Mci 080
Mci 080
Mci 080
Structure and Development of Medicago truncatula Pod Wall and Seed Coat
H O N G L I W A N G 1, * and M I C H A E L A . G R U S A K 2
Department of Biology, University of Arkansas-Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, USA and 2USDA/ARS Children’s
Nutrition Research Center, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
Received: 1 September 2004 Returned for revision: 1 November 2004 Accepted: 3 December 2004 Published electronically: 9 February 2005
Key words: Development, structure, morphology, microscopy, pod, pod wall, seed, seed coat, Fabaceae, Medicago
truncatula, legumes.
INTRODUCTION seeds. Pod walls serve to protect the seeds during develop-
ment (Small and Brookes, 1982), they are part of the
Medicago truncatula, a member of the Fabaceae, has gar-
source–sink pathway that delivers nutrients to the seed
nered considerable attention recently as a genomic and
coat (Harvey, 1973; Setia et al., 1987), and they can produce
molecular model system for legume biological studies
photosynthates (Willmer and Johnston, 1976; Atkins et al.,
(Cook, 1999; Oldroyd and Geurts, 2001), due to its small
1977) and/or metabolize storage products (Thorne, 1979;
genome size and short life cycle. Researchers have gener-
Mounoury et al., 1984) for transfer to the seeds. The
ated an expressed sequence tag (EST) database of over
developing embryo is further surrounded by a seed coat,
190 000 sequences as of November 2004 (http://www.ncbi.
which itself is involved in the transit and/or metabolism of; Lamblin et al.,
various nutrients (Murray, 1987; Van Dongen et al., 2003).
2003), genomic DNA sequencing is underway, with the
Seed coat tissues can metabolize amino acids (Murray,
gene-rich region of the genome scheduled to be completed
1987), accumulate polyphenolics (Islam et al., 2003) and
by 2007 (, and physical
store calcium oxalate crytstals (Barnabas and Arnott, 1990).
and genetic maps of the M. truncatula genome are being
The mature, dry seed coat provides a protective barrier that
developed (Kulikova et al., 2001; Thoquet et al., 2002).
may also contribute to physical dormancy (Baskin and
Although much of the scientific effort with this species
Baskin, 1998). More information is needed to understand
has focused on the biology of root–rhizobial interactions
how the pod wall or seed coat tissues in legumes provide
and the molecular regulation of nodule development (Cook
these functions; a sound structural foundation should help
et al., 1997), interest also exists to study seed biology in
in this effort.
this plant (Gallardo et al., 2003). However, at present, there
Previous morphological studies with M. truncatula have
is little published on the structural attributes of M. truncatula
documented gross features of the fruit reproductive tissues,
pods and seeds. The ability of seed biologists to capitalize
such as the coiled nature of the pods (Small and Brookes,
on the vast molecular and genomic resources of this model
1982; Small et al., 1991), the thickened pod walls (Lesins
species will be limited until a thorough structural and
and Lesins, 1979) or the presence of macro- and osteo-
developmental characterization of its pods and seeds is
sclereids in the seed coat (Jha and Pal, 1992). However, no
detailed microscopic studies have been reported for this
Legume seeds develop within the confines of an ovary-
species’ pods and seeds. In this paper, using light micro-
derived pod whose walls provide numerous functions for the
scopy, a structural characterization of the developing
* For correspondence. E-mail [email protected] pod wall and seed coat of M. truncatula ecotype A17 is
Published by Oxford University Press 2005
738 Wang and Grusak — Medicago Pod Wall and Seed Coat Structure
provided, with the focus on pods in the age range 3–20 d Tissue preparation and light microscopy observations
post-pollination (DPP). The intention was to gain a better
The developing pods of M. truncatula at 3, 6, 13 and
structural understanding of the tissues that serve both as
20 DPP were cut into small segments about 45 mm wide
