NCRP Report 155 Aapm
NCRP Report 155 Aapm
NCRP Report 155 Aapm
Management of
Radionuclide Therapy
Recommendations of the
Any mention of commercial products within NCRP publications is for informa-
tion only; it does not imply recommendation or endorsement by NCRP.
[For detailed information on the availability of NCRP publications see page 234.]
Edward B. Silberstein Richard J. Vetter
University of Cincinnati Mayo Clinic
Medical Center Rochester, Minnesota
Cincinnati, Ohio
Jeffrey F. Williamson Pat D. Zanzonico
Washington University Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Medical Center Cancer Center
St. Louis, Missouri New York, New York
Jerrold T. Bushberg Sarah S. Donaldson
University of California, Stanford University School
Davis School of Medicine of Medicine
Sacramento, California Stanford, California
NCRP Secretariat
Constantine J. Maletskos, Staff Consultant, 2003–2006
William M. Beckner, Senior Staff Scientist, 2001–2003
James A. Spahn, Jr., Senior Staff Scientist, 1994–2000
Cindy L. O’Brien, Managing Editor
David A. Schauer, Executive Director
Thomas S. Tenforde
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii
Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Dose Limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Patient Confinement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Patient Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
1.1 Brief History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
1.2 Research with Radioactive Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1.3 Principles of Radiopharmaceutical Therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . .9
1.4 Principles of Brachytherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
1.5 General Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
3. Radiopharmaceutical Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.1 Systemic and Regional Therapies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.2 Choice of Radionuclides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.3 Clinical Aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.3.1 Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.3.2 Prescription of Administered Activity . . . . . . . . . 49
3.3.3 Assay of Administered Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.3.4 Acceptance Criteria for Therapeutic
Radiopharmaceuticals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.3.5 Administration of Therapeutic
Radiopharmaceuticals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.3.6 Addressable Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.3.7 Considerations in Patient Confinement. . . . . . . . 56
3.3.8 Special Considerations for Female Patients . . . . 57
3.3.9 Heritable Effects and Genetic Counseling . . . . . . 59
3.4 Radiation Safety Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.5 Patient-Release Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.5.1 Doses to Individuals and Family Members . . . . . 65
3.5.2 Travel by Radiopharmaceutical Therapy
Patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.6 Emerging Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4. Brachytherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.1 Techniques and Basic Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
4.2 Sources, Delivery Technology, and Dosimetry . . . . . . . . . 74
4.2.1 Specification of Source Strength for Photon
Emitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.2.2 Determination of Absorbed Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.2.3 Physical and Dosimetric Properties of
Brachytherapy Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
1In some parts of the Report, the reader will find both International
System (SI) units and conventional units (e.g., curie). This approach
reflects the current state of medical practice in making the transition to
the SI system in the United States.
Dose Limits
Patient Confinement
the patient’s family. Such treatment may range from oral ingestion
of a capsule containing radioactive material to emplacement of
sealed sources by a surgical procedure. However, it is recognized
that the presence and support of a patient’s family may contribute
substantially to the therapeutic outcome and improve the patient’s
quality-of-life. The treating physician, in consultation with the
facility radiation safety officer (RSO), will determine the need for
medical confinement. This decision will consider the physical and
mental condition of the patient as well as the individual living
circumstances. It should be possible for the majority of patients to
be treated as outpatients if provided with adequate instructions,
both oral and written, for the patient and his family, for other insti-
tutions with which the patient may interact, and for regulatory
Patient Records
Patient records, whether in written or electronic form, should
clearly identify the radionuclide therapy procedure performed
including the radionuclide and activity used as well as the physical
and chemical form, the treating physician, and contact informa-
tion. These records should be maintained in the records of the facil-
ity either permanently or for a time designated by the relevant
regulatory agencies.
NCRP recognizes that there are existing federal or state regula-
tory requirements covering many topics in this Report and the rec-
ommendations in this Report are not intended to supplant these
regulations. These regulations, where applicable, should be con-
sulted in applying the general principles discussed. However,
NCRP considered that it had a broader mandate than to simply
recapitulate regulations. As a particular example, NCRP reviewed
the regulatory definitions of “misadministration” and “medical
events” and chose to define an alternate term, “addressable events,”
that included the regulatory requirements, but expanded consider-
ation to include events that may have systematic implications.
Therefore, addressable events as defined will include events that
could result in patient injury or harm as well as events that have no
associated injury. The intent of the term, addressable events, is to
indicate a broader mandate to examine the cause of an event, sys-
tematic changes as required, and any necessary changes in practice.
The rapid advance of technology and the enlarging field of radi-
onuclide applications will cause some of the specific treatments in
this Report to eventually become outdated. However, the basic
principles discussed and the radiation protection guidelines pre-
sented should remain constant.
of 198Au colloid for liver imaging. By the end of the 20th century,
~80 % of diagnostic nuclear-medicine procedures were performed
with 99mTc.
In the late 1960s, the availability of cyclotrons small enough to
be placed in medical centers made possible the exploration of the
use of positron-emitting isotopes such as 18F, 11C, and 15O for diag-
nostic nuclear-medicine studies. The full diagnostic capabilities of
positron-labeled pharmaceuticals, such as 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose,
in the fields of neurologic and oncologic imaging were finally real-
ized in the 1990s due to improvements in imaging technology. The
use of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose, a tracer of glucose metabolism, to
measure localized increase in glucose metabolism has provided a
unique insight into the detection and staging of a variety of cancers
(Hustinx et al., 1996).
that series, revised the estimates from the 1977 report and consid-
ered excess cancer mortality as the major factor to be used in set-
ting radiation protection standards (UNSCEAR, 1988). In 1990, the
National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council (NAS/
NRC) issued the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR V)
report (NAS/NRC, 1990) which updated earlier estimates of both
the somatic and genetic effects of radiation and incorporated the
estimates from the UNSCEAR (1988) report. Rates of mortality
from various forms of cancer were analyzed in relation to age at
irradiation, sex, time after irradiation, and other variables. In 2006,
NAS/NRC issued BEIR VII (NAS/NRC, 2006) to update BEIR V
using new information from epidemiologic and experimental
research that accumulated since the 1990 review (NAS/NRC, 2006).
