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Syngistix Installation

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Installation Guide
Syngistix™ for ICP Installation
Release History

Part Number Release Publication Date

09931147 D February 2017

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PerkinElmer, Inc
710 Bridgeport Avenue
Shelton, CT 06484

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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Except as specifically set forth in its terms and conditions of sale, PerkinElmer makes
no warranty of any kind with regard to this document, including, but not limited to,
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
PerkinElmer shall not be liable for errors contained herein for incidental consequential damages in
connection with furnishing, performance or use of this material.

Copyright Information
This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright.
All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form whatsoever or
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Copyright © 2017 PerkinElmer, Inc.

Produced in the USA.

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PerkinElmer is a registered trademark of PerkinElmer, Inc.

Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . v

Table of Contents

Syngistix Installation ................................................................................................................ 7

About Upgrading from ICP WinLab to Syngistix .......................................................................... 8
Setting up your Computer ......................................................................................................... 11
Installing the Software on a TCP/IP System ............................................................................... 14
Configuring the Computer and Spectrometer for TCP/IP Operation ....................................... 14
Configuring the Computer for Windows 10 .......................................................................... 14
Configuring the Computer for Windows 7 ............................................................................ 17
Configuring the Spectrometer ............................................................................................. 20
Enabling Ethernet Connection 2 for Windows 10 .................................................................. 21
Enabling Local Area Connection 2 for Windows 7 ................................................................. 21
Rename Local Area Connection .......................................................................................... 21
Installing the Software on a PCIe-GPIB (or PCI-GPIB) System ..................................................... 22
Installing the GPIB Driver on Windows 10 ........................................................................... 22
Installing the GPIB Driver on Windows 7 ............................................................................. 26
Installing the Syngistix Software ............................................................................................... 31
Installing the Document Pack Information ........................................................................... 31
Setting up and Administering User Accounts .............................................................................. 32
Setting up User Accounts ................................................................................................... 32
Setting Password and Account Lockout Options ......................................................................... 34
Using the Syngistix User Setup Program .................................................................................... 35
Setting Up Users ...................................................................................................................... 36
Assigning Permissions............................................................................................................... 38
Assign Specific Permissions to Each Syngistix User............................................................... 38
Select Data Types that Will Be Protected from Deletion ........................................................ 39
Specifying How Syngistix Data Is Stored .................................................................................... 41
What Are the Default Storage Locations for Syngistix Data? ................................................. 41
Specify Where to Store Syngistix Data ................................................................................ 42
Share a User's Data that Is Stored Locally in an Individual Folder with Other Users ............... 46
Viewing the User Setup Report.................................................................................................. 47
Print a Copy of the Currently Applied User Setup Settings .................................................... 47

vi . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 7

Syngistix I nstallation
The Syngistix™ for ICP software package is designed to control PerkinElmer's Avio and Optima
family of ICP-OES instruments, and manage the data that they produce. The main Syngistix
software package, the Data Manager, the User Setup utility, INconX set up, the Syngistix Offline,
and the Reconfigure utility are installed together. You must also ensure that Adobe® Acrobat®
viewer is installed, so that you can read documents in the Syngistix Document Pack. If Adobe
Acrobat is not installed on your computer you can install it from the Utilities CD that is shipped with
the Syngistix software package.

Note: If you have an older system that uses IEEE-488, it is also necessary to install a driver for the
IEEE-488 interface that the computer uses to communicate with the spectrometer and/or accessories.

This document provides instructions for installing Syngistix and Syngistix Enhanced Security (ES) on
a Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating system. For information regarding the software operation,
refer to the Syngistix On-Line Help.

8 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

About Upgrading from I CP W inLab to Syngistix

Note: This scenario is applicable only to Windows 7 since WinLab32 is not compatible with Windows 10.

When upgrading from ICP WinLab to Syngistix please note the following:
 You can migrate your methods and results data from ICP WinLab 5.0 or newer.
When old data is migrated to the new Syngistix software, a database update will
automatically occur. Part of the update will be to recalculate all of the signatures – as a
result, Verify Signatures is automatically successful. A side effect of this is that if the old
data had any invalid signatures due to tampering, they will appear valid because new
signatures are calculated during the update. This was the same for WinLab.

 As the software installs it will check to see if WinLab is installed.

If WinLab is installed and Syngistix is not installed and there is a WinLab data folder, then
the install program will show a question/message that states:
• “Do you want to import your previous files (methods and results databases MSF and
IEC models) from WinLab for ICP version (5.0 or newer)? Databases must be in the
local shared folder (default directory).”

1. No – Continues the install without importing the methods and results
databases, MSF and IEC folders.
2. Yes –Then the install will copy the methods and results databases, MSF and
IEC files from the old default directory to new default directory. If a
database is not in default directory it will not be moved.
Then the install will show the following message:
“Warning: Data Verification Signatures will be recalculated on all databases
imported from WinLab to Syngistix. Please run Check Signatures in WinLab
Data Manager before installing Syngistix. For more information see the
install instructions.”

