAD) (E) and antiradial (ARAD) (F) projections, right subareolar area.
Figure 2.22. Screening study, 40-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral ob lique
(B) views.
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Figure 2.22. (Continued) Ultrasound images in radial (RAD) (E) and antiradial (ARAD) (F) projections, upper outer quadrant, left breast.
Figure 2.23. Screening study, 58-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
Figure 2.23. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) double spot compression magnification vi ws, left breast.
Figure 2.23. (Continued) Ultrasound images in radial (RAD) (E) and antiradial (ARAD) (F) projections in the upper inner quadrant of the left breast.
Figure 2.23. (Continued) T1-weighted, sagittal image (H) left breast, precontrast. T1-weighted, sagittal image (I), left breast, same tabletop position as
shown in (H), 1 minute following contrast administration. T1-weighted, sagittal image (J), left breast, same tabletop position as shown in (H), 2 minutes
following contrast administration. T1-weighted, sagittal image (K), left breast, same tab letop position as sho wn in (H), 10 minutes following contrast
Figure 2.23. (Continued) Magnetic resonance image in radial (RAD) projection (G) demonstrating the calcification seen mammographically in the mass.
Specimen radiograph (L), 3 magnification obtained on a dedicated specimen radi graphy unit.
At the time of the preoperati ve wire localization, the lesion is the specimen to mark the location of the lesion(s) for the pathologist.
bracketed with two wires to assure complete excision of the lesion Portions of the localizing wires are seen on the radio graph (arrows).
(i.e., the mass and all calcifications). One of the wires is used t Also noted is one of se veral markers placed by the surgeon intraop-
skewer the mass and a second is placed anteriorly through the lead- eratively to indicate the different margins, thereby orienting the spec-
ing edge of the calcifications.The excised tissue is placed in a plas- imen for the patholo gist. The marker seen here is the skin mark er;
tic container (a Dubin device) and an alphanumeric grid is used to additional markers include caudal, cranial, medial, and lateral mark-
compress the tissue. A radiograph of the specimen is taken to assure ers. In addition to these markers used by the surgeon, the pathologist
excision of the localized lesion(s). In this patient, the mass is seen inks the margins so that e xtension of tumor to the mar gins can be
at the edge of the image (Fig. 2.23L, arrowhead) and the calcifica assessed at the time of histologic evaluation. If tumor is seen extend-
tions extending away from the mass are also present. The apparent ing to the margins, re-excision is usually indicated.
proximity of the mass to one of the mar gins on the radio graph is A 1.2-cm invasive mammary carcinoma with apocrine features is
discussed with the surgeon so that additional tissue may be taken. reported histologically. Associated high-nuclear-grade ductal carci-
The Dubin device provides an alphanumeric grid (letters partially noma in situ with central necrosis is present. The sentinel lymph
seen) with corresponding “holes” so that pins can be placed through node is normal [pT1c, pN0(sn)(i), pMX; Stage I].
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Figure 2.25. Screening study, 82-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 2.25. Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, 3 years before those shown above.
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E Figure 2.25. (Continued) Ultrasound image (E) of the left breast at the 9
o’clock position.
Although an ultrasound is not indicated in this patient, y ou can increases in breast density and size, or a decrease in breast size (the
expect to see skin thickening, increased echogenicity of the tissue, shrinking breast). Dif ferential considerations for dif fuse changes
and reticulation consistent with edema. that are usually bilateral, although the y can be unilateral, include
hormone replacement therap y (e.g., estro gen), weight changes,
congestive heart failure, renal failure with fluid verload, and supe-
What is your differential for diffuse breast changes? rior vena cava syndrome. Additional rare benign causes include
granulomatous mastitis, coumadin necrosis, ar teritis, and autoim-
Differential considerations for diffuse changes that are usually uni- mune disorders (e.g., scleroder ma). Obtaining a thorough histor y,
lateral, although rarely can be bilateral, include radiation therap y examining the patient, and obtaining an ultrasound are often help-
effect, inflammato y changes (e.g., mastitis), trauma, ipsilateral ful in sorting through the differential considerations.
axillary adenopathy with lymphatic obstruction, dialysis shunt in BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding. Annual screening mam-
the ipsilateral ar m with fluid verload, invasive ductal carcinoma mography is recommended.
not otherwise specifie , inflammato y carcinoma, invasive lobular
carcinoma, or lymphoma. Invasive lobular carcinoma can lead to
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Figure 2.26. Screening study, 77-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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There are scattered densities in an otherwise predominantl y fatty Did you notice the uneven exposure on the
pattern. Is it possible that any one of these densities represents an craniocaudal views posteromedially (more prominent
early malignancy? This is what makes what we do a challenge, on the right)? What does this reflect?
particularly because it w ould not be ideal to call back all w omen
with this mammographic appearance. Comparison with prior stud- This usually reflects suboptimal compression with an associated ai
ies dating back several years is indicated in women with this type of pocket. Consequently, evaluate the tissue in these areas carefull y
parenchymal pattern. If an y of these areas represents a change, for blur, because the compression of the tissue in these areas is
additional evaluation is indicated; however, if the findings are sta probably not optimal.
ble, annual mammography is recommended. Arterial calcifications BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding. Annual screening mam-
noted bilaterally, are most lik ely perforating branches from the mography is recommended.
internal mammary artery. There are also large rodlike calcification
present bilaterally; these are benign and require no additional eval-
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Figure 2.27. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C) views, 1 year prior to (B), and mediolateral oblique (D) views, 6 years prior
to those of (B).
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Figure 2.27. Diagram (F) illustrating a triangulation method described by Sickles to localize lesions on or thogonal views. Ninety-degree lateral, mediolateral
oblique, and craniocaudal views are lined up using the nipple as the reference point. A line is then drawn connecting the lesion on the two views in which it is
seen. The line is extended into the third image. The lesion can be expected along the course of this line. By measuring back from the nipple, you can approxi-
mate the location of the lesion along the course of the line.
G Figure 2.27. Ultrasound image (G) in the radial (RAD) projection of the
lesion identified posterior y (Z3) at the 11 o’clock position of the left breast.
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Figure 2.28. Screening study, 55-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 2.29. Screening study, 54-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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What do you think? What is the goal when viewing and interpreting
Do you see a potential lesion? screening mammograms, and why place a high
emphasis on additional imaging evaluations?
Review the images systematicall y. Do you see a potential mass?
Split the craniocaudal and mediolateral ob lique views into thirds On screening studies our goal is to detect potential abnormalities.
to focus your attention as you go back and forth between the right We make no ef fort to characterize potential or tr ue lesions on
and left breasts. Does something catch y our eye in the left breast screening studies. Additional evaluations increase our confidenc
anterolaterally? With what degree of certainty can you say this is in appropriate recommendations and often point to the proper diag-
normal or abnormal? How would you dictate the report? Why not nosis. They also provide us with the opportunity to establish a rap-
get additional infor mation by comparing the cur rent study with port with our patients and complete w orkups, including imaging
prior films, and depending on hat the comparison shows, obtain- guided biopsies, w hen indicated. Definit ve and directi ve reports
ing spot compression views, correlative physical examination, and are generated. Consequently, the only BI-RADS® assessment cate-
sonography? Depending on what is found on the workup, a biopsy gories we use on our screening studies are category 1: negative, cat-
may be indicated. egory 2: benign finding(s), and cat gory 0: need additional imaging
BI-RADS® category 0: need additional imaging evaluation. evaluation or need prior mammograms for comparison.
Figure 2.29. (Continued) Craniocaudal (E) and mediolateral oblique (F) spot compression views.
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Figure 2.29. (Continued) Ultrasound images in radial (RAD) (G) and antiradial (ARAD) (H) projections, left breast at the 2 o’clock position, anteriorl y
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Figure 2.30. Screening study, 62-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, right breast.
Figure 2.30. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, right breast. The potential lesion is enclosed in the box.
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Figure 2.30. (Continued) Spot compression view (E), right craniocaudal projection.
Figure 2.30. (Continued) Ultrasound images in longitudinal (LON) (F) and transverse (TRS) (G) orientations, right breast.
How would you describe the ultrasound findings? What is the reported incidence of axillary nodal
metastasis in patients with T1 tumors, and what factors
A 1.5-cm irregular mass with indistinct and angular margins, shad- have been suggested as predictors for nodal
owing, and associated disr uption of the nor mal tissue planes (dis- involvement?
tortion) is imaged at 1 o’clock, 8 cm from the right nipple, cor re-
sponding to the area of mammographic concern. The reported incidence of axillary nodal metastasis in patients with
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality; biopsy should T1 tumors (2-cm-sized tumors or smaller) ranges from 6% to 36%.
be considered. An invasive ductal carcinoma is repor ted histologi- Predictors of axillar y lymph node metastasis in patients with T1
cally following an ultrasound-guided biopsy. A 2-cm grade I, inva- tumors include tumor size, lymphovascular space involvement, and
sive ductal carcinoma is repor ted on the lumpectom y specimen. the histological grade of the lesion (e.g., in one repor t, 26.7% of
Metastatic disease is diagnosed in one of fi e excised axillary patients with g rade I, T1c tumors had metastatic disease to the
lymph nodes (pT1c, pN1, pMX; Stage IIA). axilla, compared with 35.7% of patients with grade III, T1c tumors).
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Are there any findings in the right breast? alized laterally on the right craniocaudal vie w. No abnor mality is
Are there any findings in the left breast? appreciated in the left breast. Additional evaluation with magnifica
tion views is indicated on the right.
What would you recommend next?
BI-RADS® category 0: need additional imaging evaluation.
A cluster of calcifications is present in the right breast. The cluster
is best imaged on the mediolateral oblique view; it is partially visu-
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Figure 2.31. (Continued) Double spot compression magnification vi ws, craniocaudal projection, exaggerated laterally (XCCL) (C).
A cluster of pleomor phic calcifications of ariable density, Appropriate action, in the for m of a stereotactiall y guided
imaged on the e xaggerated craniocaudal vie ws laterally (XCCL) biopsy, is taken. A high-nuclear-grade ductal carcinoma with cen-
magnification view, is shown here. Some of the calcifications ar tral necrosis is diagnosed following the core biopsy. As with all of
linear and some demonstrate linear orientation.This is likely to rep- our patients diagnosed with breast cancer , magnetic resonance
resent a ductal carcinoma in situ with central necrosis. imaging (MRI) is undertaken to evaluate for the presence of multi-
BI-RADS® category 5: Highl y suspicious of malignanc y; focal or multicentric disease in the ipsilateral breast and to assess
appropriate action should be taken. the contralateral breast.
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Figure 2.31. T1-weighted, sagittal image (D), right breast, precontrast, and T1-weighted, sagittal image (E), right breast, 1 minute following intravenous
bolus of gadolinium, same tab letop position as sho wn in (D). T1-weighted, saggital image (F), left breast precontrast, and T1-weighted image (G), left
breast, 1 minute following intravenous bolus of gadolinium, same table top position as shown in (F).
H Figure 2.31. (Continued) Ultrasound image (H), lower inner quadrant, left
Figure 2.32. Screening study, 43-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 2.33. Screening study, 65-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 2.34. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) photographically coned views of the anterior aspect of the left breast.
Focus your attention anteriorly. Look for straight lines and an aspect of the distortion as well as along the straightened trabecula.
overall disruption of tissue architecture. In some patients you may As you focus your search of the subareolar area, do y ou see the
see what appear as small locules of f at clustered in the central distortion?
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Figure 2.34. (Continued) Craniocaudal (E) and mediolateral oblique (F) photographically coned views of the anterior aspect of the left breast; area of dis-
tortion is delineated by box.
ing for it will help you enhance your perception skills for subtle dis-
How can you increase your perception skills for
tortion. Previous films and a histo y of prior breast biopsies or trauma
distortion? should be obtained. If the patient has not had a prior breast biopsy or
significant trauma to the left subareolar area and this finding repre
One way to enhance your perception of distor tion is to evaluate the
sents an interval change, additional evaluation is indicated.
mammograms of w omen who have had a prior sur gical biopsy.
BI-RADS® category 0: need additional imaging evaluation.
Although in many of these women no abnormality is apparent, in a
small number, subtle distortion can be seen at the biopsy site; look-
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Figure 2.34. (Continued) Craniocaudal (G) and mediolateral oblique (H) spot compression views, left breast. Ultrasound images in radial (RAD) (I) and
antiradial (ARAD) (J) projections, left breast, corresponding to the site of mammographic concern.
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Figure 2.35. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, 16 months prior to (A) and (B).
Figure 2.35. (Continued) Craniocaudal (E) and mediolateral oblique (F) spot compression views,
right breast.
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Figure 2.35. (Continued) Ultrasound images in radial (RAD) (G) and antiradial (ARAD) (H) projections, right subareolar area, cor responding to the
site of mammographic concern.
Figure 2.35. (Continued) Ultrasound image in (RAD) (I) projection demonstrating ducts (arrows) extending from the mass in the subareolar area towards
the nipple (“duct extension”). Ultrasound image in antiradial (ARAD) (H) projection demonstrating ducts branching (arrows) away from the mass/nipple
(“branch pattern”).
the excised lymph node. Some of the effects of this more thorough
What changes in the handling of lymph node
pathologic evaluation include the obser vation of isolated tumor
specimens have been seen with the introduction of cells and micromestatic disease. Consequentl y, the significance o
sentinel lymph nodes biopsies? these findings (isolated tumor cells and micrometastasis) i volving
excised sentinel lymph nodes is not y et clear, and there is no con-
The advent and now widespread use of sentinel lymph node biopsy sensus on their pro gnostic significance. Cu rently, the use of IHC
has resulted in a more meticulous e valuation of the excised lymph evaluation of sentinel lymph nodes is not encouraged; however, it is
node(s). This includes serial sectioning of the entire lymph node (as done at many institutions. The determination of micromestatic dis-
opposed to sample sections from multiple lymph nodes) and a more ease should be based on routine H&E histologic evaluation.
focused histologic and immunohistochemical (IHC) e valuation of
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Figure 2.36. Screening study, 52-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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tioned so that they are parallel to the edge of the pectoral muscle.
What do you think?
For me, this lesion is three finger breadths posterior to the nippl
Is this a normal mammogram, or do you think (“X” cm, Fig. 2.36C). On the CC vie w, if I place my three finger
additional evaluation is indicated? parallel to the edge of the film (“X” cm, ig. 2.36D), the potential
lesion will probably be somewhere along the course of m y finger
Review the images carefully, using a systematic approach. Di vide (i.e., on a line drawn perpendicular to the arrow, Fig. 2.36D). This
the images in thirds so that you focus your attention on smaller por- is obviously a rough measure, but it is helpful in deter mining if
tions of the mammograms and look specifical y for masses, calcifi observations you make on one view have a corresponding potential
cations, asymmetric areas, distor tion, and diffuse changes section finding on the other projection. In this patient, there is a potential
by section. Do y ou notice anything? How about an area of asym- abnormality noted on the CC vie w (box). This may be superim-
metry on the left, when you evaluate the upper third of the medio- posed glandular tissue; however, with what degree of certainty can
lateral oblique (MLO) vie ws? Is there a comparab le potential we establish this on the screening vie ws? Do we mention it on the
abnormality on the left craniocaudal (CC) vie w? How can y ou report, hedge and let it go, or do w e call the patient back for addi-
determine this? Although you can measure with a r uler, an easier tional views?
way is to determine how many finger breadths behind the nipple th BI-RADS category 0: need additional imaging evaluation.
lesion is located on the MLO , making sure y our fingers are posi
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Figure 2.36. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C) and craniocaudal (D) views. The potential abnormal-
ity noted in the mediolateral oblique view is measured to be “X” cm posterior to the nipple. If there is a cor-
responding abnormality on the craniocaudal vie w, one can e xpect to find it along a line dr wn to “X” cm
from the nipple. A potential corresponding area of asymmetry is found in the craniocaudal view, within the
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Figure 2.36. Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (G) and antiradial (ARAD) (H) projections corresponding to the area of mammographic concern.
How would you describe the ultrasound findings, and What do you think about the size described
what is your recommendation? pathologically?
Does this correlate with the imaging findings?
A vertically oriented, irregular, hypoechoic mass with indistinct Why not?
margins and shado wing is consistentl y imaged at the 1 o’clock
position, 4 cm from the left nipple. This corresponds to the area of This is one of the reasons I call in vasive lobular carcinoma the
mammographic concern. There is no cor responding palpable “sleaze disease.” Small monomorphic cells that invade tissue in sin-
abnormality detected as this area is scanned. gle files without fo ming nests of cells or disr upting surrounding
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality; biopsy should structures characterize in vasive lobular carcinoma histolo gically.
be considered. Consequently, invasive lobular carcinomas can be clinically, mam-
An invasive lobular carcinoma is diagnosed follo wing ultra- mographically, and pathologically (the invading cells can resemble
sound-guided core biopsies. A 4.2-cm invasive lobular carcinoma is lymphocytes) subtle. When we see something mammographically,
reported on the lumpectomy specimen; associated atypical lobular the findings common y underestimate the e xtent of disease found
hyperplasia is present. No metastatic disease is diagnosed in tw o histologically (i.e., what we see mammographically is often the tip
excised sentinel lymph nodes [pT2, pN0(sn)(i), pMX; Stage IIA]. of the iceberg).
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Figure 2.37. Screening study, 73-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 2.38. (Continued) Ultrasound image, radial (RAD) (E) projection and ultrasound image, radial projection (F).
Figure 2.39. Screening study, 74-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Use your fingers to appr ximate the distance from the nipple back
to the asymmetric area on the craniocaudal (CC) view (Fig. 2.39E).
Figure 2.39. Craniocaudal (E) and mediolateral oblique (F) views. With the identification of an area o
parenchymal asymmetry, medially in the left craniocaudal view, you can use your fingers to estimate the dis
tance of this area from the nipple. No w, go to the mediolateral oblique view and, angling your fingers so tha
they are parallel to the ob liquity of the pectoral muscle, y ou can identify a cor responding abnormality at the
edge of your finger inferior y on the mediolateral oblique view.
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Figure 2.39. (Continued) Craniocaudal (G) and mediolateral oblique (H), spot compression views.
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Figure 2.39. (Continued) Ultrasound images in radial (I) and antiradial (J) projections at the 7 o’clock position, 4 cm from the left nipple.
Figure 2.40. Screening study, 59-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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4. Splitting the images in thirds, look for specific lesions: (a) masses
Is this mammogram normal?
(b) calcifications; (c) disto tion; and (d) islands of asymmetry.
Review the images systematically:
1. Technically, is this an adequate study? Positioning is not opti- Is this a normal study? What is indicated next
mal, particularly on the mediolateral oblique (MLO) views; (be specific)?
however, the images are adequate.
2. Are there diffuse changes? BI-RADS® category 0: need additional imaging e valuation.
3. Evaluate specific locations: (a) medial quadrants on the cranio Magnification views in tw o projections are indicated for fur ther
caudal views; (b) fat–glandular interfaces; (c) fatty stripe of evaluation.
tissue between anterior edge of pectoral muscle and glandular
tissue on the MLO views; (d) subareolar areas; and (e) superior
cone of tissue on the MLO views.
Figure 2.40. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) double spot compression
magnification vi ws, right breast.
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A cluster of pleomorphic calcifications is conf med on the dou- Appropriate action is tak en in the for m of a stereotacticall y
ble spot compression magnification vi ws. There are linear calcifi guided biopsy. A high-nuclear-grade ductal carcinoma in situ with
cations characterized by irregular margins and clefts. Additionally, associated central necrosis is reported. This diagnosis is confi med
linear and round calcifications demonstrate linear orientation. This on the lumpectomy specimen [pTis(DCIS), pNX, pMX; Stage 0].
represents at least ductal carcinoma in situ until proven otherwise. No invasive disease is diagnosed. No sentinel lymph node biopsy is
BI-RADS® category 5: Highl y suggestive of malignanc y; done.
appropriate action should be taken.
Figure 2.42. Screening study, 46-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 2.42. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) views with a box on possible mass with distor tion. Mediolateral
oblique views (D), with box delineating asymmetry involving the upper cone of tissue on the right breast.
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Figure 2.42. (Continued) Craniocaudal (E) and mediolateral oblique (F) spot compression views, right breast.
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Figure 2.42. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (G) and antiradial (ARAD) (H) projections, corresponding to the site of the mass seen mam-
mographically in the right breast.
Figure 2.43. Screening study, 76-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral ob lique (B)
views. A metallic BB on the left marks a skin lesion.
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Figure 2.43. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) views. Limiting evaluation to the medial quadrants of the
breasts focuses your evaluation on smaller amounts of tissue. Now look specifical y for a possible mass.
Figure 2.43. (Continued) Craniocaudal (D) spot compression view, left breast.
Figure 2.43. (Continued) Ultrasound images, in radial (RAD) (E) and antiradial (ARAD) (F) projections at the 7 o’clock position, 9 cm from the left nip-
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How would you describe the findings? With respect to imaging this lesion on the orthogonal
view, what view might be helpful and why? Be specific.
The spot compression view confi ms the presence of a spiculated
mass posteromedially in the left breast. Based on this information, When considering 90-degree lateral views, there are two possibili-
what is your degree of certainty that there is a significant abnor ties: a 90-de gree lateromedial (LM) or a 90-de gree mediolateral
mality and that a biopsy is indicated? Is it no w possible to dictate (ML) view. For the 90-de gree LM vie w, the buck y is placed up
a succinct, def initive, and directi ve report? On ultrasound , a against the sternum so that a maximal amount of medial tissue is
hypoechoic spiculated mass, with intense shado wing and vertical included on the image and , because medial tissue is closest to the
orientation, is identified at the 7 o’clock position, 9 cm from th film, resolution of medial lesions is impro ved. For the 90-degree
left nipple. ML view, the bucky is placed laterally and compression is applied
Time and time again, y ou will find that y following a simple, medially. In this patient, a 90-de gree LM view provides the best
logical process, and completing the image workup, you will deliver chance to image the lesion on the orthogonal view.
optimal patient care that minimizes the lik elihood of delaying the BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality; biopsy should
diagnosis of breast cancer. be considered.
This patient illustrates the need to focus keenly on tissue extend- Rather than just consider biopsy, one is undertaken using ultrasound
ing to the edge of the films. The fact that this lesion is not imaged guidance. An invasive ductal carcinoma is diagnosed on the core sam-
on the MLO view should not dissuade you from calling the patient ples. A 1.2-cm, g rade I invasive ductal carcinoma is repor ted on the
back. With far posteromedial lesions, it is common to par tially lumpectomy specimen. No metastatic disease is repor ted in three
(barely) image them on only one of the two routine views. Usage of excised sentinel lymph nodes [pT1c, pN0(sn)(i), pMX; Stage I].
the spot compression paddle often allo ws more tissue to be
included on the image.
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Figure 2.44. Screening study, 57-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral
oblique (B) views.
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both CC views and, with it, possibly a lesion. The CC views need to
What are your observations?
be repeated.
An asymmetry with irregular margins is imaged in the right medi-
olateral (MLO) view anterior to the pectoral muscle; however, there
Do you have any other observations? What else would
is no cor responding abnormality on the craniocaudal (CC) vie w.
you like at this point?
Are there any other observations? Is breast positioning optimal on
the CC views? How can you tell? Do y ou see pectoral muscle in
How about prior studies? Ideall y, when you observe a potential
either CC view? Do you see cleavage in either CC view? When you
abnormality on a screening study, you should review prior films an
cannot see pectoral muscle or cleavage on CC views, you must con-
determine if the patient has had any surgery or trauma localized to
sider the possibility that posterior tissue has been excluded from
the site of concer n. Although it would be appropriate to call this
the image. Under these circumstances, you should measure the pos-
patient back for fur ther evaluation if there are no prior studies or
terior nipple line (PNL). The PNL measurement on the CC vie w
they are unavailable, you do not want to recall patients in whom the
should be within 1 cm of that measured on the MLO vie w (Fig.
potential abnormality has decreased in size, been previously evalu-
2.4E, F). If the measurements are not within a centimeter of each
ated, or if it reflects postoperat ve changes.
other, posterior tissue has been excluded and the CC image needs to
be repeated. In this patient, posterior tissue has been excluded from
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Figure 2.44. (Continued) Repeat craniocaudal (G) views. With better positioning, the lesion is now
seen in this projection laterally.
Figure 2.44. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (H) spot compression view, right breast. Craniocaudal (I) and
mediolateral oblique (J) spot compression views, left breast.
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Figure 2.44. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (J) spot compression views left breast. Ultrasound image, antiradial (K) projection, right breast at the 10
o’clock position approximately 8 cm from the right nipple. Ultrasound image, antiradial (ARAD) (L) projection, left breast.
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How would you describe the findings? How are multifocality and multicentricity defined? How
about synchronous and metachronous lesions? What is
Spot compression views, bilaterally, confi m the presence of bilat- emerging as the modality of choice in evaluating
eral lesions. The mass on the right is irregular with spiculated mar- patients diagnosed with breast cancer?
gins and some associated calcifications and measures appr xi-
mately 2 cm. A hypoechoic mass with intense shado wing, an If you identify one suspicious (and obvious) finding, be sure to con
echogenic halo, vertical orientation, and spiculation is identified o tinue looking at the mammo gram for other lesions bilaterall y.
ultrasound at the 10 o’clock position, 8 to 10 cm from the right Multifocal lesions occur in the same quadrant and multicentric
nipple. The mass on the left is round with indistinct and possib ly lesions are found in different quadrants in the same breast. Bilateral
microlobulated margins and measures appro ximately 0.7 cm. An breast cancers are synchronous if the y are diagnosed at the same
irregular, hypoechoic mass, with angular margins and an echogenic time and metachronous if the y are diagnosed after an arbitrar y
halo, is found in the left breast at the 4 o’clock position, 5 cm from interval (e.g., 6 or 12 months from the initial cancer diagnosis).The
the nipple. This corresponds to the expected location of the lesion published literature relative to the incidence of multifocality and
seen mammographically in the left breast. Biopsies are indicated multicentricity is limited and dif ficult to review because there are
bilaterally. Be mindful of any developing solid mass in post- significant differences in how the terms are defined and h w tissue
menopausal women, particularly if they are not on hormone is evaluated histologically. There are now good data supporting the
replacement therapy. use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in evaluating patients for
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious finding; biopsy should b multifocal, multicentric, and synchronous contralateral lesions, all
considered. of which could change the surgical management of the patient. We
Imaging-guided biopsies are done bilaterally. Invasive and intra- recommend bilateral breast MRI in all of our patients with a ne w
ductal carcinomas are reported bilaterally on the ultrasound-guided diagnosis of breast cancer.
core samples.
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Figure 2.46. Screening study, 78-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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sider evaluating the study for technical adequac y and the presence
Is this a normal mammogram?
of diffuse changes. When they are bilateral, diffuse changes can be
hard to perceive. Did you notice the prominence of the trabecular
A pacemaker is present in the left subpectoral region and there are
markings? This becomes par ticularly striking when you compare
scattered dystrophic and v ascular calcifications. Before focusin
with a study from 2 years previously.
your attention on the search for subtle signs of breast cancer , con-
Figure 2.46. (Continued ) Comparison screening study, 2 y ears previously. Craniocaudal (C) and
mediolateral oblique (D) views.
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Figure 2.47. Screening study, 66-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 2.48. Screening study, 54-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
Figure 2.48. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, 2 years previously.
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GRBQ187-2820G-C03[227-376].qxd 10/06/2006 12:27 AM Page 227 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
Cha pter 3
Adenosis tumor Hematoma Posttraumatic change
Air gap Invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise Pneumocystography
Axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) specified (NOS) Probably benign lesion
Cat scratch disease Invasive lobular carcinoma Psammoma bodies
Columnar alteration with prominent Lactational adenoma Pseudoangiomatous stromal
apical snouts and secretions (CAPSS) Lipoma hyperplasia (PASH)
Complex fibroadenoma Lobular neoplasia Radial scar
Complex sclerosing lesion (CSL) Lymphovascular space involvement Sclerosing adenosis
Cyst Male breast cancer Sebaceous cyst
Diabetic fibrous mastopathy Mastitis Secretory calcification
Double spot compression magnification Medullary carcinoma Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB)
views Metachronous carcinoma Shrinking breast
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) Metaplastic carcinoma Spot compression views
Epidermal inclusion cyst Metastatic disease Spot tangential views
Extensive intraductal component (EIC) Milk of calcium Subareolar abscess
Extra-abdominal desmoid Mucinous carcinoma Synchronous carcinoma
Extracapsular tumor extension Multiple peripheral papillomas Touch imprints
Fat necrosis Neoadjuvant therapy Triangulation of lesion location
Fibroadenoma Oil cyst Tubular adenoma
Fibromatosis Papillary carcinoma Tubular carcinoma
Focal fibrosis Papilloma Tubulolobular carcinoma
Focal spot Perineural invasion Tumor necrosis
Galactocele Peripheral abscess Vascular calcification
Granular cell tumor Phyllodes tumor
Gynecomastia Port-a-catheters
fine-tuned through y ears of e xperience and thousands of patient bilaterally, as well as a spot tangential view of the focal abnormality.
encounters. I provide the rationale for a common-sense, streamlined A unilateral study (CC and MLO views) of the symptomatic breast
approach and illustrate principles that I think you will find practical with the spot tangential vie w at the site of focal concer n is done if
efficient, and helpful in minimizing a delay in a breast cancer diag- the patient has had a mammo gram within the preceding 6 months.
nosis. Simplicity, creativity, and resourcefulness in problem solving Based on what is seen on these initial images, additional spot com-
are all components of the approach. Ob viously, there are many dif- pression, or double spot compression magnification vi ws, may be
ferent ways of approaching this patient population, and again m y oftained. Depending on the location of the focal finding, and th
recommendation is that y ou select a method that w orks in y our appearance of this area on the spot tangential view, correlative phys-
hands, and use it consistently. Do not shor t-circuit evaluations for ical examination and an ultrasound are usually indicated. The ultra-
the sake of expediency, be fl xible and creative (but keep it simple) sound may be deferred in patients in w hom there is no chance that
in sorting through dilemmas, make no assumptions, and demand the the lesion has been excluded from the field of vi w and completely
highest quality possible from yourself and those around you. fatty tissue, or a benign lesion (e.g., an oil cyst or a dystrophic calci-
Although I pro vide the imaging algorithms I use, a dedicated fication), is imaged co responding to the area of concern.
breast imaging radiologist directs all diagnostic evaluations and can
tailor the e xam to the patient and the prob lem being e valuated.
Results, impressions, and recommendations are discussed with the ■ DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION OF PATIENTS
patient directly at the time of the evaluation. Tools available to eval- UNDER AGE 30 YEARS, PREGNANT, OR
uate patients include mammo graphic images, cor relative physical
examination, ultrasound, cyst aspiration, pneumocystography, duc-
tography, imaging-guided fine-needle aspiration, and imaging For women under the age of 30 years, or who are pregnant or lactat-
guided needle biopsy. If indicated, magnetic resonance imaging of ing, who present with a “lump” or other focal symptom, w e start by
the breast is scheduled at the time of the patient’s diagnostic evalu- doing a physical examination and an ultrasound. In most of these
ation, including all patients diagnosed with breast cancer following patients, this is all that is required for an appropriate disposition.
an imaging-guided procedure. Rarely, if a breast cancer is suspected based on the physical exam and
ultrasound findings, a biopsy m y be indicated in this patient popula-
tion. If cancer is suspected, a full bilateral mammogram is also done.
For patients called back after screening, additional mammo graphic ■ OUR GOAL AND APPROACH RELATIVE
images are almost always taken. Virtually all of the additional views
imaged during diagnostic e valuations involve the use of the spot
compression paddle and include spot compression, rolled spot com- When patients present for diagnostic evaluations, our goal is to estab-
pression, spot tangential, and double spot compression magnificatio lish the correct diagnosis, accurately and efficient y, so we do as much
views. Spot compression and rolled compression vie ws are tak en as is indicated and the patient desires, in one visit. F or some women
when trying to deter mine if a lesion is present (or is it merel y an this may include mammographic images only, or additional views and
“imaginoma”), when establishing the mar ginal characteristics of a an ultrasound; for other patients, additional mammographic views, an
mass, or, with rolled views, for triangulating the location of a lesion ultrasound, and a core biopsy are perfor med. In my experience, if a
seen initially on only one of the routine views. Spot tangential views biopsy is indicated, the patient’s immediate question is “How soon can
are taken routinely in evaluating focal signs and symptoms. They are I have it done?” and they are appreciative (and in many ways relieved)
also used when a lesion is thought to be localized to the skin or to when I respond, “If you would like, we can do the biopsy no w and
position postoperative skin changes following lumpectomy and radi- have results by tomorrow.” Rarely, a patient requests time to discuss
ation, in tangent to the x-ray beam so that they are not superimposed the recommendation with her f amily; in that case, w e schedule the
and potentially obscuring significant changes at the lumpecto y bed. biopsy for a date that is convenient for the patient.
Double spot compression magnification vi ws are indicated w hen Histologic findings are discussed y the radiologist and the pathol-
evaluating calcifications. The only diagnostic images that are some- ogist who review the cores within 24 hours of the core biopsy , so
times done with the large compression paddle are lateral views (90- patients are asked to return the following business day to receive their
degree lateromedial or 90-degree mediolateral views) used to trian- results. The biopsy site is examined, biopsy results are discussed, and,
gulate the location of a lesion on the or thogonal view. As with based on the results, our recommendations re garding the need to
screening views, high-quality, well-exposed, high-contrast diagnostic return to screening guidelines, shor t-interval follow-up, excisional
images, with no blur or artifacts, are essential to minimize the likeli- biopsy, or surgical consultation are discussed with the patient. If a
hood of delaying or missing a breast cancer diagnosis. surgical consultation is indicated , this is scheduled for the patient
before she leaves our center. With a commitment from the breast sur-
geon, patients are seen within 48 hours of a breast cancer diagnosis.