NCRP Report No. 91 (NCRP, 1987), now superseded by Report
No. 116 (NCRP, 1993b), was the first in a series of reports that
based radiation exposure limits on risk estimates. NCRP Report
No. 115 (NCRP, 1993a) reviewed the risk estimates for radiation
protection in light of the UNSCEAR (1988) report and BEIR V
(NAS/NRC, 1990) report. This report provided the theoretical basis
for the recommendations published in NCRP Report No. 116
(NCRP, 1993b). These recommendations for limitations of radiation
exposure were established at a level to achieve the objectives of
radiation protection (i.e., prevention of the occurrence of clinically
significant acute radiation damage and limitation of the risk of sto-
chastic effects) such as cancer and genetic effects, and of determin-
istic effects, such as cataract induction. The risk estimates for
radiation protection are discussed in NCRP Report No. 115 (NCRP,
1993a). These recommended limits for occupational dose and dose
to members of the public are shown in Table 2.1 and exclude radi-
ation doses received by an individual as a patient and doses from
natural background radiation including radon. The risk associated
with exposure to radiation doses within these limits is considered
to be very small. However, it is assumed that increase in risk is pro-
portional to dose; thus, NCRP recommends that the radiation
safety program shall be designed to keep radiation doses ALARA.
The specific objectives of radiation protection as stated in NCRP
Report No. 116 are:
Adult workersa 50
the patient may be released from medical confinement and for post-
release precautions should be included as part of the medical
2.3 Staffing
2.3.1 Physician
The RSO need not personally perform these duties and may del-
egate them to appropriately trained persons. However, when such
delegations are made, the RSO shall be responsible for ensuring
that the duties are performed correctly. Throughout this Report,
any reference to the radiation safety officer (RSO), includes that
individual and any authorized designees such as radiation safety
2.3.5 Dosimetrist
2.3.6 Nurse
2.3.7 Physician-in-Training
2.8 Surveys
2.9.2 Bioassay
may be stored for decay. The volume of radioactive waste that can
be stored on-site will depend on storage capacity within the facility.
Such locations should be in a low-occupancy, secure, and posted
area of the facility and adequately shielded as required. Prior to
disposal or recycling of decayed radioactive waste, such materials
shall be monitored with a suitable survey meter in a low back-
ground area to verify that the activity is acceptably low or not
detectable, and all “radioactive material” labeling shall be removed
or obliterated prior to disposal or recycling. Disposal or recycling of
these materials must meet applicable regulatory requirements.
The RSO should be consulted regarding any disposal requirements.
Lead containers used for storage or shipment of radioactive mate-
rials should be surveyed by wipe testing and with a survey meter
to verify the absence of removable activity and recycled according
to applicable environmental regulations.
2.11 Training
toma multiforme).
gamma-ray constant and the analogous specific bremsstrahlung are, therefore, expressed in these conventional units.
Although 89Sr emits a gamma ray, it is grouped with the beta emitters because the frequency of its gamma-ray emissions, <0.01 % per
decay, is negligibly low.
/ 43
P 111 – 185 MBq Polycythemia vera (sodium
Essential thrombocytosis
(sodium phosphate)
Synovectomy (chromic
Ac 10 d 5.9
At 7.2 h 5.8
Bi a 1.0 h 6.0
Bi b 46 min 5.8
3.71 d 5.7
isotope; parent radionuclide is 224Ra.
isotope; parent radionuclide is 225Ac.
3.3.1 Instrumentation
Patient data are normalized by comparing the net count rates (i.e.,
background corrected count rates) between that of a calibrated
standard and the administered activity. As with all clinical instru-
mentation, a documented QA program for uptake probes shall
be implemented. The program should include daily examination
of pulse-height spectra to verify that the radionuclide-specific pho-
topeaks are symmetric and centered within the corresponding
photopeak energy windows. Daily measurement of counting effi-
ciency and stability (net count rate per unit activity) shall be made
using an independently calibrated standard traceable to the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to verify
constancy over time, with or without other testing. Measurement of
activity, typically prior to administration, can be accomplished
using a dose calibrator (see Section 3.3.3 for a discussion of this
Radionuclides in vivo are most commonly measured using a
gamma camera, also known as an Anger or scintillation camera,
consisting of an energy-appropriate multihole collimator, a large-
area “thin” sodium-iodide [Nal (Tl)] scintillation crystal, an array
of up to 100 photomultiplier tubes, a high-voltage power supply,
preamplifiers, amplifiers, analog or digital position and energy
determination circuitry, energy discriminator, display, patient
table/palette, and an electronic gantry. Modern, commercially
available gamma cameras are supplied as integrated, computer-
ized systems with automated data acquisition, processing, storage
and display capabilities, associated software and online spatial
linearity, energy and sensitivity corrections which may be updated
to maintain optimum system performance. A documented QA pro-
gram for gamma cameras shall be implemented, that includes daily
examination of pulse height spectra, daily qualitative or quantita-
tive evaluation of intrinsic or extrinsic uniformity, and weekly
qualitative evaluation of intrinsic or extrinsic spatial resolution.
A complete discussion of QA programs cannot be presented in
this Report. However, information on such programs is available
from the following organizations directly or from their websites:
American College of Radiology, Society of Nuclear Medicine, the
American Association of Physicists in Medicine, and the American
Society of Nuclear Cardiology.
Instrumentation, typically a scintillation well counter system,
should also be available to measure activity in patient samples,
such as blood or urine. Additional instrumentation such as multi-
channel analyzers or radionuclide thin-layer-chromatography ana-
lyzers may be available as needed for testing of radionuclide purity
or radiopharmaceutical assays.