Clicking OK displays the following Question:

Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 9

“WinLab for ICP version (5.0 or newer) will now be uninstalled. This will
remove all data in your shared folders. Please back up any data that has not
been migrated to Syngistix. Do you want to continue?”

1. No – Exits install program.

2. Yes – Uninstalls WinLab then the install continues.
Then the install will copy the results and method database files from the old
default directory to new default directory. If database is not in default
directory it will not be moved.

 After installation, as you run Syngistix and import databases from WinLab to Syngistix the
software will display a warning dialog that states:
Do you want to import this database from WinLab?
“Warning: Data Verification Signatures will be recalculated on all databases imported
from WinLab. Do you want to continue? For more information see the install instructions
available on the install CD.”

1. Make backup copy and continue (recommended) – Make a backup copy
of the data in the archive folder. Software will create a backup copy and put it in
the archive folder.
2. Continue without backup – Continue without a backup copy of the data.
3. Cancel
 Other ways to import data from WinLab
• Click and drag the data to new folder using Windows Explorer (or Windows 10 File
Explorer) to the default directory (only for database and results).
10 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

• Use the old WinLab Data Manager to Archive, and then Restore using new Syngistix
Data Manager.
 Miscellaneous
• Log files currently in the “Temporary Files” will be in new directory called Log file.
 Files that will need to be changed or updated
• Data Manager: QC Chart, Export Designs, Report Designs will need to be remade in

• SIF and SID- To reuse these files in Syngistix: Open the file in a program capable of
converting ASCII to Unicode (Such as Notepad) and resave the file with a .sifx or
.sidx extension.

• Workspaces – The new windows in Syngistix are of different configurations so they

will not carry over. These will need to be recreated.

• Enhanced Security (ES) Files

Any imported methods will be started over for Enhanced Security numbering
The Event Log database can be transported from WinLab to Syngistix, but the File
Change Log cannot because the file versioning will be restarted when methods are
imported. It is recommend to keep the original computer off to the side with the old
version of software and ES records intact, and then use a new PC with the new
software version on it, which would then be tracking changes going forward from
the upgrade date.
• Detector Calibration and Wavelength Calibration (ICP Only)
When the software opens for the first time (or until the requirement is satisfied) the
message following message will appear:
“The Detector Calibration File needs to be updated. Please do this by selecting:
Instrument Tab, Spectrometer Control, Detector Calibration.”
When the software opens for the first time (or until requirement is satisfied) the
following message will appear:
“The Wavelength Calibration File needs to be updated. Please do this by
selecting: Instrument Tab, Spectrometer Control, Wavelength Calibration. And
following the instructions provided.”
• Units file (.inix) - The user will have to recreate this file if using custom units or it
has previously been modified.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 11

Setting up your Com puter

Before you install Syngistix your computer must be set up properly with the Microsoft® Windows 7 with
Service Pack 1 or Windows 10 IoT operating system. This section provides you with the information
you need to configure your computer before Syngistix or Syngistix Enhanced Security is installed.
1. If the Microsoft® Windows 7 or 10 operating system is not already installed, follow the
instructions received with your computer to install the operating system.
2. Log on to the Windows 7 or 10 operating system using the Administrator account or an
account having Administrator rights.
If the computer was preloaded with the Microsoft® Windows 7 or 10 operating system by
PerkinElmer, log on as Administrator and select Enter with no password.
3. Turn off the Power Management of the PC.

Note: Syngistix should be installed on a hard disk using the NTFS file structure. If your computer is not
using the NTFS file structure consult your Windows software guide or Help file for information
regarding using the convert program to change your file structure.
4. Display the Region and Language dialog.
Windows 10: Display the Regional Settings Properties dialog by right-clicking the
Start button and select Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region.
Windows 7: Display the Region and Language dialog by clicking the Start button
then select Control Panel > Clock, Language, and Region.

5. On the Region and Language dialog click on the Change the date, time, or number
format link text.
12 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

6. Click on the Additional settings button at the bottom of the window.

The Customize Format dialog appears. Make sure the Digit grouping field is set to three
places (123,456,789), the decimal symbol is set to a period (.) (setting it as comma may
cause issues with Syngistix operation), and the No. of digits after decimal field is set to 2.

7. When done click OK.

8. Install the printer you plan to use.
Windows 10: Right-click on the Start button > Devices and Printers and click Add
a Printer in the window that appears to install and configure your printer. Follow the
installation instructions on screen, and consult your printer manual for more detail if needed.
Windows 7: Click the Start button > Devices and Printers and click Add a Printer
in the window that appears to install and configure your printer. Follow the installation
instructions on screen, and consult your printer manual for more detail if needed.
9. Set the screen resolution.
Windows 10: Right-click anywhere on an open space of the Windows 10 desktop and
select Graphic Properties > Display > General Settings.
Set the Resolution to the recommended resolution for your monitor.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 13

Windows 7: Right-click anywhere on an open space of the Windows 7 desktop and select
Screen Resolution from the menu that appears.
Set the Resolution to the recommended resolution for your monitor.
14 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

I nstalling the Softw are on a TCP/ I P System

Note: This section is applicable to the following instruments: Avio 200, Avio 500, Optima 5100DV, Optima
5200DV, Optima 5300DV, Optima 5300V, Optima 7100DV, Optima 7200DV, Optima 7300DV, Optima
7300V, and Optima 8300.