When women over the age of 30 y ears present with a “lump” or
other focal symptom (focal pain, skin change, nipple retraction, Under the Mammo graphy Quality Standards Act (MQSA), all
etc.), a metallic BB is placed at the site of focal concern. Then cran- reports involving mammographic images require an assessment
iocaudal (CC) and mediolateral ob lique (MLO) views are imaged category. Our approach, however, is to provide an assessment that
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reflects our recommendation follo wing the completed diagnostic a position to re volutionize and substantially improve patient care.
evaluation. This usually incorporates the findings and impressio Carpe diem.
formulated following the physical examination, mammogram, and What, then, should our role be? Should our role be to inter pret
ultrasound (or other studies that ma y be done). So, in addition to films in isolation, or should it be that of clinicians and consultants
using BI-RADS® cate gories 1 and 2, and cate gory 3 (probab ly who interpret breast images? I consider my role to be that of a clin-
benign, short-interval follow-up), we also use cate gory 4 (suspi- ical consultant in breast imaging (rather than a radiolo gy report, I
cious abnormality, biopsy should be considered) and cate gory 5 dictate “breast imaging consultations”), and as such, the patients
(highly suggestive of malignanc y—appropriate action should be who come to see me are my patients. In the diagnostic setting,
taken), based on what is determined following the completed diag- rather than accept the histor y and physical examination described
nostic evaluation. Based on the likelihood of malignancy, category by others, I talk to the patients directly and, when indicated, under-
4 lesions can be subclassified into 4A (l w suspicion for malig- take a physical examination. As opposed to dele gating the breast
nancy), 4B (intermediate suspicion for malignancy), or 4C (moder- ultrasound study to a technologist, I view this as an opportunity to
ate concern, but not classic as in category 5). Category 0 is used for establish effective rapport with the patient, review the history pro-
patients for w hom we schedule magnetic resonance imaging for vided, and under take correlative physical examination (in ef fect,
further evaluation, and BI-RADS® category 6 (known malignancy) placing eyeballs at the tips of my fingers). Why not take this oppor-
is used primarily for patients with a breast cancer diagnosis who are tunity? We place a significant amount of impo tance on what our
receiving chemotherapy (e.g., neoadjuvant therapy) and are under- images show, but shun the infor mation provided by the ph ysical
going monitoring of chemotherapy response. Although in this text I examination and by talking directly with the patient. This informa-
use the ACR lexicon terminology, in our practice we have chosen to tion can be just as critical and impor tant in ar riving at the right
vary the verbiage provided with categories 4 and 5 to indicate that answer as any finding on our imaging studies.There are times when
a “biopsy is indicated” rather than “should be considered” or the imaging studies are negative or equivocal and a biopsy is indi-
“appropriate action should be taken” (more on this below). cated based on clinical findings
As I scan during the ultrasound study, I examine and talk with the
patient. In addition to the visual information from the ultrasound, I
find that use of the ultrasound coupling gel to e xamine a patient
■ SOME PHILOSOPHICAL CONSIDERATIONS enhances my ability to fin , feel, and characterize palpable findings
REGARDING PATIENT CARE AND DIAGNOSTIC During the real-time portion of the study, as I scan and examine the
EVALUATIONS: ARE WE FILM READERS OR patient, I determine if a lesion is present. After making this deter-
CONSULTANTS? mination, I take the images needed to adequately and appropriately
document the features of the lesion and that support the impression
Before going further, please indulge me in a shor t philosophical I formulate during the real-time por tion of the study (i.e., directed
discussion about ho w we, as radiolo gists, choose to practice image taking). I do not tak e pictures of nor mal tissue. Time and
breast imaging. Although some are lik ely to disag ree with sev- time again, I am impressed with how often the history obtained dur-
eral (and maybe all) of the concepts presented here, in generating ing these interchanges yields critical infor mation used to establish
a reaction, one way or the other, I accomplish my goal of getting the “true” nature and significance of hat is going on. The other
you to think about issues that are not usually thought about—but critical aspect of these interchanges is that it allows me to gauge the
perhaps should be. reaction of the patient to m y recommendations. I w ant patients to
As radiologists, we can effectively choose to dele gate many of understand and feel comfortable with what is happening. There are
our responsibilities as physicians to others, thereby minimizing our some who say we cannot afford to do this (i.e., it is not cost-ef fec-
direct role in the care of patients. We work hard during screening to tive). My response is to ask ho w can we afford not to do this? I
identify small breast cancers, y et we routinely relegate the role of would argue that it is more ef ficient and cost-effective, and I am
discussing our findings with patients to others. With this comes an convinced that this approach actually expedites high-quality patient
obfuscation of our critical role in the detection of clinicall y occult care.
early-stage breast cancer and possib le misrepresentations to For a moment, consider patients refer red to any specialist for a
patients relative to the limitations of mammography and the gener- consultation. If a gastroenterolo gist detects a pol yp during a
ation of unrealistic e xpectations regarding the appropriateness of colonoscopy, does he pull the scope out and dictate: “suspicious
ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. We struggle during abnormality, biopsy should be considered?” or “finding highy sug-
diagnostic evaluations to ar rive at an ans wer, yet we dismiss gestive of malignanc y—appropriate action should be tak en”?
patients with lines such as “You will get the results from your doc- Likewise, if a cardiologist detects a significant corona y lesion that
tor,” as though we are incapable (or unwilling) to do it, or we avoid can be managed ef fectively with an angioplasty, does she call the
all direct contact with the patient and have one of our surrogates tell referring physician for “permission” to proceed with an indicated
the patient that she should contact her physician for the results. We procedure? No, they go ahead and do what needs to be done to tak e
identify potential cancers, y et we won’t do the biopsy w hile the care of the patient. Why do we not consider a patient being sent to a
patient is in our f acility because it is not practical or e xpedient. breast imaging radiologist for evaluation in a similar light as a patient
Patients are ask ed to w ait for da ys and sometimes w eeks for a being sent to a breast surgeon for evaluation? Surgeons routinely do
biopsy to be done and then for results. If we do the biopsy, we often fine-needle aspirations and excisional biopsies on patients referred to
relegate patient follow-up and the discussion of results to the refer- them for clinical findings, ven when fatty tissue is imaged mammo-
ring physician or surgeon. How can this be acceptable? Imagine the graphically and sonographically. This is acceptable, yet, on a mam-
anguish. Is it any wonder that radiologists are the physicians most mogram with pleomor phic, linear casting-type calcifications, or
commonly named in malpractice lawsuits for delays in the diagno- clinically occult 6-mm spiculated mass, w e are e xpected to sa y
sis of breast cancer? I would argue that, in breast imaging, we are in “biopsy should be considered” or “appropriate action should be
GRBQ187-2820G-C03[227-376].qxd 10/5/06 02:36 AM Page 230 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
taken”? Considered by whom and when? Appropriate action to be First, it is a patient’ s right not to w ant something done, and this
taken by whom and when? should always be respected and ne ver judged ne gatively. Second,
As a consultant, therefore, I e xercise the right to discuss all maybe if we worked harder to understand the patient’s concerns, we
aspects of a patient’s breast-related findings, options for diagnosi might be ab le to help her more ef fectively. Rather than close the
(and treatment when appropriate), and, most important, I make spe- door, leave it open so she feels she can walk back through it and you
cific recommendations and manage patients accordingl y. In con- will be there to help her . Try never to judge patients and w hat they
junction with the patient’s physician, I make referrals when indi- have chosen to do. Comments such as “How could she have let this
cated. Following biopsies, I provide all patients with m y business go?” or “Can you believe that she is saying this just came up?” are
card and cell phone number so the y can contact me if the y have not acceptable. Who are we to know what a patient is going through
questions or concerns, and I ask them to return the following busi- and what her reasons may be for making a decision? Little is accom-
ness day for the results of the biopsy. During the post biopsy visit, I plished, and I think we stand to lose much, by having a patient feel
examine the biopsy site and, most important, discuss the results of guilty about what she has chosen to do. Our job is not to judge her ,
the biopsy directly with the patient. I discuss all options with the but to help her toda y and put her in as positi ve a frame of mind as
patient, but I follow this with a specific recommendation for hat I possible to deal with what she is facing. I urge you to consider and
think is the next appropriate step. When indicated, and following a analyze everything that y ou say and do in approaching patients.
discussion with the patient’s physician, I make referrals so that the Work hard and creati vely to spin things in a positi ve light; rather
patient is helped and expedited through the system. Our patients are than viewing what we do as a chore, w e should vie w the tr ust
hungry for time, a w arm touch, infor mation, guidance, and y es, patients place in us as an incredib le privilege unlike few others
what we think is indicated. afforded us in life. We should feel honored that patients have enough
confidence in us to share some of their most personal infor mation,
fears, and concerns.
■ CONSIDERING YOUR APPROACH TO PATIENTS You set the tone for y our facility, and insisting that e veryone in
your facility think of patients as presenting with le gitimate con-
Consider how you approach patients. I suggest that proper attire, cerns and having the right to forgo a procedure has a positive effect
including a white coat with your name badge clearly visible, is crit- on how everyone approaches his or her job and our patients.
ical in sending a powerful message to patients. Scrubs belong in the
operating room or the interventional suite, not when approaching a
patient relative to a possible breast cancer diagnosis. Also, although ■ COMMUNICATION AND DOCUMENTATION
things like jeans and che wing gum ma y be acceptab le in recre-
ational venues, they are not when you are doing an ultrasound or an Lastly, I want to emphasize the need for communication and appro-
imaging-guided biopsy on a patient w ho is w atching you like a priate documentation. Communicate directl y with patients, refer-
hawk, waiting for some feedback. Address patients by their title and ring physicians, pathologists, surgeons, and medical oncolo gists.
last name; unless specifical y requested b y the w oman, patients Demand to speak directly with the physician (“I do not take no for
should not be addressed b y their first name, and te ms of endear- an answer.”). It is critical that refer ring physicians be kept in the
ment should not be used (this applies to the technolo gists as well). loop, particularly in relation to a breast cancer diagnosis in one of
Introduce yourself to the patient and shak e her hand. Before star t- their patients. Relative to pathology results, talk directl y with the
ing the examination, ask her one or tw o questions relative to her pathologist signing out a fine-needle aspiration or core biops . If
concerns. If the patient has been called back for a potential abnor- possible, visit the pathology lab and review the histology of some of
mality on the screening study, and you have done additional mam- the more interesting cases y ou may diagnose. These interchanges
mographic images, tell her w hat you have seen so f ar and explain can be incredibly valuable learning tools, and by working together,
what you would like to do next. If you are doing an ultrasound, let decisions can be made as to the adequac y of sampling or an y lin-
the patient watch the screen, and keep an eye on her. If she is watch- gering concerns the patholo gist may have that might alter y our
ing the screen as you scan, involve her in the study by educating her management of the patient. Discuss specimen radio graphy results
on what you are looking at. The ribs can be used to show her what directly with the sur geon while the patient is still in the operating
a “tumor” would look like. Try to make sure the patient understands room (e.g., are you concerned that a lesion may extend to the mar-
and is comfor table with w hat you recommend, and ne ver let an gins, or are you concerned that the lesion, or your localization wire,
angry patient leave your facility. Talk to her and find out hat you has not been excised?).
can do to make things better. I document the date, time, and nature of all communication (if
I think it is also impor tant to consider some of the language that possible with direct quotes) on the patient’s history form (not in the
permeates our work. Although this sounds tri vial, I think it ne ga- breast imaging consultation repor t). Invest time in teaching y our
tively colors our perspecti ve and helps impersonalize and distance clerical and technical staf f how to document encounters with
us from our patients. Consider terms such as “cases,” “complaints,” patients properly. Months or years down the road, appropriate doc-
“denies,” and “refuses.” Does it not subtl y affect us if w e view umentation can be critical in dealing with unresolved patient issues.
“cases as complainers w ho deny and refuse”? I see patients, not Documentation needs to be appropriate, factual, and nonjudgmental.
cases. Why do we choose to view what a patient presents with as a Documentation should not be a reflection of h w your employee
complaint? If you have a legitimate concern about something, does felt or sa w a situation b ut rather a nar rative of w hat happened.
it not bother you even slightly if someone says you are complaining Provide the information accurately and let the reader formulate the
about it? If you have legitimate fears about something and want time impression. These simple steps cost little and y et the re wards in
to think and consider your options, or if you are afraid, is this refus- good patient care, goodwill, and public relations can be significan
ing? Does it not turn us off when someone says, “She is refusing”? (as intangible as they may seem).
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Figure 3.1. Screening study, 52-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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C Figure 3.1. (Continued) Spot compression paddle (C) used in my practice for
diagnostic evaluations.
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Figure 3.1. (Continued) Craniocaudal (G) and mediolateral oblique (H) spot compression views.
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Figure 3.1. (Continued) Ultrasound images (I, J) through separate portions of the lesion at the 7 o’clock position, 4 cm from the nipple in the longitu-
dinal (LON) projection.
Figure 3.2. Diagnostic evaluation, 50-year-old patient who presents describing a “lump” in her left breast. She was told at another imaging facility that her
mammogram and ultrasound are nor mal; she is adamant in w anting an e xplanation for w hat she feels. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral ob lique
(B) views, left breast.
says she feels the “lump” more when she is upright, I will palpate and changes are noted in the sur rounding stroma and probably explain
scan the area with her sitting as well as lying down. During the ultra- the imaging features of these lesions (i.e., spiculation).Tubular car-
sound study, I hold the transducer with my right hand and I place the cinomas may be difficult to distinguish from radial scars/comple x
pads of my left index, ring, and middle fingers at the leading edge o sclerosing lesions (in some patients, tubular carcinomas arise in
the transducer so that I am palpating the tissue as I rotate and mo
ve the radial scars/complex sclerosing lesions), sclerosing adenosis, and
transducer with my right hand. I apply varying amounts of compres- microglandular adenosis. Special immunohistochemical stains are
sion as I manipulate the transducer directly over the area of clinical or sometimes needed to assess the presence of m yoepithelial cells.
mammographic concern. These tumors are often diploid, estrogen- and progesterone-receptor-
positive, and only rarely over-express HER-2 neu.
Figure 3.3. Diagnostic evaluation, 80-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the right breast. Craniocaudal (A) and
mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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C Figure 3.3. (Continued) Spot tangential (C) view taken of the palpable findin
(metallic BB on palpable finding)
whom there is no chance the lesion has been excluded from the tan-
What is an acceptable approach to patients who
gential view and completel y fatty tissue, or a benign lesion, is
present with focal findings? imaged corresponding to the palpable abnormality.
In evaluating the adequacy of spot tangential views, In this patient, do you see the metallic BB on the routine views of
what should you consider? the right breast? Why not? In this patient, the palpab le finding i
deep in the breast, just abo ve the inframammary fold. The metallic
In patients who are 30 years of age or older and who present with a BB was placed on the “lump” but has been e xcluded from the fiel
palpable abnormality (or other localized finding), a metallic BB i of view. The metallic BB is seen on the spot tangential view, and pre-
placed at the site of concern, and routine views are done bilaterally dominantly fatty tissue is imaged on the spot tangential view. In this
unless the patient has had a mammo gram in the preceding 6 patient, the possibility that the lesion has been e xcluded from the
months, in w hich case a unilateral mammo gram of the sympto- images is a real concer n. As with all spot compression vie ws, you
matic breast is done. In addition, a spot tangential view of the focal need to consider the possibility that the lesion has been squeezed out
finding is done. In man y patients, the tangential vie w is helpful in of the field of vi w or, because of its location, is not included on the
either partially or completel y outlining the lesion, with subcuta- images. Correlative physical examination in this patient confi ms
neous fat facilitating characterization. Depending on the location of the presence of a palpab le mass fi ed at the inframammar y fold.
the focal finding, and the appearance of this area on the spot tan Also noted are ar terial calcifications in the left breast and coarse
gential view, correlative physical examination and an ultrasound dense, benign-type calcifications anterior y in the right breast.
are usually indicated. Ultrasound ma y be defer red in patients in
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Figure 3.3. Ultrasound images (D, E) of the palpable mass at the inframammary fold of the right breast in an antiradial (ARAD) projection.
breathing are simple steps that can impro ve overall image quality
How is magnification obtained, and what are the
significant y.
resulting effects? As a general rule, the voltage used for exposure on magnificatio
views is increased by 2 kV over that used for the routine, nonmagni-
Magnification technique is accomplished by increasing the distance
fied views. We do all of our magnification vi ws using a Lexan®-top
between the breast (i.e., object) and film.The resulting air gap helps
magnification stand (MammoSpot®, American Mammographics,
to eliminate scatter radiation, so a grid is not needed for magnifica
Chattanooga, TN). Compared to standard carbon-top magnificatio
tion views. Compared with the 0.3-mm focal spot used for routine
stands, those made of Le xan® absorb less radiation, so e xposure
(nonmagnified) mammographic views, a 0.1-mm focal spot is used
times can be decreased by as much as 40%.
for magnification vi ws. The small focal spot is needed to minimize
Optimal compression is also critical for obtaining high-quality
the penumbra effect that results as you increase the breast (object)-
magnification views. This is w hy we advocate the use of doub le
to-film distance. The use of the small focal spot, however, results in
spot compression. The magnification stand has a built-in spot com
increased exposure times, so motion becomes a significant issu
pression, which, when combined with the spot compression paddle,
that may limit the usefulness of magnification vi ws.
enables maximal compression of the tissue being e valuated (i.e.,
double spot compression). The technologist is also encouraged to
What can be done to minimize the likelihood of motion work with the patient on breath holding (i.e., the patient should stop
blur on magnification views? breathing when requested rather than taking a deep breath in) to
minimize the likelihood of motion.
Optimizing the system to obtain an adequate e xposure in a shor t If you have determined that there is a need for magnificatio
period of time is critical for routinel y obtaining high-quality mag- views, don’t settle for suboptimal quality and hide behind dis-
nification views. An appropriate selection of v oltage, a magnifica claimers. If the magnification vi ws are not optimal, step back and
tion stand that minimizes the amount of radiation absorbed, optimal review what the technologist is doing. Does the v oltage need to be
focal compression, and working with the patient on controlling her increased further (accepting that as you increase voltage, contrast is
GRBQ187-2820G-C03[227-376].qxd 10/5/06 02:36 AM Page 244 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
decreased)? Is the cor rect focal spot being used? Can compression tion views. The differential is limited b ut includes fibro ystic
be increased? Can you work with the patient to improve breath hold- changes including columnar alteration with prominent apical snouts
ing? High-contrast, well-exposed, artifact-free magnification vi ws (CAPPS), ductal hyperplasia and atypical ductal hyperplasia, fibro
are critical for assessing the morphology and extent of calcification sis, and ductal carcinoma in situ. In the absence of any other change
that may reflect the presence of ductal carcinoma in situ. Rec gnize related to trauma (e.g., mix ed-density mass, oil c yst), or a specifi
that the ability to detect and characterize calcifications and smal history of trauma or sur gery to the site of the calcifications, thes
masses is significant y compromised (and ma y be eliminated) on calcifications are unlikely to represent an early stage of fat necrosis.
images with blurring. Given the linear orientation of the calcifications, biopsy is indicated
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality, biopsy should
be considered.
How would you describe these calcifications in this Ductal carcinoma in situ is repor ted on the stereotacticall y
patient, and what is your differential diagnosis? guided biopsy and confi med on the lumpectomy [Tis(DCIS), pNX,
What is indicated? pMX; Stage 0].
Figure 3.5. Screening study, 65-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral ob lique
(B) views.
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Figure 3.5. (Continued) Ultrasound images, upper inner quadrant, right breast, in radial (RAD) (F) and antiradial (ARAD) (G) projections.
Figure 3.5. Ultrasound image (H) in the antiradial (ARAD) projection at the
H 1 o’clock position of the right breast, posteriorl y, demonstrating gentle mass
effect on the deep pectoral fascia (arrowheads).
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sentinel lymph node biopsy. The lymph node is sectioned and the
What is your differential diagnosis, and what
cut edge is blotted on slides. The cytologic material on the slides is
recommendation do you make to the patient? fi ed, stained, and reviewed by the pathologist. If malignant cells
are identified on the touch imprints, a complete axilla y lymph
Differential considerations include in vasive ductal carcinoma not
node dissection is done at the time of the lumpectom y. However,
otherwise specifie , invasive lobular carcinoma, or l ymphoma.
metastatic disease is not e xcluded if the imprints are repor ted as
Rarely, ductal carcinoma in situ can present as a mass, asymmetric
benign; false-negative touch imprints are commonl y associated
density, or distortion in the absence of microcalcifications. Benig
with invasive lobular carcinoma. In patients in whom the imprint is
considerations include an inflammato y process or posttraumatic
negative but metastatic disease is identif ied in the per manent,
changes, focal fibrosis, a papilloma, sclerosing adenosis, pseudoan
hematoxylin and eosin–stained sections of the sentinel l ymph
giomatous stromal h yperplasia, granular cell tumor , or an e xtra-
node, a full axillar y dissection is usuall y undertaken as a second
abdominal desmoid. Gi ven the imaging features of this lesion, a
operative procedure.
biopsy is indicated.
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality, biopsy should
be considered. How is an extensive intraductal component defined,
An ultrasound-guided biopsy is done. An invasive ductal carci- and what is its significance?
noma with associated ductal carcinoma in situ is diagnosed on the
core biopsy. An extensive intraductal component (EIC) is described w hen an
A 1.5-cm, grade I invasive mammary carcinoma, with apocrine invasive ductal carcinoma has a prominent intraductal component
differentiation and an associated e xtensive, intermediate-grade within it or intraductal carcinoma is present in sections of otherwise
(solid, cribriform patterns) ductal carcinoma in situ is repor ted on normal adjacent tissue. This term also applies to lesions that are
the lumpectomy specimen. Malignant cells are reported on a touch predominantly intraductal but ha ve foci of in vasion. An EIC may
imprint of the sentinel l ymph node done intraoperati vely. Twenty indicate the presence of residual disease 2 cm be yond the primary
additional nodes removed at the time of the lumpectomy are nega- lesion in as man y as 30% of patients and is associated with an
tive for metastatic disease (pT1c, pN1a, pMX; Stage IIA). increased incidence of local recurrence following breast-conserving
surgery and radiation therap y. Patients with tumors characterized
by an extensive intraductal component ma y benefit from a wide
What are touch imprints, and how are they used at the
resection. Tumors with EIC are repor tedly more common in
time of the lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node younger women.
Figure 3.6. Ultrasound image (D) of anterior mass, antiradial (ARAD) projection, and ultrasound image (E) of posterior mass, ARAD projection.
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A complex fibroadenoma is repo ted histologically for the ante- what is seen on the mammogram and anything that may be found on
rior mass. An invasive mammary carcinoma is diagnosed for the the ultrasound study. The information on the CC and MLO vie ws
posterior lesion. A 4-cm, metaplastic carcinoma with no heterolo- (taken with the patient upright and tissue pulled out a way from the
gous elements and a nor mal sentinel l ymph node biopsy are body) needs to be transposed to a patient w ho is now supine, or in a
reported following surgery [pT2, pN0(sn) (i), pMX, Stage IIB]. slight oblique position, for the ultrasound study . Approximating the
As you progress from the mammogram to doing the ultrasound, clock position of a lesion in the breast can be af cilitated (and learned)
consider carefully and focus y our attention on the anatomic loca- by using frontal diagrams of the breast, in conjunction with the loca-
tion of the lesion being evaluated. Obviously, it is critically impor- tion of the lesion on the CC and MLO views.
tant to assure that the lesion seen on the mammo gram correlates On a frontal diag ram of the breast, the posterior nipple line
with what you find on the ultrasound stud . To this end, review the (PNL) is drawn as extending from the upper inner quadrant to the
mammographic images before scanning the patient, so that w hen lower outer quadrant of the breast, transecting the nipple (this
you walk in to e valuate the patient y ou have the e xpected clock defines the course of the x-ray beam when an MLO view is done).
position and approximate distance from the nipple for the lesion Next, reference the location of the lesion on the MLO vie w (Fig.
being evaluated as your starting point. 3.6J) with respect to the PNL. The lesions are ho w far above or
On craniocaudal and 90-de gree lateral views (LM and ML), the below the posterior nipple line on the MLO vie w? The lines
location of a lesion is anatomic with respect to the nipple. Medial, describing the location of the lesion, with respect to the PNL on the
lateral, and central findings on craniocaudal vi ws are located medi- MLO view, are drawn on the frontal diagram (Fig. 3.6K). Using the
ally, laterally, and centrall y (i.e., behind the nipple) in the breast. location of the lesions on the CC view (Fig. 3.6L), you can now nar-
Superior and inferior findings with respect to the nipple are located i row down the clock location of the lesion along the course of the
the upper and lower quadrants, respectively, on the 90-degree lateral lines drawn on the frontal view (Fig. 3.6J). You can now walk into
view (Fig. 3.6F). On mediolateral ob lique views, however, it is the ultrasound room and place the transducer at the expected clock
important to recognize that some lesions projecting below the level of position for each lesion and find them easiy with the assurance that
the nipple are in an upper quadrant of the breast and some that project what you are imaging on ultrasound cor relates with what is being
above the level of the nipple are in a lower quadrant (Fig. 3.6G–I). seen mammographically.
Based on the CC and MLO vie ws, the anatomic location of the
lesion needs to be determined, to assure accurate correlation between
Figure 3.6. Frontal diagram (F) of the right breast, illustrating the course of the x-ray beam for craniocaudal, lateral, and mediolateral oblique views. On
craniocaudal views, the location of lesions is anatomic: those projecting laterally or medially are in the lateral and medial aspects of the breast, respectively.
Similarly, on true lateral views, lesions projecting superiorly or inferiorly are located in the upper or lower quadrants, respectively. On mediolateral oblique
views, however, some of the tissue that projects above the level of the nipple is inferior to the nipple (G), and some tissue projecting below the level of the
nipple is superior to the nipple (H).
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Figure 3.6. (Continued) Frontal diagram (F) of the right breast, illustrating the course of the x-ra y beam for craniocaudal, lateral, and mediolateral
oblique views. On craniocaudal views, the location of lesions is anatomic: those projecting laterally or medially are in the lateral and medial aspects of the
breast, respectively. Similarly, on true lateral views, lesions projecting superiorly or inferiorly are located in the upper or lower quadrants, respectively. On
mediolateral oblique views, however, some of the tissue that projects above the level of the nipple is inferior to the nipple (G), and some tissue projecting
below the level of the nipple is superior to the nipple (H). Consequently, on a mediolateral oblique (I) view, some lesions projecting above the level of the
nipple (gray triangle, “A”) are anatomically in the lower outer quadrant, and some lesions projecting below the level of the nipple (black triangle, “B”) are
anatomically in the upper inner quadrant of the right breast.
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Figure 3.7. Diagnostic evaluation, 82-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast. Craniocaudal(A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views pho-
tographically coned to the area of concern in the left breast. Metallic BB (arrows) indicate the location of the palpable mass.
When women who are over the age of 30 y ears present with a
At this point, what can you say and with what degree of
“lump” or other focal symptom (focal pain, skin change etc.), a
certainty? metallic BB is placed at the site of focal concern. This is followed
What else would you tell the technologist to do? by craniocaudal and mediolateral ob lique views, bilaterally, as
well as a spot tangential view of the focal abnormality (a unilateral
Scattered and some clustered round and punctate calcifications, a study of the symptomatic breast is done if the patient has had a
well as more dense, coarse, and some lucent-centered calcifica mammogram within the last 6 months). Based on these initial
tions, are present. However, no definite abno mality is apparent on images, additional spot compression or doub le spot compression
the craniocaudal and mediolateral ob lique views that cor responds magnification views may be done. Depending on the location of
to the site of concer n to the patient. At this point, we have insuffi the focal finding, and the appearance of this area on the spot tan
cient information to say anything definit ve. A spot tangential view gential view, correlative physical examination and an ultrasound
of the palpable finding m y be helpful; if it is not, correlative phys- are usually indicated.
ical examination and an ultrasound are indicated.
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Figure 3.7. Spot tangential (C) view of palpab le finding in the l wer
inner quadrant of the left breast.
Figure 3.7. Ultrasound image (D) of the palpable finding in the l wer
inner quadrant of the left breast, in the antiradial (ARAD) projection.
How helpful is the tangential view of this patient? How would you describe the ultrasound findings?
At this point, what can you say and with what degree What is your leading diagnosis, and what is your
of certainty? recommendation?
What BI-RADS® assessment category would you
assign? On physical examination, a discrete, hard mass is palpated in the
lower inner quadrant of the left breast. There are no findings to sug
For this patient, the tangential view is helpful. A spiculated mass is gest an ongoing inflammato y process (e.g., no er ythema, tender-
now readily apparent, corresponding to the palpable finding. Unles ness, or w armth over the palpab le finding). An irregular, 1.5-cm
the patient has had trauma, or surgery localized specifical y to this hypoechoic mass with indistinct and angular margins and shadow-
area, or there are symptoms related to an inflammato y process, a ing is imaged on ultrasound at the 8 o’clock position, 6 cm from the
biopsy is indicated and the likelihood of malignancy in an 82-year- left nipple, cor responding to the palpab le finding. The clinical,
old patient is high. The patient has no history of breast-related sur- mammographic, and ultrasound findings are high y suggestive of a
gery or trauma. malignancy. Differential considerations include invasive ductal car-
cinoma not otherwise specified (NOS), tubular carcinoma, or i va-
sive lobular carcinoma. Although it is uncommon, ductal carci-
Is an ultrasound indicated in this patient for the noma in situ can present as a mass, asymmetry density, or distortion
purposes of evaluating the lesion? If not, why do an in the absence of microcalcifications. If there ere a histor y of
ultrasound? trauma or surgery localized specifical y to this spot, this could rep-
resent an area of fat necrosis. Rarely, in the appropriate clinical set-
Given a spiculated mass and no histor y of surgery or trauma, or ting, this could represent an inflammato y process.
symptoms related to an inflammato y process, corresponding to the BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality, biopsy should
site of concern to the patient, a biopsy is indicated regardless of the be considered.
ultrasound findings. An ultrasound is done to deter mine if the Rather than just consider a biopsy, one is done using ultrasound
lesion can be imaged so that the biopsy can be done e xpeditiously guidance. An invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS) is diagnosed on the
using ultrasound guidance. Ultrasound-guided core biopsies are core biopsy. A 1.5-cm grade II invasive ductal carcinoma NOS is
better tolerated b y patients, par ticularly elderly patients, because confi med on the lumpectomy specimen. No metastatic disease is
the patient is supine as opposed to prone (with her neck tur ned all diagnosed on the sentinel lymph node [pT1c, pN0(sn) (i), pMX;
the way over to one side) on the dedicated stereotactic table, or sit- Stage I].
ting, if an add-on de vice is used. No breast compression or radia-
tion is required when the biopsy is done using ultrasound guidance.
Additionally, because or thogonal images of the needle can be What are the clinical and imaging features related to
obtained following firing of the needle during the biops , it is eas- invasive ductal carcinoma NOS?
ier to verify that the needle has gone through the mass. This is in
contrast to the unidimensional postfire images of needle position Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS is the most common breast malig-
ing during a stereotactically guided biopsy. nancy diagnosed in approximately 65% of all patients with breast
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Figure 3.8. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C) views with a box helping to focus attention on the lo wer
thirds of breasts. Craniocaudal (D) views with a bo x to help focus attention on the medial quadrants of the
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Figure 3.8. (Continued) Ultrasound images in the radial (RAD) (G) and antiradial (ARAD) (H) projections at the 3 o’clock position, 3 cm from the right
Figure 3.8. On the right mediolateral oblique (I) view, the lesion is “X” cm
below the posterior nipple line (PNL). On the craniocaudal (J) view, the
lesion is medial in location. On the frontal diag ram of the right breast (K),
a line is drawn “X” cm below the PNL so that, in combination with the loca-
tion of the lesion on the CC vie w, you can approximate the location of the
K lesion at the 3 o’clock position.
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An ultrasound-guided biopsy is undertaken, and an invasive duc- raphy can be used to assess the pattern of lymphatic drainage before
tal carcinoma is repor ted on the cores. A 0.9-cm, grade I invasive surgery; this also provides information regarding the internal mam-
ductal carcinoma with associated cribriform-type ductal carcinoma mary lymph nodes. Alternatively, a gamma probe is used intraoper-
in situ is diagnosed on the lumpectomy specimen. Two excised sen- atively to identify the “hot spots” in the axillary tail without preop-
tinel lymph nodes are normal [pT1b, pN0(sn) (i), pMX; Stage I]. erative lymphoscintigraphy. It has been suggested b y many
researchers that optimal results are obtained when blue dye and iso-
tope are used in combination. In a review of the literature correlat-
What is the basic concept underlying sentinel lymph ing SLNB with ALND in more than 3,000 patients with breast can-
node biopsies? cer, Liberman reported technical success rate, sensiti vity, and
accuracy of 88%, 93%, and 97%, respectively, for SLNB.
Traditionally, most patients diagnosed with in vasive breast cancer The use of SLNB in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ
had axillary lymph node dissections (ALND) for staging and as (DCIS) remains controversial. It is probab ly indicated for w omen
part of the sur gical treatment of their breast cancer (i.e., local- with DCIS and kno wn microinvasion and for patients in w hom
regional control). More recentl y, sentinel l ymph node biopsy invasive disease is suspected preoperati vely based on the size or
(SLNB) has been suggested as an alternative to assess the status of imaging features of the DCIS. The alternative approach that can be
the axilla and is being used increasingly to replace ALND for most taken is to excise the DCIS and, if invasive disease is identified o
women diagnosed with breast cancer. It is postulated that the sen- the lumpectomy specimen, have the SLNB done as a second opera-
tinel lymph node(s) is the first node draining a tumo , and that the tive procedure.
histologic status of this lymph node accurately predict the status of
the regional (axilla) lymphatic basin.
Given some of the complications associated with ALND, sen- What is the prognostic significance of isolated tumor
tinel lymph node biopsies are no w used routinely at many institu- cells or micrometastatic disease described following
tions as an alternative to ALND for patients with clinically normal a sentinel lymph node biopsy?
axillary exams. Axillary lymph node dissections are under taken if
the sentinel lymph node(s) is not identifie , metastatic disease is The advent and now widespread use of sentinel lymph node biopsy
known to be present following fine needle aspiration (F A), or core has resulted in a more meticulous e valuation of e xcised lymph
biopsy, of ultrasound-detected, abnormal lymph nodes in the axilla, node(s). This includes serial sectioning of the entire lymph node (as
or when abnormal lymph nodes are suspected clinicall y. Axillary opposed to sample sections from multiple lymph nodes) and a more
lymph node dissection ma y also be perfor med in patients with focused histologic and immunohistochemical (IHC) e valuation of
metastatic disease in the sentinel l ymph node(s), to estab lish the the excised lymph node. Some of the consequences include the
number of axillary lymph nodes involved by tumor. observation of isolated tumor cells and micrometastatic disease.
The methods used to identify the sentinel l ymph node are still Consequently, the significance of these findings (e.g., isolat
evolving, undergoing investigation, and vary among institutions. In tumor cells and micrometastases) involving excised sentinel lymph
general, a radioisotope is used alone or in combination with a b lue nodes is not yet clear, and there is no consensus on their prognostic
dye (e.g., l ymphazurin blue) for l ymphatic mapping; these are significance. Currently, the use of IHC evaluation of sentinel lymph
injected in a peritumoral, intrader mal, periareolar, or intratumoral nodes is not encouraged; ho wever, it is done at man y institutions.
location. The volume used and the inter val between injection and The determination of micrometastatic disease should be based on
surgery vary. If a radioisotope is used, preoperative lymphoscintig- routine hematoxylin and eosin–stained histologic sections.
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Figure 3.9. Diagnostic evaluation, 79-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the mid-axillary region inferior
to the left axilla. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 3.9. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C) view photographically coned, left breast. A spot tangential view of the palpable area could not be obtained.
Ultrasound images (D, E) of the palpable finding in the left breast. Ultrasound image (F) of tissue surrounding the palpable finding. atient is on coumadin.
How would you describe the findings? What diagnostic considerations would you entertain?
Based on the mammographic findings, what BI-RADS®
Scattered dystrophic and lar ge rodlike calcifications are presen assessment category would you assign, and what
bilaterally. A mixed-density (fat containing) mass is imaged on the would you do next?
left mediolateral ob lique view, superimposed on the left pectoral
muscle, corresponding to the area of clinical concer n. The trabecu- The main dif ferential considerations for a mix ed-density lesion
lar markings sur rounding the mass are more dense and numerous include lymph node, fibroadenolipoma (hama toma), fat necrosis, oil
compared to those in the corresponding area on the right. Given the cyst, galactocele, postoperative or posttraumatic fluid collection
far lateral and posterior location of the lesion, it is not imaged on the and abscess. Although malignant lesions may rarely entrap fat, fat-
craniocaudal view and a spot tangential view could not be obtained. containing lesions should be considered benign; consequentl y, no
GRBQ187-2820G-C03[227-376].qxd 10/5/06 02:37 AM Page 266 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
malignant lesions are usually included in the differential for a mixed- there is no skin discoloration, there w as a large ecchymotic area at
density lesion. Prior studies in this patient are normal. Specifical y, no this site immediately following the trauma. The currently palpable
lymph node or fibroadenolipoma is seen in the upper outer quadran mass developed as the ecchymosis resolved.
of the left breast. A galactocele is not a consideration in a 79-year-old As hematomas e volve clinically, so do their imaging features.
patient. Primary considerations at this point include an abscess or a Acutely, there may be a water-density mass. As the hematoma ages,
hematoma (particularly because the patient is on coumadin), both of a mixed-density mass is often seen mammo graphically. This may
which also help explain the associated prominence of the trabecular resolve completely, or an oil c yst may develop eventually, as can
markings. Physical findings and additional histo y may be helpful in dystrophic calcifications. On ultrasoun , a complex cystic mass or
sorting through these possibilities. a solid mass with a hetero geneous echotexture that ma y include
On physical examination, there is a hard mass just inferior to the hyperechoic, hypoechoic, and cystic areas can be seen. Increased
left axilla at the mid-axillar y line; no associated skin changes or echogenicity (e.g., reflecting yperemia) and disruption of the nor-
discoloration are noted at this time. The mass is superficial, readi y mal tissue architecture is often found in the surrounding tissue.
mobile, and nontender. An oval, well-circumscribed mass with a BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding. ollow-up physical
heterogeneous echotexture is imaged on ultrasound at the site of the examination and ultrasound in 3 to 4 months is recommended for
palpable abnormality. Areas of posterior acoustic enhancement are this patient, to assure resolution. Note that the BI-RADS® assess-
associated with the cystic areas in the mass, and shado wing is noted ment categories should be considered independent of the recommen-
with the more solid components. The surrounding tissue is echogenic, dation. For this patient, the finding is benign, et a shor t-interval
consistent with hyperemia, there is disr uption of the nor mal tissue follow-up is recommended. F or patients in w hom I suspect an
architecture, and lymphatic channels or interstitial fluid collections inflammato y condition or posttraumatic/sur gical changes, I rec-
are seen as thin hypoechoic linear channels subcutaneously. In the ommend a 3- to 4-month follo w-up. Under these circumstances, a
absence of significant tende ness or er ythema, an abscess is rapid change (evolution) is expected in the findings. Six months i
unlikely. On questioning the patient at the time of the ultrasound,she the usual recommendation for other patients for w hom a shor t-
has not had any surgery to either breast, but she does describe ha v- interval follow-up is recommended (e.g., those with assessment
ing had trauma to this site se veral weeks before while being lifted category 3—probably benign lesion, such as a w ell-circumscribed
from her bed on a Ho yer lift. She states that although at this time mass in a patient with no prior studies).