The absorbed dose to the gonads for 131I therapy is relatively low
(i.e., <1 Gy) for administered activities of several gigabecquerel
(Zanzonico, 1997). In view of these doses, the high threshold for the
induction of permanent sterility in human beings (i.e., 3.5 Gy for
the testis and 2.5 Gy for the ovary) and the low risk factors
for radiogenic germ-cell damage, it is not surprising that there is a
general absence of impaired fertility and of birth defects among
subsequently conceived children of 131I therapy patients (NAS/
NRC, 2006). Nonetheless, demonstrable but transient gonadal
damage, such as impaired fertility based on sperm counts over the
first year post-treatment, may occur among 131I therapy patients
(Edmonds and Smith, 1986; Handelsman and Turtle, 1983). Fol-
low-up studies of such patients indicate that among male patients
there is a time dependent recovery of sperm count. This may take
as long as 2 y in some cases. Longer-term studies (i.e., 10 y or longer
post-treatment among both male and female patients) indicate that
fertility and the frequencies of miscarriages and congenital abnor-
malities among their offspring are comparable to control values.
Collectively these findings are generally consistent with the results
of the seminal studies of Russell and associates in male and female
mice (Russell, 1977; Russell and Kelly, 1982). The general consen-
sus is that males should forego fathering children for at least six
months after high-dose radioiodine therapy and females should
avoid becoming pregnant for 12 months after such therapy. The
rationale for the waiting period for males, in addition to allowing
for the physical decay of 131I, is that 131I therapy has been found to
be associated with transient impairment of testicular germinal cell
function and any damaged spermatozoon are replaced after four
months (Hyer et al., 2002; Pacini et al., 1994). For females, the
waiting period allows the body to regain normal hormonal balance
that contributes to a more successful pregnancy and allows confir-
mation of complete disease remission with follow-up scans (often
performed with 131I) at 12 months post-therapy (Casara et al., 1993;
Schlumberger et al., 1996). Follow-up scans would, of course, be
problematic if the patient were pregnant. These waiting periods
would also avoid the frustration caused by possible transient
impairment of fertility. Accordingly, following high activity radiop-
harmaceutical therapy, male patients and female patients should
be advised to forego attempting to have children for at least 6 and
12 months post-therapy, respectively. Some patients may wish to
consider the possibility of sperm banking and other techniques
based on their individual situations, and genetic counseling ser-
vices should be available to patients wishing to pursue these
• type of dwelling;
• presence in the household of pregnant or breastfeeding
• sex and age of each household member;
• sleeping partner information;
• information on children in the household;
• workplace information and schedule;
• presence in the workplace of pregnant women or minors;
• means of transportation from hospital to home;
• physical challenges;
• incontinence or ostomy care; and
• ability to comprehend instructions.
The tumor dose is generally not determined and thus is not used
for treatment planning. However, with the application of quantita-
tive positron-emission tomography (PET) imaging, as illustrated
by the use of 124I-iodide in thyroid cancer (Pentlow et al., 1991;
1996; Sgouros et al., 2004), the procedures may be changing. PET
and, in particular, combined PET/computed tomography (CT) is
among the most rapidly expanding areas in nuclear medicine
(Schoder et al., 2003). At present, PET systems employing detector
elements numbering in the thousands, septa-less three-dimen-
sional data acquisition and iterative image reconstruction are
yielding quantitative whole-body images with a spatial resolution
of ~5 mm or better in <30 min (Zanzonico, 2004). Manufacturers
are now also marketing multi-modality scanners, combining
high-performance state-of-the-art PET and CT scanners in a single
device. These devices provide near-perfect registration of images of
in vivo function (PET) and anatomy (CT) and are already having a
major impact on clinical practice, particularly in oncology (Schoder
et al., 2003).
Interstitial Implants
226 137
Preloaded Ra Cs —
192Ir 125I, 103Pd, 169Yb
Afterloaded —
Permanent Implants
222Rn 198Au 198Au, 131Cs
dose rate
2 –1 2 –1 –4 2 –1
1 U = 1 μGy m h = 1 cGy cm h = 10 cGy m h . (4.2)
3This should not be confused with the quantity “U” (use factor) com-
monly used in shielding calculations (see Glossary and Symbols and
· μ en med T r
D r = S K ⎛ -----------⎞ -------- , (4.3)
⎝ ρ ⎠ air 2
Dr = absorbed-dose rate (in cGy h–1) in a medium at a
μ med distance r (in centimeters) from the point source
⎛ -------
- = mass-energy absorption coefficient ratio used to con-
⎝ ρ ⎠air
vert air kerma to absorbed dose in the medium sur-
rounding the source.4
The factor, Tr is the ratio of the air kerma in the medium to that in
air at distance r from the source. It describes the effect of the sur-
rounding medium on absorbed-dose distribution and reflects the
competition between attenuation of primary photons and buildup
of scattered photons in the medium. For radium substitute radio-
nuclides, Tr is approximately equal to one for distances up to 5 cm.
The inverse square relationship, represented by the 1/r2 term, dom-
inates the absorbed-dose distribution. This simple one-dimensional
model is almost universally used for interstitial seed sources emit-
ting photons with energies >300 keV. This model was first general-
ized to extended sources (e.g., 137Cs intracavitary tubes and
needles) by Rolf Sievert in 1921 (Sievert, 1921). Reviews of this
model show that it accurately models 137Cs-source absorbed-dose
distributions but cannot be assumed to accurately predict absorbed
dose around lower energy sources (Williamson, 1996).
The simple analytic model described above is not sufficiently
accurate for clinical use in the 60 to 100 keV energy range or in
the 20 to 40 keV energy range of typical permanent implant
sources. Inaccurate dosimetry has been a serious barrier to accu-
mulation of consistent clinical experience with 125I permanent
implantation; the best estimate of the dose rate per apparent
millicurie at 1 cm has changed since its introduction in 1964
(Williamson, 1991b). In the last decade, low-energy brachytherapy
dosimetry has been placed on a firm foundation by validation and
a more complete discussion on the relation between exposure and
various dose quantities, see Appendix A.1.
• fraction size;
• number of fractions;
• total dose;
• dose specification criteria;
• radiation oncologist’s signature and date;
• location of the active dwell positions or applicator system
relative to the written prescription;
• the identity of the applicator system; and
• the identity of the remote afterloader including some spe-
cific identification system if more than one unit is available.
The daily treatment record shall show the date and dose of each
fraction delivered, the cumulative total dose, the source strength,
total dwell-time, and applicator system used.