a nutritional pathway and a protective enclosure for the
and 8 mm long. These pod segments were immediately fixed
developing embryos at early stages of pod and seed
for 12 h in a 4 C fixation solution containing 25 % glut-
araldehyde, 25 % paraformaldehyde and 50 mM cacodylate
buffer at pH 70. Following fixation, segments were pro-
cessed through three 40-min washes of cacodylate buffer
MATERIALS AND METHODS at 4 C. Tissues were then dehydrated at 40-min intervals
through a 10 %-step graded series of ethanol–water mix-
Plant material
tures, ending at 100 % ethanol. Pod segments were sub-
Pod harvest and fresh weight analysis Growth of M. truncatula pod walls and seeds
Randomly selected flowers were date tagged (using small The fresh weight of the developing pod walls and seeds of
marking tags on strings) on the day of full bloom, which was M. truncatula ecotype A17 increased until 39 DPP, at which
1 d prior to tripping; this date was designated as day 1 or time a net desiccation of the pod walls and seeds was
1 DPP. The tag was applied when the first flower at an axil observed (Fig. 1). The growth dynamics of the pod walls
was open; all other flowers at an axil with multiple flowers displayed four phases (Fig. 1A): a rapid fresh weight gain
usually opened either on the same day as the first flower was seen from 3 to 8 DPP; a delay in growth followed by
or 1 d later. Whole pods were collected at various DPPs (from a gradual weight gain was observed from 8 to 20 DPP; a
3 to 43 DPP) for the determination of pod wall and seed plateau in fresh weight gain was found from 20 to 39 DPP;
fresh weight; ten pods were harvested for each time point. and fresh weight eventually declined sharply from 39 to
Pods from 3 to 6 DPP (with peduncle and any attached 43 DPP. For M. truncatula developing seeds, the fresh
sepals or petals removed) were weighed in their entirety weight dynamics exhibited three phases (Fig. 1B). These
within 5 min of harvest using a four-point electronic bal- included a period during which the rate of fresh weight gain
ance; developing ovules were very small during this time increased with time (7–15 DPP), a period during which
period and their weight was included with the pod walls. fresh weight continued to increase with time, but at a
Pods aged 7–43 DPP were separated into wall and seed declining rate (15–39 DPP) and, finally, a period of fresh
fractions within 5 min of harvest, and put into pre-weighed, weight loss (39–43 DPP). Based on this characterization,
capped microcentrifuge tubes. These also were weighed four time points were chosen to represent the early to
using a four-point electronic balance. Seed fresh weight mid-stages of pod development: 3, 6, 13 and 20 DPP.
was calculated as an average individual seed weight from
each pod (total seed fresh weight divided by number of
Development and structure of the pod wall and seed coat
Pods were collected at 3, 6, 13 and 20 DPP to be fixed and General morphology. The pod of M. truncatula is derived
sectioned for light microscope observations. Pods also were from a superior ovary that consists of a single carpel. After
collected at 1, 2, 3, 6, 13 and 20 DPP to photograph pollination, the carpel grows from a short, curved form into
and record external characteristics (Coolpix 990 Digital a spiral structure (Fig. 2). Pods of ecotype A17 develop
Camera; Nikon Corp., Tokyo, Japan). nearly two full coils by 1 DPP (Fig. 2A), 35 coils by
Wang and Grusak — Medicago Pod Wall and Seed Coat Structure 739
250 ovule, the inner of the two integuments disappears, while
Pod wall fresh weight (mg pod–1)
8 Pod age: 6 DPP. At this stage, most cells in the pod are
7 expanding, and the width of the pod has increased to about
6 5 mm (Figs 2D and 4A); however, the external morphology
of the pod (cf. Figs 2C and 2D) and many cellular features of
the pod wall are similar to those at 3 DPP (cf. Figs 3A and
4A). The walls of cells within the exocarp are thickening,
3 especially at the outside surface (Fig. 4C and D). The vas-
2 cular bundles within the pod walls are further differentiated,
1 with more xylem elements developing thickened walls
0 (Fig. 4D).