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What is your approach to adolescent, pregnant or How would you describe the ultrasound findings, and
lactating women, or those under the age of 30 years what is the most likely diagnosis?
who present with breast-related symptoms?
Under what circumstances would you do a On physical examination a discrete, readily mobile, nontender mass is
mammogram in this patient population? palpated at the 9 o’clock position, 1 cm from the left nipple. This cor-
responds to the site of concer n to the patient. A well-circumscribed,
Physical examination and an ultrasound are the initial tools used 3.7-cm, oval mass with inter nal septations and some posterior
in evaluating adolescent, pregnant or lactating w omen, or those acoustic enhancement is imaged corresponding to the palpable mass.
under the age of 30 years who present with breast-related symp- Given the clinical and imaging findings, a lactational adenoma is th
toms. If breast cancer is suspected after the initial e valuation, or most likely diagnosis. An ultrasound-guided core biopsy can be done
diagnosed following a core biopsy, a complete bilateral mammo- to confi m this impression; clinical and sonographic follow-up is also
gram is done. discussed with the patient as an acceptable alternative.
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mitotic activity. Fibrotic bands and areas of inf arction can be seen
What is the typical clinical presentation and course for
in a small number of the lesions.
lactational adenomas, and what are the ultrasound
features associated with these lesions?
Pregnancy and breast cancer
Although they are ter med lactational adenomas, man y of these
lesions present during the third trimester of pre gnancy as a well- Pregnancy-associated breast carcinoma (PABC) is defined as breas
circumscribed, mobile mass. Rarely, when these grow rapidly dur- cancer that is diagnosed during pregnancy or in the year following
ing the second and third trimesters of pre gnancy, they outstrip delivery. It is estimated to af fect between 1 in 1,500 to 1 in 3,000
their vascular supply, resulting in areas of inf arction so that pregnant women, and some suggest that this incidence will increase
patients present acutel y, describing a rapidl y enlarging, tender as women delay their child-bearing y ears. The tumors that occur
mass. In most patients, lactational adenomas decrease in size sig- during pregnancy are similar to those diagnosed in nonpre gnant
nificant y or resolv e completely after deli very or follo wing the patients. Although some patients have advanced disease at the time
cessation of lactation. They may recur with subsequent pre gnan- of diagnosis, this is attributed to delays in seeking medical attention
cies. Patients with these lesions can be managed conser vatively or masses being followed clinically rather than any inherent aggres-
unless they are anxious or symptomatic (e.g., tenderness) relief is sive biologic attribute of the tumors developing during gestation or
indicated. to any pregnancy-related hormonal stimulation of the tumors.
The ultrasound features of these lesions suggest a benign etiol- Diagnosis and staging, ter mination of pregnancy, timing of local
ogy in many patients and include o val shape, well-circumscribed and systemic adjuvant therapy and the potential ef fects of this ther-
margins that may have smooth lobulations, homo genous internal apy to the fetus are some of the concer ns facing patients diagnosed
echotexture, and posterior acoustic enhancement. F ibrous bands during pregnancy and the interdisciplinary team of physicians taking
traversing the lesion and cystic changes may also be noted on ultra- care of the patient. If treatment is modifie , consideration has to be
sound. However, in some patients, the lesions may demonstrate fea- given to the potential adverse effects to the mother. Even small doses
tures more suggesti ve of malignanc y, including ir regular, angu- of radiation during the first trimester of pr gnancy are associated
lated, and ill-defined ma gins and shadowing, requiring biopsy. with significant ad erse effects to the developing fetus, such that ter-
mination of pregnancy is a serious consideration if radiation therapy
is deemed critical during the first trimeste . Given the potential
What histologic features characterize lactational adverse effect of radiation to the fetus, some adv ocate mastectomy
adenomas? for patients diagnosed with breast cancer during the first t o
trimesters of pregnancy. When patients are diagnosed later in pre g-
It is unclear whether these tumors arise de novo during pregnancy, nancy, they may be treated conservatively with surgery and radiation
or whether they reflect the presence of a pre- xisting fibroadenom therapy can be deferred until after delivery. Alternatively, patients can
or tubular adenoma, stimulated by the hormonal changes that occur be induced after 34 weeks with small risk to the fetus, and radiation
during pregnancy. Histologically, the features of lactational adeno- therapy can then be given following the delivery. Unlike the effects of
mas vary, depending on the stage of the pregnancy at the time of the radiation on a developing fetus, less is known concerning the effects
diagnosis. Tubules are distended with secretor y material and the of chemotherapy on pregnancy and the developing fetus; some sug-
lining epithelial cells sho w cytoplasmic vacuoles and v ariable gest it can be used safely after the first trimeste .
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Figure 3.11. Diagnostic evaluation, 50-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views
photographically coned to the area of concern in the left breast. Spot compression (C) view and ultrasound image (D) of the palpable finding. Metallic BB use
by the technologist to mark the area of concern to the patient.
A granular cell tumor is repor ted histologically, and a wide sur- as spiculated masses. A solid mass with shado wing is the most
gical excision is done. common ultrasound appearance of these lesions. Although reports
in the literature are scant, it may be that benign granular cell tumors
lack the features of malignanc y on dynamic sequences with mag-
What are the clinical manifestations of granular cell netic resonance imaging (e.g., no significant contrast upta e).
tumors in the breast, and what is the treatment of
What are some of the histologic features associated
Granular cell tumors can occur anywhere in the body but have some with granular cell tumors in the breast?
predilection for the head and neck, including the oral ca vity.
Approximately 5% of these tumors occur in the breast, including in Although the lesions appear well circumscribed grossly, an infiltra
male patients. Wide excision is the treatment of choice because less tive pattern is commonly noted histologically. Nests, or solid sheets,
than 1% of these lesions are malignant, but local recur rences have of cells with eosinophilic granules in abundant cytoplasm are char-
been reported following incomplete e xcision. Clinically, patients acteristic of this tumor . These cells, in contrast to those seen in
describe a fi m, hard, nontender mass. Superficial or subareola apocrine carcinomas, w hich they can resemb le, contain gl ycogen
lesions may cause skin retraction or nipple in version, respectively. and have a positive immunoreaction for S-100 protein.These tumors
Rarely, patients with one g ranular cell tumor of the breast can be may also be positive for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), however,
found to have multiple or bilateral breast lesions or g ranular cell they are ne gative for estro gen and pro gesterone receptors. Gi ven
tumors in locations outside the breast. The age of presentation is their positive immunoreaction for S-100 protein, these tumors are
variable, ranging from 17 to 75 years. thought to have a neural origin (possibly Schwann cells).
Figure 3.12. (Continued) Spot compression views, craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) projec-
tions, left breast mass.
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How would you describe the ultrasound findings? in two sentinel lymph nodes [pT1c, pN0(sn) (i), pMX; Stage I]. By
definition, pure mucinous carcinomas are rade I lesions.
What do you think is the most likely diagnosis, and
what is your recommendation?
What are the clinical and imaging features associated
A nearly isoechoic, round mass with par tially circumscribed and with mucinous carcinomas?
indistinct margins is imaged at the 1 o’clock position, 4 cm from the
left nipple. There is some posterior acoustic enhancement. The mass The imaging features of mucinous carcinomas are w ell demon-
is not palpable, there is no associated skin discoloration, and no ten- strated in this patient. Characteristicall y, they develop in older
derness is elicited as gentle pressure is applied directly over the mass. women as round water-density masses with a range of well circum-
The ultrasound e xcludes the possibility of a c yst. An abscess is scribed to indistinct mar gins; some ma y demonstrate macro- or
unlikely in the absence of an y associated skin change or tender ness, microlobulation. On ultrasound, the lesions are often iso- to slightly
and the ultrasound features are not suggesti ve of an abscess. A solid hyperechoic with associated posterior acoustic enhancement;
mass developing in a 78-year-old woman requires biopsy; given the rarely, a comple x cystic mass ma y be seen on ultrasound.
patient’s age, and the imaging features of this lesion (i.e., round, 1.5- Depending on the amount of mucin present, a bright T2-weighted
cm mass, nearly isoechoic with posterior acoustic enhancement), a signal can be seen on magnetic resonance imaging. Enhancement
mucinous carcinoma is a primary consideration. When doing the core following contrast is variable and may be limited to the edge of the
biopsy, evaluate the cores carefull y: Cores from mucinous carcino- lesion (irregular rim enhancement).
mas have a distinctive gelatinous (Fig. 3.12F, G), almost clear appear-
ance (i.e., not stif f, solid white), and tiny air droplets will de velop
along the edge of the cores when they are placed in 10% formalin. What are the histologic findings associated with
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality, biopsy should mucinous carcinomas?
be considered. An ultrasound guided core biopsy is done.
On MR, a small component of the mass centrally demonstrates a Mucinous carcinomas, also called colloid carcinomas, are a sub-
high signal on T2-weighted images (F ig. 3.12H). On the T1- type of invasive ductal carcinoma characterized b y aggregates of
weighted dynamic sequence (Fig. 3.12I, K), there is rapid w ash-in low-grade malignant cells floating in pools of mucin ( ig. 3.12L,
and wash-out of contrast, with rim enhancement. No additional M). The mucin-to-cell ratio v aries from lesion to lesion, and this
lesions are identified in either breast may explain some of the imaging v ariability seen with these
An invasive mammary carcinoma with mucinous features is lesions. Associated ductal carcinoma in situ may be seen in as many
reported following the ultrasound-guided core biopsy. A 1.5-cm muci- as 75% of patients, usually at the periphery of the lesion. These are
nous carcinoma is diagnosed on the lumpectom y specimen, with no usually diploid tumors with estro gen and progesterone receptors.
associated ductal carcinoma in situ. No metastatic disease is identifie Mucinous carcinomas represent 1% to 2% of all breast cancers.
Figure 3.12. (Continued) Core samples (F, G) demonstrating the typical appearance of a mucinous lesion. The core is gelatinous, with a glassy, glistening
appearance. This is in contrast with the stiff, usually white cores obtained through nonmucinous, malignant lesions.
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Figure 3.12. (Continued) Magnetic resonance imaging, T2-weighted sagittal image (H), right breast. T1-weighted sagittal image (I), right breast, precon-
trast. T1-weighted sagittal image (J), right breast, 1 minute following an intravenous bolus of contrast, same tabletop position as shown in (I). Subtraction image
(K), same tabletop position as (I).Mucinous carcinoma in two different patients (L, M). Clusters of low-grade malignant cells floating in pools of mucin sepa
rated by fibrous septa. The cellularity of the aggregates is variable within and among lesions.
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Figure 3.13. Diagnostic evaluation, 52-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the upper outer quadrant of the left
breast (metallic BB marking “lump”). Craniocaudal (A), mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 3.13. (Continued) Right craniocaudal and left craniocaudal view exaggerated laterally (C) views. Metallic BB is
used by the technologist to mark the area of clinical concern.
Figure 3.13. (Continued) Ultrasound images in radial (D) and antiradial (E) projections corresponding to the palpable mass in the upper outer quadrant of
the left breast.
On physical examination, a discrete, readily mobile, hard mass is pal- What are the imaging features that may distinguish
pated in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast.There is no skin dis- central from peripheral papillary carcinomas?
coloration. On ultrasound, a well-circumscribed complex cystic mass
with posterior acoustic enhancement is imaged at the 1- to 2-o’clock As with papillomas, papillary carcinomas are considered either cen-
position in the left breast. No histor y of surgery or trauma is elicited tral (i.e., subareolar) or peripheral. P atients with central papillar y
from the patient, and there is no associated tender ness when this area carcinomas usually present with a w ell-circumscribed mass in the
is palpated. The ultrasound eliminates the possibility of a simple cyst. subareolar area. The mass may be large enough to cause nipple dis-
With no history of surgery or trauma, this is unlikely to represent post- placement and overlying skin stretching. Some patients ma y have
operative or posttraumatic fluid collection an , in the absence of sig- associated nipple discharge. A complex cystic mass is commonl y
nificant tenderness or erythema, it is unlikely to represent an abscess. seen on ultrasound. Bloody fluid is often obtained on aspiration
Given the age of the patient, the size of the lesion, and its comple x Patients with peripheral papillar y carcinomas can present with one
appearance on ultrasound, mucinous carcinoma is unlik ely. An inva- or multiple masses with w ell-circumscribed to ill-defined but no
sive ductal carcinoma NOS with necrosis (gi ven the complex cystic usually spiculated mar gins. Solid, hypoechoic or comple x cystic
appearance sonographically) or a papillary lesion is the primar y con- masses are imaged on ultrasound. P apillary carcinomas represent
sideration at the time of the ultrasound-guided core biopsy. approximately 1% to 2% of all breast cancers and are characterized
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality, biopsy should by in-situ and invasive variants.
be considered. An invasive papillary carcinoma is diagnosed fol-
lowing the ultrasound-guided needle biopsy.
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Figure 3.13. Magnetic resonance imaging, T2-weighted sagittal images (F, G) at two different tabletop positions. T1-weighted sagittal image (H), left breast,
precontrast. T1-weighted sagittal image (I), left breast, at the same tabletop position as (H), 1 minute following bolus intravenous administration of contrast.
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Figure 3.14. Diagnostic evaluation, 51-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast. Craniocaudal (A)
and mediolateral oblique (B) views with a metallic BB at the site of concern to the patient.
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Figure 3.14. Ultrasound images in transverse (TRS) (E) and longitudinal (LON) (F) projections at the site of concern to the patient, left breast, medially.
Figure 3.15. Diagnostic evaluation, 59-year-old woman presenting with a “lump” in the right breast. Craniocaudal (A)
and mediolateral oblique (B) views; metallic BB placed at the site of the palpable finding.
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Figure 3.15. (Continued) Spot compression views, right breast, craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) projections.
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found in association with the invasive lesion. The calcifications ar extent of disease is often underestimated clinicall y, mammo-
found in benign changes such as fibro ystic changes, fibroade graphically, and sonographically. In our own patients, metastatic
noma, and sclerosing adenosis, and the invasive lobular carcinoma disease to the axilla is seen in as man y as 60% of patients at the
is an incidental finding time of presentation.
Solid masses with irregular, spiculated, and angular margins are
seen on ultrasound. Subtle distor tion may be the onl y finding o
ultrasound. In some lesions (such as the one presented here), sig- What are the distinguishing histologic features of these
nificant shadowing is seen associated with the lesion. In our experi- lesions?
ence, some of the most striking shado wing seen is associated with
invasive lobular carcinomas. Histologically, small monomor phic cells infiltrating the stroma i
single files characterize these lesions. The cells infiltrate the tissu
insidiously, invoking little or no desmoplastic reaction (this lik ely
How accurately does mammography predict tumor reflects the subtle imaging changes associated with some of these
extent in patients with invasive lobular carcinoma? lesions). In a significant number of patients, lobular neoplasia (i.e.
lobular carcinoma in situ), although not considered as a precursor
Having described the imaging presentation of in vasive lobular or premalignant lesion, is seen in the tissue sur rounding invasive
carcinoma, it is important to emphasize that invasive lobular car- lobular carcinoma. Invasive lobular carcinomas often express estro-
cinoma can be subtle clinicall y, mammographically, sonographi- gen and progesterone receptors; rarely, the HER-2/neu oncoprotein
cally, and pathologically (I refer to it as the “sleaze disease”). The is expressed.
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Figure 3.16. Diagnostic evaluation, 53-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast. Craniocaudal
(A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, metallic BB at site of “lump,” left craniocaudal view.
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Figure 3.16. (Continued) Spot tangential (C) view, left breast mass. Axillary (D) view, left axilla.
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A round 1.5-cm mass with par tially circumscribed and indistinct How would you describe the findings?
margins is imaged in the left breast, cor responding to the area of Do you think this could be a cyst?
concern to the patient. An additional mass measuring at least 3 cm
is partially imaged in the left axilla. Given this constellation of find On physical examination, a hard mass is palpated at the 2 o’clock
ings, the differential is limited. Malignant possibilities include an position, 7 cm from the left nipple; a hard , fi ed mass is also pal-
invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specifie , with metastatic pated in the left axilla. No skin changes are noted, and no tenderness
disease to the axilla. Gi ven the mar gins and shape of the breast is elicited on palpation. A round, well-circumscribed, markedly
mass and the presence of axillar y adenopathy, this is lik ely to be hypoechoic mass with some posterior acoustic enhancement is
poorly differentiated. In premenopausal women with a round mass, imaged corresponding to the palpable finding in the breast, and a 4
medullary carcinoma is the primary subtype of invasive ductal car- cm, well-circumscribed, markedly hypoechoic (nearly anechoic)
cinoma to consider. Papillary and mucinous carcinomas also pre- mass is imaged in the left axilla. Although you might be tempted to
sent as round masses, but the y are more common in older , post- say that the mass in the axilla could be a cyst, it is important to rec-
menopausal women. Alternatively, this could represent lymphoma. ognize that abnormal, enlarged axillary lymph nodes can be nearly
An inflammato y process with abscess formation in the breast and anechoic in some patients.
reactive adenopathy in the axilla is a possib le benign diagnostic
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Figure 3.17. Diagnostic evaluation, 51-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” and thick ening of the left breast. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral
oblique (B) views with a metallic BB (arrow on CC view) used at the site of concern to the patient. Technical factors used for the exposures are as follows:
Figure 3.17. Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (C) and antiradial (ARAD) (D) projections, left breast laterally.
Figure 3.18. Diagnostic evaluation, 37-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast.
Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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C Figure 3.18. (Continued) Spot tangential (C) view done at the site of the pal-
pable finding in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast
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Figure 3.19. Diagnostic evaluation, 42-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast. Craniocaudal
(A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, with a metallic BB on the palpable abnormality.
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How would you describe the imaging findings? What is your differential, and what is your
recommendation to the patient?
Scattered lymph nodes are noted bilaterall y, superimposed on the
pectoral muscles. Focal parenchymal asymmetry is incompletel y More common diagnostic considerations include an inflammato y
imaged at the site of concer n to the patient, inferomediall y in the process or posttraumatic changes; rare benign lesions to consider
left breast. On ph ysical examination, a tender, hard, fi ed mass is include a papilloma, sclerosing adenosis, g ranular cell tumor, or
palpated just above the medial-most e xtent of the inframammar y fibromatosis (particularly with a lesion in close pro ximity to or
fold on the left. This is associated with some dimpling of the over- associated with the pectoral muscle). Invasive ductal carcinoma not
lying skin. A vertically oriented mass, with spiculated and angular otherwise specified and i vasive lobular carcinoma are the primary
margins and some shadowing, is imaged corresponding to the pal- malignant considerations. Rarely, ductal carcinoma in situ can present
pable finding at the 8 o’clock position, 12 cm from the left nipple as a mass, asymmetric density , or distor tion in the absence of
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Figure 3.20. Diagnostic evaluation, 42-year-old patient with a history of Ewing sarcoma of the spine 15 y ears ago, previously treated
with radiation therap y, and right breast cancer treated with lumpectom y and radiation therap y 3 y ears prior to this mammo gram.
Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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The right breast is smaller compared to the left, and sur gical clips
are present on the mediolateral ob lique view, anterior to the pec-
Figure 3.20. Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) spot compression views, left breast. Ultrasound images, in radial (RAD) (E) and antiradial
(ARAD) (F) projections of the lesion at 6 o’clock in zone 3 (Z3).
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Figure 3.21. Diagnostic evaluation, 64-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the right breast. Craniocaudal (A)
and mediolateral oblique (B) views, metallic BB at site of clinical concern.
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Figure 3.21. (Continued) Ultrasound images in radial (RAD) (D) and antiradial (ARAD) (E) projections of the palpable (PALP) finding, right breast
Figure 3.22. Diagnostic evaluation, 76-year-old woman called back for further evaluation of the axillary lymph nodes. Spot compression (A, B) views, left
axilla. Similar findings are noted in the right axilla (not sh wn).
nodes, this is exceedingly rare (i.e., one would not expect metasta-
How would you describe the findings, and what is your
tic disease to an axillary lymph node to reflect an intraductal, non
differential? invasive process).
Several axillary lymph nodes present with punctate, round , and
amorphous forms of a high-density material (lacelik e in appear- Is there any other possibility to consider?
ance). Although they are some what high in density , these ma y
reflect calcifications. Granulomatous diseases including histoplas The alternative possibility is that this material is not calcium and ,
mosis, tuberculosis, and sarcoid in volving axillary lymph nodes given the high density of the material, this should be suspected. In
may calcify; ho wever, calcifications reflecting ranulomatous the past, patients with rheumatoid ar thritis have been treated with
changes are usually coarse, dense, and lar ger that what is seen in systemic gold. Mammographically, the gold can be seen deposited
this patient. Metastatic disease from o varian or thyroid papillary- bilaterally in all of the visualized intramammar y and axillar y
type primaries can present with round , punctate, and amor phous lymph nodes. Given the bilateral involvement of all lymph nodes in
calcifications involving one or se veral axillary lymph nodes. In this patient, the next appropriate step is to talk to the patient and ask
these diseases the calcifications usual y reflect psammoma bod her if she has rheumatoid ar thritis and if she has been treated with
formation in the tumor . Lastly, calcifications m y be seen in the gold. The answer is yes, she has rheumatoid ar thritis and she has
lymph nodes involved with metastatic disease from a breast pri- been treated with systemic gold. No further intervention or follow-
mary. These typically represent calcifications d veloping in a up indicated.
necrotic tumor. Although there have been repor ts of ductal carci- BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding. Annual screening mam-
noma in situ with associated calcifications in the axilla y lymph mography is recommended.
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Figure 3.23. Diagnostic evaluation, 88-year-old patient presenting with tender “lumps” bilaterally. Craniocaudal (A) and
mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 3.24. Screening study, 55-year-old woman with implants in a subpectoral location. Implant-displaced, craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B)
views, left breast.
interfaces, the strip of tissue betw een the pectoral muscle and
Is this a normal mammogram, or is there a potential
glandular tissue on the MLO vie ws, subareolar areas and medial
abnormality? If there is an area of concern, where is it? tissue on CC views. In evaluating the medial quadrants on the CC
views, do you perceive a subtle asymmetr y with possible distor-
Review the images systematically. Split the images into thirds such
tion on the left, anteriorl y? In re viewing the left MLO at the
that on the craniocaudal (CC) vie ws you focus your attention on
approximate distance back from the nipple, there is also a possible
lateral, mid, and medial tissue, and on the mediolateral ob lique
area of asymmetry with distortion. The significance of this poten
(MLO) views you review the superior, mid, and inferior aspects of
tial finding on these vi ws is unknown. Additional evaluation will
the breasts. Do you see anything? If not, look specifical y for pos-
be helpful.
sible masses, asymmetry, distortion, or calcifications. N w do you see
BI-RADS® category 0: need additional imaging evaluation.
anything? If you still do not, look in specific places: at–glandular
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Figure 3.24. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views of the left breast, photographically coned. A box is used to enclose the
potential abnormality.
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Figure 3.24. (Continued) Double spot compression magnification vi ws of the left breast, craniocaudal (E) and mediolateral oblique (F) projections.
and can be subtle, limited to a small amount of irregular shadowing. biopsy on a lesion and a complex sclerosing lesion is reported his-
Physical examination is often nor mal or limited to some minimal tologically, I recommend excisional biopsy. Others advocate imag-
thickening. ing-guided biopsy of these lesions with no e xcision required if the
The management of w omen with comple x sclerosing lesions biopsy included at least 12 cores, no atypical ductal h yperplasia is
remains controversial. If this entity is suspected based on the clinical reported, and the mammo graphic findings are reconciled with th
and imaging findings, should an imaging-guided biopsy be done, o histologic findings. It is unclear hy there is such confusion in the
is an excisional biopsy the appropriate recommendation? If a com- literature regarding the appropriate management of these lesions.
plex sclerosing lesion is diagnosed follo wing an imaging-guided Could it be that, pro gnostically, the lesions w e identify mammo-
core biopsy, is e xcision required or can the lesion be left in the graphically are not the same as those seen routinely by pathologists
breast? Based on m y experience, approximately 30% of patients as incidental findings in biopsies done for other reasons? The
with complex sclerosing lesions ha ve associated atypical ductal lesions we identify mammographically are not common and almost
hyperplasia, lobular neoplasia, ductal carcinoma in situ (usuall y always measure 1 cm in size; w e do not routinel y identify the
low nuclear grade), or tubular carcinomas. Consequentl y, if I sus- small lesions (i.e., radial scars that measure 1 cm) repor ted as
pect a complex sclerosing lesion based on the clinical and imaging common, benign incidental findings y the pathologist.
features of lesion, I recommend an excisional biopsy. If I do a core
Figure 3.24. Ultrasound image (G) demonstrating high specular echoes and
G subtle shadowing corresponding to the area of mammo graphic concern in the
left breast.
Figure 3.25. Diagnostic evaluation, 33-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the upper inner quadrant of the right breast. Craniocaudal (A) and medi-
olateral oblique (B) views.
Figure 3.25. Craniocaudal view (C), photographically coned to the medial aspect of the right breast, and 90-de gree lateral spot compression view (D) of
the upper aspect of the right breast, demonstrating the change in appearance of the calcifications on the o thogonal views.
What is indicated next? ity are identified in the dependent po tion of many of the c ysts.
No solid masses are imaged in this quadrant, and there is no dis-
Correlative physical examination and an ultrasound of the palpa- tortion or shadowing. This is a palpable fibro ystic complex with
ble finding are indicated. On p ysical examination, a 2- to 3-cm associated milk of calcium and corresponds to what the patient is
area of globular tissue is palpated , which occupies almost the concerned about. I reassure her that what she is feeling is benign
entire upper outer quadrant of the right breast. It is readily mobile, and that there are no mammo graphic or sonographic findings t
and tenderness is elicited w hen gentle compression is applied at suggest breast cancer.
this site. No skin changes are present. On ultrasound , cysts of BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding.
varying sizes are imaged throughout this area. Foci of echogenic-
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Figure 3.26. Diagnostic evaluation, 73-year-old patient presenting with changes involving her left breast and back
pain. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 3.26. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (C) and antiradial (ARAD) (D) projections.
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Figure 3.26. (Continued) Photograph (E) of the breasts in this patient.
Figure 3.27. Ultrasound image (C), corresponding to the mass seen mammographically in the right breast and on ph ysical examination
directly over the location of the port-a-catheter.
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Figure 3.27. Follow-up mediolateral oblique (D) view and ultrasound (E), left breast, 6 months following that shown in (B, C). There has been almost
complete resolution of the findings noted in (A–C).
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Figure 3.28. Diagnostic evaluation, 39-year-old woman presenting with a tender mass in the left axilla. Axillary view (A), left axilla.
Ultrasound images (B–D) of the left axilla.
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How about obtaining a more e xtensive history relative to any other The intramammary and axillary lymph nodes on the side scratched
underlying systemic diseases, and also e xamining the patient? by the cat can enlar ge, increase in density, and lose the f atty hilar
During the ultrasound study, as I am examining the patient, I notice region; however, they typically remain w ell circumscribed. On
several healing scratch marks on her left arm. On questioning her, she ultrasound, the in volved lymph nodes demonstrate prominence,
describes having recently acquired a kitten, with the scratches having thickening, and bulging of the h ypoechoic cortical region and
occurred approximately 2 weeks previously. The suspected diagnosis attenuation, mass effect, or loss of the echogenic focus usually seen
of cat scratch disease is established following serologic testing. in normal lymph nodes.
What is cat scratch disease, how do humans contract What are the histologic features of cat scratch
the disease, and what are the clinical manifestations? disease?
Cat scratch disease is a bacterial infection caused b y Bartonella Histologically, necrotizing granulomas surrounded by lymphocytes
henselae and is transmitted to humans following a scratch, lick (on limited to the lymph nodes are the hallmark of this disease. Gram-
broken skin), or bite from an infected kitten or cat. It is not trans- negative, branching, Warthin-Starr–positive bacilli ma y be seen
mitted from human to human. The infection is more common in the rarely in the necrotic centers. Cultures do not usuall y yield growth
fall and winter months. Within a couple of w eeks following the of the causative agent.
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Figure 3.29. (Continued) Ultrasound images, in longitudinal (LON) (D) and transverse (TRS) (E) projections corresponding to the palpable site at the
12 o’clock position, 5 cm from the right nipple.
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Figure 3.30. Diagnostic evaluation, 62-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the right breast. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
Spot compression (C) view of “lump” in the right breast. Ultrasound image (D) in the radial projection of the palpable finding in the right subareolar area
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Figure 3.31. Diagnostic evaluation, 66-year-old patient presents describing changes in her right
breast. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views. The technical factors used for the
routine views are as follows:
Figure 3.31. (Continued) Ultrasound images (C, D) taken in the radial projection in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast.
Figure 3.32. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) spot compression views of palpable abnormality, right breast.
How would you describe the findings, and what are the demonstrates rapid wash-in and wash-out of contrast, consistent with
main differential considerations? a malignancy (Fig. 3.32G). No additional lesions are identified i
either breast on MRI.
The overall density of the breast parench yma on the right is BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnormality—biopsy should
increased, and a mass with distor tion is noted in the right cranio- be considered.
caudal view at the site of concern to the patient (metallic BB). The An ultrasound-guided biopsy is done. An invasive ductal carci-
right craniocaudal spot compression view confi ms the presence of noma and ductal carcinoma in situ are diagnosed on the core
a mass with indistinct and obscured margins, associated distortion, biopsy. The patient is treated with neoadjuv ant chemotherapy fol-
and punctate calcifications. Except for some punctate calcific lowed by lumpectomy and sentinel l ymph node biopsy. Residual
tions, the findings on the mediolateral o lique spot compression grade III invasive ductal carcinoma (1.5 cm) and high-grade ductal
view are not striking: No definite mass is seen, there is scallopin carcinoma in situ with central necrosis are repor ted following the
of the tissue, and f at seems to be present, inter mingled with glan- lumpectomy. The sentinel lymph node is nor mal [ypT1c, pN0(sn)
dular tissue. Although tumors are usuall y three-dimensional and (i), pMX; Stage I].
readily apparent on all views, there may be times when the finding Traditionally, neoadjuvant therapy (preoperative chemotherapy)
are more striking in one of the two projections obtained. This is par- has been the treatment of choice in w omen with inflammato y
ticularly true for invasive lobular carcinoma; however, it can also be breast carcinoma. It is being used with increasing frequenc y, how-
seen with in vasive ductal carcinoma. Rarel y, an inflammato y ever, in women with locally advanced cancer. Following therapy, as
process might present with this constellation of findings the tumor is do wnstaged, some of these patients can be treated
On physical examination, a hard fi ed mass is palpated, involving appropriately with breast-conserving surgery. Patients with a com-
the right breast centrally. A 2.5-cm round mass with indistinct, angular, plete histologic remission following neoadjuvant therapy have sig-
and microlobulated margins is imaged at the 12 o’clock position, 2 cm nificant y improved long-term survival compared to those with par-
from the right nipple, corresponding to the palpable finding. Shad wing tial or no response to therapy. Following breast-conserving surgery,
and enhancement are seen as dif ferent areas of the mass are scanned radiation therapy is also used to treat these patients.
(Fig. 3.32E, F). On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the mass
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Figure 3.33. Diagnostic evaluation, 77-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the right breast. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral ob lique
(B) views, right breast, with a metallic BB placed at the site of the palpable finding
oblique views of the right breast. A spot tangential view at the site
What do you think, and with what degree of certainty
of the palpable finding is done routine y in patients with localized
can you make any recommendations? findings. In some patients, the lesion may be partially or completely
What else might be helpful in evaluating women who outlined by fat on the spot tangential vie w, facilitating detection
present with localized findings? and characterization of the palpable finding
Figure 3.33. (Continued) Spot tangential (C) view, palpable finding, right breast. Metallic BB used to indicate loca
tion of “lump.”
Figure 3.34. Diagnostic evaluation, 31-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views,
metallic BB placed at the site of the palpable finding (spot tangential vi w, not shown).
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Figure 3.34. (Continued) Double spot compression magnification vi ws, craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) projections.
Figure 3.34. (Continued) Ultrasound images in radial (RAD) (E) and antiradial (ARAD) (F) projections of the palpable finding, left breast
Figure 3.35. Diagnostic evaluation, 40-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast. Craniocaudal(A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views,
photographically coned.
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Figure 3.35. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) spot compression views of palpable finding
E Figure 3.35. Ultrasound image (E) of the palpable (PALP) finding at the
o’clock position, anteriorly (Z1) in the left breast.
Given the ultrasound findings and the additional What are the imaging findings associated with
history provided, how would you manage the patient? galactoceles?
On physical examination, a superficial, discrete, har , readily Women with galactoceles can present in the third trimester of preg-
mobile mass is palpated at the site of concern to the patient. A 1-cm, nancy, during lactation, or even several years following the cessation
round, well-circumscribed, complex cystic mass with posterior of lactation with a mass that ma y be tender. Mammographically,
acoustic enhancement is imaged cor responding to the palpab le galactoceles are often well-circumscribed, round, water- or mixed-
mass. As the ultrasound is being done, the history of a recent preg- density masses but can be characterized b y ill-defined and indis
nancy is elicited from the patient so that a galactocele is a realistic tinct margins, particularly if they are inflammed. Rare y, a fat/flui
possibility. This patient can be managed in one of tw o ways. If the level may be seen. The ultrasound appearance of these lesions is
patient is otherwise asymptomatic, follo w-up in 3 to 4 w eeks is a also quite variable, ranging from well-circumscribed solid or cys-
possibility. Alternatively, if this mass is tender , or the patient tic masses to comple x cystic masses with posterior acoustic
remains concerned after the discussion of possib le etiologies, a enhancement; however, some ma y be indistinct and associated
stepwise approach is taken for further evaluation. The first step is t with significant shad wing. Fluid/fluid l vels may be also seen on
attempt an aspiration. If no fluid is obtaine , or if a residual abnor- ultrasound. If the y are tender, or the diagnosis cannot be estab-
mality is seen after the aspiration, an ultrasound-guided core biopsy lished based on clinical and imaging findings, an aspiration is indi
is done. In this patient, thick milk y fluid is aspirated and no resid cated. If there is a residual abnormality following the aspiration, or
ual abnormality is seen following the aspiration. No fur ther inter- concerns persist re garding the diagnosis, a core biopsy can be
vention or follow-up is indicated. done.
BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding. N xt screening mammo-
gram is recommended in 1 year.
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C Figure 3.36. (Continued) Spot tangential (C) view of the palpab le finding
right breast.
Figure 3.36. (Continued) Ultrasound images of palpab le finding, in longitudinal (LON) (D) and transverse (TRS) (E) projections, at the 9 o’clock
position, 5 cm from the right nipple.
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Figure 3.37. Diagnostic evaluation, 44-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast.
Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) spot compression views of a “lump” in the left breast.
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Figure 3.37. (Continued) Ultrasound images (C, D) of palpable finding, left breast
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Figure 3.38. Screening study, 38-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, left breast.
Figure 3.38. Double spot compression magnification vi ws, craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique
(D) projections.
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taining masses are benign and do not w arrant any additional evalua-
What are your observations, and what would
tion. Anything else? Did y ou notice the w ater-density mass medial
you do next? and posterior to the radiolucent mass (F ig. 3.39D, E, ar rowheads)?
The margins of this mass are indistinct, particularly on the craniocau-
Several observations can be made. There are round and punctate cal-
dal view.
cifications diffusely scattered in the breast parench yma. These are
BI-RADS® category 0: Need additional imaging e valuation. Spot
benign and do not w arrant additional evaluation or intervention. Do
compression views (not shown), correlative physical examination, and
you see the round radiolucent mass at the edge of the glandular tissue
an ultrasound are done for further evaluation of the water-density mass.
(Fig. 3.39C, arrow)? What would you recommend for this? Fat-con-
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Figure 3.39. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, right breast, photograph-
ically coned, demonstrate a round , radiolucent mass ( arrows) and an adjacent round , water-density mass
GRBQ187-2820G-C03[227-376].qxd 10/5/06 02:47 AM Page 352 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
Figure 3.39. (Continued) Ultrasound images in the radial (RAD) projection (E, F), 2 o’clock position, 4 cm from the right nipple.