All detailed documentation specific to each fraction should be
filed in a clearly marked section in the chart. All forms shall con-
tain the patient's name and date of treatment. At a minimum, the
chart and treatment folder shall include a detailed implant dia-
gram, documenting the correspondence between catheter (channel)
numbering system relative to external anatomy and radiographic
images of each catheter, and also the graphic treatment plan (e.g.,
isodose plots) or other calculations used as the basis of remote-
afterloader programming.
4.7 Readmission
In the rare event that a patient dies in the treating facility while
still containing a therapeutic quantity of radioactive material, the
treating radiation oncologist or nuclear-medicine physician and
the RSO shall be notified immediately. In the case of therapeutic
radiopharmaceuticals, if several days have elapsed between
radiopharmaceutical treatment and death, the radiation hazard
may be reduced considerably, and precautions, if any, for handling
the body may be minimal.
6.7.10 Cremation
A.1 Dosimetry
K a = 0.00876 X, (A.1)
–1 –1
E = K a ( E K a ) = 0.00876 X ( E K a ), (A.2)
where E K a is the effective dose per unit air-kerma conversion
coefficient as a function of photon energy and radiation geometry.
Then, for the two applicable geometries (ICRU, 1998b):
Corresponds to the effective dose limit for infrequent exposures of the
public recommended in NCRP Report No. 116 (NCRP, 1993b).
6NCRP Statement No. 10 (NCRP, 2004a) and NCRP Commentary
No. 11 (NCRP, 1995a) recommend this upper limit for nonpregnant adults
on recommendation of the treating physician provided these persons
receive appropriate training and individual monitoring.
Equations A.5 to A.12 have all been adapted from Zanzonico (2000).
· · –1
Ε ( rj , t ) = K a ( rj , t ) ( E K a ) (A.5)
– 0.693t
n ----------------------
· –1 Te
= ∑ K a ( r j , 0 ) i ( E K a )e i ,
Ε ( r j , t ) = effective dose rate (mSv h–1) at an index distance
rj (meters) from the patient at time t post-adminis-
tration (days)
Ka ( rj , t ) = air kerma rate (Gy h–1) at an index distance rj
(meters) from the patient at time t post-administra-
tion (days)
E Ka = effective dose per unit air kerma conversion coeffi-
cient (Sv Gy–1)
Ka ( rj , 0 )i = zero-time intercept of exponential component i of
the time-dependent air kerma rate measured at an
index distance rj (meters) from the patient
T ei = effective half-life (days) of the nondecay corrected
total-body activity for compartment i of a multi-
exponential function
n = number of exponential components required to
describe the time-dependent total-body activity
The foregoing activities are decay corrected, that is, the activity is
corrected for radioactive decay back to the time of administration.
In principle, each of the exponential components represents a met-
abolic compartment and its effective half-life is related to the rate
of clearance of activity from that compartment.
In addition, implicit in these equations is the assumption that
activity is being continuously eliminated from the patient’s body
from the time of administration. Of course, no activity is biologi-
cally eliminated from the body before the patient’s first void or def-
ecation post-therapy. Within these first several hours post-therapy,
the only means of elimination of activity is physical decay. Various
authors account for this by appending an effective dose contribu-
tion term with an effective half-life equal to the particular radionu-
clide’s physical half-life (Gates et al., 1998; NRC, 2002; Siegel,
1998). The duration of time during which an effective half-life is
equal to the radionuclide’s physical half-life is taken as 8 h for
orally administered radiopharmaceuticals such as 131I-labeled
sodium iodide but only 3 h for intravenously administered radio-
pharmaceuticals such as 131I anti-B1 monoclonal antibody (Gates
et al., 1998; NRC, 2005; Siegel, 1998). The 8 h period may be overly
conservative (in the safe direction), because gastric emptying and
overall gastrointestinal elimination of orally administered radio-
pharmaceuticals in liquid form will likely occur earlier than 8 h. An
alternative approach, implicitly represented in the equations
above, is that the patient remains in the hospital until the first
post-therapy void/defecation or for some designated time by which
the activity in the stomach following oral administration would
have dramatically decreased. The decision as to choice of this time
is somewhat arbitrary, but a minimal time of 2 h would seem pru-
dent. This approach may require an appropriately designed room
in which to house the radioactive patient immediately following
administration of the therapeutic activity. This room may have to
be a dedicated facility depending on the patient volume. The room
should be supplied with portable or fixed shielding to reduce the
dose levels in the surrounding areas to public levels. Consideration
should be given to shielding of waste collection cans and areas for
performing release surveys. Special design considerations should
be reviewed with a qualified medical physicist.
The values of the parameters, Fi and T e i , of the multi-exponen-
tial function in Equation A.6 may be obtained from sources in
the pertinent scientific literature or, preferably, be determined
empirically for individual patients by performing serial measure-
ments of the total-body activity following a pretherapy tracer
administration of the therapeutic radiopharmaceutical and mono-
t2 – 0.693t
n ----------------------
m Te
· –1
∑ ∑ ∫
E t → t = 24 T rj K a ( r j , 0 ) ( E K a ) Fi e dt. (A.9)
1 2
j=1 i = 1 t1
t2 – 0.693t
n ---------------------- n
∑ ∫ ∑ Fi Tei where the factor 1.44
that Fi e i dt = 1.44
= 1/0.693. i = 1 t1 i=1
m n
· –1
E = 24 ∑ T r j K a ( r j , 0 ) ( E K a ) 1.44 ∑ F i T ei (A.10)
ϕ=1 i=1
· –1
= 24 τ ∑ K a ( rj , 0 ) ( E K a ) Trj ,
for the whole period after release, where 34.6 = 1.44 × 24, a factor
for calculating residence time (τ) (hours), from the fractional zero-
time intercepts (Fi), and the effective half-lives ( T ei ) (days).
