Annexes - Career Development Guide - July 2015 Final

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ANNEX I: Information meeting log sheet1


Thank you email sent:



First and last name:



Thank you email sent:

Business address:

Business phone number:

Assistant’s name:

Referred by:

New referrals:

Can you use their name?

General advice:

Follow-up date:

Most able to help with:

(Primary objectives)

May be able to help with:

(Secondary objectives)

Their interests:

General comments:

SIPA guide to international and public affairs. School of International and Public Affairs. Columbia University. 2004:

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ANNEX II: Three types of CV


First name LAST NAME

Current address: # Street name, City, Country, Postal Code
Phone number, email address
Permanent address: # Street name, City, Country, Postal Code
Phone number, email address

Name of educational institution | City | Country
Full name of programme and certificate, Bachelor, Master, etc. received, January 2012
Description of any additional awards, courses of study, or other relevant information
Name of educational institution | City | Country
Full name of programme and certificate, Bachelor, Master, etc. received, January 2012
Description of any additional awards, courses of study, or other relevant information

Position name | Organization | City | Country 1 January 2012ʹ31 December 2012
List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using
active verbs;
List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using
active verbs;
List achievements here, using active verbs

Position name | Organization | City | Country 5 March 2010ʹ31 December 2011

List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using
active verbs;
List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using
active verbs;
List achievements here, using active verbs

Position name | Organization | City | Country 23 May 2000ʹ1 February 2010

List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using
active verbs;
List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using active verbs; List achievements here, using
active verbs;
List achievements here, using active verb

Name of function | title | achievement | Name of association or group | Location | date
Name of function | title | achievement | Name of association or group | Location | date
Name of function | title | achievement | Name of association or group | Location | date


Language | Spanish (mother tongue), English (fluent), Cantonese (basic)
Computer skills | Proficient in Microsoft Office, Adobe Photo Shop, PeopleSoft ERP
Interests | List interests that are relevant to the jobs you are applying for

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Please tell us about a time when you used Refer to accomplishments and creative solutions or insights that relate to the
creativity to solve a problem. organization or company and the position.
FIT: Determine if you are a good match for the Organization

Interview question Recommended response

Describe a situation in which your work Provide an example where you received constructive criticism. Discuss one
was criticized. What were the mistake (not a major one). Emphasize what you learnt from it and how your
circumstances? How did you respond? behaviour changed. Do not pass the blame.

How would you describe your personality? Mention two or three positive traits, highlighting those that would be a
valuable asset for the position.

Why are you leaving your present job? Always answer briefly. Do not be defensive or explain excessively, simply state
the circumstances. If your post was discontinued or the result of an office
closure, explain how your separation was part of organizational restructuring.

How would you evaluate your previous Be constructive. Refer to the benefits you derived. Avoid negative feedback.

What experience have you had working in This question tests your respect for diversity (as a competency). Be prepared
a multicultural environment? to give a strong example as this question comes up in every almost interview
within the UN system.

How would your co-workers describe you? Briefly refer to your skills, strengths and personality.

Why should we recruit you? Relate past experiences to the current position. Cite relevant
accomplishments. Describe your competences/expertise/knowledge.

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ANNEX V: Questions to ask the interviewer
These questions are presented only as guidelines. They are meant to help you prepare for the interview.
Some questions may or may not be appropriate for your interview and you should limit the number of
questions as appropriate.

 Why is this position open?

 What kind of turnover does the work unit have and why?
 What would you like done differently by the next person who fills this position?
 What are some of the objectives you would like to see accomplished in this job? Which is
most pressing?
 What are your top priorities for this position in the next three months?
 What are some of the long-term objectives you would like to see completed?
 What are some of the more difficult challenges one would have to face in this position?
 How do you think these could best be handled?
 What type of support does this position receive in terms of people, finances or other
resources, institutional support, etc.?
 What freedom would I have in determining my own work objectives, deadlines and
methods of measurement?
 In what ways has this organization been most successful in terms of products and services
over the years?
 What significant changes do you foresee in the near future?
 What accounts for success within the organization or work unit?
 Who does this position report to? Will I have the opportunity to meet with them?
 Who will I supervise?
 Please describe the work environment.
 How would you describe a typical week/workday in the office?
 Will I receive any formal training?
 What do you like worst/least about working for the work unit or organization?
 What are the three most important attributes for success in this position?
 Would you like a list of references?

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ANNEX VI: Thank you letter template

Dear Mr/Ms [last name],

I would like to thank you for taking the time to speak with me today about the position of […] in your
organization. It was a pleasure to talk to you and your team on the phone and I appreciated the opportunity to
discuss the current needs of your organization. In particular, I wanted to thank you for explaining the process
and procedures so clearly at the outset. This was especially helpful to me.

My enthusiasm for the position and interest in working for […] were increased as a result of our conversation.
As we discussed, my extensive experience in the field of non-communicable diseases, as well as my language
abilities would be an asset to you and your team. I am confident that I could continue making a rich
contribution to […] in your department in […].

I want to reiterate my strong interest in the position. I also am very keen to work with you and your team.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should I be able to provide you with any more information regarding my
qualifications or to address any concerns you might have. Once again, it was a pleasure to speak to you (and
your colleagues in […]) by phone. Many thanks for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

First name Last name

(Your signature)

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ANNEX VII: Template of letter accepting a job offer

Your name/address

Mr/Ms Name

Dear Mr/Ms [last name],

I am delighted to accept your offer to join […] as Programme Coordinator. As we discussed over the
phone, my starting date will be […]. I understand that I will be based in […], with the possibility of
relocating abroad in the future. I also understand that my starting salary will be €78,000. If there is
any additional information that you might require, please feel free to contact me and I will be happy
to provide it.

I am looking forward to working with […] and am eagerly awaiting my start date.

Best regards,

Yours sincerely,

First name Last name

(your signature)

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ANNEX VIII: Template of letter declining a job offer

Your name/address

Mr/Ms Name Surname


Dear Mr/Ms [last name],

Thank you very much for your telephone call and letter offering me the position of Assistant Project
Coordinator with the Citizen's Network for Foreign Affairs. While I believe firmly in the mission of your
organization and appreciate the challenging opportunity you offer, I have had another offer which I
believe more closely matches my current career goals and interests. Therefore, although it was a difficult
decision, as I explained when we spoke by phone this morning, I must decline your offer. I do appreciate
all the courtesy and hospitality extended to me by your office, and I wish you well in your endeavours.

In the position I have accepted with Public Policy Watch, I will occasionally be on Capitol Hill to attend
hearings and monitor legislation, so I hope we can get together again and talk about common interests.

Best regards,

(your signature)



Dear Mr/Mrs [last name],

Thank you very much for offering me the opportunity to work at […]. Unfortunately, I will not be
accepting the position as it does not fit the path I am taking to achieve my career goals.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for the offer and my regrets that it did not work out. You
have my best wishes in finding someone suitable for the position.


(your signature)


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