Figure 3.40. (Continued) Ultrasound images (B–D) through different areas of the palpable mass, in the right breast.
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Figure 3.40. (Continued)
GRBQ187-2820G-C03[227-376].qxd 10/5/06 02:47 AM Page 355 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
Figure 3.41. (Continued) Core radiographs (C, D), done as part of the stereotactically guided core biopsy.
Figure 3.42. Diagnostic evaluation, 41-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” (metal-
lic BB is seen on mediolateral oblique view) in the left breast. Craniocaudal (A) and medi-
olateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 3.42. (Continued) Spot tangential (C) view of the “lump”, left breast.
Figure 3.42. (Continued) Ultrasound images, transverse (TRS) (D) and longitudinal (LON) (E) projections of the palpable (PALP) mass, 11 o’clock
position, 3 cm from the left nipple.
Figure 3.43. Diagnostic evaluation, 84-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast. Craniocaudal (A) and
mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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C Figure 3.43. (Continued) Spot compression (C) view, left breast mass.
Figure 3.43. Ultrasound image, antiradial (ARAD) (D) projection, palpable (PALP) mass, left breast, 3 o’clock position, 7 cm from the left nipple, and
ultrasound image, antiradial (ARAD) (E) projection, left axilla.
What imaging features in a lymph node suggest the Metaplastic carcinomas represent 2% of all breast cancers. They
possibility of metastatic disease? present as a mass described by the patient as having developed rap-
idly and as a relati vely well-circumscribed mass mammo graphi-
As it relates to the imaging appearance of intramammary and axil- cally. In those lesions with osseous metaplasia, dense calcificatio
lary lymph nodes, the overlap between normal and abnormal find may be seen mammographically.
ings can be significant. Changes and fluctuations in size, densi , These are heterogeneous tumors characterized by metaplasia of
and a loss of the f atty hilum mammographically can be related to the epithelial cells into either squamous or mesenchymal type cells
benign reactive changes or metastatic disease, and similarly, normal- (spindle cell, chondroid, osseous, or m yoid). Histologically, these
appearing lymph nodes with a f atty hilum and no appreciab le can be broadl y divided into those with squamous dif ferentiation
change in size or density can be found to have significant metastati and those with heterologous elements such as cartilage, bone, mus-
deposits when excised. However, based on the clinical presentation cle, adipose tissue, vascular elements, melanocytes, and so on.
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Figure 3.44. Diagnostic evaluation, 61-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the right breast. Craniocaudal (A) and medi-
olateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 3.44. (Continued) Spot compression (C) view, craniocaudal projection, right breast.
D Figure 3.44. Ultrasound image, radial projection (D), palpable finding, righ
breast, 10 o’clock.
A complex cystic mass is imaged corresponding to the palpable find What are the basic histologic features of papillomas?
ing in the right breast. This is confi matory of our initial impression
that the mammo graphic findings represent papillomas. As the Papillomas are characterized histolo gically by the presence of a
remainder of the breast is scanned, additional complex cystic masses vascular core and an epithelial lining similar to that seen in the
and solid hypoechoic masses are seen scattered in the upper outer ducts, contiguous epithelial cells, and intermittent basilar myoep-
quadrant of the right breast. ithelial cells. Proliferative changes, including hyperplasia, atypi-
cal hyperplasia, and ductal carcinoma in situ, have been reported
How do solitary and multiple peripheral papillomas in association with the epithelial lining of papillomas. In contrast
contrast, and what is their significance? to patients with solitar y, more centrall y occurring papillomas
(subareolar), in whom excised surrounding tissue is often b land,
Solitary papillomas most commonly occur in the major subareolar patients with multiple peripheral papillomas often ha ve signifi
ducts and present with spontaneous nipple dischar ge. They can be cant proliferative changes in the tissue sur rounding the papillo-
identified as a solitary mass or a cluster of round and punctate cal- mas. The described proliferative changes include areas of atypical
cifications (with or without an associated mass) on mammography. ductal hyperplasia, lobular neoplasia, and ductal carcinoma in
Coarse, dense, curvilinear calcifications, noted incidental y within situ. These changes may be seen in nearl y 45% of patients, such
dilated ductal str uctures, are also lik ely sclerosed papillomas. that some consider multiple peripheral papillomas as mark er
Peripheral papillomas are usuall y multiple and are detected on lesions. The management of some of these patients can present a
screening mammograms as multiple masses or multiple clusters of dilemma, particularly when the findings are r gional or dif fuse
round and punctate calcifications. Their distribution is variable and and bilateral.
includes clusters in a small area of tissue, se gmental, regional, or Our approach to patients with multiple peripheral papillomas
diffuse involvement of the breast. In some patients, the findings ar that are localized is to do an excisional biopsy. In women with more
bilateral. On ultrasound, the solitary central papillomas may be iden- regional or diffuse findings, e excise any clinically symptomatic
tified as a solid mass within a dilated duct, a complex cystic mass, or area or an y lesion or lesions that change on follo w-up mammo-
a hypoechoic mass indistinguishab le from an y other solid mass. grams or ultrasounds.
Multiple peripheral papillomas are often seen as a combination of
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How would you describe the findings, what is your How does primary breast lymphoma present?
differential, and what would you do next?
Breast lymphoma, classified as an xtranodal lymphoma, repre-
Predominantly fatty tissue is imaged. Scattered benign-appearing sents 0.1% of all breast malignancies and is only considered pri-
lymph nodes are present on the right. A mass that is at least 3 cm in mary when the patient does not ha ve widespread lymphoma or a
size is par tially imaged on the left axillar y view, with associated history of having had l ymphoma elsewhere in the body . Patients
smaller surrounding masses. As is expected on an axillary view, the present with one or multiple masses, more commonl y involving
humeral head (HH) is also par tially seen. The findings in the lef one breast, although some present with synchronous (and
axilla most likely represent adenopathy. A detailed history should be metachronous) bilateral disease. As many as 20% of patients
elicited from the patient. Specifical y, ask about a histor y of lupus, describe night sweats, fever, and weight loss. Axillary adenopathy
rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoid, psoriasis, tuberculosis, human immun- is identified in 30% to 40% of patients. Mamm graphically, one or
odeficien y virus (HIV) infection, recent e xposure to cats (cat multiple masses with well- to ill-defined ma gins are the most com-
scratch disease), an ongoing infectious process, or kno wn malig- mon presentation. Rarel y, diffuse changes that include increased
nancy (lymphoma, breast cancer, melanoma, etc.). Correlative phys- density, prominence of the trabecular patter n, and skin thick ening
ical examination and an ultrasound are done next. may be seen. On ultrasound , a solid, hypoechoic mass is the most
On physical examination, the patient has significant limitation common finding
in the range of motion for her left shoulder and significant tender Most patients with primary breast lymphoma have diffuse large-
ness is associated with any movement of the left arm or palpation of cell lymphoma, B-cell origin, of the immuno globulin M hea vy-
the left axilla. A hard mass with satellite nodules is palpated in the chain type. The age of presentation and the course of the disease are
left axilla. On ultrasound, a round mass that is markedly hypoechoic variable. Histologic type and stage at the time of diagnosis are the
is imaged cor responding to the dominant palpab le abnormality. major determinants of pro gnosis. A second presentation for pri-
During the ultrasound study and follo wing multiple questions, a mary breast l ymphoma is that of a Burkitt-type l ymphoma with
history of HIV infection is elicited from the patient. Although the bilateral breast in volvement, described in pre gnant or lactating
findings may be benign and reacti ve, an ultrasound-guided core patients. This is characterized b y a more rapid and agg ressive
biopsy is indicated. course. Axillary adenopathy is identified in 30% to 40% of patients
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnormality—biopsy should Patients are usually treated with lumpectomy followed by radiation
be considered. A non-Hodgkin B-cell l ymphoma is diagnosed on therapy.
the core biopsy. A CT scan of the chest confi ms adenopathy in the
left axilla; however, no other adenopath y is identified. Similar y,
neck, abdominal, and pelvic CT scans are normal.
Figure 3.45. Ultrasound image (C), left axilla.
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Figure 3.46. Diagnostic evaluation, 74-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left
breast. Metallic BB used to mark location of “lump. ” Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique
(B) views.
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C Figure 3.46. (Continued ) Spot tangential (C) view of palpable mass, left
Figure 3.46. Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (D) and antiradial (ARAD) (E) projections of palpable mass in the left breast at the 8 o’clock position.
Figure 3.47. Diagnostic evaluation, 55-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left breast. Craniocaudal (A) and medio-
lateral oblique (B) views, photographically coned to the area of concern to the patient, left breast.
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Figure 3.47. Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (D) and antiradial (ARAD) (E) projections of the palpable finding in the left breast at the 10 o’clock posi
tion, 12 cm from the nipple.
Figure 3.48. Diagnostic evaluation, 78-year-old patient presenting with a tender “lump” in the left breast. Craniocaudal
(A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views with a metallic BB used to mark the palpable finding.
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C Figure 3.48. (Continued) Spot tangential view (C) of the palpable finding
left breast.
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Darling ML, Smith DN , Rhei E, et al. Lactating adenoma: sono- Mitnick JS, Vasquez MF, Harris MN, et al. Differentiation of radial
graphic features. Breast J. 2000;6:252–256. scar from scir rhous carcinoma of the breast: mammo graphic-
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desmoid tumor (extraabdominal fibromatosis) of the breast. AJR Murakami K, Tsukahara M, Tsuneoka H, et al. Cat scratch disease:
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nent apical snouts and secretions: spectrum of changes frequently breast cancer. Cancer. 1987;59:1019.
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cases. Radiology. 1995;195:623. disease from Bartonella quintana mimicking inflammato y breast
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Cha pter 4
Atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) Intracystic carcinoma Pneumocystogram
Atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH) Ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence Positive predictive value (PPV)
Columnar alteration with prominent (IBTR) Prevalent cancer detection rate
apical snouts and secretions (CAPSS) Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) Pseudoangiomatous stromal
Complex sclerosing lesion Lobular neoplasia hyperplasia (PASH)
Cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ Local recurrence Radial scar
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) Medical audit Regional recurrence
Ductography Micropapillary ductal carcinoma in situ Sclerosing adenosis
E-cadherin Minimal breast cancer Secretory carcinoma
False negative (FN) Mucocele-like lesion Sensitivity
False positive (FP) Multiple peripheral papillomas Specificity
Fibroadenoma Papilloma True negative (TN)
Hyperplasia Papillomatosis True positive (TP)
Incident cancer detection rate Phyllodes tumor
■ MANAGEMENT or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) finding, does hat you see on
ultrasound correlate with the mammographic or MRI finding? If th
In managing the various situations that arise in breast imaging, it is patient presents with a focal finding, does hat you see mammo-
good to al ways be thinking not just relati ve to w hat the first ste graphically correlate with the described clinical finding? When rec-
should be for your patient’s care, but what the second and third steps ommending an imaging-guided or e xcisional biopsy, consider what
might be as well. Your patient? Yes, your patient. Know and consider you will accept as a diagnosis and w hat you will recommend if the
the cascade of events you precipitate for patients based on what you results are different from those expected. Are the imaging and histo-
say to them, ho w you word your report, and the recommendations logic findings concordant? If the imaging and histol gic findings ar
you make. Are you sure enough about what you are saying to justify benign and congruent, patients can be retur ned to annual screening
whatever ensues for the patient? Is y our decision moti vated by a mammography. For patients diagnosed with a malignancy, MRI and
defensive posture and the recognition, at some level, that the workup surgical consultation are scheduled. If the findings are not concor
is incomplete (substandard) and that y ou are operating with inade- dant, repeat biopsy or e xcisional biopsy is recommended. F or
quate or incomplete infor mation, or one that is justifia ly based on patients with a diagnosis of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), pos-
common sense, a complete workup, and what is good for the patient? sible phyllodes tumor, multiple peripheral papillomas, fibromatosis
or granular cell tumor, wide surgical excision is indicated following
imaging-guided biopsies.
■ CORRELATION The management of se veral types of lesions diagnosed on core
biopsies remains controversial. Included in this g roup are solitary
The need for cor relation in every process undertaken is fundamen- papillomas, lobular neoplasia (atypical lob ular neoplasia, lob ular
tally important. If an ultrasound is done to evaluate a mammographic carcinoma in situ), complex sclerosing lesions, and mucocele-lik e
GRBQ187-2820G-C04[377-492].qxd 10/5/06 02:17 AM Page 378 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
lesions. The current consensus is that excisional biopsy is appropri- For potentially abnormal screening mammograms, I state what the
ate when these lesions are diagnosed on core biopsies because of potential abnormality is (e.g., mass, calcifications, disto tion) and in
the reported incidence of associated malignancy and the frequency which breast it is located; I also comment specifical y on the other
with which some of these lesions are upg raded to cancer w hen breast. The description and characterization of the lesion is defer red
more tissue is examined histologically. until a thorough evaluation is completed (e.g., for a mass, spot com-
pression views, physical examination, and an ultrasound). The rec-
ommendation for a w oman with a potentiall y abnormal screening
mammogram is “additional evaluation is indicated and we will con-
■ BREAST IMAGING CONSULTATIONS tact the patient directly to schedule the additional evaluation” (see the
introduction to Chapter 2 for additional discussion). Consequentl y,
As mentioned previously, regardless of the type of study done, the
the only assessment categories used for screening mammograms are
title on the written description of w hat I do is worded as a “Breast
0, 1, and 2.
Imaging Consultation” not a “Radiology Report.” The comprehen-
In the diagnostic setting, I issue one consultati ve report that
sive evaluations that can be undertaken by breast imagers have put
includes the findings for the diagnostic mamm gram, physical
us in a consultative role. A general outline used for breast imaging
examination, and ultrasound. Based on the clinical and imaging
consultative reports includes:
features of a lesion, the findings are described and an impressio
• Type of study (e.g., screening or diagnostic mammogram, with recommendations is generated. The impression is not used to
ultrasound) repeat a description of the findings but rather is used to del ver the
• Reason for study final, clinically relevant concept with what I think is indicated for
• Tissue type the patient.
• Succinct description and location of finding Read your reports critically. Strive for precision (e.g., give meas-
• Impression, with your specific recommendations urements for a lesion and avoid characterizations such as “small” or
• Assessment category (required under the Mammography Quality “large”) and eliminate unnecessary words (e.g., “clearly,” “appears
Standards Act for all mammographic studies) with wording as to be,” “very,” etc.) that pro vide no relevant information and may
provided by the American College of Radiology, Breast Imaging serve to obscure your message. It is important to familiarize your-
and Reporting Data System (BI-RADS®) for mammography: self with the mammo graphy, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance
imaging lexicons provided by the American College of Radiology,
Category 1: negative
Breast Imaging and Reporting Data System (BI-RADS®), as these
Category 2: benign findin
provide guidelines on what should be described for particular find
Category 3: probably benign finding; sho t-interval follow-up is
ings and suggests terminology to be used for relevant findings
Category 4: suspicious abnormality—biopsy should be con-
Category 5: highly suggestive of malignancy—appropriate ■ MEDICAL AUDIT
action should be taken
Category 6: known biopsy-proven malignancy—appropriate In breast imaging, accountability needs to be present e very step of
action should be taken the way. Although quality control and data tracking are often rele-
Category 0: need additional imaging evaluation and/or prior gated to the technologist, radiologists should be actively involved in
mammograms for comparison these processes for their practice. It is onl y through monitoring
results that problems can be addressed and much learning can take
Category 4 lesions can be further subdivided at the discretion of
place. We need to kno w how well we are doing, and w e want to
the facility for their internal use into:
identify potential prob lems that can be addressed so that patient
Category 4A: low suspicion for malignancy care is improved. By tracking data and learning from the results, we
Category 4B: intermediate suspicion for malignancy can improve patient care. The numbers generated from the audit
Category 4C: moderate concern should be vie wed not as one point in time b ut rather ho w they
change as you gain more experience.
I make every effort to generate descripti ve but succinct repor ts
Data that should be collected include:
that are clinically relevant and that pro vide specific direction an
recommendations. I use no disclaimers in m y reports, and I do not • Date of audit
abdicate clinical correlation of anything to others. In considering the • Number of screening studies (first-time study vs. repeat screen
wording of repor ts, it is m y contention that if, based on complete • Number of diagnostic studies
clinical and imaging evaluations, you have a high degree of certainty • Call-back (recall) recommendations (e.g., BI-RADS® category
relative to the diagnosis, clear consultative reports with specific rec 0: need additional imaging evaluation)
ommendations can be dictated easily and succinctly (e.g., “a spicu- • Biopsy recommendations (BI-RADS® category 4 and 5: suspi-
lated mass measuring 7 mm is imaged at the 3 o’clock position, cious abnormality and highly suggestive of malignancy)
5 cm from the right nipple. Biopsy is indicated. This is undertaken • Biopsy results (e.g., benign vs. malignant; FNA vs. core biopsy
and reported separately.”). Make up your mind about what you are vs. excisional biopsy)
going to say before you start dictating. Hedges and disclaimers are • Tumor staging: histologic subtype, grade, size, and nodal status
used when we are uncomfortable and uncertain about a finding an
Data that you can calculate include:
its significance. In this situation, I ould suggest that we need to do
whatever it takes to increase our level of certainty so that we can be • True positive (TP): cancer diagnosed within 1 year of a biopsy
more definit ve. recommendation for an abnormal mammogram
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• True negative (TN): no known cancer within 1 year of a normal • Specificity TN/(FP TN), or the probability of a normal
mammogram mammogram when no cancer is present
• False negative (FN): cancer diagnosed within 1 year of a normal
mammogram; these should be reviewed and analyzed Based on reports of audit data, obtainable goals include:
• False positive (FP): • PPV1 (abnormal screens): 5% to 10%
FP1 no known cancer diagnosed within 1 year of an abnor- • PPV2 (biopsy recommendations): 25% to 40%
mal screening mammogram for which additional imaging or • Stage 0 or 1 tumors diagnosed: 50%
biopsy is recommended • Minimal cancers (invasive cancer 1 cm or DCIS): 30%
FP2 no known cancer diagnosed within 1 year of a recom- • Node-positive tumors: 25%
mendation for biopsy or surgical consultation based on an • Prevalent cancers/1,000: 6 to 10
abnormal mammogram • Incident cancers/1,000: 2 to 4
FP3 benign disease diagnosed on biopsy within 1 year after • Call-back (recall) rate: 10%
recommendation for biopsy or surgical consultation based on • Sensitivity: 85%
an abnormal mammogram • Specificity: 90%
• Positive predictive value: Published sensitivity rates for mammo graphy range betw een
85% and 90%. Recognize, however, that this is probably one of the
PPV1 percentage of cancers diagnosed following an abnor- harder statistics to obtain because of the dif ficulty of establishing
mal screening mammogram an accurate false negative rate. Access to a statewide tumor registry
PPV2 percentage of cancers diagnosed when a biopsy or sur- can be helpful; ho wever, if the patient mo ves (or seeks medical
gical consultation is recommended following a screening care) out of state, knowledge of a cancer diagnosis may not be read-
mammogram ily accessible to the screening facility.
PPV3 percentage of cancers diagnosed on the actual number The effect of breast imaging and the role of radiolo gists in the
of biopsies done as a result of a screening mammogram management of women with breast cancer goes unstated and , in
• Cancer detection rate for asymptomatic women (i.e., true many ways, is often misrepresented. There is continued sk epti-
screening population) cism and criticisms relati ve to our contributions to patient care
and the significance of hat has already been accomplished: the
Prevalent (rate of cancer detection among women presenting for routine identification of ymph node-negative stage 0 and stage I
their first screening mamm gram) invasive cancers and ductal carcinoma in situ. Recentl y reported
Incident (rate of cancer detection among women with prior decreases in breast cancer mor tality rates are attributed by many
screening mammograms) to more effective treatment, ignoring or relegating to a secondary
By age groups role our ability to detect DCIS, stage 0, and stage I lesions in
• Percentage of minimal breast cancers diagnosed many patients. Is early detection possibly the more important fac-
• Percentage of node-negative breast cancers diagnosed tor, and does not our ability to identify small lesions increase
• Call-back (recall) rate available treatment options and render them more ef fective for
• Sensitivity TP/(TP FN), or the probability of detecting a patients?
cancer when a cancer is present
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Figure 4.1. Screening study, 60-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, right breast.
central density, distortion, and long spiculation), in the absence of Given our total f ascination with technolo gy and images, w e
a palpable finding, ere highly suggestive of fat necrosis or a com- often dismiss or underestimate simple and ine xpensive tools such
plex sclerosing lesion. So, rather than totall y discard m y initial as physical examination, and y et this often pro vides the cor rect
impression, I examine the patient carefully, focusing my attention answer expeditiously. I cannot emphasize enough how many times
on the site of the mammo graphic findings. Although the patient direct communication with the patient and a thorough ph ysical
has no recollection of prior sur gery (patients do not always recall examination provide an efficient means of ar riving at the cor rect
prior surgical procedures, trauma, or inflammator y processes; answer for a given patient. As clinical breast imagers, we are in a
some may not e ven recall a breast cancer diagnosis), and the unique position to integrate clinical, physical, imaging, and histo-
technologist reported no scars, b y spending 2 minutes closel y logic findings to pr vide accurate, optimal patient care. Do not sell
examining the patient, the diagnosis of postoperati ve change is yourself or y our patients shor t by passing up an oppor tunity to
established and no additional inter vention or follow-up is recom- examine and talk to the patient directl y. Do not rele gate physical
mended. examination and the performance of ultrasound studies to others.
Figure 4.1. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) spot compression views, right breast.
GRBQ187-2820G-C04[377-492].qxd 10/5/06 02:17 AM Page 382 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
Figure 4.2. Diagnostic evaluation, 33-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the right
breast. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, metallic BB used to mark location
of “lump” described by the patient.
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Figure 4.2. (Continued) Spot tangential (C) view of the palpable finding, right breast
node. Biopsies of the right breast and axillar y masses confi m the
What do you think? What would you do next?
suspected diagnoses. At the time of her definit ve surgery, a grade
III invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive lymphovascular space
There is dense fibr glandular tissue, and no focal abnor mality is
involvement measuring at least 5.7 cm in size is reported histologi-
apparent on the spot tangential view. Correlative physical examina-
cally. Tumor is also reported in the dermal lymphatics surrounding
tion and an ultrasound are indicated for further evaluation.
the right nipple [pT3, pN2, pMX; Stage IIIA].
On physical examination, a hard, fi ed mass is palpated at the 9
In patients with palpab le findings and no mal-appearing dense
o’clock position, 5 cm from the right nipple. On ultrasound, (Fig. 4.2D,
glandular tissue mammographically, correlative physical examina-
E), an irregular mass with a heterogeneous echotexture, indistinct mar-
tion and an ultrasound are indicated for fur ther evaluation. In this
gins, and areas of shadowing and enhancement is imaged correspon-
group of patients, ultrasound is an excellent adjunctive tool in eval-
ding to the palpable finding This mass measures at least 5 cm. The clin-
uating the clinical findings. If our focus is optimal, e ficient, and
ical and sonographic finding are consistent with a malignant process,
expeditious patient care, then clinical, mammo graphic, and sono-
most likely an invasive ductal carcinoma. A biopsy is indicated.
graphic evaluations and, when needed, imaging-guided biopsies of
the breast and axilla, are done in one visit. With a 24-hour tur n-
What else should you do to evaluate this around time on core biopsy results, histology findings are vailable
patient further? the following day and the patient is scheduled to see the surgeon for
definit ve treatment. As clinical breast imagers, we are in a unique
For patients in whom we suspect a malignancy, we examine the ipsi- position to affect the care our patients recei ve. Evaluations, which
lateral axilla for potentially abnormal lymph nodes. If any potential in many communities take weeks, with significant associated anxi
abnormality is identified in the axilla, a fine-needle aspiration or ety for the patient and her f amily, can be accomplished accuratel y
needle biopsy is also done. P atients with metastatic disease to the in 24 hours. By pro viding this type of ser vice, we also effectively
axilla will under go a full axillar y dissection at the time of the eliminate the fragmentation of care (and with that the potential for
lumpectomy, bypassing the need for a sentinel lymph node biopsy. miscommunication) among providers that can result w hen evalua-
In this patient, an o val hypoechoic mass is imaged in the right tions are carried out over several weeks (e.g., one radiologist doing
axilla (Fig. 4.2F). Given the thickening of the cortex and the lack of the initial mammogram, another doing the ultrasound, and possibly
a hyperechogenic hilar region, this is a potentially abnormal lymph a third doing the biopsies).
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Figure 4.2. Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (D) and antiradial (ARAD)
F (E) projections, corresponding to the area of concer n to the patient in the right
breast. Ultrasound image (F), right axilla.
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Figure 4.3. Diagnostic evaluation, 38-year-old patient presenting with a palpable mass in the right breast. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique
(B) views of the right breast. Metallic BB used to mark “lump” described by the patient.
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Figure 4.3. (Continued) Spot compression vie ws of mass in craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views. Ultrasound images in radial (RAD)
(E) and antiradial (ARAD) (F) projections of palpable finding at the 6 o’clock position, appr ximately 12 cm from the right nipple.
spot compression view. Why are these not seen on the spot cranio-
What do you think?
caudal view? Did you see them on the routine craniocaudal view, or
was your eye drawn to the clinical finding? Remembe , do not let
A round, solid, 2-cm mass with spiculated , indistinct, and angular
yourself be distracted b y obvious benign or malignant mammo-
margins and associated shado wing is imaged in the right breast,
graphic/clinical findings. E en when you are presented with an
corresponding to the area of concer n to the patient. Although no
obvious finding, ma e sure to evaluate the remainder of the mam-
calcifications are identified associated with the mass on the cranio
mogram and the contralateral side thoroughly.
caudal spot compression vie w, or on the ultrasound , a cluster of
pleomorphic calcifications is vident on the mediolateral ob lique
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Figure 4.3. (Continued) Craniocaudal (G) and mediolateral oblique (H) views,
I right breast, photo graphically coned. Doub le spot compression magnification
(I) view, right breast.
malignancy is critical preoperatively. The mammogram needs to be With appropriate imaging protocols, magnetic resonance imaging
reviewed carefully. Complete ultrasound evaluations of the breasts also makes the e valuation of inter nal mammary, axillary, supra-
and ipsilateral axilla, as w ell as magnetic resonance imaging, are clavicular, and neck lymph nodes possible for our patients.
also helpful in e valuating patients diagnosed with breast cancer .
Figure 4.4. Screening study, 57-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral ob lique (B)
GRBQ187-2820G-C04[377-492].qxd 10/5/06 02:17 AM Page 389 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
Figure 4.4. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D), spot compression views.
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Figure 4.4. (Continued) Diagram (F) illustrating orthogonal images of needle positioning. Obtaining orthogonal images to document final needle position
ing is particularly critical when sampling small lesions. The needle may appear to be through the lesion (I); ho wever, on the orthogonal image, the needle is
along the edge of the mass (II). Ideally, the needle is surrounded by the lesion on the orthogonal (III) image. Ultrasound images in a different patient demon-
strating the needle through the lesion (G) longitudinally. When the transducer is rotated for the orthogonal image (H), the needle is seen at the edge of the mass
(arrow) and not through it. Ideally, when the transducer is rotated for the orthogonal image (I), the needle is seen within the mass (arrow).
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Figure 4.4. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (M) and antiradial (ARAD) (N) projections obtained at the 8 o’clock position, 8 cm from the
left nipple, confi m the location of a mass that cor responds with the mammographic finding. Its son graphic features more closely resemble those of the
mass seen mammographically.
Figure 4.5. Diagnostic evaluation in 43-year-old patient presenting with a tender “lump” in the right sub-
areolar area. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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What are your observations? of women who breastfeed, and abscess formation affects 1 in 15 of
all women who breastfeed. In this patient population, Staphylococcus
There is increased density in the right subareolar area cor respon- aureus is the most common causati ve agent. P atients with mastitis
ding to the site of concern to the patient. In looking at the technical alone are usuall y treated ef fectively with antibiotics. If an abscess
factors, the right breast is less compressib le and a higher kilovolt- develops, percutaneous drainage can be helpful, and surgical drainage
age and milliamperage were needed for e xposure when compared may be required for some patients. These patients are usually treated
with the left breast. Ph ysical examination and an ultrasound are by their obstetricians and are not usually referred for imaging.
indicated for further evaluation. The second group of patients to consider in terms of breast infec-
On physical examination, erythema and peau d’orange changes tions is those with recur ring subareolar abscess formation unre-
are noted in the periareolar area. Significant tende ness is elicited lated to nipple piercing or nipple rings. These patients are nonlac-
with gentle compression. A mass is palpated in the right subareolar tating, premenopausal w omen, most with a histor y of hea vy
area. Sonographically, a mass with posterior acoustic enhancement smoking. As seen in this patient, man y of these patients de velop
is imaged in the subareolar area, cor responding to the palpab le periareolar fistulas spontaneous y (Zuska’s disease). Squamous
finding (Fig. 4.5C). Based on the clinical presentation and the metaplasia involving the subareolar ducts is seen histolo gically in
imaging findings, an ongoing inflammat y process is suspected. these patients, and it is postulated that this process leads to obstruc-
The patient is started on antibiotics. tion of the ducts, with inspissation of secretions, duct wall erosion,
The patient returns within 72 hours, describing progressive symp- and the development of periductal mastitis and abscess for mation.
toms and purulent fluid draining from the periareolar area. On p ys- Antibiotic therapy alone is not usuall y effective in these patients.
ical examination, erythema and peau d’orange changes are again Although some have advocated percutaneous drainage, this also is
noted, but these are now much more extensive and there is now a pro- not always effective, and wide surgical excision is required. Even in
tuberant mass extending into the upper inner quadrant of the right the patients who undergo surgical drainage, however, there is a high
breast. The overlying skin is thinned and there is a fistula drainin incidence of recurrence. With recurrent episodes, the nipple begins
purulent fluid at the areolar ma gin at the 1 o’clock position (F ig. to flatten and some patients d velop horizontal inversion centrally
4.5D). On ultrasound, the abscess has increased in size (F ig. 4.5E). in the nipple (Fig. 4.5F, G). Bilateral abscess formation is seen in as
Given the rapid progression of symptoms, the formation of a fistula many as a quarter of these patients, either simultaneously or at dif-
and the subareolar location of this abscess, the patient is transfer red ferent times. A mixture of aerobic and anaerobic organisms is often
to the hospital for consultation and surgical drainage. cultured in these patients. It has been repor ted that these patients
have a higher incidence of acne, hidradenitis suppurati va, and per-
ineal inclusion cysts.
When considering mastitis and abscess formation, Lastly, peripheral mastitis or abscess formation can be seen
what groups of patients should you consider? unrelated to pregnancy and lactation. Rarely, some of these
patients are diabetic; most of the w omen in this g roup, however,
Three different patient populations can be considered relative to mas- are otherwise health y, with no identifia le source of infection.
titis and breast abscess formation. Most commonly, we associate these These patients respond w ell to antibiotic therap y and infection
inflammato y conditions with women who are breastfeeding: This is usually does not recur. They are also unlikely to present with bilat-
puerperal mastitis. Reportedly, mastitis occurs in approximately 2.5% eral findings
C Figure 4.5. (Continued) Ultrasound image (C) of the right subareolar area at
the site of the palpable finding
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Figure 4.5. (Continued) Photograph of the breast (D) and ultrasound image (E) of the right subareolar area, 72 hours follo wing (C). Second patient pre-
senting with a tender mass in the right subareolar area. On physical examination (F), there is erythema (long arrows) in the periareolar region laterally. Other
pertinent observations include a periareolar scar (small arrows) and a healed fistula double-headed arrow). This patient has had multiple recurrent episodes
of subareolar abscess formation with prior surgery and fistula fo mation. Also note the horizontal inversion (arrowhead) of the nipple. It is postulated that this
type of nipple inversion is a reflection of periductal fibrosis resulting from rec rent episodes of inflammation. In this patient, the ultrasound xamination
(G) demonstrates a lenticular-shaped complex cystic mass in the subcutaneous tissues of the subareolar area (as though dissecting t hrough the subcutaneous
tissues), a common ultrasound appearance of early subareolar abscess formation.
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Figure 4.6. Diagnostic evaluation, 54-year-old woman called back for a mass
in the left breast detected on her screening study . Left mediolateral ob lique
(A), photographically coned vie w. Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (B) and
C antiradial (ARAD) (C) projections corresponding to the area of the mammo-
graphic abnormality at the 7 o’clock position, zone 2 (Z2).
(I think this explains many of the patients who present for evalua- As a routine, I discard aspirated fluid. Intra ystic carcinomas
tion of a palpable mass following attempted aspirations that yielded are rare (0.5% of all carcinomas and 0.1% of cysts), and even
no fluid and et we find a yst corresponding to the palpable find when an intrac ystic carcinoma is present, ne gative cytology is
ing). By visualizing the trajector y of the adv ancing needle, I can obtained in more than half of patients. I submit fluid for ytology
gauge the amount of compression I need to appl y to ef fectively if I obtain b loody fluid foll wing an atraumatic tap, if there is a
immobilize the mass and the amount of controlled pressure I need residual abnormality postaspiration, or if requested by the patient.
to exert with the needle so that the cyst wall is punctured. Once the It has also been recommended that fluid be submitted for ytology
needle is in the mass, I pull the stylet out of the 20G spinal needle, when a repeat aspiration is done in a patient w ho presents with
attach a 10-mL syringe, and aspirate. I w atch on real-time ultra- rapid reaccumulation of fluid. As mentioned previously, in addi-
sound as I aspirate to be sure there is no residual abnor mality tion to submitting aspirated fluid for ytology, when a residual
postaspiration. Also, in some patients, the needle ma y need to be abnormality is seen postaspiration, I do core biopsies through the
redirected (i.e., the tip of the needle put against the c yst wall) dur- residual lesion.
ing the aspiration to be sure that all of the fluid is aspirated. If I d Cysts have a v ariable mammographic appearance. They are
not obtain flui , I may try using an 18G spinal needle, and if I still usually round or o val masses with mar ginal characteristics that
do not obtain flui , or if there is a residual abnor mality postaspira- range from well circumscribed to obscured, to indistinct (partic-
tion, I proceed with core biopsies using the 14G needle. ularly when inflamed). Mural and intra ystic calcifications (mil
In this patient, 8 mL of greenish fluid is aspirated and no residua of calcium) may be present. On ultrasound, simple cysts are well-
abnormality is seen following the aspiration. At this point, I inject circumscribed, anechoic masses with posterior acoustic enhance-
4 mL of air (50% of the aspirated fluid olume) into the cyst cavity, ment and thin edge shado ws. Less common appearances include
because it has been suggested that b y doing this we can lower the the presence of intracystic echoes that during real time are charac-
incidence of cyst recurrence. The air does not hurt the patient, and terized by movement (e.g., “gurgling”), and persistent, nonmovable
if it is helpful in minimizing the likelihood of a recurrence, it can be echoes that sometimes have an S-shaped (yin-yang sign) interf ace
beneficial to the patient. If I am concer ned about the presence of a with the more anechoic portion of the cyst. If the cyst is small and
mural or intracystic abnormality, spot compression magnificatio deep in the breast, posterior acoustic enhancement ma y not be
views of the mass are done following the injection of air in the cyst apparent.
(i.e., a pneumocystogram) to further evaluate the wall of the cyst.
under the age of 30 years or those who present during pregnancy
What would you do to evaluate this patient?
or lactation regardless of age. A full mammogram is done only if
When would you obtain a mammogram for a
breast cancer is suspected based on the clinical and ultrasound
20-year-old woman? findings
Correlative physical examination and an ultrasound are our start-
ing point in e valuating focal signs and symptoms in w omen
Figure 4.7. (Continued) Ultrasound images obtained during the ultrasound-guided aspiration. Preaspiration(B) image, documenting preaspiration needle
positioning in the cyst, and postaspiration (C) image, demonstrating that there is no residual abnormality.
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Figure 4.8. Screening study, 47-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B)
views. No prior films are vailable.