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Each growing ovule is seen attached to the pod wall via a
Pod age (days post-pollination) funiculus, and the ovule has initiated a curved and bent
orientation (Fig. 4B). A multinuclear endosperm appears
F I G . 1. Growth dynamics of developing pod walls (A) and seeds (B) of within the embryo sac (Fig. 4C). The embryo consists of
Medicago truncatula. Data are mean fresh weight values (6 s.e.) based on
ten pods collected at each time point. a number of suspensor cells and a globular embryo (data not
shown). The epidermal cells of the seed coat have elongated
and their vacuoles stain blue-green with toluidine blue O
2 DPP (Fig. 2B) and their full five to six coils by 3 DPP (Fig. 4E). Numerous granular bodies are found in the par-
(Fig. 2C). Viewed from the apical end of the developing pod, enchyma cells throughout the seed coat (Fig. 4E).
coil growth occurs in a clock-wise direction. Spines, which
develop along the edges of the dorsal suture, are visible as Pod age: 13 DPP. By 13 DPP, the cells of the exocarp
spine initials at 3 DPP; these insert at approx. 135 to the and mesocarp in the pod walls have further expanded
face of the pod wall (Fig. 2C–F). The diameter of the pod (Fig. 5A and B), as the pod width has increased to about
ranges from about 2 mm at 1 DPP to 8 mm by 20 DPP. 7 mm (Fig. 2E). Sclerenchyma cells with thickened cell
walls, that have differentiated from vascular parenchyma
Pod age: 3 DPP. A transverse section cut 90 to the face cells, appear in the vascular bundles that are close to the
of the coils shows the major features of the pod wall and dorsal suture (Fig. 5A). Moreover, sclerenchyma cells have
developing ovules at 3 DPP (Fig. 3A). The pod wall (or also differentiated in the endocarp and display thickened
pericarp) is composed of an exocarp layer (the outer epi- cell walls (Fig. 5B). Vascular bundles in the pod wall are
dermis), seven to 15 layers of mesocarp parenchyma cells, fully differentiated, consisting of mature phloem and xylem
and inner endocarp layers. The endocarp is comprised of (Fig. 5A and B). The large lateral carpellary bundle extends
three to five layers of small dividing sclerenchyma from the funiculus into the chalazal region and branches into
precursor cells and a single layer of large inner epidermal the nucellus of the seed (Fig. 5A and C).
cells (Fig. 3B and D). Most cells within different layers of From 6 to 13 DPP, the seed coat has undergone a dramatic
the pod wall are still undergoing cell division, as demon- developmental change. The epidermis has differentiated
strated by their alignments at various orientations. into a uniform palisade layer of macrosclereids (or
The vasculature of the pod wall at this stage includes one Malpighian layer; Fig. 5A). These macrosclereids are radi-
lateral carpellary bundle (Fig. 3A), one median carpellary ally elongated, and are covered by a thick cuticle layer on
bundle (Fig. 3A and B) and 9–12 vascular bundles that are the outer surface (Fig. 5B and D). Abundant vacuoles,
embedded among the mesocarp parenchyma cells on each stained blue-green by toluidine blue O, are found in the
face of the pod wall (Fig. 3A, B and D). Although most of cytoplasm of these macrosclereids (Fig. 5B and D). A
the vascular cells appear to be still dividing, some of the hilar groove is located at the centre of the seed hilum
protoxylem cells have differentiated and show thickened area, and consists of more elongated macrosclereids
walls, as indicated by the light blue staining with toluidine (Fig. 5A and C). Other cells in the hilar region are round
blue O (Fig. 3B and D). shaped and also contain numerous vacuoles that are stained
Most legume seeds differentiate from an ovule with two blue-green by toluidine blue O. Adjacent to the macro-
integuments (Esau, 1977). During development of the sclereids, towards the interior of the seed coat, a layer of
740 Wang and Grusak — Medicago Pod Wall and Seed Coat Structure
1.0 cm
F I G . 2. External morphology of developing Medicago truncatula pods: (A) developing pod at 1 DPP with remaining petals removed; (B) developing
pod at 2 DPP with remaining petals removed; (C) pod at 3 DPP; (D) pod at 6 DPP; (E) pod at 13 DPP; (F) pod at 20 DPP. Scale bars: A–C = 05 cm;
D–F =10 cm.