Equation A.11 cannot be solved analytically for the parameter
(trelease)limit, that is, Equation A.11 cannot be solved to provide an
explicit formula for the parameter (trelease)limit for a multi-exponen-
tial total-body time-activity function (Cormack, 1998). However,
the time post-administration for release of the patient from
medical confinement, t1 = (trelease)limit, and the duration of various
radiation precautions may be determined “iteratively” from
Equation A.11. If the effective dose (E) at an index distance of 1 m
from the radiopharmaceutical therapy or brachytherapy patient as
given by Equation A.11 does not exceed the effective dose limit of
5 mSv, the patient may be released after administration of the ther-
apeutic radiopharmaceutical or implant following the restrictions
on a first void and time restrictions as discussed previously. If, how-
ever, E at an index distance of 1 m from the radiopharmaceutical
– 0.693 ( t release )
m limit
· –1 -------------------------------------------------------
E limit = 34.6 ∑ T rj K a ( r j , 0 ) ( E K a ) T e e e , (A.12)
Index Occupancy
Group/Activity Dose Limit Operational Equation for Determining Specified Time (d)a
Distance (m) Factor
Nonpregnant Adult
– 0.693(t )
release 0.5 cSv
n ----------------------------------------------------
· –1 Te
Nonsleeping partner 1 0.25 0.5 0.5 = 8.64 K a (1, 0) ( E Ka ) i
∑ T ei Fi e
Sleeping partner
– 0.693(t )
release 0.5 cSv
n ----------------------------------------------------
· –1 Te
All activities except 1 0.25 0.5 = 8.64 K a (1, 0) ( E Ka ) i
– 0.693(t no work )
n ----------------------------------------
· –1 Te
Coworker 1 0.33 0.1 0.1 = 11.5 K a (1, 0) ( E Ka ) i
∑ T ei Fi e
Pregnant Women
– 0.693(t avoid )
n -----------------------------------
· –1 Te
Nonsleeping partner 1 0.25 0.1 0.1 = 8.64 K a (1, 0) ( E Ka ) i
∑ T ei Fi e
Sleeping partner
– 0.693(t release )
0.1 cSv
n ---------------------------------------------------
· –1 Te
All activities except 1 0.25 0.1 = 8.64 K a (1, 0) ( E Ka ) i
· –1 Te
Sleeping with patient 0.3 0.33 0.1 = 11.4 K a (0.3, 0) ( E Ka ) i
∑ Tei Fi e
– 0.693(t no work )
n ----------------------------------------
· –1 Te
Coworker 1 0.33 0.1 0.1 = 11.5 K a (1, 0) ( E Ka ) i
∑ T ei Fi e
– 0.693(t release )
n --------------------------------------
· –1 Te
All activities except 1 0.25 0.1 = 8.64 K a (1, 0) ( E Ka ) i
Equations adapted from Zanzonico (2000).
“plus/or” indicates two choices in meeting the dose limit. In one, the sums of the doses from the two equations for the same times or
different times shall not exceed the dose limit. Alternatively, the patient can choose the longest time, trelease or tsleep apart, resulting from
each of the options to meet the dose limit.
/ 157
Index Occupancy
Group/Activity Dose Limit Operational Equation for Determining Specified Time (d)a
Distance (m) Factor
Nonpregnant Adult
· –1
Nonsleeping partner 1 0.25 0.5 ( t release ) = 1.44 T e ln [ 1.72 K a ( 1, 0 ) ( E Ka )T e ]
0.5 cSv
Sleeping partner
· –1
K ( 0.3,0 ) ( E K )
a a
plus/orb,c 0.5 t sleep apart = 1.44 T e ln ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
– 0.693(t release )
0.5 cSv
· –1 Te
– 0.33 K a ( 1,0 ) ( E Ka )e
· –1
Coworker 1 0.33 0.1 t no work = 1.44 T e ln [ 86.4 K a ( 1, 0 ) ( E Ka )T e ]
Pregnant Women
· –1
Nonsleeping partner 1 0.25 0.1 t avoid = 1.44 T e ln [ 86.4 K a ( 1, 0 ) ( E Ka )T e ]
Sleeping partner
· –1
K ( 0.3,0 ) ( E K )
a a
plus/orb,c 0.1 t sleep apart = 1.44 T e ln ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
– 0.693(t )
0.0058 –1 Te
-------------------- – 0.33 K· a ( 1,0 ) ( E Ka )e
Index Occupancy
Group/Activity Dose Limit Operational Equation for Determining Specified Time (d)a
Distance (m) Factor
· –1
Coworker 1 0.33 0.1 t no work = 1.44 T e ln [ 86.4 K a ( 1, 0 ) ( E Ka )T e ]
· –1
K ( 0.3, 0 ) ( E K )
a a
plus/orb,c 0.1 t no hold = 1.44 T e ln --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
– 0.693(t avoid )
· –1 Te
– 1.2 K a ( 1, 0 ) ( E Ka )e
Examples of the
Application of the
Operational Equations
Given in Appendix A
SI units are used in the Report, conventional units are used
in certain instances of this Appendix to enhance the practical usability of
the information presented.
10The spreadsheet file used for calculating the numerical values in the
Appendix B examples is provided as professional information for educa-
tional purposes only. The spreadsheet file is a nonvalidated calculation
tool for which there is absolutely no guarantee or warranty of fitness for a
particular purpose or any purpose expressed or implied. Any user of infor-
mation contained herein assumes any and all responsibility and liability
for use of the information including any misunderstanding, misuse or
misapplication of the information. Any use of this spreadsheet file is “as
is” and should only follow the user’s independent confirmation that it pro-
duces valid results for the user before results are used for any purpose
whatsoever. In no event shall the authors of the NCRP Report or NCRP
itself be liable for any incorrect or invalid results that are obtained by any
use of this spreadsheet file nor shall the authors or NCRP be liable for
any loss of data, or profits or special, incidental, indirect or consequential
damages arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of
this spreadsheet file.