To install the software on a TCP/IP system:

1. Make sure you are logged on as an Administrator.
2. Insert the Syngistix for ICP software CD into your CD drive.
3. Use the Windows Explorer (or Windows 10 File Explorer) to view the disk contents and
double-click on the file setup.exe located in the root directory of the CD.
4. Follow the installation instructions on the screen.

Note: Install Syngistix or Syngistix Enhanced Security to the drive which was formatted as NTFS, as well as
to the drive and directories where the current version of ICP Syngistix software is installed.
Configure the instrument according to instrument type and accessory type.

Configuring the Com puter and Spectrom eter for TCP / I P Operation
For users requiring a separate network connection (Local Area Connection 2), follow the complete
procedure for installing the Ethernet network adapter card.

Note: If the Ethernet network adapter card is not to be used, skip to steps 6 through 14 in the section
Configuring the Com puter and then continue with the remainder of the procedure.

I m portant: Ensure that the Ethernet cable from the primary Ethernet port located on the motherboard of the
PC is connected directly to the Avio or Optima Ethernet connection. This is the Local Area
Connection. The secondary adapter Local Area connection (Local Area Connection 2) should be
used for the customer’s network connection.

1. Obtain the Ethernet network adapter card.

2. Power down the PC and plug the adapter card into an empty PCI/PCIe slot on the computer.
3. Connect the Ethernet cable with Internet access from the user’s LAN into the TP-Link Adapter.
4. Power on the PC.
Refer to the installation instructions that came with the TP-Link Adapter.

Configuring the Com puter for W indow s 10

The following procedure describes how to configure the computer and make network connections in
Windows 10.
1. Right-click on the Start button and select Control Panel > Network and Internet >
Network and Sharing Center > click Change adapter settings on the left side of the
There will be 2 Local Area Connections present if the TP-Link adapter is installed.
2. Set the Local Area Connection Properties by right-clicking on the Local Area Connection
(x) and select Properties.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 15

Where (x) is a number assigned by the system and can vary. The Ethernet for the TP-LINK
card is the Gigabit PCI Express Network Adapter. The on-board Ethernet Adapter that
you configure the static IP Address for in the Intel(R) Ethernet Connection 1219-LM.

3. There are two TCP/IP options, choose/highlight the one that says Internet Protocol
Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.

4. Verify the Obtain an IP address automatically radio button is selected unless the user
requires a certain IP address.

5. Click OK to close each of the two windows to get back to the Network Connections window.
16 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

6. From the Network Connections window, right-click on Local Area Connection for the
on-board Ethernet Connection is Intel(R) Ethernet Connection- 1217-LM and select
7. Highlight the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) option and click Properties.
8. Click the Use the following IP address radio button.

• In the IP address section type in

• In the Subnet mask section, type in
• The Default gateway section can be left blank.
9. Click OK to close the TCP/IP Properties window.
10. Make sure that the Internet Connection Firewall is turned off.
The firewall controls can be accessed by right-clicking on the Start button and select
Control Panel > System and Security.

11. Click Windows Firewall.

The following appears.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 17

12. Click the option on the left labeled Turn Windows Firewall on or off and make sure the
Windows Firewall for Home or Work (private) network location settings set to off as
in the picture below.

Note: If the instrument is to be connected to the customer network, then the firewall should be turned on.
If the firewall is turned on, then configure the Windows Firewall settings to add the ICP program
files Syngistix -I CP .ex e and Sim SpecTcpI p32.EX E as exceptions by clicking the Allow an app
or feature through W indow s firew all (shown on the left side of screen).

Configuring the Com puter for W indow s 7

The following procedure describes how to configure the computer and make network connections in
Windows 7.

1. Click the Start button > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Click
change adapter settings on the left side of the screen.
There will be 2 Local Area Connections present if the TP-Link adapter is installed.
2. Set the Local Area Connection Properties by right-clicking on the Local Area Connection (x)
and select Properties.