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What do you think? seeing is not cancer , that cysts do not tur n into cancer, and that
they are common, with man y women developing them at various
A round mass is present in the upper outer quadrant of the left times.
breast. The patient is called back for additional e valuation, which BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding. Annual screening mam-
includes spot compression vie ws and an ultrasound. Dif ferential mography is recommended.
considerations at this point include c yst, fibroadenoma (compl x
fibroadenoma, tubular adenoma), phyllodes, papilloma, pseudoan-
giomatous stromal hyperplasia, adenosis tumor, and focal fibrosis
Depending on the clinical conte xt, sebaceous c yst, galactocele,
postoperative or traumatic fluid collection, and an abscess are als
in the dif ferential. Given the seemingl y circumscribed mar gins,
malignancy is less lik ely; however, invasive ductal carcinoma not
otherwise specifie , medullary, mucinous, or papillar y carcinoma,
or metastatic disease, particularly if the patient has a known malig-
nancy, are additional considerations.
Spot compression vie ws (not sho wn) demonstrate a w ell-cir-
cumscribed mass with no associated calcifications. On ultrasoun ,
a well-circumscribed, anechoic mass with posterior acoustic
enhancement is imaged , consistent with a simple c yst. In an
asymptomatic patient, this requires no additional inter vention or
short-interval follow-up. The patient is reassured that what we are
Figure 4.8. (Continued) Ultrasound images in the radial (RAD) (C, D) projection of the mass in the left breast, at the 2 o’clock position, 3 cm from the
left nipple.
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Figure 4.8. (Continued) Screening study, 1 year following (A) and (B). Craniocaudal (E) and
mediolateral oblique (F) views.
Figure 4.9. (Continued) Spot tangential (C) view of palpable finding
Figure 4.9. (Continued) Ultrasound images in the radial (RAD) (D) and antiradial (ARAD) (E) of the palpable finding
GRBQ187-2820G-C04[377-492].qxd 10/5/06 02:17 AM Page 406 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
Figure 4.9. (Continued) Ultrasound image (F) after approximately 0.5 mL of grossly bloody fluid (G) is aspirated.
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Figure 4.9. (Continued) Image of one of the core samples (H) demon-
strating hemorrhagic tissue flan ed by fatty tissue.
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Figure 4.10. Diagnostic evaluation, 47-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the right
breast. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views with a metallic BB placed at site of the
palpable finding, right breast
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Figure 4.10. (Continued) Spot compression view (C) of the palpable finding
A round mass with partially well circumscribed margins is pres- traumatic fluid collection, and an abscess are also in the di feren-
ent in the right breast, corresponding to the site of clinical concern. tial. Given the seemingl y circumscribed mar gins, malignancy is
The differential considerations for the mammo graphic findings i less likely; however, invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise spec-
this patient include cyst, fibroadenoma (tubular adenoma, compl x ifie , medullary, mucinous, or papillar y carcinoma, or metastatic
fibroadenoma), papillary lesion, focal fibrosis, pseudoangiomatou disease, particularly if the patient has a kno wn malignancy, are
stromal hyperplasia (PASH), adenosis tumor, and phyllodes tumor. additional considerations. An ultrasound is indicated for fur ther
Depending on the clinical conte xt, galactocele, postoperati ve or evaluation.
Figure 4.10. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (D) and antiradial (ARAD) (E) projections of the palpable finding at the 6 o’clock positio
of the right breast, 2 cm from the nipple.
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Figure 4.10. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (D) and antiradial (ARAD) (E) projections of the palpable finding at the 6 o’clock positio
of the right breast, 2 cm from the nipple. Ultrasound images (F, G) obtained during aspiration.
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Figure 4.10. Ultrasound image (H), approximately 72 hours follo wing
the aspiration.
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Figure 4.11. Diagnostic evaluation, 58-year-old patient who presents describing nipple dischar ge on the right. Craniocaudal
(A) and 90-degree lateral (B) magnification views of the right breast follo wing a ducto gram. Magnification vi w,
craniocaudal projection, right breast.
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Figure 4.12. Diagnostic evaluation, 61-year-old patient presenting with nipple dischar ge
on the left. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 4.12. (Continued) Spot compression views of the left subareolar area, craniocaudal (C) and medio-
lateral oblique (D) views.
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Figure 4.12. Ductogram, magnification vi ws of the subareolar area: 90-de gree lateral (E), 90-degree lateral photographically coned (F), and cranio-
caudal (G) views, left breast.
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Figure 4.12. (Continued) Magnification vi ws of the subareolar area: 90-degree lateral photographically coned (H) and
craniocaudal (I) views, left breast. Multiple filling defects are present in the opacified duct and there are veral areas of
wall irregularity (arrows). A portion of the cannula and multiple air bubbles are also evident on the craniocaudal view.
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Figure 4.13. Screening mammogram, 54-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 4.13. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) double spot compression magnification vi ws of the
left breast.
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Figure 4.13. (Continued) Subtraction images (E, F) obtained from precontrast and sequential sagittal T1-weighted images done after the intra venous
bolus administration of gadolinium.
Figure 4.13. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (G) and antiradial (ARAD) (H) projections.
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Figure 4.14. Screening mammograms, 50-year-old woman, craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, left breast, photographically coned to a
mass in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, 1 year before (A) and (B), left breast, photographi-
cally coned to the mass in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast.
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In this patient, the mass has enlar ged, but the change in size f alls
How would you describe the findings, and why is there
within the acceptable limit. Nevertheless, the next step I take is to call
a metallic clip in the breast? pathology and request a review of the previous biopsy material in the
context of a mass that has increased slightl y in size. The pathologist
An oval, well-circumscribed mass is present in the upper outer confi ms the diagnosis of a fibroadenoma; specifica y, that the histo-
quadrant of the left breast. A metallic clip is present in the mass, logic findings do not suggest the possibility of a p yllodes tumor.
consistent with a prior imaging-guided core biopsy . Metallic clips Annual mammography is recommended for this patient.
are deployed at the time of imaging-guided biopsy procedures BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding
when complete removal of the lesion ma y occur as a result of the In most patients, the diagnosis of a fibroadenoma on core biops
biopsy (e.g., biopsy of a cluster of calcifications or small mas is reliable. In some women, the distinction between fibroadenom
using an 11G vacuum-assisted device). If the lesion is diagnosed as and phyllodes tumor is an issue. In these patients, appropriate man-
a malignancy or high-risk lesion, and it is remo ved in its entirety, agement decisions require placing the imaging findings in th
the clip marks the location of the original lesion so that the tissue proper clinical and pathologic context. Fibroadenomas are common
around the lesion can be localized and e valuated histologically for lesions in younger, premenopausal women. Phyllodes tumors are
residual tumor at the time of the lumpectomy. In reviewing the prior uncommon lesions that occur predominantly in perimenopausal or
biopsy report in this patient, a fibroadenoma is repo ted. The mass postmenopausal women.
is now larger. Fibroadenomas and phyllodes tumors are biphasic (fibroepithe
lial) lesions, arising in the lobules and characterized b y proliferat-
ing epithelial and stromal elements. It is the cellularity of the
What is your recommendation at this point? Because stroma, not the appearance of the epithelial elements, that is used to
the mass is enlarging, is an excisional biopsy distinguish between these lesions. In young women, fibroadenoma
indicated? may be characterized as having a cellular stroma. As estrogen lev-
els decrease with adv ancing age, epithelial elements and stromal
The original diagnosis of a fibroadenoma is con ruent for a well-cir- cellularity in fibroadenomas no mally decrease and h yalinization
cumscribed oval mass seen mammo graphically. In premenopausal (i.e., fibrosis) increases.When fibroadenomas are described as “cel
women, fibroadenomas can enla ge, and a change in size alone does lular,” or when the descriptive term “hypercellular stroma” is used
not constitute an indication for excisional biopsy. It has been reported relative to a fibroadenoma, pa ticularly if it is an older , peri-
that volume growth rates of 16% per month in w omen under the menopausal or postmenopausal patient, a direct discussion with the
age of 50 years, and 13% per month in those over the age of 50 years, pathologist regarding the possibility of phyllodes tumor is helpful.
or up to a 20% mean change in dimension in a 6-month inter val, If the distinction cannot be made reliab ly based on the core sam-
regardless of age, are acceptable, and the patient can be followed. ples, excisional biopsy is recommended.
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Figure 4.15. Screening study, 62-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, left breast.
Figure 4.15. (Continued ) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, left breast, 1 year prior to images shown in (A) and (B). Craniocaudal
(E) and mediolateral (F) views, left breast, 2 years prior to images shown in (A) and (B).
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Figure 4.15. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (G) and antiradial (ARAD) (H), 1 year ago, at the time of (C) and (D).
What do you think? women who present with fibroadenomas. P yllodes tumors com-
monly present as a single, w ell-circumscribed, hard mass; rarel y,
The solid, well-circumscribed mass in the left breast is enlarging. A patients may present with multiple phyllodes tumors in one or both
fibroadenoma was reported on core samples obtained following an breasts. These tumors develop from lobules, and their resemblance
ultrasound-guided biopsy done 1 y ear ago. There is no histor y of to fibroadenomas has led some to suggest that th y arise from pre-
hormone replacement therapy. What do you think? Are the clinical, existing fibroadenomas. Alternatively, some ha ve postulated that
imaging, and histologic findings con ruent? Given the most recent they arise de novo.
mammogram (Fig. 4.15A, B), what is your main concern, and what Histologically, phyllodes tumors are characterized by the presence
would you recommend at this time? of clefts or c ystic spaces lined b y epithelial cells and a cellular
The diagnosis of a fibroadenoma is a con ruent diagnosis for a stroma. The epithelial elements in these lesions are normal and simi-
round, well-circumscribed solid mass, particularly in younger, pre- lar to those seen in fibroadenomas. It is the appearance of the strom
menopausal patients. In such a patient, an increase in the size of a that is used to distinguish ph yllodes tumors from fibroadenomas
fibroadenoma diagnosed with a needle biopsy is not an absolute Attempts have been made to subclassify ph yllodes tumors into
indication for excision unless the change in size is significant. In malignant, benign, and borderline lesions based on their mar gins,
61-year-old woman, however, particularly if she is not on hormone stromal cellularity and o vergrowth, stromal cell atypia, and mitotic
replacement therapy, the diagnosis of a fibroadenoma should b activity. Features that are suggestive of malignancy include the pres-
considered carefully and discussed with the patholo gist directly. ence of infiltrat ve margins, marked stromal cellular o vergrowth,
Fibroadenomas may develop in the earl y postmenopausal period, moderate to mark ed atypia of the stromal cells, and 10 or more
particularly if a patient is started on hormone replacement therapy. mitotic figures per 10 high-p wer fields. eatures of benign tumors
They are not e xpected to de velop and enlar ge years following include expansile margins, moderate stromal cellularity , minimal
menopause in a patient with no histor y of hor mone replacement atypia of the stromal cells, and 0 to 4 mitoses per 10 high-po wer
therapy. The pathologist should be asked specifical y about the pos- fields. A borderline tumor is described w hen a lesion demonstrates
sibility of a ph yllodes tumor. In this postmenopausal patient, the expansile or infiltrat ve margins, moderate atypia of the stromal cells,
original diagnosis should ha ve been challenged and no w, a y ear and 5 to 9 mitoses per 10 high-po wer fields. Rare y, sarcomatous
later, as you review all available studies and note the pro gressive elements including angiosarcoma, liposarcoma, chondrosarcoma,
change in the size of this mass, an excisional biopsy is indicated. myosarcoma, or osteosarcoma are described in the stroma of ph yl-
A benign phyllodes tumor is diagnosed on the excised tissue. lodes tumors.
It is impor tant to emphasize that fibroadenomas in ounger
women are characterized by the presence of epithelial elements and a
What are phyllodes tumors, and how do they present? stroma that may be described as cellular. As patients age, and estro-
gen levels decrease, the epithelial elements and cellularity of the
Phyllodes tumors are rare, representing between 0.3% and 1% of all stroma decrease, and fibrosis and yalinization of the lesion occurs.
breast tumors. They are biphasic (fibroepithelial) tumors, diag The diagnosis of a “cellular” fibroadenoma is accepta le in young
nosed more commonl y in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women (teens and 20s, earl y 30s), but care should be e xercised in
patients. The median age (45 y ears) of patients with ph yllodes accepting the diagnosis of a “cellular” fibroadenoma, or one charac
tumors is appro ximately 15 y ears higher than the median age of terized as having a “hypercellular stroma,” in perimenopausal and
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postmenopausal women. In this latter group of patients, the patholo- recurrence. A hematogenous route of spread is described in patients
gist needs to be asked specifical y about the possibility of a phyllodes with metastatic disease. Consequently, axillary dissections are not
tumor, and if this is a concern, excisional biopsy is appropriate. indicated for patients with ph yllodes tumors. Benign ph yllodes
Local recurrence is the main concern in patients diagnosed with tumors do not usually metastasize, have a lower incidence of local
a phyllodes tumor, but distant metastases and death can occur. Wide recurrence, and the interval to recurrence is longer.
surgical excision is critical in minimizing the lik elihood of local
Figure 4.16. Screening study, 64-year-old woman. Left craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, photographically coned.
How would you describe the findings? Is this congruent with the imaging findings? At this
point, what is your recommendation for this patient
Two masses are present in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. and why?
The more superior and lateral of the lesions is characterized b y
microlobulated and irregular margins. The second mass has par tially The mammographic and histologic findings are con ruent. However,
well circumscribed mar gins. Compared with prior studies (not with a sclerosing lesion, atypical ductal h yperplasia, and dissecting
shown), these findings represent a change. Imaging-guided biopsy i mucin reported in the lesion and stroma, an excisional biopsy is rec-
done of the more superior and lateral of the lesions.A sclerosing lesion ommended. Both masses, seen mammo graphically, are excised fol-
with associated atypical ductal hyperplasia and mucin dissecting in the lowing wire localization (F ig. 4.16C, D). An intraductal papilloma
sclerosing lesion and adjacent stroma is reported on the cores. with apocrine atypical ductal hyperplasia and adjacent mucocele-like
GRBQ187-2820G-C04[377-492].qxd 10/5/06 02:17 AM Page 430 Techbooks (PPG Quark)
tumor were reported for the lesion biopsied previously. An intraduc- the diagnosis of a mucocele-like lesion, or the presence of mucinous
tal papilloma with no atypia is reported for the second excised mass. material dissecting in the stroma on core biopsy samples, should
prompt consideration of an excisional biopsy of the lesion.
Mucocele-like lesions of the breast are made up of multiple c ysts or In screening programs, these lesions are usually diagnosed on core
dilated ducts containing mucinous material that is e xtruded into the biopsies done for indeter minate or suspicious microcalcifications
surrounding stroma. The epithelial cells lining these cysts or ducts are some of the described calcifications are coarse and ggshell-
uniformly flat or cuboidal to columnar in appearance. Although they shaped. Masses with mar gins ranging from w ell circumscribed to
were initially described as benign lesions, there are now reports in the indistinct, with or without associated calcifications, h ve also been
literature of associated atypical ductal h yperplasia, ductal carcinoma reported. On ultrasound, cysts with noncalcified or calcified mur
in situ (DCIS), or invasive carcinoma with some of these lesions. nodules, hypoechoic masses characterized b y low-level internal
The associated DCIS is usuall y micropapillary or cribriform type, echoes, or tubular structures with low-level internal echoes may be
and the invasive lesion is usually mucinous carcinoma. Consequently, seen in these patients.
Figure 4.16. (Continued) Ninety-degree lateral (C) view documenting final wire positioning foll wing an ultrasound-guided wire localization of both
lesions [arrows in (D)] in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast.
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Figure 4.17. Screening study, 42-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique
(B) views.
Figure 4.17. (Continued ) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral ob lique (D) spot compression
views, left breast.
Figure 4.17. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (E) and antiradial (ARAD) (F) projections corresponding to the area of mammo graphic con-
cern, 6 ’clock position, 2 cm from the left nipple.
What do you think based on the ultrasound images, Is this histology concordant with the imaging findings?
and what is your recommendation? What would you recommend next, and why?
On ultrasound, a hypoechoic oval mass is imaged at the 6 o’clock Pleomorphic calcifications with roun , punctate, and amor phous
position, 2 cm from the left nipple, cor responding to the mammo- forms are the most common mammo graphic finding reflecting t
graphic finding. The margins are not w ell defined and there is n presence of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) and ductal carcinoma
posterior acoustic enhancement; although y ou may be tempted to in situ (DCIS). Rarely, ADH and DCIS can present as parench ymal
call this a c yst, it does not fulfill the diagnostic criteria for a yst asymmetry, distortion, or a mass with w ell-circumscribed, often
and therefore further evaluation is indicated. macrolobulated margins that may be further characterized as indis-
tinct and sometimes spiculated. So the diagnosis of ADH in this
patient with a mass is concordant. However, depending on whether a
How would you approach this patient’s evaluation? 14G automated spring-loaded or an 11G v acuum-assisted device is
used for sampling, ADH is upgraded to DCIS or invasive ductal car-
For patients in w hom a c yst is a possibility , I approach their cinoma on excision in as many as 56% and 27% of patients, respec-
interventional procedures in a stepwise manner . The first step tively. Consequently, excisional biopsy is the appropriate manage-
after injecting lidocaine in the skin and e xpected needle course, ment of patients diagnosed with ADH on core biopsy, regardless of
is to attempt an aspiration. If no fluid is obtaine , or a residual the finding (e.g., calcifications, mass, or dist tion).
abnormality is noted follo wing aspiration, I do core biopsies In this patient, an e xcisional biopsy is done follo wing an ultra-
through the mass. In this patient, no fluid is aspirated and atypi sound-guided preoperative wire localization of the mass in the left
cal ductal hyperplasia (ADH), apocrine type, is repor ted on the breast. A 1.1-cm ductal carcinoma in situ, apocrine type, is diag-
core biopsies. nosed in the excised tissue [pTis, pNX, PMX; Stage 0].
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Figure 4.18. Diagnostic evaluation, 72-year-old patient called back for evaluation of calcifications detected in the left breast on her screening mamm gram.
Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) double spot compression magnification vi ws, left breast.
How would you describe the findings? views are obtained after a clip is deplo yed to document the location
of the clip immediately following the biopsy. In this patient, a 14G
A cluster of round, punctate, and amor phous calcifications is con needle in a spring-loaded de vice is used for the biopsy . Complete
fi med on the doub le spot compression magnification vi ws. No removal of the lesion is not expected, so no clip is deployed. Atypical
linear forms, linear orientation, or change in configuration of th ductal hyperplasia with associated microcalcifications arising in
calcifications (i.e., no milk of calcium) is noted on the magnifica background of columnar alteration with prominent apical snouts and
tion views. Fibrocystic changes including h yperplasia, atypical secretions (CAPSS) is reported on the core biopsy.
ductal hyperplasia, columnar alteration with prominent apical
snouts and secretions (CAPSS), and sclerosing adenosis, as well as
fibroadenoma, papilloma, and ductal carcinoma in situ (usuall y What is indicated next?
low- or intermediate-nuclear-grade) are in the dif ferential for this
cluster of calcifications. Biopsy is indicated. A diagnosis of atypical ductal hyperplasia on core biopsy requires
BI-RADS® 4: suspicious abnormality, biopsy should be considered. excisional biopsy. This is done follo wing preoperative wire local-
Stereotactically guided core biopsies are done on this patient. ization of the calcifications in the left breast
Depending on the size of the lesion, the needle used (e.g., 14G, 11G, The calcifications are conf med to be in the specimen (F ig.
8G), the number of cores tak en, and the device used for the biopsy 4.18C). Based on this radiograph, the location of the calcifications i
(e.g., vacuum-assisted or wire bask et), the lesion ma y actually be marked for the pathologist. Residual atypical ductal hyperplasia aris-
completely “excised” during the biopsy . If this is a possibility , a ing in a backg round of columnar alteration with prominent apical
metallic clip needs to be deployed at the time of the biopsy so that the snouts and secretions (CAPSS) with associated microcalcifications i
location of the original lesion is mark ed. If a malignancy or a high- reported on the excised tissue. The pathologist comments that “The
risk lesion is diagnosed, the clip deployed at the time of the imaging- area of CAPSS is par tially involved with a monotonous lo w-grade
guided biopsy can be used to localize the area for e xcision and fur- cell population which is insufficient in extent for a diagnosis of low-
ther histological evaluation. Craniocaudal and 90-de gree lateral grade ductal carcinoma in situ.” Atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH)
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is considered a high-risk marker lesion. Patients with ADH have four distinction between ADH and DCIS can be problematic, particularly
to fi e times increased risk for developing breast cancer compared to given the small amounts of tissue submitted follo wing imaging-
the reference population. This risk is increased further in women with guided needle biopsies. There is a need to increase the number and
ADH and a family history of breast cancer. size (e.g., 14G vs. 11G) of the cores and a need to recommend e xci-
A contiguous layer of epithelial cells and an inter mittent basilar sion if ADH is reported following core biopsies.
layer of myoepithelial cells line the basement membrane of normal The complexity of the situation in managing some patients with
ducts and lobules in the breast. Hyperplasia refers to an increase in these processes is fur ther compounded because, although ef forts
the number of cells (usually epithelial, though in some processes it have been made to define and standardize classification schem
is the myoepithelial cells that are hyperplastic) lining the ducts. In for these processes, the diagnosis of h yperplasia, atypical ductal
usual hyperplasia, the number of epithelial cells lining the ducts is hyperplasia, and low-nuclear-grade DCIS remains subjective. Also,
increased and secondary spaces in the ducts are irregular in size and as described in this patient, some of the criteria for DCIS ma y be
shape and commonly elongated or slitlike. In atypical ductal hyper- present, but the changes are insufficient to qualify for the diagnosis.
plasia, the number of cells lining the ducts is increased , and sec- A study by Rosai in 1991 reported that there was no agreement on
ondary spaces of varying sizes and shapes, though somewhat more a diagnosis in 17 borderline cases submitted for review to fi e lead-
rigid and fi ed than those seen in usual h yperplasia, are present in ing breast pathologists, and the diagnoses rendered in some of the
the duct. These proliferative changes in the duct can pro gress to cases ranged from hyperplasia to DCIS.
ductal carcinoma in situ (usually low- or inter mediate-nuclear- This spectrum of disease should be contrasted with DCIS that is
grade), characterized by a monomorphic cell population and rigid characterized by rapid cell proliferation (high th ymidine labeling)
secondary spaces in the duct. Descriptive terms used for these types and central necrosis. These lesions are thought to arise de no vo in
of DCIS include cribriform, micropapillary, and solid. This spec- the duct, without antecedent h yperplasia or atypical h yperplasia.
trum of cellular changes in the duct is not typically associated with Although these are usually high-nuclear-grade cells, some may be
rapid cell proliferation or central necrosis. The calcifications tha intermediate- or low-nuclear-grade. The cells lining these ducts are
develop in association with these proliferati ve processes develop in pleomorphic, do not demonstrate polarization relati ve to the duct
secretions (not in necrotic debris). The resulting calcifications ar lumen, and have multiple nucleoli. Mitotic figures, cell necrosis
typically variable in density (possib ly reflecting the ariably sized and autophagocytosis may be seen in volving the cells lining the
spaces in w hich they develop) and pleomor phic, including round, ducts. In these patients, the malignant cells circumferentiall y nar-
punctate, and in some patients amor phous (tiny calcifications bel w row the duct lumen and there is necrotic debris in the center of the
the resolution obtainable with magnification vi ws in a patient). duct. The calcifications seen mamm graphically develop in
These processes involve the duct in a multifocal manner so that in necrotic debris and consequently are closely apposed to the malig-
some patients you can have hyperplasia next to DCIS, next to another nant cells (i.e., the calcifications are molded y the proliferating
area of hyperplasia, next to ADH, etc. Several studies have reported cells). In targeting this type of proliferative process, when you tar-
the presence of ADH in a peripheral location to areas of DCIS. In get the calcifications ou target the malignant cells. The number
some patients, the proliferative changes have no associated calcifica and size of the cores is not as critical in these patients. If y ou
tions. In other patients, the proliferative changes have associated cal- remove calcifications in our cores, you are likely to have made the
cifications but these are not necessaril y closely associated with the diagnosis of DCIS.
malignant cells. Consequently, when you target these calcification
you may or may not be targeting the malignant cells. Additionally, the
Figure 4.18. (Continued) Specimen radiograph (C) of excised tissue.
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Figure 4.19. Screening study, 69-year-old woman. Right craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
Figure 4.19. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D), double spot compression magnifica
tion views, right breast.
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The double spot compression magnification vi ws confi m the thymidine labeling rates, central necrosis in the duct, and a shor t
presence of linear calcifications demonstrating a linear orientation intraductal phase. These types of lesions are all thought to progress
The margins of these calcifications are i regular and there are asso- to invasive disease (i.e., obligate invaders), giving rise to poorly dif-
ciated clefts in the calcifications. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS ferentiated invasive ductal carcinomas. Low-nuclear-grade DCIS is
with associated central necrosis (usually high-nuclear-grade) is the not thought to evolve (i.e., is not a precursor) to high-nuclear-grade
primary consideration with calcifications h ving these features. DCIS.
Biopsy is indicated. Pleomorphic calcifications are the most common mammo
graphic finding associated with DCIS. Depending on the under y-
ing process in the duct, the calcifications h ve a variable appear-
What is your recommendation? ance. In the first roup of proliferative processes, the calcification
have been described as developing in secretions. Although they are
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality, biopsy should be pleomorphic and demonstrate variation in density, they are usually
considered. round, punctate, or amor phous. Multiple clusters ma y be seen.
An invasive mammary carcinoma with predominantl y lobular These calcifications m y be associated with h yperplasia, atypical
features and ductal carcinoma in situ, high-nuclear-grade, with cen- ductal hyperplasia, and DCIS (usually a low- or intermediate-grade
tral necrosis is diagnosed on the core samples. A 1.2-cm, grade III, DCIS). It is also important to recognize that these processes may be
invasive ductal carcinoma with associated high-nuclear-grade duc- present in the breast without any associated calcifications.With this
tal carcinoma in situ with central necrosis is diagnosed on the type of proliferative process, we underestimate the extent of disease
lumpectomy specimen. The sentinel l ymph node is ne gative for in nearly 50% of patients. When doing biopsies of this type of cal-
metastatic disease [pT1c, pN0, pMX; Stage I]. cification, it is impor tant to assure adequate sampling b y either
Ductal carcinoma in situ used to be considered a “rare” disease, increasing the number and size of the cores or e ven considering
with only scattered descriptions in the literature re garding its his- excisional biopsy in some patients. Remo ving some of the calcifi
tologic appearance and biologic significance. With the widespread cations in these patients does not assure a cor rect diagnosis, as
use of screening mammo graphy, and our ability to detect and reflected by the high percentage of ADH that is upgraded to DCIS
biopsy microcalcifications, DCIS no w constitutes a signif icant or invasive cancer w hen ADH is e xcised following diagnosis on
proportion of the breast cancer that is diagnosed and treated. core biopsy.
Driven by mammographic findings, our kn wledge and under- When there is central necrosis in the duct reflecting rapid y prolif-
standing of this disease process has been significant y advanced in erating cells, the calcifications are often linear and m y demonstrate
the last two decades. It is now recognized that DCIS is not one dis- a linear orientation. In this type of proliferative process, the calcifica
ease but se veral diseases characterized b y clinical, mammo- tions are intimately associated with the malignant cells; the calcifica
graphic, and biologic heterogeneity. Based on histolo gy, biologic tions are being molded b y the proliferating cells and de velop in the
markers, and associated invasive lesions, we can consider at least necrotic debris. Targeting the calcification in essence ta gets the
two main paths of origins. One g roup of DCIS arises or e volves malignant cells. If calcifications are rem ved in one or two cores, you
through proliferative changes in the duct that include hyperplasia, are likely to have made the diagnosis. Complete workups with opti-
atypical ductal h yperplasia, and ductal carcinoma in situ. These mal magnification vi ws are helpful in these patients, because mam-
proliferative lesions coe xist and are multifocal in the in volved mography is good at estimating the e xtent of the disease. Disease is
duct. They are characterized b y low rates of proliferation, long found where we see the calcifications. In patients with lesions occu
intraductal phases, and not all of the DCIS arising through this pying several centimeters, the use of multiple wires for the preopera-
pathway is thought to progress to invasion. In some patients, these tive localization f acilitates complete remo val of the lesion.
are thought to be precursors for lo w- or intermediate-grade inva- Aggressive pursuit of these types of calcifications is critical becaus
sive ductal carcinomas. of the short intraductal phase of the disease and the almost cer tain,
In contrast, a second group of DCIS develops in the duct without and in some patients rapid , development of invasive disease (often
progressing through h yperplasia and atypical h yperplasia. This poorly differentiated).
type of DCIS is characterized b y rapid cell proliferation with high
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Figure 4.20. Diagnostic evaluation, 51-year-old patient called back for calcifications detected in he
right breast on the screening study. Double spot compression magnification vi ws, craniocaudal (A) and
mediolateral oblique (B) projections.
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How would you describe the findings? monomorphic cell population, and fewer than half of the acini in the
lobular unit are expanded and distorted by the proliferating cells. In
The magnification vi ws confi m the presence of two adjacent clus- LCIS, the acini are filled with a monomo phic cell population and at
ters of calcifications. The calcifications composing the cluster least half of the acini are distended and distorted by the proliferating
demonstrate pleomorphism and variable density; however, there are cells. In some patients the distinction between LCIS and ductal car-
no linear forms and there is no linear orientation. The calcification cinoma in situ (DCIS) ma y be dif ficult for the patholo gist.
do not change significant y in configuration bet een the craniocau- Immunohistochemical staining for E-cadherin, a cell adhesion mol-
dal and oblique projections (i.e., these do not reflect milk of cal ecule, is used in some patients to distinguish lobular lesions that do
cium). Although there are w ell-defined round and o val calcifica not stain from ductal lesions that do stain for E-cadherin.
tions, some of these would fall under the “amorphous” terminology Lobular neoplasia is an uncommon diagnosis, repor ted in 0.5%
currently provided by the ACR lexicon. It is important to recognize to 3.8% of benign breast biopsies. It is diagnosed predominantly in
that these are not reall y amorphous but rather tight clustering of premenopausal women and is characterized as a multicentric and
punctate calcifications that all below the resolution of the magnifi bilateral process. Although there are now reported cases of calcifi
cation we can obtain when imaging a patient. If these are magnifie cations identified in foci of lobular neoplasia, this is the xception.
three or four times, as can be done with a specimen, some of the In most patients, lobular neoplasia is an incidental finding i
seemingly amorphous calcifications can be resol ed into individual, biopsies done for palpab le or mammo graphic findings. Women
tightly clustered punctate calcifications. ibrocystic changes includ- with lobular neoplasia are at increased risk for developing invasive
ing hyperplasia, atypical ductal h yperplasia, columnar alteration ductal or lobular carcinoma within the first 10 to 15 ears following
with prominent apical snouts and secretions (CAPSS), and scleros- the diagnosis. The increased risk reportedly applies to both breasts,
ing adenosis, as well as fibroadenoma, papilloma, and ductal carci though more recently there has been a repor t suggesting that the
noma in situ (usuall y low- or inter mediate-nuclear grade, with no risk is higher in the breast diagnosed with the lobular neoplasia.
central necrosis) are in the differential for these clusters of calcifica It is postulated that lobular neoplasia re gresses following
tions. A biopsy is indicated. menopause and that these processes are mark er lesions for
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnormality, biopsy should increased risk of subsequently developing breast cancer. However,
be considered. unlike DCIS, which is thought to pro gress to invasive disease in
A stereotactically guided core biopsy is done, and fibro ystic some women, the traditional teaching has been that lobular neopla-
changes including sclerosing adenosis, CAPSS with associated sia is not precancerous. It is interesting to note, ho wever, that in
atypia, and atypical lobular h yperplasia are repor ted on the core close to 50% of postmenopausal w omen diagnosed with in vasive
samples. In discussing the findings direct y with the pathologist, he lobular carcinoma, prominent lobular neoplasia is diagnosed in
confi ms that the calcifications are found in sclerosing adenosis an association with the in vasive lesion. This seems to challenge the
CAPSS; the atypical lobular neoplasia is noted incidentally in sur- notion that this is not a precancerous lesion and that it re gresses in
rounding breast tissue, with no associated calcifications all patients. Alternatively, it may be that this lesion recurs in some
The management of patients with lobular neoplasia diagnosed
At this point, what do you recommend for this patient? incidentally on core biopsy is e volving and remains controversial.
Unfortunately, available studies at this time are limited by the rela-
Given the presence of CAPSS with associated atypia, and inciden- tively low number of patients repor ted and the potential bias b uilt
tally identified atypical lo ular neoplasia, excisional biopsy is rec- into the retrospective nature of the studies. In the past, e xcisional
ommended for this patient. No malignancy is identified on the xci- biopsy was not usually recommended for most of these patients.
sional biopsy, and the patient is returned to annual screening. More recently, some investigators have suggested that e xcision is
Lobular neoplasia is a term used to describe a spectrum of prolif- required if there is an o verlap in the histolo gic features between
erative changes in the acini of lobules that ranges from atypical lob- LCIS and DCIS, if the histolo gic and imaging findings are discor
ular hyperplasia (ALH) to lob ular carcinoma in situ (LCIS). dant (e.g., if lobular neoplasia is all that is repor ted histologically,
Continuous with that of the ducts, a tw o-cell layer above the base- this may be an inadequate e xplanation for the findings promptin
ment membrane normally lines the acini in a lobule. A contiguous the biopsy), or in those patients in w hom the lobular neoplasia
epithelial cell la yer and a basilar , intermittent myoepithelial cell coexists with another high-risk lesion. Alternatively, a g rowing
layer. Hyperplasia, defined as an increase in the number of cells, i number of authors suggest that e xcision should be the recommen-
present when there are three or more cells above the basement mem- dation for this small g roup of patients because available reports in
brane. In both ALH and LCIS, a monomorphic cell population fills the literature describe malignanc y in 0% to 50% of patients in
distends, and distorts the acini in the lobular unit. In ALH, filling o whom excision is recommended following a core biopsy with inci-
the acini is incomplete, other cell types may be intermixed with the dentally noted lobular neoplasia.
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Figure 4.21. Screening study, 76-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 4.21. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) views, right breast.
Figure 4.21. (Continued) Craniocaudal (E) and mediolateral oblique (F) spot compression views, right breast.
curvilinear spicules, and better visualization in one of the two pro- Based on imaging and clinical features, the likelihood of a complex
jections, commonly the craniocaudal view. Round and punctate cal- sclerosing lesion can be predicted in a high percentage of patients. In
cifications may be seen in as many as 30% to 40% of lesions.These patients in whom I consider the lik elihood of a comple x sclerosing
lesions are not related to a prior biopsy and, although they are occa- lesion to be high, I recommend an e xcisional biopsy and for go the
sionally palpable, most have no associated clinical finding (unli e imaging-guided biopsy. For those patients in w hom a complex scle-
what would be expected for an invasive ductal carcinoma of com- rosing lesion is in the differential but the imaging and clinical finding
parable size). On ultrasound, normal tissue or a subtle area of dis- are not diagnostic, I do an imaging-guided biopsy; if a complex scle-
tortion with some shadowing that is not necessaril y confi med on rosing is reported on the cores, I recommend excisional biopsy.
the orthogonal image may be noted.
Figure 4.22. First screening study, 39-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 4.22. (Continued) Mediolateral oblique (C), anterior compression views obtained as part of her screening study.
Figure 4.22. (Continued) Multiple spot compression (D–G) views of the findings in the left breast
2-mm locules of fat (i.e., no significant central density), long cu vi- neoplasia, ductal carcinoma in situ (usuall y low- or intermediate-
linear spicules, and better visualization in one of the two projections, grade), or tubular carcinoma is repor ted being associated with the
commonly the craniocaudal view. Round and punctate calcification lesion. For patients in whom a complex sclerosing lesion is in the
may be seen in as many as 30% to 40% of lesions. These lesions are differential, but the imaging and clinical findings are not diagnos
idiopathic and are not related to a prior biopsy or trauma. Unlike the tic, I do an imaging-guided biopsy; if a comple x sclerosing is
palpable findings one ould expect to find for a compara ly sized reported, I recommend excisional biopsy.
invasive ductal carcinoma, complex sclerosing lesions are usually not Alternatively, some recommend doing imaging-guided core
palpable. On ultrasound, normal tissue or a subtle area of distor tion biopsies on all of these lesions. If the lesion is a breast cancer , the
with some shadowing that is not necessarily confi med on the orthog- patient can then ha ve definit ve surgery. If a comple x sclerosing
onal image may be noted. lesion is diagnosed on the cores, some recommend e xcisional
For patients in whom, based on imaging and clinical findings, biopsy. Others have suggested that if the complex sclerosing lesion
suspect a complex sclerosing lesion, I recommend excision so that is not associated with ADH, the biopsy includes at least 12 speci-
the lesion can be evaluated in its entirety. In nearly 33% of patients mens, and the mammographic findings are reconciled with the his
with complex sclerosing lesions, atypical ductal hyperplasia, lobular tologic findings, no xcision is required.
