Affirmative Into Negative 23053b
Affirmative Into Negative 23053b
Affirmative Into Negative 23053b
১। Only Affirmative
Only/Alone (Indicate to person): Only = None but
Affirmative: Only he can assist me ( )
Negative: None but he can assist me ( )
Affi: You alone can do this
Neg: None but you can do this
২। Must Affirmative
Must Affirmative য়,
Must = cannot but + V1
Affi: He must perform well ( শ )
Neg: He cannot but perform well ( )
Or, must = cannot help + ving
Affi: He must perform well
Neg: well/He cannot help performing well
Affirmative সময় স Must + V1- ,
Affi: He cannot help helping the poor
Neg: He must help the poor
Remember that:
Have to / has to = cannot but + V1
I have to go = I cannot but go
Had to = couldn’t + V1
She had to go = She could not but go
৩। স Affirmative Every/Each স negative এ there is no….but,
there was no….but য় হয়।
Affi: Every boy attends the class
Neg: There is no boy but attends the class
Affi: Each girl participated in the competition
Neg: There was no girl but participated in the competition (past য় was য় )
Affi: every rose has a throne
Neg: There is no rose but has a throne
Or, there is no rose without a throne
Every/each & Must যদি একসাথে হয় তাহথ Every/Each দিয়মথক প্রাধািয দিথত হথে, তথে এর পদরেথতে will
দখথত হথে।
Affi: Every mother must take care her chid
Neg: There is no mother but will take of her chaild
4. As soon as Affirmative
Affi: As soon as I saw him, he ran away
Neg: No sooner had I seen him than he ran away (saw = had I seen য় য় than
য় )
5. By + Ving Affirmative
Affi: She will pass the exam by working hard
Neg: She will not pass the exam without working hard
Or, Unless she works hard, she will not pass the exam
Remember that:
Much/enough = not a little
There is much water in the jar = There is not a little water in the jar
I have enough money = I have not a little money
9. স স য় । হয় হ
য়ম স
Affi: Honesty is the best policy ( য়)
(a) Neg: It is not that/We cannot deny that honesty is not the best policy ( , It is not that//We
cannot deny that Tense য় )
(b) Neg: Isn’t honest is the best policy? ( , শ )
10. Bothe ……..and Affirmative (Both ….. and = not only but also)
Affi: Both kamal and his father did the work
Neg: Not only kamal but also his father did the work
12+13 এ ।