Where (x) is a number assigned by the system and can vary. The Local Area Connection for the
TP-LINK card is the Gigabit PCI Express Network Adapter. The on-board Ethernet Adapter
that you configure the static IP Address for in the Intel Ethernet Connection – 1217-LM.
3. There are two TCP/IP options, choose/highlight the one that says Internet Protocol
Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties.
18 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

4. Verify the Obtain an IP address automatically radio button is selected unless the user
requires a certain IP address.

5. Click OK to close each of the two windows to get back to the Network Connections window.
6. From the Network Connections window, right-click on Local Area Connection for the
on-board Ethernet Connection is Intel(R) Ethernet Connection- 1217-LM and select
7. Highlight the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) option and click Properties.
8. Click the Use the following IP address radio button.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 19

• In the IP address section type in

• In the Subnet mask section, type in
• The Default gateway section can be left blank.
9. Click OK to close the TCP/IP Properties window.
10. Make sure that the Internet Connection Firewall is turned off.
The firewall controls are located under the Start button > Control Panel > System
and Security.

11. Click Windows Firewall.

The following appears.

12. Click the option on the left labeled Turn Windows Firewall on or off
13. Make sure the Windows Firewall for Home or Work (private) network location
settings set to off as in the picture below.
20 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

Note: If the instrument is to be connected to the customer network, then the firewall should be turned on.
If the firewall is turned on, then configure the Windows Firewall settings to add the ICP program
files Syngistix -I CP .ex e and Sim SpecTcpI p32.EX E as exceptions from the Allow a P rogram or
Feature Through the Firew all (shown on the left side of screen).

Configuring the Spectrom eter

Note: These steps are normally not required as the IP will be automatically configured in Syngistix. They
are provided if automatic configuration fails. If automatic configuration is successful skip to the
Renaming local area connection section.

Disabling Ethernet Connection 2 in W indow s 10

(Important: This step must be performed to properly configure the spectrometer DCM.)
1. Right-click on the Start button and select Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center.

There will be 2 Ethernet Connections present.

2. Right-click on the Ethernet Connection 2, then select Disable.

Disabling Local Area Connection 2 in W indow s 7

(Important: This step must be performed to properly configure the spectrometer DCM.)

1. Click the Start button > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center.
There will be 2 Local Area Connections present.
2. Right-click on the Local Area Connection 2, then select Disable.

Note: We will enable it after the Spectrometer DCM has been configured.

Configuring the ICP

1. In the Syngistix for ICP software, on the Instrument tab, then in the Utilities group click
the Diagnostics button and select the IP Configuration menu item, located in the
Spectrometer tab.

Note: There will be no communication to the spectrometer at this point.

2. Select the Interface that you are about to configure from the drop-down list.
3. Enter the instrument’s MAC Address into the MAC Address section.
The MAC Address is a unique identifier which allows the setting of the IP Address and
can be found on the back of the instrument on or near the serial number label.
4. Click on the Get IP Configuration button.
The status section should show: IP Configuration received, when successful.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 21

5. Click the Set IP Configuration button.

Note: This button may have to be clicked several times (3 or more). The status section will show: IP
Configuration set in Syngistix, when the IP is set successfully.

6. Close the Spectrometer IP Configuration window.

Re-launch Syngistix and verify that communication to the Spectrometer is OK and Ready
mode is established.

Enabling Ethernet Connection 2 for W indow s 10

1. Right-click on the Start button and select Control Panel > Network and Sharing
Center > Change an Adapter.
There will be 2 Ethernet Connections present
2. Right-click on the Ethernet Connection 2, then select Enable.

Enabling Local Area Connection 2 for W indow s 7

1. Click the Start button > Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center > Change
an Adapter.
There will be 2 Local Area Connections present
2. Right-click on the Local Area Connection 2, select Enable.

R enam e Local Area Connection

 Rename the Local Area Connection to Avio Connection or Optima Connection
depending on your spectrometer.
22 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

I nstalling the Softw are on a PCI e-GPI B (or PCI -GPI B)

Note: This section is applicable to the following instruments: Optima 2100DV, Optima 7000DV, Optima 8000,
with IEEE control. The first section describes I nstalling the GP I B Driver on W indow s 10 the
second section describes I nstalling the GP I B Driver on W indow s 7.

Installing the software on this system requires that you first install the GPIB board drivers, the GPIB
board, then the Syngistix software.

I nstalling the GPI B Driver on W indow s 10

To install the GPIB driver:
1. Use File Explorer to view the disk contents and double-click on the GPIB directory located in
the root of the CD.
2. Double-click on the self-extracting GPIB driver installation file (ni4882_1600f0.exe).
The following displays:

3. Click OK and the following displays.

4. Leave the default Unzip to folder: which creates a National Instruments Directory on your
C: drive, then click Unzip.
A progress bar displays, and when done the following message appears.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 23

If .NET is not installed the following screens show how to install it.

a) Click OK.
The screen may be blank for a while then the license terms appear.
b) Check the license terms, then click Install.
The following appears:

When complete, the following appears:

c) Click Yes or click No.

If you click No, Setup may have to restart Windows after installation.
5. Click OK, then the first screen of the driver install appears.
24 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

6. Click Next and follow the instructions on each install screen.

7. Accept the defaults by clicking Next to go to the next screen.
8. When the Product Notifications screen appears, you can uncheck this check box.