à Ai
τ = ----------- = 1.44 ∑ - T = 1.44 ∑ F i T e
---------- (B.1)
AA AA ei i
i i
T ei = effective half-life
Dr. J. Smith
Nuclear Medicine Attending Physician
at (111) 222-3333
Telephone Number
or 0000
Emergency or Pager Telephone Number
C.9 Treatment
D.1.2 Assumptions
D.1.3 Workload
The units for workload (W) in NCRP Report No. 151 (NCRP, 2005)
are Gy week–1 at 1 m and conversion to a workload Wn at a distance dn
other than 1 m would be given by Wn = W (1 m)2 / (dn)2, a typical inverse
square-law calculation. For linear accelerators, the value for W is usu-
ally specified as the absorbed dose from photons delivered to the
isocenter (i.e., the fixed location around which the machine gantry
rotates), in a week, and is selected for each accelerator based on its
projected use. A similar concept would apply to HDR brachyther-
apy units within shielded rooms.
In any of the examples noted above, the distance from the source
to the shielded area may vary. However, it is important to define
clearly the limits of positioning and the distances to the areas to be
TABLE D.1—Values for lead and concrete for HVL, HVLe , TVL, and
TVLe for 192Ir and 169Yb (Lymperopoulou, 2006).
3a 6b 12a 20b
Yb 0.25 1.6 1.8 5.3
0.23c — 2a —
Fig. D.1. Transmission as a function of lead thickness for Ir,
Yb, and 170Tm (lead density is taken as 11.36 g cm–3).
Fig. D.2. Transmission as a function of concrete thickness for Ir,
Yb, and 170Tm (concrete density is taken as 2.35 g cm–3).
E = Σ wT HT , (G.1)
HT = Σ wR DT,R , (G.2)
where DT,R is the mean absorbed dose in the tissue or organ T due to
radiation type R. The SI unit of equivalent dose is the joule per kilo-
gram (J kg –1) with the special name sievert (Sv). 1 Sv = 1 J kg–1.
exposure (X): Most often used in a general sense meaning to be irradi-
ated. When used as the specifically defined radiation quantity,
exposure is a measure of the ionization produced in air by x or
gamma radiation. The unit of exposure is coulomb per kilogram
(C kg–1). The special unit for exposure is roentgen (R), where 1 R =
2.58 × 10–4 C kg–1.
family member: Any person who provides support and comfort to a
patient on a regular basis and is considered by the patient as a mem-
ber of their “family” whether by birth or marriage or by virtue of
a close, loving relationship.
gray (Gy): SI special name for the unit of the quantities absorbed dose
and air kerma. 1 Gy = 1 J kg–1.
half-life (T1/2): Time required to reduce spontaneously the activity of a
radionuclide to one-half of the activity originally present. Physical or
radioactive half-life refers to reduction of activity by radioactive decay;
biological half-life refers to elimination of the activity by biological
processes; and effective half-life refers to the combined action of radio-
active decay and biological elimination.
high dose rate (HDR): As used in brachytherapy, HDR refers to a type of
remote afterloader housed in a treatment room that contains a high
activity source of radiation used to deliver a therapeutic treatment to
a patient in a relatively short treatment time.
implant: A completed assembly of radioactive sealed sources with or
without applicators that is placed in a patient with therapeutic intent.
integrated reference air kerma (IRAK): Special term used in brachy-
therapy for integrated reference air kerma strength, a product of SK
and treatment time. The unit of IRAK is Gy m2.
kerma (K): (see air kerma).
low dose rate (LDR): As used in brachytherapy, LDR refers to the use of
sealed sources placed in a patient on a permanent or temporary basis
to deliver a therapeutic dose of radiation.
medical facility: A hospital, clinic or other facility that may practice
radiation therapy with sealed sources or radiopharmaceuticals and
that provides in-patient care. This definition specifically excludes the
patient’s own home.
medical health physicist: (see qualified expert).
medical physicist (medical-radiation physicist): (see qualified
member of the public: In the context of possible radiation exposure
from a radioactive patient, this term refers to any individual, not a
member of the patient’s family and not an individual exposed to radia-
tion in the course of their employment.
A activity
à cumulated activity in a patient per unit admin-
istered activity AA
AA activity administered to a patient
ALARA as low as reasonably achievable
A(t) total body activity at post-administration time
CT computed tomography
d distance
D absorbed dose
Dr absorbed-dose rate in a medium at distance r
DTPA diethelyene triamine pentaacetic acid
DT,R mean absorbed dose for tissue T and radiation
type R
E effective dose, summation of all HT × wT
E Ka effective dose per unit air-kerma conversion
Elimit effective dose limits for radiation protection
Ep photon energy
E ( r j ,t ) effective dose rate at a distance at a post-admin-
istration time
E ( rj )t → t effective dose at a distance at a post-administra-
1 2
tion time period
ERT external-beam radiotherapy
Fi zero time intercept of total body activity of expo-
nential component i
GM Geiger-Muller
H dose equivalent
HDR high dose rate
Hp(d) personal dose equivalent at a depth in tissue
HT equivalent dose to tissue organ, the summation
of all HT,R
HT,R equivalent dose, DT,R × wR
HVL half-value layer
HVLe equilibrium half-value layer
( Ka ) ratio of the air kerma in the medium to that in
b air
air at distance r from the source
K a ( r j ,t ) air kerma rate at a distance at a post-adminis-
tration time
LDR low dose rate
LET linear energy transfer
MCPT Monte-Carlo photon transport
µ linear attenuation coefficient
⎛ -------
- mass-energy absorption coefficient ratio to con-
⎝ ρ ⎠ air
vert air kerma to absorbed dose in a medium
n number of exponential components required to
describe time-dependent total-body activity
P shielding design goal
PET positron-emission tomography
PET/CT positron-emission tomography combined with
computed tomography
PDR pulsed dose rate
PTA percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty
PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angio-
Q quality factor
QA quality assurance
QC quality control
r distance from the radioactive source
ρ density
ROT rotational
RSC radiation safety committee
RSO radiation safety officer
SK air-kerma strength
T occupancy factor
τ residence time of activity in patient
Te effective half-life of the nondecay corrected total-
body activity for a single exponential function
Te effective half-life of the nondecay corrected
total-body activity for component i of a multi-
exponential function
SALEM, R. and THURSTON, K.G. (2006). “ ‘Radioembolization’ with 90Y
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and secondary liver malignancies: Part 1: Technical and methodologic
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SCHODER, H., ERDI, Y.E., LARSON, S.M. and YEUNG, H.W. (2003).