Figure 4.22. (Continued) Ultrasound image (H), radial projection of the mass in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. Specimen radiograph (I), con-
fi ming excision of mass and adjacent area of distortion. Specimen radiograph (J), photographically coned to area of distortion.
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Figure 4.23. Screening study, 77-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral (B)
oblique views.
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Figure 4.23. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and mediolateral oblique (D) spot compression magnification vi ws, right breast. When positioning for the addi-
tional views, the technologist notes nipple discharge.
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Figure 4.23. (Continued) Ultrasound images in the subareolar area (E–G) and at the 2 o’clock position, 4 cm from the right nipple (H). Ultrasound image
(I) demonstrating the round solid mass with associated spicular echoes consistent with the calcifications seen mamm graphically (thin arrow) and a second
adjacent, irregular solid mass (thick arrow) at the 2 o’clock position, 4 cm from the right nipple. Specimen radiograph (J) demonstrating multiple masses, one
of which has associated calcifications in the specimen.The preoperative wire localization is done using ultrasound guidance. Two wires are used to bracket the
location of the intraductal lesions (seen on ultrasound) and the more peripheral cluster of masses seen mammographically.
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Figure 4.24. Diagnostic evaluation, 71-year-old woman called back for evaluation of calcifi
cations in the left breast detected on her screening study . Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral
oblique (B) spot compression magnification vi ws.
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What would you recommend? on the specimen; and lastly, the location of the e xcised lesion in the
specimen is mark ed for the patholo gist to assure that the e xcised
A cluster of pleomor phic calcifications with roun , punctate, and lesion is evaluated histologically.
amorphous forms is confi med on the magnification vi ws. No def- For this patient, atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) is reported
inite linear for ms are present, and there is no linear orientation. histologically on the excised tissue. No further intervention is rec-
Fibrocystic changes including h yperplasia, atypical ductal h yper- ommended; however, a mammogram of this breast in 6 months is
plasia, columnar alteration with prominent apical snouts and secre- requested, to estab lish a ne w baseline for this patient. Our
tions (CAPSS), and sclerosing adenosis, as w ell as fibroadenoma approach to patients diagnosed with a high-risk mark er lesion
papilloma, and ductal carcinoma in situ (usually low- or intermedi- (e.g., ADH, lobular carcinoma in situ, atypical lob ular hyperpla-
ate-nuclear-grade, with no central necrosis) are in the dif ferential sia, papilloma with atypia, multiple peripheral papillomas, com-
for this cluster of calcifications. A stereotactically guided needle plex sclerosing lesions, CAPSS with atypia, and mucocele-lik e
biopsy is recommended; however, the patient is short of breath and lesions) is to obtain a mammo gram following the e xcisional
unable to lie prone. Excisional biopsy is scheduled follo wing wire biopsy so as to document post biopsy changes as they peak during
localization of the cluster of calcifications the first 6 months foll wing the biopsy. After the first 6 months
The specimen radio graph is obtained for se veral reasons. postbiopsy changes stabilize or slowly resolve. By evaluating the
Confi mation that the localized lesion is e xcised is the primar y rea- patient 6 months following the surgery, it is unlikely that a spicu-
son, and although the specimen is a tw o-dimensional representation lated mass at the biopsy site represents interval development of an
of a three-dimensional str ucture, if the localized abnor mality is in invasive lesion. Most impor tant, we avoid finding oursel es with
close proximity to the mar gins, it is equall y important that this is a spiculated mass at the biopsy site (of a high-risk lesion) 2 years
communicated to the surgeon. In evaluating the specimen, you also or more after the surgery, and not knowing if this is postoperative
want to make sure that the localization wire has been remo ved with change that is regressing or the development of a more significan
the specimen. Rarely, additional unsuspected lesions may be detected lesion.
Figure 4.25. Diagnostic evaluation, 61-year-old woman called back for e valuation of calcification
detected in the right breast on her screening mammo gram. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B)
double spot compression magnification vi ws, right breast.
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How would you define these findings? necrosis). The management of patients with this calcification type
particularly when diffusely involving the breast parenchyma bilat-
An area of amorphous calcifications is demonstrated on the magni erally, can be a challenge. In w omen with focal findings, pa ticu-
fication views. Differential considerations include fibro ystic larly if the calcifications represent a change compared with prio
changes, hyperplasia, atypical ductal h yperplasia, sclerosing studies or they are in an unusual location (e.g., inner quadrants as
adenosis, columnar alteration with prominent apical snouts and opposed to the upper outer quadrant of the in volved breast), I rec-
secretions (CAPSS), fibroadenoma, papilloma, and ductal carci ommend a stereotactically guided biopsy. Patients with more dif-
noma in situ (usually low-nuclear-grade with no central necrosis). fuse and bilateral findings pose more of a management issue
BI-RADS® category 4: suspicious abnor mality, biopsy should
be considered.
Following preoperative wire localizations, the specimen is Do you sample or not? If you sample, how do you
placed in a container that allo ws for compression of the specimen decide where? If you sample and the pathology is
with an alphanumeric grid. Although we apply compression on the benign, can you be sure it is representative of all the
specimen, we try to minimize the amount of compression because calcifications?
recent reports in the literature suggest that vigorous specimen com-
pression may result in “false positive” histologic interpretations of My approach to patients with bilateral, dif fusely scattered amor-
tumor extending to the margins. The specimen radiograph is done phous calcifications is annual foll w-up with magnification vi ws;
using magnification technique on a mamm graphic unit, or a dedi- I recommend biopsy when changes in the calcifications or the sur
cated specimen radio graphy unit. The use of an alphanumeric rounding tissue are perceived on follow-up studies.
enables us to place a pin through the center of the lesion, or four Sclerosing adenosis is a component of fibro ystic change most
pins can be used to delineate the mar gins of larger lesions for the commonly seen in the perimenopausal period. It is a lobulocentric
pathologist. This assures that the area of mammographic concern is lesion characterized by disordered proliferation of epithelial, myoep-
fully evaluated histologically. Extensive sclerosing adenosis with ithelial, and stromal elements. This process is characterized b y an
associated calcifications is repo ted histologically. increased number of acini that are compressed and obliterated by the
proliferating intralobular stroma predominantly in the center of lob-
ules. More cystically dilated acini are seen at the peripher y of the
Are the imaging and histologic findings congruent?
involved lobules. Sclerosing adenosis is also characterized by hyper-
What do you recommend for this patient? plasia of the myoepithelial cells. It can occur as an isolated lesion or
as a component of complex sclerosing lesions, papillomas, fibroade
Yes, the imaging and histologic findings are con ruent. The excised
nomas (e.g., complex fibroadenomas), and i vasive or in situ cancers.
calcifications are identified as being associated with sclerosin
The imaging features of sclerosing adenosis are v ariable.
adenosis, and no atypia or other high-risk lesion (e.g., comple x
Sclerosing adenosis ma y present as a palpab le or screen-detected
sclerosing lesion or papilloma) is described by the pathologist. The
mass, the margins of which may range from w ell circumscribed to
patient is asked to return in 1 year.
indistinct to spiculated; it ma y also present as distor tion or focal
Calcifications with this appearance typicall y occur in w omen
parenchymal asymmetry, and associated calcifications m y be pres-
with dense glandular tissue and ma y demonstrate a focal but
ent. Alternatively, sclerosing adenosis may present with calcification
loosely clustered distribution, as in this patient, or the calcification
and no associated mass. One of three patterns may be seen relative to
may be diffusely scattered bilaterally. The differential to consider
calcifications developing in areas of sclerosing adenosis: a tight clus-
includes sclerosing adenosis, columnar alteration with prominent
ter of round and punctate, w ell-defined calcifications; loose y clus-
apical snouts and secretions (CAPSS), hyperplasia, atypical ductal
tered amorphous calcifications; or bilateral, di fusely distributed
hyperplasia, fibroadenoma, papilloma, and ductal carcinoma in sit
amorphous calcifications in the setting of dense glandular tissue
(commonly low- or intermediate-grade with no associated central
Figure 4.26. Screening study, 53-year-old woman. Right craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
images (Fig. 4.26J, K), obtained 42 months follo wing completion including a change in the size of the breast, increased density of
of treatment. A simple mastectomy with axillary dissection is done. the parenchyma, prominence of the trabecular markings, and skin
A 3-cm in vasive ductal carcinoma with associated high-nuclear - thickening.
grade DCIS and lymphovascular space involvement is reported his- Reported recurrence rates range from 5% to 19% in the first 5 t
tologically. No metastatic disease is identified in t o excised sen- 12 years following lumpectomy with radiation therapy, and from 4%
tinel lymph nodes [pT2, pN0(sn) (i), pMX; Stage II]. to 14% following mastectomy. Risk factors linked to recurrence fol-
Local recurrence (i.e., ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence, IBTR) lowing lumpectomy with radiation therapy include young age at the
following breast-conserving therapy or mastectomy is defined a time of presentation, e xtensive intraductal component, multifocal
the development of cancer in remaining ipsilateral breast tissue or disease, lymphovascular space involvement, large tumor size, high
skin or on the ipsilateral chest w all or skin, respectively. Regional histologic grade, tumor necrosis, and positive margins at the time of
recurrence is defined as the d velopment of cancer in remaining the original resection. Most recur rences occur at or near the site of
ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes, supraclavicular, infraclavicular, or the original tumor within the first 5 ears following treatment.
internal mammary lymph nodes. Postlumpectomy changes are v ariable but may include areas of
Follow-up protocols for patients after lumpectomy and radiation increased density, distortion, and spiculation at the site of the
therapy are variable. Some facilities follow patients with a history lumpectomy, often associated with skin thick ening and distortion.
of conservatively treated breast cancer at 6-month inter vals for 3, These changes are usually most prominent within the first ear fol-
5, or 7 years, and the contralateral breast at yearly intervals. Other lowing the surgery and then stabilize or pro gressively resolve. In
facilities obtain annual mammograms bilaterally on these patients. some patients, oil c yst formation and the de velopment of dys-
We recommend annual diagnostic mammo graphy for these trophic calcifications m y be seen at the lumpectom y site as the
patients and obtain routine craniocaudal and mediolateral ob lique area of density and distor tion decreases. Some patients de velop
views bilaterally as well as a spot magnification tangential vi w of postoperative fluid collections; these m y also stabilize or progres-
the lumpectomy site for the first 7 ears following the sur gery, sively decrease in size, sometimes resolving completely without the
after which we return the patient to screening. The development of need for any intervention. Radiation therapy changes more com-
new pleomorphic calcifications, a mass, or increasing density an monly involve the entire breast and include increased density and
distortion at or close to the lumpectom y site are mammo graphic prominence of the trabecular markings as well as diffuse skin thick-
findings that may be associated with a recurrence. Less commonly, ening. Radiation therapy changes typically resolve within the first
recurrences may be characterized b y diffuse breast changes, years following completion of the therapy.
Figure 4.26. (Continued) Spot compression magnification craniocaudal vi w (C), right breast.
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Figure 4.26. (Continued) Right craniocaudal (D, F, H, J) and mediolateral oblique (E, G, I, K) views, at 6, 18, 30, and 42 months follo wing comple-
tion of the initial treatment. Linear metallic marker seen on some of the images is used to indicate the site of the lumpectomy scar.
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Figure 4.26. (Continued) Right craniocaudal (D, F, H, J) and mediolateral oblique (E, G, I, K) views, at 6, 18, 30, and 42 months follo wing comple-
tion of the initial treatment. Linear metallic marker seen on some of the images is used to indicate the site of the lumpectomy scar.
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Figure 4.26. (Continued) Right craniocaudal (D, F, H, J) and mediolateral oblique (E, G, I, K) views, at 6, 18, 30, and 42 months following completion
of the initial treatment. Linear metallic marker seen on some of the images is used to indicate the site of the lumpectomy scar.
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Figure 4.26. (Continued) Right craniocaudal (D, F, H, J) and mediolateral oblique (E, G, I, K) views, at 6, 18, 30, and 42 months follo wing comple-
tion of the initial treatment. Linear metallic marker seen on some of the images is used to indicate the site of the lumpectomy scar.
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Figure 4.26. (Continued) Right craniocaudal (L) and mediolateral oblique (M) views, 11 months following the films sh wn in (J) and (K).
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Figure 4.26. The patient now describes a “lump” at the lumpectomy site. Spot compression magnification cran
iocaudal view (N), right breast.
Figure 4.26. (Continued) The patient now describes a “lump” at the lumpectom y site. Spot compression magnification craniocaudal vi w (N), right
breast. Ultrasound images, transverse (TRV) (O) and longitudinal (LON) (P) projections of the mass in the right breast at the 1 o’clock position, 8 cm from
the nipple.
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Figure 4.27. Diagnostic evaluation, 56-year-old patient presenting with a “lump” in the left
breast. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views.
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Figure 4.27. (Continued) Exaggerated craniocaudal (C) spot compression view of palpable finding, left breast. Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (D)
and antiradial (ARAD) (E) projections of palpable mass at the 2 o’clock position, posteriorly (Z3) in the left breast.
Figure 4.27. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (F) and antiradial (ARAD) (G) projections, left axilla.
Figure 4.27. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (H) and antira-
dial (ARAD) (I) projections, of the mass at the 2 o’clock position, posteriorl y
J (Z3) in the left breast. Ultrasound image (J) documenting needle positioning in
the center of the mass prior to deployment of the clip.
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Figure 4.27. (Continued) Craniocaudal (K) and 90-degree lateral (L) views of the left breast, photographically coned, documenting clip location.
Clips to mark the location of a lesion are deployed at the time of of the biopsy and treatment choice is not al ways known), the clip
imaging-guided biopsies when a lesion (e.g. a cluster of calcifica can be deployed during the therapy in those patients in w hom the
tions or a small mass being biopsied with an 11G vacuum-assisted original lesion is responding and ma y resolve completely prior to
device), which may be malignant, might be removed in its entirety the surgery.
as a result of the biopsy. In these patients, if a malignancy is diag- Following completion of her neoadjuv ant therapy, the patient
nosed and the original lesion has been remo ved completely, the undergoes a lumpectomy and full axillar y dissection. A 2-cm area
clip deployed at the time of imaging-guided biopsy marks the site of fibrosis, consistent with tumor r gression, is described at the site
of the lesion. At the time of the lumpectom y, the clip is localized of the clip. No residual tumor is identified. No metastatic disease i
so that the tissue sur rounding the original lesion can be e valuated identified in 11 excised axillary lymph nodes. Several of the lymph
histologically for residual disease. Similarl y, if it is kno wn that a nodes demonstrate areas of fibrosis consistent with tumor r gres-
patient will undergo neoadjuvant therapy, and because the lesion sion [ypTX, ypN0, ypMX]. As in this patient, approximately 15%
may resolve as a result of the therapy, a clip can be deployed in the to 20% of patients w ho undergo neoadjuvant therapy demonstrate
lesion at the time of the biopsy . If the lesion responds to therap y, complete response with no residual tumor identified histol gically
the clip is localized preoperati vely in those patients under going at the time of their surgical procedure. Reportedly, the subgroup of
lumpectomy so that the tissue at the site of the treated lesion can be patients with a complete pathologic response has higher relapse-free
evaluated histologically for residual disease. Alternatively, as in survival and o verall survival rates compared with patients with
this patient (because histology is not always predictable at the time residual disease at the time.
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Figure 4.27. (Continued) Diagnostic evaluation, patient presents describing a “lump” at the lumpectomy site, 6 months following neoadjuvant therapy and,
more recently, lumpectomy and radiation therapy. Craniocaudal (M) and mediolateral oblique (N) views, left breast.
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Figure 4.28. Diagnostic evaluation, 8-year-old girl with a mass in the left subareolar area. Ultrasound image (A) of left subareolar area. Ultrasound
image (B) of the right subareolar area for comparison.
How would you describe the findings, and what would Depending on history and clinical findings, an inflammat y process,
you recommend next? posttraumatic/postsurgical fluid collection, and a galactocele migh
also be in the differential. Malignant considerations include invasive
On the routine views, a mass with obscured margins is imaged corre- ductal carcinoma not otherwise specifie , medullary carcinoma, or
sponding to the palpab le finding. On the spot tangential vi w, the metastatic disease. Although they are less lik ely given the patient’s
margins of the mass are par tially well circumscribed, indistinct and age, mucinous and papillar y carcinomas are also in the dif ferential.
obscured. Differential considerations include c yst, fibroadenom Correlative physical examination and an ultrasound are indicated for
(complex fibroadenoma, tubular adenoma), p yllodes tumor, papil- further characterization.
loma, pseudoangiomatous stromal h yperplasia, and focal fibrosis
Figure 4.29. (Continued) Ultrasound images, radial (RAD) (D) and antiradial (ARAD) (E) projections of palpable finding, right breast
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What is the diagnosis, and what would you there is no residual abnor mality postaspiration. Also, in some
recommend? patients, the needle ma y need to be redirected (i.e., the tip of the
needle is against the cyst wall) during the aspiration, to be sure that
On physical examination, there is a hard tender mass palpated at the all the fluid is aspirated. At this point, if I am doing a pneumoc ys-
12 o’clock position, 2 cm from the right nipple. On ultrasound, this togram, I stabilize the needle and replace the fluid-filled syrin
is an anechoic mass with posterior acoustic enhancement consistent with one holding air (half of the volume of the aspirated fluid), an
with a c yst. There is some ir regularity of a por tion of the w all. I then inject the air into the c yst (Fig. 4.29H). The air is imaged as
Following discussion with the patient, an aspiration is under taken, an echogenic line (Fig. 4.29I, arrows).
primarily for symptomatic relief. A pneumocystogram is also In this patient, 4 mL of serous fluid is aspirated and no residua
planned for further evaluation. abnormality is seen follo wing the aspiration. F or the pneumocys-
After establishing an approach that allo ws me to adv ance the togram, half of the v olume of fluid aspirated is replaced with ai
needle parallel to the transducer, I clean the skin and use lidocaine (Fig. 4.29H, I) and spot compression magnification vi ws of the
to anesthetize the skin. Then, using ultrasound guidance, I inject aspirated cyst are obtained (Fig. 4.29J, K). Possible wall irregular-
lidocaine in the tissue leading up to, but taking care to not go into, ity and thickening or intracystic lesions can be further evaluated on
the lesion. I use ultrasound guidance for administering the anesthe- the pneumocystogram. In this patient, the wall of the cyst is smooth
sia and for doing the aspiration, even in patients in whom the mass and well defined. No intra ystic lesion or wall abnormality is iden-
is palpable. Commonly, the advancing needle displaces the mass, or tified. Annual screening mammography is recommended.
indents the wall, but does not penetrate into the mass (I think this BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding
explains many of the patients w ho present for evaluation of a pal- Following cyst aspiration, I routinely inject air into the cyst cav-
pable mass following attempted aspirations that yielded no flui ity. Some have suggested that air injection following aspiration can
and yet we find a yst corresponding to the palpab le finding). B reduce the incidence of c yst recurrence. The air does not hur t the
visualizing the trajectory of the advancing needle, I can gauge the patient, and if it is helpful in minimizing the lik elihood of a recur-
amount of compression I need to appl y to effectively immobilize rence, it can be beneficial. or patients for w hom I am concer ned
the mass and the amount of controlled pressure I need appl y with about the presence of a mural or intracystic abnormality, spot com-
the needle so that the cyst wall is punctured. With the needle in the pression magnification vi ws of the c yst are done follo wing the
cyst, I pull the stylet out of the 20G spinal needle, attach a 10-mL injection of air (i.e., a pneumoc ystogram), to fur ther evaluate the
syringe, and aspirate. I watch on real time as I aspirate, to be sure wall of the cyst.
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Figure 4.29. (Continued) Ultrasound images of aspiration. Preaspiration image, documenting needle positioning in the c yst (F), postaspiration image
demonstrating no residual abnormality (G) surrounding the needle, and image obtained following the injection of air (H). Ultrasound image following air
injection (I). Air is seen as an echogenic line (arrows).
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Figure 4.30. Diagnostic evaluation, 55-year-old patient called back for evaluation of a cluster of calci-
fications in the left breast detected on her screening mammogram. Double spot compression magnificatio
view (A), craniocaudal projection.
Figure 4.30. (Continued) Ultrasound images (B, C) done in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast at the expected location of the calcifications
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What do you think? are done through this area, and core radio graphs are obtained. If
calcifications are confi med on the cores, nothing fur ther is done
Multiple spicular echoes (lar ge arrows, Fig. 4.30D, E) some with (remember that with this type of calcification, rem ving calcifica
associated shadowing (Fig. 4.30D, small arrows) are imaged at the tions targets the malignant cells directl y). If no calcifications ar
expected location of the calcifications seen mamm graphically in seen, additional cores are obtained.
the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. Three 14G core samples
Figure 4.30. (Continued) Ultrasound images (D, E) demonstrating echogenic foci (large arrows) in the
tissue consistent with the presence of calcifications. Shad wing (small ar rows) can be seen associated
with some of the echogenic foci.
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Figure 4.31. Screening mammogram, 73-year-old woman. Craniocaudal (A) and mediolateral oblique (B) views, left breast, photographically coned to
an area of calcifications
the patient’s jacket, prior studies provide an explanation for the cal-
What do you think? Are magnification views indicated?
cifications. Vascular calcifications are also present
These are dense, coarse calcifications, most li ely dystrophic in eti-
ology. Magnification vi ws are not indicated. In looking through
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Figure 4.31. (Continued) Craniocaudal (C) and 90-degree lateral (D) views from a preoperative localization done for a mass in the left breast 4 years prior
to (A) and (B).
position when the needle is advanced in the breast. After you posi-
What approach was used for the localization, and what
tion the needle in the breast free-hand , craniocaudal (Fig. 4.31C)
are the limitations and possible complications inherent and 90-degree lateral (F ig. 4.31D) vie ws are obtained. In this
in this approach? What are the alternative options for patient the needle is through the lesion in both images (Fig. 4.31C,
preoperative wire localizations? D). However, this degree of accuracy is difficult to obtain and often
requires serial appro ximations. Depending on the relationship of
In this patient, the calcifications are dystrophic and localized to th the needle to the lesion on the initial images, free-hand adjustments
prior site. They require no further evaluation, intervention, or short- are made to the position of the needle.The images are repeated and,
interval follow-up. Annual screening mammo graphy is recom- based on the ne w position of the needle, additional adjustments
mended for the patient. may be indicated. This is done as many times as necessary to posi-
A free-hand anteroposterior , or frontal, approach w as used to tion the needle as close to the lesion as possib le (Fig. 4.31E–G).
localize the mass in the left breast. This is an acceptable method for Depending on the size of the breast, the size and location of the
preoperative localizations; ho wever, it is more of a challenge to lesion being localized, and the e xperience and persistence of the
localize lesions precisel y using this approach. Also, because the breast imager, having the needle consistentl y through or within
needle is advanced toward the chest wall, care should be exercised 5 mm of the lesion is hard to achie ve with this method. The issue
to minimize the possibility of a pneumothorax, par ticularly in thin then becomes what you are willing to accept as an adequate posi-
patients with small breasts. tion (distance) for the wire relative to the lesion: Is it acceptab le if
The main challenge in using this method is that it requires you to the wire is 1 cm or 1.5 cm from the lesion? Ideall y, you want the
establish the location of a lesion in the breast, based on images with wire to be within 5 mm of the lesion, and you do not want the wire
the breast compressed and pulled out a way from the body , and to be short of the lesion.
transpose this to a breast that is uncompressed and in its natural
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A more accurate method in volves using breast compression needle. A repeat CC vie w is done to document final positioning
with an alphanumeric grid and an approach for needle placement Compression is released and the portion of the wire external to the
that is parallel to the chest w all. This is a simple and safe breast is secured on the skin.
approach that enables precise localization of even the smallest of After the wire is deployed, we do not compress the breast in a per-
lesions. Because the needle is adv anced in the breast parallel to pendicular direction to the wire because this can result in unwanted
the chest wall, the possibility of a pneumothorax is eliminated. changes in the position of the wire (e.g., the wire can be pulled out
The possible routes for needle entry using this approach include and end up short of the lesion, or the wire can be adv anced signifi
craniocaudal, caudocranial (i.e., from belo w), lateromedial, or cantly beyond the lesion). Because the wire is placed through the
mediolateral. The shortest distance from the skin to the lesion is needle, the position of the needle in the initial projection (Fig. 4.31J,
determined on craniocaudal and 90-de gree lateral vie ws (Fig. 90-degree mediolateral view in this example) describes the eventual
4.31H) of the breast, and this dictates the route tak en for needle position of the wire in this projection. There is no need, therefore, to
entry. The shortest distance to the lesion on the example provided repeat this projection (requiring you to compress the breast perpen-
is “s” cm using a mediolateral approach for the localization. A dicular to the wire) after the wire is deployed.
needle that is long enough to go 1 cm be yond the lesion is Lastly, preoperative wire localizations can be done using ultra-
selected (i.e., 1 cm “s” cm). sound guidance. My general r ule is that if I can see the lesion with
The breast is positioned for a 90-degree mediolateral view using ultrasound, I prefer to use ultrasound guidance for biopsies and pre-
the alphanumeric grid to compress the medial aspect of the breast operative wire localizations. In order to see the needle (and subse-
(Fig. 4.31I). The patient’s breast is k ept in compression after this quently the wire) in its entirety, I establish an approach that allows me
image is taken. The coordinates for the lesion are established on the to advance the needle in the breast parallel to the transducer . I use a
image (“B” and “3”) and using the collimator light (or laser light) a 25G, 1.5-in needle to inject lidocaine at the skin entr y site and in the
shadow of the lesion coordinates is cast on the breast. After anes- expected trajectory of the needle up to the lesion. I then adv ance the
thetizing the skin entry site with lidocaine, the needle is adv anced needle through the breast and into the lesion and verify that the needle
in the breast at the intersection point for the coordinates. If the is through the lesion longitudinally and in cross section (via orthogo-
patient has not moved from the time the initial image is done to the nal ultrasound images of the needle). Preferab ly with the tip of the
time you introduce the needle, and y ou selected a needle long needle 1 cm beyond the lesion, I deploy the wire, remove the needle,
enough to go beyond the lesion, you will have skewered the lesion. making sure that I do not inadvertently pull the wire out with the nee-
At this point, w e do another 90-de gree mediolateral vie w (Fig. dle, and obtain orthogonal ultrasound images of the wire (Fig. 4.31L).
4.31J) to document needle and, after deployment, wire positioning I measure the distance from the skin directl y down to the location of
in this projection and release compression. A craniocaudal vie w the lesion/wire for the surgeon and I place an “X” on the skin surface
using the spot compression paddle (Fig. 4.31J) is done next, and the directly over the lesion. A single mammographic image is obtained of
breast is kept in compression after this view is obtained. On the 90- the wire (Fig. 4.31M). The view used is selected so that compression
degree mediolateral view, the hub of the needle should be superim- of the breast occurs parallel (and not perpendicular) to the wire. After
posed on the lesion, and on the CC vie w, the needle should be the wire is deployed, we do not compress the breast per pendicular to
through or within 5 mm of the lesion and e xtend 1 cm beyond the the wire because this might result in changing the final wire position
lesion. If the needle is correctly positioned on the orthogonal views, ing (see F ig. 4.32). A radiograph or ultrasound of the specimen is
the wire is advanced through the needle and the needle is pulled out, always obtained following preoperative wire localizations to docu-
making sure that you do not inadvertently pull the wire out with the ment excision of the localized abnormality (Fig. 4.31N).
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Figure 4.31. (Continued ) Diagrams illustrating concepts of preoperati ve wire localization using breast compression with an
alphanumeric grid for a parallel-to-chest-wall approach. Ninety-degree and craniocaudal views of the breast (H) are reviewed, and the
distances from the various skin surfaces to the lesion are measured. The distance from the superior aspect of the breast to the lesion in
this example is “x” cm, the distance from the inferior aspect of the breast to the lesion in this example is “y” cm, the distance from the
lateral aspect of the breast in this example is “z” cm, and the distance from the medial aspect of the breast is “s” cm. The shortest dis-
tance from the skin to the lesion dictates the approach used for needle placement. In this e xample, the lesion is closest to th e medial
aspect of the breast, so a mediolateral approach is used. A needle long enough to go 1 cm be yond the lesion is selected. Using a com-
pression paddle that has a central fenestration surrounded by an alphanumeric grid, a 90-degree mediolateral view is done (I). The coor-
dinates for the center of this lesion are “B” and “3”. Using the collimator light, a shado w of these coordinates is cast on the patient’s
breast, lidocaine is used at the intersection point of these coordinates, and the needle is adv
anced in the breast. A second 90-degree medi-
olateral view is done (J). Because the wire is placed through the needle, this view describes the eventual trajectory and relationship of
the wire to the lesion in this plane. The hub of the needle (black square superimposed on the mass) is superimposed on the lesion. Next,
using the spot compression paddle, a craniocaudal view (J) is done to document the relationship of the needle to the lesion in the or thog-
onal projection. The breast is kept in compression in this projection until after the wire is deployed.
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Figure 4.31. (Continued) The needle should be through or within 5 mm of the mass and 1 cm
beyond the lesion. If the tip of the needle is more than 1 cm beyond the lesion, the needle is pulled
out as much as needed for the tip to be 1 cm beyond the lesion. If the needle is associated with the
lesion on the orthogonal views (as in this example), the wire is deployed and another craniocaudal
view (K) is done to document final wire positioning. After the wire is deployed, the breast is not
compressed again in a projection that is per pendicular to the wire (the lateral projection in this
K example).
Figure 4.31. Ultrasound image (L) obtained after the wire is deployed in a hypoechoic mass in the left breast. If the trajectory of the needle (and conse-
quently the wire) is parallel to the orientation of the transducer, the needle and wire can be seen in their entirety. In this patient, you can see the hook of the
wire and a portion of the reinforced wire segment in the mass. The distance from the skin to the mass is measured, and using an indelible marker, an “X” is
placed on the skin directly over the mass/wire as an additional guide for the surgeon. A mammographic image (M) obtained with compression applied par-
allel to the course of the wire is obtained to document the position of the wire in the lesion.A radiograph of the specimen (N) is obtained to verify excision
of the localized lesion and localization wire and to mark the location of the lesion for the patholo
gist. Alternatively, sonography of the specimen can be done
to document excision of the lesion and is indicated when the lesion is seen on ultrasound only (i.e., it is not seen mammographically).
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Figure 4.32. Preoperative wire localization, 47-year-old patient. Craniocaudal (A) and 90-degree lateral (B) views.
The problem with this wire localization is that the wires ended
How was this localization approached, and what do
up significant y beyond the lesions, as seen on the CC vie w. This
you think about the final position of the wires?
can occur if, after the wire is deplo yed, the breast is compressed
perpendicular to the direction in w hich the wire is deplo yed (Fig.
In this patient, two lesions in the right breast (a clip deplo yed after a
4.32C, D). In this patient the lateral vie w (Fig. 4.32B) was done
stereotactically guided biopsy is e vident in one of the lesions) are
after the wires w ere deployed, resulting in the inadv ertent reposi-
localized using a 90-degree lateromedial approach. The shortest dis-
tioning of the wires.
tance from the skin to the lesion being localized, as measured on cran-
An image is always done after the needle is placed in the breast
iocaudal (CC) and 90-degree lateral views, dictates the approach that
in the initial projection (see Fig. 4.31J). Because the wire is placed
is taken when the parallel-to-the-chest-w all approach using an
through this needle, the position of the needle describes the e ven-
alphanumeric grid is the method selected for preoperative wire local-
tual position of the wire in the initial projection. There is no need,
izations. In this patient, the lesions are closest to the lateral aspect of
therefore, to repeat this projection (requiring y ou to compress the
the breast on the CC view. Consequently, the needles/wires are placed
breast perpendicular to the wire) after the wire is deployed.
in the breast correctly using a 90-degree lateromedial approach.
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Figure 4.32. Diagram illustrating the inadvertent repositioning of the wire that can result when breast compression is applied perpendicular to the direc-
tion of wire deployment (C). This can have an accordion effect so that the wire is advanced in, or pulled out, of the breast. After compression is released, and
the orthogonal view is obtained (D), the wire may have been advanced significant y beyond the lesion (I.), pulled out of the lesion (II.), or it may remain appro-
priately positioned (III.). While it is acceptable (though not desirable) to have the wire beyond the lesion, it is not accepta ble for the wire to be shor t of the
lesion (II.).
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Figure 4.33. Preoperative wire localization, 56-year-old patient. Ninety-degree lateral view (A) obtained after wire placement. Specimen radiograph (B).