9. Accept the EULA and other agreements before continuing.

10. Continue clicking Next on each screen.
11. When you come to the last screen click Next.

The following message displays.

Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 25

12. Click Shut Down if you are installing the GPIB board next.

Installing the GPIB Board

Note: The proper GPIB driver is included on the Syngistix CD.
To install the GPIB board in the computer:
1. Once the computer has shutdown remove the cover and the expansion slot cover on the
back panel of the computer.
2. Insert the PCI-GPIB board into an unused 32-bit PCI slot (do not use shared PCI/ISA
slot!), with the GPIB connector sticking out of the opening on the back panel. A PCIe-GPIB
board may also be used in a PCI express slot.
Note: The Graphic Card PCI-e slot shown below should be avoided.
It might be a tight fit, but do not force the board into place. Make sure that the GPIB plug fits.
Note: If during the GPIB driver configuration, you find resource conflicts or communication problems, it is
a good idea to try another PCI/PCIe slot.
3. Screw the mounting bracket of the PCI/PCIe-GPIB board to the back panel rail of the computer.
4. Check the installation.
5. Reassemble the cover of the PC.
6. Power up the PC.

Installing the Softw are on a PCIe-GPIB (or PCI-GPIB) System

To install the software on a PCI/PCIe-GPIB System:
1. Click on Start button > click on NI MAX.
26 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

2. Expand the My System > Devices and Interfaces folders to see the label NI PCle-GPIB

3. Left-click once on NI PCle-GPIB “GPIB0” and the device properties should appear in the
window frame to the right.
4. Make sure the properties are set as shown in the screen below:

5. Click on Save above the properties section of the window.

6. Click File > Exit to close the window.

I nstalling the GPI B Driver on W indow s 7

To install the GPIB driver:
1. Use Windows Explorer to view the disk contents and double-click on the GPIB directory
located in the root of the CD.
2. Double-click on the self-extracting GPIB driver installation file (ni4882273.exe).
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 27

The following displays:

3. Click OK and the following displays.

4. Leave the default Unzip to folder: which creates a National Instruments Directory on your
C: drive, then click Unzip.
A progress bar displays, and when done the following message appears.

5. Click OK, then the first screen of the driver install appears.

6. Click Install Software and follow the instructions on each install screen.
7. Accept the defaults by clicking Next to go to the next screen.
8. When the Product Notifications screen appears, you can uncheck this check box.
28 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

9. Continue clicking Next on each screen. When you come to the last screen click Finish.

The following message displays.

10. Click Shut Down if you are installing the GPIB board next.

Installing the GPIB Board

Note: The proper GPIB driver is included on the Syngistix CD.

To install the GPIB board in the computer:

1. Once the computer has shutdown remove the cover and the expansion slot cover on the
back panel of the computer.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 29

2. Insert the PCI-GPIB board into an unused 32-bit PCI slot (do not use shared PCI/ISA
slot!), with the GPIB connector sticking out of the opening on the back panel. A PCIe-GPIB
board may also be used in a PCI express slot.

Note: The Graphic Card PCI-e slot shown below should be avoided.
It might be a tight fit, but do not force the board into place. Make sure that the GPIB plug fits.

Note: If during the GPIB driver configuration, you find resource conflicts or communication problems, it is
a good idea to try another PCI/PCIe slot.

3. Screw the mounting bracket of the PCI/PCIe-GPIB board to the back panel rail of the computer.
4. Check the installation.
5. Reassemble the cover of the PC.
6. Power up the PC.

Installing the Softw are on a PCIe-GPIB (or PCI-GPIB) System

To install the software on a PCI/PCIe-GPIB System:

1. Click on Start button > click on All Programs > National Instruments >
Measurement & Automation.

2. Expand the My System >Devices and Interfaces folders to see a label GPIB0 (PCI-

3. Left-click once on GPIB0 (PCI-GPIB) and the device properties should appear in the
window frame to the right.
4. Make sure the properties are set as in the screen below:
30 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

5. Click on Save above the properties section of the window.

6. Click File > Exit to close the window.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 31

I nstalling the Syngistix Softw are

Note: Install Syngistix or Syngistix Enhanced Security to the drive which was formatted as NTFS, as well as
to the drive and directories where the current version ICP Syngistix software is installed. Configure
the instrument according to instrument type and accessory type.

1. Use the Windows Explorer (or Windows 10 File Explorer) to view the Syngistix disk contents
and double-click on the file setup.exe located in the root directory of the CD.
2. Follow the Syngistix software installation instructions on the screen.

I nstalling the Docum ent P ack I nform ation

Note: Adobe Reader is included with your software on a separate Software Utilities CD. To install a
program from this CD remove the Syngistix software CD and insert the Software Utilities CD. Follow
the instructions provided. Alternatively you can visit www.adobe.com to download Adobe Reader.

