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Procédure Installation Demo

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Non - P r o du c ti o n Sy s t em I n s ta l la t ion G ui de

IntelliSpace Perinatal
Rev. K.00
Pa tie n t Monit o ring

4535 647 97251

Software revision K.00.11
Published in Germany 04.2018
Internal Code: 20180423 i

1Non-Production System

1.1 Who This Book is For

This book is for authorized and qualified IntelliSpace Perinatal implementation specialists. Technical
understanding and competence to implement the IT strategies and the Non-Production System
discussed in this book are prerequisites. A good knowledge of English is essential.

Follow the Instructions for Use

Instructions on how to install and use the system safely, including warnings and cautions, are provided
in the IntelliSpace Perinatal Installation and Service Guide and in the IntelliSpace Perinatal
Instructions for Use.

1.2 Introduction
The following documentation is provided for running IntelliSpace Perinatal as a non-production
system for testing and training purposes. The IntelliSpace Perinatal Non-Production System
• IntelliSpace Perinatal documentation
• IntelliSpace Perinatal application software
• IntelliSpace Perinatal demo application backup file (factory-provided)
A Non-Production System can be installed in one of the following modes:
• Demo Mode:
– All-In-One installation: All components can be put on one single machine.
– Otherwise all individual components must be put on separate machines in the same way as in
clinical installations. For example, you can not install the Internal Server and the External Server
on one machine and the RDSH server on another machine.
• Regular System Mode:
In this case the Non-Production System behaves exactly like a Clinical System. A fetal monitor can
be connected, and the system status indicator does not display the text DEMO.

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1 Non-Production System Introduction

This document describes the Demo mode installation of an IntelliSpace Perinatal Non-Production
System. To install a Non-Production System in Regular System mode, refer to the IntelliSpace
Perinatal Installation and Service Guide.
The IntelliSpace Perinatal Non-Production System is customer-installable only in the demo mode

WARNING An IntelliSpace Perinatal Non-Production System must never be used with real patient data in a
clinical environment.
When the Demo mode installation variant is used, the IntelliSpace Perinatal non-production system
software is marked with a ‘DEMO’ label in the system activity indicator. When the Regular System
mode is used, there is no ‘DEMO’ label displayed.

Demo Mode
A system in Demo mode has specific features that help prevent unintended entering or recording of
clinical data into a Non-Production System. Its features also help demonstrating or training the
charting, surveillance, and alarming functionality.
The differences of a system in Demo mode compared to a system in Regular mode are:
• The system status indicator displays the text DEMO.
• An upgrade or migration of a system in Demo system to a system in Regular mode is prevented to
avoid a mix of training/demo data and clinical data in one database.
• Data acquisition with serial connection or with Philips Avalon fetal monitors that are not in Demo
mode is disabled. Trace simulation with virtual COM ports or with Philips Avalon fetal monitors in
Demo mode is enabled.
• Add Demo Data allows adding demo charting data to the selected patient.

The Demo Mode has no influence on configuration data of the system. It is possible to prepare
configuration data on a demo system and later merge it to a clinical system with identical revision using
configuration backup and partial or full merge.
Only for systems in Demo mode having all functionality installed on separate machines like in a system
in Regular mode: It is also possible to completely reload all configuration data into a newly installed
and not yet started system with identical revision. In a new installation of IntelliSpace Perinatal, this
allows for using the future clinical machines as a Demo mode Non-Production System for training
purposes. Prior to Go Live, the Internal Server must be re-installed with a new database and a new
NBS location, and it must inherit all configuration data - including Client configuration - from the
Demo System. Clients will run a quick automatic setup when started for the first time to register with
the Internal Server. This eliminates all training and test patient data from the system.
You can either install a new system (with a new database) or restore from a previously saved system
backup, which lets you restore the IntelliSpace Perinatal demonstration application backup file from
the installation medium or any other backup file. This allows for loading customized demonstration

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Requirements 1 Non-Production System

1.3 Requirements
1.3.1 Hardware Requirements
The non-production system requires as a minimum 2 CPU cores and 2 GB memory.

1.3.2 Operating System

The non-production system requires either:
• Windows Server 2012 R2 (Standard, Datacenter or Essentials Edition) or
• Windows 10
• Windows 7 (Professional, Ultimate or Enterprise Edition) 64 bit SP1

1.4 Installation
1.4.1 Operating system Windows 10 / Windows 7

You can use the non-production system without RDSH server functionality.
1 Install Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 10, including security updates.
2 Install and run the IntelliSpace Perinatal System Check tool (use "Non Production System (NPS)"
For details, refer to the Installation and Service Guide.
3 Install IntelliSpace Perinatal software. Windows Server 2012 R2

When using Windows Server 2012 R2 you can also use RD connections.
1 Install Windows Server 2012 R2 including security updates.
2 Install and run the IntelliSpace Perinatal System Check tool (use "Non Production System (NPS)"
role). For details, refer to the Site Preparation and IT Specification Guide.
3 Install IntelliSpace Perinatal software.