Figure 4.34. Diagnostic evaluation, 55-year-old patient being evaluated for a cluster of calcifications, posteromedial y in the
right breast. Craniocaudal (A) view, right breast. Craniocaudal (B) view, photographically coned to the cluster of calcifications
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Although no lucent-centered calcifications are identified in t A 90-degree mediolateral vie w using the spot compression
cluster, because of the close pro ximity to the skin, a skin location paddle with an alphanumeric g rid is obtained so that coordinates
for these calcifications is suspected. What can you do to prove that for the calcifications can be dete mined (Fig. 4.34C). The patient
these calcifications are on the skin and that biopsy is not needed? is maintained in compression until the coordinates for the calcifi
If these calcifications are in the skin, a tangential vi w of the skin con- cations are deter mined. A metallic BB is placed at C.5 and 2.5.
taining the calcifications should sh w that these are dermal. To obtain the Compression is released and a tangential view of the metallic BB
tangential view, a “skin localization” is done. Craniocaudal and ob lique is obtained. If the calcif ications are in the skin, the y will be
views are reviewed to establish the shortest distance from the skin to the imaged in tangent to the x-ray beam and in close association with
calcifications. In this patient, the calcifications are closest to the ski the metallic BB (Fig. 4.34D). If they are not on the skin, they will
on the medial aspect of the breast, so a 90-de gree mediolateral be imaged in the breast parench yma, not in tangent to the x-ra y
approach is taken. Normally, a regular, full compression paddle with beam and at a distance from the metallic BB . In this patient, the
an alphanumeric grid is used to compress the breast for localization. calcifications are der mal in location, and fur ther intervention or
However, having a spot compression paddle with an alphanumeric short-term follow-up is not indicated. Annual screening mam-
grid is helpful in reaching lesions in hard-to-access locations includ- mography is recommended.
ing the axillar y tail or an ywhere posteriorly in the breast. The spot BI-RADS® category 2: benign finding
compression paddle facilitates the inclusion of tissue that may other-
wise be difficult to include on an image with a full paddle
Figure 4.34. (Continued). Image (C) of the right breast using a fenestrated, alphanumeric spot compression paddle to determine the coordinates for the
calcifications seen mammographically. Spot tangential (D) view of the metallic BB placed at the coordinates for the calcifications conf ming that these are
skin calcifications
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■ PRIMARY TUMOR (same for clinical and pathologic pN0 No regional lymph node metastasis histologically;
classification) no additional examination for isolated tumor cells
TX primary tumor cannot be assessed pN0(i) No regional lymph node metastasis histologically,
T0 no evidence of primary tumor negative immunohistochemical (IHC) studies
Tis carcinoma in situ pN0(i) No regional lymph node metastasis histologically,
Tis(DCIS) ductal carcinoma in situ positive IHC, no IHC cluster 0.2 mm
Tis(LCIS) lobular carcinoma in situ pN0(mol) No regional lymph node metastasis histologically;
negative molecular findings (r verse transcriptase/
Tis(Paget) Paget disease of the nipple with no tumor
polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR)
T1 tumor 2 cm or less in greatest dimension
pN0(mol) No regional lymph node metastasis histologically;
T1mic microinvasion 0.1 cm or less in greatest dimension positive molecular reaction (RT-PCR)
T1a tumor 0.1 cm but not 0.5 cm in greatest pN1 metastasis in 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes and/or
dimension internal mammary lymph nodes with microscopic
T1b tumor 0.5 cm but not 1 cm in greatest disease detected by sentinel lymph node dissection
dimension but not clinically apparent (not detected by imaging
T1c tumor 1 cm but not 2 cm in greatest dimension studies or clinical examination)
T2 tumor 2 cm but not 5 cm in greatest dimension pN1mi micrometastasis (0.2 mm, none 2.0 mm)
T3 tumor 5 cm in greatest dimension pN1a metastasis in 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes
T4 tumor of any size with direct extension to chest pN1b metastasis in internal mammary lymph nodes with
wall or skin microscopic disease detected by sentinel lymph
node but not clinically apparent (not detected by
T4a extension to chest wall but not including pectoral imaging studies or clinical examination)
pN1c metastasis in 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes and in
T4b edema ( peau d’orange) or ulceration of the skin of internal mammary lymph nodes with microscopic
the breast, or satellite skin nodules confined to th disease detected by sentinel lymph node dissection
same breast but not clinically apparent (not detected by imaging
T4c both T4a and T4b studies or clinical examination). If associated with
T4d inflammato y carcinoma 3 positive axillary lymph nodes, the internal
mammary nodes are classified as pN3b
pN2 metastasis in 4 to 9 axillary lymph nodes, or in
clinically apparent internal mammary lymph nodes
■ REGIONAL LYMPH NODE (pathologic, pN) in the absence of axillary lymph node metastasis
pNX regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed pN2a metastasis in 4 to 9 axillary lymph nodes (at least
(previously removed or not excised) one tumor deposit 2.0 mm)
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Patient List
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PATIENT 14: Fibroadenoma, enlarging PATIENT 27: Invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise speci-
PATIENT 15: Phyllodes tumor fie , metastasis to axilla, neoadjuvant therapy
PATIENT 16: Mucocele-like lesion and papilloma and postoperative seroma
PATIENT 17: Atypical ductal hyperplasia, ductal carcinoma PATIENT 28: Breast bud development
in situ apocrine type PATIENT 29: Cyst, pneumocystogram
PATIENT 18: Atypical ductal hyperplasia PATIENT 30: Ductal carcinoma in situ
PATIENT 19: Ductal carcinoma in situ PATIENT 31: Dystrophic calcifications; approaches to preop
PATIENT 20: Columnar alteration with prominent apical erative wire localizations
snouts and secretions and associated atypia and PATIENT 32: Preoperative wire localization, inadvertent repo-
atypical lobular hyperplasia sitioning of wires
PATIENT 21: Complex sclerosing lesion PATIENT 33: Preoperative wire localization: bracketing the
PATIENT 22: Complex sclerosing lesion and adenosis tumor lesion
PATIENT 23: Multiple peripheral papillomas and ductal carci- PATIENT 34: Skin calcifications, skin localizatio
noma in situ
PATIENT 24: Atypical ductal hyperplasia
PATIENT 25: Sclerosing adenosis
PATIENT 26: Ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence
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Abnormalities Apocrine carcinomas, 122, 140, 142 mammography of, 431–433, 431f–432f,
of breast cancer, 88 mammography of, 119f–121f, 138f–139f 434–435, 434f, 441f–443f, 443, 452f, 453
in lymph nodes, 383, 466 MRI of, 140f–141f management of, 453
potential, 378 ultrasound of, 122f, 140f radiography of, 435f, 453, 453f
Abscess, 396 Appearance, patient care importance of, 230 ultrasound of, 433, 433f
around Dacron cuff, 48 Architectural distortion, 155 Atypical lobular hyperplasia (ALH)
mammography of, 395f differentials for, 94 biopsy of, 440
photograph of, 397f mammography of, 93f, 94, 95f LCIS v., 440
ultrasound of, 396f–397f Arterial calcifications, 240, 24 f–247f, 246, 324 mammography of, 182f, 184f–185f, 439f,
Adenoma, lactational mammography of, 21, 21f, 26f–27f, 28f–29f, 440
biopsy of, 267 47f, 96f, 97, 117f, 118, 148f, 150f–152f, ultrasound of, 186f
clinical presentation of, 268 205f–206f Audit. See Medical audit
histological features of, 268 with PXE, 26–27 Aunt Minnie, 1. See also Benign lesions
palpable mass as, 267 Artifacts Axillary lymph node dissection (ALND)
ultrasound of, 267, 267f, 268 in mammography, 47, 47f, 57, 57f for invasive breast cancer, 263
Adenoma, tubular negative-density, 56, 56f SLNB v., 263
biopsy of, 359 plus-density, 55, 55f, 389f, 390 Axillary nodal metastasis, 133, 163
imaging and histological features of, 359 Aspiration
mammography of, 357f–358f, 358–359 of ADH, 433 Bartonella henselae, cat scratch disease from,
palpable mass as, 358–359, 358f of bloody flui , 406, 406f–407f, 410–411 322
ultrasound of, 358–359, 358f of cysts, 398–399, 399f, 400, 474, 475f Batch interpretation, of screening mammo-
Adenosis fine-needle, 46 grams, 73
biopsy of, 349 for galactoceles, 342 BB. See Metallic BB
mammography of, 347f–348f, 348–349, for inflammato y lesion, 282 Benign epidermal tumors. See Seborrheic ker-
444f–446f, 446 of invasive carcinoma, 370 atoses, mammography of
radiography of, 446–447, 447f for invasive ductal carcinoma, 305 Benign lesions, 1–70
ADH. See Atypical ductal hyperplasia for lymph node, 466 amorphous calcifications as, 3 f–33f, 33–34,
Adiposis dolorosa, 64 of metaplastic carcinoma, 362 33f–34f
Air ultrasound-guided, 474, 475f artifacts as, 47, 47f, 57, 57f
injection of, 399, 474, 475f, 476f Assessment. See Breast Imaging and Reporting calcified parasites as, 6 f–62f, 62
in mammography, 3, 3f–4f, 51–52, 51f–52f, Data System cysts as, 14, 33–34, 33f–34f
65f, 66, 67f–68f Asymmetry, 192f–195f, 193, 211f dystrophic calcifications as, 19, 1 f, 22, 22f,
ALH. See Atypical lobular hyperplasia in breast size, 85f, 86 24, 24f–25f, 35f–37f, 36–37
ALND. See Axillary lymph node dissection mammography of, 182f, 183, 184f–185f, extracapsular implant rupture as, 39, 40f–41f,
Amorphous calcifications, 349, 355, 433–435 209f, 210 43f–45f, 44
440, 453, 455 in tissue distribution, 85f, 86, 90f, 91 fibroadenolipoma as, f–9f, 9
mammography of, 31f–33f, 201f–203f ultrasound of, 186f gel bleed as, 39
ultrasound of, 33–34, 33f–34f, 204f Atherosclerosis, mammographic signs of, hair as, 46f, 47
Amperage, for mammography, 26–27 Hickman catheter as, 48, 48f
110 Atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), 410, hyalinizing fibroadenomas as, 19, 1 f–25f,
Anesthesia, ultrasound-guided, 474 429–430, 436–437 21–22, 24, 36–37
Angle of obliquity, 78 aspiration of, 433 implants as source of, 39, 39f–45f, 42, 44
Antibiotics biopsy for, 434 intracapsular implant rupture as, 39
for cat scratch disease, 322 breast cancer and, 435 keloids as, 65f, 66, 67f–68f
for inflammato y lesion, 282 with CAPSS, 434–435 lipomas as, 10f, 11, 63–64f, 64
for mastitis, 396 DCIS v., 433, 435 lucent-centered calcifications as, 38, 3 f, 65f,
Antihistamines, 66 excisional biopsy for, 433–434, 443, 453 66, 67f–68f
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500 Index
Benign lesions (continued) pregnancy and, 268 punctate, 244, 247f, 255, 285, 302, 311, 350,
lymph nodes as, 5–6, 5f–7f, 19, 23f–24f, 24, radiation therapy and lumpectomy for, 300f, 355, 433–435, 440, 444, 447, 453
52f, 60f, 63f 318f, 319 radiolucent mass with, 15f–18f, 18
milk of calcium as, 31f–34f, 33–34 statistics of, 72–73, 133 rim, 12f–14f, 14
negative-density artifact as, 56, 56f Breast cancer, male. See Male breast cancer rod-like, 28f–29f, 30, 117f, 118, 148f, 264f,
nipple rings as, 58, 58f Breast compression, with inflammato y carci- 265
oil cysts as, 11–12, 11f–13f, 12f–14f, 14, 18, noma, 291–292 round, 197f–198f, 199, 244, 255, 302, 311,
64 Breast hypoplasia, 217f, 218 313, 350, 417, 433–435, 440, 444, 447,
plus-density artifact as, 55, 55f Breast Imaging and Reporting Data System 453
radiolucent mass as, 10f–11f, 11–12, 14, (BI-RADS®) scattered, 222f–223f, 223
15f–18f, 18, 63f assessment categories of, 228–229, 378 skin, 38, 38f
rod-like calcifications as, 2 f–29f, 30 use of, 74, 155 spotted dystrophic, 264f, 265
seborrheic keratoses as, 2f–4f, 3, 5 Breast imaging consultations, 378 vascular, 219f–220f, 361
skin folds as, 26–27, 51–52, 51f–54f, 54, 60f Breast imaging, diagnostic, 227–375 Calcified parasites, mamm graphy of,
skin lesions as, 2f–4f, 3, 5 Breast lymphoma, 367 61f–62f, 62
sternalis muscle appearing as, 53f–54f, 54 biopsy of, 367 Calcium channel blockers, 66
vascular calcifications as, 26, 6 f mammography of, 366f, 367 Call-backs
wire fragments as, 49f, 50, 67f–68f palpable mass as, 367 patient management for, 74–76
Benign-type calcifications, 21, 240, 27 ultrasound of, 367, 367f rates of, 76
Bilateral diffuse changes. See Diffuse changes Breast self-examination (BSE), 72 CAPSS. See Columnar alteration with promi-
Biopsy. See also Excisional biopsy Breast size nent apical snouts and secretions
of adenosis, 349 asymmetries in, 85f, 86 Carcinoma. See Specific Carcinoma
for ADH, 434 decrease in, 108f–109f, 110, 155 Carcinoma, invasive. See Invasive carcinoma
of ALH, 440 Breast-within-a-breast. See Fibroadenolipoma Cat scratch disease, 322
breast cancer and, 228 BSE. See Breast self-examination histological features of, 322
of breast lymphoma, 367 Buck shot, mammography of, 69f, 70 imaging features of, 322
of calcifications, 355–356, 35 f, 437 Bullet fragments, mammography of, 69f, 70 mammography of, 321f, 322
for CAPSS, 440 ultrasound of, 321f, 322
of DCIS, 244, 249, 302, 332, 336, 339, 354, Calcification cluste , 348–349, 355, 385–388, Catheter, removal of, 319
418, 421, 456, 477 421, 437, 440, 456, 477, 489f CC view. See Craniocaudal view
of diabetic fibrous mastopat y, 325 mammography of, 100f–101f, 102, Change, fibro ystic, 418, 455
of ductal carcinoma in situ, 244, 249, 302, 126f–127f, 128, 164f–165f, 197f–198f, Changes. See also Diffuse changes
332, 336, 339, 354, 418, 421, 456, 477 385f–387f asymmetrical, 85f, 86, 155
of fibroadenoma, 346, 42 MRI of, 166f bilateral, 193f–195f
of fibromatosis, 29 ultrasound of, 386f with reduction mammoplasty, 144
imaging-guided v. excisional, 312 Calcifications, 18, 22. See also Calcifie symmetrical, 108f–109f, 110
indications for, 5–6, 105, 128, 133, 137, 152, parasites, mammography of Chemotherapy
159, 162, 165, 180, 199, 208, 216, 225, amorphous, 31f–33f, 33–34, 33f–34f, for DCIS, 466, 468
387, 411 201f–204f, 349, 355, 433–435, 440, 453, for invasive ductal carcinoma, 466
of inflammato y carcinoma, 293 455 Chest CT scan, of lipoma, 64f
of invasive carcinoma, 370 arterial, 21, 21f, 26–27, 26f–27f, 28f–29f, 47f, CHF. See Congestive heart failure
of invasive ductal carcinoma, 249, 260, 263, 96f, 97, 117f, 118, 148f, 150f–152f, Chondroid hamartomas, 9
305, 327, 332, 344, 354 205f–206f, 240, 245f–247f, 246, 324 Cleavage, in mammography, 209f, 210
of invasive lobular carcinoma, 285, 317 benign-type, 21, 240, 273 Clinical manifestations, of granular cell tumor,
of invasive mammary carcinoma, 336, 344 biopsy of, 355–356, 356f, 437 270
of lactational adenoma, 267 CAPSS with, 356 Collapse, of implant, 42, 42f
for male breast cancer, 327 in cysts, 33–34 Columnar alteration with prominent apical
of medullary carcinoma, 290 of DCIS, 30 snouts and secretions (CAPSS), 356
of metaplastic carcinoma, 362 difference in appearance of, 313–314, ADH with, 434–435
of mucinous carcinoma, 241 313f–314f biopsy for, 440
of papillary carcinoma, 278 double spot compression magnification of with calcifications, 35
previous, 94, 174, 188, 380 242, 242f mammography of, 439f, 440
of sentinel lymph nodes, 181 dystrophic, 19, 19f, 22, 22f, 24, 24f–25f, Comedo mastitis, 30
taking of, 228 35f–37f, 36–37, 85f, 86, 93f, 94, 155, Communication, patient care importance of, 230
of tubular adenoma, 359 205f–206f, 219f–220f, 324, 436, 481 Comparison studies
of tubular carcinoma, 238 eggshell, 12f–14f, 14 of diffuse changes with CHF, 144f–146f,
ultrasound-guidance for, 260, 336, 339, 367, indeterminate, 242 145–146, 219f–220f
428, 456, 477 with invasive lesion, 317 for evaluating mass changes, 112
Biopsy changes linear, 126f–127f, 128, 138f–139f, 140, indications for, 130, 135, 171, 210, 224–225
distortion as, 174, 188 164f–165f, 165, 197f–198f, 199, 244, 302, of invasive ductal carcinoma, 150f–152f, 152
following excision, 155, 174, 188 456 of lesion, 177f–178f, 178
BI-RADS®. See Breast Imaging and Reporting lucent-centered, 38, 38f, 65f, 66, 67f–68f, 255, of reduction mammoplasty, 18
Data System 490 for scattered densities, 148f, 149
Bloody flui , from cyst aspiration, 406, in lymph nodes, 306, 306f of weight loss, 108f–109f, 110
406f–407f, 410–411 macrolobulated mass with, 21, 21f Complex ductal carcinoma in situ, 385–388
Breast bud, development of, 471 mammography of, 12f–19f, 14, 19, 19f, 21–22, mammography of, 385f–387f
Breast cancer. See also Invasive breast cancer; 21f–24f, 23f–24f, 237, 245f–247f, 355–356, ultrasound of, 386f
Male breast cancer 355f–356f Complex fibroadenoma, 23
abnormalities of, 88 mixed-density mass with, 18 mammography of, 231f, 234f, 235, 250f, 252
ADH and, 435 oil cysts with, 12f–14f, 14 palpable mass as, 250f–251f, 251–252
biopsy and, 228 oval, 440 ultrasound of, 235, 235f, 251f, 252
detection of, 72 pleomorphic, 257, 260, 302, 308, 338, 349, Complex sclerosing lesion (CSL), 94, 311–312,
from fibroadenolipoma, 418, 421, 433, 435, 437, 440, 450, 453, 312, 381, 443–444, 446–447
invasive lobular carcinoma as, 285 456–457, 488 excision biopsy for, 447
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Index 501
mammography of, 309, 309f–311f, 311, goal and approach to, 228 mastectomy for, 421, 466
441f–446f, 443, 446–447 philosophical considerations for, 229–230 MRI of, 165, 166f, 332, 333f, 421, 423f
ultrasound of, 311–312, 312f, 444, 447, 447f of women over 30, 228 with mucocele-like lesions, 430
Compression, for mammography films, 83, 110 of women under 30, 228, 267 palpable mass as, 337f–338f, 338–339, 353f,
135, 148f, 149 Diagnostic patient population 354
Congestive heart failure (CHF), diffuse changes description of, 227 papillomas v., 418
with, 144f–146f, 145–146, 219f–220f women with implants in, 227 presentation of, 339
Consultations, for breast imaging, 378 Differentials radiation therapy for, 456–457, 466
Contrast, for mammography films, 83, 11 for architectural distortion, 94 radiography of, 450, 451f, 478–479, 479f
Cooper ligaments, disruption of, 122, 140, 152 for diffuse breast changes, 110, 147, 221 SLNB use in, 263, 302, 332, 339, 354, 457,
Correlation, 377–378 for focal parenchymal asymmetry, 92, 130, 488
between imaging and pathology findings, 171 in spontaneous nipple discharge, 418
391 in males, 327 ultrasound of, 196f, 248f, 249, 301f, 302, 332,
between mammographic and ultrasound find of mass with radiolucent center, 380 333f, 335f, 336, 338–339, 338f, 409f–411f,
ings, 393f, 394f for mixed-density mass, 405 421, 423f, 450, 451f, 463f, 466f–467f, 470f,
Craniocaudal (CC) view, 73–74, 73f, 75f, 94 for patient discussions, 1 477, 477f–478f
lateral tissue visualization in, 213 for round mass, 402, 409 Ductal carcinoma, invasive. See Invasive ductal
pectoral muscles in, 80 Diffuse changes carcinoma
positioning for, 80, 213 with CHF, 144f–146f, 145–146, 219f–220f Ductal carcinoma NOS, invasive. See Invasive
Cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ, 192f–196f, differentials for, 110, 147, 221 ductal carcinoma not otherwise specifie
435 mammography of, 73, 110, 144f–145f, Ductal extension, of palpable mass, 354, 354f
mammography of, 177f–179f 219f–220f Ductography, 413
ultrasound of, 180f ultrasound of, 146f, 147 findings of, 41
CSL. See Complex sclerosing lesion Distortion, 172–173. See also Architectural of papillomas, 450
Cyst. See also Oil cyst distortion papillomas v. DCIS, 418
aspiration of, 398–399, 399f, 400 mammography of, 172f–175f, 182f, 184f–185f, pitfalls of, 418
bloody fluid in, 406, 40 f–407f, 410–411 187f, 188, 201f–203f, 380f–381f procedure for, 413
calcifications in, 33–3 perception skills for, 174 of spontaneous nipple discharge, 412f, 413
mammography of, 201f–202f, 224f–225f, ultrasound of, 175f, 186f, 204f Dystrophic calcifications, 36–37, 155, 324, 436
293f–294f, 294–296, 350, 350f–351f, 352, Diuretics, 221 481
374f–375f, 398f, 399, 401f, 403f, 472f Documentation, patient care importance of, 230 hyalinizing fibroadenomas with, 19, 22, 24
multiple cutaneous, 14 Double spot compression magnificatio 36–37
palpable mass as, 375, 375f of adenosis, 348–349, 348f mammography of, 19f, 22f, 35f–37f, 85f, 86,
pneumocystography of, 474, 475f–476f of ADH, 434, 434f 93f, 94, 205f–206f, 219f–220f
sebaceous v. epidermal inclusion, 375 of ALH, 439f spotted, 264f, 265
ultrasound of, 33–34, 33f–34f, 294–295, 295f, calcification screening y, 242, 242f ultrasound of, 24, 24f–25f
375, 398f, 399, 399f–400f, 400, 402f, 473f, of CAPSS, 439f
474, 475f of CSL, 311f Early detection, 379
of cyst, 294 Ecchymosis
Dacron cuffs, mammography of, 48, 48f of ductal carcinoma in situ, 337f, 338, 422f, mammography of, 328f, 329–330
DCIS. See Ductal carcinoma in situ 438 ultrasound of, 329–330, 329f
Density of invasive ductal carcinoma, 255–256, 256f Echoes, on ultrasound, 399, 400, 409–411
of parenchymal pattern, 92 of mammography, 228 EIC. See Extensive intraductal component
scattered, 148f, 149 minimizing blur on, 243–244 Epidermal inclusion cyst, sebaceous cyst v., 375
Deodorant, mammography of, 60, 60f of sclerosing adenosis, 455f Erythema, 396, 397f
Dercum disease. See Adiposis dolorosa setup for, 243, 243f with inflammato y lesion, 282
Description, for patient discussions, 1 Dubin device, 142 with invasive carcinoma, 370
Desitin. See Zinc oxide ointment Duct ectasia, 30 Estrogen use, 110, 171
Detection Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), 102, Evaluation, of mammography films, 73–74,
early, 379 436–437 75f, 94
for patient discussions, 1 ADH v., 433, 435 Ewing sarcoma, radiation therapy for, 300f
rates of, 379 biopsy of, 244, 249, 302, 332, 336, 339, 354, Exaggerated craniocaudal (XCCL) view,
Diabetes, mammographic signs of, 26–27 418, 421, 456, 477 73, 80
Diabetic fibrous mastopat y calcifications of, 3 Excision
biopsy of, 325 with central necrosis, 126f–127f, 128, biopsy changes with, 155, 174, 188
histological features of, 325 138f–141f, 140, 140f, 142, 165, 197f–198f, of lesions, 142
mammography of, 323f, 325 199, 385f–387f, 436–437, 436f, 450, Excisional biopsy, 377–378
patients of, 325 464f–465f, 465–466, 466f–470f, 468, 470, for ADH, 433–434, 443, 453
ultrasound of, 324f, 325 477–479, 477f–479f for CSL, 447
Diagnosis, for patient discussions, 1 chemotherapy for, 466, 468 for fibroadenoma, 425, 42
Diagnostic breast imaging, 227–375. See also ducts involved in, 418 imaging correlation with, 391
Specific Carcinomas low-nuclear grade v. high-nuclear grade, 437 imaging-guided biopsy v., 312, 447
additional mammographic views, 228 lumpectomy of, 244, 249, 302, 332, 336, 339, for nipple discharge, spontaneous, 413–414,
approach to patient in, 230 354, 456, 466 414f, 418
BI-RADS assessment categories for, lymphovascular space involvement in, 457 for papillomas, 450
228–229 mammography of, 100f–101f, 119f–121f, for phyllodes tumor, 428
communication and documentation in, 230 138f–139f, 164f–165f, 165, 192f–195f, 242f, for sclerosing lesion, 429
goal and approach to, 228 245f–247f, 249, 300f–301f, 301–302, Exposure
introduction to, 227–228 331f–332f, 332, 334–336, 334f–335f, 337f, making of, 57
patient examples of, 231–375 338–339, 353–354, 353f, 408f–409f, for mammography films, 83, 11
philosophical considerations for, 229–230 415f–417f, 418, 420f, 421, 422f, 436–437, technical factors of, 109t
Diagnostic evaluation 436f, 438f, 448f–449f, 450, 456–457, uneven, 148f, 149
BI-RADS assessment categories for, 456f–463f, 464f–465f, 465–466, 468, Extensive intraductal component (EIC), for
228–229 468f–470f, 470, 477, 477f invasive ductal carcinoma, 249
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502 Index
Extracapsular extension, of carcinoma, 133 mammography of, 340f, 341 Hypertension, mammographic signs of, 26–27
Extracapsular implant rupture, 39, 40f–41f, palpable mass as, 340f–341f, 341 Hypoplasia, of ipsilateral breast, 217f, 218
43f–45f, 44 ultrasound of, 341–342, 341f
Extravasated silicone, 39, 44, 45f Gardner syndrome, 64 Imaging algorithms, for breast imaging, 228
GCDFP-15. See Gross cystic disease flui Imaging-guided biopsy
False negative (FN), 379 protein excisional biopsy v., 312, 447
False positive (FP), 379 Gel bleed, 39 metallic clip for, 425, 468
Far posteromedial lesions, 208 Glands, in tubular carcinoma, 238 for phyllodes tumor, 429
Fat necrosis, 380–381, 406 Global parenchymal asymmetry, 86, 155 of sclerosing lesion, 429
dystrophic calcifications with, 3 mammography of, 154f, 155, 187f, 188, 199f, Implant rupture
imaging of, 18 200 mammography of, 39, 39f–41f, 43f, 45f
mammography of, 371f, 372–373 palpable mass with, 200 MRI of, 39
palpable mass as, 372f–373f, 373 Gold treatment ultrasound of, 39, 44f–45f
after reduction mammoplasty, 18 deposition in lymph nodes, 306 Implants. See also Implant rupture
ultrasound of, 372f–373f, 373 of rheumatoid arthritis, 306 collapse of, 42, 42f
Fibroadenolipoma Granular cell tumor in diagnostic patient population, 227
breast cancer from, 9 clinical manifestations of, 270 removal of, 168f, 169
mammography of, 8f–9f, 9 histological features of, 270 saline, 42
as palpable mass, 8f–9f, 9 mammography of, 269–270, 269f silicone, 39, 44, 45f
ultrasound of, 9 ultrasound of, 269–270, 269f Incident cancer detection rate, 379
Fibroadenoma, 425. See also Complex fibroade Gross cystic disease fluid protein (GCDFP-15) Infection. See Mastitis
noma; Hyalinizing fibroadenom 122 Inflammato y carcinoma
biopsy of, 346, 425 Gurgling echoes, 400 biopsy of, 293
excisional biopsy for, 425, 428 on ultrasound, 399 breast compression with, 291–292
mammography of, 345f, 346, 424f, 425 Gynecomastia, 308 mammography of, 291, 291f
palpable mass as, 346 histological features of, 308 ultrasound of, 292, 292f
phyllodes tumor v., 425, 428–429 mammography of, 307f, 308 Inflammato y lesion
ultrasound of, 346, 346f management options of, 309 erythema with, 282
ultrasound-guided biopsy for, 428 pathophysiological causes of, 308 mammography of, 280f–281f
Fibrocystic change palpable mass as, 281f
as nipple discharge cause, 418 H & E staining. See Hematoxylin-eosin ultrasound of, 282, 282f
sclerosing adenosis of, 455 staining Inframammary fold, 80
Fibromatosis, 299 Hair, mammography of, 46f, 47 Instructions. See Patient instructions, for
biopsy of, 299 Halo sign, 295 mammography
mammography of, 297f–298f, 298–299 of cyst, 294f, 295 Interferon, 66
management of, 299 of tubular adenoma, 358 Internal mammary artery, 117f, 118, 148f
palpable mass as, 298, 298f Hamartoma. See Fibroadenolipoma Interpretation
ultrasound of, 298–299, 298f Hematoma, 406 of CC view, 73–74, 73f, 75f
Fibrosis, 130, 171 evolution of, 266 of MLO view, 73–74, 74f–75f
Films mammography of, 264f–265f, 265–266 Intracapsular implant rupture, 39
contrast of, 83, 110 ultrasound of, 265–266, 265f Intracystic carcinomas, 399
evaluation of, 73–74, 75f, 94 Hematoxylin-eosin (H & E) staining, Intracystic papillary carcinoma, 410–411
exposure of, 83, 109t, 110, 148f, 149 180–181 mammography of, 408f–409f
finge prints on, 56, 56f Hemorrhagic tissue, 407f ultrasound of, 409f–411f
fogging of, 59, 59f Hereditary multiple lipomatosis, 64 Intraductal carcinoma, invasive. See Invasive
labeling of, 84 Hickman catheter, mammography of, intraductal carcinoma
quantum mottle in, 84 48, 48f Intraductal hyperplasia, as papillomatosis, 450
screen contact with, 57, 57f Histological features Invasive breast cancer, ALND v. SLNB, 263
sharpness of, 83–84 of cat scratch disease, 322 Invasive carcinoma
technical adequacy of, 73–74, 78–84, 94, 135 of diabetic fibrous mastopat y, 325 biopsy of, 370
Film-screen contact, 57, 57f, 83 of granular cell tumor, 270 mammography of, 368f–369f, 369–370
Fingerprints, 389f, 390 of gynecomastia, 308 with mucocele-like lesions, 430
on mammography films, 56, 5 f of invasive lobular carcinoma, 286 palpable mass as, 370, 370f
Fistula, 396, 397f of lactational adenoma, 268 ultrasound of, 370, 370f
Fluid overload, mammography of, 219f–220f of male breast cancer, 327 Invasive ductal carcinoma, 116, 140, 142, 152,
5-Fluorouracil, 66 of medullary carcinoma, 290 163, 167, 256–257, 385–388
FN. See False negative of metaplastic carcinoma, 362 asymmetry with, 86
Focal parenchymal asymmetry, 91–93, 91f–92f, of mucinous carcinoma, 274 biopsy of, 249, 260, 263, 305, 327, 332, 344,
155 of papillomas, 365 354, 456
differentials for, 92, 130, 171 of sclerosing adenosis, 455 chemotherapy for, 466
mammography of, 91–93, 91f–92f, 129f, 130, of tubular adenoma, 359 EIC for, 249
170f, 171 History lumpectomy of, 249, 305, 332, 344, 354, 466
palpable mass with, 200 of nipple discharge, 413 lymphovascular space involvement in, 305, 344
Focal skin change, approach to patient of patient, 94, 130, 171 mammography of, 96–99, 96f, 98f–99f, 103f,
with, 236 Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 104, 105f, 107f, 111f–113f, 115f–116f, 134f,
Fogging, of mammography films, 59, 5 f mammographic signs of, 26–27 136f, 138f–139f, 150f–152f, 160f–162f,
Foreign bodies, in mammography, 51 HRT. See Hormone replacement therapy, 177f–179f, 201f–203f, 205f–207f, 209f,
Formation, of keloids, 66 mammographic signs of 211f–215f, 245f–247f, 249, 255–256,
4 D’s, for patient discussions, 1 Hyalinizing fibroadenoma, 8 255f–256f, 258, 258f–260f, 260, 263,
FP. See False positive with dystrophic calcifications, 19, 22, 24 303f–304f, 304–305, 326f, 327, 331f–332f,
36–37 332, 343f–344f, 344, 353–354, 353f,
Galactoceles, 342 mammography of, 19, 19f–24f, 21–22 382f–383f, 385f–387f, 436–437, 436f, 438f,
aspiration of, 342 ultrasound of, 24, 24f–25f 448f–449f, 450, 464f–465f, 465–466, 468,
imaging findings of, 34 Hyperplasia, 436–437 468f–470f, 470
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medullary carcinoma as subtype of, LCIS. See Lobular carcinoma in situ LM view. See 90-Degree lateromedial view
257, 290 Leser-Trélat sign, 5 Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), 440
MRI of, 140f–141f, 332, 333f Lesion. See also Breast cancer; Lesion manage- ALH v., 440
with mucinous features, 192f–196f ment; Mass; Specific Carcinoma Lobular carcinoma, invasive. See Invasive
palpable mass as, 255–256, 255f, 304–305, anatomic locations of, 252, 252f–254f, 261, lobular carcinoma
304f, 353f, 354 262f Lobular neoplasia, 440
presentation of, 155 comparison studies of, 177f–178f, 178 in tubular carcinoma, 238
radiography of, 450, 451f excision of, 142 Location, of lesion, 114, 152, 153f, 183f–184f,
SLNB for, 305, 332, 334, 344, 354 extracapsular extension of, 133 261, 262f, 393f, 394f
treatment of, 466 of invasive lobular carcinoma, 186 rolled spot compression view for determining,
ultrasound of, 99f, 106, 106f, 114, 114f, 140f, locating of, 114, 152, 153f, 183f–184f, 393f, 233
153f, 163f, 167f, 180f, 204f, 207f, 215f, 256, 394f Lucent-centered calcification, 25
256f, 260–261, 261f, 263, 304–305, 304f, metachronous, 216 mammography of, 38, 38f, 65f, 66, 67f–68f,
326f, 327, 332, 333f, 344, 344f, 384f, 386f, multicentric, 216 388f–389f
450, 451f, 466f–467f, 470f multifocal, 216 Lump. See Lesion; Mass
Invasive ductal carcinoma NOS. See Invasive obvious, 74 Lumpectomy
ductal carcinoma not otherwise specifie papillary, 180 for breast cancer, 300f, 318f, 319
Invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise speci- presentation of, 91, 93 for DCIS, 244, 249, 302, 332, 336, 339, 354,
fied (NOS), 11 stability of, 74 418, 437, 456, 466
mammography of, 388f–389f, 394f synchronous, 216 fluid collections foll wing, 470
presentation of, 94 tools for evaluating, 241 follow-up protocols for, 457
ultrasound of, 390f, 394f Lesion, inflammato y for invasive ductal carcinoma, 249, 305, 332,
Invasive intraductal carcinoma mammography of, 280f–281f 344, 354, 466
mammography of, 177f–179f, 209f, 211f–215f ultrasound of, 282, 282f for invasive mammary carcinoma, 336, 344
ultrasound of, 180f, 215f Lesion management, 377–490 metallic clip for, 456, 458f–462f, 468
Invasive lobular carcinoma, 133, 137 for ADH, 410, 429–437, 431f–435f, for metaplastic carcinoma, 362
abnormalities of, 88 441f–443f, 443, 452f –453f, 453 for mucinous carcinoma, 241, 274
asymmetry with, 8, 155 for ALH, 182f, 184f–186f, 439f, 440 recurrence following, 457
biopsy of, 285, 317 cancer detection rates in, 379 touch imprints during, 249
as breast cancer, 285 for CAPSS, 434–435, 439f, 440 of tubular carcinoma, 238
extent of, 186 for cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ, Lymph nodes
histological features of, 286 177f–180f, 435 abnormal, 466
mammography of, 131f–132f, 156f–158f, for CSL, 381, 441f–447f, 443–444, biopsy of, 181
172f–175f, 182f, 184f–185f, 283f–284f, 446–447 calcification in, 306, 30 f
285–286, 316f, 317 for DCIS, 408f–411f, 415f–417f, 418, cat scratch disease in, 322