1. To install the Document Pack information, insert the Syngistix for ICP Document Pack
CD into your CD drive, then browse the contents of the CD via Windows Explorer (or
Windows 10 File Explorer).
2. Copy any file or directory that you wish to reference to your computer or computer desktop.
32 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

Setting up and Adm inistering User Accounts

Syngistix and Syngistix Enhanced Security are designed to be used by several different users who are
each assigned privileges. This means that the system can be set up so that specific users can perform
all Syngistix or Syngistix Enhanced Security functions, while other users can have limitations placed
upon them, so that they can use the software but not make changes to items such as methods.

The security features of Microsoft® Windows are used to provide password support and to prevent
certain users from making changes to critical files.

If a single user will only operate the instrument, or if you have no desire to control the actions of
various users, then you do not have to do anything special. When you install the software you must
be logged into Windows as a user with administrative privileges. This will frequently be as the user
Administrator. As long as you always log into the operating system with the same user name that
you used to install Syngistix or Syngistix Enhanced Security, the software will perform fine without
following the procedures below.

However, if you want to differentiate among users and control the privileges of some, then it is
necessary to set up a user account for each user with a Windows password and then follow the
steps outlined in this guide.

Setting up and administering user accounts is a multi-step process and involves:

1. Setting up User Accounts
2. Setting Password and Account Lockout Options
3. Defining Syngistix users, permissions and data storage options from the User Setup utility

Setting up User Accounts

To create a Syngistix User (in this example UserA):
1. In Windows 10 right-click on the Start button > Control Panel.

In Windows 7 click on the Start button > Control Panel.

2. Double-click Administrative Tools > Computer Management.
The Computer Management dialog appears.
3. In the directory tree on the left of the dialog drill down select System Tools > Local
Users and Groups > Users.

4. Click on Action menu and select Action > New User.

Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 33

5. Fill in the New User dialog completely with the User Name, Full Name, Description,
Password, and password options. For example create UserA by entering the User Name, Full
Name and description as follows:
• Enter UserA for the user name, UserAdam for the User’s full name and Syngistix
High Access User for the description in this example.

6. It is suggested that a User must change password at next logon is selected as the
password option. This will allow the User's password to be unknown to anyone other than
that User.
You do not need to enter a password for this orientation although the Administrator should
be made aware that a temporary password should be used which will be changed by the
user during the next logon. P lease note that the passw ord options should be
determ ined by the standard operating procedures of the laboratory.
It is also important to provide the full name of each user. The Enhanced Security software
uses the full name to identify the user in all of its logging features
7. Select Create to finish creating the New User.
8. Repeat for each user you wish to use Enhanced Security and when finished click Close.
9. Click Close when finished creating the Users.
34 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

Setting Passw ord and Account Lockout Options

From the Security Settings folder, the Account Policies folder allows the Administrator to change
various password options, as well as define account lock out options. These options should be
defined by the Administrator according to laboratory operating procedures.
1. In Windows 10 right-click the Start button and type secpol.msc into the Search box,
and then click secpol.

In Windows 7 click on the Start button and type secpol.msc into the Search box, and
then click secpol.

Note: If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide
2. In the Navigation pane, double-click Account Policies, and then click Password Policy.
3. Double-click the item in the Policy list that you want to change.

4. Specify password and account lockout options according to your laboratory operating
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 35

Using the Syngistix User Setup Program

Now that you have set up users through the Windows Operating system you are now ready to
access the Syngistix User Setup program to complete your Syngistix set up.

The User Setup program is designed as an application tool that allows you to set Syngistix permissions
and data storage locations on a per user basis. This section provides you with information on how to
use the User Setup program to set up Syngistix users, permissions, and data storage options.

Note: You must be logged into the operating system as an Administrator.

To access the User Setup program:

 Windows 10: From the Windows Start button menu select All Apps > PerkinElmer
Syngistix for ICP > User Setup.

Windows 7: From the Windows Start button menu select All Programs >
PerkinElmer Syngistix for ICP > User Setup.
The User Setup program displays.
36 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

Setting Up Users
From the User Setup program select the User List tab page. This tab page is used to identify those
individuals who will be able to use Syngistix. There are two types of users who can use Syngistix and
they are differentiated based upon how they are authenticated by the operating system. A user can
be authenticated by being a user on the local computer, or he can be authenticated by being a
domain user.

The User List tab is also used to assign the Syngistix Name for a user. The Syngistix Name is the
name that is used throughout Syngistix. This name appears on reports, is included with results, and
is also the name used for the user specific file locations.

Note: If a local user has been deleted from the User Accounts list in Windows, after being used in
Syngistix, then User Setup will not remove the user from the User Setup User List. The list of users
that appear on this tab contain all users on the local PC (with the exception of users having system
guest account level permissions) plus all other users entered and applied in the past.

Note: User Setup obtains a list of users from the Operating System by User ID. If a user ID has been renamed
via the Operating System it is equivalent to deleting and existing user and creating a new one.