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C.G., MANEGOLD, K.H., KOLLATH, J. and BOTTCHER, H.D. (1996).
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hyperplasia after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty and stent
implantation in peripheral vessels: 6 years of experience,” Int. J.
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SEPHTON, R., DAS, K.R., COLES, J., TOYE, W. and PINDER, P. (1999).
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HUDSON, R.H., SUTLIEF, S. and BLASKO, J. (1999). “Radiation
John F. Ahearne Thomas F. Gesell David S. Myers
Edward S. Amis, Jr. Ronald E. Goans Bruce A. Napier
Sally A. Amundson Robert L. Goldberg Gregory A. Nelson
Kimberly E. Applegate Raymond A. Guilmette Carl J. Paperiello
Benjamin R. Archer Roger W. Harms R. Julian Preston
Stephen Balter Kathryn Held Jerome C. Puskin
Steven M. Becker John W. Hirshfeld, Jr. Abram Recht
Joel S. Bedford F. Owen Hoffman Allan C.B. Richardson
Eleanor A. Blakely Roger W. Howell Henry D. Royal
William F. Blakely Timothy J. Jorgensen Michael T. Ryan
John D. Boice, Jr. Kenneth R. Kase Jonathan M. Samet
Wesley E. Bolch Ann R. Kennedy Thomas M. Seed
Thomas B. Borak William E. Kennedy, Jr. Stephen M. Seltzer
Andre Bouville David C. Kocher Roy E. Shore
Leslie A. Braby Ritsuko Komaki Edward A. Sickles
David J. Brenner Amy Kronenberg Steven L. Simon
James A. Brink Susan M. Langhorst Paul Slovic
Antone L. Brooks Edwin M. Leidholdt Christopher G. Soares
Jerrold T. Bushberg Howard L. Liber Daniel J. Strom
John F. Cardella James C. Lin Thomas S. Tenforde
Stephanie K. Carlson Jill A. Lipoti Julie E.K. Timins
Charles E. Chambers John B. Little Richard E. Toohey
Polly Y. Chang Paul A. Locke Lawrence W. Townsend
S.Y. Chen Jay H. Lubin Fong Y. Tsai
Kelly L. Classic C. Douglas Maynard Richard J. Vetter
Mary E. Clark Debra McBaugh Chris G. Whipple
Michael L. Corradini Ruth E. McBurney Stuart C. White
Allen G. Croff Cynthia H. McCollough J. Frank Wilson
Paul M. DeLuca Barbara J. McNeil Susan D. Wiltshire
David A. Eastmond Fred A. Mettler, Jr. Gayle E. Woloschak
Stephen A. Feig Charles W. Miller Shiao Y. Woo
John R. Frazier Donald L. Miller Andrew J. Wyrobek
Donald P. Frush William H. Miller Marco A. Zaider
William F. Morgan
reports and to identify problems that might result from proposed recommenda-
tions. The present Collaborating Organizations with which NCRP maintains
liaison are as follows:
Duke Energy Corporation
GE Healthcare
Global Dosimetry Solutions, Inc.
Landauer, Inc.
Nuclear Energy Institute
The Council's activities have been made possible by the voluntary contribu-
tion of time and effort by its members and participants and the generous
support of the following organizations:
Initial funds for publication of NCRP reports were provided by a grant from
the James Picker Foundation.
NCRP seeks to promulgate information and recommendations based on
leading scientific judgment on matters of radiation protection and measure-
ment and to foster cooperation among organizations concerned with these mat-
ters. These efforts are intended to serve the public interest and the Council
welcomes comments and suggestions on its reports or activities.
NCRP Publications
7910 Woodmont Avenue
Suite 400
Bethesda, MD 20814-3095
Abstracts of NCRP reports published since 1980, abstracts of all NCRP com-
mentaries, and the text of all NCRP statements are available at the NCRP
website. Currently available publications are listed below.
NCRP Reports
No. Title
8 Control and Removal of Radioactive Contamination in Laboratories
22 Maximum Permissible Body Burdens and Maximum Permissible
Concentrations of Radionuclides in Air and in Water for Occupational
Exposure (1959) [includes Addendum 1 issued in August 1963]
25 Measurement of Absorbed Dose of Neutrons, and of Mixtures of
Neutrons and Gamma Rays (1961)
27 Stopping Powers for Use with Cavity Chambers (1961)
30 Safe Handling of Radioactive Materials (1964)
32 Radiation Protection in Educational Institutions (1966)
35 Dental X-Ray Protection (1970)
36 Radiation Protection in Veterinary Medicine (1970)
37 Precautions in the Management of Patients Who Have Received
Therapeutic Amounts of Radionuclides (1970)
38 Protection Against Neutron Radiation (1971)
40 Protection Against Radiation from Brachytherapy Sources (1972)
41 Specification of Gamma-Ray Brachytherapy Sources (1974)
42 Radiological Factors Affecting Decision-Making in a Nuclear Attack
44 Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere—Accumulation, Biological
Significance, and Control Technology (1975)
46 Alpha-Emitting Particles in Lungs (1975)
Binders for NCRP reports are available. Two sizes make it possible to col-
lect into small binders the “old series” of reports (NCRP Reports Nos. 8–30) and
into large binders the more recent publications (NCRP Reports Nos. 32–155).
Each binder will accommodate from five to seven reports. The binders carry the
identification “NCRP Reports” and come with label holders which permit the
user to attach labels showing the reports contained in each binder.