Wang and Grusak — Medicago Pod Wall and Seed Coat Structure 741
Nu Xy
F I G . 3. Light micrographs of developing Medicago truncatula pods at 3 d post-pollination: (A) longitudinal section of the pods (·36); (B) the median
carpellary bundle and the pod wall (·184); (C) cellular structure of the ovule (·460); (D) cellular structure of the pod wall (·460). Endo, Endocarp;
Ep, epidermis; Exo, exocarp; Hy, Hypodermis; IE, inner epidermis; LCB, lateral carpellary bundle; MCB, median carpellary bundle; Meso, mesocarp;
Nu, nucellus; Ov, Ovule; Pa, parenchyma; Ph, phloem; PW, pod wall; SP, sclerenchyma precursor cell; VB, vascular bundle; Xy, xylem.
precursor cells are found that will subsequently differentiate Pod age: 20 DPP. By 20 DPP, the exocarp layer exhibits
into osteosclereids (Fig. 5D). Large granules (apparently only limited connections with the mesocarp, as cells of
starch grains as indicated by IKI staining; data not the outer mesocarp have become more elongated and
shown) appear in the nucellar cells (Fig. 5C) especially irregularly shaped (Fig. 6A and B). Exocarp cells also
the inner parenchyma cells that are adjacent to the embryo have become further elongated, especially along regions
sac (Fig. 5E). of the pod wall where intercellular air spaces have enlarged
The endosperm has begun to cellularize, forming one within the outer mesocarp (Fig. 6A, B and E). Many of the
or two cell layers that encircle the embryo sac (Fig. 5A, mesocarp cells contain small starch granules (identified by
C and E). By 13 DPP, the embryo has now become heart IKI staining; data not shown) (Fig. 6E). Sclerenchyma cells
shaped and is still attached to the suspensor cells (data not in the vascular bundles and in the pod wall endocarp have
shown). developed heavily thickened cell walls (Fig. 6B, D and E).
742 Wang and Grusak — Medicago Pod Wall and Seed Coat Structure
Meso ES Pa
Ph Hy
F I G . 4. Light micrographs of developing Medicago truncatula pods at 6 d post-pollination: (A) longitudinal section of pods (·36); (B) cross-section of
the pod wall and ovule (·45); (C) longitudinal section of pod wall and ovule (·178); (D) cellular structure of the pod wall (·490); (E) cellular structure of the
seed coat (·490). Endo, Endocarp; Ep, epidermis; ES, embryo sac; Exo, exocarp; Hy, hypodermis; IE, inner epidermis; LCB, lateral carpellary bundle;
MCB, median carpellary bundle; Meso, mesocarp; Nu, nucellus; Ov, ovule; Pa, parenchyma; Ph, phloem; PW, pod wall; SC, seed coat; SP, sclerenchyma
precursor cell; VB, vascular bundle; Xy, xylem.