To set up Syngistix users:

1. The Local ID column displays a list of all local users that are set up on your computer. The
users displayed in this column are read-only. If you do not want one of the users listed here
to have access to Syngistix, and then uncheck the Active check box associated with that
For example, the screen below shows that UserA is not an active Syngistix user and
therefore, will not be able to access the Syngistix application.

2. If you want to have a user that was created on a domain server to have access to Syngistix
then type the Domain ID of that user in the Domain ID column.
If a Domain ID is specified, Syngistix uses this ID when the program starts to see if the
person logged onto the computer is allowed to use Syngistix.
The Domain ID cannot consist entirely of periods and/or spaces, or any of these characters "

Note: The User Setup program does not validate the Domain ID against the Domain list. It is up to the
administrator to type the Domain ID correctly.

3. If you do not want a user listed on this tab to have access to Syngistix, uncheck the Active
checkbox associated with that user.

Note: A user cannot be marked Active unless there is an entry in either the Local ID or Domain ID fields
for this user. When the Active field is checked for a particular user the Domain ID and Syngistix
Name fields become read-only.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 37

4. For each user listed on this screen you can use the Syngistix Name column to type in a
User ID that will be used by Syngistix. This is the ID that will be stored with Syngistix data.
If no name is assigned, the Local ID or the Domain ID will be used as the Syngistix Name. It
should be noted that once a user is marked Active in User Setup application, the Syngistix
Name field becomes read-only.

Note: When a folder is created using the Syngistix Name of a specific user, and, at a later date, that
Syngistix Name is changed, then the folder that was previously created is not deleted. Instead, a
new folder is created with the new Syngistix Name for the same user.
Apply: Click this button to apply the settings currently defined.

5. Click OK to apply the settings currently defined and close the User Setup program.


Click Cancel to close the User Setup program without applying changes.
38 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

Assigning Perm issions

You use the permissions tab to assign specific permissions to each of the defined users on the system.
In addition, this tab is also used to define which Syngistix data types will be protected from deletion.
The data types you select to protect from deletion will be protected from deletion at the folder level in
the Operating System. This means that users on the local PC will not be able to delete folders
containing the specific data types that you want to protect. Please note that although users on the
local PC will not be able to delete folders that contain the Syngistix data types you have selected to
protect, administrators can delete any data type on the local computer.

Assign Specific Permissions to Each Syngistix User

Note: By default a user has all permissions assigned to him.
1. Select the user or users you want to assign permissions from the User list box.
Only users marked active on the User List page will appear in this list.

Note: Administrators are not included on the Permissions tab under the User list box. Active
Administrators have all permissions by default.

To select multiple items:

 To select adjacent items, click the first item, and then hold down SHIFT and click the
last item.

 To select nonadjacent users, click the first item, and then hold down CTRL and click
additional items.

Selected users appear highlighted in black.

In the example below Technician 1 and Technician 2 are selected.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 39

2. From the Permissions list uncheck the permissions you do not want assigned to the
selected user/users and/or check the permissions you want to assign to the selected
In the example below the users Technician 1 and Technician 2 have permission to perform
all Syngistix operations with the exception of performing Database Maintenance.

3. Click Set to assign the selected permissions to the selected user or users.
The selected users who were just assigned permissions appear highlighted in yellow and will
remain highlighted in yellow to indicate that these users have already been assigned
4. To display the Permissions list for a particular user, double click on the user name from the
User list box.
The Permissions list is refreshed and the selected user’s settings are displayed. When a user
has a permission assigned to him, he is able to perform the Syngistix task associated with
that permission.

Select Data Types that W ill Be P rotected from Deletion

On the right hand side of the Permissions tab page you can specify which Syngistix data types you
want to protect from being deleted. When you select specific Syngistix data types to protect from
deletion, the folders, on the local PC running Syngistix, containing those data types cannot be deleted.
1. Check the Globally protect specific data types from deletion check box.
2. From the Can be Deleted list box select the data types that you want to protect from
To select multiple items:
 To select adjacent items, click the first item, and then hold down SHIFT and click the
last item.
 To select nonadjacent items, click the first item, and then hold down CTRL and click
additional items.
40 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

3. Use the button to move the selected items into the Protect from Deletion list box.

Use the button to move selected items from the Protect from Deletion list box into the
Can be Deleted list box.
In the example below Syngistix has been configured so that Sample Information files and
Methods are protected from deletion. This means that users on the local PC will not be able
to delete folders containing Syngistix Sample Information files and Methods.

4. Click the Apply button to apply your changes.

Users on the local PC will not be able to delete folders containing Syngistix data types listed
in the Protect from Deletion list box.

I M P ORTANT: All users including adm inistrators accessing the PC should have passwords assigned. If
an Administrator account exists that has no password (password field is empty and you can
just press the enter key to log on to the PC) Windows by default will allow any user to
delete files regardless of the protections assigned by Syngistix.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 41

Specifying How Syngistix Data I s Stored

On the Data Storage tab page you specify where Syngistix data types are stored. You can specify
that Syngistix data types are stored in shared data areas or in individual areas, either on the local
computer or at an alternative location. Individual data storage locations, set up on your local PC, can
also be shared with other Syngistix users from within the Syngistix application.