The following bound sets of NCRP reports are also available:
NCRP Commentaries
No. Title
1 Krypton-85 in the Atmosphere—With Specific Reference to the Public
Health Significance of the Proposed Controlled Release at Three Mile
Island (1980)
4 Guidelines for the Release of Waste Water from Nuclear Facilities with
Special Reference to the Public Health Significance of the Proposed
Release of Treated Waste Waters at Three Mile Island (1987)
5 Review of the Publication, Living Without Landfills (1989)
6 Radon Exposure of the U.S. Population—Status of the Problem (1991)
7 Misadministration of Radioactive Material in Medicine—Scientific
Background (1991)
8 Uncertainty in NCRP Screening Models Relating to Atmospheric
Transport, Deposition and Uptake by Humans (1993)
9 Considerations Regarding the Unintended Radiation Exposure of the
Embryo, Fetus or Nursing Child (1994)
10 Advising the Public about Radiation Emergencies: A Document for
Public Comment (1994)
11 Dose Limits for Individuals Who Receive Exposure from Radionuclide
Therapy Patients (1995)
12 Radiation Exposure and High-Altitude Flight (1995)
13 An Introduction to Efficacy in Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear
Medicine (Justification of Medical Radiation Exposure) (1995)
14 A Guide for Uncertainty Analysis in Dose and Risk Assessments
Related to Environmental Contamination (1996)
15 Evaluating the Reliability of Biokinetic and Dosimetric Models and
Parameters Used to Assess Individual Doses for Risk Assessment
Purposes (1998)
16 Screening of Humans for Security Purposes Using Ionizing Radiation
Scanning Systems (2003)
17 Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis System Used in Security Surveillance
No. Title
1 The Squares of the Natural Numbers in Radiation Protection by
Herbert M. Parker (1977)
2 Why be Quantitative about Radiation Risk Estimates? by Sir Edward
Pochin (1978)
3 Radiation Protection—Concepts and Trade Offs by Hymer L. Friedell
(1979) [available also in Perceptions of Risk, see above]
4 From “Quantity of Radiation” and “Dose” to “Exposure” and “Absorbed
Dose”—An Historical Review by Harold O. Wyckoff (1980)
5 How Well Can We Assess Genetic Risk? Not Very by James F. Crow
(1981) [available also in Critical Issues in Setting Radiation Dose
Limits, see above]
Symposium Proceedings
No. Title
1 The Control of Exposure of the Public to Ionizing Radiation in the
Event of Accident or Attack, Proceedings of a Symposium held
April 27-29, 1981 (1982)
2 Radioactive and Mixed Waste—Risk as a Basis for Waste
Classification, Proceedings of a Symposium held November 9, 1994
3 Acceptability of Risk from Radiation—Application to Human Space
Flight, Proceedings of a Symposium held May 29, 1996 (1997)
4 21st Century Biodosimetry: Quantifying the Past and Predicting the
Future, Proceedings of a Symposium held February 22, 2001, Radiat.
Prot. Dosim. 97(1), (2001)
5 National Conference on Dose Reduction in CT, with an Emphasis on
Pediatric Patients, Summary of a Symposium held November 6-7,
2002, Am. J. Roentgenol. 181(2), 321–339 (2003)
NCRP Statements
No. Title
1 “Blood Counts, Statement of the National Committee on Radiation
Protection,” Radiology 63, 428 (1954)
2 “Statements on Maximum Permissible Dose from Television
Receivers and Maximum Permissible Dose to the Skin of the Whole
Body,” Am. J. Roentgenol., Radium Ther. and Nucl. Med. 84, 152
(1960) and Radiology 75, 122 (1960)
3 X-Ray Protection Standards for Home Television Receivers, Interim
Statement of the National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements (1968)
4 Specification of Units of Natural Uranium and Natural Thorium,
Statement of the National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements (1973)
5 NCRP Statement on Dose Limit for Neutrons (1980)
6 Control of Air Emissions of Radionuclides (1984)
7 The Probability That a Particular Malignancy May Have Been Caused
by a Specified Irradiation (1992)
8 The Application of ALARA for Occupational Exposures (1999)
9 Extension of the Skin Dose Limit for Hot Particles to Other External
Sources of Skin Irradiation (2001)
10 Recent Applications of the NCRP Public Dose Limit Recommendation
for Ionizing Radiation (2004)
Other Documents
The following documents were published outside of the NCRP report, com-
mentary and statement series:
Somatic Radiation Dose for the General Population, Report of the Ad Hoc
Committee of the National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements, 6 May 1959, Science 131 (3399), February 19,
482–486 (1960)
Dose Effect Modifying Factors in Radiation Protection, Report of
Subcommittee M-4 (Relative Biological Effectiveness) of the National
Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, Report BNL
50073 (T-471) (1967) Brookhaven National Laboratory (National
Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia)
Residential Radon Exposure and Lung Cancer Risk: Commentary on
Cohen's County-Based Study, Health Phys. 87(6), 656–658 (2004)
Absorbed dose (D) 142 low dose-rate remote 89, 90, 96,
Absorbed-dose determination, 97
brachytherapy 78–80 manual 92–94
isotropic point-source model 78, “pulsed” dose-rate remote 91, 92
79 Airborne activity 32, 33
Monte-Carlo photon-transport control of production 32, 33
model 80 measurement 33
Addressable events, Air kerma (Ka) 77, 142
brachytherapy 102–104 Air-kerma strength (SK) 77
evaluation and remediation 103, Ambient exposure rates 30, 31
104 calibration 30, 31
examples 103 conversion to dose units 31
occurrence 102 instruments 30, 31
Addressable events, measurement 30, 31
radiopharmaceutical therapy 55, As low as reasonably achievable
56 (ALARA) 15–17, 27
definition 55
evaluation and care of patient Bioassay 20, 21, 33–35
55, 56 definition 33, 34
examples 55 example 20, 21
reporting 55 measurement 34
review of event and remediation minimization of occurrence 34,
56 35
Administered activity, Brachytherapy 71–110
radiotherapeutic 50–55 addressable events 102–104
acceptance criteria 52, 53 experimental sources 85, 86
accuracy 52, 53 high dose-rate emergency
administration 53, 54 procedures and requirements
assay 50–52 101–102
identity of patient 54, 55 implant techniques 71, 72
responsible person 50, 52 HDR therapy 84, 85
verification 54 LDR intracavity therapy 81–83
Afterloading systems 88–94, LDR permanent interstitial
97–102 therapy 83, 84
high dose-rate emergency newer applications 106–110
procedures and requirements off hours emergency response
101, 102 106
high dose-rate remote 90, 91, radionuclide properties 75, 76,
97–100 81