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1 Non-Production System Installation

1.4.2 IntelliSpace Perinatal Demo Mode Installation

Make sure there is no regular IntelliSpace Perinatal system already installed. If necessary, uninstall the
existing IntelliSpace Perinatal application. Installation with Existing Backup or Demo Data

Use this procedure to install an IntelliSpace Perinatal system using available backup or demo data:
1 On the demo medium, go to :\IntelliSpace Perinatal\Setup and start DemoSetup.exe
(when using the special IntelliSpace Perinatal demo installation medium: demosetup.exe)
2 Enter the password: Demo
3 Select Restore a previously saved IntelliSpace Perinatal installation:
• If you want to use your own backup data, browse for TVBackup folder to restore from, click
• If you want to use demonstration data, browse for ZIP file under :\IntelliSpace Perinatal\Non-
Production System\Backup. Select the ZIP file, click OK.
4 Enter the name of the Non-Production System Internal Server.
5 Select Large Architecture System with Flowchart & Advanced Forms.
6 In the following window, select the appropriate option:

Select Recovery restore only if you are recovering your Non-Production System from a backup of
this Non-Production System.

CAUTION Never use Recovery when restoring from a backup of a production system. The two systems would try
to access the same NBS.

Select Copy restore to use a new NBS folder for the Non-Production System being installed.
7 Select Keep existing DB and files, don’t change any other settings, and Install.

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Fetal Monitor Simulation 1 Non-Production System New Installation

Use this procedure to install a new IntelliSpace Perinatal system without using any available backup or
demo data:
1 On the demo medium, go to :\IntelliSpace Perinatal\Setup and start DemoSetup.exe
2 Enter the password: Demo
3 Select New Install the IntelliSpace Perinatal software.
4 Select Large Architecture System with Flowchart & Advanced Forms.
Then follow the steps as described in the IntelliSpace Perinatal Installation and Service Guide.
Note the following special rule if you want to use a configuration backup (obtvcfg.bak) from
another system:
• Make sure not to install an external database, storage, HL7, Link, or Document Export
interface during the first setup.
• After completion of first setup, load the configuration backup (obtvcfg.bak).
• Re-run setup, keeping the existing database, and select to install the external database this
time. Now it is also possible to install storage, HL7, Link, or Document Export interface.

1.5 Fetal Monitor Simulation

If demo mode was selected during setup: The non-production system setup provides virtual COM
ports for built-in trace simulation. Assign a bed to each COM port to see simulated data in the trace
display. Fetal Monitors using the classic (RS232) interface cannot be connected to the system. If you
want to work with fetal monitors using classic interface, the non-production system must be set up in
regular system mode.
The simulated data consist of recorded CTG traces and vital signs. Vital signs (blood pressure,
maternal heart rate, SpO2 and temperature) notes are generated every 5 minutes with random values.
All FM-generated notes have a default Device ID, which is the serial number of the fetal monitor. In
case of simulated data, the Device ID is "SIM-COMx", where "x" is the COM port number.
Using a different Device ID:
To change the default simulation DeviceID, create a text file with the new DeviceID. The file format
must be ANSI, max. 10 characters, allowed ASCII character code range is 33-126.
Example: DE12345678
Filenames (numbers matching assigned COM ports):
Put the files into the folder C:\TV2\simdata of the IntelliSpace Perinatal client and restart the system via
the System Console.

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1 Non-Production System Working with Demonstration Data

Avalon family fetal monitors have a "demo" mode. If they are connected via the Ethernet interface to
the non-production system, the non-production system is able to accept this demonstration data. For
this, the non-production system has to be set up in demo mode. A regular system cannot accept
demonstration data from a fetal monitor.

1.6 Working with Demonstration Data

The IntelliSpace Perinatal demonstration application backup file on the installation medium holds
demonstration data of maternal patients. It contains fetal traces, flowchart notes and Forms data,
Newborn patient data and configuration data that consists of Users and Beds (Locations).

1.6.1 Adding Demo Data to Patient

If demo mode was selected during setup:
You may add demo data to a selected patient. To do this, select Flowchart - Settings, and click the Add
Demo Data button to add the demo data. You will see the demo data in the charting and profile graph.
If you do not want the mother to deliver:
• Unselect Events/Remarks in the Add Demo Data dialog
Note that in this case the Total blood loss note for 1st stage shows 0 ml because there is no 1st stage of
Or, if you have already added Events/Remarks demo notes:
• Go to Flow Chart
• Select Events/Remarks page
• Click the Stages of labor button
• In the Stages of Labor dialog, click the button below the Baby in the Delivery section
• In the Delivery of baby dialog, click Delete.
A Newborn record is NOT created by adding demo notes.

1.6.2 Removing/Replacing Demonstration Data

To remove demonstration data from a Non-Production System, first uninstall IntelliSpace Perinatal
and then reinstall IntelliSpace Perinatal, using setup from the installation medium, with the option to
install a new database.
To replace the demonstration data of the demo system with that from another System backup, first
uninstall IntelliSpace Perinatal and then reinstall IntelliSpace Perinatal using setup from the
installation medium with the option to restore from system backup.

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Network-based Storage (NBS) 1 Non-Production System

1.7 Network-based Storage (NBS)

For any kind of Non-Production System (setup in Demo mode or regular system mode), the local hard
disk drive may be used as NBS. When installing a clinical system with the configuration from a Non-
Production System, make sure to enter a new NBS location that follows the requirements for clinical

WARNING Never specify the same NBS location for different systems. Specifying the NBS location of the clinical
system as NBS location for the Non-Production System has a negative impact on the clinical system.
Never re-use an NBS location for a clinical system after that NBS location has been used for testing
and / or training purposes.

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1 Non-Production System Network-based Storage (NBS)

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