Wang and Grusak — Medicago Pod Wall and Seed Coat Structure 743
Fun VB
OsP IE Exo
SC Meso
ES Endo
OsP Ma IE Scl
Nu Pa
F I G . 5. Light micrographs of developing Medicago truncatula pods at 13 d post-pollination: (A) longitudinal section of pods (·37); (B) longitudinal section
of pod wall and seed coat (·186); (C) hilum region of the seed coat (·186); (D) macrosclereid and osteosclereid precursor cells of the seed coat, and the inner
epidermis of the pod wall (·585); (E) parenchyma cells of the seed coat (·585). CP, Chalazal phloem; Cu, cuticle; CV, chalazal vascular bundle;
En, endosperm; Endo, endocarp; ES, embryo sac; Exo, exocarp; Fun, funicular tissue; IE, inner epidermis; Ma, macrosclereid; Meso, mesocarp; Nu,
nucellus; OsP, osteosclereid precursor; Pa, parenchyma; PL, palisade layer of macrosclereids; PW, pod wall; SC, seed coat; Scl, sclerenchyma; TB, tracheid
bar; VB, vascular bundle.
The inner epidermal cells contain dense cytoplasm and cell Seed size has increased significantly by 20 DPP. Cell
wall ingrowths are observed on the side facing the seed coat division within the embryo has enabled the cotyledons
(Fig. 6E). Within the pod wall vasculature, phloem com- to fill most of the embryo sac cavity (Fig. 6A), which itself
panion cells also appear to differentiate transfer cell-like has expanded in size since 13 DPP. Additionally, many seed
wall ingrowths (Fig. 6D). coat cells have elongated, apparently in concert with the
744 Wang and Grusak — Medicago Pod Wall and Seed Coat Structure
SC Scl
CV Scl
Xy Scl
IE Scl
Nu Endo
En E
Cot Pa
F I G . 6. Light micrographs of developing Medicago truncatula pods at 20 d post-pollination: (A) longitudinal section of the developing pod, including pod
wall, seed coat and cotyledons (·35); (B) longitudinal section of pod wall, seed coat and cotyledon (·88); (C) hilum region of seed coat (·175); (D) vascular
bundles in the pod wall (·438); (E) longitudinal section of pod wall and seed coat (·350) [insert: inner epidermal cells with wall ingrowths (·525)]; (F)
macrosclereid, osteosclereid and parenchyma cells of the seed coat (·438). Cot, Cotyledon; CP, chalazal phloem; CV, chalazal vascular bundle;
En, endosperm; Endo, endocarp; ES, embryo sac; Exo, exocarp; Fun, funicular tissue; IE, inner epidermis; Ma, macrosclereid; Meso, mesocarp; Nu,
nucellus; Os, osteosclereid; Pa, parenchyma; Ph, phloem; PL, palisade layer of macrosclereids; PW, pod wall; SC, seed coat; Scl, sclerenchyma; TB, tracheid
bar; Tr, transfer cell; VB, vascular bundles; WI, wall ingrowths; Xy, xylem.
Wang and Grusak — Medicago Pod Wall and Seed Coat Structure 745
increase in seed size and volume. The cells in the different bundles are abundant in the pod wall; these include one
layers of the seed coat have undergone dramatic structural lateral carpellary bundle, one median carpellary bundle
changes. In the hilum region, the tracheid bar has expanded and nine to 12 vascular bundles, all embedded in the meso-
and its cells have differentiated into mature vessels with carp parenchyma cells (Figs 3A, 4A and B, 5A and 6A).
thickened walls (Fig. 6C). The palisade macrosclereids, Differentiation was evident in various endocarp cells during
which comprise the seed coat epidermis, display dense pod wall development; the deposition of cell wall materials
cytoplasm and a large vacuole that stains green-blue with occurred from 6 to 20 DPP as the cell walls of the scler-
toluidine blue O (Fig. 6B, E and F). Moreover, the light line, enchyma precursors thickened (Figs 4D and 5B). Moreover,
which is seen because of refraction within a restricted region large strands of sclerenchyma cells differentiated by 20 DPP
of the epidermal cell wall, is oriented tangentially along the at the outer boundary of the phloem in the pod wall (Fig. 6A,
central third of the epidermal cell layer (Fig. 6B and F). The B and D). These sclerenchyma cells are long (Fig. 6A and
sub-epidermal layer (hypodermis) has differentiated into B) and contain thickened cell walls (Fig. 6D). Intriguingly,