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ICFAI Business School Hyderabad

Academic Year: 2022-23

Course Handout: Basic Quantitative Methods

Program: BBA (Class of 2025) Semester: Zero (Deeksharambh)

Faculty Name: Dr. Arindam Ghosh Room No: E-110

Mobile No: +91-9734578470 Email ID:

Consultation hours: Credits:

Course Objectives:

 To provide students with an understanding of basic quantitative methods used in management.

 To provide students with the understanding of applications of such quantitative methods in management.
 To create a conceptual base among students about quantitative methods so as to facilitate their understanding of advanced
quantitative methods used in management.

Learning Outcomes:

 Understand the theoretical and conceptual aspects of basic statistics used in management.
 Ability of applications of statistical techniques in business-related problems.
 Appreciation of advanced quantitative techniques that are based on these basic techniques.

Evaluation: One test based on subjective and multiple-choice questions (MCQ)

Course Outline: Mapped to content developed by the faculty (resource person) / textbook

Learning Resources: Business Statistics by J. Joseph Francis, Cengage Learning; NPTEL videos
Digital or
Sr. Expected Learning Chapter Software
Topic Session(s) Session Objectives Video links
No. Outcomes Reading tools
Comprehend the
i. Statistics defined
meaning of
ii. Statistics vocabulary
Introduction to iii. Advantages & Chapter 1 of
1. 1 understand the ---
Statistics disadvantages of Statistics Text Book
applications of
iv. Applications of Statistics in
Statistics in various
various business functions
fields of business.
Understand data and
i. Statistical data, elements,
its types; construct
variables, observations
tables & distribution
Data and its ii. Types of data Chapter 2 of
2. 2 for statistical ---
representation iii. Organizing and presenting Text Book
calculations; present
data (pie, bar, multiple bars,
data through charts
histogram, scatter etc.)
and figures.
Comprehend the
i. Understanding of Central statistical meaning
Measures of
tendency of central tendency; Chapter 3 of
3. Central 3
ii. Mean, median, mode business Text Book
(ungrouped, grouped data) applications of
various means.
Comprehend the
i. Understanding of Dispersion statistical meaning
Measures of ii. Range, Quartile Deviation, of mean, median and Chapter 3 of
4. 4 ---
Dispersion Mean Deviation, Standard mode and their Text Book
Deviation business
i. Definition, basic concepts Understand the
and vocabularies of basic concept of
Introduction to Chapter 6 of
5. 5 probability probability; classical ---
Probability Text Book
ii. Classical method of approach of
assigning probability probability.

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