picture of, 318f 420f–423f, 421, 423f, 430, 433, 435–437, examination for abnormality of, 383
presentation of, 86, 88, 94, 136, 147, 155 436f, 438f, 448f–449f, 450–451, 451f, gold treatment deposition in, 306
tubulolobular carcinomas as variant of, 336 456–457, 456f–467f, 463f, 465–466, 468, imaging features of, 362
ultrasound of, 133f, 137f, 159f, 175f, 186f, 468f–470f, 470, 477–479, 477f–478f mammography of, 5–6, 5f, 19, 23f–24f, 24, 52f,
285, 285f, 317, 317f ductography for, 412f, 413–414, 418, 450 60f, 63f, 87f, 88, 89f, 148f, 150f–152f, 224f
Invasive mammary carcinoma, 116. See also for fibroadenoma, 42 f, 425, 428–429 metastatic disease in, 133, 163, 362, 466
Metaplastic carcinoma FN in, 379 MRI of, 5–6, 7f
biopsy of, 336, 344 FP in, 379 ultrasound of, 5f–7f, 6
with focal mucinous features, 192f–196f for intracystic carcinoma, 399 Lymphoma, 367
lumpectomy of, 336, 344 for LCIS, 440 asymmetry with, 86, 155
mammography of, 115f–116f, 201f–203f, for lobular neoplasia, 440 biopsy of, 367
334–336, 334f–335f, 343f–344f, 344, medical audit of, 378–379 mammography of, 366f, 367
436–437, 436f, 438f for micropapillary ductal carcinoma in situ, ultrasound of, 367, 367f
micropapillary type, 189f–191f 189f–191f Lymphovascular space involvement, 131f–133f,
SLNB for, 344 for mucocele-like lesion, 430 133, 344, 387
ultrasound of, 204f, 335f, 336, 344, 344f for multiple peripheral papillomas, 450 in DCIS, 457
Invasive mammary carcinoma, apocrine type, for papilloma, 418, 448f–449f, 450, 451f in invasive ductal carcinoma, 305, 344
122, 140, 142 for papillomatosis, 450
mammography of, 119f–121f, 138f–139f for Phyllodes tumor, 425, 426f–428f, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
MRI of, 140f–141f 428–429 of apocrine carcinomas, 140f–141f
ultrasound of, 122f, 140f pneumocystogram in, 474, 475f–476f of calcification cluste , 166f
Invasive micropapillary carcinoma PPV in, 379 of DCIS, 165, 166f, 332, 333f, 421, 423f
mammography of, 189f–190f sclerosing adenosis, 440, 454f–455f, 455 of DCIS with central necrosis, 140f–141f
ultrasound of, 191f for secretory carcinoma, 471 of ductal carcinoma in situ, 165, 166f, 332,
Isolated tumor cells, 181 sensitivity of, 379 333f, 421, 423f
specificity of, 37 of gel bleed, 39
Juvenile carcinoma, 471 TN in, 379 of implant rupture, 39
TP in, 378 indications for, 130, 140, 165, 167, 171, 216,
Keloids, mammography of, 65f, 66, 67f–68f Lidocaine, 398 421
Linear calcifications, 12 f–127f, 128, 140, of invasive ductal carcinoma, 140f–141f, 332,
Labeling, of mammography films, 8 197f–198f, 199, 244, 302, 456 333f
Lactational adenoma mammography of, 138f–139f, 164f–165f, of lymph nodes, 5–6, 7f
biopsy of, 267 165 of mucinous carcinoma, 274, 275f
clinical presentation of, 268 Lipoma of papillary carcinoma, 278, 279f
histological features of, 268 chest CT scan of, 64f scanning protocols for, 421
palpable mass as, 267 mammography of, 10f, 63f, 350, 350f–351f, screening with, 72
ultrasound of, 267, 267f, 268 352 Magnificatio
Language, patient care importance of, 230 radiolucent mass v., 11 minimizing blur in, 243–244
Lateral tissue, on CC views, 213 ultrasound of, 10f, 11, 64, 352, 352f obtaining, 243
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504 Index
Male breast cancer of DCIS, 100f–101f, 119f–121f, 138f–139f, of invasive mammary carcinoma, 115f–116f,
biopsy for, 327 164f–165f, 165, 192f–195f, 242f, 245f–247f, 156f–158f, 201f–203f, 334–336, 334f–335f,
histological features of, 327 249, 300f–301f, 301–302, 331f–332f, 332, 343f–344f, 344, 436–437, 436f, 438f
mammography of, 326f, 327 334–336, 334f–335f, 337f, 338–339, of invasive mammary carcinoma with focal
prostate cancer and, 327 353–354, 353f, 408f–409f, 415f–417f, 418, mucinous features, 192f–195f
risk factors for, 327 420f, 421, 422f, 436–437, 436f, 438f, of invasive micropapillary carcinoma,
ultrasound of, 326f, 327 448f–449f, 450, 456–457, 456f–463f, 189f–190f
Males, differentials in, 327 464f–465f, 465–466, 468, 468f–470f, 470, of irregular mass, 96f, 98–99, 98f–99f
Malignancy 477, 477f of keloids, 65f, 66, 67f–68f
evaluation of mass suspected of, 383 of DCIS with central necrosis, 126f–127f, 128, of linear calcifications, 13 f–139f, 164f–165f,
indications of, 5–6 138f–141f, 140, 142, 165, 197f–198f, 165
Malignant lesions, ultrasound features of, 354 385f–387f, 436–437, 436f, 438f, 450, of lipoma, 10f, 63f, 350, 350f–351f, 352
Mammary carcinoma 464f–465f, 465–466, 468, 468f–470f, 470, of lobulated mass, 67f–68f
biopsy of, 249 477–479, 477f–479f of lucent-centered calcifications, 38, 3 f, 65f,
lumpectomy of, 249 of deodorant, 60, 60f 66, 67f–68f, 388f–389f
mammography of, 245f–247f, 249, 250f, of diabetic fibrous mastopat y, 323f, 325 of lymph nodes, 5–6, 5f, 19, 23f–24f, 24, 52f,
252 different views of, 228 60f, 63f, 87f, 88, 89f, 148f, 150f–152f, 224f
ultrasound of, 248f, 249, 251f, 252 of diffuse changes, 73, 110, 144f–145f, of macrolobulated masses, 21, 21f
Mammary carcinoma, invasive. See Invasive 219f–220f of macrolobulated masses with calcification
mammary carcinoma; Invasive mammary of disappearing mass, 123f–125f, 126 21, 21f
carcinoma, apocrine type of distortion, 172f–175f, 182f, 184f–185f, of male breast cancer, 326f, 327
Mammography. See also Screening 187f, 188, 201f–203f, 380f–381f of mammary carcinoma, 245f–247f, 249, 250f,
mammography of dystrophic calcifications, 1 f, 22f, 35f–37f, 252
of abscess, 395f 85f, 86, 93f, 94, 205f–206f, 219f–220f of mass with radiolucent center, 380f–381f
of adenosis, 347f–348f, 348–349, 444f–446f, of ecchymosis, 328f, 329–330 of medullary carcinoma, 287f–288f, 289–290
446 evaluation of, 73–74, 75f, 94 with metallic BB, 236, 236f, 240, 240f, 250f,
of ADH, 431–433, 431f–432f, 434–435, 434f, exposure in, 83, 109t, 110, 148f, 149 255, 255f, 269, 269f, 277f, 280f, 283f–284f,
441f–443f, 443, 452f, 453 of fat necrosis, 371f, 372–373 291f, 294, 294f, 297f–298f, 303f, 323f, 331,
air in, 3, 3f–4f, 51–52, 51f–52f, 65f, 66, of fibroadenolipoma, f–9f, 9 331f, 334f–335f, 337f, 357f, 366f, 368f, 374f
67f–68f of fibroadenoma, 34 f, 346, 424f, 425 of metaplastic carcinoma, 360f–361f, 361–362
of ALH, 182f, 184f–185f, 439f, 440 of fibromatosis, 29 f–298f, 298–299 of micromark clip, 150f–152f
of amorphous calcifications, 3 f–33f, of fluid verload, 219f–220f of milk of calcium, 31f–33f, 313–314,
201f–203f of focal parenchymal asymmetry, 91–93, 313f–314f
amperage in, 110 91f–92f, 129f, 130, 170f, 171 of mixed-density mass, 5, 5f, 9, 9f, 17f, 18
of apocrine carcinomas, 119f–121f, with fogged film, 59, 5 f of Mondor disease, 222f–223f, 223
138f–139f foreign bodies in, 50 of mucinous carcinoma, 239f–240f, 240, 271,
of architectural distortion, 93f, 94, 95f of galactoceles, 340f, 341 271f–272f, 273–274
of arterial calcifications, 21, 2 f, 26f–27f, of gel bleed, 39 of multiple masses, 224f–225f
28f–29f, 47f, 96f, 97, 117f, 118, 148f, of global parenchymal asymmetry, 154f, 155, of needle tip, 50f, 51
150f–152f, 205f–206f 187f, 188, 199f, 200 of negative-density artifact, 56, 56f
artifacts in, 47, 47f, 57, 57f of granular cell tumor, 269–270, 269f of nipple rings, 58, 58f
of asymmetry, 85f, 86, 182f, 183, 184f–185f, of gynecomastia, 307f, 308 of oil cysts, 11f–13f, 12
209f, 210 of hair, 46f, 47 of pacemaker, 219f–220f
of atypical lobular hyperplasia, 182f, of hematoma, 264f–265f, 265–266 of palpable mass, 6f, 8f–11f, 9, 12, 18,
184f–185f, 439f, 440 of Hickman catheter, 48, 48f 23f–24f, 43f, 45f, 382f–383f, 385f–386f,
after biopsy excision, 155 of hyalinizing fibroadenomas, 19, 1 f–24f, 395f, 404f–405f, 408f–409f
of breast lymphoma, 366f, 367 21–22 of papillary carcinoma, 276f–277f, 277
of buck shot, 69f, 70 of implant collapse, 42, 42f of papillomas, 363f–364f, 364–365,
of bullet fragments, 69f, 70 of implant removal, 168f, 169 448f–449f, 450
of calcification, 1 f–19f, 14, 18–19, 19, 19f, of implant rupture, 39, 39f–41f, 43f, 45f of parenchymal asymmetry, 192f–195f
21–22, 21f–24f, 23f–24f, 237, 245f–247f, of inflammato y carcinoma, 291, 291f patient instructions for, 60
355–356, 355f–356f of inflammato y lesion, 280f–281f pectoral muscles in, 1–52, 51f–52f, 54, 77f,
of calcification cluste , 100f–101f, 102, interpretation of, 73–74, 75f 78, 80, 135, 209f, 210, 217f, 218, 224, 224f
126f–127f, 128, 164f–165f, 197f–198f, of intracystic papillary carcinoma, of phyllodes tumor, 426f–427f, 428
385f–387f 408f–409f of plus-density artifact, 55, 55f
of calcified parasites, 6 f–62f, 62 of invasive carcinoma, 368f–369f, 369–370 of port-a-catheter, 318f, 319, 320f
of CAPSS, 439f, 440 of invasive ductal carcinoma, 96–99, 96f, positioning for, 77f, 78, 79f, 80–83, 81f–83f,
of cat scratch disease, 321f, 322 98f–99f, 103f, 104, 105f, 107f, 111f–113f, 87f, 88, 96f, 97, 135, 155, 197f, 198, 209f,
CHF findings on, 14 f–145f, 219f–220f 115f–116f, 134f, 136f, 138f–139f, 150f–152f, 210, 213
cleavage in, 209f, 210 160f–162f, 177f–179f, 201f–203f, 205f–207f, of preoperative wire localization, 485f–486f,
of complex ductal carcinoma in situ, 209f, 211f–215f, 245f–247f, 249, 255–256, 488f
385f–387f 255f–256f, 258, 258f–260f, 260, 263, radiolucency in, 3, 3f–4f, 5, 51–52, 51f–52f,
of complex fibroadenoma, 23 f, 234f, 235, 303f–304f, 304–305, 326f, 327, 331f–332f, 65f, 66, 67f–68f
250f, 252 332, 343f–344f, 344, 353–354, 353f, of radiolucent mass, 10f–11f, 11–12, 63f
compression in, 83, 110, 135, 148f, 149 382f–383f, 385f–387f, 436–437, 436f, 438f, of radiolucent mass with calcification
contrast in, 83, 110 448f–449f, 450, 464f–465f, 465–466, 468, 15f–18f, 18
of cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ, 468f–470f, 470 of reduction mammoplasty, 11f, 12, 15f, 18,
177f–179f of invasive ductal carcinoma NOS, 388f–389f, 143f–144f
of CSL, 309, 309f–311f, 311, 441f–446f, 394f of rod-like calcifications, 2 f–29f, 117f, 118,
443–444, 446–447 of invasive intraductal carcinoma, 177f–179f, 148f
of cysts, 201f–202f, 224f–225f, 293f–294f, 209f, 211f–215f of scattered calcifications, 22 f–223f
294–296, 350, 350f–351f, 352, 374f–375f, of invasive lobular carcinoma, 131f–132f, scheduling of, 60
398f, 399, 401f, 403f, 472f 156f–158f, 172f–175f, 182f, 184f–185f, of sclerosing adenosis, 454f–455f, 455
of Dacron cuffs, 48, 48f 283f–284f, 285–286, 316f, 317 of sclerosing lesion, 429–430, 429f–430f
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screening guidelines for, 72 mammography with, 236, 236f, 240, 240f, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
screening views in, 73–74 250f, 255, 255f, 269, 269f, 277f, 280f, for inflammato y breast carcinoma, 332
of seborrheic keratoses, 2f–4f, 3, 5 283f–284f, 291f, 294, 294f, 297f–298f, 303f, for invasive ductal carcinoma, 332, 466,
sharpness in, 83–84 323f, 331, 331f, 334f–335f, 337f, 357f, 366f, 468
of skin calcifications, 38, 3 f, 63f, 65f, 66, 368f, 374f, 472f Neurofibromatosis,
67f–68f for skin lesion imaging, 3, 4f, 5, 490, 490f 90-Degree lateromedial (LM) view, 208
of skin folds, 51–52, 51f–54f, 54, 60f Metallic clip 90-Degree mediolateral (ML) view, 208
of skin lesion, 2f–4f, 3, 5, 100f, 205f for excised lesion, 434 Nipple, absence of, 217f, 218
of solid ductal carcinoma in situ, 177f–179f, for imaging-guided biopsy, 425, 468 Nipple discharge, spontaneous
201f–203f for lumpectomy, 456, 458f–462f, 468 causes of, 414
of spiculated mass, 105f, 156f–158f, with ultrasound guidance, 466 DCIS in, 418
160f–162f, 189f–190f, 205f–207f, 209f, Metaplastic carcinoma ductal carcinoma in situ as, 339
211f–215f biopsy of, 362 ductogram of, 412f, 413
of spontaneous nipple discharge, 412f, 413, clinical, imaging, and histological features of, evaluation of, 413
414f 362 excisional biopsy for, 413–414, 414f, 418
of sternalis muscle, 53f–54f, 54 lumpectomy of, 362 fibro ystic change as cause of, 418
of thrombosed vein, 222f–223f, 223 mammography of, 360f–361f, 361–362 mammography of, 412f, 413, 414f–417f,
of tubular adenoma, 357f–358f, 358–359 palpable mass as, 361–362 417–418, 419f
of tubular carcinoma, 236f–237f, 238 ultrasound of, 361–362, 362f papillomas as cause of, 418, 449f, 450
ultrasound correlation with, 393f–394f Metastatic disease. See also Micrometastatic Nipple ring, mammography of, 58, 58f
ultrasound progression from, 252, 252f–254f disease Node-positive patients, prognosis of, 133
of vascular calcifications, 6 f, 219f–220f in axillary lymph nodes, 133, 163 Noise, in mammography films, 8
of verrucous lesions, 5 of breast, 370, 471 Nonsteroidal, anti-inflammato y agents, 223
voltage in, 110 with extracapsular extension, 305
of weight loss changes, 108f–109f, 110 in lymph nodes, 133, 163, 362, 466 Oil cyst, 18, 155
of wire fragment, 49f, 50, 67f–68f in sentinel lymph node, 421 with calcification, 1 f–14f, 14
for women under 30, 267 Micromark clip, mammography of, 150f–152f development of, 266, 456
Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA), Micrometastatic disease, 180–181, 387 mammography of, 11f–13f, 12
assessment categories of, 228–229 Micropapillary carcinoma, invasive. See radiolucent mass as, 11, 14
Management. See Lesion management Invasive micropapillary carcinoma ultrasound of, 11–12, 11f, 64
Mass. See also Mixed-density mass; Palpable Micropapillary ductal carcinoma in situ, 435 Orthogonal images, for needle placement, 391,
mass; Radiolucent mass; Water-density Milk of calcium, 33–34, 399 392f
mass mammography of, 31f–33f, 313–314, Oval calcifications, 44
approach to patient with, 236 313f–314f
cluster of, 450 ultrasound of, 33f–34f, 314, 315f PABC. See Pregnancy-associated breast carci-
disappearing, 123f–125f, 126 Mixed-density mass, 155 noma
irregular, 96f, 98–99, 98f–99f, 383 calcification with, 1 Pacemaker, mammography of, 219f–220f
lobulated, 67f–68f differentials for, 405 Paget disease, ductal carcinoma in situ as,
macrolobulated, 21, 21f, 398f as fat necrosis, 372 339
mixed-density, 5, 5f, 9, 9f, 17f, 18, 155, 372, mammography of, 5, 5f, 9, 9f, 17f, 18 Palpable mass, 10f
405 ML view. See 90-Degree mediolateral view as breast lymphoma, 367
multiple, 224–225, 224f–225f MLO view. See Mediolateral oblique view with calcification cluste , 385–388
radiolucent, 10f–11f, 11–12, 14, 15f–18f, 18, Mondor’s disease, 222f–223f, 223 as complex fibroadenoma, 25 f–251f,
350, 351f, 352 mammography of, 222f–223f, 223 251–252
with radiolucent center, 380–381, 380f–381f ultrasound of, 223 as cyst, 375, 375f, 474
round, 138f–139f, 140, 401f–402f, 402, Mortality rates, of breast cancer, 72–73 as DCIS, 337f–338f, 338–339, 353f, 354
408f–409f, 409 Motion blur, 83, 110, 135 as ductal carcinoma in situ, 337f–338f,
spiculated, 105f, 115f–116f, 155, 156f–159f, MQSA. See Mammography Quality Standards 338–339, 353f, 354, 465
160f–162f, 168f, 169, 189f–191f, 205f–207f, Act ductal extension of, 354, 354f
209f, 211f–215f, 257, 260, 269–270, 269f, MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging as fat necrosis, 372f–373f, 373
285, 308, 317, 336, 390, 390f Mucinous carcinoma, 257 as fibroadenolipoma, f–9f, 9
well-circumscribed, 402, 404f–406f, 405–406, histological features of, 274 as fibroadenoma, 34
408f–409f, 409–411 imaging features of, 274, 275f as fibromatosis, 298, 29 f
Mastectomy as invasive ductal carcinoma subtype, 257 following reduction mammoplasty, 18
for DCIS, 421, 466 invasive lesion as, 430 as galactoceles, 340f–341f, 341
for invasive ductal carcinoma, 466 lumpectomy of, 241, 274 with global parenchymal asymmetry, 200
Mastitis, 30, 94, 396 mammography of, 239f–240f, 240, 271, as inflammato y lesion, 281f
Mastitis obliterans, 30 271f–272f, 273–274 as invasive carcinoma, 370, 370f
Medical audit, 378–379 MRI of, 274, 275f as invasive ductal carcinoma, 255–256, 255f,
Mediolateral oblique (MLO) view, 73–74, palpable mass as, 240, 240f–241f 304–305, 304f, 353f, 354, 465
74f–75f, 94 ultrasound of, 241, 241f, 273f, 274 as lactational adenoma, 267
pectoral muscles in, 77f, 78 Mucocele-like lesions, 430 mammography of, 6f, 8f–11f, 9, 12, 18,
positioning for, 77f, 78, 79f Multicentricity, 216, 387 23f–24f, 43f, 45f, 382f–383f, 385f–386f,
Medullary carcinoma, 257 Multifocality, 216 395f, 404f–405f, 408f–409f
biopsy of, 290 Multiple cutaneous cysts, in steatocystoma mul- as medullary carcinoma, 289
histological features of, 290 tiplex, 14 as metaplastic carcinoma, 361–362
as invasive ductal carcinoma subtype, 257, Multiple peripheral papillomas, as papillomato- as mucinous carcinoma, 240, 240f–241f
290 sis, 450 with normal-appearing dense glandular tissue,
mammography of, 287f–288f, 289–290 Myxoid hamartomas, 9 382–384
palpable mass as, 289 as oil cyst, 11f, 12
ultrasound of, 289–290, 289f Needle, positioning of, 391, 392f, 400f as papillary carcinoma, 278
Metachronous, 216 Needle tip, mammography of, 50f, 51 as papillomas, 365, 365f
Metallic BB, 100f, 172f, 205f Negative-density artifact, in mammography, parenchymal asymmetry with, 200
for lump imaging, 11f 56, 56f as tubular adenoma, 358–359, 358f
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506 Index
Palpable mass (continued) Plasma cell mastitis, 30 follow-up protocols for, 457
as tubular carcinoma, 237–238, 237f Pleomorphic calcification, 257, 260, 302, 308 for invasive ductal carcinoma, 466
ultrasound of, 6f, 10f, 11f, 24, 24f–25f, 338, 349, 418, 421, 433, 435, 437, 440, 450, recurrence following, 457
44f–45f, 405f–406f 453, 456–457, 488 Radiography
Papillary carcinoma, 257 Plus-density artifact, 389f, 390 of adenosis, 446–447, 447f
biopsy of, 278 mammography of, 55, 55f of ADH, 435f, 453, 453f
central v. peripheral, 278 pN1a, 133 of DCIS, 450, 451f, 478–479, 479f
imaging features of, 278 pN2a, 133 of excised lesion, 142f
as invasive ductal carcinoma subtype, 257 pN3a, 133 following wire localization, 50
mammography of, 276f–277f, 277 Pneumocystography, of cyst, 474, 475f–476f of invasive ductal carcinoma, 450, 451f
MRI of, 278, 279f Poland’s syndrome, 217f, 218 of papillomas, 450, 451f
palpable mass as, 278 Port-a-catheter of preoperative wire localization,
ultrasound of, 277–278, 278f mammography of, 318f, 319, 320f 485f, 488f
Papillomas ultrasound of, 319, 319f–320f of sclerosing adenosis, 455, 455f
DCIS v., 418 Positioning Radiolucency, in mammography, 3, 3f–4f, 5,
ductography of, 450 for CC view, 80, 213 51–52, 51f–52f, 65f, 66, 67f–68f
ducts involved with, 418 for mammography, 77f, 78, 79f, 80–83, Radiolucent mass, 10f, 11, 12
excisional biopsy for, 450 81f–83f, 87f, 88, 96f, 97, 135, 155, 197f, with calcification, 1 f–18f, 18
histological features of, 365 198, 209f, 210, 213 cluster of, 18f
mammography of, 363f–364f, 364–365, for MLO view, 77f, 78, 79f lipoma as, 350, 351f, 352
448f–449f, 450 of needle, 391, 392f, 400f lipoma v., 11
management of patients with, 450 for ultrasound, 237–238 mammography of, 10f–11f, 11–12, 63f
as nipple discharge cause, 418, 449f, 450 Positive prediction value (PPV), 379 oil cyst as, 11, 14
palpable mass as, 365, 365f Posterior acoustic enhancement, 405f–406f, 406, Reduction mammoplasty
radiography of, 450, 451f 409–411 changes with, 144
solitary v. peripheral, 365 on ultrasound, 398, 398f, 399–400, 399f comparison films of, 1
ultrasound of, 364–365, 365f, 450, 451f Posterior nipple line (PNL), 97, 135, 393f fat necrosis following, 18
Papillomatosis, 450 location of, 252, 253f–254f mammography of, 11f, 12, 15f, 18, 143f–144f
Parasites, calcifie , 61f–62f, 62 measurement of, 80, 80f, 82, 82f, 210 palpable mass following, 18
Parenchymal asymmetry. See also Focal Postoperative change, 380–381 Removal, of implant, 168f, 169
parenchymal asymmetry; Global parenchy- PPV. See Positive prediction value Retinoids, 66
mal asymmetry Predictors, of axillary lymph node metastasis, Rheumatoid arthritis, gold treatment of, 306
mammography of, 192f–195f 163 Rod-like calcifications, 30, 26 f, 265
ultrasound of, 196f Pregnancy, breast cancer and, 268 mammography of, 28f–29f, 117f, 118, 148f
PASH. See Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyper- Pregnancy-associated breast carcinoma (PABC), Rolled spot compression view
plasia 268 of arterial calcification, 24
Pathophysiological causes, of gynecomastia, Preoperative wire localization, 480–482, 481f, of mammography, 228
308 483f–485f, 486, 486f–487f when to use, 233, 233f
Patient care, 377 anteroposterior approach for, 482, 483f Round calcifications, 19 f–198f, 199, 244, 255,
approaches to, 230 concepts of, 484f–485f 302, 311, 313, 350, 417, 433–435, 440, 444,
communication and documentation for, 230 mammography of, 485f–486f, 488f 447, 453
for fibromatosis, 29 radiography of, 485f, 488f Rupture, of implants, 39, 39f–41f, 43f–45f
optimizing, 479 repositioning of, 486, 487f
philosophical considerations for, 229–230 ultrasound of, 485f Saline implants, 42
for sclerosing adenosis, 455 Presentation Satellite lesions, in tubular carcinoma, 238
Patient discussions, 1 of breast cancer, 88 Scanning protocols, for MRI, 421
Patient history, 94, 130, 171 of DCIS, 339 Scar markers, 155
Patient instructions, for mammography, 60 of invasive ductal carcinoma, 86, 155 Scars, hypertrophic, 66
Patient management, for additional evaluation, of invasive ductal carcinoma NOS, 94 Scattered calcifications, mamm graphy of,
74–76 of invasive lobular carcinoma, 86, 88, 94, 136, 222f–223f
Peau d’orange changes, 396 147, 155 Scattered densities, 148f, 149
Pectoral muscles of lactational adenoma, 268 Scattered dystrophic calcifications, 26 f, 265
in CC view, 80 of lesion, 91, 93 Scheduling, of mammography, 60
in mammography, 51–52, 51f–52f, 54, 77f, 78, of lymphoma, 86, 155 Sclerosed papillomas, dystrophic calcification
80, 135, 209f, 210, 217f, 218, 224, 224f of Mondor disease, 222f–223f, 223 with, 36
in MLO view, 77f, 78 Prevalent cancer detection rate, 379 Sclerosing adenosis, 349, 440
Perception, of distortion, 174 Prognostic factors, 133 imaging and histological features of, 455
Periareolar scar, 397f Prostate cancer, male breast cancer and, 327 mammography of, 454f–455f, 455
Periductal mastitis, 30 Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia radiography of, 455, 455f
Peripheral papillomas, solitary papillomas v., (PASH), 130, 171 Sclerosing lesion. See also Complex sclerosing
365 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE), 26–27 lesion
Peripheral vascular disease, mammographic Puerperal mastitis, 396 excisional biopsy for, 429
signs of, 26–27 Punctate calcifications, 244, 24 f, 255, 285, imaging-guided biopsy of, 429
Phyllodes tumor, 425, 428 302, 311, 350, 355, 433–435, 440, 444, mammography of, 429–430, 429f–430f
excisional biopsy for, 428 447, 453 Screening guidelines, for mammography, 72
fibroadenoma ., 425, 428–429 PXE. See Pseudoxanthoma elasticum Screening mammography, 72–225
imaging-guided biopsy for, 429 90-degree LM views for, 208
mammography of, 426f–427f, 428 Quantum mottle, 84 90-degree ML views for, 208
ultrasound of, 428, 428f amperage in, 110
Physical examination Radiation therapy of apocrine carcinomas, 119f–121f, 122, 122f,
indications for, 382, 396 for breast cancer, 300f, 318f, 319 138f–139f, 140, 140f–141f, 142
usefulness of, 381 breast density and, 470 axillary nodal metastasis in, 133, 163
Pinpoint tenderness, approach to patient with, for DCIS, 456–457, 466 batch interpretation of, 73
236 for Ewing sarcoma, 300f biopsy changes in, 155, 174, 188
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Index 507
breast cancer statistics with, 72–73, 133 Skin folds Survival rates, of breast cancer, 133
call-back rates in, 76 mammography of, 51–52, 51f–54f, Synchronous, 216
CC views in, 73–74, 73f, 75f, 80, 94, 213 54, 60f
contrast in, 83, 110 with PXE, 26–27 T1 tumors, axillary lymph node metastasis with,
cysts in, 201f–202f, 224f–225f Skin lesion 163
DCIS in, 100f–101f, 102, 119f–121f, mammography of, 2f–4f, 3, 5, 100f, 205f Technical adequacy, of films, 73–74, 78–84, 94
126f–127f, 128, 138f–139f, 138f–141f, 140, metallic BB for imaging of, 3, 4f, 5 135
142, 164f–165f, 165, 166f, 192f–195f, 196f, Skin localization, 490 Thoracic artery, 117f, 118
197f–198f, 199 Skin retraction, 155 Thrombosed vein, mammography of, 222f–223f,
diffuse changes in, 73, 110, 144f–146f, Skin thickening, 155 223
145–147, 219f–220f, 221 SLNB. See Sentinel lymph node biopsy Tissue distribution, asymmetries in, 85f, 86, 90f,
distortion in, 172–174, 172f–175f, 182f, Solid ductal carcinoma in situ, 192f–196f, 91
184f–187f, 188, 201f–204f 435 TN. See True negative
exposure for, 83, 109t, 110, 148f, 149 mammography of, 177f–179f, 201f–203f Touch imprints, description of, 249
fibroadenoma in, 18 ultrasound of, 180f, 204f TP. See True positive
focal parenchymal asymmetry in, 91–93, Solitary papillomas, peripheral papillomas v., Triamcinolone, 66
91f–92f, 129f, 130, 155, 170f, 171 365 Triangulation, for locating lesions, 152, 153f
global parenchymal asymmetry in, 86, 154f, Specificit , 379 Trichinosis, calcifications with, 6
155, 187f, 188, 199f Spot compression paddle True negative (TN), 379
goal of, 72, 157 determining use of, 233 True positive (TP), 378
guidelines for easing imaging with, 241 Tubular adenoma
interpretation of, 73–74, 75f for mammography, 228, 232f, 247f biopsy of, 359
invasive ductal carcinoma NOS in, 94, 114 for skin localization, 490, 490f imaging and histological features of, 359
invasive lobular carcinoma in, 88, 94, Spot compression view mammography of, 357f–358f, 358–359
131f–132f, 133, 133f, 136, 137, 137f, 147, of ADH, 432, 432f, 452f palpable mass as, 358–359, 358f
155, 156f–158f, 172f–175f, 175f, 182f, of arterial calcification, 246, 24 f–247f ultrasound of, 358–359, 358f
184f–185f, 186, 186f of complex fibroadenoma, 250, 25 f Tubular carcinoma, 238, 257
isolated tumor cells in, 181 of CSL, 443, 443f glands in, 238
lymphovascular space involvement in, of cyst, 294, 350 as invasive ductal carcinoma subtype,
131f–133f, 133, 387 determining use of, 233 257
micrometastasis in, 180–181, 387 of fibroadenoma, 34 lobular neoplasia in, 238
MLO views for, 73–74, 74f–75f, 77f, 78, of galactoceles, 340f lumpectomy of, 238
79f, 94 of granular cell tumor, 269, 269f mammography of, 236f–237f, 238
of Mondor disease, 222f–223f, 223 indications for, 124, 127, 130, 171, 174, 178, palpable mass as, 237–238, 237f
PNL in, 80, 80f, 82, 82f, 97, 135, 210 225 presentation of, 94
of Poland syndrome, 217f, 218 of invasive ductal carcinoma, 255–256, 256f, satellite lesions in, 238
potential abnormalities in, 378 260, 260f, 332, 332f, 465 ultrasound of, 237–238, 237f
quantum mottle in, 84 of invasive lobular carcinoma, 284f Tubulolobular carcinoma, as variant of invasive
of reduction mammoplasty, 143f–144f, of lipoma, 350 lobular carcinomas, 336
144 of metaplastic carcinoma, 361, 361f Tumors, 72
sharpness in, 83–84 of milk of calcium, 313f–314f
of shrinking breast, 108f–109f, 110, 155 of mucinous carcinoma, 272f Ultrasound
triangulation in, 152, 153f of papillomas, 364 of abscess, 396f–397f
views for of tubular carcinoma, 236 of ADH, 433, 433f
voltage for, 110 Spot tangential view of ALH, 186f
XCCL views for, 73, 80 of cyst, 294, 375, 375f, 473 of amorphous calcifications, 33–34, 3 f–34f,
Screening views, 73–74 of diabetic fibrous mastopat y, 323f 204f
Screens, cleaning of, 57 of ductal carcinoma in situ, 334–335, 335f, of apocrine carcinomas, 122f, 140f
Sebaceous cyst, 375 353–354, 353f of asymmetry, 186f
calcifications with, 37 evaluating adequacy of, 240, 240f, of atypical lobular hyperplasia, 186f
epidermal inclusion cyst v., 375 256 of breast bud development, 471
Seborrheic keratoses, mammography of, 2f–4f, of fat necrosis, 372f of breast lymphoma, 367, 367f
3, 5 of fibromatosis, 29 f of calcification cluste , 386f
Secretory carcinoma, 471 of inflammato y lesion, 281f of cat scratch disease, 321f, 322
Secretory disease, 30 of invasive carcinoma, 369f CHF findings on, 147, 14 f
Sensitivity, 379 of invasive ductal carcinoma, 255, 255f–256f, of complex ductal carcinoma in situ, 386f
Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB), 181 304f, 344, 344f, 353–354, 353f of complex fibroadenoma, 235, 23 f, 251f,
ALND v., 263 of invasive mammary carcinoma, 334–335, 252
for ductal carcinoma in situ, 263, 302, 332, 335f, 344, 344f of cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ,
339, 354, 457, 488 of mammography, 228 180f
for invasive breast cancer, 263 of medullary carcinoma, 288f of CSL, 311–312, 312f, 444, 447, 447f
for invasive ductal carcinoma, 305, 332, 334, of tubular adenoma, 358, 358f of cysts, 33–34, 33f–34f, 294–295, 295f, 375,
344, 354 of tubular carcinoma, 236, 237f 398f, 399, 399f–400f, 400, 402f, 473f, 474,
for invasive mammary carcinoma, 344 Squamous metaplasia, 396 475f
significance to results of, 26 Stability, of lesions, 74 of DCIS, 196f, 248f, 249, 301f, 302, 332, 333f,
touch imprints during, 249 Steatocystoma multiplex, 14 335f, 336, 338–339, 338f, 409f–411f, 421,
Sentinel lymph node, metastatic disease in, 421, Sternalis muscle, mammography of, 423f, 450, 451f, 463f, 466f–467f, 470f, 477,
436, 457 53f–54f, 54 477f–478f
Sharpness, in mammography films, 83–8 Steroid injections, 64, 66 of DCIS with central necrosis, 140f, 386f,
Shrinking breast, 108f–109f, 110, 155 Subareolar abscess formation, 396, 397f 466f–467f, 470f, 477, 477f–478f
Silicone gel, 66 Subareolar area of diabetic fibrous mastopat y, 324f, 325
Silicone implants, 39, 44, 45f invasive ductal carcinoma with, 257 of distortion, 175f, 186f, 204f
Skin calcifications, mamm graphy of, 38, 38f, spot compression view evaluation of, of dystrophic calcifications, 24, 2 f–25f
63f, 65f, 66, 67f–68f 233 of ecchymosis, 329–330, 329f
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508 Index
Ultrasound (continued) of lactational adenoma, 267, 267f, 268 Ultrasound-guided aspiration, 474, 475f
echoes on, 398–399, 400 of lipoma, 10f, 11, 64, 352, 352f for cyst, 398, 475f
of fat necrosis, 372f–373f, 373 of lymph nodes, 5f–7f, 6 Ultrasound-guided biopsy, 260, 336, 339, 367,
features of malignant lesions, 354 of male breast cancer, 326f, 327 388–394, 428, 456, 477
of fibroadenolipoma, of mammary carcinoma, 248f, 249, 251f, 252 for fibroadenoma, 42
of fibroadenoma, 346, 34 f mammographic correlation with, 393f–394f Unilateral diffuse changes. See Diffuse changes
of fibromatosis, 298–299, 29 f mammography progression to, 252, 252f–254f
of galactoceles, 341–342, 341f of medullary carcinoma, 289–290, 289f Vascular calcification, 26, 361. See also Arterial
of gel bleed, 39 of metaplastic carcinoma, 361–362, 362f calcification
of granular cell tumor, 269–270, 269f of milk of calcium, 33f–34f, 314, 315f mammography of, 63f, 219f–220f
of hematoma, 265–266, 265f of Mondor disease, 223 Verrucous lesions, mammography of, 5
history obtained during, 229, 330, 342 of mucinous carcinoma, 241, 241f, 273f, 274 Voltage, for mammography, 110
of hyalinizing fibroadenomas, 24, 2 f–25f of multiple masses, 225
of implant rupture, 39, 44f–45f of needle positioning, 392f Water-density mass, 350, 351f, 352
indications for, 130, 171, 178, 185, 225, 256, of oil cysts, 11–12, 11f, 64 Weight loss, mammographic changes with,
382, 396, 409 of palpable mass, 6f, 10f, 11f, 24, 24f–25f, 108f–109f, 110
of inflammato y carcinoma, 292, 292f 44f–45f, 405f–406f Wire fragment, mammography of, 49f, 50,
of inflammato y lesion, 282, 282f of papillary carcinoma, 277–278, 278f 67f–68f
of intracystic papillary carcinoma, 409f–411f of papillomas, 364–365, 365f, 450, 451f Wire localization, 50, 394f
of invasive carcinoma, 370, 370f of parenchymal asymmetry, 196f for lesion excision, 142
of invasive ductal carcinoma, 99f, 106, 106f, of phyllodes tumor, 428, 428f preoperative, 480–482, 481f, 483f–485f
114, 114f, 140f, 153f, 163f, 167f, 180f, 204f, of port-a-catheter, 319, 319f–320f Women with implants, in diagnostic patient
207f, 215f, 248f, 249, 256, 256f, 260–261, positioning patients for, 237–238 population, 227. See also Implants; Young
261f, 263, 304–305, 304f, 332, 333f, 344, posterior acoustic enhancement on, 398–400, women
344f, 384f, 386f, 450, 451f, 466f–467f, 470f 398f–399f Wound healing, 66
of invasive ductal carcinoma NOS, 390f, 394f screening with, 72
of invasive intraductal carcinoma, 180f, 215f of solid ductal carcinoma in situ, 180f, 204f XCCL. See Exaggerated craniocaudal view
of invasive lobular carcinoma, 133f, 137f, of spiculated mass, 159f, 191f, 207f, 215f, 390f
159f, 175f, 186f, 285, 285f, 317, 317f transducer placement for, 114 Young women
of invasive mammary carcinoma, 159f, 204f, of tubular adenoma, 358–359, 358f invasive ductal carcinoma in, 134f, 136f
335f, 336, 344, 344f of tubular carcinoma, 237–238, 237f parenchymal pattern in, 92
of invasive mammary carcinoma with focal Ultrasound-guidance, for preoperative wire
mucinous features, 196f localization, 482, 485f Zinc oxide ointment (Desitin), 47
of invasive micropapillary carcinoma, 191f Ultrasound-guided anesthesia, 474 Zuska’s disease. See Subareolar abscess formation