Note: The User Setup program does not have control over the access permissions on another
computer. Therefore, permission settings for another computer must be made by the administrator
of the other computer from that computer’s Control Panel.

W hat Are the Default Storage Locations for Syngistix Data?

For ICP Syngistix Data stored locally:
Shared Data: C:\Users\Public\PerkinElmer Syngistix\ICP\Data\
Individual Data: C:\Users\[userid]\PerkinElmer Syngistix\ICP\Data\

For ICP Syngistix Data stored at an alternative location:

Shared Data: S:\Users\Public\PerkinElmer Syngistix\ICP\Data\
Where S stands for the alternative storage location.
Individual Data: S:\Users\[userid]\PerkinElmer Syngistix\ICP\Data\
Where S stands for the alternative storage location.
42 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

Specify W here to Store Syngistix Data

You can store Syngistix data types on your local PC in an individual directory for each user and/or in
a shared directory. You can also store Syngistix data types at an alternative location in an individual
and/or a shared directory.

To define Syngistix data storage options:

1. Select the user or users you want to assign data storage options from the Users list.
Only users marked active on the User List page will appear in this list.
To select multiple items:

 To select adjacent items, click the first item, and then hold down SHIFT and click
the last item.

 To select nonadjacent items, click the first item, and then hold down CTRL and click
additional items.
The selected users appear highlighted in black.
In the example below Technician I and Technician II have been selected.

2. Specify where you want Syngistix data types to be stored by selecting Syngistix data types
listed in the Local Storage or Alternative Storage list boxes and then clicking on one of
the following buttons:

Note: By default all Syngistix data types are listed under the Local Storage Shared list box.

3. Click the Local Shared button to store the selected data types for the selected user or
users in a shared directory.
The selected data types are now listed in the Local Shared list box.
The first time you access this screen all data types are listed under Local Shared.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 43

4. Click the Local Individual button to store selected data types for the selected user or
users in an individual directory for each user.
The selected data types are now listed in the Local Individual list box.
In the example below, Technician I and Technician II store their Syngistix Workspaces in
individual directories.

If you have checked the Set up alternative storage location and browsed to an
alternative storage location, you can then specify that Syngistix data types are stored in
shared or individual directories on the alternative storage location.
44 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

5. Click the Alternative Storage Shared button to store selected data types for the selected
user or user in a shared directory in the alternative location specified.
The selected data types are now listed in the Alternative Storage Shared list box.
In the example below Technician I and Technician II store their Syngistix Reports in a
shared network folder called PerkinElmer.

6. Click the Alternative Storage Individual button to store selected data types for the
selected user or user in an individual directory for each user in the alternative location
The selected data types are now listed in the Alternative Storage Individual list box.
In the example below Technician I and Technician II store their Syngistix Results in
individual folders under the PerkinElmer network folder.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 45

7. When you have finished specifying where each data type belongs click the Set button.
The selected users who were just assigned data storage locations appear highlighted in
yellow and will remain highlighted in yellow to indicate that data storage locations have
already been set up for these users.

8. To display the Data Storage settings for a particular user, double-click on the user name.
The Data Storage tab page is refreshed and the selected user’s settings are displayed.
9. Click the Apply button to save your changes.
46 . Syngistix™ for ICP Installation Guide

Share a User's Data that I s Stored Locally in an I ndividual

Folder w ith Other Users
Note: The Allow other users to m odify selected user's data list box is disabled unless there are
Syngistix data types listed in the Local Storage Individual list box.

Note: Administrators will not be included on the Data Storage tab under the Allow other users to modify
selected user’s data list box. By default active Administrators are able to access everyone’s data.
1. Select the user, who has data stored locally in individual folders that you want to share,
from the User list box.
Only users marked active on the User List page will appear in this list.
The selected user appears highlighted in black.
From the Allow other users to modify selected user's data list box select the user or
users that will be allowed to browse to and modify the data types shown in the
Local Storage Individual list box for the user selected in the User list box.
In the example below Technician I has selected to share his Workspaces with Technician II
and Chief Chemist.

2. When you have finished click the Set button.

3. To display the Data Storage settings for a particular user, double-click on the user name.
The Data Storage tab page is refreshed and the selected user’s settings are displayed.
4. Click the Apply button to save your changes.
Syngistix for ICP Installation Guide . 47

View ing the User Setup R eport

The View Report tab displays a summary of the User Setup. The information in the display
represents the currently applied User Setup settings. If you have made changes to User Setup and
have not clicked the Apply button, then those changes will not be shown on this tab until you have
clicked Apply or OK.

P rint a Copy of the Currently Applied User Setup Settings

1. On the View Report tab click the Print button.
A Print dialog appears.
2. Select your options for printing and click OK.

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